Пример #1
void LevelParser::parseTileLayer(TiXmlElement* pTileElement, std::vector<Layer*> *pLayers, const std::vector<Tileset>* pTilesets, std::vector<TileLayer*> *m_CollisionsLayer)
	TileLayer* pTileLayer = new TileLayer(m_tileSizew, m_tileSizeh, *pTilesets);
	bool collidable = false;

	std::vector<std::vector<int>> data;
	std::string decodedIDs;
	TiXmlElement* pDataNode;
	for (TiXmlElement* e = pTileElement->FirstChildElement(); e != NULL; e = e->NextSiblingElement())
		if (e->Value() == std::string("properties"))
			for (TiXmlElement* property = e->FirstChildElement(); property
				!= NULL; property = property->NextSiblingElement())
				if (property->Value() == std::string("property"))
					if (property->Attribute("name") == std::string("collidable"))
						collidable = true;
		if (e->Value() == std::string("data"))
			pDataNode = e;
	for (TiXmlNode* e = pDataNode->FirstChild(); e != NULL; e = e->NextSibling())
		TiXmlText* text = e->ToText();
		std::string t = text->Value();
		decodedIDs = base64_decode(t);

	uLongf numGids = m_width * m_height * sizeof(int);
	std::vector<unsigned> gids(numGids);
	uncompress((Bytef*)&gids[0], &numGids, (const Bytef*)decodedIDs.c_str(), decodedIDs.size());
	std::vector<int> layerRow(m_width);
	for (int j = 0; j < m_height; j++)
	for (int rows = 0; rows < m_height; rows++)
		for (int cols = 0; cols < m_width; cols++)
			data[rows][cols] = gids[rows * m_width + cols];

	if (collidable)
Пример #2
void LevelParser::parseTileLayer(TiXmlElement* pTileElement, std::vector<Layer*> *pLayers, const std::vector<Tileset>* pTilesets)
	TileLayer* pTileLayer = new TileLayer(m_tileSize, *pTilesets);

	// tile data
	std::vector<std::vector<int>> data;

	std::string decodedIDs;

	TiXmlElement* pDataNode = NULL;

	for (TiXmlElement* e = pTileElement->FirstChildElement(); e != NULL; e = e->NextSiblingElement())
		if (e->Value() == std::string("data"))
			pDataNode = e;

	for (TiXmlNode* e = pDataNode->FirstChild(); e != NULL; e = e->NextSibling())
		TiXmlText* text = e->ToText();

		std::string t = text->Value();

		decodedIDs = base64_decode(t);

	// uncompress zlib compression
	uLongf numGids = m_width * m_height * sizeof(int);

	std::vector<unsigned> gids(numGids);

	uncompress((Bytef*)&gids[0], &numGids, (const Bytef*)decodedIDs.c_str(), decodedIDs.size());

	std::vector<int> layerRow(m_width);

	for (int j = 0; j < m_height; j++)
	for (int rows = 0; rows < m_height; rows++)
		for (int cols = 0; cols < m_width; cols++)
			data[rows][cols] = gids[rows * m_width + cols];


Пример #3
ErrorCode ReadCCMIO::read_vertices(CCMIOSize_t /* proc */, CCMIOID /* processorID */, CCMIOID verticesID,
                                   CCMIOID /* topologyID */, 
                                   Range *verts, TupleList &vert_map) 
  CCMIOError error = kCCMIONoErr;
    // pre-read the number of vertices, so we can pre-allocate & read directly in
  CCMIOSize_t nverts = CCMIOSIZEC(0);
  CCMIOEntitySize(&error, verticesID, &nverts, NULL);
  CHKCCMERR(error, "Couldn't get number of vertices.");

    // get # dimensions
  CCMIOSize_t dims;
  float scale;
  CCMIOReadVerticesf(&error, verticesID, &dims, NULL, NULL, NULL, CCMIOINDEXC(0), CCMIOINDEXC(1));
  CHKCCMERR(error, "Couldn't get number of dimensions.");

    // allocate vertex space
  EntityHandle node_handle = 0;
  std::vector<double*> arrays;
  readMeshIface->get_node_coords(3, GETINT32(nverts), MB_START_ID, node_handle, arrays);

    // read vertex coords
  std::vector<double> tmp_coords(GETINT32(dims)*GETINT32(nverts));
  CCMIOReadVerticesd(&error, verticesID, &dims, &scale, &mapID, &tmp_coords[0], 
                     CCMIOINDEXC(0), CCMIOINDEXC(0+nverts));
  CHKCCMERR(error, "Trouble reading vertex coordinates.");

    // copy interleaved coords into moab blocked coordinate space
  int i = 0, threei = 0;
  for (; i < nverts; i++) {
    arrays[0][i] = tmp_coords[threei++];
    arrays[1][i] = tmp_coords[threei++];
    if (3 == GETINT32(dims)) arrays[2][i] = tmp_coords[threei++];
    else arrays[2][i] = 0.0;

    // scale, if necessary
  if (1.0 != scale) {
    for(i = 0; i < nverts; i++) {
      arrays[0][i] *= scale;
      arrays[1][i] *= scale;
      if (3 == GETINT32(dims)) arrays[2][i] *= scale;

    // read gids for vertices
  std::vector<int> gids(GETINT32(nverts));
  CCMIOReadMap(&error, mapID, &gids[0], CCMIOINDEXC(kCCMIOStart), CCMIOINDEXC(kCCMIOEnd));
  CHKCCMERR(error, "Trouble reading vertex global ids.");

    // put new vertex handles into range, and set gids for them
  Range new_verts(node_handle, node_handle+nverts-1);
  ErrorCode rval = mbImpl->tag_set_data(mGlobalIdTag, new_verts, &gids[0]);
  CHKERR(rval, "Couldn't set gids on vertices.");
    // pack vert_map with global ids and handles for these vertices
  for (i = 0; i < GETINT32(nverts); i++) {
    vert_map.push_back(NULL, &gids[i], &node_handle, NULL);
  for (i = 0; i < GETINT32(nverts); i++) {
    node_handle += 1;
  if (verts) verts->merge(new_verts);

  return MB_SUCCESS;
ErrorCode ReadCCMIO::get_processors(CCMIOID stateID, 
                                    CCMIOID &processorID, CCMIOID &verticesID,
                                    CCMIOID &topologyID, CCMIOID &solutionID,
                                    std::vector<CCMIOSize_t> &procs,
                                    bool & /* has_solution */) 
  CCMIOSize_t proc = CCMIOSIZEC(0);
  CCMIOError error = kCCMIONoErr;
  CCMIONextEntity(&error, stateID, kCCMIOProcessor, &proc, &processorID);
  if (CCMIOReadProcessor(NULL, processorID, &verticesID, 
                         &topologyID, NULL, &solutionID) != kCCMIONoErr) {
      // Maybe no solution;  try again
    CCMIOReadProcessor(&error, processorID, &verticesID, 
                       &topologyID, NULL, NULL);
    hasSolution = false;
  return MB_SUCCESS;
Пример #4
// ======================================================================
void GetPtent(const Epetra_RowMatrix& A, Teuchos::ParameterList& List,
              double* thisns, Teuchos::RCP<Epetra_CrsMatrix>& Ptent,
              Teuchos::RCP<Epetra_MultiVector>& NextNS, const int domainoffset)
  const int nsdim = List.get<int>("null space: dimension",-1);
  if (nsdim<=0) ML_THROW("null space dimension not given",-1);
  const Epetra_Map& rowmap = A.RowMatrixRowMap();
  const int mylength = rowmap.NumMyElements();

  // wrap nullspace into something more handy
  Epetra_MultiVector ns(View,rowmap,thisns,mylength,nsdim);

  // vector to hold aggregation information
  Epetra_IntVector aggs(rowmap,false);

  // aggregation with global aggregate numbering
  int naggregates = GetGlobalAggregates(const_cast<Epetra_RowMatrix&>(A),List,thisns,aggs);

  // build a domain map for Ptent
  // find first aggregate on proc
  int firstagg = -1;
  int offset = -1;
  for (int i=0; i<mylength; ++i)
    if (aggs[i]>=0)
      offset = firstagg = aggs[i];
  offset *= nsdim;
  if (offset<0) ML_THROW("could not find any aggregate on proc",-2);
  std::vector<int> coarsegids(naggregates*nsdim);
  for (int i=0; i<naggregates; ++i)
    for (int j=0; j<nsdim; ++j)
      coarsegids[i*nsdim+j] = offset + domainoffset;
  Epetra_Map pdomainmap(-1,naggregates*nsdim,&coarsegids[0],0,A.Comm());

  // loop aggregates and build ids for dofs
  std::map<int,std::vector<int> > aggdofs;
  std::map<int,std::vector<int> >::iterator fool;
  for (int i=0; i<naggregates; ++i)
    std::vector<int> gids(0);
    aggdofs.insert(std::pair<int,std::vector<int> >(firstagg+i,gids));
  for (int i=0; i<mylength; ++i)
    if (aggs[i]<0) continue;
    std::vector<int>& gids = aggdofs[aggs[i]];

#if 0 // debugging output
  for (int proc=0; proc<A.Comm().NumProc(); ++proc)
    if (proc==A.Comm().MyPID())
      for (fool=aggdofs.begin(); fool!=aggdofs.end(); ++fool)
        std::cout << "Proc " << proc << " Aggregate " << fool->first << " Dofs ";
        std::vector<int>& gids = fool->second;
        for (int i=0; i<(int)gids.size(); ++i) std::cout << gids[i] << " ";
        std::cout << std::endl;

  // coarse level nullspace to be filled
  NextNS = Teuchos::rcp(new Epetra_MultiVector(pdomainmap,nsdim,true));
  Epetra_MultiVector& nextns = *NextNS;

  // matrix Ptent
  Ptent = Teuchos::rcp(new Epetra_CrsMatrix(Copy,rowmap,nsdim));

  // loop aggregates and extract the appropriate slices of the nullspace.
  // do QR and assemble Q and R to Ptent and NextNS
  for (fool=aggdofs.begin(); fool!=aggdofs.end(); ++fool)
    // extract aggregate-local junk of nullspace
    const int aggsize = (int)fool->second.size();
    Epetra_SerialDenseMatrix Bagg(aggsize,nsdim);
    for (int i=0; i<aggsize; ++i)
      for (int j=0; j<nsdim; ++j)
        Bagg(i,j) = (*ns(j))[ns.Map().LID(fool->second[i])];

    // Bagg = Q*R
    int m = Bagg.M();
    int n = Bagg.N();
    int lwork = n*10;
    int info = 0;
    int k = std::min(m,n);
    if (k!=n) ML_THROW("Aggregate too small, fatal!",-1);
    std::vector<double> work(lwork);
    std::vector<double> tau(k);
    Epetra_LAPACK lapack;
    if (info) ML_THROW("Lapack dgeqrf returned nonzero",info);
    if (work[0]>lwork)
      lwork = (int)work[0];

    // get R (stored on Bagg) and assemble it into nextns
    int agg_cgid = fool->first*nsdim;
    if (!nextns.Map().MyGID(agg_cgid+domainoffset))
      ML_THROW("Missing coarse column id on this proc",-1);
    for (int i=0; i<n; ++i)
      for (int j=i; j<n; ++j)
        (*nextns(j))[nextns.Map().LID(domainoffset+agg_cgid+i)] = Bagg(i,j);

    // get Q and assemble it into Ptent
    if (info) ML_THROW("Lapack dorgqr returned nonzero",info);
    for (int i=0; i<aggsize; ++i)
      const int actgrow = fool->second[i];
      for (int j=0; j<nsdim; ++j)
        int actgcol = fool->first*nsdim+j+domainoffset;
        int errone = Ptent->SumIntoGlobalValues(actgrow,1,&Bagg(i,j),&actgcol);
        if (errone>0)
          int errtwo = Ptent->InsertGlobalValues(actgrow,1,&Bagg(i,j),&actgcol);
          if (errtwo<0) ML_THROW("Epetra_CrsMatrix::InsertGlobalValues returned negative nonzero",errtwo);
        else if (errone) ML_THROW("Epetra_CrsMatrix::SumIntoGlobalValues returned negative nonzero",errone);
    } // for (int i=0; i<aggsize; ++i)
  } // for (fool=aggdofs.begin(); fool!=aggdofs.end(); ++fool)
  int err = Ptent->FillComplete(pdomainmap,rowmap);
  if (err) ML_THROW("Epetra_CrsMatrix::FillComplete returned nonzero",err);
  err = Ptent->OptimizeStorage();
  if (err) ML_THROW("Epetra_CrsMatrix::OptimizeStorage returned nonzero",err);

Пример #5
int main(int narg, char **arg)
  typedef Tpetra::Map<> map_t;
  typedef map_t::local_ordinal_type lno_t;
  typedef map_t::global_ordinal_type gno_t;
  typedef int scalar_t;

  // Usual Teuchos MPI stuff
  Teuchos::GlobalMPISession mpiSession(&narg,&arg);
  Teuchos::RCP<const Teuchos::Comm<int> >
  comm = Teuchos::DefaultComm<int>::getComm();
  int me = comm->getRank();

  // Create a map with duplicated entries (mapWithCopies)
  // Each rank has 15 IDs, the last five of which overlap with the next rank.

  lno_t numLocalCoords = 15;
  lno_t offset = me * 10;

  Teuchos::Array<gno_t> gids(numLocalCoords);
  for (lno_t i = 0 ; i < numLocalCoords; i++)
    gids[i] = static_cast<gno_t> (offset + i);

  Tpetra::global_size_t numGlobalCoords =
  Teuchos::RCP<const map_t> mapWithCopies =
          rcp(new map_t(numGlobalCoords, gids(), 0, comm));

  // Create a new map with IDs uniquely assigned to ranks (oneToOneMap)
  Teuchos::RCP<const map_t> oneToOneMap =
          Tpetra::createOneToOne<lno_t, gno_t>(mapWithCopies);

  // Create vectors with each map
  typedef Tpetra::Vector<scalar_t, lno_t, gno_t> vector_t;

  vector_t vecWithCopies(mapWithCopies);
  vector_t oneToOneVec(oneToOneMap);

  // Set values in oneToOneVec:  each entry == rank
  for (lno_t i = 0; i < lno_t(oneToOneMap->getNodeNumElements()); i++)
    oneToOneVec.replaceLocalValue(i, me);

  // Now import oneToOneVec's values back to vecWithCopies
  Teuchos::RCP<const Tpetra::Import<lno_t, gno_t> > importer =
      Tpetra::createImport<lno_t, gno_t>(oneToOneMap, mapWithCopies);
  vecWithCopies.doImport(oneToOneVec, *importer, Tpetra::REPLACE);

  // Print the entries of each vector
  std::cout << me << " ONE TO ONE VEC  ("
                  << oneToOneMap->getGlobalNumElements() << "):  ";
  lno_t nlocal = lno_t(oneToOneMap->getNodeNumElements());
  for (lno_t i = 0; i < nlocal; i++)
    std::cout << "[" << oneToOneMap->getGlobalElement(i) << " "
              << oneToOneVec.getData()[i] << "] ";
  std::cout << std::endl;

  // Should see copied vector values when print VEC WITH COPIES
  std::cout << me << " VEC WITH COPIES ("
                  << mapWithCopies->getGlobalNumElements() << "):  ";
  nlocal = lno_t(mapWithCopies->getNodeNumElements());
  for (lno_t i = 0; i < nlocal; i++)
    std::cout << "[" << mapWithCopies->getGlobalElement(i) << " "
              << vecWithCopies.getData()[i] << "] ";
  std::cout << std::endl;

  return 0;
Пример #6
void LevelParser::parseTileLayer
(TiXmlElement *pTileElement, vector<ILayer *> *pLayers,
 vector<TileLayer*>* pCollisionLayers,vector<Tileset> *pTilesets){
    TileLayer* pTileLayer = new TileLayer(m_tileSize, m_width, m_height, *pTilesets);
    //Check for layer properties
    bool collidable(false);
    for (TiXmlElement* e = pTileElement->FirstChildElement();
         e != NULL; e = e->NextSiblingElement()){
        //cout << "Checking " << e->Value() << "\n";
        if (e->Value() == string("properties")){
            for (TiXmlElement* p = e->FirstChildElement();
                 p != NULL; p = p->NextSiblingElement()){
                if (p->Value() == string("property")){
                    cout << "Now checking " << p->Value() << "\n";
                    string currentProperty = p->Attribute("name");
                    if (currentProperty == string("collidable")){
                        if (p->Attribute("value") == string("true")){
                            collidable = true;
                        } else {
                            collidable = false;
                        if (collidable){
                            cout << "Found collidable layer\n";
    //Find data node then store it
    //pDataNode = findElement("data", pTileElement->FirstChildElement());
    bool isBase64  = false ;
    bool isZlibCompressed = false;
    TiXmlElement* pDataNode= 0;
    for (TiXmlElement* e = pTileElement->FirstChildElement();
         e != NULL; e = e->NextSiblingElement()){
        if (e->Value() == string("data")){
            pDataNode = e;
            //Check if encoded/compressed
            if (e->Attribute("encoding")){
                if (e->Attribute("encoding") == string("base64")){
                    isBase64 = true;
            if (e->Attribute("compression")){
                if (e->Attribute("compression") == string("zlib")){
                    isZlibCompressed = true;
    //Decode data and store
    string decodedIDs;
    if (pDataNode && isBase64){
        for (TiXmlNode* e = pDataNode->FirstChild(); e != NULL; e = e->NextSibling()){
            TiXmlText* text = e ->ToText();
            string t = text->Value();
            decodedIDs = base64_decode(t);
    //Placeholder for data
    vector<vector<int>> data;
    //Calculate number of GIDS present
    uLongf numGids = m_width * m_height * sizeof(int);
    vector<unsigned> gids(numGids);
    //Horizontal register for vector
    vector<int> layerRow(m_width);
    //Build empty data vector to fill
    for(int j = 0 ; j < m_height; j++){
    //Compressed data assignment
    if (isZlibCompressed){
        ((Bytef*)&gids[0], &numGids, (const Bytef*)decodedIDs.c_str(), decodedIDs.size());
        for (int rows = 0 ; rows <m_height; rows++){
            for (int cols = 0; cols < m_width; cols++){
                data[rows][cols] = gids[rows * m_width + cols];
    } else {
        //Uncompressed data assignment
        int index = 0;
        int tileID = 0;
        //Find all tiles, assign GID to proper data vector place
        for (TiXmlElement* e = pDataNode->FirstChildElement();
             e != NULL; e = e->NextSiblingElement()){
            data[index / m_width][index % m_width] = tileID;
    //Set Tile Layer properties
    //Save new tile layer to Level
    cout << "Added new layer\n";
    //Add collision tiles to collision layer
    if (collidable){
        cout << "Added new collision layer\n";