Пример #1
static GimpLayer *
gimp_image_merge_layers (GimpImage     *image,
                         GimpContainer *container,
                         GSList        *merge_list,
                         GimpContext   *context,
                         GimpMergeType  merge_type)
  GList            *list;
  GSList           *reverse_list = NULL;
  GSList           *layers;
  GimpLayer        *merge_layer;
  GimpLayer        *layer;
  GimpLayer        *bottom_layer;
  GimpParasiteList *parasites;
  gint              count;
  gint              x1, y1, x2, y2;
  gint              off_x, off_y;
  gint              position;
  gchar            *name;
  GimpLayer        *parent;

  g_return_val_if_fail (GIMP_IS_IMAGE (image), NULL);
  g_return_val_if_fail (GIMP_IS_CONTEXT (context), NULL);

  layer        = NULL;
  x1 = y1      = 0;
  x2 = y2      = 0;
  bottom_layer = NULL;

  parent = gimp_layer_get_parent (merge_list->data);

  /*  Get the layer extents  */
  count = 0;
  while (merge_list)
      layer = merge_list->data;

      gimp_item_get_offset (GIMP_ITEM (layer), &off_x, &off_y);

      switch (merge_type)
        case GIMP_CLIP_TO_IMAGE:
          if (! count)
              x1 = off_x;
              y1 = off_y;
              x2 = off_x + gimp_item_get_width  (GIMP_ITEM (layer));
              y2 = off_y + gimp_item_get_height (GIMP_ITEM (layer));
              if (off_x < x1)
                x1 = off_x;
              if (off_y < y1)
                y1 = off_y;
              if ((off_x + gimp_item_get_width (GIMP_ITEM (layer))) > x2)
                x2 = (off_x + gimp_item_get_width (GIMP_ITEM (layer)));
              if ((off_y + gimp_item_get_height (GIMP_ITEM (layer))) > y2)
                y2 = (off_y + gimp_item_get_height (GIMP_ITEM (layer)));

          if (merge_type == GIMP_CLIP_TO_IMAGE)
              x1 = CLAMP (x1, 0, gimp_image_get_width  (image));
              y1 = CLAMP (y1, 0, gimp_image_get_height (image));
              x2 = CLAMP (x2, 0, gimp_image_get_width  (image));
              y2 = CLAMP (y2, 0, gimp_image_get_height (image));

          if (merge_list->next == NULL)
              x1 = off_x;
              y1 = off_y;
              x2 = off_x + gimp_item_get_width  (GIMP_ITEM (layer));
              y2 = off_y + gimp_item_get_height (GIMP_ITEM (layer));

        case GIMP_FLATTEN_IMAGE:
          if (merge_list->next == NULL)
              x1 = 0;
              y1 = 0;
              x2 = gimp_image_get_width  (image);
              y2 = gimp_image_get_height (image);

      count ++;
      reverse_list = g_slist_prepend (reverse_list, layer);
      merge_list = g_slist_next (merge_list);

  if ((x2 - x1) == 0 || (y2 - y1) == 0)
    return NULL;

  /*  Start a merge undo group. */

  name = g_strdup (gimp_object_get_name (layer));

  if (merge_type == GIMP_FLATTEN_IMAGE ||
      (gimp_drawable_is_indexed (GIMP_DRAWABLE (layer)) &&
       ! gimp_drawable_has_alpha (GIMP_DRAWABLE (layer))))
      GeglColor *color;
      GimpRGB    bg;

      merge_layer = gimp_layer_new (image, (x2 - x1), (y2 - y1),
                                    gimp_image_get_layer_format (image, FALSE),
                                    gimp_object_get_name (layer),
                                    GIMP_OPACITY_OPAQUE, GIMP_NORMAL_MODE);
      if (! merge_layer)
          g_warning ("%s: could not allocate merge layer.", G_STRFUNC);
          return NULL;

      gimp_item_set_offset (GIMP_ITEM (merge_layer), x1, y1);

      /*  get the background for compositing  */
      gimp_context_get_background (context, &bg);

      color = gimp_gegl_color_new (&bg);
      gegl_buffer_set_color (gimp_drawable_get_buffer (GIMP_DRAWABLE (merge_layer)),
                             GEGL_RECTANGLE(0,0,x2-x1,y2-y1), color);
      g_object_unref (color);

      position = 0;
      /*  The final merged layer inherits the name of the bottom most layer
       *  and the resulting layer has an alpha channel whether or not the
       *  original did. Opacity is set to 100% and the MODE is set to normal.

      merge_layer =
        gimp_layer_new (image, (x2 - x1), (y2 - y1),
                        gimp_drawable_get_format_with_alpha (GIMP_DRAWABLE (layer)),
                        "merged layer",
                        GIMP_OPACITY_OPAQUE, GIMP_NORMAL_MODE);

      if (!merge_layer)
          g_warning ("%s: could not allocate merge layer", G_STRFUNC);
          return NULL;

      gimp_item_set_offset (GIMP_ITEM (merge_layer), x1, y1);

      /*  clear the layer  */
      gegl_buffer_clear (gimp_drawable_get_buffer (GIMP_DRAWABLE (merge_layer)),

      /*  Find the index in the layer list of the bottom layer--we need this
       *  in order to add the final, merged layer to the layer list correctly
      layer = reverse_list->data;
      position =
        gimp_container_get_n_children (container) -
        gimp_container_get_child_index (container, GIMP_OBJECT (layer));

  bottom_layer = layer;

  /* Copy the tattoo and parasites of the bottom layer to the new layer */
  gimp_item_set_tattoo (GIMP_ITEM (merge_layer),
                        gimp_item_get_tattoo (GIMP_ITEM (bottom_layer)));

  parasites = gimp_item_get_parasites (GIMP_ITEM (bottom_layer));
  parasites = gimp_parasite_list_copy (parasites);
  gimp_item_set_parasites (GIMP_ITEM (merge_layer), parasites);
  g_object_unref (parasites);

  for (layers = reverse_list; layers; layers = g_slist_next (layers))
      GeglBuffer           *merge_buffer;
      GeglBuffer           *layer_buffer;
      GimpApplicator       *applicator;
      GimpLayerModeEffects  mode;

      layer = layers->data;

      gimp_item_get_offset (GIMP_ITEM (layer), &off_x, &off_y);

      /* DISSOLVE_MODE is special since it is the only mode that does not
       *  work on the projection with the lower layer, but only locally on
       *  the layers alpha channel.
      mode = gimp_layer_get_mode (layer);
      if (layer == bottom_layer && mode != GIMP_DISSOLVE_MODE)
        mode = GIMP_NORMAL_MODE;

      merge_buffer = gimp_drawable_get_buffer (GIMP_DRAWABLE (merge_layer));
      layer_buffer = gimp_drawable_get_buffer (GIMP_DRAWABLE (layer));

      applicator =
        gimp_applicator_new (NULL,
                             gimp_drawable_get_linear (GIMP_DRAWABLE (layer)),
                             FALSE, FALSE);

      if (gimp_layer_get_mask (layer) &&
          gimp_layer_get_apply_mask (layer))
          GeglBuffer *mask_buffer;

          mask_buffer = gimp_drawable_get_buffer (GIMP_DRAWABLE (layer->mask));

          gimp_applicator_set_mask_buffer (applicator, mask_buffer);
          gimp_applicator_set_mask_offset (applicator,
                                           - (x1 - off_x),
                                           - (y1 - off_y));

      gimp_applicator_set_src_buffer (applicator, merge_buffer);
      gimp_applicator_set_dest_buffer (applicator, merge_buffer);

      gimp_applicator_set_apply_buffer (applicator, layer_buffer);
      gimp_applicator_set_apply_offset (applicator,
                                        - (x1 - off_x),
                                        - (y1 - off_y));

      gimp_applicator_set_mode (applicator,
                                gimp_layer_get_opacity (layer),

      gimp_applicator_blit (applicator,
                            GEGL_RECTANGLE (0, 0,
                                            gegl_buffer_get_width  (merge_buffer),
                                            gegl_buffer_get_height (merge_buffer)));

      g_object_unref (applicator);

      gimp_image_remove_layer (image, layer, TRUE, NULL);

  g_slist_free (reverse_list);

  gimp_object_take_name (GIMP_OBJECT (merge_layer), name);
  gimp_item_set_visible (GIMP_ITEM (merge_layer), TRUE, FALSE);

  /*  if the type is flatten, remove all the remaining layers  */
  if (merge_type == GIMP_FLATTEN_IMAGE)
      list = gimp_image_get_layer_iter (image);
      while (list)
          layer = list->data;

          list = g_list_next (list);
          gimp_image_remove_layer (image, layer, TRUE, NULL);

      gimp_image_add_layer (image, merge_layer, parent,
                            position, TRUE);
      /*  Add the layer to the image  */

      gimp_image_add_layer (image, merge_layer, parent,
                            gimp_container_get_n_children (container) -
                            position + 1,

  gimp_drawable_update (GIMP_DRAWABLE (merge_layer),
                        0, 0,
                        gimp_item_get_width  (GIMP_ITEM (merge_layer)),
                        gimp_item_get_height (GIMP_ITEM (merge_layer)));

  return merge_layer;
Пример #2
gimp_paint_core_start (GimpPaintCore     *core,
                       GimpDrawable      *drawable,
                       GimpPaintOptions  *paint_options,
                       const GimpCoords  *coords,
                       GError           **error)
  GimpImage   *image;
  GimpItem    *item;
  GimpChannel *mask;

  g_return_val_if_fail (GIMP_IS_PAINT_CORE (core), FALSE);
  g_return_val_if_fail (GIMP_IS_DRAWABLE (drawable), FALSE);
  g_return_val_if_fail (gimp_item_is_attached (GIMP_ITEM (drawable)), FALSE);
  g_return_val_if_fail (GIMP_IS_PAINT_OPTIONS (paint_options), FALSE);
  g_return_val_if_fail (coords != NULL, FALSE);
  g_return_val_if_fail (error == NULL || *error == NULL, FALSE);

  item  = GIMP_ITEM (drawable);
  image = gimp_item_get_image (item);

  if (core->stroke_buffer)
      g_array_free (core->stroke_buffer, TRUE);
      core->stroke_buffer = NULL;

  core->stroke_buffer = g_array_sized_new (TRUE, TRUE,
                                           sizeof (GimpCoords),

  /* remember the last stroke's endpoint for later undo */
  core->start_coords = core->last_coords;

  core->cur_coords = *coords;

  if (! GIMP_PAINT_CORE_GET_CLASS (core)->start (core, drawable,
                                                 coords, error))
      return FALSE;

  /*  Allocate the undo structure  */
  if (core->undo_buffer)
    g_object_unref (core->undo_buffer);

  core->undo_buffer = gegl_buffer_dup (gimp_drawable_get_buffer (drawable));

  /*  Allocate the saved proj structure  */
  if (core->saved_proj_buffer)
      g_object_unref (core->saved_proj_buffer);
      core->saved_proj_buffer = NULL;

  if (core->use_saved_proj)
      GeglBuffer *buffer = gimp_pickable_get_buffer (GIMP_PICKABLE (image));

      core->saved_proj_buffer = gegl_buffer_dup (buffer);

  /*  Allocate the canvas blocks structure  */
  if (core->canvas_buffer)
    g_object_unref (core->canvas_buffer);

  core->canvas_buffer =
    gegl_buffer_new (GEGL_RECTANGLE (0, 0,
                                     gimp_item_get_width  (item),
                                     gimp_item_get_height (item)),
                     babl_format ("Y float"));

  /*  Get the initial undo extents  */

  core->x1 = core->x2 = core->cur_coords.x;
  core->y1 = core->y2 = core->cur_coords.y;

  core->last_paint.x = -1e6;
  core->last_paint.y = -1e6;

  mask = gimp_image_get_mask (image);

  /*  don't apply the mask to itself and don't apply an empty mask  */
  if (GIMP_DRAWABLE (mask) != drawable && ! gimp_channel_is_empty (mask))
      GeglBuffer *mask_buffer;
      gint        offset_x;
      gint        offset_y;

      mask_buffer = gimp_drawable_get_buffer (GIMP_DRAWABLE (mask));
      gimp_item_get_offset (item, &offset_x, &offset_y);

      core->mask_buffer   = g_object_ref (mask_buffer);
      core->mask_x_offset = -offset_x;
      core->mask_y_offset = -offset_y;
      core->mask_buffer = NULL;

  core->linear_mode = gimp_drawable_get_linear (drawable);

  if (paint_options->use_applicator)
      core->applicator = gimp_applicator_new (NULL, core->linear_mode);

      if (core->mask_buffer)
          gimp_applicator_set_mask_buffer (core->applicator,
          gimp_applicator_set_mask_offset (core->applicator,

      gimp_applicator_set_affect (core->applicator,
                                  gimp_drawable_get_active_mask (drawable));
      gimp_applicator_set_dest_buffer (core->applicator,
                                       gimp_drawable_get_buffer (drawable));
      if (core->comp_buffer)
          g_object_unref (core->comp_buffer);
          core->comp_buffer = NULL;

      /* Allocate the scratch buffer if there's a component mask */
      if (gimp_drawable_get_active_mask (drawable) != GIMP_COMPONENT_ALL)
          const Babl *format;

          if (core->linear_mode)
            format = babl_format ("RGBA float");
            format = babl_format ("R'G'B'A float");

          core->comp_buffer =
            gegl_buffer_new (GEGL_RECTANGLE (0, 0,
                                             gimp_item_get_width  (item),
                                             gimp_item_get_height (item)),

  /*  Freeze the drawable preview so that it isn't constantly updated.  */
  gimp_viewable_preview_freeze (GIMP_VIEWABLE (drawable));

  return TRUE;
Пример #3
gimp_drawable_real_apply_buffer (GimpDrawable         *drawable,
                                 GeglBuffer           *buffer,
                                 const GeglRectangle  *buffer_region,
                                 gboolean              push_undo,
                                 const gchar          *undo_desc,
                                 gdouble               opacity,
                                 GimpLayerModeEffects  mode,
                                 GeglBuffer           *base_buffer,
                                 gint                  base_x,
                                 gint                  base_y)
  GimpItem          *item  = GIMP_ITEM (drawable);
  GimpImage         *image = gimp_item_get_image (item);
  GimpChannel       *mask  = gimp_image_get_mask (image);
  GimpApplicator    *applicator;
  gint               x, y, width, height;
  gint               offset_x, offset_y;

  /*  don't apply the mask to itself and don't apply an empty mask  */
  if (GIMP_DRAWABLE (mask) == drawable || gimp_channel_is_empty (mask))
    mask = NULL;

  if (! base_buffer)
    base_buffer = gimp_drawable_get_buffer (drawable);

  /*  get the layer offsets  */
  gimp_item_get_offset (item, &offset_x, &offset_y);

  /*  make sure the image application coordinates are within drawable bounds  */
  gimp_rectangle_intersect (base_x, base_y,
                            buffer_region->width, buffer_region->height,
                            0, 0,
                            gimp_item_get_width  (item),
                            gimp_item_get_height (item),
                            &x, &y, &width, &height);

  if (mask)
      GimpItem *mask_item = GIMP_ITEM (mask);

      /*  make sure coordinates are in mask bounds ...
       *  we need to add the layer offset to transform coords
       *  into the mask coordinate system
      gimp_rectangle_intersect (x, y, width, height,
                                -offset_x, -offset_y,
                                gimp_item_get_width  (mask_item),
                                gimp_item_get_height (mask_item),
                                &x, &y, &width, &height);

  if (push_undo)
      GimpDrawableUndo *undo;

      gimp_drawable_push_undo (drawable, undo_desc,
                               NULL, x, y, width, height);

      undo = GIMP_DRAWABLE_UNDO (gimp_image_undo_get_fadeable (image));

      if (undo)
          undo->paint_mode = mode;
          undo->opacity    = opacity;

          undo->applied_buffer =
            gegl_buffer_new (GEGL_RECTANGLE (0, 0, width, height),
                             gegl_buffer_get_format (buffer));

          gegl_buffer_copy (buffer,
                            GEGL_RECTANGLE (buffer_region->x + (x - base_x),
                                            buffer_region->y + (y - base_y),
                                            width, height),
                            GEGL_RECTANGLE (0, 0, width, height));

  applicator = gimp_applicator_new (NULL, gimp_drawable_get_linear (drawable),

  if (mask)
      GeglBuffer *mask_buffer;

      mask_buffer = gimp_drawable_get_buffer (GIMP_DRAWABLE (mask));

      gimp_applicator_set_mask_buffer (applicator, mask_buffer);
      gimp_applicator_set_mask_offset (applicator, -offset_x, -offset_y);

  gimp_applicator_set_src_buffer (applicator, base_buffer);
  gimp_applicator_set_dest_buffer (applicator,
                                   gimp_drawable_get_buffer (drawable));

  gimp_applicator_set_apply_buffer (applicator, buffer);
  gimp_applicator_set_apply_offset (applicator,
                                    base_x - buffer_region->x,
                                    base_y - buffer_region->y);

  gimp_applicator_set_mode (applicator, opacity, mode);
  gimp_applicator_set_affect (applicator,
                              gimp_drawable_get_active_mask (drawable));

  gimp_applicator_blit (applicator, GEGL_RECTANGLE (x, y, width, height));

  g_object_unref (applicator);