Пример #1
int main(int argc, string argv[])
  string prog, itags[MaxBodyFields];
  stream xstr, ostr;
  int nold = -1;

  initparam(argv, defv);
  exprs[0] = getparam("group");
  prog = mktemp((string) copxstr("/tmp/sm_XXXXXX", sizeof(char)));
  buildmap(prog, names, exprs, types, NULL, Precision, NDIM, TRUE);
  xstr = execmap(prog);
  if (get_tag_ok(xstr, "History"))
  ostr = stropen(getparam("out"), "w");
  new_field(&GroupField, IntType, "Group");
  new_field(&GroupField + 1, NULL, NULL);
  layout_body(btags, Precision, NDIM);
  while (get_snap(xstr, &bodytab, &nbody, &tbody, itags, FALSE)) {
    put_snap(ostr, &traktab, &ntrak, &tbody, otags);
    if (ntrak != nold)
      eprintf("[%s: wrote %d groups at t = %f]\n",
	      getprog(), ntrak, tbody);
    nold = ntrak;
  if (unlink(prog) != 0)
    error("%s: can't unlink %s\n", getprog(), prog);
  return (0);
Пример #2
real vnpick(real (*fun)(real), real xmin, real xmax, real fmax, string name)
  int ncyc;
  bool warn;
  real fr, fx, x;

  ncyc = 0;
  warn = FALSE;
  fr = 1.0;
  fx = 0.0;
  while (fr > fx) {
    x = xrandom(xmin, xmax);
    fx = (*fun)(x);
    fr = xrandom(0.0, 1.1 * fmax);
    if (fx > 1.01 * fmax && ! warn) {
      eprintf("[%s.vnpick: %s(%g) = %g > %s_max = %g]\n",
	      getprog(), name, x, fx, name, fmax);
      warn = TRUE;
    if (fx > 1.1 * fmax)
      error("%s.vnpick: %s(x) out of bounds\n", getprog(), name);
    if (ncyc % NCYC == 0)
      eprintf("[%s.vnpick: %d cycles picking %s(x)]\n",getprog(), ncyc, name);
  return (x);
Пример #3
void polyscale(void)
  double r_henon, m_henon, p_henon, scl_r, scl_m, scl_v;
  int i;

  r_henon = (4*mpol + 6) / (3*mpol - npol + 5);
  m_henon = 1.0;
  p_henon = m_henon / r_henon;
  scl_r = r_henon / rad1;
  scl_m = m_henon / mtot;
  scl_v = rsqrt(scl_m / scl_r);
  for (i = 0; i < nstep; i++) {
    rtab[i] = scl_r * rtab[i];
    mtab[i] = scl_m * mtab[i];
    ptab[i] = rsqr(scl_v) * ptab[i] - p_henon;
    if (i > 0 && mtab[i-1] >= mtab[i])
      error("%s: mass not monotonic!  mtab[%d:%d] = %f,%f\n", getprog(),
	    i-1, i, mtab[i-1], mtab[i]);
  rad1 = scl_r * rad1;
  mtot = scl_m * mtot;
  phi1 = rsqr(scl_v) * phi1 - p_henon;		// == - p_henon by def
  Kprime = Kprime * scl_m / rqbe(scl_r * scl_v);
  eprintf("[%s.polyscale: Kprime = %f]\n", getprog(), Kprime);
Пример #4
void restorestate(string file)
    stream str;
    string program, version;

    str = stropen(file, "r");			// open state input file
    program = get_string(str, "program");
    version = get_string(str, "version");
    if (! streq(program, getprog()) ||		// check program, version
            ! streq(version, getversion()))
        eprintf("[%s: warning: state file may be outdated]\n", getprog());
    headline = get_string(str, "headline");	// read control parameters
    get_data(str, "dtime", RealType, &dtime, 0);
    get_data(str, "nstatic", IntType, &nstatic, 0);
#if !defined(QUICKSCAN)
    get_data(str, "theta", RealType, &theta, 0);
    get_data(str, "usequad", BoolType, &usequad, 0);
    get_data(str, "eps", RealType, &eps, 0);
    options = get_string(str, "options");
    outputs = get_string(str, "outputs");
    get_data(str, "tstop", RealType, &tstop, 0);
    get_data(str, "dtout", RealType, &dtout, 0);
    get_data(str, "tnow", RealType, &tnow, 0);	// read state variables
    get_data(str, "tout", RealType, &tout, 0);
    get_data(str, "nstep", IntType, &nstep, 0);
    get_data(str, "rsize", RealType, &rsize, 0);
    get_data(str, "nbody", IntType, &nbody, 0);
    get_data(str, "timesteps", IntType, &nbody, 0);
    bodytab = (bodyptr) allocate(nbody * sizeof(body));
    get_data(str, "bodytab", AnyType, bodytab, nbody, sizeof(body), 0);
Пример #5
local void walktree(nodeptr *aptr, nodeptr *nptr, cellptr cptr, cellptr bptr,
                    nodeptr p, real psize, vector pmid)
  nodeptr *np, *ap, q;
  int actsafe;
  matrix trQM;
  if (Update(p)) {				// new forces needed in node?
    np = nptr;					// start new active list
    actsafe = actmax - NSUB;			// leave room for NSUB more
    for (ap = aptr; ap < nptr; ap++) {		// loop over active nodes
      if (Type(*ap) == CELL) {			// is this node a cell?
	if (accept(*ap, psize, pmid)) {		// does it pass the test?
	  if (Mass(*ap) > 0.0) {		// and contribute to field?
	    Mass(cptr) = Mass(*ap);		// copy to interaction list
	    SETV(Pos(cptr), Pos(*ap));
#if defined(SOFTCORR)
	    TRACEM(Trace(cptr), Quad(*ap));	// save trace in copy
	    MULMS(trQM, trQM, Trace(cptr)/3);
	    SUBM(Quad(cptr), Quad(*ap), trQM);	// store traceless moment
	    SETM(Quad(cptr), Quad(*ap));	// copy traceless moment
	    cptr++;				// and bump cell array ptr
	} else {				// this cell fails the test
	  if (np - active >= actsafe)		// make sure list has room
	    fatal("%s.walktree: active list overflow\n", getprog());
	  for (q = More(*ap); q != Next(*ap); q = Next(q))
						// loop over all subcells
	    *np++= q;				// put them on active list
      } else					// else this node is a body
	if (*ap != p && Mass(*ap) > 0.0) {	// not self-interaction?
	  --bptr;				// bump body array ptr
	  Mass(bptr) = Mass(*ap);		// and copy data to array
	  SETV(Pos(bptr), Pos(*ap));
    acttot = MAX(acttot, np - active);		// keep track of max active
    if (np != nptr) {				// if new actives were added
      walksub(nptr, np, cptr, bptr, p, psize, pmid);
						// then visit next level
    } else {					// else no actives left
      if (Type(p) != BODY)			// make sure we got a body
	fatal("%s.walktree: recursion terminated with cell\n"
	      "  p = 0x%x  psize   = %.8f  Mass(p) = %g\n"
	      "  pmid =   (%.8f,%.8f,%.8f)\n  Pos(p) = (%.8f,%.8f,%.8f)\n",
	      getprog(), (int) p, psize, Mass(p),
	      pmid[0], pmid[1], pmid[2], Pos(p)[0], Pos(p)[1], Pos(p)[2]);
      gravsum((bodyptr) p, cptr, bptr);		// sum force on this body
Пример #6
int main(int argc, string argv[])
  string prog, coords, itags[MaxBodyFields], otags[MaxBodyFields];
  stream xstr, ostr;
  bodyptr btab = NULL, bp;
  int nbody;
  real tnow;
  vector cmpos, cmvel, cmacc;

  initparam(argv, defv);
  exprs[0] = getparam("weight");
  prog = mktemp((string) copxstr("/tmp/sm_XXXXXX", sizeof(char)));
  buildmap(prog, names, exprs, types, NULL, Precision, NDIM, TRUE);
  xstr = execmap(prog);
  if (get_tag_ok(xstr, "History"))
  ostr = stropen(getparam("out"), "w");
  coords = getparam("coords");
  new_field(&WeightField, RealType, "Weight");
  new_field(&WeightField + 1, NULL, NULL);
  while (get_snap(xstr, &btab, &nbody, &tnow, itags, TRUE, NULL)) {
    if (scanopt(coords, PosTag) && set_member(itags, PosTag)) {
      snapcmpos(cmpos, btab, nbody, WeightField.offset);
      for (bp = btab; bp < NthBody(btab, nbody); bp = NextBody(bp)) {
	SUBV(Pos(bp), Pos(bp), cmpos);
      eprintf("[%s: centroid position: %f,%f,%f]\n", getprog(),
	      cmpos[0], cmpos[1], cmpos[2]);
    if (scanopt(coords, VelTag) && set_member(itags, VelTag)) {
      snapcmvel(cmvel, btab, nbody, WeightField.offset);
      for (bp = btab; bp < NthBody(btab, nbody); bp = NextBody(bp)) {
	SUBV(Vel(bp), Vel(bp), cmvel);
      eprintf("[%s: centroid velocity: %f,%f,%f]\n", getprog(),
	      cmvel[0], cmvel[1], cmvel[2]);
    if (scanopt(coords, AccTag) && set_member(itags, AccTag)) {
      snapcmacc(cmacc, btab, nbody, WeightField.offset);
      for (bp = btab; bp < NthBody(btab, nbody); bp = NextBody(bp)) {
	SUBV(Acc(bp), Acc(bp), cmacc);
      eprintf("[%s: cen. acceleration: %f,%f,%f]\n", getprog(),
	      cmacc[0], cmacc[1], cmacc[2]);
    del_tag(otags, itags, "Weight");
    put_snap(ostr, &btab, &nbody, &tnow, otags);
  if (unlink(prog) != 0)
    error("%s: can't unlink %s\n", getprog(), prog);
  return (0);
Пример #7
void polysolve(double hstep, bool listmodel)
  double h, rpmw[4], w1, w2, t;
  gsl_odeiv2_system sys = { diffrpmw, NULL, 4, NULL };
  gsl_odeiv2_driver *drv;
  int stat;
  if (npol <= 0.5 || mpol <= -1.0)
    error("%s: illegal value for n or m\n", getprog());
  if (npol >= 3*mpol + 5)
    error("%s: model would have infinite radius\n", getprog());
  Kprime = K * (mpol+1) * pow(PI, -1.5) * pow(2.0, - (mpol+1.5)) *
           exp(lgamma(mpol+npol+1) - lgamma(mpol+2) - lgamma(npol-0.5));
  h = hstep;
  do {
    drv = gsl_odeiv2_driver_alloc_y_new(&sys, gsl_odeiv2_step_rk4,
					h, 1.0, 1.0);
    rpmw[0] = 0.0;				// initialize radius
    rpmw[1] = PHI0;				// initialize potential
    rpmw[2] = 0.0;				// initialize enclosed mass
    rpmw[3] = 0.0;				// initialize binding energy
    nstep = 0;
    asmpstep(rpmw, h);				// use asymp. approximation
    while (rpmw[1] < 0.0) {			// while potential is neg.
      stat = gsl_odeiv2_driver_apply_fixed_step(drv, &t, h, 1, rpmw);
      if (stat)
	eprintf("[%s.polysolve: stat = %d]\n", getprog(), stat);
    w1 = rpmw[3] - 0.5 * rsqr(mtot) / rad1;
    w2 = - (2*mpol + 3) / (3*mpol - npol + 5) * rsqr(mtot) / rad1;
    eprintf("[%s.polysolve: nstep = %3d  W = %f  error = %f]\n",
	    getprog(), nstep, w2, (w1 - w2)/w2);
    h = 0.5 * h;				// refine step-size by 2
  } while (nstep < MAXSTEP/4);
  pmspline = gsl_spline_alloc(gsl_interp_cspline, nstep);
  gsl_spline_init(pmspline, rtab, ptab, nstep);
  if (listmodel) {
    printf("#%11s %11s %11s\n", "radius", "mass", "potential");
    for (int i = 0; i < nstep - 1; i++)
      printf(" %11.6f %11.6f %11.6f\n", rtab[i], mtab[i], ptab[i]);
    printf(" %11.6f %11.6f %11.6f\n", rad1, mtot, phi1);
Пример #8
int main(int argc, string argv[])
  string *mdtab, *names, *exprs, prog;
  int nexp = 0, i, j;

  initparam(argv, defv);
  mdtab = getmapdefs();				// get list of mapping vars
  for (i = 0; mdtab[i] != NULL; i += 2)
    if (getparamstat(mdtab[i]) & ARGPARAM)	// if var has assigned value
  eprintf("[%s: %scounted %d variable assignments]\n", getprog(),
	  nexp > 0 ? "" : "warning: ", nexp);
  names = (string *) allocate(sizeof(string *) * (nexp + 1));
  exprs = (string *) allocate(sizeof(string *) * (nexp + 1));
  for (i = j = 0; mdtab[i] != NULL; i += 2)
    if (getparamstat(mdtab[i]) & ARGPARAM) {	// if var has assigned value
      exprs[j] = getparam(mdtab[i]);		// list value given as expr
      names[j] = mdtab[i+1];			// and name of access macro
  exprs[j] = names[j] = NULL;
  prog = mktemp((string) copxstr("/tmp/sm_XXXXXX", sizeof(char)));
  buildmap(prog, names, exprs, NULL,
	   strnull(getparam("t")) ? NULL : getparam("t"),
	   Precision, NDIM, TRUE);
  if (unlink(prog) != 0)
    error("%s: can't unlink %s\n", getargv0(), prog);
  return (0);
Пример #9
int main(int argc, string *argv)
  initparam(argv, defv);
  printf("program %s:\n", getprog());
  printf("  input = \"%s\" [%o]\n", getparam("input"),
  printf("  output = \"%s\" [%o]\n", getparam("output"),
  printf("  answer = %d [%o]\n", getiparam("answer"),
  printf("  value = %g [%o]\n", getdparam("value"),
  printf("  flag = %s [%o]\n", getbparam("flag") ? "TRUE" : "FALSE",
  printf("  foobar = \"%s\" [%o]\n", getparam("foobar"),
  printf("  VERSION = \"%s\" [%o]\n", getversion(),
  if (getbparam("flag")) {
    printf("getparamstat(\"junk\") = %o\n", getparamstat("junk"));
    printf("calling getparam(\"junk\")\n");
    (void) getparam("junk");
  return (0);
Пример #10
int main(int argc, string argv[])
  stream outstr;
  int nmodel;
  real tzero = 0.0;

  initparam(argv, defv);
  layout_body(bodyfields, Precision, NDIM);
  nbody = getiparam("nbody");
  nmodel = getiparam("nmodel");
  if (nbody < 1 || nmodel < 1)
    error("%s: absurd value for nbody or nmodel\n", getprog());
  btab = (bodyptr) allocate(nbody * SizeofBody);
  outstr = stropen(getparam("out"), "w");
  while (--nmodel >= 0) {
    if (getbparam("besort"))
      qsort(btab, nbody, SizeofBody, berank);
    if (getbparam("zerocm"))
      snapcenter(btab, nbody, MassField.offset);
    put_snap(outstr, &btab, &nbody, &tzero, bodyfields);
  return (0);
Пример #11
void savestate(string pattern)
    char namebuf[256];
    stream str;

    sprintf(namebuf, pattern, nstep & 1);		// construct alternate name
    str = stropen(namebuf, "w!");			// open state output file
    put_string(str, "program", getprog());
    put_string(str, "version", getversion());
    put_string(str, "headline", headline);	// save control parameters
    put_data(str, "dtime", RealType, &dtime, 0);
    put_data(str, "nstatic", IntType, &nstatic, 0);
#if !defined(QUICKSCAN)
    put_data(str, "theta", RealType, &theta, 0);
    put_data(str, "usequad", BoolType, &usequad, 0);
    put_data(str, "eps", RealType, &eps, 0);
    put_string(str, "options", options);
    put_string(str, "outputs", outputs);
    put_data(str, "tstop", RealType, &tstop, 0);
    put_data(str, "dtout", RealType, &dtout, 0);
    put_data(str, "tnow", RealType, &tnow, 0);	// save state variables
    put_data(str, "tout", RealType, &tout, 0);
    put_data(str, "nstep", IntType, &nstep, 0);
    put_data(str, "rsize", RealType, &rsize, 0);
    put_data(str, "nbody", IntType, &nbody, 0);
    put_data(str, "timesteps", IntType, &nbody, 0);
    put_data(str, "bodytab", AnyType, bodytab, nbody, sizeof(body), 0);
Пример #12
int main(int argc, string argv[])
  real rrange[2], rmax;
  int np;
  double lgrs;
  gsprof *gsp;
  stream ostr;

  initparam(argv, defv);
  setrange(rrange, getparam("rrange"));
  np = getiparam("npoint");
  rmax = pow(2.0, floor(log2(32.0 / getdparam("alpha"))));
  if (rmax < rrange[1] && getbparam("smartrange")) {
    lgrs = log2(rrange[1] / rrange[0]) / (np - 1);
    np = 1 + log2(rmax / rrange[0]) / lgrs;
    eprintf("[%s: warning: npoint = %d -> %d  rrange[1] = %f -> %f]\n",
	    getprog(), getiparam("npoint"), np, rrange[1], rmax);
    rrange[1] = rmax;
  gsp = gsp_expd(getdparam("mtot"), getdparam("alpha"), getdparam("zdisk"),
		 np, rrange[0], rrange[1]);
  ostr = stropen(getparam("out"), "w");
  gsp_write(ostr, gsp);
  return 0;
Пример #13
int main(int argc, string argv[])
  stream istr, ostr;
  string times, *vecs, *produce, iotags[MaxBodyFields];
  bool expand;
  snapshot snap = { NULL, 0, 0.0 };

  initparam(argv, defv);
  istr = stropen(getparam("in"), "r");
  ostr = stropen(getparam("out"), "w");
  times = getparam("times");
  vecs = burststring(getparam("vectors"), ", ");
  expand = streq(getparam("produce"), "*");
  if (! expand) {
    produce = burststring(getparam("produce"), ", ");
    layout_body(produce, Precision, NDIM);
  while (get_snapshot_timed(istr, snap, iotags, expand, times)) {
    eprintf("[%s: rotating time %f]\n", getprog(), snap.time);
    snaprotate(&snap, iotags, vecs, getparam("order"), getbparam("invert"),
	       getdparam("thetax"), getdparam("thetay"), getdparam("thetaz"));
    put_snapshot(ostr, snap, iotags);
  return (0);
Пример #14
void fit_params(void)
  if (radius_tab[0] != 0.0)
    alpha = rlog10(density_tab[1] / density_tab[0]) /
              rlog10(radius_tab[1] / radius_tab[0]);
    alpha = 0.0;
  beta = rlog10(density_tab[ntab-2] / density_tab[ntab-1]) /
              rlog10(radius_tab[ntab-2] / radius_tab[ntab-1]);
  if (beta > -3.0)
    error("%s: total mass diverges (beta = %f)\n", getprog(), beta);
  mtot = mass_tab[ntab-1] -
         (4 * M_PI / (3 + beta)) *
           gsl_pow_3(radius_tab[ntab-1]) * density_tab[ntab-1];
  eprintf("[%s: alpha = %f  beta = %f  mtot = %f]\n", getprog(),
	  alpha, beta, mtot);
Пример #15
double cputime(void)
    struct tms buffer;

    if (times(&buffer) == -1)
	error("%s.cputime: times() call failed\n", getprog());
    return ((buffer.tms_utime + buffer.tms_stime) / (60.0 * HZ));
Пример #16
double cputime(void)
  struct rusage buf;

  if (getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &buf) == -1)
    error("%s.cputime: getrusage() call failed\n", getprog());
  return ((buf.ru_utime.tv_sec + buf.ru_utime.tv_usec / 1000000.0 +
	   buf.ru_stime.tv_sec + buf.ru_stime.tv_usec / 1000000.0) / 60.0);
Пример #17
void storestep(double rpmw[])
  if (nstep >= MAXSTEP)
    error("%s.storestep: too many steps\n", getprog());
  rtab[nstep] = rpmw[0];
  ptab[nstep] = rpmw[1];
  mtab[nstep] = rpmw[2];
Пример #18
void setprof(int model, double alpha, double rcut)
  int j;
  double r, x;

  rdtab[0] = mdtab[0] = vctab[0] = 0.0;
  for (j = 1; j < NTAB; j++) {
    r = rcut * pow(((double) j) / (NTAB - 1), 2.0);
    rdtab[j] = r;
    x = alpha * r;
    switch (model) {
      case -3:
        mdtab[j] = gsl_pow_4(r / rcut);
      case -2:
        mdtab[j] = gsl_pow_3(r / rcut);
      case -1:
        mdtab[j] = gsl_pow_2(r / rcut);
      case 0:
	mdtab[j] = 1 - exp(-x) - x * exp(-x);
      case 1:
	mdtab[j] = (2 - 2 * exp(-x) - (2*x + x*x) * exp(-x)) / 2;
      case 2:
	mdtab[j] = (6 - 6 * exp(-x) - (6*x + 3*x*x + x*x*x) * exp(-x)) / 6;
	error("%s: bad choice for model\n", getprog());
    vctab[j] = sqrt(gsp_mass(spheroid, r) / r);
  if (model > -1)
    eprintf("[%s: rcut = %8.4f/alpha  M(rcut) = %8.6f*mdisk]\n",
	    getprog(), rdtab[NTAB-1] * alpha, mdtab[NTAB-1]);
  if ((mdtab[0] == mdtab[1]) || (mdtab[NTAB-2] == mdtab[NTAB-1]))
    error("%s: disk mass table is degenerate\n", getprog());
  rm_spline = gsl_interp_alloc(gsl_interp_akima, NTAB);
  gsl_interp_init(rm_spline, mdtab, rdtab, NTAB);
  vr_spline = gsl_interp_alloc(gsl_interp_akima, NTAB);
  gsl_interp_init(vr_spline, rdtab, vctab, NTAB);
Пример #19
local typeinfo *find_name(string name)
  typeinfo *tp;

  for (tp = typetable; tp->type != NULL; tp++)
    if (streq(tp->name, name))
      return (tp);
  error("%s.find_name: type %s unknown\n", getprog(), name);
  return (NULL);
Пример #20
local typeinfo *find_type(string type)
  typeinfo *tp;

  for (tp = typetable; tp->type != NULL; tp++)
    if (tp->type[0] == type[0])
      return (tp);
  error("%s.find_type: type %c unknown\n", getprog(), type[0]);
  return (NULL);
Пример #21
stream execmap(string prog)
  int handle[2];
  char handbuf[32], produce[512];

  if (fork() == 0) {                           // if this is child process
    sprintf(handbuf, "-%d", handle[1]);
    sprintf(produce, "%s,Weight", getparam("produce"));
    execl(prog, getprog(), getparam("in"), handbuf, getparam("times"),
	  getparam("require"), produce, getparam("passall"),
	  getparam("seed"), NULL);
    error("%s: execl %s failed\n", getprog(), prog);
  sprintf(handbuf, "-%d", handle[0]);
  return (stropen(handbuf, "r"));
Пример #22
stream execmap(string prog)
  int handle[2];
  char handbuf[32];

  if (fork() == 0) {                            // if this is child process
    sprintf(handbuf, "-%d", handle[1]);
    execl(prog, getprog(), getparam("in"), handbuf, getparam("times"),
	  MassTag "," PosTag "," VelTag,
	  MassTag "," PosTag "," VelTag ",Group",
	  "true", getparam("seed"), NULL);
    error("%s: execl %s failed\n", getprog(), prog);
  sprintf(handbuf, "-%d", handle[0]);
  return (stropen(handbuf, "r"));
Пример #23
void inputdata(void)
    stream instr;
    string intags[MaxBodyFields];
    bodyptr p;

    bodytab = NULL;				// request new input data
    instr = stropen(infile, "r");			// open input stream
    get_history(instr);				// read file history data
    if (! get_snap(instr, &bodytab, &nbody, &tnow, intags, FALSE))
        error("%s.inputdata: no data in input file\n", getprog());
    strclose(instr);				// close input stream
    if (! set_member(intags, MassTag) || ! set_member(intags, PosTag) ||
            ! set_member(intags, VelTag))
        error("%s.inputdata: essential data missing\n", getprog());
    if (scanopt(options, "reset-time"))		// reset starting time?
        tnow = 0.0;
    for (p = bodytab; p < bodytab+nbody; p++)	// loop over new bodies
        Type(p) = BODY;				// initializing body type
Пример #24
void snaptrak(void)
  bodyptr bp, gp;
  int nzero;
  if (traktab == NULL) {
    ntrak = 0;
    for (bp = bodytab; bp < NthBody(bodytab, nbody); bp = NextBody(bp))
      ntrak = MAX(ntrak, Group(bp));
    eprintf("[%s: allocating %d groups]\n", getprog(), ntrak);
    traktab = (bodyptr) allocate(ntrak * SizeofBody);
  for (gp = traktab; gp < NthBody(traktab, ntrak); gp = NextBody(gp)) {
    Mass(gp) = 0.0;
    Key(gp) = 0;
  for (bp = bodytab; bp < NthBody(bodytab, nbody); bp = NextBody(bp)) {
    if (Group(bp) > ntrak)
      error("snaptrak: cant expand group array\n");
    if (Group(bp) > 0) {
      gp = NthBody(traktab, Group(bp) - 1);
      Mass(gp) += Mass(bp);
      ADDMULVS(Pos(gp), Pos(bp), Mass(bp));
      ADDMULVS(Vel(gp), Vel(bp), Mass(bp));
  nzero = 0;
  for (gp = traktab; gp < NthBody(traktab, ntrak); gp = NextBody(gp))
    if (Mass(gp) != 0.0) {
      DIVVS(Pos(gp), Pos(gp), Mass(gp));
      DIVVS(Vel(gp), Vel(gp), Mass(gp));
    } else
  if (nzero > 0)
    eprintf("[%s: %d groups have zero mass]\n", getprog(), nzero);
Пример #25
local void hqmforces(bodyptr btab, int nbody, real M, real a, real b,
		     real tol)
  bodyptr bp;
  double r, mr3i, params[4], phi0, aR0, az0, abserr[3];
  static gsl_integration_workspace *wksp = NULL;
  gsl_function FPhi, F_aR, F_az;
  static double maxerr = 0.0;
  int stat[3];

  if (a == b) {					// spherical case is easy!
    for (bp = btab; bp < NthBody(btab, nbody); bp = NextBody(bp)) {
      r = absv(Pos(bp));
      Phi(bp) = - M / (a + r);
      mr3i = M * rsqr(r / (a + r)) / rqbe(r);
      MULVS(Acc(bp), Pos(bp), - mr3i);
  } else {					// flattened case is harder
    if (wksp == NULL) {				// on first call, initialze
      wksp = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(1000);
      gsl_set_error_handler_off();		// handle errors below
    FPhi.function = &intPhi;
    F_aR.function = &int_aR;
    F_az.function = &int_az;
    FPhi.params = F_aR.params = F_az.params = params;
    a2(params) = rsqr(a);
    b2(params) = rsqr(b);
    for (bp = btab; bp < NthBody(btab, nbody); bp = NextBody(bp)) {
      R(params) = rsqrt(rsqr(Pos(bp)[0]) + rsqr(Pos(bp)[1]));
      z(params) = Pos(bp)[2];
      stat[0] = gsl_integration_qagiu(&FPhi, 0.0, tol, 0.0,
				      1000, wksp, &phi0, &abserr[0]);
      stat[1] = gsl_integration_qagiu(&F_aR, 0.0, tol, 0.0,
				      1000, wksp, &aR0, &abserr[1]);
      stat[2] = gsl_integration_qagiu(&F_az, 0.0, tol, 0.0,
				      1000, wksp, &az0, &abserr[2]);
      if (stat[0] || stat[1] || stat[2])	// any errors reported?
	for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
	  if (stat[i] != 0 && abserr[i] > maxerr) {
	    eprintf("[%s.hqmforces: warning: %s  abserr[%d] = %g]\n",
		    getprog(), gsl_strerror(stat[i]), i+1, abserr[i]);
	    maxerr = abserr[i];			// adjust reporting threshold
      Phi(bp) = - M * phi0;
      Acc(bp)[0] = - M * (Pos(bp)[0] / R(params)) * aR0;
      Acc(bp)[1] = - M * (Pos(bp)[1] / R(params)) * aR0;
      Acc(bp)[2] = - M * az0;
Пример #26
void integ_mass(bool update)
  double *dmdr_tab = (double *) allocate(ntab * sizeof(double));
  gsl_spline *spl_dmdr = gsl_spline_alloc(gsl_interp_cspline, ntab);
  gsl_interp_accel *acc_dmdr = gsl_interp_accel_alloc();
  int i, stat;
  double alpha, mass_int, del_mass, mass_end = mass_tab[ntab - 1];
  for (i = 0; i < ntab; i++)
    dmdr_tab[i] = 4 * M_PI * gsl_pow_2(radius_tab[i]) * density_tab[i];
  gsl_spline_init(spl_dmdr, radius_tab, dmdr_tab, ntab);
  if (radius_tab[0] > 0.0) {
    alpha = rlog10(density_tab[1] / density_tab[0]) /
              rlog10(radius_tab[1] / radius_tab[0]);
    mass_int = (4 * M_PI / (alpha + 3)) *
                    gsl_pow_3(radius_tab[0]) * density_tab[0];
  } else
    mass_int = 0.0;
  if (update)
    mass_tab[0] = mass_int;
  for (i = 1; i < ntab; i++) {
    stat = gsl_spline_eval_integ_e(spl_dmdr, radius_tab[i-1], radius_tab[i],
				   acc_dmdr, &del_mass);
    if (stat != 0)
      error("%s: spline error: %s\n", getprog(), gsl_strerror(stat));
    mass_int = mass_int + del_mass;
    if (update)
      mass_tab[i] = mass_int;
  eprintf("[%s: mass[] = %e:%e]\n",
	  getprog(), mass_tab[0], mass_tab[ntab - 1]);
  if (mass_int < 0.99 * mass_end || mass_int > 1.01 * mass_end)
    eprintf("[%s: WARNING: final mass = %e  integ mass = %e]\n",
	    getprog(), mass_end, mass_int);
Пример #27
void fixsurface(void)
  double f;

  while (mtab[nstep-2] == mtab[nstep-1]) {
    eprintf("[%s.fixsurface: reducing nstep to %d]\n", getprog(), nstep-1);
    ptab[nstep-2] = ptab[nstep-1];
    rtab[nstep-2] = rtab[nstep-1];
  f = -ptab[nstep-2] / (ptab[nstep-1] - ptab[nstep-2]);
  rad1 = f * rtab[nstep-1] + (1 - f) * rtab[nstep-2];
  mtot = f * mtab[nstep-1] + (1 - f) * mtab[nstep-2];
  phi1 = 0.0;					// fixed by definition
Пример #28
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 lua_State *L;
 argv[0] = getprog();
 if (argv[0]==NULL) fatal("srlua","cannot locate this executable");
 if (L==NULL) fatal(argv[0],"not enough memory for state");
 if (lua_pcall(L,2,0,0)!=0) fatal(argv[0],lua_tostring(L,-1));
Пример #29
static void dump_code(unsigned int pc, unsigned int max, int annotate) {
	int dbl = 0, sngl = 0;

	printf("ADDR  OPCODE     MNEMONIC%s\n\n", annotate?"\t\tComment":"");
	do {
		char instr[16];
		const opcode op = getprog(pc);
		const char *p = prt(op, instr);
		int i;
		if (isDBL(op)) {
			printf("%04x: %04x %04x  ", pc, op & 0xffff, (op >> 16)&0xffff);
		} else {
			printf("%04x: %04x       ", pc, op);
		//printf("%04x: %04x  ", pc, op);
		if (op == RARG(RARG_ALPHA, ' '))
			strcpy(instr+2, "[space]");

		while (*p != '\0') {
			char c = *p++;
			const char *q = pretty(c);
			if (q == NULL) putchar(c);
			else if (strcmp("narrow-space", q) == 0 && *p == c) {
				printf(" ");
			} else printf("[%s]", q);
		if (annotate) {
			extern const unsigned short int xrom_targets[];
			for (i=0; i<num_xrom_entry_points; i++)
				if (addrXROM(xrom_entry_points[i].address) == pc)
					printf("\t\t\tXLBL %s", xrom_entry_points[i].name);
			for (i=0; i<num_xrom_labels; i++)
				if (xrom_labels[i].op == op)
					printf("\t\t\t%s", xrom_labels[i].name);
			if (RARG_CMD(op) == RARG_SKIP || RARG_CMD(op) == RARG_BSF)
				printf("\t\t-> %04x", pc + (op & 0xff) + 1);
			else if (RARG_CMD(op) == RARG_BACK || RARG_CMD(op) == RARG_BSB)
				printf("\t\t-> %04x", pc - (op & 0xff));
			else if (RARG_CMD(op) == RARG_XEQ || RARG_CMD(op) == RARG_GTO)
				printf("\t\t\t-> %04x", addrXROM(0) + xrom_targets[op & RARG_MASK]);
		pc = do_inc(pc, 0);
	} while (! PcWrapped);
Пример #30
void read_table(string in, bool smooth)
  stream instr = stropen(in, "r");
  char inbuf[129];
  double radius, rho0, rho1, mass;

  if (fscanf(instr, "#%128[^\n]\n", inbuf) != 1)
    error("%s: can't read first line\n", getprog());
  eprintf("[%s: \"#%s\"]\n", getprog(), inbuf);
  if (fscanf(instr, "#%128[^\n]\n", inbuf) != 1)
    error("%s: can't read second line\n", getprog());
  if (fscanf(instr, "%128[^\n]\n", inbuf) != 1)
    error("%s: can't read third line\n", getprog());
  if (sscanf(inbuf, "%lf Infinity %lf %lf %*s", &radius, &mass, &rho1) == 3) {
    eprintf("[%s: skipping third line; radius = %f]\n", getprog(), radius);    
    ntab = 0;
  } else if (sscanf(inbuf, "%lf %lf %lf %lf %*s",
		    &radius, &rho0, &mass, &rho1) == 4) {
    radius_tab[0] = radius;
    density_tab[0] = (smooth ? rho1 : rho0);
    mass_tab[0] = mass;
    ntab = 1;
  } else
    error("%s: can't interpret third line\n", getprog());
  while (fscanf(instr, "%lf %lf %lf %lf %*s\n",
		&radius, &rho0, &mass, &rho1) == 4) {
    if (ntab < nmax) {
      radius_tab[ntab] = radius;
      density_tab[ntab] = (smooth ? rho1 : rho0);
      mass_tab[ntab] = mass;
  if (ntab > nmax) {
    eprintf("[%s: warning: truncating table to %d values]\n", getprog(), nmax);
    ntab = nmax;
  eprintf("[%s: radius[] = %e:%e  (%d values)\n", getprog(),
	  radius_tab[0], radius_tab[ntab-1], ntab);