Пример #1
void database::update_global_dynamic_data( const signed_block& b )
   const dynamic_global_property_object& _dgp =

   uint32_t missed_blocks = get_slot_at_time( b.timestamp );
   assert( missed_blocks != 0 );

   // dynamic global properties updating
   modify( _dgp, [&]( dynamic_global_property_object& dgp ){
      if( BOOST_UNLIKELY( b.block_num() == 1 ) )
         dgp.recently_missed_count = 0;
         else if( _checkpoints.size() && _checkpoints.rbegin()->first >= b.block_num() )
         dgp.recently_missed_count = 0;
      else if( missed_blocks )
         dgp.recently_missed_count += GRAPHENE_RECENTLY_MISSED_COUNT_INCREMENT*missed_blocks;
      else if( dgp.recently_missed_count > GRAPHENE_RECENTLY_MISSED_COUNT_INCREMENT )
         dgp.recently_missed_count -= GRAPHENE_RECENTLY_MISSED_COUNT_DECREMENT;
      else if( dgp.recently_missed_count > 0 )

      dgp.head_block_number = b.block_num();
      dgp.head_block_id = b.id();
      dgp.time = b.timestamp;
      dgp.current_witness = b.witness;
      dgp.recent_slots_filled = (
           (dgp.recent_slots_filled << 1)
           + 1) << missed_blocks;
      dgp.current_aslot += missed_blocks+1;

   if( !(get_node_properties().skip_flags & skip_undo_history_check) )
      GRAPHENE_ASSERT( _dgp.recently_missed_count < GRAPHENE_MAX_UNDO_HISTORY, undo_database_exception,
                 "The database does not have enough undo history to support a blockchain with so many missed blocks. "
                 "Please add a checkpoint if you would like to continue applying blocks beyond this point.",
                 ("recently_missed",_dgp.recently_missed_count)("max_undo",GRAPHENE_MAX_UNDO_HISTORY) );

   _undo_db.set_max_size( _dgp.recently_missed_count + GRAPHENE_MIN_UNDO_HISTORY );
   _fork_db.set_max_size( _dgp.recently_missed_count + GRAPHENE_MIN_UNDO_HISTORY );
Пример #2
void database::update_signing_witness(const witness_object& signing_witness, const signed_block& new_block)
   const global_property_object& gpo = get_global_properties();
   const dynamic_global_property_object& dpo = get_dynamic_global_properties();
   uint64_t new_block_aslot = dpo.current_aslot + get_slot_at_time( new_block.timestamp );

   share_type witness_pay = std::min( gpo.parameters.witness_pay_per_block, dpo.witness_budget );

   modify( dpo, [&]( dynamic_global_property_object& _dpo )
      _dpo.witness_budget -= witness_pay;
   } );

   deposit_witness_pay( signing_witness, witness_pay );

   modify( signing_witness, [&]( witness_object& _wit )
      _wit.last_aslot = new_block_aslot;
   } );
Пример #3
const witness_object& database::validate_block_header( uint32_t skip, const signed_block& next_block )const
   FC_ASSERT( head_block_id() == next_block.previous, "", ("head_block_id",head_block_id())("next.prev",next_block.previous) );
   FC_ASSERT( head_block_time() < next_block.timestamp, "", ("head_block_time",head_block_time())("next",next_block.timestamp)("blocknum",next_block.block_num()) );
   const witness_object& witness = next_block.witness(*this);

   if( !(skip&skip_witness_signature) ) 
      FC_ASSERT( next_block.validate_signee( witness.signing_key ) );

   if( !(skip&skip_witness_schedule_check) )
      uint32_t slot_num = get_slot_at_time( next_block.timestamp );
      FC_ASSERT( slot_num > 0 );

      witness_id_type scheduled_witness = get_scheduled_witness( slot_num );

      FC_ASSERT( next_block.witness == scheduled_witness, "Witness produced block at wrong time",
                 ("block witness",next_block.witness)("scheduled",scheduled_witness)("slot_num",slot_num) );

   return witness;
Пример #4
signed_block database::_generate_block(
   fc::time_point_sec when,
   witness_id_type witness_id,
   const fc::ecc::private_key& block_signing_private_key
   try {
   uint32_t skip = get_node_properties().skip_flags;
   uint32_t slot_num = get_slot_at_time( when );
   FC_ASSERT( slot_num > 0 );
   witness_id_type scheduled_witness = get_scheduled_witness( slot_num );
   FC_ASSERT( scheduled_witness == witness_id );

   const auto& witness_obj = witness_id(*this);

   if( !(skip & skip_witness_signature) )
      FC_ASSERT( witness_obj.signing_key == block_signing_private_key.get_public_key() );

   static const size_t max_block_header_size = fc::raw::pack_size( signed_block_header() ) + 4;
   auto maximum_block_size = get_global_properties().parameters.maximum_block_size;
   size_t total_block_size = max_block_header_size;

   signed_block pending_block;

   // The following code throws away existing pending_tx_session and
   // rebuilds it by re-applying pending transactions.
   // This rebuild is necessary because pending transactions' validity
   // and semantics may have changed since they were received, because
   // time-based semantics are evaluated based on the current block
   // time.  These changes can only be reflected in the database when
   // the value of the "when" variable is known, which means we need to
   // re-apply pending transactions in this method.
   _pending_tx_session = _undo_db.start_undo_session();

   uint64_t postponed_tx_count = 0;
   // pop pending state (reset to head block state)
   for( const processed_transaction& tx : _pending_tx )
      size_t new_total_size = total_block_size + fc::raw::pack_size( tx );

      // postpone transaction if it would make block too big
      if( new_total_size >= maximum_block_size )

         auto temp_session = _undo_db.start_undo_session();
         processed_transaction ptx = _apply_transaction( tx );

         // We have to recompute pack_size(ptx) because it may be different
         // than pack_size(tx) (i.e. if one or more results increased
         // their size)
         total_block_size += fc::raw::pack_size( ptx );
         pending_block.transactions.push_back( ptx );
      catch ( const fc::exception& e )
         // Do nothing, transaction will not be re-applied
         wlog( "Transaction was not processed while generating block due to ${e}", ("e", e) );
         wlog( "The transaction was ${t}", ("t", tx) );
   if( postponed_tx_count > 0 )
      wlog( "Postponed ${n} transactions due to block size limit", ("n", postponed_tx_count) );


   // We have temporarily broken the invariant that
   // _pending_tx_session is the result of applying _pending_tx, as
   // _pending_tx now consists of the set of postponed transactions.
   // However, the push_block() call below will re-create the
   // _pending_tx_session.

   pending_block.previous = head_block_id();
   pending_block.timestamp = when;
   pending_block.transaction_merkle_root = pending_block.calculate_merkle_root();
   pending_block.witness = witness_id;

   if( !(skip & skip_witness_signature) )
      pending_block.sign( block_signing_private_key );

   // TODO:  Move this to _push_block() so session is restored.
   if( !(skip & skip_block_size_check) )
      FC_ASSERT( fc::raw::pack_size(pending_block) <= get_global_properties().parameters.maximum_block_size );

   push_block( pending_block, skip );

   return pending_block;
} FC_CAPTURE_AND_RETHROW( (witness_id) ) }