main(int argc, char **argv) { String output; bool asciiout = true; /* Initialize */ initargs(argc, argv); askdoc(1); file2g(stdin); /* Argument count check */ if (argc == 1) err("must specify key(s) as command line arguments"); /* Set and check output disposition (ascii or binary) */ if (!getparstring("output", &output)) output = "ascii"; if ((!STREQ(output, "ascii")) && (!STREQ(output, "binary"))) err("output parameter=%s, must be ascii or binary", output); if (STREQ(output, "binary")) asciiout = false; /* Loop over traces writing selected header field values */ while (gettr(&tr)) { register int i; for (i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { String key = argv[i]; Value val; /* discard command line parameter strings */ if (STREQ(key, "output=ascii") || STREQ(key, "output=binary")) continue; gethdval(&tr, key, &val); if (asciiout) { /* ascii output */ printf("%6s=", key); printfval(hdtype(key), val); putchar('\t'); } else { /* binary output */ float fval = vtof(hdtype(key), val); efwrite((char *) &fval, FSIZE, 1, stdout); } } if (asciiout) printf("\n\n"); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *tmpdir ; /* directory path for tmp files */ cwp_Bool istmpdir=cwp_false ; /* true for user given path */ float *hedr ; /* the headers */ float *data ; /* the data */ int nt ; /* number of trace samples */ float dt ; /* sample interval, sec */ float delrt ; /* delay recording time, sec */ cwp_String key[SU_NKEYS] ; /* array of keywords */ cwp_String type ; /* key string type */ int nkeys ; /* number of keywords */ int ikey,ntr = 0 ; /* counters */ int num ; /* number of traces to dump */ int numtr = 4 ; /* number of traces to dump */ int hpf ; /* header print format */ /* Initialize */ initargs(argc, argv) ; requestdoc(1) ; /* Look for user-supplied tmpdir */ if (!getparstring("tmpdir",&tmpdir) && !(tmpdir = getenv("CWP_TMPDIR"))) tmpdir=""; if (!STREQ(tmpdir, "") && access(tmpdir, WRITE_OK)) err("you can't write in %s (or it doesn't exist)", tmpdir); /* Get values from first trace */ if (!gettr(&tr)) err("can't get first trace"); nt = (int) tr.ns ; /* Get nt */ dt = ((double) tr.dt)/1000000.0 ; /* microsecs to secs */ if (!dt) getparfloat("dt", &dt) ; if (!dt) MUSTGETPARFLOAT("dt", &dt) ; delrt = ((double) tr.delrt)/1000.0 ; /* millisecs to secs */ /* Get parameters */ if (getparint ("num", &num)) numtr = num ; if ((nkeys=countparval("key"))!=0) getparstringarray("key",key) ; hedr = ealloc1float(nkeys*numtr) ; /* make space for headers */ if (!getparint ("hpf", &hpf)) hpf = 0 ; /* Store traces, headers in tempfiles */ if (STREQ(tmpdir,"")) { tracefp = etmpfile(); headerfp = etmpfile(); do { ++ntr; efwrite(&tr, HDRBYTES, 1, headerfp); efwrite(, FSIZE, nt, tracefp); /* Get header values */ for (ikey=0; ikey<nkeys; ++ikey) { Value val; float fval; gethdval(&tr, key[ikey], &val) ; type = hdtype(key[ikey]) ; fval = vtof(type,val) ; hedr[(ntr-1)*nkeys+ikey] = fval ; } } while (ntr<numtr && gettr(&tr)) ; } else /* user-supplied tmpdir */ { char directory[BUFSIZ]; strcpy(directory, tmpdir); strcpy(tracefile, temporary_filename(directory)); strcpy(headerfile, temporary_filename(directory)); /* Handle user interrupts */ signal(SIGINT, (void (*) (int)) closefiles); signal(SIGQUIT, (void (*) (int)) closefiles); signal(SIGHUP, (void (*) (int)) closefiles); signal(SIGTERM, (void (*) (int)) closefiles); tracefp = efopen(tracefile, "w+"); headerfp = efopen(headerfile, "w+"); istmpdir=cwp_true; do { ++ntr; efwrite(&tr, HDRBYTES, 1, headerfp); efwrite(, FSIZE, nt, tracefp); /* Get header values */ for (ikey=0; ikey<nkeys; ++ikey) { Value val; float fval; gethdval(&tr, key[ikey], &val) ; type = hdtype(key[ikey]) ; fval = vtof(type,val) ; hedr[(ntr-1)*nkeys+ikey] = fval ; } } while (ntr<numtr && gettr(&tr)) ; } /* Rewind after read, allocate space */ erewind(tracefp); erewind(headerfp); data = ealloc1float(nt*ntr); /* Load traces into data and close tmpfile */ efread(data, FSIZE, nt*ntr, tracefp); efclose(tracefp); if (istmpdir) eremove(tracefile); rewind(headerfp); rewind(tracefp); /* Do trace work */ dump(data, dt, hedr, key, delrt, nkeys, ntr, nt, hpf) ; /* close */ efclose(headerfp); if (istmpdir) eremove(headerfile); free1(hedr) ; free1(data) ; return(CWP_Exit()) ; }