Пример #1
static void
stamp (GeglChantO          *o,
       const GeglRectangle *result,
       gdouble              x,
       gdouble              y)
  WarpPrivate         *priv = (WarpPrivate*) o->chant_data;
  GeglBufferIterator  *it;
  const Babl          *format;
  gdouble              influence;
  gdouble              x_mean = 0.0;
  gdouble              y_mean = 0.0;
  gint                 x_iter, y_iter;
  GeglRectangle        area = {x - o->size / 2.0,
                               y - o->size / 2.0,

  /* first point of the stroke */
  if (!priv->last_point_set)
      priv->last_x = x;
      priv->last_y = y;
      priv->last_point_set = TRUE;

  /* don't stamp if outside the roi treated */
  if (!gegl_rectangle_intersect (NULL, result, &area))

  format = babl_format_n (babl_type ("float"), 2);

  /* If needed, compute the mean deformation */
  if (o->behavior == GEGL_WARP_BEHAVIOR_SMOOTH)
      gint pixel_count = 0;

      it = gegl_buffer_iterator_new (priv->buffer, &area, 0, format, GEGL_BUFFER_READ, GEGL_ABYSS_NONE);

      while (gegl_buffer_iterator_next (it))
          gint    n_pixels    = it->length;
          gfloat *coords      = it->data[0];

          while (n_pixels--)
              x_mean += coords[0];
              y_mean += coords[1];
              coords += 2;
          pixel_count += it->roi->width * it->roi->height;
      x_mean /= pixel_count;
      y_mean /= pixel_count;

  it = gegl_buffer_iterator_new (priv->buffer, &area, 0, format, GEGL_BUFFER_READWRITE, GEGL_ABYSS_NONE);

  while (gegl_buffer_iterator_next (it))
      /* iterate inside the stamp roi */
      gint    n_pixels = it->length;
      gfloat *coords   = it->data[0];

      x_iter = it->roi->x; /* initial x         */
      y_iter = it->roi->y; /* and y coordinates */

      while (n_pixels--)
          influence = 0.01 * o->strength * get_stamp_force (o,
                                                            x_iter - x,
                                                            y_iter - y);

          switch (o->behavior)
              case GEGL_WARP_BEHAVIOR_MOVE:
                coords[0] += influence * (priv->last_x - x);
                coords[1] += influence * (priv->last_y - y);
              case GEGL_WARP_BEHAVIOR_GROW:
                coords[0] -= 2.0 * influence * (x_iter - x) / o->size;
                coords[1] -= 2.0 * influence * (y_iter - y) / o->size;
              case GEGL_WARP_BEHAVIOR_SHRINK:
                coords[0] += 2.0 * influence * (x_iter - x) / o->size;
                coords[1] += 2.0 * influence * (y_iter - y) / o->size;
              case GEGL_WARP_BEHAVIOR_SWIRL_CW:
                coords[0] += 3.0 * influence * (y_iter - y) / o->size;
                coords[1] -= 5.0 * influence * (x_iter - x) / o->size;
              case GEGL_WARP_BEHAVIOR_SWIRL_CCW:
                coords[0] -= 3.0 * influence * (y_iter - y) / o->size;
                coords[1] += 5.0 * influence * (x_iter - x) / o->size;
              case GEGL_WARP_BEHAVIOR_ERASE:
                coords[0] *= 1.0 - MIN (influence, 1.0);
                coords[1] *= 1.0 - MIN (influence, 1.0);
              case GEGL_WARP_BEHAVIOR_SMOOTH:
                coords[0] -= influence * (coords[0] - x_mean);
                coords[1] -= influence * (coords[1] - y_mean);

          coords += 2;

          /* update x and y coordinates */
          if (x_iter >= (it->roi->x + it->roi->width))
              x_iter = it->roi->x;

  /* Memorize the stamp location for movement dependant behavior like move */
  priv->last_x = x;
  priv->last_y = y;
Пример #2
static void
stamp (GeglProperties *o,
       gdouble         x,
       gdouble         y)
  WarpPrivate         *priv = (WarpPrivate*) o->user_data;
  GeglBufferIterator  *it;
  const Babl          *format;
  gdouble              stamp_force, influence;
  gdouble              x_mean = 0.0;
  gdouble              y_mean = 0.0;
  gint                 x_iter, y_iter;
  GeglRectangle        area;
  const GeglRectangle *src_extent;
  gfloat              *srcbuf, *stampbuf;
  gint                 buf_rowstride = 0;
  gfloat               s = 0, c = 0;

  area.x = floor (x - o->size / 2.0);
  area.y = floor (y - o->size / 2.0);
  area.width   = ceil (x + o->size / 2.0);
  area.height  = ceil (y + o->size / 2.0);
  area.width  -= area.x;
  area.height -= area.y;

  format = babl_format_n (babl_type ("float"), 2);

  /* If needed, compute the mean deformation */
  if (o->behavior == GEGL_WARP_BEHAVIOR_SMOOTH)
      gint pixel_count = 0;

      it = gegl_buffer_iterator_new (priv->buffer, &area, 0, format,
                                     GEGL_ACCESS_READ, GEGL_ABYSS_NONE);

      while (gegl_buffer_iterator_next (it))
          gint    n_pixels    = it->length;
          gfloat *coords      = it->data[0];

          while (n_pixels--)
              x_mean += coords[0];
              y_mean += coords[1];
              coords += 2;
          pixel_count += it->roi->width * it->roi->height;
      x_mean /= pixel_count;
      y_mean /= pixel_count;
  else if (o->behavior == GEGL_WARP_BEHAVIOR_SWIRL_CW ||
           o->behavior == GEGL_WARP_BEHAVIOR_SWIRL_CCW)
      /* swirl by 5 degrees per stamp (for strength 100).
       * not exactly sin/cos factors,
       * since we calculate an off-center offset-vector */

      /* note that this is fudged for stamp_force < 1.0 and
       * results in a slight upscaling there. It is a compromise
       * between exactness and calculation speed. */
      s = sin (0.01 * o->strength * 5.0 / 180 * G_PI);
      c = cos (0.01 * o->strength * 5.0 / 180 * G_PI) - 1.0;

  srcbuf = gegl_buffer_linear_open (priv->buffer, NULL, &buf_rowstride, NULL);
  buf_rowstride /= sizeof (gfloat);
  src_extent = gegl_buffer_get_extent (priv->buffer);

  stampbuf = g_new0 (gfloat, 2 * area.height * area.width);

  for (y_iter = 0; y_iter < area.height; y_iter++)
      for (x_iter = 0; x_iter < area.width; x_iter++)
          gfloat nvx, nvy;
          gfloat xi, yi;
          gfloat *vals;
          gint dx, dy;
          gfloat weight_x, weight_y;
          gfloat *srcptr;

          xi = area.x + x_iter;
          xi += -x + 0.5;
          yi = area.y + y_iter;
          yi += -y + 0.5;

          stamp_force = get_stamp_force (o, xi, yi);
          influence = 0.01 * o->strength * stamp_force;

          switch (o->behavior)
              case GEGL_WARP_BEHAVIOR_MOVE:
                nvx = influence * (priv->last_x - x);
                nvy = influence * (priv->last_y - y);
              case GEGL_WARP_BEHAVIOR_GROW:
                nvx = influence * -0.1 * xi;
                nvy = influence * -0.1 * yi;
              case GEGL_WARP_BEHAVIOR_SHRINK:
                nvx = influence * 0.1 * xi;
                nvy = influence * 0.1 * yi;
              case GEGL_WARP_BEHAVIOR_SWIRL_CW:
                nvx = stamp_force * ( c * xi + s * yi);
                nvy = stamp_force * (-s * xi + c * yi);
              case GEGL_WARP_BEHAVIOR_SWIRL_CCW:
                nvx = stamp_force * ( c * xi - s * yi);
                nvy = stamp_force * ( s * xi + c * yi);
              case GEGL_WARP_BEHAVIOR_ERASE:
              case GEGL_WARP_BEHAVIOR_SMOOTH:
                nvx = 0.0;
                nvy = 0.0;

          vals = stampbuf + (y_iter * area.width + x_iter) * 2;

          dx = floorf (nvx);
          dy = floorf (nvy);

          if (area.x + x_iter + dx     <  src_extent->x                     ||
              area.x + x_iter + dx + 1 >= src_extent->x + src_extent->width ||
              area.y + y_iter + dy     <  src_extent->y                     ||
              area.y + y_iter + dy + 1 >= src_extent->y + src_extent->height)

          srcptr = srcbuf + (area.y - src_extent->y + y_iter + dy) * buf_rowstride +
                            (area.x - src_extent->x + x_iter + dx) * 2;

          if (o->behavior == GEGL_WARP_BEHAVIOR_ERASE)
              vals[0] = srcptr[0] * (1.0 - MIN (influence, 1.0));
              vals[1] = srcptr[1] * (1.0 - MIN (influence, 1.0));
          else if (o->behavior == GEGL_WARP_BEHAVIOR_SMOOTH)
              vals[0] = (1.0 - influence) * srcptr[0] + influence * x_mean;
              vals[1] = (1.0 - influence) * srcptr[1] + influence * y_mean;
              weight_x = nvx - dx;
              weight_y = nvy - dy;

              /* bilinear interpolation of the vectors */

              vals[0]  = srcptr[0] * (1.0 - weight_x) * (1.0 - weight_y);
              vals[1]  = srcptr[1] * (1.0 - weight_x) * (1.0 - weight_y);

              vals[0] += srcptr[2] * weight_x * (1.0 - weight_y);
              vals[1] += srcptr[3] * weight_x * (1.0 - weight_y);

              vals[0] += srcptr[buf_rowstride + 0] * (1.0 - weight_x) * weight_y;
              vals[1] += srcptr[buf_rowstride + 1] * (1.0 - weight_x) * weight_y;

              vals[0] += srcptr[buf_rowstride + 2] * weight_x * weight_y;
              vals[1] += srcptr[buf_rowstride + 3] * weight_x * weight_y;

              vals[0] += nvx;
              vals[1] += nvy;

  gegl_buffer_linear_close (priv->buffer, srcbuf);
  gegl_buffer_set (priv->buffer, &area, 0, format,
                   stampbuf, GEGL_AUTO_ROWSTRIDE);
  g_free (stampbuf);

  /* Memorize the stamp location for movement dependant behavior like move */
  priv->last_x = x;
  priv->last_y = y;