Пример #1
void do_auth_dialog( struct session *ses, void *data )
  int edx;
  struct dialog *dlg;
  struct dialog_data *dlg_data;
  struct terminal *term = ses->tab->term;
  struct auth_entry *a;
  unsigned char sticker[1024], *text;
  int sticker_len;
  if ( get_invalid_auth_entry(  ) && !( ( *(char*)(get_invalid_auth_entry(  ) + 112) & 1 ) & 255 ) && get_uri_string( &a->uri->user[0], URI_HTTP_AUTH ) )
    dlg = &a->realm[0];
    if ( 0 != 65 )
      if ( term[0] && current_charset != get_terminal_codepage( &term[0] ) )
        bind_textdomain_codeset( "elinks", get_cp_mime_name( get_terminal_codepage( &term[0] ) ) );
        *ebp_1076 = text[0];
        current_charset = get_terminal_codepage( &term[0] );
      gettext( "Authentication required for %s at %s" );
      text[0] = text[0];
    sticker_len = __snprintf_chk( sticker, 1024, 1, 1024, (char*)gettext( "Authentication required for %s at %s" ), dlg, text[0] );
    mem_free( &text[0] );
    if ( sticker_len <= 1024 )
      dlg = (struct dialog*)mem_calloc( 1, sticker_len + 277 );
      if ( dlg )
        a->bits_at_112/*.1_1of4*/ |= 1;
        dlg->layouter = &generic_dialog_layouter;
        dlg[0].title = _( "Authentication required", &term[0] );
        text[0] = dlg[3].abort;
        memcpy( dlg[3].abort, sticker, sticker_len );
        dlg->udata = (void*)ses[0].next;
        dlg->udata2 = (void*)a[0].next;
        add_dlg_text( dlg, (unsigned char*)dlg[3].abort, ALIGN_LEFT, 0 );
        add_dlg_field_do( dlg, WIDGET_FIELD, _( "Login", &term[0] ), 0, 0, 0, 40, &a->user[0], 0, INPFIELD_FLOAT );
        add_dlg_field_do( dlg, WIDGET_FIELD_PASS, _( "Password", &term[0] ), 0, 0, 0, 40, &a->password[0], 0, INPFIELD_FLOAT );
        add_dlg_button_do( dlg, _( "~OK", &term[0] ), 1, &ok_dialog, 0, &auth_ok, (void*)dlg );
        add_dlg_button_do( dlg, _( "~Cancel", &term[0] ), 2, &ok_dialog, 0, &auth_cancel, (void*)a[0].next );
        if ( assert_failed == 0 )
          assert_failed = dlg->number_of_widgets != 5;
          if ( dlg->number_of_widgets != 5 )
            errfile = "/home/naftali/source/elinks-0.12~pre5/src/protocol/auth/dialogs.c";
            errline = 118;
            elinks_internal( "assertion 5 == (dlg)-&gt;number_of_widgets failed!" );
        if ( dlg_data[0] && a->user[0] && a->password[0] == 0 )
          select_widget_by_id( &dlg_data[0], 1 );
  if ( 0 ^ 0 )
    __stack_chk_fail(  );
Пример #2
/* TODO: Take auth_entry from data. --jonas */
do_auth_dialog(struct session *ses, void *data)
	/* [gettext_accelerator_context(do_auth_dialog)] */
	struct dialog *dlg;
	struct dialog_data *dlg_data;
	struct terminal *term = ses->tab->term;
	struct auth_entry *a = get_invalid_auth_entry();
	unsigned char sticker[MAX_STR_LEN], *text;
	int sticker_len;

	if (!a || a->blocked) return;

	text = get_uri_string(a->uri, URI_HTTP_AUTH);
	if (!text) return;

		unsigned char *user = get_form_history_value(text, (unsigned char *)"user");
		unsigned char *password = get_form_history_value(text, (unsigned char *)"password");

		if (user) {
			strncpy((char *)a->user, (const char *)user, AUTH_USER_MAXLEN - 1);
		if (password) {
			strncpy((char *)a->password, (const char *)password, AUTH_PASSWORD_MAXLEN - 1);

	sticker_len = snprintf((char *)sticker, sizeof(sticker),
			       (const char *)_("Authentication required for %s at %s", term),
			       a->realm, text);
	if (sticker_len < 0 || sticker_len > MAX_STR_LEN) return;

	/* + 1 to leave room for the '\0'. */
	dlg = calloc_dialog(AUTH_WIDGETS_COUNT, sticker_len + 1);
	if (!dlg) return;

	a->blocked = 1;

	/* This function is used for at least HTTP and FTP, so don't
	 * name the protocol here.  Consider also what an FTP server
	 * behind an HTTP proxy should be called.  */
	dlg->title = _("Authentication required", term);
	dlg->layouter = generic_dialog_layouter;

	text = get_dialog_offset(dlg, AUTH_WIDGETS_COUNT);
	memcpy(text, sticker, sticker_len); /* calloc_dialog has stored '\0' */

	dlg->udata = (void *) ses;
	dlg->udata2 = a;

	add_dlg_text(dlg, text, ALIGN_LEFT, 0);
	add_dlg_field_float(dlg, _("Login", term), 0, 0, NULL, AUTH_USER_MAXLEN, a->user, NULL);
	add_dlg_field_float_pass(dlg, _("Password", term), 0, 0, NULL, AUTH_PASSWORD_MAXLEN, a->password);

	add_dlg_ok_button(dlg, _("~OK", term), B_ENTER, auth_ok, dlg);
	add_dlg_ok_button(dlg, _("~Cancel", term), B_ESC, auth_cancel, a);

	add_dlg_end(dlg, AUTH_WIDGETS_COUNT);

	dlg_data = do_dialog(term, dlg, getml(dlg, (void *) NULL));
	/* When there's some username, but no password, automagically jump to
	 * the password. */
	if (dlg_data && a->user[0] && !a->password[0])
		select_widget_by_id(dlg_data, 1);