Пример #1
void gfxRenderer::DrawHSlider( int state, int style, float x, float y, float width, float height, float aspect, const float& value )
	const float margin = 2.0f;
	float thumbSize = width * aspect;

	gfxDrawRectangle(x, y, width, height, GFX_STYLE_NONE);
	gfxDrawRectangle(x+value*width, y+margin, thumbSize, height-margin*2.0f, GFX_STYLE_SLIDER_THUMB);
Пример #2
void gfxRenderer::DrawVSlider( int state, int style, float x, float y, float width, float height, float aspect, const float& value )
	// draw vertical slider
	const float margin = 2.0f;
	float thumbSize = height * aspect;

	gfxDrawRectangle(x, y, width, height, GFX_STYLE_NONE);
	gfxDrawRectangle(x+margin, y+value*height, width-margin*2, thumbSize, GFX_STYLE_SLIDER_THUMB);
Пример #3
void gfxRenderer::DrawButton( int state, int style, float x, float y, float width, float height, const char* title )
	if(state & igItemStates::PRESSED)
		gfxDrawRectangle(x, y, width, height, GFX_STYLE_ELEM_PRESSED);
	} else if(state & igItemStates::HOVER)
		gfxDrawRectangle(x, y, width, height, GFX_STYLE_ELEM_HOVER);
	} else
		gfxDrawRectangle(x, y, width, height, GFX_STYLE_NONE);

	gfxPrint(x+width/2.0f, y+height/2.0f, title, GFX_STYLE_NONE); 
Пример #4
int drawMenuEntry(menuEntry_s* me, gfxScreen_t screen, u16 x, u16 y, bool selected)
	if(!me)return 0;
	int i;

	//TODO : proper template sort of thing ?
	//this is all hardcoded and horrible

	const int totalWidth=selected?ENTRY_WIDTH_SELECTED:ENTRY_WIDTH;
	const int actualWidth=(selected?ENTRY_FWIDTH_SELECTED:ENTRY_FWIDTH);
	const int widthOffset=actualWidth-ENTRY_FWIDTH;
	const int actualHeight=selected?ENTRY_HEIGHT_SELECTED:ENTRY_HEIGHT;

	//drop shadow
		const int sw=4;
		const int sx=x-sw;
		for(i=0; i<9; i++)gfxDrawRectangle(screen, GFX_LEFT, ENTRY_BGCOLOR_SHADOW, sx+roundLut[i], y+i, sw, 1);
		gfxDrawRectangle(screen, GFX_LEFT, ENTRY_BGCOLOR_SHADOW, sx, y+9, sw, actualHeight-9*2);
		for(i=0; i<9; i++)gfxDrawRectangle(screen, GFX_LEFT, ENTRY_BGCOLOR_SHADOW, sx+roundLut[i], y+actualHeight-1-i, sw, 1);

	//main frame
	for(i=0; i<9; i++)gfxDrawRectangle(screen, GFX_LEFT, ENTRY_BGCOLOR, x-widthOffset+roundLut[i], y+i, actualWidth-roundLut[i]*2, 1);
	gfxDrawRectangle(screen, GFX_LEFT, ENTRY_BGCOLOR, x-widthOffset, y+9, actualWidth, actualHeight-9*2);
	for(i=0; i<9; i++)gfxDrawRectangle(screen, GFX_LEFT, ENTRY_BGCOLOR, x-widthOffset+roundLut[i], y+actualHeight-1-i, actualWidth-roundLut[i]*2, 1);

	//icon frame
	u8 colorIcon[]={225, 225, 225};
	for(i=0; i<5; i++)gfxDrawRectangle(screen, GFX_LEFT, colorIcon, x+3+roundLut2[i], y+4+i, 56-roundLut2[i]*2, 1);
	gfxDrawRectangle(screen, GFX_LEFT, colorIcon, x+3, y+9, 56, 46);
	for(i=0; i<5; i++)gfxDrawRectangle(screen, GFX_LEFT, colorIcon, x+3+roundLut2[i], y+4+56-1-i, 56-roundLut2[i]*2, 1);

	//app specific stuff
	gfxDrawSprite(screen, GFX_LEFT, me->iconData, ENTRY_ICON_WIDTH, ENTRY_ICON_HEIGHT, x+7, y+8);
	gfxDrawTextN(screen, GFX_LEFT, &fontTitle, me->name, ENTRY_NAMELENGTH, x+38, y+66);
	gfxDrawTextN(screen, GFX_LEFT, &fontDescription, me->description, 56, x+26, y+70);
	if(strlen(me->description) > 56 * 1)
		gfxDrawTextN(screen, GFX_LEFT, &fontDescription, me->description + 56, 56, x+18, y+70);
	else if(strlen(me->description) > 56 * 2)
		gfxDrawTextN(screen, GFX_LEFT, &fontDescription, me->description + 56 * 1, 56, x+18, y+70);
		gfxDrawTextN(screen, GFX_LEFT, &fontDescription, me->description + 56 * 2, 56, x+10, y+70);
	gfxDrawTextN(screen, GFX_LEFT, &fontDescription, me->author, ENTRY_AUTHORLENGTH, x+4, y+ENTRY_HEIGHT-getStringLength(&fontDescription, me->author)-10);

	return totalWidth;
Пример #5
void gfxRenderer::DrawMove( int state, int style, float& x, float& y, float prevX, float prevY, float width, float height, const char* title )
	// draw button
	if(state & igItemStates::PRESSED)
		gfxDrawRectangle(prevX, prevY, width, height, GFX_STYLE_ELEM_PRESSED);
	} else if(state & igItemStates::HOVER)
		gfxDrawRectangle(prevX, prevY, width, height, GFX_STYLE_ELEM_HOVER);
	} else
		gfxDrawRectangle(prevX, prevY, width, height, GFX_STYLE_NONE);

	gfxPrint(prevX + width/2.0f, prevY + height/2.0f, title, GFX_STYLE_NONE);
Пример #6
void gfxRenderer::DrawTextBox( int state, int style, float x, float y, float width, float height, const std::string& value, int textCharPos )
	// draw text box
	if(state & igItemStates::PRESSED)
		gfxDrawRectangle(x, y, width, height, GFX_STYLE_ELEM_PRESSED);
	} else if(state & igItemStates::HOVER)
		gfxDrawRectangle(x, y, width, height, GFX_STYLE_ELEM_HOVER);
	} else
		gfxDrawRectangle(x, y, width, height, GFX_STYLE_NONE);

	gfxPrint(x + width/2.0f, y + height/2.0f, value.c_str(), GFX_STYLE_NONE, state & igItemStates::TEXT_FOCUS ? textCharPos : -1); 
Пример #7
void drawError(gfxScreen_t screen, char* title, char* body, int offset)
	int i;

	int numLines=countLines(body);

	int width=numLines*8+32;
	int height=300;
	int x=240-width-12+offset, y=4;

	//main frame
	for(i=0; i<9; i++)gfxDrawRectangle(screen, GFX_LEFT, ENTRY_BGCOLOR, x+roundLutError[i], y+i, width-roundLutError[i]*2, 1);
	gfxDrawRectangle(screen, GFX_LEFT, ENTRY_BGCOLOR, x, y+9, width, height-9*2);
	for(i=0; i<9; i++)gfxDrawRectangle(screen, GFX_LEFT, ENTRY_BGCOLOR, x+roundLutError[i], y+height-1-i, width-roundLutError[i]*2, 1);

	gfxDrawText(screen, GFX_LEFT, &fontTitle, title, x+width-6-16, y+6);
	gfxDrawText(screen, GFX_LEFT, &fontDescription, body, x+width-5-16-13, y+8);
Пример #8
void btnDrawSlider(button * slider) {
    if (!slider->visible) {
    rgbColour * aRGB = inactiveColour();
    drawButtonRectForButton(slider, aRGB->r, aRGB->g, aRGB->b);
    u8 rgb[3] = {0, 0, 0};
    gfxDrawRectangle(slider->screen, slider->side, rgb, slider->x, (slider->y+slider->value)-(sliderIndicatorWidth/2), slider->w, sliderIndicatorWidth);
    rgb[0] = 255;
    rgb[1] = 255;
    rgb[2] = 255;
    gfxDrawRectangle(slider->screen, slider->side, rgb, slider->x+1, ((slider->y+slider->value)-(sliderIndicatorWidth/2))+1, slider->w-2, sliderIndicatorWidth-2);
    rgbColour * dark = darkTextColour();
    MAFont *font = &MAFontRobotoRegular10;
    int lineHeight = font->lineHeight;
    if (strlen(slider->shortText1) > 0) {
        MADrawTextWrap(slider->screen, slider->side, slider->x + (slider->w/2) - (lineHeight/2), slider->y + 20, slider->shortText1, font, dark->r, dark->g, dark->b, 0, 0);
    if (strlen(slider->shortText2) > 0) {
        int width = MATextWidthInPixels(slider->shortText2, font);
        MADrawTextWrap(slider->screen, slider->side, slider->x + (slider->w/2) - (lineHeight/2), (slider->y + slider->h) - width - 20, slider->shortText2, font, dark->r, dark->g, dark->b, 0, 0);
    drawButtonRect(slider->screen, slider->side, sliderButtonX, sliderMinusButtonY, sliderButtonWidth, sliderButtonHeight, dark->r, dark->g, dark->b);
    drawButtonRect(slider->screen, slider->side, sliderButtonX, sliderPlusButtonY, sliderButtonWidth, sliderButtonHeight, dark->r, dark->g, dark->b);
    rgbColour *light = lightTextColour();
    MADrawText(slider->screen, slider->side, sliderButtonX-2, sliderMinusButtonY+10, "-", &MAFontRobotoRegular16, light->r, light->g, light->b);
    MADrawText(slider->screen, slider->side, sliderButtonX-2, sliderPlusButtonY+10, "+", &MAFontRobotoRegular16, light->r, light->g, light->b);
Пример #9
void gfxRenderer::DrawCheckbox( int state, int style, float x, float y, float width, float height, bool value )
	const float margin = 2.0f;

	if(state & igItemStates::PRESSED)
		gfxDrawRectangle(x, y, width, height, GFX_STYLE_ELEM_PRESSED);
	} else if(state & igItemStates::HOVER)
		gfxDrawRectangle(x, y, width, height, GFX_STYLE_ELEM_HOVER);
	} else
		gfxDrawRectangle(x, y, width, height, GFX_STYLE_NONE);

		gfxDrawRectangle(x+margin, y+margin, width-margin*2, height-margin*2, GFX_STYLE_CHECKBOX);
Пример #10
void drawButtonRect(gfxScreen_t screen, gfx3dSide_t side, int x, int y, int w, int h, int r, int g, int b) {
    u8 corner[9*9*4];
    MAGFXImageWithRGBAndAlphaMask(r, g, b, (u8*)buttoncornertopleft_bin, corner, 9, 9);
    gfxDrawSpriteAlphaBlend(screen, side, corner, 9, 9, x+(w-9), y);
    MAGFXImageWithRGBAndAlphaMask(r, g, b, (u8*)buttoncornertopright_bin, corner, 9, 9);
    gfxDrawSpriteAlphaBlend(screen, side, corner, 9, 9, x+(w-9), y+h-9);
    MAGFXImageWithRGBAndAlphaMask(r, g, b, (u8*)buttoncornerbottomleft_bin, corner, 9, 9);
    gfxDrawSpriteAlphaBlend(screen, side, corner, 9, 9, x, y);
    MAGFXImageWithRGBAndAlphaMask(r, g, b, (u8*)buttoncornerbottomright_bin, corner, 9, 9);
    gfxDrawSpriteAlphaBlend(screen, side, corner, 9, 9, x, y+h-9);
    u8 rgb[3] = {r, g, b};
    gfxDrawRectangle(screen, side, rgb, x, y+9, w, h-18);
    gfxDrawRectangle(screen, side, rgb, x+9, y, w-18, h);
Пример #11
void gfxPrint(int x, int y, const char* str, int style, int pipePos, int pipe2Pos, int halign)
	const int charSize = 16;
	const int pipeSize = 12;

	sf::Text text(str, *gFont, charSize);
	sf::FloatRect r = text.getLocalBounds();
	sf::Vector2f pos = sf::Vector2f(x - (r.left+r.width)/2.0f, y - text.getCharacterSize()/2.0f);
	pos = sf::Vector2f((int)pos.x, (int)pos.y);
	text.setPosition(pos - sf::Vector2f(r.width/2.0f*halign,0));

	if(pipePos != -1)
		float p1 = text.findCharacterPos(pipePos).x;
		float p2 = text.findCharacterPos(pipe2Pos).x;
		gfxDrawRectangle(p1, pos.y-pipeSize/2, p2-p1, pipeSize*2, GFX_STYLE_ELEM_HOVER, false);

	sf::Vector2f p = text.getPosition();
	text.setPosition((int)p.x, (int)p.y);

	if(pipePos >= 0 && pipePos == pipe2Pos)
		std::string curr = str;
		curr = curr.substr(0, pipePos);
		sf::Text currText(curr+".", *gFont, charSize);
		sf::Text _Text("|", *gFont, charSize);
		sf::Text dotText(".", *gFont, charSize);

		_Text.setColor(sf::Color(0, 0, 255));
		float xDiff = currText.getLocalBounds().width - dotText.getLocalBounds().width;
		_Text.setPosition(sf::Vector2f(pos.x + xDiff, pos.y));
		gfxDrawRectangle(pos.x + xDiff-2, pos.y-pipeSize/2, 2, pipeSize*2, GFX_STYLE_ELEM_PRESSED);
Пример #12
void igRenderer::DrawTextBox( int state, int style, float x, float y, float width, float height, const std::string& value, int textCharPos, int textCharPos2)
	// draw text box
	if(state & igItemStates::PRESSED)
		gfxDrawRectangle(x, y, width, height, GFX_STYLE_ELEM_PRESSED);
	} else if(state & igItemStates::HOVER)
		gfxDrawRectangle(x, y, width, height, GFX_STYLE_ELEM_HOVER);
	} else
		gfxDrawRectangle(x, y, width, height, GFX_STYLE_TEXTBOX_BG);

	int pipePos = state & igItemStates::TEXT_FOCUS ? textCharPos : -1;
	int pipe2Pos = state & igItemStates::TEXT_FOCUS ? textCharPos2 : -1;
	if(time % 500 >= 250 && textCharPos == textCharPos2)
		pipePos = -1;

	if(pipePos > pipe2Pos)
		std::swap(pipePos, pipe2Pos);

	gfxPrint(x + width/2.0f, y + height/2.0f, value.c_str(), GFX_STYLE_NONE, pipePos, pipe2Pos); 
Пример #13
void drawScrollBar(menu_s* m)

	int scrollBarTotalSize=m->scrollBarSize+3*2;

	int i;
	// background scrollbar thing
		//35,308 - 200,7
		u8 colorBg[]={132, 224, 255};
		for(i=0; i<3; i++)gfxDrawRectangle(GFX_BOTTOM, GFX_LEFT, colorBg, 38-i, 308+roundLut3[i], 1, 7-2*roundLut3[i]);
		gfxDrawRectangle(GFX_BOTTOM, GFX_LEFT, colorBg, 38, 308, 194, 7);
		for(i=0; i<3; i++)gfxDrawRectangle(GFX_BOTTOM, GFX_LEFT, colorBg, 232+i, 308+roundLut3[i], 1, 7-2*roundLut3[i]);
	// actual scrollbar
		u8 color[]={255, 255, 255};
		for(i=0; i<3; i++)gfxDrawRectangle(GFX_BOTTOM, GFX_LEFT, color, 200-scrollBarTotalSize-m->scrollBarPos+38-i, 308+roundLut3[i], 1, 7-2*roundLut3[i]);
		gfxDrawRectangle(GFX_BOTTOM, GFX_LEFT, color, 200-scrollBarTotalSize-m->scrollBarPos+38, 308, m->currentScrollBarSize, 7);
		for(i=0; i<3; i++)gfxDrawRectangle(GFX_BOTTOM, GFX_LEFT, color, 200-scrollBarTotalSize-m->scrollBarPos+38+m->currentScrollBarSize+i, 308+roundLut3[i], 1, 7-2*roundLut3[i]);
Пример #14
void igRenderer::DrawSeparator( float x, float y, float width, float height )
	gfxDrawRectangle(x+5, y, width - 10, height, GFX_STYLE_NONE);
Пример #15
void igRenderer::DrawScrollArea(int style, float x, float y, float width, float height)
	gfxDrawRectangle(x, y, width, height, style, false);