int main( int argc, char **argv ) { // VARIABLES FOR INPUT char str[ MAX_LINE_LENGTH +1 ] ; ssize_t nchars; state_t state; // state_t is defined by the PSVN API. It is the type used for individual states. // VARIABLES FOR ITERATING THROUGH state's SUCCESSORS state_t child; ruleid_iterator_t iter; // ruleid_terator_t is the type defined by the PSVN API successor/predecessor iterators. int ruleid ; // an iterator returns a number identifying a rule int childCount; // READ A LINE OF INPUT FROM stdin printf("Please enter a state followed by ENTER: "); if ( fgets(str, sizeof str, stdin) == NULL ) { printf("Error: empty input line.\n"); return 0; } // CONVERT THE STRING TO A STATE nchars = read_state( str, &state ); if (nchars <= 0) { printf("Error: invalid state entered.\n"); return 0; } printf("The state you entered is: "); print_state( stdout, &state ); printf("\n"); // LOOP THOUGH THE CHILDREN ONE BY ONE childCount = 0; init_fwd_iter( &iter, &state ); // initialize the child iterator while( ( ruleid = next_ruleid( &iter ) ) >= 0 ) { // while( -1 >= 0 ) { apply_fwd_rule( ruleid, &state, &child ); ++childCount; printf("child %d. ",childCount); print_state( stdout, &child ); //printf(" %s (cost %d)\n",get_fwd_rule_label(ruleid),get_fwd_rule_cost(ruleid)); printf(" %s (cost %d), goal=%d\n",get_fwd_rule_label(ruleid),get_fwd_rule_cost(ruleid),is_goal(&child)); } // end while... no more children if (childCount == 0) { printf("Your state has no children.\n"); } return 0; } // end main
int main( int argc, char **argv ) { // VARIABLES FOR INPUT char str[ MAX_LINE_LENGTH +1 ] ; ssize_t nchars; state_t state; // state_t is defined by the PSVN API. It is the type used for individual states. PriorityQueue<state_t> open; //state_map_t *map = new_state_map();//****** // VARIABLES FOR ITERATING THROUGH state's SUCCESSORS state_t child; ruleid_iterator_t iter; // ruleid_terator_t is the type defined by the PSVN API successor/predecessor iterators. int ruleid ; // an iterator returns a number identifying a rule int64_t totalNodes; // READ A LINE OF INPUT FROM stdin printf("Please enter a state followed by ENTER: "); if ( fgets(str, sizeof str, stdin) == NULL ) { printf("Error: empty input line.\n"); return 0; } // CONVERT THE STRING TO A STATE nchars = read_state( str, &state ); if (nchars <= 0) { printf("Error: invalid state entered.\n"); return 0; } printf("The state you entered is: "); print_state( stdout, &state ); printf("\n"); List StateList = List(); // state_map_add( map, &state, 0 );//******dont know if its a must open.Add(0,0,state); StateList.add(&state); StateList.change_color(&state,1);// Gray // StateList.change_distance(&state,0); totalNodes = 0; int d = 0; /* Search */ while ( !open.Empty() ) { // g.n d = open.CurrentPriority(); printf("D: %d\n",d); state = open.Top(); open.Pop(); totalNodes++; /* DDD */ if (StateList.get_color(&state)==0 || (StateList.get_distance(&state)>(d-1))){ StateList.change_distance(&state,d); if (is_goal(&state)==1){ //PRINT STUFF printf("Estado: "); print_state( stdout, &state); printf(" Estados Generados: %"PRId64" , costo: %d",totalNodes,StateList.get_distance(&state)); return 1;//SUCCES } /* expand node */ init_fwd_iter(&iter, &state); while((ruleid = next_ruleid(&iter)) >= 0){ apply_fwd_rule(ruleid,&state,&child);//'child' is a succesor state_t of 'state' StateList.add(&child); StateList.change_color(&child, 1);//Gray const int child_d = d + get_fwd_rule_cost(ruleid); StateList.change_distance( &child , child_d ); open.Add( child_d , child_d , child ); } StateList.change_color(&state,2); //Black } } printf("FAIL!"); return 2; //FAIL }