Пример #1
/// get_next_nav_cmd - gets next "navigation" command found at or after start_index
///     returns true if found, false if not found (i.e. reached end of mission command list)
///     accounts for do_jump commands but never increments the jump's num_times_run (advance_current_nav_cmd is responsible for this)
bool AP_Mission::get_next_nav_cmd(uint16_t start_index, Mission_Command& cmd)
    uint16_t cmd_index = start_index;
    Mission_Command temp_cmd;

    // search until the end of the mission command list
    while(cmd_index < (unsigned)_cmd_total) {
        // get next command
        if (!get_next_cmd(cmd_index, temp_cmd, false)) {
            // no more commands so return failure
            return false;
            // if found a "navigation" command then return it
            if (is_nav_cmd(temp_cmd)) {
                cmd = temp_cmd;
                return true;
                // move on in list

    // if we got this far we did not find a navigation command
    return false;
Пример #2
/// advance_current_nav_cmd - moves current nav command forward
///     do command will also be loaded
///     accounts for do-jump commands
//      returns true if command is advanced, false if failed (i.e. mission completed)
bool AP_Mission::advance_current_nav_cmd()
    Mission_Command cmd;
    uint16_t cmd_index;

    // exit immediately if we're not running
    if (_flags.state != MISSION_RUNNING) {
        return false;

    // exit immediately if current nav command has not completed
    if (_flags.nav_cmd_loaded) {
        return false;

    // stop the current running do command
    _do_cmd.index = AP_MISSION_CMD_INDEX_NONE;
    _flags.do_cmd_loaded = false;
    _flags.do_cmd_all_done = false;

    // get starting point for search
    cmd_index = _nav_cmd.index;
    if (cmd_index == AP_MISSION_CMD_INDEX_NONE) {
        // start from beginning of the mission command list
        cmd_index = AP_MISSION_FIRST_REAL_COMMAND;
        // start from one position past the current nav command

    // search until we find next nav command or reach end of command list
    while (!_flags.nav_cmd_loaded) {
        // get next command
        if (!get_next_cmd(cmd_index, cmd, true)) {
            return false;

        // check if navigation or "do" command
        if (is_nav_cmd(cmd)) {
            // save previous nav command index
            _prev_nav_cmd_index = _nav_cmd.index;
            // set current navigation command and start it
            _nav_cmd = cmd;
            _flags.nav_cmd_loaded = true;
            // set current do command and start it (if not already set)
            if (!_flags.do_cmd_loaded) {
                _do_cmd = cmd;
                _flags.do_cmd_loaded = true;
        // move onto next command
        cmd_index = cmd.index+1;

    // if we got this far we must have successfully advanced the nav command
    return true;
Пример #3
/* This getch behaves like normal getch, except if we're running a macro, it
 * gets the next key in that macro instead of user input
int Getch(){
  int to_ret = 0;
  if((recording_macro || (to_ret = get_next_cmd()) == 0)){
    while((to_ret = getch()) == ERR);
  return to_ret;
Пример #4
/// get_next_do_cmd - gets next "do" or "conditional" command after start_index
///     returns true if found, false if not found
///     stops and returns false if it hits another navigation command before it finds the first do or conditional command
///     accounts for do_jump commands but never increments the jump's num_times_run (advance_current_nav_cmd is responsible for this)
bool AP_Mission::get_next_do_cmd(uint16_t start_index, Mission_Command& cmd)
    Mission_Command temp_cmd;

    // check we have not passed the end of the mission list
    if (start_index >= (unsigned)_cmd_total) {
        return false;

    // get next command
    if (!get_next_cmd(start_index, temp_cmd, false)) {
        // no more commands so return failure
        return false;
    }else if (is_nav_cmd(temp_cmd)) {
        // if it's a "navigation" command then return false because we do not progress past nav commands
        return false;
        // this must be a "do" or "conditional" and is not a do-jump command so return it
        cmd = temp_cmd;
        return true;
Пример #5
// set_current_cmd - jumps to command specified by index
bool AP_Mission::set_current_cmd(uint16_t index)
    Mission_Command cmd;

    // sanity check index and that we have a mission
    if (index >= (unsigned)_cmd_total || _cmd_total == 1) {
        return false;

    // stop the current running do command
    _do_cmd.index = AP_MISSION_CMD_INDEX_NONE;
    _flags.do_cmd_loaded = false;
    _flags.do_cmd_all_done = false;

    // stop current nav cmd
    _flags.nav_cmd_loaded = false;

    // if index is zero then the user wants to completely restart the mission
    if (index == 0 || _flags.state == MISSION_COMPLETE) {
        _prev_nav_cmd_index = AP_MISSION_CMD_INDEX_NONE;
        // reset the jump tracking to zero
        if (index == 0) {
            index = 1;

    // if the mission is stopped or completed move the nav_cmd index to the specified point and set the state to stopped
    // so that if the user resumes the mission it will begin at the specified index
    if (_flags.state != MISSION_RUNNING) {
        // search until we find next nav command or reach end of command list
        while (!_flags.nav_cmd_loaded) {
            // get next command
            if (!get_next_cmd(index, cmd, true)) {
                _nav_cmd.index = AP_MISSION_CMD_INDEX_NONE;
                return false;

            // check if navigation or "do" command
            if (is_nav_cmd(cmd)) {
                // set current navigation command
                _nav_cmd = cmd;
                _flags.nav_cmd_loaded = true;
                // set current do command
                if (!_flags.do_cmd_loaded) {
                    _do_cmd = cmd;
                    _flags.do_cmd_loaded = true;
            // move onto next command
            index = cmd.index+1;

        // if we got this far then the mission can safely be "resumed" from the specified index so we set the state to "stopped"
        _flags.state = MISSION_STOPPED;
        return true;

    // the state must be MISSION_RUNNING
    // search until we find next nav command or reach end of command list
    while (!_flags.nav_cmd_loaded) {
        // get next command
        if (!get_next_cmd(index, cmd, true)) {
            // if we run out of nav commands mark mission as complete
            // return true because we did what was requested
            // which was apparently to jump to a command at the end of the mission
            return true;

        // check if navigation or "do" command
        if (is_nav_cmd(cmd)) {
            // save previous nav command index
            _prev_nav_cmd_index = _nav_cmd.index;
            // set current navigation command and start it
            _nav_cmd = cmd;
            _flags.nav_cmd_loaded = true;
            // set current do command and start it (if not already set)
            if (!_flags.do_cmd_loaded) {
                _do_cmd = cmd;
                _flags.do_cmd_loaded = true;
        // move onto next command
        index = cmd.index+1;

    // if we got this far we must have successfully advanced the nav command
    return true;
Пример #6
gboolean get_next_command(gpointer data) {
    return TRUE;
Пример #7
void readline(shell_struct *shell)
	int i;
	int end = 0; /*stoppe la saisie lorsqu'il vaut 1*/
	int cur_col = 0; /*dans le terminal, indique la position du pointeur*/
	struct winsize ws;
	int colonnes = ws.ws_col;

	cur_col = shellPrompt(0);

	struct termios oldt;
	if (tcgetattr(0, &oldt) != 0) {
		perror("Erreur tcget");
	struct termios newt = oldt;
	/* On change la structure termios default, on ajout un retour chariot a chaque newline detecté */
	//newt.c_oflag |= (ONLCR | OPOST);
	if (tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &newt) != 0) {
		perror("Erreur tcset");

	char *com_hist;
	int count = 0;/*sauvegarde le nombre de char dans le buffer*/
	int pos = 0;/*position du curseur dans le buffer buf*/

	/*variables pour la tabulation*/
	struct tab tabu;

	shell->buf[count] = '\0';

	do {
		int t, m;
		int c = getbigchar();
		switch (c) {
		case 1: /*C^a*/
			while (pos > 0) {
		case 3: /*C^c*/
			shell->buf[0] = '\0';
		case 4: /*C^D*/
			shell->end_b = 1;
			end = 1;
			shell->buf[0] = '\n';
		case 5: /*C^e*/
			while (pos != count) {
		case 9:/*TAB autocompletion */
			tabu.tab = 1;
			/*tab est pressé pour la première fois*/
			if (tabu.noccur == 0){
				/*on récupère le dernier mot*/
				tabu.lw = lastword(shell->buf, &(shell->buf[pos]), &(tabu.after_com), ' ');
				/*on sauvegarde la position*/
				tabu.save_pos = pos - strlen(tabu.lw);
			/*on efface*/
			while( pos > tabu.save_pos){
				del_char(&pos, &cur_col, colonnes, &count, shell);
			tabu.suggest = look_up_command(tabu.lw, tabu.noccur, tabu.after_com);
			if (!strncmp(tabu.suggest, "",1)){
				tabu.noccur = 1;
				tabu.suggest = tabu.lw; /*on reprend le mot de base*/
			/*on insère*/
			i = 0;
			while (tabu.suggest[i] != '\0') {
				insert_char(&pos, &cur_col, colonnes, &count, shell, tabu.suggest[i]);
		case 11:/*^Ck*/
			strncpy(shell->save_buf, &shell->buf[pos], count - pos);
			shell->save_buf[(count + 1) - pos] = '\0';
			while(pos != count) {
		case 13:/*Enter*/
			end = 1;
			while (pos != count) {
			strncmp(shell->buf, "\0", 1) ? insert_new_cmd(shell->buf) : 0;
			shell->buf[pos] = '\0';
		case 25:/*C^y*/
			i = 0;
			while (shell->save_buf[i] != '\0') {
				insert_char(&pos, &cur_col, colonnes, &count, shell, shell->save_buf[i]);
		case 2: /*C^b*/
		case KLEFT:
			move_left(&pos, &cur_col, colonnes);
		case 6:/*C^f*/
		case KRIGHT:
			move_right(&pos, &cur_col, colonnes, count);
		case KUP:/*historique -*/
			if (!is_empty_hist()){
				cur_col = shellPrompt(0);
				com_hist = get_prev_cmd();
				printf("%s", com_hist);
				strncpy(shell->buf, com_hist, strlen(com_hist) + 1);
				cur_col += strlen(com_hist);
				count = strlen(com_hist);
				pos = count;
		case KDOWN:/*historique +*/
			if (!is_empty_hist()){
				cur_col = shellPrompt(0);
				com_hist = get_next_cmd();
				printf("%s", com_hist);
				strncpy(shell->buf, com_hist, strlen(com_hist) + 1);
				cur_col += strlen(com_hist);
				count = strlen(com_hist);
				pos = count;
		case KDEL: /* Touche suppr */
		case 127: /* Touche retour (del) */
			tabu.noccur = 0;
			if (pos == 0) {
			if (pos < count) {
				for (i = pos - 1; i < count; i++) {
					shell->buf[i] = shell->buf[i + 1];
			} else {
				shell->buf[pos - 1] = '\0';
			if (cur_col > 0) {
			} else {
				printf("\033[A\033[%dC", colonnes - 1);
				cur_col = colonnes - 1;
			printf("%s ", &shell->buf[pos]);

			t = count - pos + 1;
			m = (t + cur_col - 1) / colonnes;
			if (m > 0) {
				printf("\033[%dA", m);

			t -= m * colonnes;
			if (t > 0) {
				printf("\033[%dD", t);
			} else if (t < 0) {
				printf("\033[%dC", -t);

			if (tabu.tab){
				tabu.noccur = 0;
			insert_char(&pos, &cur_col, colonnes, &count, shell, c);
	} while (!end);

	if (tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &oldt) != 0) {
		perror("erreur tcset");