Пример #1
static int __init hd_board_init(void)
        if(check_hd_param() < 0)
                return -EINVAL;

        rk_headset_info.Headset_gpio = get_port_config(hd_io).gpio;
        rk_headset_info.Hook_gpio = get_port_config(hk_io).gpio;
        return 0;
Пример #2
static int __init sc_board_init(void)
        if(check_sc_param() < 0)
                return -EINVAL;
        rk29_sc6610_info.bp_power = get_port_config(bp_pwr).gpio;
        rk29_sc6610_info.bp_reset = get_port_config(bp_rst).gpio;
        rk29_sc6610_info.bp_wakeup_ap = get_port_config(bp_wk_ap).gpio;
        rk29_sc6610_info.ap_wakeup_bp = get_port_config(ap_wk_bp).gpio;
        rk29_sc6610_info.modem_assert = get_port_config(mdm_asst).gpio;

        return 0;
Пример #3
int port_get_value(unsigned int value)
        struct port_config port;

        port = get_port_config(value);
        return gpio_get_value(port.gpio);
Пример #4
void port_deinit(unsigned int value)
        struct port_config port;

        port = get_port_config(value);
Пример #5
void port_output_off(unsigned int value)
        struct port_config port;

        port = get_port_config(value);
        gpio_set_value(port.gpio, !!port.io.active_low);
Пример #6
static int __init mdm_sound_board_init(void)
        struct port_config port;
        if(check_mdm_sound_param() < 0)
                return -EINVAL;
        port = get_port_config(spkctl_io);
        modem_sound_info.spkctl_io = port.gpio;
        modem_sound_info.spkctl_active = !port.io.active_low;
        return 0;
Пример #7
static int ct36x_add_client(void)
	int i;
	struct port_config ct36x_rst, ct36x_irq;

	ct36x_pdata.model = model;
	ct36x_pdata.x_max = x_max;
	ct36x_pdata.y_max = y_max;

	for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)
		ct36x_pdata.orientation = orientation[i];
	ct36x_rst = get_port_config(rst);
	ct36x_pdata.rst_io.gpio = ct36x_rst.gpio;
	ct36x_pdata.rst_io.active_low = ct36x_rst.io.active_low;

	ct36x_irq = get_port_config(irq);
	ct36x_pdata.irq_io.gpio = ct36x_rst.gpio;
	ct36x_pdata.irq_io.active_low = ct36x_rst.io.active_low;
	ct36x_info.addr = addr;

	return i2c_add_device(i2c, &ct36x_info);
Пример #8
int port_input_init(unsigned int value, char *name)
        int ret = 0;
        struct port_config port;

        port = get_port_config(value);
        ret = gpio_request(port.gpio, name);
        if(ret < 0)
                return ret;
        if(port.io.pull_mode == PULL_MODE_DISABLE)
                gpio_pull_updown(port.gpio, 0);
        if(port.io.pull_mode == PULL_MODE_ENABLE)
                gpio_pull_updown(port.gpio, 1);

        return 0;
Пример #9
static int tp_hw_init(void)
        int ret = 0;

        ret = gpio_request(get_port_config(irq).gpio, "tp_irq");
        if(ret < 0){
                printk("%s: gpio_request(irq gpio) failed\n", __func__);
                return ret;

        ret = port_output_init(rst, 0, "tp_rst");
        if(ret < 0){
                printk("%s: port(rst) output init faild\n", __func__);
                return ret;

         return 0;
Пример #10
static int wm831x_pre_init(struct wm831x *parm)
	int ret;
	Wm831x = parm;
	printk("%s\n", __func__);

	if(sram_gpio_init(get_port_config(pmic_slp).gpio, &pmic_sleep) < 0){
		printk(KERN_ERR "sram_gpio_init failed\n");
		return -EINVAL;
	if(port_output_init(pmic_slp, 0, "pmic_slp") < 0){
		printk(KERN_ERR "port_output_init failed\n");
		return -EINVAL;
	if(sram_gpio_init(PMU_POWER_SLEEP, &pmic_sleep) < 0){
		printk(KERN_ERR "sram_gpio_init failed\n");
		return -EINVAL;

	gpio_request(PMU_POWER_SLEEP, "NULL");
	gpio_direction_output(PMU_POWER_SLEEP, GPIO_LOW);

	wm831x_set_bits(parm,WM831X_SYSVDD_CONTROL ,0xc077,0xc035);	  //pvdd power on dect vbat voltage
	printk("+++The vbat is too low+++\n");	
	ret = wm831x_reg_read(parm, WM831X_POWER_STATE) & 0xffff;
	wm831x_reg_write(parm, WM831X_POWER_STATE, (ret & 0xfff8) | 0x04);

	wm831x_set_bits(parm, WM831X_RTC_CONTROL, WM831X_RTC_ALAM_ENA_MASK, 0x0400);//enable rtc alam
	wm831x_reg_write(parm, WM831X_SECURITY_KEY, 0x9716);	// unlock security key
	wm831x_set_bits(parm, WM831X_RESET_CONTROL, 0x1003, 0x1001);
	ret = wm831x_reg_read(parm, WM831X_RESET_CONTROL) & 0xffff & UNLOCK_SECURITY_KEY;	// enternal reset active in sleep
//	printk("%s:WM831X_RESET_CONTROL=0x%x\n", __func__, ret);
	wm831x_reg_write(parm, WM831X_RESET_CONTROL, ret);

	wm831x_set_bits(parm,WM831X_DC1_ON_CONFIG ,0x0300,0x0000); //set dcdc mode is FCCM
	wm831x_set_bits(parm,WM831X_DC2_ON_CONFIG ,0x0300,0x0000);
	wm831x_set_bits(parm,WM831X_DC3_ON_CONFIG ,0x0300,0x0000);

#ifndef CONFIG_MACH_RK3066_SDK
	wm831x_set_bits(parm,WM831X_LDO10_CONTROL ,0x0040,0x0040);// set ldo10 in switch mode
	wm831x_set_bits(parm,WM831X_STATUS_LED_1 ,0xc300,0xc100);// set led1 on(in manual mode)
	wm831x_set_bits(parm,WM831X_STATUS_LED_2 ,0xc300,0xc000);//set led2 off(in manual mode)

	wm831x_set_bits(parm,WM831X_LDO5_SLEEP_CONTROL ,0xe000,0x2000);// set ldo5 is disable in sleep mode 
	wm831x_set_bits(parm,WM831X_LDO1_SLEEP_CONTROL ,0xe000,0x2000);// set ldo1 is disable in sleep mode 
	wm831x_reg_write(parm, WM831X_SECURITY_KEY, LOCK_SECURITY_KEY);	// lock security key

	return 0;
Пример #11
static int act8846_set_init(struct act8846 *act8846)
	struct regulator *dcdc;
	struct regulator *ldo;
	int i = 0;
	printk("%s,line=%d\n", __func__,__LINE__);

	g_pmic_type = PMIC_TYPE_ACT8846;
	for(i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(act8846_dcdc_info); i++)

                if(act8846_dcdc_info[i].min_uv == 0 && act8846_dcdc_info[i].max_uv == 0)
	        dcdc =regulator_get(NULL, act8846_dcdc_info[i].name);
	        regulator_set_voltage(dcdc, act8846_dcdc_info[i].min_uv, act8846_dcdc_info[i].max_uv);
		 regulator_set_suspend_voltage(dcdc, act8846_dcdc_info[i].suspend_vol);
	        printk("%s  %s =%dmV end\n", __func__,act8846_dcdc_info[i].name, regulator_get_voltage(dcdc));
	for(i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(act8846_ldo_info); i++)
                if(act8846_ldo_info[i].min_uv == 0 && act8846_ldo_info[i].max_uv == 0)
	        ldo =regulator_get(NULL, act8846_ldo_info[i].name);
	        regulator_set_voltage(ldo, act8846_ldo_info[i].min_uv, act8846_ldo_info[i].max_uv);
	        printk("%s  %s =%dmV end\n", __func__,act8846_ldo_info[i].name, regulator_get_voltage(ldo));

	if(sram_gpio_init(get_port_config(pmic_slp).gpio, &pmic_sleep) < 0){
		printk(KERN_ERR "sram_gpio_init failed\n");
		return -EINVAL;
	if(port_output_init(pmic_slp, 0, "pmic_slp") < 0){
		printk(KERN_ERR "port_output_init failed\n");
		return -EINVAL;
	if(sram_gpio_init(PMU_POWER_SLEEP, &pmic_sleep) < 0){
		printk(KERN_ERR "sram_gpio_init failed\n");
		return -EINVAL;
	gpio_request(PMU_POWER_SLEEP, "NULL");
	gpio_direction_output(PMU_POWER_SLEEP, GPIO_LOW);
	if(sram_gpio_init(PMU_VSEL, &pmic_vsel) < 0){
		printk(KERN_ERR "sram_gpio_init failed\n");
		return -EINVAL;
//	rk30_mux_api_set(GPIO3D3_PWM0_NAME,GPIO3D_GPIO3D3);
	gpio_request(PMU_VSEL, "NULL");
	gpio_direction_output(PMU_VSEL, GPIO_HIGH);

	printk("%s,line=%d END\n", __func__,__LINE__);
	return 0;
int tps65910_pre_init(struct tps65910 *tps65910){

	int val = 0;
	int i 	= 0;
	int err = -1;
	printk("%s,line=%d\n", __func__,__LINE__);	
	if(sram_gpio_init(get_port_config(pmic_slp).gpio, &pmic_sleep) < 0){
		printk(KERN_ERR "sram_gpio_init failed\n");
		return -EINVAL;
	if(port_output_init(pmic_slp, 0, "pmic_slp") < 0){
		printk(KERN_ERR "port_output_init failed\n");
		return -EINVAL;
	if(sram_gpio_init(PMU_POWER_SLEEP, &pmic_sleep) < 0){
		printk(KERN_ERR "sram_gpio_init failed\n");
		return -EINVAL;

	gpio_request(PMU_POWER_SLEEP, "NULL");
	gpio_direction_output(PMU_POWER_SLEEP, GPIO_LOW);

#if 0
	/*************set vdd11 (pll) voltage 1.0v********************/
	val = tps65910_reg_read(tps65910, TPS65910_VDIG2);
	if (val<0) {
		printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to read TPS65910_VDIG2 reg\n");
		return val;
	val &= (~(0x3<<2));
	err = tps65910_reg_write(tps65910, TPS65910_VDIG2, val);
	if (err) {
		printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to write TPS65910_VDIG2 reg\n");
		return err;
	val = tps65910_reg_read(tps65910, TPS65910_DEVCTRL2);
	if (val<0) {
		printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to read TPS65910_DEVCTRL2 reg\n");
		return val;
	/* Set sleep state active high and allow device turn-off after PWRON long press */

	err = tps65910_reg_write(tps65910, TPS65910_DEVCTRL2, val);
	if (err) {
		printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to write TPS65910_DEVCTRL2 reg\n");
		return err;
	 #if 1
	/* set PSKIP=0 */
        val = tps65910_reg_read(tps65910, TPS65910_DCDCCTRL);
        if (val<0) {
                printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to read TPS65910_DCDCCTRL reg\n");
                return val;

        err = tps65910_reg_write(tps65910, TPS65910_DCDCCTRL, val);
        if (err) {
                printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to write TPS65910_DCDCCTRL reg\n");
                return err;
	/* Set the maxinum load current */
	/* VDD1 */
	val = tps65910_reg_read(tps65910, TPS65910_VDD1);
	if (val<0) {
		printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to read TPS65910_VDD1 reg\n");
		return val;

	val |= (1<<5);		//when 1: 1.5 A
	val &= (~(0x3 <<2));
	val |= (0x01<<2);	//TSTEP[3:2] = 01 : 12.5 mV/us(sampling 3 Mhz)
	err = tps65910_reg_write(tps65910, TPS65910_VDD1, val);
	if (err) {
		printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to write TPS65910_VDD1 reg\n");
		return err;

	/* VDD2 */
	val = tps65910_reg_read(tps65910, TPS65910_VDD2);
	if (val<0) {
		printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to read TPS65910_VDD2 reg\n");
		return val;

	val |= (1<<5);		//when 1: 1.5 A
	val &= (~(0x3 <<2));
	val |= (0x01<<2);	//TSTEP[3:2] = 01 : 12.5 mV/us(sampling 3 Mhz)
	err = tps65910_reg_write(tps65910, TPS65910_VDD2, val);
	if (err) {
		printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to write TPS65910_VDD2 reg\n");
		return err;

	/* VIO */
	val = tps65910_reg_read(tps65910, TPS65910_VIO);
	if (val<0) {
		printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to read TPS65910_VIO reg\n");
		return -EIO;

	val |= (1<<6);	//when 01: 1.0 A
	err = tps65910_reg_write(tps65910, TPS65910_VIO, val);
	if (err) {
		printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to write TPS65910_VIO reg\n");
		return err;
	#if 1
	/* Mask ALL interrupts */
	err = tps65910_reg_write(tps65910,TPS65910_INT_MSK, 0xFF);
	if (err) {
		printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to write TPS65910_INT_MSK reg\n");
		return err;
	err = tps65910_reg_write(tps65910, TPS65910_INT_MSK2, 0x03);
	if (err) {
		printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to write TPS65910_INT_MSK2 reg\n");
		return err;

	/* Set RTC Power, disable Smart Reflex in DEVCTRL_REG */
	#if 1
	val = 0;
	err = tps65910_reg_write(tps65910, TPS65910_DEVCTRL, val);
	if (err) {
		printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to write TPS65910_DEVCTRL reg\n");
		return err;
	printk(KERN_INFO "TPS65910 Set default voltage.\n");
	#if 0
	//read sleep control register  for debug
	for(i=0; i<6; i++)
        err = tps65910_reg_read(tps65910, &val, TPS65910_DEVCTRL+i);
        if (err) {
                printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to read TPS65910_DCDCCTRL reg\n");
                return -EIO;
		printk("%s.......is  0x%04x\n",__FUNCTION__,val);

	#if 1
	//sleep control register
	/*set func when in sleep mode */
	val = tps65910_reg_read(tps65910, TPS65910_DEVCTRL);
        if (val<0) {
                printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to read TPS65910_DCDCCTRL reg\n");
                return val;
	val |= (1 << 1);
	err = tps65910_reg_write(tps65910, TPS65910_DEVCTRL, val);
	if (err) {
		printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to read TPS65910 Reg at offset 0x%x= \
				\n", TPS65910_VDIG1);
		return err;
	/* open ldo when in sleep mode */
        val = tps65910_reg_read(tps65910, TPS65910_SLEEP_KEEP_LDO_ON);
        if (val<0) {
                printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to read TPS65910_DCDCCTRL reg\n");
                return val;
	val &= 0;
	err = tps65910_reg_write(tps65910, TPS65910_SLEEP_KEEP_LDO_ON, val);
	if (err) {
		printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to read TPS65910 Reg at offset 0x%x= \
				\n", TPS65910_VDIG1);
		return err;
	/*set dc mode when in sleep mode */
        val = tps65910_reg_read(tps65910, TPS65910_SLEEP_KEEP_RES_ON);
        if (val<0) {
                printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to read TPS65910_DCDCCTRL reg\n");
                return val;
	val  |= 0xff;
	val  &= ~(0x07);   //set vdd1 vdd2 vio in pfm mode when in sleep
	err = tps65910_reg_write(tps65910, TPS65910_SLEEP_KEEP_RES_ON, val);
	if (err) {
		printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to read TPS65910 Reg at offset 0x%x= \
				\n", TPS65910_VDIG1);
		return err;
	/*close ldo when in sleep mode */
        val = tps65910_reg_read(tps65910, TPS65910_SLEEP_SET_LDO_OFF);
        if (val<0) {
                printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to read TPS65910_DCDCCTRL reg\n");
                return val;
#if defined ( CONFIG_ARCH_RK3026)
	val |= 0x2b;
	val |= 0x0b;
	err = tps65910_reg_write(tps65910, TPS65910_SLEEP_SET_LDO_OFF, val);
	if (err) {
		printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to read TPS65910 Reg at offset 0x%x= \
				\n", TPS65910_VDIG1);
		return err;
	#if 0
	//read sleep control register  for debug
	for(i=0; i<6; i++)
        err = tps65910_reg_read(tps65910, &val, TPS65910_DEVCTRL+i);
        if (err) {
                printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to read TPS65910_DCDCCTRL reg\n");
                return -EIO;
		printk("%s.......is  0x%4x\n",__FUNCTION__,val);
	/*****************set arm  and logic (dc1&dc2)in pwm ****************/
	  val = tps65910_reg_read(tps65910, TPS65910_DCDCCTRL);
        if (val<0) {
                printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to read TPS65910_DCDCCTRL reg\n");
                return val;
	val &= ~(3<<4);
	err = tps65910_reg_write(tps65910, TPS65910_DCDCCTRL, val);
	if (err) {
		printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to read TPS65910 Reg at offset 0x%x= \
				\n", TPS65910_VDIG1);
		return err;
	printk("%s,line=%d\n", __func__,__LINE__);
	return 0;

Пример #13
static int rk808_set_init(struct rk808 *rk808)
	struct regulator *dcdc;
	struct regulator *ldo;
	int i = 0;
	printk("%s,line=%d\n", __func__,__LINE__);

	g_pmic_type = PMIC_TYPE_RK808;
	for(i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(rk808_dcdc_info); i++)

                if(rk808_dcdc_info[i].min_uv == 0 && rk808_dcdc_info[i].max_uv == 0)
	        dcdc =regulator_get(NULL, rk808_dcdc_info[i].name);
	        regulator_set_voltage(dcdc, rk808_dcdc_info[i].min_uv, rk808_dcdc_info[i].max_uv);
		 regulator_set_suspend_voltage(dcdc, rk808_dcdc_info[i].suspend_vol);
	        printk("%s  %s =%duV end\n", __func__,rk808_dcdc_info[i].name, regulator_get_voltage(dcdc));
	for(i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(rk808_ldo_info); i++)
                if(rk808_ldo_info[i].min_uv == 0 && rk808_ldo_info[i].max_uv == 0)
	        ldo =regulator_get(NULL, rk808_ldo_info[i].name);

	        regulator_set_voltage(ldo, rk808_ldo_info[i].min_uv, rk808_ldo_info[i].max_uv);
		 regulator_set_suspend_voltage(ldo, rk808_ldo_info[i].suspend_vol);
	        printk("%s  %s =%duV end\n", __func__,rk808_ldo_info[i].name, regulator_get_voltage(ldo));

	if(sram_gpio_init(get_port_config(pmic_slp).gpio, &pmic_sleep) < 0){
		printk(KERN_ERR "sram_gpio_init failed\n");
		return -EINVAL;
	if(port_output_init(pmic_slp, 0, "pmic_slp") < 0){
		printk(KERN_ERR "port_output_init failed\n");
		return -EINVAL;
	if(sram_gpio_init(PMU_POWER_SLEEP, &pmic_sleep) < 0){
		printk(KERN_ERR "sram_gpio_init failed\n");
		return -EINVAL;
	gpio_request(PMU_POWER_SLEEP, "NULL");
	gpio_direction_output(PMU_POWER_SLEEP, GPIO_LOW);
	printk("%s,line=%d END\n", __func__,__LINE__);
	return 0;