/* ************************************************** */
void do_end(void) {
    int i = get_node_count();
    /* unsetnode */
    while (i--) {
        int j;
        node_t *node = get_node_by_id(i);
        if ((node->state == NODE_DEAD) || (node->state == NODE_UNDEF)) {
        for (j = 0; j < bundles.elts[node->bundle].entity.size; j++) {
            entity_t *entity = get_entity_by_id(bundles.elts[node->bundle].entity.elts[j]);
            call_t c = {entity->id, node->id, -1};
            if ((entity)->unsetnode) {

    /* unsetnode */
    i = entities.size;
    while (i--) {
        entity_t *entity = get_entity_by_id(i);
        call_t c = {entity->id, -1, -1};
        if ((entity)->destroy) {
/* ************************************************** */
int parse_measure(void) {
    int i, j, k;

    if (measures.size != 0) {
        int cnt = 0;
        if ((measures.elts = (measure_t *) malloc(sizeof(measure_t) * measures.size)) == NULL) {
            fprintf(stderr, "config: malloc error (parse_measure())\n");
            return -1;
        for (i = 0 ; i < entities.size ; i++) {
            entity_t *entity = get_entity_by_id(i);
            for (j = 0; j < entity->model->measure.count; j++) {
                measure_t *measure;
                for (k = 0 ; k < cnt; k++) {
                    if (strcmp(entity->model->measure.exported[j], 
                               get_measure_by_id(k)->name) == 0) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "config: measure %s exported more than once (parse_measure())\n", entity->model->measure.exported[j]);
                        return -1;
                measure = get_measure_by_id(cnt);
                measure->id = cnt++;
                measure->name = entity->model->measure.exported[j];
                measure->entity = entity;
    return 0;
Пример #3
/* ************************************************** */
void medium_cs(packet_t *packet, call_t *c) {
    uint64_t clock = get_time() + packet->duration;
    node_t *node = get_node_by_id(c->node);
    entity_t *entity = get_entity_by_id(c->entity);

    /* check wether the node is able to receive */
    if (node->state != NODE_ACTIVE) {

    /*  propagation */
    medium_compute_rxdBm(packet, c);

    /* filter */
    /* edit by Loic Lemaitre */
    if (node->worldsens == NODE_LOCAL) {  /* WORLDSENS MODE? wsim deals with filtering */
        if (packet->rxdBm == MIN_DBM) {
    /* end of edition */
    /* update noise */
#if (SNR_STEP != 0)
    noise_packet_cs(c, packet);
#endif /*SNR_STEP*/
    /* start reception */
    entity->methods->antenna.cs(c, packet);
    /* end reception */
    scheduler_add_rx_end(clock, c, packet);
Пример #4
void medium_tx_end(packet_t *packet, call_t *c) {
    node_t *node = get_node_by_id(c->node);
    entity_t *entity = get_entity_by_id(c->entity);
    /* check wether the node is still active */
    if (node->state == NODE_ACTIVE) {
        entity->methods->radio.tx_end(c, packet);
 * Deal with data sent by a node
static void worldsens_tx_byte(struct _worldsens_c_byte_tx *pkt){
    uint64_t tx_start = ws_csync + pkt->period;
    uint64_t tx_end   = tx_start + pkt->duration;

    /* create packet */
    packet_t *packet;
    node_t   *node   = get_node_by_id(worldsens_get_wsnet_node_id(pkt->node_id));
    entity_t *entity = get_entity_by_id(pkt->antenna_id);
    call_t c = {entity->id, node->id, -1};

    /* put uint64_t into doubles to retrieve double value after swap */
    double *power_dbm = (double *) &(pkt->power_dbm);
    double *freq      = (double *) &(pkt->freq);  
    packet = packet_alloc(&c, 1);

    packet->clock0         =  tx_start;                /* tx start */
    packet->clock1         =  tx_end;                  /* tx end */
    packet->duration       =  pkt->duration;
    packet->node           =  node->id;                /* source */
    packet->antenna        =  pkt->antenna_id;
    packet->worldsens_mod  =  pkt->wsim_mod_id;        /* radio modulation in wsim. Better when it matches with wsnet modulation... */
    packet->channel        =  0;                       /* TODO: handle channel from wsim radio */
    packet->worldsens_freq = *freq;
    packet->txdBm          = *power_dbm;
    packet->Tb             =  pkt->duration / packet->real_size;
    *(packet->data)        =  pkt->data;

    if (pkt->wsnet_mod_id == -1)
        packet->modulation = ws_default_mod;
        packet->modulation = pkt->wsnet_mod_id;       /* modulation we are using in wsnet for calculation */

    /* log informations*/
    int iii;
    WSNET_S_DBG_DBG ("WSNET2:: <-- TX (%"PRId64") (src ip:%d,size:%d,data",
		     packet->clock0, pkt->node_id, packet->size);
    for(iii=0; iii<packet->size; iii++) {
        WSNET_S_DBG_DBG(":%02x", packet->data[ iii ] & 0xff);
    WSNET_S_DBG_DBG (",duration:%"PRId64",freq:%ghz,wsim modul:%d,tx:%lgdbm)\n",
		     packet->duration, packet->worldsens_freq, packet->worldsens_mod, packet->txdBm);

    /* proceed TX */
    MEDIA_TX(&c, packet);

    /* reply by sending a backtrack or a rp reminder */

Пример #6
/* edit by Christophe Savigny <*****@*****.**> */
int modulation_bit_per_symbol(entityid_t modulation){
    entity_t *entity = get_entity_by_id(modulation);
    call_t    c      = {modulation, -1, -1};
    return entity->methods->modulation.bit_per_symbol(&c);
Пример #7
/* ************************************************** */
double do_modulate(entityid_t modulation, double rxmW, double noise) {
    entity_t *entity = get_entity_by_id(modulation);
    call_t    c      = {modulation, -1, -1};
    double    snr    = noise ? (rxmW / noise) : MAX_SNR;
    return entity->methods->modulation.modulate(&c, snr);
 * Forge response to a node connect request
static void worldsens_rx_connect_req(struct _worldsens_c_connect_req *pkt, struct sockaddr_in *addr) {

    node_t   *node   = get_node_by_id(worldsens_register_node_infos(pkt->node_id));
    bundle_t *bundle = get_bundle_by_id(node->bundle);
    entity_t *entity;
    union _worldsens_pkt pkt0;
    int offset = 0;
    int i;
    int nb_mod = 0;

    if (node->worldsens != NODE_DISCONNECTED) {
        //PRINT_WORLDSENS("wsnet:worldsens_rx_connect_req (%"PRId64"): node %d not disconnected!\n", get_time(), node->id);
    /* forge response*/
    pkt0.cnx_rsp_ok.type = WORLDSENS_S_CONNECT_RSP_OK;
    pkt0.cnx_rsp_ok.seq = ws_seq;
    pkt0.cnx_rsp_ok.rp_next = ws_nsyncseq;
    pkt0.cnx_rsp_ok.rp_duration = ws_nsync - ws_csync;
    pkt0.cnx_rsp_ok.n_antenna_id = bundle->antenna.size;
    pkt0.cnx_rsp_ok.n_measure_id = measures.size;

   /* pkt->cnx_rsp_ok.names_and_ids format: */

/*|ant id1|ant name1|ant id2|ant name2|..|mod id1|mod name1|mod id2|mod name2|..|mea id1|mea name1|mea id2|mea name2|..|*/
/*  *********************************************************************************************************************/

    /* forge list of available antennas */
    for (i = 0; i < bundle->antenna.size; i++) {
        entity = get_entity_by_id(bundle->antenna.elts[i]);
	/* PRINT_WORLDSENS("wsnet: worldsens_rx_connect_req (%"PRId64"): antenna '%s' 
	   (id %d) available\n", get_time(), entity->name, entity->id); */
        *((uint32_t *) (pkt0.cnx_rsp_ok.names_and_ids + offset)) = entity->id;
        offset += sizeof(uint32_t);
        strcpy(pkt0.cnx_rsp_ok.names_and_ids + offset, entity->name);
        offset += strlen(entity->name) + 1;

    /* forge list of available modulations */
    while ((entity = (entity_t *) das_traverse(modulation_entities)) != NULL) {
        /*PRINT_WORLDSENS("wsnet: worldsens_rx_connect_req (%"PRId64"): modulation '%s' 
	  (id %d) available\n", get_time(), entity->library.name, entity->id); */
        *((uint32_t *) (pkt0.cnx_rsp_ok.names_and_ids + offset)) = entity->id;
        offset += sizeof(uint32_t);
        strcpy(pkt0.cnx_rsp_ok.names_and_ids + offset, entity->library.name);
        offset += strlen(entity->library.name) + 1;
	if ((nb_mod == 1) || (strcmp(entity->library.name, "modulation_none") == 0)) {
	    ws_default_mod = entity->id;
    pkt0.cnx_rsp_ok.n_modulation_id = nb_mod;

    /* forge list of available measure */
    for (i = 0; i < measures.size; i++) {
        measure_t *measure = get_measure_by_id(i);
	/* PRINT_WORLDSENS("wsnet: worldsens_rx_connect_req (%"PRId64"): measure '%s' 
	   (id %d) available\n", get_time(), measure->name, measure->id); */
        *((uint32_t *) (pkt0.cnx_rsp_ok.names_and_ids + offset)) = measure->id;
        offset += sizeof(uint32_t);
        strcpy(pkt0.cnx_rsp_ok.names_and_ids + offset, measure->name);
        offset += strlen(measure->name) + 1;
    /* give birth to node */
    node->worldsens = NODE_CONNECTED;

    WSNET_S_DBG_DBG("WSNET2:: <-- CONNECT(%d/%d) (ip: %d)\n", ws_connected, ws_count, pkt->node_id);
    WSNET_S_DBG_DBG("WSNET2:: --> RP (seq: %"PRId64") (rp seq: %"PRId64", period: %"PRId64", rp:%"PRId64")\n", ws_seq, ws_nsyncseq, ws_nsync - ws_csync, ws_nsync);

    /* send response */
    wsens_srv_send(addr, (char *) &pkt0, sizeof(struct _worldsens_s_connect_rsp_ok));    
Пример #9
void MEDIA_TX(call_t *c, packet_t *packet) {
    int i = get_node_count();
    node_t *node = get_node_by_id(c->node);
    uint64_t clock;
    /* check wether node is active */
    if (node->state != NODE_ACTIVE) {

    /* edit by Loic Lemaitre */
    if (node->worldsens == NODE_LOCAL) {  /* WORLDSENS MODE? -> radio part is simulated in wsim */
        /* fill packet info */
        packet->node = c->node;
	packet->antenna = c->from;
	packet->txdBm = radio_get_power(c);
	packet->channel = radio_get_channel(c);
	packet->modulation = radio_get_modulation(c);
	packet->Tb = radio_get_Tb(c);
	//packet->duration = packet->size * packet->Tb * 8;
	/* edit by Quentin Lampin <*****@*****.**> */
	packet->duration = packet->real_size * packet->Tb;
	/* end of edition */
	packet->clock0 = get_time();
	packet->clock1 = packet->clock0 + packet->duration;

	/* scheduler tx_end event */
	scheduler_add_tx_end(packet->clock1, c, packet);
    /* end of edition */
    /* scheduler rx_begin event */
#ifdef N_DAS_O
    if (propagation_range) {
        void *rx_nodes;
        node_t *rx_node;

        rx_nodes = spadas_rangesearch(location, NULL, &(node->position), propagation_range);
        while ((rx_node = (node_t *) das_pop(rx_nodes)) != NULL) {
            double derive = distance(&(node->position), &(rx_node->position)) / 0.3; 
            bundle_t *bundle = get_bundle_by_id(rx_node->bundle);
            int i;
            if (rx_node->state == NODE_DEAD) {

            for (i = 0; i < bundle->antenna.size; i++) {
                entity_t *entity = get_entity_by_id(bundle->antenna.elts[i]);
                call_t c0 = {entity->id, rx_node->id, -1}; 
                packet_t *packet_rx = packet_rxclone(packet);
                clock = packet->clock0 + ((uint64_t) derive);
                packet_rx->clock0 = clock;
                packet_rx->clock1 = clock + packet->duration;
                scheduler_add_rx_begin(clock, &c0, packet_rx);
    } else {
        while (i--) {
            node_t *rx_node = get_node_by_id(i);
            double derive = distance(&(node->position), &(rx_node->position)) / 0.3; 
            bundle_t *bundle = get_bundle_by_id(rx_node->bundle);
            int i;
            if (rx_node->state == NODE_DEAD) {
            for (i = 0; i < bundle->antenna.size; i++) {
                entity_t *entity = get_entity_by_id(bundle->antenna.elts[i]);
                call_t c0 = {entity->id, rx_node->id, -1}; 
                packet_t *packet_rx = packet_rxclone(packet);

                clock = packet->clock0 + ((uint64_t) derive);
                packet_rx->clock0 = clock;
                packet_rx->clock1 = clock + packet->duration;
                scheduler_add_rx_begin(clock, &c0, packet_rx);
#else /* N_DAS_O */
    while (i--) {
        node_t *rx_node = get_node_by_id(i);
        double dist = distance(&(node->position), &(rx_node->position));
        double derive = dist / 0.3; 
        bundle_t *bundle = get_bundle_by_id(rx_node->bundle);
        int i;

        if (rx_node->state == NODE_DEAD) {
        if ((propagation_range) && (dist > propagation_range)) {
        for (i = 0; i < bundle->antenna.size; i++) {
            entity_t *entity = get_entity_by_id(bundle->antenna.elts[i]);
            call_t c0 = {entity->id, rx_node->id, -1}; 
            packet_t *packet_rx = packet_rxclone(packet);
            clock = packet->clock0 + ((uint64_t) derive);
            packet_rx->clock0 = clock;
            packet_rx->clock1 = clock + packet->duration;
            scheduler_add_rx_begin(clock, &c0, packet_rx);
#endif /* N_DAS_O */
