Пример #1
bool MouseAwareTreeView::queueDrawIfNeccesary(int32_t x, int32_t y, Glib::ustring* pPath)
    Gtk::TreeModel::Path mousePath;
    Gtk::TreeViewColumn* pColumn;
    Gdk::Rectangle rect;

    convert_bin_window_to_widget_coords (x, y, m_MouseInfo.x, m_MouseInfo.y);

    if (get_path_at_pos(x, y, mousePath, pColumn, x, y))
        int32_t offsetX, offsetY;
        convert_bin_window_to_widget_coords(0, 0, offsetX, offsetY);

        m_MouseInfo.x -= offsetX;
        m_MouseInfo.y -= offsetY;

        get_cell_area(mousePath, *pColumn, rect);
        queue_draw_area(rect.get_x() + offsetX, rect.get_y() + offsetY, rect.get_width(), rect.get_height());
        if (rect.get_y() != m_CurrentCell)
            m_CurrentCell = rect.get_y();
            m_CellChanged = true;

        if (pPath)
            *pPath = mousePath.to_string();
        return true;

    return false;
Пример #2
void NaviHier::on_drag_begin(const Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::DragContext>& context)

    // Set source row. On the base GtkTreeView code it is done in gtk_tree_view_maybe_begin_dragging_row()
    // But this is not working for some reason. So fix it by implementing of setting source row here. 
    Gtk::TreeModel::Path path;
    Gtk::TreeViewColumn* col = NULL;
    GtkTreeView *tree_view = Gtk::TreeView::gobj();
    int cell_x, cell_y;

    bool row_exists = get_path_at_pos (iPressX, iPressY, path, col, cell_x, cell_y);
    Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::TreeModel> model = get_model();
    if (row_exists) {
	set_source_row(context, model, path);