Пример #1
void setup_training_move_near(struct Thing *creatng, SubtlCodedCoords stl_num)
    SubtlCodedCoords near_stl_num;
    MapSubtlDelta dist_x,dist_y;
    long stl_x,stl_y;
    stl_x = stl_num_decode_x(stl_num);
    stl_y = stl_num_decode_y(stl_num);
    // Select a subtile closer to current position
    dist_x = stl_x - (MapSubtlDelta)creatng->mappos.x.stl.num;
    dist_y = stl_y - (MapSubtlDelta)creatng->mappos.y.stl.num;
    if (abs(dist_x) > abs(dist_y))
        if (dist_x > 0) {
            stl_x -= 1;
        } else {
            stl_x += 1;
    } else
        if (dist_y > 0) {
            stl_y -= 1;
        } else {
            stl_y += 1;
    near_stl_num = get_subtile_number(stl_x,stl_y);
    setup_training_move(creatng, near_stl_num);
Пример #2
 * Finds a safe and unused, adjacent position in room for a creature.
 * @param pos Position of the creature to be moved.
 * @param owner Room owner to keep.
 * @return Coded subtiles of the new position, or 0 on failure.
 * @see person_get_somewhere_adjacent_in_room()
SubtlCodedCoords find_unused_adjacent_position_in_workshop(const struct Coord3d *pos, long owner)
    static const struct Around corners[] = { {1,2}, {0,1}, {1,0}, {2,1} };
    long i;
    for (i=0; i < SMALL_AROUND_LENGTH; i++)
        MapSlabCoord slb_x, slb_y;
        slb_x = subtile_slab_fast(pos->x.stl.num) + (long)small_around[i].delta_x;
        slb_y = subtile_slab_fast(pos->y.stl.num) + (long)small_around[i].delta_y;
        struct SlabMap *slb;
        slb = get_slabmap_block(slb_x, slb_y);
        if ((slb->kind == SlbT_WORKSHOP) && (slabmap_owner(slb) == owner))
            struct Thing *mnfc_creatng;
            MapSubtlCoord stl_x, stl_y;
            stl_x = slab_subtile(slb_x, corners[i].delta_x);
            stl_y = slab_subtile(slb_y, corners[i].delta_y);
            mnfc_creatng = get_other_creature_manufacturing_on_subtile(owner, stl_x, stl_y, INVALID_THING);
            if (!thing_is_invalid(mnfc_creatng)) {
                // Position used by another manufacturer
            struct Thing *objtng;
            objtng = get_workshop_equipment_to_work_with_on_subtile(owner, slab_subtile_center(slb_x), slab_subtile_center(slb_y));
            if (thing_is_invalid(objtng)) {
                // Position has no work equipment nearby
            // Found an acceptable position
            return get_subtile_number(stl_x, stl_y);
    return 0;
Пример #3
void process_disease(struct Thing *creatng)
    struct CreatureControl *cctrl;
    cctrl = creature_control_get_from_thing(creatng);
    if (!creature_affected_by_spell(creatng, SplK_Disease)) {
    if (ACTION_RANDOM(100) < game.disease_transfer_percentage)
        SubtlCodedCoords stl_num;
        long n;
        stl_num = get_subtile_number(creatng->mappos.x.stl.num,creatng->mappos.y.stl.num);
        for (n=0; n < AROUND_MAP_LENGTH; n++)
            struct Thing *thing;
            struct Map *mapblk;
            unsigned long k;
            long i;
            mapblk = get_map_block_at_pos(stl_num+around_map[n]);
            k = 0;
            i = get_mapwho_thing_index(mapblk);
            while (i != 0)
              thing = thing_get(i);
              if (thing_is_invalid(thing))
                WARNLOG("Jump out of things array");
              i = thing->next_on_mapblk;
              // Per thing code
              if (thing_is_creature(thing) && ((get_creature_model_flags(thing) & CMF_IsSpecDigger) == 0)
                && (thing->owner != cctrl->disease_caster_plyridx) && !creature_affected_by_spell(thing, SplK_Disease))
                  struct CreatureControl *tngcctrl;
                  tngcctrl = creature_control_get_from_thing(thing);
                  apply_spell_effect_to_thing(thing, SplK_Disease, cctrl->explevel);
                  tngcctrl->disease_caster_plyridx = cctrl->disease_caster_plyridx;
              // Per thing code ends
              if (k > THINGS_COUNT)
                  ERRORLOG("Infinite loop detected when sweeping things list");
    if (((game.play_gameturn - cctrl->disease_start_turn) % game.disease_lose_health_time) == 0)
        apply_damage_to_thing_and_display_health(creatng, game.disease_lose_percentage_health * cctrl->max_health / 100, DmgT_Biological, cctrl->disease_caster_plyridx);
Пример #4
short creature_scavenged_disappear(struct Thing *thing)
    struct CreatureControl *cctrl;
    struct Dungeon *dungeon;
    struct Room *room;
    struct Coord3d pos;
    long stl_x, stl_y;
    long i;
    //return _DK_creature_scavenged_disappear(thing);
    cctrl = creature_control_get_from_thing(thing);
    if (cctrl->byte_9A > 0)
      if ((cctrl->byte_9A == 7) && (cctrl->byte_9B < PLAYERS_COUNT))
        create_effect(&thing->mappos, get_scavenge_effect_element(cctrl->byte_9B), thing->owner);
      return 0;
    // We don't really have to convert coordinates into numbers and back to XY.
    i = get_subtile_number(cctrl->scavenge.stl_9D_x, cctrl->scavenge.stl_9D_y);
    stl_x = stl_num_decode_x(i);
    stl_y = stl_num_decode_y(i);
    room = subtile_room_get(stl_x, stl_y);
    if (room_is_invalid(room) || (room->kind != RoK_SCAVENGER))
        ERRORLOG("Room %s at (%d,%d) disappeared.",room_code_name(RoK_SCAVENGER),(int)stl_x,(int)stl_y);
        kill_creature(thing, INVALID_THING, -1, CrDed_NoEffects);
        return -1;
    if (find_random_valid_position_for_thing_in_room(thing, room, &pos))
        move_thing_in_map(thing, &pos);
        anger_set_creature_anger_all_types(thing, 0);
        dungeon = get_dungeon(cctrl->byte_9B);
        if (is_my_player_number(thing->owner))
          output_message(SMsg_MinionScanvenged, 0, true);
        cctrl->byte_9C = thing->owner;
        change_creature_owner(thing, cctrl->byte_9B);
        internal_set_thing_state(thing, CrSt_CreatureScavengedReappear);
        return 0;
    } else
        ERRORLOG("No valid position inside %s room for %s.",room_code_name(room->kind),thing_model_name(thing));
        kill_creature(thing, INVALID_THING, -1, CrDed_NoEffects);
        return -1;
Пример #5
void clear_stat_light_map(void)
    unsigned long x,y,i;
    game.lish.field_46149 = 32;
    game.lish.field_4614D = 0;
    game.lish.field_4614F = 0;
    for (y=0; y < (map_subtiles_y+1); y++)
        for (x=0; x < (map_subtiles_x+1); x++)
          i = get_subtile_number(x,y);
          game.lish.stat_light_map[i] = 0;
Пример #6
void setup_move_to_new_training_position(struct Thing *thing, struct Room *room, unsigned long restart)
    struct CreatureControl *cctrl;
    struct CreatureStats *crstat;
    struct Thing *prtng;
    struct CreatureControl *prctrl;
    struct Coord3d pos;
    long i;
    SYNCDBG(8,"Starting for %s",thing_model_name(thing));
    //_DK_setup_move_to_new_training_position(thing, room, a3);
    cctrl = creature_control_get_from_thing(thing);
    crstat = creature_stats_get_from_thing(thing);
    if ( restart )
      cctrl->training.search_timeout = 50;
    // Try partner training
    if ((crstat->partner_training > 0) && (ACTION_RANDOM(100) < crstat->partner_training))
        prtng = get_creature_in_training_room_which_could_accept_partner(room, thing);
        if (!thing_is_invalid(prtng))
            SYNCDBG(7,"The %s found %s as training partner.",thing_model_name(thing),thing_model_name(prtng));
            prctrl = creature_control_get_from_thing(prtng);
            prctrl->training.mode = CrTrMd_PartnerTraining;
            prctrl->training.train_timeout = 75;
            prctrl->training.partner_idx = thing->index;
            prctrl->training.partner_creation = thing->creation_turn;
            cctrl->training.mode = CrTrMd_PartnerTraining;
            cctrl->training.train_timeout = 75;
            cctrl->training.partner_idx = prtng->index;
            cctrl->training.partner_creation = prtng->creation_turn;
    // No partner - train at some random position
    cctrl->training.mode = CrTrMd_SearchForTrainPost;
    if (find_random_valid_position_for_thing_in_room(thing, room, &pos))
        SYNCDBG(8,"Going to train at (%d,%d)",(int)pos.x.stl.num,(int)pos.y.stl.num);
        i = get_subtile_number(pos.x.stl.num,pos.y.stl.num);
        setup_training_move(thing, i);
    } else {
        SYNCDBG(8,"No new position found, staying at (%d,%d)",(int)cctrl->moveto_pos.x.stl.num,(int)cctrl->moveto_pos.x.stl.num);
    if (cctrl->instance_id == CrInst_NULL)
        set_creature_instance(thing, CrInst_SWING_WEAPON_SWORD, 1, 0, 0);
Пример #7
void setup_workshop_search_for_post(struct Thing *creatng)
    struct Room *room;
    struct Thing *postng;
    postng = INVALID_THING;
    room = get_room_thing_is_on(creatng);
    // Find a random slab in the room to be used as our starting point
    long i;
    unsigned long n;
    i = ACTION_RANDOM(room->slabs_count);
    n = room->slabs_list;
    while (i > 0)
        n = get_next_slab_number_in_room(n);
    i = room->slabs_count;
    while (i > 0)
        // Loop the slabs list
        if (n <= 0) {
            n = room->slabs_list;
        MapSlabCoord slb_x, slb_y;
        slb_x = subtile_slab_fast(stl_num_decode_x(n));
        slb_y = subtile_slab_fast(stl_num_decode_y(n));
        struct Thing *objtng;
        objtng = get_workshop_equipment_to_work_with_on_subtile(creatng->owner, slab_subtile_center(slb_x), slab_subtile_center(slb_y));
        if (!thing_is_invalid(objtng)) {
            postng = objtng;
        n = get_next_slab_number_in_room(n);
    if (thing_is_invalid(postng))
        SYNCDBG(9,"Work in %s, the %s moves to new pos",room_code_name(room->kind),thing_model_name(creatng));
        setup_move_to_new_workshop_position(creatng, room, 1);
    } else
        SYNCDBG(9,"Work in %s, the %s found a post",room_code_name(room->kind),thing_model_name(creatng));
        setup_workshop_move(creatng, get_subtile_number(postng->mappos.x.stl.num, postng->mappos.y.stl.num));
Пример #8
TbBool load_map_data_file(LevelNumber lv_num)
    struct Map *mapblk;
    unsigned long x,y;
    unsigned char *buf;
    unsigned long i;
    unsigned long n;
    unsigned short *wptr;
    long fsize;
    fsize = 2*(map_subtiles_y+1)*(map_subtiles_x+1);
    buf = load_single_map_file_to_buffer(lv_num,"dat",&fsize,LMFF_None);
    if (buf == NULL)
        return false;
    i = 0;
    for (y=0; y < (map_subtiles_y+1); y++)
        for (x=0; x < (map_subtiles_x+1); x++)
            mapblk = get_map_block_at(x,y);
            n = -lword(&buf[i]);
            mapblk->data ^= (mapblk->data ^ n) & 0x7FF;
            i += 2;
    // Clear some bits and do some other setup
    for (y=0; y < (map_subtiles_y+1); y++)
        for (x=0; x < (map_subtiles_x+1); x++)
            mapblk = get_map_block_at(x,y);
            wptr = &game.lish.subtile_lightness[get_subtile_number(x,y)];
            *wptr = 32;
            mapblk->data &= 0xFFC007FFu;
            mapblk->data &= ~0x0F000000;
            mapblk->data &= ~0xF0000000;
    return true;
Пример #9
short good_back_at_start(struct Thing *thing)
    // Debug code to find incorrect states
    if (!is_hero_thing(thing))
        ERRORLOG("Non hero thing %ld, %s, owner %ld - reset",(long)thing->index,thing_model_name(thing),(long)thing->owner);
        return false;
    //return _DK_good_back_at_start(thing);
    if (thing->creature.gold_carried <= 0)
        return 1;
    SubtlCodedCoords stl_num;
    long m,n;
    stl_num = get_subtile_number(thing->mappos.x.stl.num,thing->mappos.y.stl.num);
    for (n=0; n < AROUND_MAP_LENGTH; n++)
        struct Map *mapblk;
        mapblk = get_map_block_at_pos(stl_num+around_map[m]);
        // Per-block code
        if ((mapblk->flags & MapFlg_IsTall) == 0)
            MapSubtlCoord stl_x, stl_y;
            stl_x = stl_num_decode_x(stl_num+around_map[m]);
            stl_y = stl_num_decode_y(stl_num+around_map[m]);
            if (setup_person_move_to_position(thing, stl_x, stl_y, NavRtF_Default)) {
                thing->continue_state = CrSt_GoodDropsGold;
                return 1;
        // Per-block code ends
        m = (m + 1) % AROUND_MAP_LENGTH;
    return 1;

Пример #10
 *  Finds a random training post near to the current position of given creature.
 *  Used when finding a training post seems to be taking too long; in that case, creature should start training with a nearest post.
 *  Note that this routine does not always select the nearest post - it is enough if it's 3 subtiles away.
 * @param creatng The creature who wish to train with training post.
void setup_training_search_for_post(struct Thing *creatng)
    struct Room *room;
    struct Thing *traintng;
    struct Thing *thing;
    long start_slab;
    long min_distance,dist;
    long slb_x,slb_y;
    long i,k;
    room = get_room_thing_is_on(creatng);
    // Let's start from a random slab
    slb_x = -1;
    slb_y = -1;
    min_distance = LONG_MAX;
    traintng = INVALID_THING;
    start_slab = ACTION_RANDOM(room->slabs_count);
    k = start_slab;
    i = room->slabs_list;
    while (i != 0)
        slb_x = slb_num_decode_x(i);
        slb_y = slb_num_decode_y(i);
        i = get_next_slab_number_in_room(i);
        if (k <= 0)
    // Got random starting slab, now sweep room slabs from it
    thing = INVALID_THING;
    k = room->slabs_count;
    i = get_slab_number(slb_x,slb_y);
    while (k > 0)
        slb_x = slb_num_decode_x(i);
        slb_y = slb_num_decode_y(i);
        i = get_next_slab_number_in_room(i);
        if (i == 0)
          i = room->slabs_list;
        // Per room tile code - find a nearest training post
        thing = get_object_at_subtile_of_model_and_owned_by(slab_subtile_center(slb_x), slab_subtile_center(slb_y), 31, creatng->owner);
        if (!thing_is_invalid(thing))
            dist = get_2d_distance(&creatng->mappos, &thing->mappos);
            if (dist < min_distance) {
                traintng = thing;
                min_distance = dist;
                if (min_distance < (3<<8))
        // Per room tile code ends
    // Got trainer (or not...), now do the correct action
    if (thing_is_invalid(traintng))
        SYNCDBG(6,"Room no longer have training post, moving somewhere else.");
        setup_move_to_new_training_position(creatng, room, true);
    } else
        i = get_subtile_number(traintng->mappos.x.stl.num,traintng->mappos.y.stl.num);
        setup_training_move_near(creatng, i);