Пример #1
static void add_dep(struct manifest ***deps, const char *modname)
	unsigned int i;
	struct manifest *m;
	char *errstr;

	if (have_mod(*deps, modname))

	m = get_manifest(*deps,
			 tal_fmt(*deps, "%s/ccan/%s", ccan_dir, modname));
	errstr = build_submodule(m, cflags, COMPILE_NORMAL);
	if (errstr)
		errx(1, "%s", errstr);

	add_mod(deps, m);

	/* Get that modules depends as well... */
	if (m->info_file) {
		char **infodeps;

		infodeps = get_deps(m, m->dir, "depends", false,

		for (i = 0; infodeps[i]; i++) {
			if (strstarts(infodeps[i], "ccan/"))
				add_dep(deps, infodeps[i] + strlen("ccan/"));
Пример #2
void schema_flat_map_impl< K, V >::get_str_schema( std::string& s )
   if( str_schema != "" )
      s = str_schema;

   std::vector< std::shared_ptr< abstract_schema > > deps;
   get_deps( deps );
   std::string k_name, v_name;

   std::string my_name;
   get_name( my_name );
   fc::mutable_variant_object mvo;
   mvo("name", my_name)
      ("type", "map")
      ("ktype", k_name)
      ("vtype", v_name)

   str_schema = fc::json::to_string( mvo );
   s = str_schema;
Пример #3
void schema_optional_impl< E >::get_str_schema( std::string& s )
   if( str_schema != "" )
      s = str_schema;

   std::vector< std::shared_ptr< abstract_schema > > deps;
   get_deps( deps );
   std::string e_type;

   std::string my_name;
   get_name( my_name );
   fc::mutable_variant_object mvo;
   mvo("name", my_name)
      ("type", "optional")
      ("etype", e_type)

   str_schema = fc::json::to_string( mvo );
   s = str_schema;
Пример #4
            void schema_static_variant_impl<Types...>::get_str_schema(std::string &s) {
                if (str_schema != "") {
                    s = str_schema;

                std::vector<std::shared_ptr<abstract_schema>> deps;
                std::vector<std::string> e_types;
                for (std::shared_ptr<abstract_schema> &schema : deps) {

                std::string my_name;
                fc::mutable_variant_object mvo;
                mvo("name", my_name)
                        ("type", "static_variant")
                        ("etypes", e_types);

                str_schema = fc::json::to_string(mvo);
                s = str_schema;
Пример #5
static void check_depends_exist(struct manifest *m,
				bool keep,
				unsigned int *timeleft, struct score *score)
	unsigned int i;
	char **deps;
	char *updir = talloc_strdup(m, m->dir);

	*strrchr(updir, '/') = '\0';

	if (safe_mode)
		deps = get_safe_ccan_deps(m, m->dir, true,
		deps = get_deps(m, m->dir, true, &m->info_file->compiled);

	for (i = 0; deps[i]; i++) {
		if (!strstarts(deps[i], "ccan/"))

		if (!add_dep(m, deps[i], score))

	/* We may need libtap for testing, unless we're "tap" */
	if (!streq(m->basename, "tap")
	    && (!list_empty(&m->run_tests) || !list_empty(&m->api_tests))) {
		if (!add_dep(m, "ccan/tap", score))

	score->pass = true;
	score->score = score->total;
Пример #6
static gfc_dependency
gfc_check_section_vs_section (gfc_ref * lref, gfc_ref * rref, int n)
  gfc_expr *l_start;
  gfc_expr *l_end;
  gfc_expr *l_stride;

  gfc_expr *r_start;
  gfc_expr *r_stride;

  gfc_array_ref	l_ar;
  gfc_array_ref	r_ar;

  mpz_t no_of_elements;
  mpz_t	X1, X2;
  gfc_dependency dep;

  l_ar = lref->u.ar;
  r_ar = rref->u.ar;

  l_start = l_ar.start[n];
  l_end = l_ar.end[n];
  l_stride = l_ar.stride[n];
  r_start = r_ar.start[n];
  r_stride = r_ar.stride[n];

  /* if l_start is NULL take it from array specifier  */
  if (NULL == l_start && IS_ARRAY_EXPLICIT(l_ar.as))
    l_start = l_ar.as->lower[n];

  /* if l_end is NULL take it from array specifier  */
  if (NULL == l_end && IS_ARRAY_EXPLICIT(l_ar.as))
    l_end = l_ar.as->upper[n];

  /* if r_start is NULL take it from array specifier  */
  if (NULL == r_start && IS_ARRAY_EXPLICIT(r_ar.as))
    r_start = r_ar.as->lower[n];

  mpz_init (X1);
  mpz_init (X2);
  mpz_init (no_of_elements);

  if (transform_sections (X1, X2, no_of_elements,
			  l_start, l_end, l_stride,
			  r_start, r_stride))
    dep = GFC_DEP_OVERLAP;
    dep =  get_deps (X1, X2, no_of_elements);

  mpz_clear (no_of_elements);
  mpz_clear (X1);
  mpz_clear (X2);
  return dep;
Пример #7
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    char **deps;
    unsigned int i;
    bool compile = false;
    bool recurse = true;
    bool ccan = true;
    const char *style = "depends";

    if (argv[1] && streq(argv[1], "--direct")) {
        recurse = false;
    if (argv[1] && streq(argv[1], "--compile")) {
        compile = true;
    if (argv[1] && streq(argv[1], "--non-ccan")) {
        ccan = false;
    if (argv[1] && streq(argv[1], "--tests")) {
        style = "testdepends";
    if (argc != 2)
        errx(1, "Usage: ccan_depends [--direct] [--compile] [--non-ccan] [--tests] <dir>\n"
             "Spits out all the ccan dependencies (recursively unless --direct)");

    /* We find depends without compiling by looking for ccan/ */
    if (!ccan && !compile)
        errx(1, "--non-ccan needs --compile");

    if (compile)
        deps = get_deps(NULL, argv[1], style, recurse, compile_info);
        deps = get_safe_ccan_deps(NULL, argv[1], style, recurse);

    for (i = 0; deps[i]; i++)
        if (strstarts(deps[i], "ccan/") == ccan)
            printf("%s\n", deps[i]);
    return 0;
Пример #8
 *  Resolve native and culture assembly directories based on "asset_type" parameter.
bool deps_resolver_t::resolve_probe_dirs(
        deps_entry_t::asset_types asset_type,
        pal::string_t* output,
        std::unordered_set<pal::string_t>* breadcrumb)
    bool is_resources = asset_type == deps_entry_t::asset_types::resources;
    assert(is_resources || asset_type == deps_entry_t::asset_types::native);

    // For resources assemblies, we need to provide the base directory of the resources path.
    // For example: .../Foo/en-US/Bar.dll, then, the resolved path is .../Foo
    std::function<pal::string_t(const pal::string_t&)> resources = [] (const pal::string_t& str) {
        return get_directory(get_directory(str));
    // For native assemblies, obtain the directory path from the file path
    std::function<pal::string_t(const pal::string_t&)> native = [] (const pal::string_t& str) {
        return get_directory(str);
    // Action for post processing the resolved path
    std::function<pal::string_t(const pal::string_t&)>& action = is_resources ? resources : native;

    // Set for de-duplication
    std::unordered_set<pal::string_t> items;

    pal::string_t core_servicing = m_core_servicing;
    pal::realpath(&core_servicing, true);

    // Filter out non-serviced assets so the paths can be added after servicing paths.
    pal::string_t non_serviced;

    std::vector<deps_entry_t> empty(0);

    pal::string_t candidate;

    auto add_package_cache_entry = [&](const deps_entry_t& entry, const pal::string_t& deps_dir, int fx_level) -> bool
        if (breadcrumb != nullptr && entry.is_serviceable)
            breadcrumb->insert(entry.library_name + _X(",") + entry.library_version);

        if (items.count(entry.asset.name))
            return true;

        // Ignore placeholders
        if (ends_with(entry.asset.relative_path, _X("/_._"), false))
            return true;

        trace::verbose(_X("Processing native/culture for deps entry [%s, %s, %s]"), 
            entry.library_name.c_str(), entry.library_version.c_str(), entry.asset.relative_path.c_str());

        if (probe_deps_entry(entry, deps_dir, fx_level, &candidate))
            init_known_entry_path(entry, candidate);
            add_unique_path(asset_type, action(candidate), &items, output, &non_serviced, core_servicing);
            // For self-contained apps do not use the full package name
            // because of rid-fallback could happen (ex: CentOS falling back to RHEL)
            if ((entry.asset.name == _X("apphost")) && ends_with(entry.library_name, _X(".Microsoft.NETCore.DotNetAppHost"), false))
                return report_missing_assembly_in_manifest(entry, true);

            return report_missing_assembly_in_manifest(entry);

        return true;

    // Add app entries
    const auto& entries = get_deps().get_entries(asset_type);
    for (const auto& entry : entries)
        if (!add_package_cache_entry(entry, m_app_dir, 0))
            return false;

    // If the deps file is missing add known locations.
    if (!get_deps().exists())
        // App local path
        add_unique_path(asset_type, m_app_dir, &items, output, &non_serviced, core_servicing);

        (void) library_exists_in_dir(m_app_dir, LIBCORECLR_NAME, &m_coreclr_path);
        (void) library_exists_in_dir(m_app_dir, LIBCLRJIT_NAME, &m_clrjit_path);

    // Handle any additional deps.json that were specified.
    for (const auto& additional_deps : m_additional_deps)
        const auto additional_deps_entries = additional_deps->get_entries(asset_type);
        for (const auto entry : additional_deps_entries)
            if (!add_package_cache_entry(entry, m_app_dir, 0))
                return false;

    // Add fx package locations to fx_dir
    for (int i = 1; i < m_fx_definitions.size(); ++i)
        const auto& fx_entries = m_fx_definitions[i]->get_deps().get_entries(asset_type);

        for (const auto& entry : fx_entries)
            if (!add_package_cache_entry(entry, m_fx_definitions[i]->get_dir(), i))
                return false;


    return true;
Пример #9
 *  Resolve the TPA assembly locations
bool deps_resolver_t::resolve_tpa_list(
        pal::string_t* output,
        std::unordered_set<pal::string_t>* breadcrumb,
        bool ignore_missing_assemblies)
    const std::vector<deps_entry_t> empty(0);
    name_to_resolved_asset_map_t items;

    auto process_entry = [&](const pal::string_t& deps_dir, const deps_entry_t& entry, int fx_level) -> bool
        if (breadcrumb != nullptr && entry.is_serviceable)
            breadcrumb->insert(entry.library_name + _X(",") + entry.library_version);

        // Ignore placeholders
        if (ends_with(entry.asset.relative_path, _X("/_._"), false))
            return true;

        trace::info(_X("Processing TPA for deps entry [%s, %s, %s]"), entry.library_name.c_str(), entry.library_version.c_str(), entry.asset.relative_path.c_str());

        pal::string_t resolved_path;

        name_to_resolved_asset_map_t::iterator existing = items.find(entry.asset.name);
        if (existing == items.end())
            if (probe_deps_entry(entry, deps_dir, fx_level, &resolved_path))
                deps_resolved_asset_t resolved_asset(entry.asset, resolved_path);
                add_tpa_asset(resolved_asset, &items);
                return true;

            return report_missing_assembly_in_manifest(entry, ignore_missing_assemblies);
            // Verify the extension is the same as the previous verified entry
            if (get_deps_filename(entry.asset.relative_path) != get_filename(existing->second.resolved_path))

                return false;

            deps_resolved_asset_t* existing_entry = &existing->second;

            // If deps entry is same or newer than existing, then see if it should be replaced
            if (entry.asset.assembly_version > existing_entry->asset.assembly_version ||
                (entry.asset.assembly_version == existing_entry->asset.assembly_version && entry.asset.file_version >= existing_entry->asset.file_version))
                if (probe_deps_entry(entry, deps_dir, fx_level, &resolved_path))
                    // If the path is the same, then no need to replace
                    if (resolved_path != existing_entry->resolved_path)
                        trace::verbose(_X("Replacing deps entry [%s, AssemblyVersion:%s, FileVersion:%s] with [%s, AssemblyVersion:%s, FileVersion:%s]"),
                            existing_entry->resolved_path.c_str(), existing_entry->asset.assembly_version.as_str().c_str(), existing_entry->asset.file_version.as_str().c_str(),
                            resolved_path.c_str(), entry.asset.assembly_version.as_str().c_str(), entry.asset.file_version.as_str().c_str());

                        existing_entry = nullptr;

                        deps_asset_t asset(entry.asset.name, entry.asset.relative_path, entry.asset.assembly_version, entry.asset.file_version);
                        deps_resolved_asset_t resolved_asset(asset, resolved_path);
                        add_tpa_asset(resolved_asset, &items);
                else if (fx_level != 0)
                    // The framework is missing a newer package, so this is an error.
                    // For compat, it is not an error for the app; this can occur for the main application assembly when using --depsfile
                    // and the app assembly does not exist with the deps file.
                    return report_missing_assembly_in_manifest(entry);

            return true;

    // We do not support self-contained in a libhost scenario since in the self-contained scenario,
    // we cannot determine what assemblies are framework assemblies, and what assemblies are app-local assemblies.
    if (m_host_mode != host_mode_t::libhost)
        // First add managed assembly to the TPA.
        // TODO: Remove: the deps should contain the managed DLL.
        // Workaround for: csc.deps.json doesn't have the csc.dll
        deps_asset_t asset(get_filename_without_ext(m_managed_app), get_filename(m_managed_app), version_t(), version_t());
        deps_resolved_asset_t resolved_asset(asset, m_managed_app);
        add_tpa_asset(resolved_asset, &items);

        // Add the app's entries
        const auto& deps_entries = get_deps().get_entries(deps_entry_t::asset_types::runtime);
        for (const auto& entry : deps_entries)
            if (!process_entry(m_app_dir, entry, 0))
                return false;

        // If the deps file wasn't present or has missing entries, then
        // add the app local assemblies to the TPA. This is only valid
        // in non-libhost scenarios (e.g. comhost).
        if (!get_deps().exists())
            // Obtain the local assemblies in the app dir.
            get_dir_assemblies(m_app_dir, _X("local"), &items);

    // There should be no additional deps files in a libhost scenario.
    // See comments during additional deps.json resolution.
    assert(m_additional_deps.empty() || m_host_mode != host_mode_t::libhost);

    // If additional deps files were specified that need to be treated as part of the
    // application, then add them to the mix as well.
    for (const auto& additional_deps : m_additional_deps)
        auto additional_deps_entries = additional_deps->get_entries(deps_entry_t::asset_types::runtime);
        for (auto entry : additional_deps_entries)
            if (!process_entry(m_app_dir, entry, 0))
                return false;

    // Probe FX deps entries after app assemblies are added.
    for (int i = 1; i < m_fx_definitions.size(); ++i)
        const auto& deps_entries = m_is_framework_dependent ? m_fx_definitions[i]->get_deps().get_entries(deps_entry_t::asset_types::runtime) : empty;
        for (const auto& entry : deps_entries)
            if (!process_entry(m_fx_definitions[i]->get_dir(), entry, i))
                return false;

    // Convert the paths into a string and return it 
    for (const auto& item : items)
        // Workaround for CoreFX not being able to resolve sym links.
        pal::string_t real_asset_path = item.second.resolved_path;

    return true;