Пример #1
	GHashTable* skiers_weights = g_hash_table_new(g_str_hash, g_str_equal);
	GQueue *waiting_req_q1 = g_queue_new();
	GQueue *waiting_req_q2 = g_queue_new();

	int first_lift_free, second_lift_free;
	int mytid, mstrtid, myind, number_of_skiers, *tids, first_lift_capacity,
			second_lift_capacity, i, phase, local_clock;
	time_t t;
	char slave_name[NAMESIZE];
	char diag[200];

	struct state_info info;

	mytid = pvm_mytid();
	srand(time(NULL) + mytid);
	gethostname(slave_name, NAMESIZE);

	get_initial_values(&mstrtid, &number_of_skiers, &tids, &skiers_weights, &first_lift_capacity, &second_lift_capacity);
	info.mstrtid = mstrtid;
	first_lift_free = first_lift_capacity;
	second_lift_free = second_lift_capacity;
	int *my_weight_ptr = g_hash_table_lookup(skiers_weights, &mytid);
	int my_weight = *my_weight_ptr;

	int all_skiers_weight = 0;
	for(i=0; i<number_of_skiers; i++) {
		int *lookup = g_hash_table_lookup(skiers_weights, &tids[i]);
		all_skiers_weight += *lookup;
	all_skiers_weight -= my_weight;
	sprintf(diag, "sum of all other skiers' weights = %d", all_skiers_weight);
	diag_msg(mstrtid, mytid, diag);

	while (tids[i] != mytid) {

	pvm_pkint(&mytid, 1, 1);

	int *wat_to_send = g_hash_table_lookup(skiers_weights, &mytid);
	pvm_pkint(wat_to_send, 1, 1);
	pvm_send(mstrtid, MSG_SLV);

	// bariera
	local_clock = 0;
	pvm_barrier(GROUP, number_of_skiers);

	int time_to_wait;

	// main loop

	diag_msg(mstrtid, mytid, "entering main loop");
	while (1) {
  	int can_enter_lift = 0;
  	int chosen_lift = -1;
		int accepts_received = 0;
		int my_request_timestamp = -1;
		info.accepts_received = &accepts_received;
		info.my_request_timestamp = &my_request_timestamp;


		struct timeval timeout;
		random_timeout(&timeout, 3, 10);

		struct timeval start_time;
		gettimeofday(&start_time, NULL);

		struct timeval elapsed;
		elapsed.tv_sec = 0;
		elapsed.tv_usec = 0;

		sprintf(diag, "entered %s, time=%zu.%zu", stringify(phase), timeout.tv_sec, timeout.tv_usec);
		diag_msg(mstrtid, mytid, diag);
		while (1) {

			int bufid = pvm_trecv(-1, -1, &timeout);

			if (bufid) {
				// diag_msg(mstrtid, mytid, "Got message in PHASE_DOWNHILL");
				struct msg incoming_msg;

				int *sender_weight = g_hash_table_lookup(skiers_weights, &incoming_msg.sender_tid);

				// handle the message accordingly
        		prepare_info(&info, mytid, &local_clock, phase, &chosen_lift, &can_enter_lift,
                     &first_lift_free, &second_lift_free, incoming_msg,
										 waiting_req_q1, waiting_req_q2);
        		info.skiers_weights = skiers_weights;
        		handle_message(incoming_msg, info);

			// break the loop if time elapsed is more than the timeout, else wait for another message
			struct timeval current_time;
			gettimeofday(&current_time, NULL);

			timeval_subtract(&elapsed, &current_time, &start_time);
			if (elapsed.tv_sec * 1000000 + elapsed.tv_usec >= timeout.tv_sec * 1000000 + timeout.tv_usec)
				timeval_subtract(&timeout, &timeout, &elapsed);

		// want to go up
		diag_msg(mstrtid, mytid, "");

		// choose the lift (1 or 2)
		// determine if we can fit on the lift (based on our knowledge from the accepts we had sent)

		sprintf(diag, "entered PHASE_WAIT_REQUEST, weight=%d, LIFT_1=%d, LIFT_2=%d",my_weight,first_lift_free,second_lift_free);
		diag_msg(mstrtid, mytid, diag);

		if (my_weight > first_lift_free && my_weight > second_lift_free) {
			// no lift for us
			// wait for RELEASE messages until we can fit in the lift
			// meanwhile: handle all incoming messages, responding accordingly (ALWAYS respond with accepts)
			while (1) {
				sprintf(diag, "no space in lifts, weight=%d, LIFT_1=%d, LIFT_2=%d",my_weight,first_lift_free,second_lift_free);
				diag_msg(mstrtid, mytid, diag);

				int bufid = pvm_recv(-1, -1);
				struct msg incoming_msg;

				prepare_info(&info, mytid, &local_clock, phase, &chosen_lift, &can_enter_lift,
                     &first_lift_free, &second_lift_free, incoming_msg,
										 waiting_req_q1, waiting_req_q2);
				info.skiers_weights = skiers_weights;
        handle_message(incoming_msg, info);

				// now check if we should break the loop and go to the next phase!
				if (chosen_lift == LIFT_1 || chosen_lift == LIFT_2) {
					sprintf(diag, "weight=%d, LIFT_1=%d, LIFT_2=%d, choosing %s",
									my_weight, first_lift_free, second_lift_free, stringify(chosen_lift));
					diag_msg(mstrtid, mytid, diag);

					// broadcast a request with our chosen lift and go to (*)

		else { // if there is a fitting lift
			if (my_weight <= first_lift_free && my_weight > second_lift_free) { // can only go to first lift
				chosen_lift = LIFT_1;
			else if (my_weight > first_lift_free && my_weight <= second_lift_free) { // can only go to second lift
				chosen_lift = LIFT_2;
			else {	// can go to either lift - worst fit
				if (first_lift_free > second_lift_free)
					chosen_lift = LIFT_1;
				else if (first_lift_free < second_lift_free)
					chosen_lift = LIFT_2;
				else // equal
					chosen_lift = (rand() % 2 == 1) ? LIFT_1 : LIFT_2;

			info.my_lift_number = &chosen_lift;
			info.mytid = mytid;
			info.local_clock = &local_clock;
			info.skiers_weights = skiers_weights;

			// broadcast a request with our chosen lift and go to (*)
			// sprintf(diag,"So I am here just before broadcasting REQUEST and I choose lift %d and in info %d",chosen_lift, *info.my_lift_number);
			sprintf(diag, "weight=%d, LIFT_1=%d, LIFT_2=%d, choosing %s",
							my_weight, first_lift_free, second_lift_free, stringify(chosen_lift));
			diag_msg(mstrtid, mytid, diag);

		sprintf(diag, "*** chosen_lift=%s", stringify(chosen_lift));

		// waiting for accepts (*)
    // wait for enough accepts or just as much as required to be sure that we can get in
    // meanwhile: handle all incoming messages, responding accordingly (not send back accept only to those with worse priority that can't fit together with us)
		// diag_msg(mstrtid, mytid, "entering PHASE_WAIT_ACCEPTS");
		int pending = all_skiers_weight;
		info.pending_accepts_sum = &pending;

		sprintf(diag, "entered PHASE_WAIT_ACCEPTS, lift=%s", stringify(chosen_lift));
		diag_msg(mstrtid, mytid, diag);

		while (1) {
			int bufid = pvm_recv(-1, -1);
			struct msg incoming_msg;

			prepare_info(&info, mytid, &local_clock, phase, &chosen_lift, &can_enter_lift,
									&first_lift_free, &second_lift_free, incoming_msg,
									waiting_req_q1, waiting_req_q2);
      handle_message(incoming_msg, info);

			// check if there are enough amount of acceptes - can break the loop and go to the critical section
			if (can_enter_lift) {

		// random waiting up to the hill - critical section

		random_timeout(&timeout, 3, 10);

		gettimeofday(&start_time, NULL);

		elapsed.tv_sec = 0;
		elapsed.tv_usec = 0;

		sprintf(diag, "entered PHASE_CRITICAL, lift=%s, time=%zu.%zu",
						stringify(chosen_lift), timeout.tv_sec, timeout.tv_usec);
		diag_msg(mstrtid, mytid, diag);

		while (1) {
			int bufid = pvm_trecv(-1, -1, &timeout);
			if (bufid) {
				// unpack the received message
				struct msg incoming_msg;
				// int msgtag = -1, sender_tid = -1, lift_number = -1, timestamp = -1;

				// handle the message accordingly
				prepare_info(&info, mytid, &local_clock, phase, &chosen_lift, &can_enter_lift,
                     &first_lift_free, &second_lift_free, incoming_msg,
										 waiting_req_q1, waiting_req_q2);
        handle_message(incoming_msg, info);

			// break the loop if time elapsed is more than the timeout, else wait for another message
			struct timeval current_time;
			gettimeofday(&current_time, NULL);

			timeval_subtract(&elapsed, &current_time, &start_time);
			if (elapsed.tv_sec * 1000000 + elapsed.tv_usec >= timeout.tv_sec * 1000000 + timeout.tv_usec)
				timeval_subtract(&timeout, &timeout, &elapsed);

		// release - broadcast the RELEASE message to all others
		info.mytid = mytid;
		info.local_clock = &local_clock;
		info.my_lift_number = &chosen_lift;

		// send all the requests stored in the queue (mcast automatically clears it)

Пример #2
int wmi_initialize() {

	// Initialize default value
	locator = NULL;
	services = NULL;
	//enumerator = NULL;

	// Initialize COM

	HRESULT result = CoInitializeEx(0, COINIT_MULTITHREADED);
	if (FAILED(result)) {
        log_err("Failed to initialize COM library. Error code = %x", result);
        return -1;

	// Set general COM security levels

	result = CoInitializeSecurity(
        -1,                          // COM authentication
        NULL,                        // Authentication services
        NULL,                        // Reserved
        RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_DEFAULT,   // Default authentication 
        RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IMPERSONATE, // Default Impersonation  
        NULL,                        // Authentication info
        EOAC_NONE,                   // Additional capabilities 
        NULL                         // Reserved

	if (FAILED(result)) {
       log_err("Failed to initialize security. Error code = %x", result);
        return -1;

	// Obtain the initial locator to WMI

	result = CoCreateInstance(
        IID_IWbemLocator, (LPVOID *) &locator);
    if (FAILED(result)) {
       log_err("Failed to create IWbemLocator object. Error code = %x", result);
        return -1;                 // Program has failed.

	// Connect to WMI through the IWbemLocator::ConnectServer method

	// Connect to the root\cimv2 namespace with
    // the current user and obtain pointer 'services'
    // to make IWbemServices calls.

	result = locator->ConnectServer(
         _bstr_t(L"ROOT\\CIMV2"), // Object path of WMI namespace
         NULL,                    // User name. NULL = current user
         NULL,                    // User password. NULL = current
         0,                       // Locale. NULL indicates current
         NULL,                    // Security flags.
         0,                       // Authority (for example, Kerberos)
         0,                       // Context object 
         &services                // pointer to IWbemServices proxy

	if (FAILED(result)) {
        log_err("Could not connect. Error code = %x", result);
        return -1;

	//std::cout << "Connected to ROOT\\CIMV2 WMI namespace" << std::endl;

	// Set security levels on the proxy

	result = CoSetProxyBlanket(
       services,                        // Indicates the proxy to set
       RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT,           // RPC_C_AUTHN_xxx
       RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE,            // RPC_C_AUTHZ_xxx
       NULL,                        // Server principal name 
       NULL,                        // client identity
       EOAC_NONE                    // proxy capabilities 

	if (FAILED(result)) {
        log_err("Could not set proxy blanket. Error code = %x", result);
        return -1;


	_initialized = 1;
	return 0;
Пример #3
* changed this to take a filename so we can pass config files on the command line
* default is config.xml
sConfigData::sConfigData(const char *a_filename)
	: fonts()
	DirPath dp = DirPath() << a_filename;	// `J` moved to root directory
	DirPath dpold = DirPath() << "Resources" << "Data" << a_filename;
	string filename = dp.c_str();
	string filenameold = dpold.c_str();
	l.ss() << "Loading configuration variables from '" << filename << "'"; l.ssend();
	*	make sure we have something playable,
	*	even if the file doesn't load
	*	open the file - moan most eloqently in its absence
	TiXmlDocument doc(filename);
	TiXmlDocument docold(filenameold);
	if (!doc.LoadFile())
		l.ss() << "Can't load " << filename << " from root directory." << endl << "Error: line " << doc.ErrorRow() << ", col " << doc.ErrorCol() << ": " << doc.ErrorDesc() << endl << "Attempting to load old file " << filenameold << "." << endl; l.ssend();
		doc = docold;
	if (!doc.LoadFile())
		l.ss() << "can't load " << filename << endl << "Error: line " << doc.ErrorRow() << ", col " << doc.ErrorCol() << ": " << doc.ErrorDesc(); l.ssend();
		*		a bit of narrative for the players: makes it easier to tell
		*		if the config isn't being found
		l.ss() << "*** Game will run with default pricing factors.\n*** This may seem a little easy. To fix this\n*** get a config.xml file from pinkpetal.org\n*** or make one with W***e Master Editor"; l.ssend();
	*	get the docuement root
	TiXmlElement *el, *root_el = doc.RootElement();
	*	loop over the elements attached to the root
	for (el = root_el->FirstChildElement(); el; el = el->NextSiblingElement())
		string tag = el->ValueStr();		//	now, depending on the tag name...
		if (el->ValueStr() == "Folders")		{ get_folders_data(el);		continue; }
		if (el->ValueStr() == "Resolution")		{ get_resolution_data(el);	continue; }
		if (el->ValueStr() == "Initial")		{ get_initial_values(el);	continue; }
		if (el->ValueStr() == "Income")			{ get_income_factors(el);	continue; }
		if (el->ValueStr() == "Expenses")		{ get_expense_factors(el);	continue; }
		if (el->ValueStr() == "Gambling")		{ get_gambling_factors(el);	continue; }
		if (el->ValueStr() == "Prostitution")	{ get_pros_factors(el);		continue; }
		if (el->ValueStr() == "Catacombs")		{ get_catacombs_data(el);	continue; }
		if (el->ValueStr() == "SlaveMarket")	{ get_slave_market_data(el);continue; }
		if (el->ValueStr() == "Pregnancy")		{ get_preg_factors(el);		continue; }
		if (el->ValueStr() == "Tax")			{ get_tax_factors(el);		continue; }
		if (el->ValueStr() == "Gangs")			{ get_gang_factors(el);		continue; }
		if (el->ValueStr() == "Items")			{ get_item_data(el);		continue; }
		if (el->ValueStr() == "Fonts")			{ get_font_data(el);		continue; }
		if (el->ValueStr() == "Debug")			{ get_debug_flags(el);		continue; }

		l.ss() << "Warning: config.xml: tag: '" << tag << "' unexpected"; l.ssend();
	// check interface for colors
	DirPath dpi = DirPath() << "Resources" << "Interface" << resolution.resolution << "InterfaceColors.xml";
	TiXmlDocument doci(dpi.c_str());
	if (doci.LoadFile())
		string m_filename = dpi.c_str();
		TiXmlElement *el, *root_el = doci.RootElement();
		for (el = root_el->FirstChildElement(); el; el = el->NextSiblingElement())
			string tag = el->ValueStr();
			if (tag == "Color")
				XmlUtil xu(m_filename); string name; int r, g, b;
				xu.get_att(el, "Name", name); xu.get_att(el, "R", r); xu.get_att(el, "G", g); xu.get_att(el, "B", b);
				/* */if (name == "ItemRarity0") ColorConvert.RGBToSDLColor(items.rarity_color[0], r, g, b);
				else if (name == "ItemRarity1") ColorConvert.RGBToSDLColor(items.rarity_color[1], r, g, b);
				else if (name == "ItemRarity2") ColorConvert.RGBToSDLColor(items.rarity_color[2], r, g, b);
				else if (name == "ItemRarity3") ColorConvert.RGBToSDLColor(items.rarity_color[3], r, g, b);
				else if (name == "ItemRarity4") ColorConvert.RGBToSDLColor(items.rarity_color[4], r, g, b);
				else if (name == "ItemRarity5") ColorConvert.RGBToSDLColor(items.rarity_color[5], r, g, b);
				else if (name == "ItemRarity6") ColorConvert.RGBToSDLColor(items.rarity_color[6], r, g, b);
				else if (name == "ItemRarity7") ColorConvert.RGBToSDLColor(items.rarity_color[7], r, g, b);
				else if (name == "ItemRarity8") ColorConvert.RGBToSDLColor(items.rarity_color[8], r, g, b);

	fonts.detailfontsize = 9;	// default to 9 then check if it is set in girl_details_screen.xml
	DirPath dpt = DirPath() << "Resources" << "Interface" << resolution.resolution << "girl_details_screen.xml";
	TiXmlDocument doct(dp.c_str());
	if (doct.LoadFile())
		string m_filename = dpt.c_str();
		TiXmlElement *el, *root_el = doct.RootElement();
		for (el = root_el->FirstChildElement(); el; el = el->NextSiblingElement())
			string tag = el->ValueStr();
			if (tag == "Text")
				XmlUtil xu(m_filename); string name; int f = 9;
				xu.get_att(el, "Name", name); xu.get_att(el, "FontSize", f, true);
				if (name == "GirlDescription" && f > 0)
					fonts.detailfontsize = f; break;