Пример #1
gboolean gnomegadu_protocol_send_message_confer (GList *uin_list_parm, gchar *msg)
    GList   *uin_list         = uin_list_parm;
    gint     recipients_count = g_list_length(uin_list);
    uin_t   *recipients       = g_malloc(recipients_count * sizeof (uin_t));
    gchar   *msg_windows1250  = NULL;
    gboolean ret              = TRUE;
    gint     i                = 0;
    if (!gnomegadu_protocol_check_connected())
	return FALSE;
    while (uin_list)
    	if (uin_list->data != NULL)
		recipients[i++] = g_ascii_strtod((gchar *) uin_list->data,NULL);
	uin_list = g_list_next(uin_list);
    msg_windows1250 = g_convert (msg, strlen (msg), "WINDOWS-1250", "UTF-8", NULL, NULL, NULL);

    if (gg_send_message_confer(gnomegadu_gadugadu_session, GG_CLASS_CHAT, recipients_count, recipients, msg_windows1250) == -1)
	ret = FALSE;

    return ret;
    /*czy tu nie trzeba zwolnic tego recipients ? */
Пример #2
bool GaduChatService::sendMessage(const Chat &chat, FormattedMessage &message, bool silent)

	QString plain = message.toPlain();
	QList<Contact> contacts = chat.contacts().toContactList();

	if (plain.isEmpty()) // for image sending
		message.prepend(FormattedMessagePart(" ", false, false, false, QColor(0, 0, 0)));

	unsigned int uinsCount = 0;
	unsigned int formatsSize = 0;
	QScopedArrayPointer<unsigned char> formats(GaduFormatter::createFormats(Protocol->account(), message, formatsSize));
	bool stop = false;

	kdebugmf(KDEBUG_INFO, "\n%s\n", (const char *)unicode2latin(plain));

	QByteArray data = plain.toUtf8();

	emit filterRawOutgoingMessage(chat, data, stop);
	plain = QString::fromUtf8(data);
	emit filterOutgoingMessage(chat, plain, stop);

	if (stop)
		kdebugmf(KDEBUG_FUNCTION_END, "end: filter stopped processing\n");
		return false;

	if (data.length() >= 2000)
		MessageDialog::show("dialog-warning", tr("Kadu"), tr("Filtered message too long (%1>=%2)").arg(data.length()).arg(2000));
		kdebugmf(KDEBUG_FUNCTION_END, "end: filtered message too long\n");
		return false;

	uinsCount = contacts.count();

	int messageId = -1;
	if (uinsCount > 1)
		QScopedArrayPointer<UinType> uins(new UinType[uinsCount]);
		unsigned int i = 0;

		foreach (const Contact &contact, contacts)
			uins[i++] = Protocol->uin(contact);

		if (formatsSize)
			messageId = gg_send_message_confer_richtext(
					Protocol->gaduSession(), GG_CLASS_CHAT, uinsCount, uins.data(), (unsigned char *)data.data(),
					formats.data(), formatsSize);
			messageId = gg_send_message_confer(
					Protocol->gaduSession(), GG_CLASS_CHAT, uinsCount, uins.data(), (unsigned char *)data.data());
Пример #3
int GGPROTO::gc_event(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam)
	GCHOOK *gch = (GCHOOK *)lParam;
	GGGC *chat = NULL;
	uin_t uin;

	// Check if we got our protocol, and fields are set
	if (!gch
		|| !gch->pDest
		|| !gch->pDest->ptszID
		|| !gch->pDest->pszModule
		|| mir_strcmpi(gch->pDest->pszModule, m_szModuleName)
		|| !(uin = getDword(GG_KEY_UIN, 0))
		|| !(chat = gc_lookup(gch->pDest->ptszID)))
		return 0;

	// Window terminated (Miranda exit)
	if (gch->pDest->iType == SESSION_TERMINATE)
		debugLog(_T("gc_event(): Terminating chat %x, id %s from chat window..."), chat, gch->pDest->ptszID);
		// Destroy chat entry
		list_remove(&chats, chat, 1);

		// Remove contact from contact list (duh!) should be done by chat.dll !!
		for (MCONTACT hContact = db_find_first(); hContact; ) {
			MCONTACT hNext = db_find_next(hContact);
			if (!getTString(hContact, "ChatRoomID", &dbv)) {
				if (dbv.ptszVal && !mir_tstrcmp(gch->pDest->ptszID, dbv.ptszVal))
					CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_DELETE, hContact, 0);
			hContact = hNext;
		return 1;

	// Message typed / send only if online
	if (isonline() && (gch->pDest->iType == GC_USER_MESSAGE) && gch->ptszText) {
		TCHAR id[32];
		UIN2IDT(uin, id);

		GCDEST gcd = { m_szModuleName, gch->pDest->ptszID, GC_EVENT_MESSAGE };
		GCEVENT gce = { sizeof(gce), &gcd };
		gce.ptszUID = id;
		gce.ptszText = gch->ptszText;
		TCHAR* nickT;
		if (!getTString(GG_KEY_NICK, &dbv)){
			nickT = mir_tstrdup(dbv.ptszVal);
		else nickT = mir_tstrdup(TranslateT("Me"));
		gce.ptszNick = nickT;

		// Get rid of CRLF at back
		int lc = (int)mir_tstrlen(gch->ptszText) - 1;
		while(lc >= 0 && (gch->ptszText[lc] == '\n' || gch->ptszText[lc] == '\r'))
			gch->ptszText[lc --] = 0;

		gce.time = time(NULL);
		gce.bIsMe = 1;
		gce.dwFlags = GCEF_ADDTOLOG;
		debugLog(_T("gc_event(): Sending conference message to room %s, \"%s\"."), gch->pDest->ptszID, gch->ptszText);
		CallServiceSync(MS_GC_EVENT, 0, (LPARAM)&gce);
		T2Utf pszText_utf8(gch->ptszText);
		gg_EnterCriticalSection(&sess_mutex, "gc_event", 57, "sess_mutex", 1);
		gg_send_message_confer(sess, GG_CLASS_CHAT, chat->recipients_count, chat->recipients, pszText_utf8);
		gg_LeaveCriticalSection(&sess_mutex, "gc_event", 57, 1, "sess_mutex", 1);
		return 1;

	// Privmessage selected
	if (gch->pDest->iType == GC_USER_PRIVMESS)
		MCONTACT hContact = NULL;
		if ((uin = _ttoi(gch->ptszUID)) && (hContact = getcontact(uin, 1, 0, NULL)))
			CallService(MS_MSG_SENDMESSAGE, hContact, 0);
	debugLog(_T("gc_event(): Unhandled event %d, chat %x, uin %d, text \"%s\"."), gch->pDest->iType, chat, uin, gch->ptszText);

	return 0;