bool get_code_feature( const wchar_t * file_path, const unsigned int code_shift, const char * signatyre_data, const unsigned int signatyre_data_len) { unsigned short Num = 0; CPeFile pe; auto st_size = get_file_data(file_path, nullptr); if (!st_size) { return false; } auto file_data = new char[st_size]; if (!get_file_data(file_path, file_data)) { return false; } pe.Attach(file_path); auto herader = pe.GetSectionHeader(&Num); if (!herader) { return false; } auto he = herader[0]; for (size_t i = 0; i < Num; i++) { he = herader[i]; if ((!strcmp((char*)he.Name, ".text") || (he.Characteristics & IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE) || (he.Characteristics & IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE)) && he.SizeOfRawData > 0x200 ) { break; } } if (!(!strcmp((char*)he.Name, ".text") || (he.Characteristics & IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE) || (he.Characteristics & IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE))) { return false; } if (he.PointerToRawData + he.SizeOfRawData < he.PointerToRawData + signatyre_data_len + code_shift) { return false; } memcpy( reinterpret_cast<void*>(const_cast<char*>(signatyre_data)), (file_data + he.PointerToRawData + code_shift), signatyre_data_len); return true; }
int matching_feature( const PHARDCODE hard_code, const unsigned int hard_member_number, const wchar_t * file_path) { int if_success_index = -1; CPeFile pe; //auto start_time = clock(); for (size_t i = 0; i < hard_member_number; i++) { hard_code[i].if_sign_success = false; hard_code[i].if_image_success = false; hard_code[i].if_filesize_success = false; hard_code[i].if_signedtrue_success = false; } auto st_size = get_file_data(file_path, nullptr); if (!st_size){ return if_success_index; } auto file_data = new char[st_size]; if (!get_file_data(file_path, file_data)){ return if_success_index; } auto if_openfile_success = pe.Attach(file_path); if (if_openfile_success == 0UL || if_openfile_success == 1UL || if_openfile_success == 2UL){ return if_success_index; } for (size_t i = 0; i < hard_member_number; i++) { if (!hard_code[i].file_size_end || (hard_code[i].file_size_start < st_size && hard_code[i].file_size_end > st_size)) { hard_code[i].if_filesize_success = true; } } if_success_index = search_feature( hard_code, hard_member_number, &pe, file_data); delete file_data; return if_success_index; }
static ERL_NIF_TERM close_nif(ErlNifEnv *env, int argc, const ERL_NIF_TERM argv[]) { enum efile_state_t previous_state; efile_data_t *d; ASSERT(argc == 1); if(!get_file_data(env, argv[0], &d)) { return enif_make_badarg(env); } previous_state = erts_atomic32_cmpxchg_acqb(&d->state, EFILE_STATE_CLOSED, EFILE_STATE_IDLE); if(previous_state == EFILE_STATE_IDLE) { posix_errno_t error; enif_demonitor_process(env, d, &d->monitor); if(!efile_close(d, &error)) { return posix_error_to_tuple(env, error); } return am_ok; } else { /* CLOSE_PENDING should be impossible at this point since it requires * a transition from BUSY; the only valid state here is CLOSED. */ ASSERT(previous_state == EFILE_STATE_CLOSED); return posix_error_to_tuple(env, EINVAL); } }
bool CFileProducer::produceProcess() { QString szFormat = get_file_data(HANDLER_FILE_FORMAT); QString szResult = subset(szFormat, "ssss", m_szMainName); m_szFileData += szResult; return true; }
int fexec_sp(char* filename){ if(!is_file(filename)) return -1; void (*code)() = (void*) get_file_data(filename); (*code)(); return 0; }
void fprint(char* filename){ if(!is_file(filename)) return; unsigned int i; for(i = 0; i < get_file_size(filename); i++) vga_putc((char) get_file_data(filename)[i]); vga_putc('\n'); }
json_t *get_json_obj(char file_location[]) { char *json_data; json_t *root; json_error_t error; json_data = get_file_data(file_location); root = json_loads(json_data, 0, &error); return root; }
/* This is a special close operation used by the erts_prim_file process for * cleaning up orphaned files. It differs from the ordinary close_nif in that * it only works for files that have already entered the CLOSED state. */ static ERL_NIF_TERM delayed_close_nif(ErlNifEnv *env, int argc, const ERL_NIF_TERM argv[]) { posix_errno_t ignored; efile_data_t *d; ASSERT(argc == 1); if(!get_file_data(env, argv[0], &d)) { return enif_make_badarg(env); } ASSERT(erts_atomic32_read_acqb(&d->state) == EFILE_STATE_CLOSED); efile_close(d, &ignored); return am_ok; }
static ERL_NIF_TERM file_handle_wrapper(file_op_impl_t operation, ErlNifEnv *env, int argc, const ERL_NIF_TERM argv[]) { efile_data_t *d; enum efile_state_t previous_state; ERL_NIF_TERM result; if(argc < 1 || !get_file_data(env, argv[0], &d)) { return enif_make_badarg(env); } previous_state = erts_atomic32_cmpxchg_acqb(&d->state, EFILE_STATE_BUSY, EFILE_STATE_IDLE); if(previous_state == EFILE_STATE_IDLE) { result = operation(d, env, argc - 1, &argv[1]); previous_state = erts_atomic32_cmpxchg_relb(&d->state, EFILE_STATE_IDLE, EFILE_STATE_BUSY); ASSERT(previous_state != EFILE_STATE_IDLE); if(previous_state == EFILE_STATE_CLOSE_PENDING) { /* This is the only point where a change from CLOSE_PENDING is * possible, and we're running synchronously, so we can't race with * anything else here. */ posix_errno_t ignored; erts_atomic32_set_acqb(&d->state, EFILE_STATE_CLOSED); efile_close(d, &ignored); } } else { /* CLOSE_PENDING should be impossible at this point since it requires * a transition from BUSY; the only valid state here is CLOSED. */ ASSERT(previous_state == EFILE_STATE_CLOSED); result = posix_error_to_tuple(env, EINVAL); } return result; }
std::vector<char> get_write_data(size_t length) { if(!header_end) { header_end=true; if(data.empty()) this->is_end=true; return std::vector<char>(header.begin(),header.end()); }else { if(is_file) { return get_file_data(length); } else { return get_char_data(length); } } }
/* call to check the buffer contents for file reading. move the client * to right place in the queue at end of file else repeat file if queue * is not ready yet. */ int format_check_file_buffer (source_t *source, client_t *client) { refbuf_t *refbuf = client->refbuf; if (refbuf == NULL) { /* client refers to no data, must be from a move */ if (source->client->con) { find_client_start (source, client); return -1; } /* source -> file fallback, need a refbuf for data */ refbuf = refbuf_new (PER_CLIENT_REFBUF_SIZE); client->refbuf = refbuf; client->pos = refbuf->len; client->intro_offset = 0; } if (client->pos == refbuf->len) { if (get_file_data (source->intro_file, client)) { client->pos = 0; client->intro_offset += refbuf->len; } else { if (source->stream_data_tail) { /* better find the right place in queue for this client */ client_set_queue (client, NULL); find_client_start (source, client); } else client->intro_offset = 0; /* replay intro file */ return -1; } } return 0; }
int main() { uint8_t* data; load_result_t result; struct image_params img; int size; data = get_file_data("./mach-o-sample", &size); printf("Size: %d\n", size); img.ip_vp = data; img.ip_vp_size = size; img.ip_arch_offset = 0; img.ip_arch_size = size; img.ip_vdata = data; hexdump(data, 100, 0); load_machfile(&img, data, &result); return 0; }
void* pref_main (void* arg) { int thread_id = *((int*)arg); free(arg); while (1) { char guess[MAX_REQUEST]; // Buffer for guessed filename int size = 0; void* item = queue_consume( &prefetch_queue ); // this happens only if queue_consume_all() was called and no items remain. if( item == (void*)-1 ) { printf( "Prefetcher exiting.\n" ); pthread_exit( (void*)NULL ); } request_t* req = (request_t*)item; if (nextguess(req->filename, guess) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Prefetcher failed to get next guess\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --filename: %s\n", req->filename ); fprintf(stderr, " --guess: %s\n", guess ); } else { // try to get the cache entry for the guess. if it isn't there // then put it there. char* data; if (get_cache(guess, &data) == -1) { size = get_file_data(guess, &data); put_cache(guess, data, size); } } // free request created by dispatch. free( req->filename ); free( req ); } }
uint32_t pe_load_library(uint8_t *file_path){ uint32_t file_size; uint32_t sections_offset; uint32_t x; uint8_t *file_data; uint8_t *mapped_data; PE_IMAGE_DOS_HEADER *dos; PE_IMAGE_NT_HEADERS *nt; PE_IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER *sections; file_size = get_file_size(file_path); if(file_size == 0) return 0; file_data = safe_malloc(file_size); if(get_file_data(file_path, file_data, file_size, 0) == 1){ free(file_data); return 0; } dos = (PE_IMAGE_DOS_HEADER*)file_data; if(dos->e_magic != DOS_HEADER_MAGIC){ free(file_data); return 0; } nt = (PE_IMAGE_NT_HEADERS*)(file_data + dos->e_lfanew); if(nt->Signature != PE_NT_HEADER_SIGNATURE_PE){ free(file_data); return 0; } if(nt->OptionalHeader.Magic != PE_IMAGE_NT_OPTIONAL_HDR32_MAGIC){ free(file_data); return 0; } if(nt->FileHeader.NumberOfSections == 0){ free(file_data); return 0; } sections_offset = nt->FileHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader + dos->e_lfanew + PE_SIZE_OF_NT_SIGNATURE + PE_IMAGE_SIZEOF_FILE_HEADER; sections = (PE_IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER *)(file_data + sections_offset); file_size = sections[nt->FileHeader.NumberOfSections - 1].VirtualAddress + sections[nt->FileHeader.NumberOfSections - 1].Misc.VirtualSize; if((file_size % nt->OptionalHeader.SectionAlignment) != 0) file_size += nt->OptionalHeader.SectionAlignment - (file_size % nt->OptionalHeader.SectionAlignment); //Allocate new memory and copy PE headers over. mapped_data = safe_malloc(file_size); memcpy(mapped_data, file_data, sections_offset + (PE_IMAGE_SIZEOF_SECTION_HEADER * nt->FileHeader.NumberOfSections)); dos = (PE_IMAGE_DOS_HEADER*)mapped_data; nt = (PE_IMAGE_NT_HEADERS*)(mapped_data + dos->e_lfanew); sections = (PE_IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER *)(mapped_data + sections_offset); for(x = 0; x < nt->FileHeader.NumberOfSections; x++){ //Copy sections over memset(mapped_data + sections[x].VirtualAddress, 0, sections[x].Misc.VirtualSize); memcpy(mapped_data + sections[x].VirtualAddress, file_data + sections[x].PointerToRawData, (sections[x].SizeOfRawData > sections[x].Misc.VirtualSize ? sections[x].Misc.VirtualSize : sections[x].SizeOfRawData)); } free(file_data); return (uint32_t)mapped_data; }
int kernel_run_bch_ber_ch_mode ( int galois_field_degree, int bch_code_length, int error_correction, int decoded_seq_buf_size_frames, double ber, char* out_file_postfix, char* input_file_name, int gui_progress ) { FILE* flog = stdout; log(flog, "Current mode: use of BCH codec only via BER parametrized channel\n"); log(flog, "Simulation kernel settings:\n"); log(flog, "Galois field degree: %d\n", galois_field_degree); log(flog, "BCH code length: %d\n", bch_code_length); log(flog, "Error correction property: %d\n", error_correction); log(flog, "BER (Bit Error Rate): %.2f\n", ber); log(flog, "Output file postfix: %s\n", out_file_postfix); log(flog, "Input file name: %s\n", input_file_name); /************************************************************************/ /* Параметры тестового окружения. */ /************************************************************************/ char* file_path = input_file_name; int* data_in = get_file_data(file_path); int data_size = get_file_size(file_path) * CHAR_BIT; //print_data(data_in, data_size); int* data_out = NULL; /************************************************************************/ /* Параметры БЧХ-кодера */ /************************************************************************/ //int galois_field_degree = 4; //int bch_code_length = 15; //int error_correction = 3; /************************************************************************/ /* Параметры ДСК-канала */ /************************************************************************/ //double ber = 0;//2*1e-5; int random_errors_quantity = 5; int erase_errors_quantity = 2; /************************************************************************/ /* Создание программных компонентов. */ /************************************************************************/ bch_encoder_t bch_encoder = bch_encoder_create(flog, galois_field_degree, bch_code_length, error_correction); bch_decoder_t bch_decoder = bch_decoder_create(ERRORS_CORRECTION_MODE, flog, galois_field_degree, bch_code_length, error_correction); /* Получение длины фрейма данных, который может кодировать БЧХ-кодер. */ int bch_frame_size = bch_encoder_get_frame_size(bch_encoder); int bch_codeword_size = bch_encoder_get_codeword_size(bch_encoder); /************************************************************************/ /* Создание программных компонентов. */ /************************************************************************/ transmitter_t transmitter = transmitter_create(flog, bch_frame_size, data_in, data_size); receiver_t receiver = receiver_create(flog, bch_frame_size, data_size); /************************************************************************/ /* Создание программных компонентов. */ /************************************************************************/ channel_bs_t channel_bs = channel_bs_create(flog, ber); /************************************************************************/ /* Параметры промежуточных буферов */ /************************************************************************/ int bch_frame_fifo_size = decoded_seq_buf_size_frames + 1; int bch_codeword_fifo_size = decoded_seq_buf_size_frames + 1; /************************************************************************/ /* Создание промежуточных буферов. */ /************************************************************************/ frame_fifo_t bch_frame_fifo = frame_fifo_create(bch_frame_fifo_size, bch_frame_size); codeword_fifo_t bch_codeword_fifo = codeword_fifo_create(bch_codeword_fifo_size, bch_codeword_size); /************************************************************************/ /* Запуск программных компонентов. */ /************************************************************************/ log(flog, "Simulation started\n"); transmitter->start(transmitter); receiver->start(receiver); bch_encoder->start(bch_encoder); bch_decoder->start(bch_decoder); channel_bs->start(channel_bs); /************************************************************************/ /* Запуск цикла моделирования. */ /************************************************************************/ int sent_frames = 0; int frames_to_sent = data_size/bch_frame_size; int send_bits_all = data_size+decoded_seq_buf_size_frames*bch_frame_size; L_Loop: /*if (!(sent_bits_cnt % percent_precision) && !gui_progress) printf("\rProgress: %.0f%%", ((float)sent_bits_cnt/ (float)send_bits_all) * 100); else if (!(sent_bits_cnt % percent_precision)) printf("Progress: %.0f%%\n", ((float)sent_bits_cnt/ (float)send_bits_all) * 100);*/ loadbar(sent_frames++, frames_to_sent, 50); /* Генерация фрейма данных передатчиком. */ frame_t bch_frame_in = transmitter->transmit_frame(transmitter); if (bch_frame_in == NULL) goto L_Stop; frame_display(bch_frame_in); /* Запись сгенерированного кодового слова БЧХ-кода в промежуточный буфер. */ bch_frame_fifo = frame_fifo_put(bch_frame_fifo, bch_frame_in); /* Кодирование фрейма данных БЧХ-кодером и получение кодового слова БЧХ-кода. */ codeword_t bch_codeword_in = bch_encoder->encode(bch_encoder, bch_frame_in); codeword_display(bch_codeword_in); /* Передача кодового слова сверточного кода по каналу. */ codeword_t bch_codeword_out = channel_bs->transfer(channel_bs, bch_codeword_in); /* Декодирование кодового слова БЧХ-декодером и получение фрейма данных. */ frame_t bch_frame_out = bch_decoder->decode(bch_decoder, bch_codeword_out, bch_codeword_in); frame_display(bch_frame_out); /* Извлечение из промежуточного буфера фрейма данных. */ bch_frame_in = frame_fifo_get(bch_frame_fifo); /* Прием фрейма данных и анализ его корректности. */ receiver->receive_frame(receiver, bch_frame_out, bch_frame_in); goto L_Loop; /************************************************************************/ /* Останов программных компонентов. */ /************************************************************************/ L_Stop: transmitter->stop(transmitter); receiver->stop(receiver); bch_encoder->stop(bch_encoder); bch_decoder->stop(bch_decoder); channel_bs->stop(channel_bs); log(flog, "Simulation stopped\n"); /************************************************************************/ /* Проверка корректности принятых данных. */ /************************************************************************/ data_out = receiver_get_received_data(receiver); printf("\n"); if (cmp_data(data_in, data_out, data_size)) printf("Comparison test: OK\n"); else printf("Comparison test: FAIL\n"); free(data_in); out_file_postfix = extend_out_file_postfix( out_file_postfix, galois_field_degree, bch_code_length, error_correction, 0, ber); put_file_data(data_out, file_path, out_file_postfix); //print_data(data_in, data_size); //print_data(data_out, data_size); /************************************************************************/ /* Уничтожение программных компонентов. */ /************************************************************************/ transmitter_destroy(transmitter); receiver_destroy(receiver); bch_encoder_destroy(bch_encoder); bch_decoder_destroy(bch_decoder); channel_bs_destroy(channel_bs); frame_fifo_destroy(bch_frame_fifo); codeword_fifo_destroy(bch_codeword_fifo); #ifdef _DEBUG _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks(); #endif return 0; }
int kernel_run_cnv_mode ( int galois_field_degree, int bch_code_length, int error_correction, int decoded_seq_buf_size_frames, double ber, char* out_file_postfix, char* input_file_name, int gui_progress) { FILE* flog = stdout; log(flog, "Current mode: use of CNV codec only via BER parametrized channel\n"); log(flog, "Simulation kernel settings:\n"); log(flog, "Galois field degree: %d\n", galois_field_degree); log(flog, "BCH code length: %d\n", bch_code_length); log(flog, "Error correction property: %d\n", error_correction); log(flog, "Size of decoded buffer (CNV decoder): %d\n", decoded_seq_buf_size_frames); log(flog, "BER (Bit Error Rate): %.2f\n", ber); log(flog, "Output file postfix: %s\n", out_file_postfix); log(flog, "Input file name: %s\n", input_file_name); /************************************************************************/ /* Параметры тестового окружения. */ /************************************************************************/ int* data_in = get_file_data(input_file_name); int data_size = get_file_size(input_file_name) * CHAR_BIT; //print_data(data_in, data_size); int* data_out = NULL; int use_bch_codec = 0; /************************************************************************/ /* Параметры ДСК-канала */ /************************************************************************/ //double ber = 0;//2*1e-5; /************************************************************************/ /* Технологические переменные. */ /************************************************************************/ int skip_q_cnt = 0; int percent_precision = gui_progress ? (int)1e3 : 5; int sent_bits_cnt = 0; /************************************************************************/ /* Создание программных компонентов. */ /************************************************************************/ int frame_size = 10; transmitter_t transmitter = transmitter_create(flog, frame_size, data_in, data_size); receiver_t receiver = receiver_create(flog, frame_size, data_size); /************************************************************************/ /* Параметры сверточного кодера. */ /************************************************************************/ int regs_q = 2; /* ! do not change */ int codeword_length = frame_size * regs_q; //int decoded_seq_buf_size_frames = 2; int decoded_seq_buf_size = frame_size * decoded_seq_buf_size_frames + 1; int skip_q = decoded_seq_buf_size_frames; /************************************************************************/ /* Создание программных компонентов. */ /************************************************************************/ cnv_encoder_t cnv_encoder = cnv_encoder_create(flog, regs_q, codeword_length); cnv_decoder_t cnv_decoder = cnv_decoder_create(flog, regs_q, decoded_seq_buf_size); /************************************************************************/ /* Создание программных компонентов. */ /************************************************************************/ channel_bs_t channel_bs = channel_bs_create(flog, ber); /************************************************************************/ /* Параметры промежуточных буферов */ /************************************************************************/ int frame_fifo_size = decoded_seq_buf_size_frames + 1; /************************************************************************/ /* Создание промежуточных буферов. */ /************************************************************************/ frame_fifo_t frame_fifo = frame_fifo_create(frame_fifo_size, frame_size); /************************************************************************/ /* Запуск программных компонентов. */ /************************************************************************/ log(flog, "Simulation started\n"); transmitter->start(transmitter); receiver->start(receiver); cnv_encoder->start(cnv_encoder); cnv_decoder->start(cnv_decoder); channel_bs->start(channel_bs); /************************************************************************/ /* Запуск цикла моделирования. */ /************************************************************************/ int sent_frames = 0; int frames_to_sent = data_size/frame_size; int send_bits_all = data_size+decoded_seq_buf_size_frames*frame_size; L_Loop: /*if (!(sent_bits_cnt % percent_precision) && !gui_progress) printf("\rProgress: %.0f%%", ((float)sent_bits_cnt/ (float)send_bits_all) * 100); else if (!(sent_bits_cnt % percent_precision)) printf("Progress: %.0f%%\n", ((float)sent_bits_cnt/ (float)send_bits_all) * 100);*/ loadbar(sent_frames++, frames_to_sent, 50); sent_bits_cnt += frame_size; /* Генерация фрейма данных передатчиком. */ frame_t frame_in = transmitter->transmit_frame(transmitter); if (frame_in == NULL) goto L_Dummy_Generation; frame_display(frame_in); /* Запись сгенерированного фрейма данных в промежуточный буфер. */ frame_fifo = frame_fifo_put(frame_fifo, frame_in); /* Кодирование фрейма данных сверточным кодером и получение кодового слова сверточного кода.*/ codeword_t cnv_codeword_in = cnv_encoder->encode(cnv_encoder, frame_in); goto L_Skip_Dummy_Generation; L_Dummy_Generation: cnv_codeword_in = codeword_create(cnv_encoder->codeword_length); L_Skip_Dummy_Generation: codeword_display(cnv_codeword_in); /* Передача кодового слова сверточного кода по каналу. */ codeword_t cnv_codeword_out = channel_bs->transfer(channel_bs, cnv_codeword_in); codeword_display(cnv_codeword_out); /* Декодирование кодового слова сверточного кода и получение фрейма данных. */ frame_t frame_out = cnv_decoder->decode(cnv_decoder, cnv_codeword_out, cnv_codeword_in); frame_display(frame_out); /* Проверка счетчика пропусков. */ if(skip_q_cnt != skip_q) { skip_q_cnt++; goto L_Loop; } /* Извлечение из промежуточного буфера фрейма данных. */ frame_in = frame_fifo_get(frame_fifo); frame_display(frame_in); /* Прием фрейма данных и анализ его корректности. */ receiver->receive_frame(receiver, frame_out, frame_in); /* Проверка наличия фреймов в буфере. */ if(frame_fifo_is_empty(frame_fifo)) goto L_Stop; else goto L_Loop; /************************************************************************/ /* Останов программных компонентов. */ /************************************************************************/ L_Stop: transmitter->stop(transmitter); receiver->stop(receiver); cnv_encoder->stop(cnv_encoder); cnv_decoder->stop(cnv_decoder); channel_bs->stop(channel_bs); log(flog, "Simulation stopped\n"); /************************************************************************/ /* Проверка корректности принятых данных. */ /************************************************************************/ data_out = receiver_get_received_data(receiver); printf("\n"); if (cmp_data(data_in, data_out, data_size)) printf("Comparison test: OK\n"); else printf("Comparison test: FAIL\n"); free(data_in); out_file_postfix = extend_out_file_postfix( out_file_postfix, galois_field_degree, bch_code_length, error_correction, decoded_seq_buf_size, ber); put_file_data(data_out, input_file_name, out_file_postfix); //print_data(data_in, data_size); //print_data(data_out, data_size); /************************************************************************/ /* Уничтожение программных компонентов. */ /************************************************************************/ transmitter_destroy(transmitter); receiver_destroy(receiver); cnv_encoder_destroy(cnv_encoder); cnv_decoder_destroy(cnv_decoder); channel_bs_destroy(channel_bs); frame_fifo_destroy(frame_fifo); #ifdef _DEBUG _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks(); #endif return 0; }
/* * This routine exists to support the load_dylinker(). * * This routine has its own, separate, understanding of the FAT file format, * which is terrifically unfortunate. */ static load_return_t get_macho_vnode( char *path, integer_t archbits, struct mach_header *mach_header, off_t *file_offset, off_t *macho_size, struct macho_data *data, uint8_t **vpp ) { /*uint8_t* data_f = get_file_data(path, macho_size); *vpp = data_f; *file_offset = 0; *mach_header = *(struct mach_header*)(data_f); data->__header.mach_header = *mach_header; return LOAD_SUCCESS;*/ uint8_t *vp; boolean_t is_fat; struct fat_arch fat_arch; int error = LOAD_SUCCESS; int resid; union macho_vnode_header *header = &data->__header; off_t fsize = (off_t)0; /* * Capture the kernel credential for use in the actual read of the * file, since the user doing the execution may have execute rights * but not read rights, but to exec something, we have to either map * or read it into the new process address space, which requires * read rights. This is to deal with lack of common credential * serialization code which would treat NOCRED as "serialize 'root'". */ int file_size; vp = get_file_data(path, &file_size); header = (union macho_vnode_header*)vp; if (header->mach_header.magic == MH_MAGIC || header->mach_header.magic == MH_MAGIC_64) { is_fat = FALSE; } else if (header->fat_header.magic == FAT_MAGIC || header->fat_header.magic == FAT_CIGAM) { is_fat = TRUE; } else { error = LOAD_BADMACHO; printf("get_macho_vnode 1: %s:", load_to_string(error)); goto bad2; } printf("Is fat: %d\n", is_fat); if (is_fat) { /* Look up our architecture in the fat file. */ error = fatfile_getarch_with_bits(vp, archbits, (vm_offset_t)(&header->fat_header), &fat_arch); if (error != LOAD_SUCCESS) { printf("get_macho_vnode 2: %s\n", load_to_string(error)); goto bad2; } printf("get_macho_vnode 2: fat_arch.offset = %d\n", fat_arch.offset); header = (vp + fat_arch.offset); /* Is this really a Mach-O? */ if (header->mach_header.magic != MH_MAGIC && header->mach_header.magic != MH_MAGIC_64) { error = LOAD_BADMACHO; printf("get_macho_vnode 3: %s\n", load_to_string(error)); goto bad2; } *file_offset = fat_arch.offset; *macho_size = fat_arch.size; } else { /* * Force get_macho_vnode() to fail if the architecture bits * do not match the expected architecture bits. This in * turn causes load_dylinker() to fail for the same reason, * so it ensures the dynamic linker and the binary are in * lock-step. This is potentially bad, if we ever add to * the CPU_ARCH_* bits any bits that are desirable but not * required, since the dynamic linker might work, but we will * refuse to load it because of this check. */ if ((cpu_type_t)(header->mach_header.cputype & CPU_ARCH_MASK) != archbits) { error = LOAD_BADARCH; goto bad2; } *file_offset = 0; *macho_size = fsize; } *mach_header = header->mach_header; *vpp = vp; printf("get_macho_vnode 4: %s\n", load_to_string(error)); return (error); bad2: bad1: return(error); }
/***************************************************************************** Read a single log file. *****************************************************************************/ void file_read(int fd, short int flnm, char *fnam, FILE *strm, const geoid_height_t *gdhtp, const status_t* status, const cmdlnopts_t *cmdopt) { logfile_t lgfl; #if !defined(FILENAME_DATE_PTR) date_time_t dt; #endif gps_fix_t *gfxp = NULL; float *gcrp = NULL; char *pstr = ""; int fn; if (cmdopt->vflg) printf("Requesting metadata for file %4d\n", flnm); /* Read metadata for file number flnm */ if (get_file_info(fd, flnm, &lgfl) < 0) { fprintf(stderr,"rtkgps: Error reading information for file %d [%s]\n", flnm, gcstrerror(rcerrno)); free(fnam); outlog_enable(fd, status->gpsms, cmdopt); coms_close(fd, cmdopt); exit(5); } /* If memory is allocated for the file name, the output path is a destination directory. Construct a standard file path with the directory as a base, and open the file for writing */ if (fnam != NULL) { #if !defined(FILENAME_DATE_PTR) if (get_file_start_time(fd, &lgfl, &dt) != 1) { fprintf(stderr,"rtkgps: Error reading initial time for file %d [%s]\n", flnm, gcstrerror(rcerrno)); free(fnam); outlog_enable(fd, status->gpsms, cmdopt); coms_close(fd, cmdopt); exit(5); } #endif /* Add filename postfix to indicate file is not complete (data still being captured). */ if (flnm == status->nfile-1) pstr = "_part"; /* Construct file name */ #if defined(FILENAME_DATE_PTR) sprintf(fnam, "%s/%8.8s_%06x%s.%s", cmdopt->dsts,, lgfl.memp, pstr, (cmdopt->nflg)?"rngl":"nmea"); #else sprintf(fnam, "%s/%8.8sT%6.6sZ%s.%s", cmdopt->dsts,, dt.time, pstr, (cmdopt->nflg)?"rngl":"nmea"); #endif /* Skip existing files if requested */ if (cmdopt->uflg && is_nzsregfile(fnam) && flnm != status->nfile-1) { if (cmdopt->vflg) printf("Skipping download for file %4d\n", flnm); return; } /* Create backup of output file if it already exists */ if (file_backup(fnam) != 0) { fprintf(stderr,"rtkgps: Error creating backup of file %s\n", fnam); free(fnam); outlog_enable(fd, status->gpsms, cmdopt); coms_close(fd, cmdopt); exit(3); } /* Attempt to open file */ if ((strm = fopen(fnam, "w")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"rtkgps: Error opening output file %s [%s]\n", fnam, gcstrerror(rcerrno)); free(fnam); outlog_enable(fd, status->gpsms, cmdopt); coms_close(fd, cmdopt); exit(3); } } /* Allocate memory for the log file data */ if ((gfxp = malloc(lgfl.nfix*sizeof(gps_fix_t))) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"rtkgps: Error allocating memory\n"); free(fnam); if (fnam != NULL) fclose(strm); outlog_enable(fd, status->gpsms, cmdopt); coms_close(fd, cmdopt); exit(2); } #ifdef GEOIDCOR /* If necessary, allocate memory for geoid correction values */ if (lgfl.fxtyp > 0 && gdhtp->filep != NULL) { if ((gcrp = malloc(lgfl.nfix*sizeof(float))) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"rtkgps: Error allocating memory\n"); free(fnam); if (fnam != NULL) fclose(strm); outlog_enable(fd, status->gpsms, cmdopt); coms_close(fd, cmdopt); exit(2); } } #endif if (cmdopt->vflg) printf("Requesting content of file %4d\n", flnm); /* Read the log file data */ fn = get_file_data(fd, &lgfl, gfxp); if (fn < 0) { fprintf(stderr,"rtkgps: Error reading file %d [%s]\n", flnm, gcstrerror(rcerrno)); /* Remove empty file so that it isn't skipped (with -u flag) on read restart */ if (fnam != NULL) remove(fnam); free(gcrp); free(gfxp); free(fnam); if (fnam != NULL) fclose(strm); outlog_enable(fd, status->gpsms, cmdopt); coms_close(fd, cmdopt); exit(5); } #ifdef GEOIDCOR if (gcrp != NULL) { const double dgrd = 360.0/(2*M_PI); unsigned short n; if (cmdopt->vflg) printf("Computing geoid altitude corrections\n"); for (n = 0; n < lgfl.nfix; n++) { gcrp[n] = geoid_calc_correction(gdhtp, dgrd*gfxp[n].lat, dgrd*gfxp[n].lng); } } #endif /* Print the log file data to the output stream */ if (cmdopt->nflg) { if (fnam != NULL) print_hdr_native(strm); print_log_native(strm, &lgfl, gfxp, gcrp); } else { if (fnam != NULL) print_hdr_nmea(strm, cmdopt->btas); print_log_nmea(strm, &lgfl, gfxp, gcrp); } /* Free memory for geoid correction values */ free(gcrp); /* Free memory for the log file data */ free(gfxp); /* If memory is allocated for the file name, the output path is a directory and the output stream was opened in this function, so the stream should be closed here */ if (fnam != NULL) fclose(strm); }
FileData get_asset_data(std::string relative_path) { assert(!relative_path.empty()); return get_file_data(relative_path); }
int process_file(FILE *data_file, FILE *struct_file, const char *filename) { char varname[MAX_PATH_LEN]; int i = 0; char qualifiedName[MAX_PATH_LEN]; int file_size; u16_t http_hdr_chksum = 0; u16_t http_hdr_len = 0; int chksum_count = 0; u8_t flags = 0; const char* flags_str; u8_t has_content_len; u8_t* file_data; int is_compressed = 0; /* create qualified name (@todo: prepend slash or not?) */ sprintf(qualifiedName,"%s/%s", curSubdir, filename); /* create C variable name */ strcpy(varname, qualifiedName); /* convert slashes & dots to underscores */ fix_filename_for_c(varname, MAX_PATH_LEN); register_filename(varname); #if ALIGN_PAYLOAD /* to force even alignment of array, type 1 */ fprintf(data_file, "#if FSDATA_FILE_ALIGNMENT==1" NEWLINE); fprintf(data_file, "static const " PAYLOAD_ALIGN_TYPE " dummy_align_%s = %d;" NEWLINE, varname, payload_alingment_dummy_counter++); fprintf(data_file, "#endif" NEWLINE); #endif /* ALIGN_PAYLOAD */ fprintf(data_file, "static const unsigned char FSDATA_ALIGN_PRE data_%s[] FSDATA_ALIGN_POST = {" NEWLINE, varname); /* encode source file name (used by file system, not returned to browser) */ fprintf(data_file, "/* %s (%d chars) */" NEWLINE, qualifiedName, strlen(qualifiedName)+1); file_put_ascii(data_file, qualifiedName, strlen(qualifiedName)+1, &i); #if ALIGN_PAYLOAD /* pad to even number of bytes to assure payload is on aligned boundary */ while(i % PAYLOAD_ALIGNMENT != 0) { fprintf(data_file, "0x%02.2x,", 0); i++; } #endif /* ALIGN_PAYLOAD */ fprintf(data_file, NEWLINE); has_content_len = !is_ssi_file(filename); file_data = get_file_data(filename, &file_size, includeHttpHeader && has_content_len, &is_compressed); if (includeHttpHeader) { file_write_http_header(data_file, filename, file_size, &http_hdr_len, &http_hdr_chksum, has_content_len, is_compressed); flags = FS_FILE_FLAGS_HEADER_INCLUDED; if (has_content_len) { flags |= FS_FILE_FLAGS_HEADER_PERSISTENT; } } if (precalcChksum) { chksum_count = write_checksums(struct_file, varname, http_hdr_len, http_hdr_chksum, file_data, file_size); } /* build declaration of struct fsdata_file in temp file */ fprintf(struct_file, "const struct fsdata_file file_%s[] = { {" NEWLINE, varname); fprintf(struct_file, "file_%s," NEWLINE, lastFileVar); fprintf(struct_file, "data_%s," NEWLINE, varname); fprintf(struct_file, "data_%s + %d," NEWLINE, varname, i); fprintf(struct_file, "sizeof(data_%s) - %d," NEWLINE, varname, i); switch(flags) { case(FS_FILE_FLAGS_HEADER_INCLUDED): flags_str = "FS_FILE_FLAGS_HEADER_INCLUDED"; break; case(FS_FILE_FLAGS_HEADER_PERSISTENT): flags_str = "FS_FILE_FLAGS_HEADER_PERSISTENT"; break; case(FS_FILE_FLAGS_HEADER_INCLUDED | FS_FILE_FLAGS_HEADER_PERSISTENT): flags_str = "FS_FILE_FLAGS_HEADER_INCLUDED | FS_FILE_FLAGS_HEADER_PERSISTENT"; break; default: flags_str = "0"; break; } fprintf(struct_file, "%s," NEWLINE, flags_str); if (precalcChksum) { fprintf(struct_file, "#if HTTPD_PRECALCULATED_CHECKSUM" NEWLINE); fprintf(struct_file, "%d, chksums_%s," NEWLINE, chksum_count, varname); fprintf(struct_file, "#endif /* HTTPD_PRECALCULATED_CHECKSUM */" NEWLINE); } fprintf(struct_file, "}};" NEWLINE NEWLINE); strcpy(lastFileVar, varname); /* write actual file contents */ i = 0; fprintf(data_file, NEWLINE "/* raw file data (%d bytes) */" NEWLINE, file_size); process_file_data(data_file, file_data, file_size); fprintf(data_file, "};" NEWLINE NEWLINE); free(file_data); return 0; }
uint32_t __stdcall crev_old(uint32_t padd, uint8_t archive_ver, uint8_t *seed, uint8_t *ini_file, uint8_t *ini_header, uint32_t *version, uint32_t *checksum, uint8_t *result){ uint64_t A = 0; uint64_t B = 0; uint64_t C = 0; uint32_t S = 0; uint32_t x = 0; uint32_t y = 0; uint32_t file_size = 0; uint8_t ops[4]; uint8_t *files[4]; uint8_t *buff = safe_malloc(MAX_PATH); const uint8_t *keys[] = {"Exe", "Util", "Network"}; const uint32_t seeds[] = {0xE7F4CB62, 0xF6A14FFC, 0xAA5504AF, 0x871FCDC2, 0x11BF6A18, 0xC57292E6, 0x7927D27E, 0x2FEC8733}; uint8_t *tok; uint8_t *tok_pos; //uint8_t *tmp = safe_malloc(MAX_PATH * 2); if(archive_ver > 7){ free(buff); return CREV_UNKNOWN_REVISION; } tok = strtok_s(seed, " ", &tok_pos); for(x = 0; x < 3; x++){ if(tok == NULL) return CREV_MALFORMED_SEED; if(tok[1] == '='){ if(tok[0] == 'A' || tok[0] == 'a') A = strtoul((uint8_t*)&tok[2], NULL, 10); if(tok[0] == 'B' || tok[0] == 'b') B = strtoul((uint8_t*)&tok[2], NULL, 10); if(tok[0] == 'C' || tok[0] == 'c') C = strtoul((uint8_t*)&tok[2], NULL, 10); }else{ return CREV_MALFORMED_SEED; } tok = strtok_s(NULL, " ", &tok_pos); } /* *sprintf_s(tmp, MAX_PATH * 2, "A: %lu\n", A); wwrite_to_file(tmp); *sprintf_s(tmp, MAX_PATH * 2, "B: %lu\n", B); wwrite_to_file(tmp); *sprintf_s(tmp, MAX_PATH * 2, "C: %lu\n", C); wwrite_to_file(tmp); */ tok = strtok_s(NULL, " ", &tok_pos); //Skip the '4' for(x = 0; x < 4; x++){ if(tok == NULL) return CREV_MALFORMED_SEED; ops[x] = tok[3]; tok[3] = '.'; switch(x){ case 0: if(_stricmp(tok, "A=A.S") != 0) return CREV_MALFORMED_SEED; break; case 1: if(_stricmp(tok, "B=B.C") != 0) return CREV_MALFORMED_SEED; break; case 2: if(_stricmp(tok, "C=C.A") != 0) return CREV_MALFORMED_SEED; break; case 3: if(_stricmp(tok, "A=A.B") != 0) return CREV_MALFORMED_SEED; break; } tok = strtok_s(NULL, " ", &tok_pos); } //sprintf_s(tmp, MAX_PATH * 2, "Ops: %c%c%c%c\n", ops[0], ops[1], ops[2], ops[3]); wwrite_to_file(tmp); read_ini_new(ini_file, ini_header, "Path", "", buff, MAX_PATH); files[0] = safe_malloc(MAX_PATH); combine_paths(buff, "", files[0], MAX_PATH); for(x = 1; x < 4; x++){ read_ini_new(ini_file, ini_header, (uint8_t*)keys[x-1], "\xFF", buff, MAX_PATH); if(buff[0] == 0xFF){ for(y = 0; y < x; y++) if(files[y] != NULL) free(files[y]); sprintf_s(result, crev_max_result(), "%s\x00", keys[x-1]); return CREV_MISSING_FILENAME; } if (_stricmp(buff, "NULL") == 0){ files[x] = NULL; }else{ files[x] = safe_malloc(MAX_PATH); combine_paths(files[0], buff, files[x], MAX_PATH); } } free(buff); /* *sprintf_s(tmp, MAX_PATH * 2, "Path: %s\n", files[0]); wwrite_to_file(tmp); *sprintf_s(tmp, MAX_PATH * 2, "Exe: %s %d\n", files[1], get_file_size(files[1])); wwrite_to_file(tmp); *sprintf_s(tmp, MAX_PATH * 2, "Util: %s %d\n", files[2], get_file_size(files[2])); wwrite_to_file(tmp); *sprintf_s(tmp, MAX_PATH * 2, "Network: %s %d\n", files[3], get_file_size(files[3])); wwrite_to_file(tmp); */ A ^= seeds[archive_ver]; for(x = 1; x < 4; x++){ if (files[x] == NULL){ continue; } file_size = get_file_size(files[x]); if((file_size % 1024) != 0){ if(padd == 1) file_size += (1024 - (file_size % 1024)); else file_size -= (file_size % 1024); } if(file_size == 0){ sprintf_s(result, CREV_MAX_RESULT, files[x]); return CREV_MISSING_FILE; } buff = safe_malloc(file_size); get_file_data(files[x], buff, file_size, padd); for(y = 0; y < file_size; y+= 4){ S = (*(uint32_t*)&buff[y]); switch (ops[0]) { case '^': A ^= S; break; case '+': A += S; break; case '-': A -= S; break; case '*': A *= S; break; case '/': A /= S; break; } switch (ops[1]){ case '^': B ^= C; break; case '+': B += C; break; case '-': B -= C; break; case '*': B *= C; break; case '/': B /= C; break; } switch (ops[2]){ case '^': C ^= A; break; case '+': C += A; break; case '-': C -= A; break; case '*': C *= A; break; case '/': C /= A; break; } switch (ops[3]){ case '^': A ^= B; break; case '+': A += B; break; case '-': A -= B; break; case '*': A *= B; break; case '/': A /= B; break; } } free(buff); } *checksum = (uint32_t)(C & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF); *version = crev_get_file_version(files[1]); S = crev_get_file_information(files[1], result, CREV_MAX_RESULT); for(x = 0; x < 4; x++){ if(files[x] != NULL) free(files[x]); } return S; }
uint32_t __stdcall crev_ver3(uint8_t *archive_time, uint8_t *archive_name, uint8_t *seed, uint8_t *ini_file, uint8_t *ini_header, uint32_t *version, uint32_t *checksum, uint8_t *result){ uint32_t x = 0; uint32_t y = 0; uint32_t z = 0; uint32_t lret; uint8_t *files[5]; //uint8_t *tok; uint8_t *buff; uint8_t *buff2; uint32_t archive_rev = 0; uint32_t header_size = 0; sha1_context sha; lockdown_heep ldh; uint32_t pe_file; PE_IMAGE_NT_HEADERS *nt; PE_IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER *sections; const uint8_t *keys[] = {"Exe", "Util", "Network", "Screen"}; const uint32_t seeds[] = { 0xA1F3055A, 0x5657124C, 0x1780AB47, 0x80B3A410, 0xAF2179EA, 0x0837B808, 0x6F2516C6, 0xE3178148, 0x0FCF90B6, 0xF2F09516, 0x378D8D8C, 0x07F8E083, 0xB0EE9741, 0x7923C9AF, 0xCA11A05E, 0xD723C016, 0xFD545590, 0xFB600C2E, 0x684C8785, 0x58BEDE0B }; sha.version = lSHA1; sha1_reset(&sha); if( (archive_name[14] < '0' || archive_name[14] > '1') || (archive_name[15] < '0' || archive_name[15] > '9')){ return CREV_UNKNOWN_REVISION; } archive_rev = ((archive_name[14] - '0') * 10) + (archive_name[15] - '0'); buff = safe_malloc(MAX_PATH); read_ini_new(ini_file, ini_header, "Path", "", buff, MAX_PATH); files[0] = safe_malloc(MAX_PATH); combine_paths(buff, "", files[0], MAX_PATH); for(x = 1; x < 5; x++){ read_ini_new(ini_file, ini_header, (uint8_t*)keys[x-1], "\xFF", buff, MAX_PATH); if(buff[0] == 0xFF){ for(y = 0; y < x; y++) if(files[y] != NULL) free(files[y]); sprintf_s(result, crev_max_result(), "%s\x00", keys[x-1]); free(buff); return CREV_MISSING_FILENAME; } files[x] = safe_malloc(MAX_PATH); combine_paths(files[0], buff, files[x], MAX_PATH); } read_ini_new(ini_file, "CRev_Main", "LockdownPath", "", buff, MAX_PATH); combine_paths(buff, "", files[0], MAX_PATH); sprintf_s(files[0], MAX_PATH, "%s\\Lockdown-IX86-%02d.dll", files[0], archive_rev); free(buff); lockdown_shuffle_seed(seed); buff = safe_malloc(0x40); memset(buff, '6', 0x40); for(x = 0; x < 0x10; x++) buff[x] ^= seed[x]; sha1_input(&sha, buff, 0x40); free(buff); for(x = 0; x < 4; x++){ pe_file = pe_load_library(files[x]); if(pe_file == 0){ sprintf_s(result, CREV_MAX_RESULT, files[x]); for(z = 0; z < 5; z++) if(files[z] != NULL) free(files[z]); return CREV_MISSING_FILE; } nt = (PE_IMAGE_NT_HEADERS*)(pe_file + ((PE_IMAGE_DOS_HEADER*)pe_file)->e_lfanew); if(nt->OptionalHeader.NumberOfRvaAndSizes <= 0x0D){ for(z = 0; z < 5; z++) if(files[z] != NULL) free(files[z]); pe_unload_library(pe_file); return CREV_TOFEW_RVAS; } header_size = nt->OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders; if((header_size % nt->OptionalHeader.FileAlignment) != 0) header_size += (nt->OptionalHeader.FileAlignment - (header_size % nt->OptionalHeader.FileAlignment)); sha1_input(&sha, (uint8_t*)pe_file, header_size); //Hash the PE Header lockdown_heep_create(&ldh); lret = lockdown_proc_reloc(pe_file, &ldh); if(lret != CREV_SUCCESS){ sprintf_s(result, CREV_MAX_RESULT, files[x]); for(z = 0; z < 5; z++) if(files[z] != NULL) free(files[z]); pe_unload_library(pe_file); return lret; } lret = lockdown_proc_import(pe_file, &ldh); if(lret != CREV_SUCCESS){ sprintf_s(result, CREV_MAX_RESULT, files[x]); for(z = 0; z < 5; z++) if(files[z] != NULL) free(files[z]); pe_unload_library(pe_file); return lret; } lockdown_heep_sort(&ldh); /*for(y = 0; y < ldh.cur_len; y += 0x10){ wwrite_to_file(tto_hex((uint8_t*)(ldh.mem + y), 16, FALSE)); wwrite_to_file("\n"); }*/ sections = (PE_IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER *)(pe_file + nt->FileHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader + ((PE_IMAGE_DOS_HEADER*)pe_file)->e_lfanew + PE_SIZE_OF_NT_SIGNATURE + PE_IMAGE_SIZEOF_FILE_HEADER); for(y = 0; y < nt->FileHeader.NumberOfSections; y++){ lret = lockdown_hash1(&sha, &ldh, (uint32_t)(§ions[y]), pe_file, seeds[archive_rev]); if(lret != CREV_SUCCESS){ sprintf_s(result, CREV_MAX_RESULT, files[x]); for(z = 0; z < 5; z++) if(files[z] != NULL) free(files[z]); pe_unload_library(pe_file); return lret; } } lockdown_heep_cleanup(&ldh); pe_unload_library(pe_file); } //Hash Screen Buffer x = get_file_size(files[4]); if(x == 0){ sprintf_s(result, CREV_MAX_RESULT, files[3]); return CREV_MISSING_FILE; } buff = safe_malloc(x); get_file_data(files[4], buff, x, 0); sha1_input(&sha, buff, x); free(buff); sha1_input(&sha, "\x01\x00\x00\x00", 4); //Verify Return Address sha1_input(&sha, "\x00\x00\x00\x00", 4); //Verify Module Offset buff2 = safe_malloc(sha1_hash_size); sha1_digest(&sha, buff2); //wwrite_to_file(tto_hex(buff2, sha1_hash_size, FALSE)); wwrite_to_file("\n"); //Second SHA Pass buff = safe_malloc(0x40); memset(buff, '\\', 0x40); for(x = 0; x < 0x10; x++) buff[x] ^= seed[x]; sha1_reset(&sha); sha1_input(&sha, buff, 0x40); sha1_input(&sha, buff2, sha1_hash_size); memset(buff2, 0, sha1_hash_size); sha1_digest(&sha, buff2); lockdown_shuffle_digest((uint8_t*)(&buff2[4])); *version = crev_get_file_version(files[1]); *checksum = (*(uint32_t*)&buff2[0]); memcpy(result, (uint8_t*)(&buff2[4]), 0x10); for(x = 0; x < 5; x++) if(files[x] != NULL) free(files[x]); return CREV_SUCCESS; }
unsigned int fopen(char* filename){ if(!is_file(filename)) return 0; return (unsigned int) get_file_data(filename); }
bool get_image_feature( const wchar_t * file_path, char *rs_md5) { unsigned short Num = 0; CPeFile pe; auto st_size = get_file_data(file_path, nullptr); if (!st_size) { return false; } auto file_data = new char[st_size]; if (!get_file_data(file_path, file_data)) { return false; } auto if_openfile_success = pe.Attach(file_path); if (if_openfile_success == 0UL || if_openfile_success == 1UL || if_openfile_success == 2UL) { return false; } auto p_nt_header = const_cast<PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS32>(pe.GetNtHeader()); auto p_data_directory = &pe.GetDataDirectory()[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_RESOURCE]; if (p_data_directory->Size == 0 || p_data_directory->VirtualAddress == 0) { return false; } auto p_reg_directory = reinterpret_cast<PIMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY>(const_cast<char*>(file_data) + CalcOffset(p_data_directory->VirtualAddress, p_nt_header)); auto re_size = p_reg_directory->NumberOfIdEntries + p_reg_directory->NumberOfNamedEntries; auto p_reg_directory_entry = reinterpret_cast<PIMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY>((long)p_reg_directory + sizeof(IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY)); for (DWORD FirstOrder = 0; FirstOrder < re_size; FirstOrder++) { if (p_reg_directory_entry->Name != 0x03) { p_reg_directory_entry++; continue; } auto p_reg_directory2 = (PIMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY)((long)p_reg_directory + p_reg_directory_entry->OffsetToDirectory); auto re_size2 = p_reg_directory2->NumberOfIdEntries + p_reg_directory2->NumberOfNamedEntries; auto p_reg_directory_entry2 = (PIMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY)((long)p_reg_directory2 + sizeof(IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY)); for (unsigned int second_order = 0; second_order < re_size2; second_order++) { if (p_reg_directory_entry2->DataIsDirectory != 1) { break; } //解析第三层 auto p_reg_directory3 = (PIMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY)((long)p_reg_directory + p_reg_directory_entry2->OffsetToDirectory); auto p_reg_directory_entry3 = (PIMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY)((long)p_reg_directory3 + sizeof(IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY)); auto reg_data = (PIMAGE_RESOURCE_DATA_ENTRY)((long)p_reg_directory + p_reg_directory_entry3->OffsetToData); auto image_data = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(reinterpret_cast<unsigned long>(file_data) + CalcOffset(reg_data->OffsetToData, p_nt_header)); if (reg_data->Size > 0x50000) { break; } string str_md5 = ""; MD5 md5; //定义MD5的类 if (!IsBadReadPtr(image_data, reg_data->Size)) { md5.update(image_data, reg_data->Size); str_md5 = md5.toString(); } if (str_md5 != "" && rs_md5) { strcpy(rs_md5, str_md5.c_str()); return true; } p_reg_directory_entry2++; } p_reg_directory_entry++; } return false; }
void* worker_main (void* arg) { int thread_id = *((int*)arg); free(arg); while (1) { void* item = queue_consume( &request_queue ); // this happens only if queue_consume_all() was called and no items remain. if( item == (void*)-1 ) { printf( "Worker exiting.\n" ); pthread_exit( (void*)NULL ); } request_t* req = (request_t*)item; char* buf = NULL; // if cache is enabled then try to get the cached entry. int size = config.cache_enabled ? get_cache( req->filename, &buf ) : -1; int cache_hit = (size != -1); // if it wasn't a hit, try to get the data from file. if( !cache_hit ) { size = get_file_data( req->filename, &buf ); if( size == -1 ) { // file does not exist. send result and move on. log_message( thread_id, req->req_num, req->fd, cache_hit, req->filename, 404); return_error( req->fd, "404 - File not found" ); continue; } // if cache is enabled then put the value into the cache. if( config.cache_enabled ) { if( put_cache( req->filename, buf, size ) == -1 ) { // error. I think we can keep going? fprintf( stderr, "error putting into cache %s\n", req->filename ); // do not escape. this is not a fatal error, so continue sending // request to client. } } } char* content_type = get_content_type( req->filename ); // send result and log. log_message(thread_id, req->req_num, req->fd, cache_hit, req->filename, size); if (return_result( req->fd, content_type, buf, size ) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error returning request to client."); } // only put stuff into prefetch if cache is enabled. otherwise just free the request. if( config.cache_enabled ) { if( queue_produce( &prefetch_queue, req ) == -1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Error putting request into prefetch queue '%s'\n", req->filename ); } } else { // free request created by dispatch. free( req->filename ); free( req ); // free the buffer. free( buf ); } } }