Пример #1
static ir_entity *intern_new_entity(ir_type *owner, ir_entity_kind kind,
                                    ident *name, ir_type *type, dbg_info *dbgi)
	assert(owner != NULL);

	ir_entity *res = XMALLOCZ(ir_entity);
	res->kind    = k_entity;
	res->name    = name;
	res->ld_name = NULL;
	res->type    = type;
	res->owner   = owner;

	res->entity_kind          = kind;
	res->volatility           = volatility_non_volatile;
	res->aligned              = align_is_aligned;
	res->usage                = ir_usage_unknown;
	res->compiler_gen         = 0;
	res->visibility           = ir_visibility_external;
	res->offset               = -1;
	res->offset_bit_remainder = 0;
	res->alignment            = 0;
	res->link                 = NULL;
#ifdef DEBUG_libfirm
	res->nr = get_irp_new_node_nr();

	/* Remember entity in its owner. */
	if (is_compound_type(owner))
		add_compound_member(owner, res);

	res->visit = 0;
	set_entity_dbg_info(res, dbgi);

	return res;
Пример #2
static ir_graph *new_r_ir_graph(ir_entity *ent, int n_loc)
	ir_graph *const res = alloc_graph();

	/* Inform statistics here, as blocks will be already built on this graph. */
	hook_new_graph(res, ent);

	/* graphs are in construction mode by default */
	add_irg_constraints(res, IR_GRAPH_CONSTRAINT_CONSTRUCTION);
	irg_set_nloc(res, n_loc);

	res->irg_pinned_state  = op_pin_state_pinned;
	res->callee_info_state = irg_callee_info_none;
	res->mem_disambig_opt  = aa_opt_inherited;

	/*-- Type information for the procedure of the graph --*/
	res->ent = ent;
	if (ent)
		set_entity_irg(ent, res);

	/*--  a class type so that it can contain "inner" methods as in Pascal. --*/
	res->frame_type = new_type_frame();

	/* the Anchor node must be created first */
	res->anchor = new_r_Anchor(res);

	/*-- Nodes needed in every graph --*/
	set_irg_end_block(res, new_r_immBlock(res));
	set_irg_end(res, new_r_End(res, 0, NULL));

	ir_node *const start_block = new_r_Block_noopt(res, 0, NULL);
	set_irg_start_block(res, start_block);
	set_irg_no_mem(res, new_r_NoMem(res));

	res->index = get_irp_new_irg_idx();
#ifdef DEBUG_libfirm
	res->graph_nr = get_irp_new_node_nr();

	set_r_cur_block(res, start_block);

	return res;
Пример #3
 * Creates a deep copy of an entity.
static ir_entity *deep_entity_copy(ir_entity *old)
	ir_entity *newe = XMALLOC(ir_entity);

	*newe = *old;
	if (old->initializer != NULL) {
		/* FIXME: the initializers are NOT copied */
	} else if (is_method_entity(old)) {
		/* do NOT copy them, reanalyze. This might be the best solution */
		newe->attr.mtd_attr.param_access = NULL;
		newe->attr.mtd_attr.param_weight = NULL;
	newe->overwrites    = NULL;
	newe->overwrittenby = NULL;

#ifdef DEBUG_libfirm
	newe->nr = get_irp_new_node_nr();
	return newe;
Пример #4
 *   Creates a new type representation:
 *   @param type_op  the kind of this type.  May not be type_id.
 *   @param mode     the mode to be used for this type, may be NULL
 *   @param db       debug info
 *   @return A new type of the given type.  The remaining private attributes are
 *           not initialized.  The type is in state layout_undefined.
static ir_type *new_type(tp_op const *type_op, ir_mode *mode, type_dbg_info *db)
	size_t   const node_size = offsetof(ir_type, attr) +  type_op->attr_size;
	ir_type *const res       = (ir_type*)xmalloc(node_size);
	memset(res, 0, node_size);

	res->kind       = k_type;
	res->type_op    = type_op;
	res->mode       = mode;
	res->visibility = ir_visibility_external;
	res->flags      = tf_none;
	res->size       = 0;
	res->align      = 0;
	res->visit      = 0;
	res->link       = NULL;
	res->dbi        = db;
#ifdef DEBUG_libfirm
	res->nr         = get_irp_new_node_nr();
#endif /* defined DEBUG_libfirm */

	add_irp_type(res);   /* Remember the new type global. */

	return res;