GF_Err BM_ParseRouteReplace(GF_BifsDecoder *codec, GF_BitStream *bs, GF_List *com_list) { GF_Err e; GF_Command *com; u32 RouteID, numBits, ind, node_id, fromID, toID; GF_Route *r; GF_Node *OutNode, *InNode; RouteID = 1+gf_bs_read_int(bs, codec->info->config.RouteIDBits); r = gf_sg_route_find(codec->current_graph, RouteID); /*origin*/ node_id = 1 + gf_bs_read_int(bs, codec->info->config.NodeIDBits); OutNode = gf_sg_find_node(codec->current_graph, node_id); if (!OutNode) return GF_NON_COMPLIANT_BITSTREAM; numBits = gf_get_bit_size(gf_node_get_num_fields_in_mode(OutNode, GF_SG_FIELD_CODING_OUT) - 1); ind = gf_bs_read_int(bs, numBits); e = gf_bifs_get_field_index(OutNode, ind, GF_SG_FIELD_CODING_OUT, &fromID); if (e) return e; /*target*/ node_id = 1 + gf_bs_read_int(bs, codec->info->config.NodeIDBits); InNode = gf_sg_find_node(codec->current_graph, node_id); if (!InNode) return GF_NON_COMPLIANT_BITSTREAM; numBits = gf_get_bit_size(gf_node_get_num_fields_in_mode(InNode, GF_SG_FIELD_CODING_IN) - 1); ind = gf_bs_read_int(bs, numBits); e = gf_bifs_get_field_index(InNode, ind, GF_SG_FIELD_CODING_IN, &toID); if (e) return e; com = gf_sg_command_new(codec->current_graph, GF_SG_ROUTE_REPLACE); com->RouteID = RouteID; com->fromNodeID = gf_node_get_id(OutNode); com->fromFieldIndex = fromID; com->toNodeID = gf_node_get_id(InNode); com->toFieldIndex = toID; gf_list_add(com_list, com); return codec->LastError; }
GF_EXPORT GF_Err gf_sg_command_apply(GF_SceneGraph *graph, GF_Command *com, Double time_offset) { GF_Err e; GF_CommandField *inf; GF_FieldInfo field; GF_Node *def, *node; void *slot_ptr; if (!com || !graph) return GF_BAD_PARAM; e = GF_OK; switch (com->tag) { case GF_SG_SCENE_REPLACE: /*unregister root*/ gf_node_unregister(graph->RootNode, NULL); /*remove all protos and routes*/ while (gf_list_count(graph->routes_to_activate)) gf_list_rem(graph->routes_to_activate, 0); /*destroy all routes*/ while (gf_list_count(graph->Routes)) { GF_Route *r = (GF_Route *)gf_list_get(graph->Routes, 0); /*this will unregister the route from the graph, so don't delete the chain entry*/ gf_sg_route_del(r); } /*destroy all proto*/ while (gf_list_count(graph->protos)) { GF_Proto *p = (GF_Proto*)gf_list_get(graph->protos, 0); /*this will unregister the proto from the graph, so don't delete the chain entry*/ gf_sg_proto_del(p); } /*DO NOT TOUCH node registry*/ /*DO NOT TOUCH UNREGISTERED PROTOS*/ /*move all protos in graph*/ while (gf_list_count(com->new_proto_list)) { GF_Proto *p = (GF_Proto*)gf_list_get(com->new_proto_list, 0); gf_list_rem(com->new_proto_list, 0); gf_list_del_item(graph->unregistered_protos, p); gf_list_add(graph->protos, p); } /*assign new root (no need to register/unregister)*/ graph->RootNode = com->node; com->node = NULL; break; case GF_SG_NODE_REPLACE: if (!gf_list_count(com->command_fields)) return GF_OK; inf = (GF_CommandField*)gf_list_get(com->command_fields, 0); e = gf_node_replace(com->node, inf->new_node, 0); if (inf->new_node) gf_node_register(inf->new_node, NULL); break; case GF_SG_MULTIPLE_REPLACE: case GF_SG_FIELD_REPLACE: { u32 j; GF_ChildNodeItem *list, *cur, *prev; j=0; while ((inf = (GF_CommandField*)gf_list_enum(com->command_fields, &j))) { e = gf_node_get_field(com->node, inf->fieldIndex, &field); if (e) return e; switch (field.fieldType) { case GF_SG_VRML_SFNODE: { node = *((GF_Node **) field.far_ptr); e = gf_node_unregister(node, com->node); *((GF_Node **) field.far_ptr) = inf->new_node; if (!e) gf_node_register(inf->new_node, com->node); break; } case GF_SG_VRML_MFNODE: gf_node_unregister_children(com->node, * ((GF_ChildNodeItem **) field.far_ptr)); * ((GF_ChildNodeItem **) field.far_ptr) = NULL; list = * ((GF_ChildNodeItem **) inf->field_ptr); prev=NULL; while (list) { cur = malloc(sizeof(GF_ChildNodeItem)); cur->next = NULL; cur->node = list->node; if (prev) { prev->next = cur; } else { * ((GF_ChildNodeItem **) field.far_ptr) = cur; } gf_node_register(list->node, com->node); prev = cur; list = list->next; } break; default: /*this is a regular field, reset it and clone - we cannot switch pointers since the original fields are NOT pointers*/ if (!gf_sg_vrml_is_sf_field(field.fieldType)) { e = gf_sg_vrml_mf_reset(field.far_ptr, field.fieldType); } if (e) return e; gf_sg_vrml_field_copy(field.far_ptr, inf->field_ptr, field.fieldType); if (field.fieldType==GF_SG_VRML_SFTIME) *(SFTime *)field.far_ptr = *(SFTime *)field.far_ptr + time_offset; break; } SG_CheckFieldChange(com->node, &field); } break; } case GF_SG_MULTIPLE_INDEXED_REPLACE: case GF_SG_INDEXED_REPLACE: { u32 sftype, i=0; while ((inf = (GF_CommandField*)gf_list_enum(com->command_fields, &i))) { e = gf_node_get_field(com->node, inf->fieldIndex, &field); if (e) return e; /*if MFNode remove the child and set new node*/ if (field.fieldType == GF_SG_VRML_MFNODE) { /*we must remove the node before in case the new node uses the same ID (not forbidden) and this command removes the last instance of the node with the same ID*/ gf_node_replace_child(com->node, (GF_ChildNodeItem**) field.far_ptr, inf->pos, inf->new_node); if (inf->new_node) gf_node_register(inf->new_node, NULL); } /*erase the field item*/ else { if ((inf->pos < 0) || ((u32) inf->pos >= ((GenMFField *) field.far_ptr)->count) ) { inf->pos = ((GenMFField *)field.far_ptr)->count - 1; /*may happen with text and default value*/ if (inf->pos < 0) { inf->pos = 0; gf_sg_vrml_mf_alloc(field.far_ptr, field.fieldType, 1); } } e = gf_sg_vrml_mf_get_item(field.far_ptr, field.fieldType, & slot_ptr, inf->pos); if (e) return e; sftype = gf_sg_vrml_get_sf_type(field.fieldType); gf_sg_vrml_field_copy(slot_ptr, inf->field_ptr, sftype); /*note we don't add time offset, since there's no MFTime*/ } SG_CheckFieldChange(com->node, &field); } break; } case GF_SG_ROUTE_REPLACE: { GF_Route *r; char *name; r = gf_sg_route_find(graph, com->RouteID); def = gf_sg_find_node(graph, com->fromNodeID); node = gf_sg_find_node(graph, com->toNodeID); if (!node || !def) return GF_SG_UNKNOWN_NODE; name = NULL; if (r) { name = r->name; r->name = NULL; gf_sg_route_del(r); } r = gf_sg_route_new(graph, def, com->fromFieldIndex, node, com->toFieldIndex); gf_sg_route_set_id(r, com->RouteID); if (name) { gf_sg_route_set_name(r, name); free(name); } break; } case GF_SG_NODE_DELETE_EX: case GF_SG_NODE_DELETE: { if (com->node) gf_node_replace(com->node, NULL, (com->tag==GF_SG_NODE_DELETE_EX) ? 1 : 0); break; } case GF_SG_ROUTE_DELETE: { return gf_sg_route_del_by_id(graph, com->RouteID); } case GF_SG_INDEXED_DELETE: { if (!gf_list_count(com->command_fields)) return GF_OK; inf = (GF_CommandField*)gf_list_get(com->command_fields, 0); e = gf_node_get_field(com->node, inf->fieldIndex, &field); if (e) return e; if (gf_sg_vrml_is_sf_field(field.fieldType)) return GF_NON_COMPLIANT_BITSTREAM; /*then we need special handling in case of a node*/ if (gf_sg_vrml_get_sf_type(field.fieldType) == GF_SG_VRML_SFNODE) { e = gf_node_replace_child(com->node, (GF_ChildNodeItem **) field.far_ptr, inf->pos, NULL); } else { if ((inf->pos < 0) || ((u32) inf->pos >= ((GenMFField *) field.far_ptr)->count) ) { inf->pos = ((GenMFField *)field.far_ptr)->count - 1; } /*this is a regular MFField, just remove the item (realloc)*/ e = gf_sg_vrml_mf_remove(field.far_ptr, field.fieldType, inf->pos); } /*deletion -> node has changed*/ if (!e) SG_CheckFieldChange(com->node, &field); break; } case GF_SG_NODE_INSERT: { if (!gf_list_count(com->command_fields)) return GF_OK; inf = (GF_CommandField*)gf_list_get(com->command_fields, 0); e = gf_node_insert_child(com->node, inf->new_node, inf->pos); if (!e) gf_node_register(inf->new_node, com->node); if (!e) gf_node_event_out(com->node, inf->fieldIndex); if (!e) gf_node_changed(com->node, NULL); break; } case GF_SG_ROUTE_INSERT: { GF_Route *r; def = gf_sg_find_node(graph, com->fromNodeID); node = gf_sg_find_node(graph, com->toNodeID); if (!node || !def) return GF_SG_UNKNOWN_NODE; r = gf_sg_route_new(graph, def, com->fromFieldIndex, node, com->toFieldIndex); if (com->RouteID) gf_sg_route_set_id(r, com->RouteID); if (com->def_name) { gf_sg_route_set_name(r, com->def_name); free(com->def_name); com->def_name = NULL; } break; } case GF_SG_INDEXED_INSERT: { u32 sftype; if (!gf_list_count(com->command_fields)) return GF_OK; inf = (GF_CommandField*)gf_list_get(com->command_fields, 0); e = gf_node_get_field(com->node, inf->fieldIndex, &field); if (e) return e; /*rescale the MFField and parse the SFField*/ if (field.fieldType != GF_SG_VRML_MFNODE) { if (inf->pos == -1) { e = gf_sg_vrml_mf_append(field.far_ptr, field.fieldType, & slot_ptr); } else { e = gf_sg_vrml_mf_insert(field.far_ptr, field.fieldType, & slot_ptr, inf->pos); } if (e) return e; sftype = gf_sg_vrml_get_sf_type(field.fieldType); gf_sg_vrml_field_copy(slot_ptr, inf->field_ptr, sftype); } else { if (inf->new_node) { if (inf->pos == -1) { gf_node_list_add_child( (GF_ChildNodeItem **) field.far_ptr, inf->new_node); } else { gf_node_list_insert_child((GF_ChildNodeItem **) field.far_ptr, inf->new_node, inf->pos); } gf_node_register(inf->new_node, com->node); } } if (!e) SG_CheckFieldChange(com->node, &field); break; } case GF_SG_PROTO_INSERT: /*destroy all proto*/ while (gf_list_count(com->new_proto_list)) { GF_Proto *p = (GF_Proto*)gf_list_get(com->new_proto_list, 0); gf_list_rem(com->new_proto_list, 0); gf_list_del_item(graph->unregistered_protos, p); gf_list_add(graph->protos, p); } return GF_OK; case GF_SG_PROTO_DELETE: { u32 i; for (i=0; i<com->del_proto_list_size; i++) { /*note this will check for unregistered protos, but since IDs are unique we are sure we will not destroy an unregistered one*/ GF_Proto *proto = gf_sg_find_proto(graph, com->del_proto_list[i], NULL); if (proto) gf_sg_proto_del(proto); } } return GF_OK; case GF_SG_PROTO_DELETE_ALL: /*destroy all proto*/ while (gf_list_count(graph->protos)) { GF_Proto *p = (GF_Proto*)gf_list_get(graph->protos, 0); gf_list_rem(graph->protos, 0); /*this will unregister the proto from the graph, so don't delete the chain entry*/ gf_sg_proto_del(p); } /*DO NOT TOUCH UNREGISTERED PROTOS*/ return GF_OK; /*only used by BIFS*/ case GF_SG_GLOBAL_QUANTIZER: return GF_OK; #ifndef GPAC_DISABLE_SVG /*laser commands*/ case GF_SG_LSR_NEW_SCENE: /*DO NOT TOUCH node registry*/ /*assign new root (no need to register/unregister)*/ graph->RootNode = com->node; com->node = NULL; break; case GF_SG_LSR_DELETE: if (!com->node) return GF_NON_COMPLIANT_BITSTREAM; if (!gf_list_count(com->command_fields)) { gf_node_replace(com->node, NULL, 0); gf_node_deactivate(com->node); return GF_OK; } inf = (GF_CommandField*)gf_list_get(com->command_fields, 0); node = gf_node_list_get_child(((SVG_Element *)com->node)->children, inf->pos); if (node) { e = gf_node_replace_child(com->node, &((SVG_Element *)com->node)->children, inf->pos, NULL); gf_node_deactivate(node); } break; case GF_SG_LSR_INSERT: inf = (GF_CommandField*)gf_list_get(com->command_fields, 0); if (!com->node || !inf) return GF_NON_COMPLIANT_BITSTREAM; if (inf->new_node) { if (inf->pos<0) gf_node_list_add_child(& ((SVG_Element *)com->node)->children, inf->new_node); else gf_node_list_insert_child(& ((SVG_Element *)com->node)->children, inf->new_node, inf->pos); gf_node_register(inf->new_node, com->node); gf_node_activate(inf->new_node); gf_node_changed(com->node, NULL); } else { /*NOT SUPPORTED*/ GF_LOG(GF_LOG_ERROR, GF_LOG_CODEC, ("[LASeR] VALUE INSERTION NOT SUPPORTED\n")); } break; case GF_SG_LSR_ADD: case GF_SG_LSR_REPLACE: inf = (GF_CommandField*)gf_list_get(com->command_fields, 0); if (!com->node || !inf) return GF_NON_COMPLIANT_BITSTREAM; if (inf->new_node) { if (inf->pos<0) { /*if fieldIndex (eg attributeName) is set, this is children replacement*/ if (inf->fieldIndex>0) { gf_node_unregister_children_deactivate(com->node, ((SVG_Element *)com->node)->children); ((SVG_Element *)com->node)->children = NULL; gf_node_list_add_child(& ((SVG_Element *)com->node)->children, inf->new_node); gf_node_register(inf->new_node, com->node); gf_node_activate(inf->new_node); } else { e = gf_node_replace(com->node, inf->new_node, 0); gf_node_activate(inf->new_node); } } else { node = gf_node_list_get_child( ((SVG_Element *)com->node)->children, inf->pos); gf_node_replace_child(com->node, & ((SVG_Element *)com->node)->children, inf->pos, inf->new_node); gf_node_register(inf->new_node, com->node); if (node) gf_node_deactivate(node); gf_node_activate(inf->new_node); } /*signal node modif*/ gf_node_changed(com->node, NULL); return e; } else if (inf->node_list) { GF_ChildNodeItem *child, *cur, *prev; gf_node_unregister_children_deactivate(com->node, ((SVG_Element *)com->node)->children); ((SVG_Element *)com->node)->children = NULL; prev = NULL; child = inf->node_list; while (child) { cur = (GF_ChildNodeItem*)malloc(sizeof(GF_ChildNodeItem)); cur->next = NULL; cur->node = child->node; gf_node_register(child->node, com->node); gf_node_activate(child->node); if (prev) prev->next = cur; else ((SVG_Element *)com->node)->children = cur; prev = cur; child = child->next; } /*signal node modif*/ gf_node_changed(com->node, NULL); return GF_OK; } /*attribute modif*/ else if (inf->field_ptr) { GF_FieldInfo a, b; if (inf->fieldIndex==(u32) -2) { GF_Point2D scale, translate; Fixed rotate; GF_Matrix2D *dest; gf_node_get_field_by_name(com->node, "transform", &a); dest = (GF_Matrix2D*)a.far_ptr; if (com->tag==GF_SG_LSR_REPLACE) { if (gf_mx2d_decompose(dest, &scale, &rotate, &translate)) { gf_mx2d_init(*dest); if (inf->fieldType==SVG_TRANSFORM_SCALE) scale = *(GF_Point2D *)inf->field_ptr; else if (inf->fieldType==SVG_TRANSFORM_TRANSLATE) translate = *(GF_Point2D *)inf->field_ptr; else if (inf->fieldType==SVG_TRANSFORM_ROTATE) rotate = ((SVG_Point_Angle*)inf->field_ptr)->angle; gf_mx2d_add_scale(dest, scale.x, scale.y); gf_mx2d_add_rotation(dest, 0, 0, rotate); gf_mx2d_add_translation(dest, translate.x, translate.y); } } else { GF_Point2D *pt = (GF_Point2D *)inf->field_ptr; if (inf->fieldType==SVG_TRANSFORM_SCALE) gf_mx2d_add_scale(dest, pt->x, pt->y); else if (inf->fieldType==SVG_TRANSFORM_TRANSLATE) gf_mx2d_add_translation(dest, pt->x, pt->y); else if (inf->fieldType == SVG_TRANSFORM_ROTATE) gf_mx2d_add_rotation(dest, 0, 0, ((SVG_Point_Angle*)inf->field_ptr)->angle); } } else { if ((inf->fieldIndex==(u32) -1) && (inf->fieldType==SVG_String_datatype)) { char *str = *(SVG_String*)inf->field_ptr; if (com->tag == GF_SG_LSR_REPLACE) { GF_DOMText *t = ((SVG_Element*)com->node)->children ? (GF_DOMText*) ((SVG_Element*)com->node)->children->node :NULL; if (t && (t->sgprivate->tag==TAG_DOMText)) { if (t->textContent) free(t->textContent); t->textContent = NULL; if (str) t->textContent = strdup(str); } } else { if (str) gf_dom_add_text_node(com->node, strdup(str)); } } else if ((inf->fieldIndex==TAG_LSR_ATT_scale) || (inf->fieldIndex==TAG_LSR_ATT_translation) || (inf->fieldIndex==TAG_LSR_ATT_rotation) ) { SVG_Transform *mx; gf_svg_get_attribute_by_tag(com->node, TAG_SVG_ATT_transform, 1, 0, &a); mx = a.far_ptr; if (com->tag == GF_SG_LSR_REPLACE) { GF_Point2D scale, translate; SVG_Point_Angle rotate; if (gf_mx2d_decompose(&mx->mat, &scale, &rotate.angle, &translate)) { gf_mx2d_init(mx->mat); if (inf->fieldIndex==TAG_LSR_ATT_scale) scale = *(GF_Point2D *)inf->field_ptr; else if (inf->fieldIndex==TAG_LSR_ATT_translation) translate = *(GF_Point2D *)inf->field_ptr; else if (inf->fieldIndex==TAG_LSR_ATT_rotation) rotate = *(SVG_Point_Angle*)inf->field_ptr; gf_mx2d_add_scale(&mx->mat, scale.x, scale.y); gf_mx2d_add_rotation(&mx->mat, 0, 0, rotate.angle); gf_mx2d_add_translation(&mx->mat, translate.x, translate.y); } } else { if (inf->fieldIndex==TAG_LSR_ATT_scale) gf_mx2d_add_scale(&mx->mat, ((GF_Point2D*)inf->field_ptr)->x, ((GF_Point2D*)inf->field_ptr)->y); if (inf->fieldIndex==TAG_LSR_ATT_translation) gf_mx2d_add_translation(&mx->mat, ((GF_Point2D*)inf->field_ptr)->x, ((GF_Point2D*)inf->field_ptr)->y); if (inf->fieldIndex==TAG_LSR_ATT_rotation) gf_mx2d_add_rotation(&mx->mat, 0, 0, ((SVG_Point_Angle*)inf->field_ptr)->angle); } } else if (gf_svg_get_attribute_by_tag(com->node, inf->fieldIndex, 1, 0, &a) == GF_OK) { b = a; b.far_ptr = inf->field_ptr; if (com->tag == GF_SG_LSR_REPLACE) { gf_svg_attributes_copy(&a, &b, 0); } else { gf_svg_attributes_add(&a, &b, &a, 0); } } b = a; b.far_ptr = inf->field_ptr; } /*signal node modif*/ gf_node_changed(com->node, &a); } else if (com->fromNodeID) { GF_FieldInfo a, b; GF_Node *fromNode = gf_sg_find_node(graph, com->fromNodeID); if (!fromNode) return GF_NON_COMPLIANT_BITSTREAM; if (gf_node_get_field(fromNode, com->fromFieldIndex, &b) != GF_OK) return GF_NON_COMPLIANT_BITSTREAM; if ((inf->fieldIndex==(u32) -1) && (inf->fieldType==SVG_String_datatype)) { char *str = *(SVG_String*)inf->field_ptr; if (com->tag == GF_SG_LSR_REPLACE) { GF_DOMText *t = ((SVG_Element*)com->node)->children ? (GF_DOMText*) ((SVG_Element*)com->node)->children->node :NULL; if (t && (t->sgprivate->tag==TAG_DOMText)) { if (t->textContent) free(t->textContent); t->textContent = NULL; if (str) t->textContent = strdup(str); } } else { if (str) gf_dom_add_text_node(com->node, strdup(str)); } } else { gf_node_get_field(com->node, inf->fieldIndex, &a); if (com->tag == GF_SG_LSR_REPLACE) { e = gf_svg_attributes_copy(&a, &b, 0); } else { e = gf_svg_attributes_add(&a, &b, &a, 0); } } gf_node_changed(com->node, &a); return e; } else { return GF_NON_COMPLIANT_BITSTREAM; } break; case GF_SG_LSR_ACTIVATE: gf_node_activate(com->node); break; case GF_SG_LSR_DEACTIVATE: gf_node_deactivate(com->node); gf_node_changed(com->node, NULL); break; #endif default: return GF_NOT_SUPPORTED; } if (e) return e; if (com->scripts_to_load) { while (gf_list_count(com->scripts_to_load)) { GF_Node *script = (GF_Node *)gf_list_get(com->scripts_to_load, 0); gf_list_rem(com->scripts_to_load, 0); gf_sg_script_load(script); } gf_list_del(com->scripts_to_load); com->scripts_to_load = NULL; } return GF_OK; }