Пример #1
static void
desktops(int start)
	char buf[4];
	XGlyphInfo extents;
	int x, i, curdesk, numdesk;
	int cellwidth = 14;

	curdesk = get_int_property("_NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP");
	numdesk = get_int_property("_NET_NUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS");
	if (curdesk < 0 || numdesk < 0)

	for (i=0, x=start; i<numdesk; i++, x+=cellwidth) {
		sprintf(buf, "%d", i+1);
		if (i == curdesk) {
			XftDrawRect(xftd, &white, x, 0, cellwidth, BARHEIGHT);
			XftTextExtentsUtf8(d, xftfont, (const FcChar8 *)buf, strlen(buf), &extents);
			XftDrawStringUtf8(xftd, &black, xftfont, x + (cellwidth - extents.xOff) / 2, 2 + xftfont->ascent, (const FcChar8 *)buf, strlen(buf));
		} else {
			XftDrawRect(xftd, &black, x, 0, cellwidth, BARHEIGHT);
			XftTextExtentsUtf8(d, xftfont, (const FcChar8 *)buf, strlen(buf), &extents);
			XftDrawStringUtf8(xftd, &white, xftfont, x + (cellwidth - extents.xOff) / 2, 2 + xftfont->ascent, (const FcChar8 *)buf, strlen(buf));
Пример #2
static int32_t get_usage_page(IOHIDDeviceRef device)
	int32_t res;
	res = get_int_property(device, CFSTR(kIOHIDDeviceUsagePageKey));
	if (!res)
		res = get_int_property(device, CFSTR(kIOHIDPrimaryUsagePageKey));
	return res;
Пример #3
int yyyUSBGetInterfaces(yInterfaceSt **ifaces,int *nbifaceDetect,char *errmsg)
    int             nbifaceAlloc;
    int             deviceIndex;
    CFIndex         deviceCount;
    IOHIDDeviceRef  *dev_refs;

    // get all device detected by the OSX
    dev_refs = getDevRef(&yContext->hid, &deviceCount);
    if(dev_refs == NULL) {
        return 0;

    // allocate buffer for detected interfaces
    *nbifaceDetect = 0;
    nbifaceAlloc  = 8;
    *ifaces =yMalloc(nbifaceAlloc * sizeof(yInterfaceSt));
    memset(*ifaces, 0 ,nbifaceAlloc * sizeof(yInterfaceSt));
    for(deviceIndex=0 ; deviceIndex < deviceCount ;deviceIndex++){
        u16 vendorid;
        u16 deviceid;
        IOHIDDeviceRef dev = dev_refs[deviceIndex];
        yInterfaceSt    *iface;
        vendorid = get_int_property(dev,CFSTR(kIOHIDVendorIDKey));
        deviceid = get_int_property(dev,CFSTR(kIOHIDProductIDKey));
        //ensure the buffer of detected interface is big enought
        if(*nbifaceDetect == nbifaceAlloc){
            yInterfaceSt    *tmp;
            tmp = (yInterfaceSt*) yMalloc(nbifaceAlloc*2 * sizeof(yInterfaceSt));
            memset(tmp,0,nbifaceAlloc*2 * sizeof(yInterfaceSt));
            yMemcpy(tmp,*ifaces, nbifaceAlloc * sizeof(yInterfaceSt) );
            *ifaces = tmp;
            nbifaceAlloc    *=2;
        iface = *ifaces + *nbifaceDetect;
        //iface->devref   = dev;
        iface->vendorid = vendorid;
        iface->deviceid = deviceid;
        get_txt_property(dev,iface->serial,YOCTO_SERIAL_LEN*2, CFSTR(kIOHIDSerialNumberKey));
        HALENUMLOG("work on interface %d (%x:%x:%s)\n",deviceIndex,vendorid,deviceid,iface->serial);
    return YAPI_SUCCESS;
Пример #4
int parse_mine_defs(xmlNode *node)
	xmlNode *def;
	mine_types * mine_def = NULL;
	char content[100] = "";
	int ok = 1;

	for (def = node->children; def; def = def->next)
		if (def->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
			if (xmlStrcasecmp (def->name, (xmlChar*)"mine") == 0)
				if (num_mine_defs >= MAX_MINE_DEFS)
					LOG_ERROR("%s: Maximum mine types reached: %d", mines_config_error, MAX_MINE_DEFS);
					ok = 0;
				mine_def = &mine_defs[num_mine_defs++];
				mine_def->id = get_int_property(def, "id");
				get_string_value(content, sizeof(content), def);				
				safe_strncpy(mine_def->file, content, sizeof(mine_def->file));
				LOG_ERROR("%s: Unknown element found: %s", mines_config_error, def->name);
				ok = 0;
		else if (def->type == XML_ENTITY_REF_NODE)
			ok &= parse_mine_defs (def->children);

	return ok;
Пример #5
static int32_t get_location_id(IOHIDDeviceRef device)
	return get_int_property(device, CFSTR(kIOHIDLocationIDKey));
Пример #6
int UCTAgent::get_virtual_rollouts(){
	return get_int_property("virtual_rollouts");
Пример #7
static int host_size_cells(void)
    return get_int_property(find_dev("/"), "#size-cells", NULL);
Пример #8
struct hid_device_info  HID_API_EXPORT *hid_enumerate(unsigned short vendor_id, unsigned short product_id)
	struct hid_device_info *root = NULL; /* return object */
	struct hid_device_info *cur_dev = NULL;
	CFIndex num_devices;
	int i;

	/* Set up the HID Manager if it hasn't been done */
	if (hid_init() < 0)
		return NULL;

	/* give the IOHIDManager a chance to update itself */

	/* Get a list of the Devices */
	IOHIDManagerSetDeviceMatching(hid_mgr, NULL);
	CFSetRef device_set = IOHIDManagerCopyDevices(hid_mgr);

	/* Convert the list into a C array so we can iterate easily. */
	num_devices = CFSetGetCount(device_set);
	IOHIDDeviceRef *device_array = calloc(num_devices, sizeof(IOHIDDeviceRef));
	CFSetGetValues(device_set, (const void **) device_array);

	/* Iterate over each device, making an entry for it. */
	for (i = 0; i < num_devices; i++) {
		unsigned short dev_vid;
		unsigned short dev_pid;
		#define BUF_LEN 256
		wchar_t buf[BUF_LEN];

		IOHIDDeviceRef dev = device_array[i];

        if (!dev) {
		dev_vid = get_vendor_id(dev);
		dev_pid = get_product_id(dev);

		/* Check the VID/PID against the arguments */
		if ((vendor_id == 0x0 || vendor_id == dev_vid) &&
		    (product_id == 0x0 || product_id == dev_pid)) {
			struct hid_device_info *tmp;
			io_object_t iokit_dev;
			kern_return_t res;
			io_string_t path;

			/* VID/PID match. Create the record. */
			tmp = malloc(sizeof(struct hid_device_info));
			if (cur_dev) {
				cur_dev->next = tmp;
			else {
				root = tmp;
			cur_dev = tmp;

			/* Get the Usage Page and Usage for this device. */
			cur_dev->usage_page = get_int_property(dev, CFSTR(kIOHIDPrimaryUsagePageKey));
			cur_dev->usage = get_int_property(dev, CFSTR(kIOHIDPrimaryUsageKey));

			/* Fill out the record */
			cur_dev->next = NULL;

			/* Fill in the path (IOService plane) */
			iokit_dev = hidapi_IOHIDDeviceGetService(dev);
			res = IORegistryEntryGetPath(iokit_dev, kIOServicePlane, path);
			if (res == KERN_SUCCESS)
				cur_dev->path = strdup(path);
				cur_dev->path = strdup("");

			/* Serial Number */
			get_serial_number(dev, buf, BUF_LEN);
			cur_dev->serial_number = dup_wcs(buf);

			/* Manufacturer and Product strings */
			get_manufacturer_string(dev, buf, BUF_LEN);
			cur_dev->manufacturer_string = dup_wcs(buf);
			get_product_string(dev, buf, BUF_LEN);
			cur_dev->product_string = dup_wcs(buf);

			/* VID/PID */
			cur_dev->vendor_id = dev_vid;
			cur_dev->product_id = dev_pid;

			/* Release Number */
			cur_dev->release_number = get_int_property(dev, CFSTR(kIOHIDVersionNumberKey));

			/* Interface Number (Unsupported on Mac)*/
			cur_dev->interface_number = -1;


	return root;
Пример #9
int InventoryItem_GetProperty(ScriptInvItem *scii, const char *property) {
    return get_int_property (game.invProps[scii->id], play.invProps[scii->id], property);
Пример #10
static int host_address_cells(void)
    return get_int_property(find_dev("/"), "#address-cells", NULL);
Пример #11
static int32_t get_max_report_length(IOHIDDeviceRef device)
	return get_int_property(device, CFSTR(kIOHIDMaxInputReportSizeKey));
Пример #12
int yUSBGetInterfaces(yInterfaceSt **ifaces,int *nbifaceDetect,char *errmsg)
    int             nbifaceAlloc;
    int             deviceIndex;
    CFSetRef        deviceCFSetRef;
    CFIndex         deviceCount;
    IOHIDDeviceRef  *dev_refs;
    // allocate buffer for detected interfaces
    *nbifaceDetect = 0;
    nbifaceAlloc  = 8;
    *ifaces =yMalloc(nbifaceAlloc * sizeof(yInterfaceSt));
    memset(*ifaces, 0 ,nbifaceAlloc * sizeof(yInterfaceSt));
    deviceCFSetRef = IOHIDManagerCopyDevices( yContext->hidM );
    if(deviceCFSetRef== NULL){
        //no device found
        return 0;
    // how many devices in the set?
    deviceCount = CFSetGetCount( deviceCFSetRef ); 
    HALLOG("%ld usb interfaces detected\n",deviceCount);
    dev_refs = yMalloc( sizeof(IOHIDDeviceRef) * (u32)deviceCount );
    // now extract the device ref's from the set
    CFSetGetValues( deviceCFSetRef, (const void **) dev_refs );
    for(deviceIndex=0 ; deviceIndex < deviceCount ;deviceIndex++){
        u16 vendorid;
        u16 deviceid;
        IOHIDDeviceRef dev = dev_refs[deviceIndex];
        yInterfaceSt    *iface;
        vendorid = get_int_property(dev,CFSTR(kIOHIDVendorIDKey));
        deviceid = get_int_property(dev,CFSTR(kIOHIDProductIDKey));
        //ensure the buffer of detected interface is big enought
        if(*nbifaceDetect == nbifaceAlloc){
            yInterfaceSt    *tmp;
            tmp = (yInterfaceSt*) yMalloc(nbifaceAlloc*2 * sizeof(yInterfaceSt));
            memset(tmp,0,nbifaceAlloc*2 * sizeof(yInterfaceSt));
            yMemcpy(tmp,*ifaces, nbifaceAlloc * sizeof(yInterfaceSt) );
            *ifaces = tmp;
            nbifaceAlloc    *=2;
        iface = *ifaces + *nbifaceDetect;
        iface->devref   = dev;
        iface->vendorid = vendorid;
        iface->deviceid = deviceid;
        get_txt_property(dev,iface->serial,YOCTO_SERIAL_LEN*2, CFSTR(kIOHIDSerialNumberKey));
        HALLOG("work on interface %d (%x:%x:%s)\n",deviceIndex,vendorid,deviceid,iface->serial);
    return YAPI_SUCCESS;
Пример #13
static unsigned short get_vendor_id(IOHIDDeviceRef device)
	return get_int_property(device, CFSTR(kIOHIDVendorIDKey));
Пример #14
 * Number of evaluations of the policy
 * */
int UCTAgent::get_num_of_evals(){
	return get_int_property("num_of_evals");
Пример #15
int GetRoomProperty (const char *property) {
    return get_int_property (&thisroom.roomProps, property);
Пример #16
int GetHotspotProperty (int hss, const char *property)
    return get_int_property(thisroom.hsProps[hss], croom->hsProps[hss], property);
Пример #17
int yyySetup(yInterfaceSt *iface,char *errmsg)
    char str[32];
    int i;
    CFIndex deviceCount;
    IOHIDDeviceRef *dev_refs;

    if (yContext->osx_flags & YCTX_OSX_MULTIPLES_HID) {
        if (YISERR(setupHIDManager(yContext, &iface->hid,errmsg))) {
            return YAPI_IO_ERROR;
        // get all device detected by the OSX
        dev_refs = getDevRef(&iface->hid, &deviceCount);
    } else {
        dev_refs = getDevRef(&yContext->hid, &deviceCount);
    if(dev_refs == NULL) {
        return YERRMSG(YAPI_IO_ERROR,"Device disapear before yyySetup");

    for(i=0 ; i < deviceCount ;i++){
        u16 vendorid;
        u16 deviceid;
        IOHIDDeviceRef dev = dev_refs[i];
        vendorid = get_int_property(dev,CFSTR(kIOHIDVendorIDKey));
        deviceid = get_int_property(dev,CFSTR(kIOHIDProductIDKey));
        if (iface->vendorid == vendorid && iface->deviceid == deviceid){
            char serial[YOCTO_SERIAL_LEN * 2];
            memset(serial, 0, YOCTO_SERIAL_LEN * 2);
            get_txt_property(dev,serial,YOCTO_SERIAL_LEN * 2, CFSTR(kIOHIDSerialNumberKey));
            if (YSTRCMP(serial, iface->serial) == 0){
                HALLOG("right Interface detected (%x:%x:%s)\n",vendorid,deviceid,iface->serial);
                iface->devref = dev;
    if (i == deviceCount) {
        return YERRMSG(YAPI_IO_ERROR,"Unable to match device detected");

    IOReturn ret = IOHIDDeviceOpen(iface->devref, kIOHIDOptionsTypeNone);
    if (ret != kIOReturnSuccess) {
        YSPRINTF(str,32,"Unable to open device (0x%x)",ret);
        return YERRMSG(YAPI_IO_ERROR,str);


    /* Create the Run Loop Mode for this device. printing the reference seems to work. */
    sprintf(str, "yocto_%p", iface->devref);
    iface->run_loop_mode = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, str, kCFStringEncodingASCII);
    /* Attach the device to a Run Loop */
    IOHIDDeviceScheduleWithRunLoop(iface->devref, yContext->usb_run_loop, iface->run_loop_mode);
    IOHIDDeviceRegisterInputReportCallback( iface->devref,              // IOHIDDeviceRef for the HID device
                                           (u8*) &iface->tmprxpkt,     // pointer to the report data
                                           USB_PKT_SIZE,               // number of bytes in the report (CFIndex)
                                           &Handle_IOHIDDeviceIOHIDReportCallback,   // the callback routine
                                           iface);                     // context passed to callback

    // save setuped iface pointer in context in order
    // to retreive it durring unplugcallback
    for (i=0; i< SETUPED_IFACE_CACHE_SIZE ; i++) {
            yContext->setupedIfaceCache[i] = iface;
        return YERRMSG(YAPI_IO_ERROR,"Too many setuped USB interfaces");
    iface->flags.yyySetupDone = 1;
    return 0;
Пример #18
static unsigned short get_product_id(IOHIDDeviceRef device)
	return get_int_property(device, CFSTR(kIOHIDProductIDKey));
Пример #19
int UCTAgent::get_policy_code(){
	return get_int_property("policy_code");
Пример #20
struct hid_device_info  HID_API_EXPORT *hid_enumerate(unsigned short vendor_id, unsigned short product_id)
	struct hid_device_info *root = NULL; // return object
	struct hid_device_info *cur_dev = NULL;
	CFIndex num_devices;
	int i;

	/* Set up the HID Manager if it hasn't been done */
	/* Get a list of the Devices */
	CFSetRef device_set = IOHIDManagerCopyDevices(hid_mgr);

	/* Convert the list into a C array so we can iterate easily. */	
	num_devices = CFSetGetCount(device_set);
	IOHIDDeviceRef *device_array = calloc(num_devices, sizeof(IOHIDDeviceRef));
	CFSetGetValues(device_set, (const void **) device_array);

	/* Iterate over each device, making an entry for it. */	
	for (i = 0; i < num_devices; i++) {
		unsigned short dev_vid;
		unsigned short dev_pid;
		#define BUF_LEN 256
		wchar_t buf[BUF_LEN];
		char cbuf[BUF_LEN];

		IOHIDDeviceRef dev = device_array[i];

        if (!dev) {
		dev_vid = get_vendor_id(dev);
		dev_pid = get_product_id(dev);

		/* Check the VID/PID against the arguments */
		if ((vendor_id == 0x0 && product_id == 0x0) ||
		    (vendor_id == dev_vid && product_id == dev_pid)) {
			struct hid_device_info *tmp;
			size_t len;

		    	/* VID/PID match. Create the record. */
			tmp = malloc(sizeof(struct hid_device_info));
			if (cur_dev) {
				cur_dev->next = tmp;
			else {
				root = tmp;
			cur_dev = tmp;

			// Get the Usage Page and Usage for this device.
			cur_dev->usage_page = get_int_property(dev, CFSTR(kIOHIDPrimaryUsagePageKey));
			cur_dev->usage = get_int_property(dev, CFSTR(kIOHIDPrimaryUsageKey));

			/* Fill out the record */
			cur_dev->next = NULL;
			len = make_path(dev, cbuf, sizeof(cbuf));
			cur_dev->path = strdup(cbuf);

			/* Serial Number */
			get_serial_number(dev, buf, BUF_LEN);
			cur_dev->serial_number = dup_wcs(buf);

			/* Manufacturer and Product strings */
			get_manufacturer_string(dev, buf, BUF_LEN);
			cur_dev->manufacturer_string = dup_wcs(buf);
			get_product_string(dev, buf, BUF_LEN);
			cur_dev->product_string = dup_wcs(buf);
			/* VID/PID */
			cur_dev->vendor_id = dev_vid;
			cur_dev->product_id = dev_pid;

			/* Release Number */
			cur_dev->release_number = get_int_property(dev, CFSTR(kIOHIDVersionNumberKey));

			/* Interface Number (Unsupported on Mac)*/
			cur_dev->interface_number = -1;
	return root;
Пример #21
void setup_romvec(void)
	/* SPARC32 is slightly unusual in that before invoking any loaders, a romvec array
	   needs to be set up to pass certain parameters using a C struct. Hence this function
	   extracts the relevant boot information and places it in obp_arg. */

	int intprop, proplen, target, device, i;
	unsigned int *intprop_ptr;
	phandle_t chosen;
	char *prop, *id, *name;
	static char bootpathbuf[128], bootargsbuf[128], buf[128];
	struct linux_mlist_v0 **pp;

	/* Get the stdin and stdout paths */
	chosen = find_dev("/chosen");
	intprop = get_int_property(chosen, "stdin", &proplen);
	((struct linux_romvec *)romvec)->pv_stdin = pop_fstr_copy();

	intprop = get_int_property(chosen, "stdout", &proplen);
	((struct linux_romvec *)romvec)->pv_stdout = pop_fstr_copy();

	/* Get the name of the selected boot device, along with the device and unit number */
	prop = get_property(chosen, "bootpath", &proplen);
	strncpy(bootpathbuf, prop, proplen);
	prop = get_property(chosen, "bootargs", &proplen);
	strncpy(bootargsbuf, prop, proplen);	

	/* Set bootpath pointer used in romvec table to the bootpath */
        bootpath = pop_fstr_copy();
        printk("bootpath: %s\n", bootpath);

	/* Now do some work to get hold of the target, partition etc. */
	feval("ihandle>boot-device-handle drop to my-self");
	name = pop_fstr_copy();

        if (!strncmp(name, "sd", 2)) {

		  Old-style SunOS disk paths are given in the form:


		    c = controller (Nth controller in system, usually 0)
		    t = target (my-unit phys.hi)
		    d = device/LUN (my-unit phys.lo)
		    s = slice/partition (my-args)

		/* Controller currently always 0 */
		obp_arg.boot_dev_ctrl = 0;

		/* Get the target, device and slice */
		target = POP();
		device = POP();

		id = pop_fstr_copy();

		if (id != NULL) {
			snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "sd(0,%d,%d):%c", target, device, id[0]);
			obp_arg.dev_partition = id[0] - 'a';
		} else {
			snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "sd(0,%d,%d)", target, device);
			obp_arg.dev_partition = 0;

		obp_arg.boot_dev_unit = target;

		obp_arg.boot_dev[0] = buf[0];
		obp_arg.boot_dev[1] = buf[1];
		obp_arg.argv[0] = buf;
        	obp_arg.argv[1] = bootargsbuf;

        } else if (!strncmp(name, "SUNW,fdtwo", 10)) {
		obp_arg.boot_dev_ctrl = 0;
		obp_arg.boot_dev_unit = 0;
		obp_arg.dev_partition = 0;

		strcpy(buf, "fd()");

		obp_arg.boot_dev[0] = buf[0];
		obp_arg.boot_dev[1] = buf[1];
		obp_arg.argv[0] = buf;
        	obp_arg.argv[1] = bootargsbuf;

        } else if (!strncmp(name, "le", 2)) {

		obp_arg.boot_dev_ctrl = 0;
		obp_arg.boot_dev_unit = 0;
		obp_arg.dev_partition = 0;

		strcpy(buf, "le()");

		obp_arg.boot_dev[0] = buf[0];
		obp_arg.boot_dev[1] = buf[1];
		obp_arg.argv[0] = buf;
        	obp_arg.argv[1] = bootargsbuf;


	/* Generate the totphys (total memory available) list */
	prop = get_property(s_phandle_memory, "reg", &proplen);
	intprop_ptr = (unsigned int *)prop;

	for (pp = &totphyslist, i = 0; i < (proplen / sizeof(int)); pp = &(**pp).theres_more, i+=3) {
		*pp = (struct linux_mlist_v0 *)malloc(sizeof(struct linux_mlist_v0));
		(**pp).theres_more = NULL;
		(**pp).start_adr = (char *)intprop_ptr[1];
		(**pp).num_bytes = intprop_ptr[2];

		intprop_ptr += 3;

	/* Generate the avail (physical memory available) list */
	prop = get_property(s_phandle_memory, "available", &proplen);
	intprop_ptr = (unsigned int *)prop;

	for (pp = &availlist, i = 0; i < (proplen / sizeof(int)); pp = &(**pp).theres_more, i+=3) {
		*pp = (struct linux_mlist_v0 *)malloc(sizeof(struct linux_mlist_v0));
		(**pp).theres_more = NULL;
		(**pp).start_adr = (char *)intprop_ptr[1];
		(**pp).num_bytes = intprop_ptr[2];

		intprop_ptr += 3;

	/* Generate the prommap (taken virtual memory) list from inverse of available */
	prop = get_property(s_phandle_mmu, "available", &proplen);
	intprop_ptr = (unsigned int *)prop;

	for (pp = &prommaplist, i = 0; i < (proplen / sizeof(int)); pp = &(**pp).theres_more, i+=3) {
		*pp = (struct linux_mlist_v0 *)malloc(sizeof(struct linux_mlist_v0));
		(**pp).theres_more = NULL;
		(**pp).start_adr = (char *)(intprop_ptr[1] + intprop_ptr[2]);

		if (i + 3 < (proplen / sizeof(int))) {
			/* Size from next entry */
			(**pp).num_bytes = (intprop_ptr[4] + intprop_ptr[5]) - (intprop_ptr[1] + intprop_ptr[2]);
		} else {
			/* Tail (size from top of virtual memory) */
			(**pp).num_bytes = ofmem_arch_get_virt_top() - 1 - (intprop_ptr[1] + intprop_ptr[2]) + 1;

		intprop_ptr += 3;

	/* Finally set the memory properties */
	((struct linux_romvec *)romvec)->pv_v0mem.v0_totphys = &totphyslist;
	((struct linux_romvec *)romvec)->pv_v0mem.v0_available = &availlist;
	((struct linux_romvec *)romvec)->pv_v0mem.v0_prommap = &prommaplist;