Пример #1
LIBeam2dNL :: computeInitialStressMatrix(FloatMatrix &answer, TimeStep *tStep)
    int i, j, n;
    double dV;
    GaussPoint *gp;
    IntegrationRule *iRule;
    FloatArray stress;
    FloatMatrix A;
    Material *mat = this->giveMaterial();

    answer.resize(6, 6);

    iRule = integrationRulesArray [ giveDefaultIntegrationRule() ];
    // assemble initial stress matrix
    for ( i = 0; i < iRule->getNumberOfIntegrationPoints(); i++ ) {
        gp = iRule->getIntegrationPoint(i);
        dV = this->computeVolumeAround(gp);
        stress = ( ( StructuralMaterialStatus * ) mat->giveStatus(gp) )->giveStressVector();
        n = stress.giveSize();
        if ( n ) {
            for ( j = 1; j <= n; j++ ) {
                // loop over each component of strain vector
                this->computeNLBMatrixAt(A, gp, j);
                if ( A.isNotEmpty() ) {
                    A.times(stress.at(j) * dV);
Пример #2
LIBeam3dNL :: giveInternalForcesVector(FloatArray &answer, TimeStep *tStep, int useUpdatedGpRecord)
    int i, j;
    Material *mat = this->giveMaterial();
    IntegrationRule *iRule = integrationRulesArray [ giveDefaultIntegrationRule() ];
    GaussPoint *gp = iRule->getIntegrationPoint(0);
    FloatArray nm(6), TotalStressVector(6);
    FloatMatrix x;
    double s1, s2;

    // update temp triad

    if ( useUpdatedGpRecord == 1 ) {
        TotalStressVector = ( ( StructuralMaterialStatus * ) mat->giveStatus(gp) )
    } else {
        this->computeStressVector(TotalStressVector, gp, tStep);

    for ( i = 1; i <= 3; i++ ) {
        s1 = s2 = 0.0;
        for ( j = 1; j <= 3; j++ ) {
            s1 += tempTc.at(i, j) * TotalStressVector.at(j);
            s2 += tempTc.at(i, j) * TotalStressVector.at(j + 3);

        nm.at(i)   = s1;
        nm.at(i + 3) = s2;

    this->computeXMtrx(x, tStep);
    answer.beProductOf(x, nm);
Пример #3
void InterfaceElem1d :: drawScalar(oofegGraphicContext &context)
    int i, indx, result = 0;
    GaussPoint *gp;
    IntegrationRule *iRule = integrationRulesArray [ giveDefaultIntegrationRule() ];
    TimeStep *tStep = this->giveDomain()->giveEngngModel()->giveCurrentStep();
    FloatArray gcoord(3), v1;
    WCRec p [ 1 ];
    IntArray map;
    GraphicObj *go;
    double val [ 1 ];

    if ( !context.testElementGraphicActivity(this) ) {

    if ( context.getInternalVarsDefGeoFlag() ) {
        double defScale = context.getDefScale();
        p [ 0 ].x = ( FPNum ) 0.5 * ( this->giveNode(1)->giveUpdatedCoordinate(1, tStep, EID_MomentumBalance, defScale) +
                                     this->giveNode(2)->giveUpdatedCoordinate(1, tStep, EID_MomentumBalance, defScale) );
        p [ 0 ].y = ( FPNum ) 0.5 * ( this->giveNode(1)->giveUpdatedCoordinate(2, tStep, EID_MomentumBalance, defScale) +
                                     this->giveNode(2)->giveUpdatedCoordinate(2, tStep, EID_MomentumBalance, defScale) );
        p [ 0 ].z = ( FPNum ) 0.5 * ( this->giveNode(1)->giveUpdatedCoordinate(3, tStep, EID_MomentumBalance, defScale) +
                                     this->giveNode(2)->giveUpdatedCoordinate(3, tStep, EID_MomentumBalance, defScale) );
    } else {
        p [ 0 ].x = ( FPNum )( this->giveNode(1)->giveCoordinate(1) );
        p [ 0 ].y = ( FPNum )( this->giveNode(1)->giveCoordinate(2) );
        p [ 0 ].z = ( FPNum )( this->giveNode(1)->giveCoordinate(3) );

    result += giveIPValue(v1, iRule->getIntegrationPoint(0), context.giveIntVarType(), tStep);

    for ( i = 0; i < iRule->getNumberOfIntegrationPoints(); i++ ) {
        result = 0;
        gp  = iRule->getIntegrationPoint(i);
        result += giveIPValue(v1, gp, context.giveIntVarType(), tStep);
        result += this->giveIntVarCompFullIndx( map, context.giveIntVarType() );
        if ( result != 2 ) {

        if ( ( indx = map.at( context.giveIntVarIndx() ) ) == 0 ) {

        val [ 0 ] = v1.at(indx);
        context.updateFringeTableMinMax(val, 1);

        go = CreateMarkerWD3D(p, val [ 0 ]);
        EGWithMaskChangeAttributes(LAYER_MASK | FILL_MASK | MTYPE_MASK, go);
        EMAddGraphicsToModel(ESIModel(), go);
Пример #4
Lattice2d_mt :: givePressure()
    LatticeTransportMaterialStatus *status;
    GaussPoint *gp;
    IntegrationRule *iRule = integrationRulesArray [ giveDefaultIntegrationRule() ];
    gp = iRule->getIntegrationPoint(0);
    Material *mat = this->giveMaterial();

    status = ( LatticeTransportMaterialStatus * ) mat->giveStatus(gp);

    return status->givePressure();
Пример #5
Lattice2d :: giveCrackWidth()
    LatticeMaterialStatus *status;

    GaussPoint *gp;
    IntegrationRule *iRule = integrationRulesArray [ giveDefaultIntegrationRule() ];
    gp = iRule->getIntegrationPoint(0);
    status = static_cast< LatticeMaterialStatus * >( gp->giveMaterialStatus() );
    double crackWidth = 0;
    crackWidth = status->giveCrackWidth();

    return crackWidth;
Пример #6
Lattice2d :: giveCrackFlag()
    LatticeMaterialStatus *status;

    GaussPoint *gp;
    IntegrationRule *iRule = integrationRulesArray [ giveDefaultIntegrationRule() ];
    gp = iRule->getIntegrationPoint(0);
    status = static_cast< LatticeMaterialStatus * >( gp->giveMaterialStatus() );
    int crackFlag = 0;
    crackFlag = status->giveCrackFlag();

    return crackFlag;
Пример #7
Lattice2d :: hasBeenUpdated()
    LatticeMaterialStatus *status;

    GaussPoint *gp;
    IntegrationRule *iRule = integrationRulesArray [ giveDefaultIntegrationRule() ];
    gp = iRule->getIntegrationPoint(0);
    status = static_cast< LatticeMaterialStatus * >( gp->giveMaterialStatus() );
    int updateFlag = 0;
    updateFlag = status->hasBeenUpdated();

    return updateFlag;
Пример #8
Lattice2d :: giveOldNormalStress()
    LatticeMaterialStatus *status;

    GaussPoint *gp;
    IntegrationRule *iRule = integrationRulesArray [ giveDefaultIntegrationRule() ];
    gp = iRule->getIntegrationPoint(0);
    status = static_cast< LatticeMaterialStatus * >( gp->giveMaterialStatus() );
    double normalStress = 0;
    normalStress = status->giveOldNormalStress();

    return normalStress;
Пример #9
Lattice2d :: giveDeltaDissipation()
    LatticeMaterialStatus *status;

    GaussPoint *gp;
    IntegrationRule *iRule = integrationRulesArray [ giveDefaultIntegrationRule() ];
    gp = iRule->getIntegrationPoint(0);
    status = static_cast< LatticeMaterialStatus * >( gp->giveMaterialStatus() );
    double deltaDissipation = 0;
    deltaDissipation = status->giveDeltaDissipation();

    return deltaDissipation;
Пример #10
Lattice2d_mt :: giveMass()
    LatticeTransportMaterialStatus *status;

    GaussPoint *gp;
    IntegrationRule *iRule = integrationRulesArray [ giveDefaultIntegrationRule() ];
    gp = iRule->getIntegrationPoint(0);
    Material *mat = this->giveMaterial();

    status = ( LatticeTransportMaterialStatus * ) mat->giveStatus(gp);
    double mass = 0;
    mass = status->giveMass();
    //multiply with volume
    mass *= this->length * this->width / 2.;

    return mass;
Пример #11
LIBeam3dNL :: computeTempCurv(FloatArray &answer, TimeStep *tStep)
    Material *mat = this->giveMaterial();
    IntegrationRule *iRule = integrationRulesArray [ giveDefaultIntegrationRule() ];
    GaussPoint *gp = iRule->getIntegrationPoint(0);
    FloatArray ui(3), xd(3), curv(3), ac(3), PrevEpsilon;
    FloatMatrix sc(3, 3), tmid(3, 3);


    // update curvature at midpoint
    // first, compute Tmid
    // ask increments
    this->computeVectorOf(EID_MomentumBalance, VM_Incremental, tStep, ui);

    ac.at(1) = 0.5 * ( ui.at(10) - ui.at(4) );
    ac.at(2) = 0.5 * ( ui.at(11) - ui.at(5) );
    ac.at(3) = 0.5 * ( ui.at(12) - ui.at(6) );
    this->computeSMtrx(sc, ac);
    sc.times(1. / 2.);
    // compute I+sc
    sc.at(1, 1) += 1.0;
    sc.at(2, 2) += 1.0;
    sc.at(3, 3) += 1.0;
    tmid.beProductOf(sc, this->tc);

    // update curvature at centre
    ac.at(1) = ( ui.at(10) - ui.at(4) );
    ac.at(2) = ( ui.at(11) - ui.at(5) );
    ac.at(3) = ( ui.at(12) - ui.at(6) );

    answer.beTProductOf(tmid, ac);
    answer.times(1 / this->l0);

    // ask for previous kappa
    PrevEpsilon = ( ( StructuralMaterialStatus * ) mat->giveStatus(gp) )->giveStrainVector();
    if ( PrevEpsilon.giveSize() ) {
        answer.at(1) += PrevEpsilon.at(4);
        answer.at(2) += PrevEpsilon.at(5);
        answer.at(3) += PrevEpsilon.at(6);
Пример #12
StructuralInterfaceElement :: giveInternalForcesVector(FloatArray &answer,
                                                       TimeStep *tStep, int useUpdatedGpRecord)
    // Computes internal forces
    // if useGpRecord == 1 then data stored in ip->giveStressVector() are used
    // instead computing stressVector through this->ComputeStressVector();
    // this must be done after you want internal forces after element->updateYourself()
    // has been called for the same time step.

    IntegrationRule *iRule = integrationRulesArray [ giveDefaultIntegrationRule() ];

    FloatMatrix N, rotationMatGtoL;
    FloatArray u, traction, tractionTemp, jump;

    this->computeVectorOf(VM_Total, tStep, u);
    // subtract initial displacements, if defined
    if ( initialDisplacements ) {
        u.subtract(* initialDisplacements);

    // zero answer will resize accordingly when adding first contribution

    for ( IntegrationPoint *ip: *iRule ) {
        this->computeNmatrixAt(ip, N);
        //if ( useUpdatedGpRecord == 1 ) {
        //    StructuralInterfaceMaterialStatus *status = static_cast< StructuralInterfaceMaterialStatus * >( ip->giveMaterialStatus() );
        //    //temp
        //    FloatArray traction3d;
        //    traction3d = status->giveTraction();
        //    traction.setValues(2, traction3d.at(1), traction3d.at(3) );
        //} else {
            jump.beProductOf(N, u);
            this->computeTraction(traction, ip, jump, tStep);

        // compute internal cohesive forces as f = N^T*traction dA
        double dA = this->computeAreaAround(ip);
        answer.plusProduct(N, traction, dA);

Пример #13
StructuralInterfaceElement :: computeStiffnessMatrix(FloatMatrix &answer, MatResponseMode rMode, TimeStep *tStep)
    // Computes the stiffness matrix of the receiver K_cohesive = int_A ( N^t * dT/dj * N ) dA
    FloatMatrix N, D, DN;
    bool matStiffSymmFlag = this->giveCrossSection()->isCharacteristicMtrxSymmetric(rMode);

    IntegrationRule *iRule = integrationRulesArray [ giveDefaultIntegrationRule() ];
    FloatMatrix rotationMatGtoL;
    for ( IntegrationPoint *ip: *iRule ) {

        if ( this->nlGeometry == 0 ) {
            this->giveStiffnessMatrix_Eng(D, rMode, ip, tStep);
        } else if ( this->nlGeometry == 1 ) {
            this->giveStiffnessMatrix_dTdj(D, rMode, ip, tStep);
        } else {
            OOFEM_ERROR("nlgeometry must be 0 or 1!")

        this->computeTransformationMatrixAt(ip, rotationMatGtoL);
        D.rotatedWith(rotationMatGtoL, 't');                      // transform stiffness to global coord system

        this->computeNmatrixAt(ip, N);
        DN.beProductOf(D, N);
        double dA = this->computeAreaAround(ip);
        if ( matStiffSymmFlag ) {
            answer.plusProductSymmUpper(N, DN, dA);
        } else {
            answer.plusProductUnsym(N, DN, dA);

    if ( matStiffSymmFlag ) {
Пример #14
NLStructuralElement :: giveInternalForcesVector(FloatArray &answer,
                                                TimeStep *tStep, int useUpdatedGpRecord)
// returns nodal representation of real internal forces - necessary only for
// non-linear analysis.
// if useGpRecord == 1 then data stored in gp->giveStressVector() are used
// instead computing stressVector through this->ComputeStressVector();
// this must be done after you want internal forces after element->updateYourself()
// has been called for the same time step.
    GaussPoint *gp;
    Material *mat = this->giveMaterial();
    IntegrationRule *iRule = integrationRulesArray [ giveDefaultIntegrationRule() ];

    FloatMatrix b, A, *ut = NULL, b2;
    FloatArray bs, TotalStressVector, u;
    int i, j, k;
    double dV;

    // do not resize answer to computeNumberOfDofs(EID_MomentumBalance)
    // as this is valid only if receiver has no nodes with slaves
    // zero answer will resize accordingly when adding first contribution

    if ( nlGeometry ) {
        this->computeVectorOf(EID_MomentumBalance, VM_Total, tStep, u);
        if ( u.giveSize() ) {
            ut = new FloatMatrix( &u, 1);
        } else {
            ut = NULL;

    for ( i = 0; i < iRule->getNumberOfIntegrationPoints(); i++ ) {
        gp = iRule->getIntegrationPoint(i);
        this->computeBmatrixAt(gp, b);
        if ( nlGeometry ) {
            for ( j = 1; j <= b.giveNumberOfRows(); j++ ) {
                // loop over each component of strain vector
                this->computeNLBMatrixAt(A, gp, j);
                if ( ( A.isNotEmpty() ) && ( ut != NULL ) ) {
                    for ( k = 1; k <= b.giveNumberOfColumns(); k++ ) {
                        // add nonlinear contribution to each component
                        b.at(j, k) += b2.at(1, k); //mj
        } // end nlGeometry

        if ( useUpdatedGpRecord == 1 ) {
            TotalStressVector = ( ( StructuralMaterialStatus * ) mat->giveStatus(gp) )
        } else {
            this->computeStressVector(TotalStressVector, gp, tStep);

        // updates gp stress and strain record  acording to current
        // increment of displacement
        if ( TotalStressVector.giveSize() == 0 ) {

        // now every gauss point has real stress vector
        // compute nodal representation of internal forces using f = B^T*Sigma dV
        dV  = this->computeVolumeAround(gp);
        bs.beTProductOf(b, TotalStressVector);

        answer.add(dV, bs);

    if ( nlGeometry ) {
        delete ut;

    // if inactive update fields; but do not contribute to structure
    if ( !this->isActivated(tStep) ) {
Пример #15
NLStructuralElement :: computeStiffnessMatrix(FloatMatrix &answer,
                                              MatResponseMode rMode, TimeStep *tStep)
// Computes numerically the stiffness matrix of the receiver.
// taking into account possible effects of nonlinear geometry
    int i, j, k, l, m, n, iStartIndx, iEndIndx, jStartIndx, jEndIndx;
    double dV;
    FloatMatrix d, A, *ut = NULL, b2;
    FloatMatrix bi, bj, dbj, dij;
    FloatArray u, stress;
    GaussPoint *gp;
    IntegrationRule *iRule;
    bool matStiffSymmFlag = this->giveCrossSection()->isCharacteristicMtrxSymmetric(rMode, this->material);

    answer.resize( computeNumberOfDofs(EID_MomentumBalance), computeNumberOfDofs(EID_MomentumBalance) );
    if ( !this->isActivated(tStep) ) {

    Material *mat = this->giveMaterial();

    if ( nlGeometry ) {
        this->computeVectorOf(EID_MomentumBalance, VM_Total, tStep, u);
        if ( u.giveSize() ) {
            ut = new FloatMatrix( &u, 1);
        } else {
            ut = NULL;

    if ( numberOfIntegrationRules > 1 ) {
        for ( i = 0; i < numberOfIntegrationRules; i++ ) {
            iStartIndx = integrationRulesArray [ i ]->getStartIndexOfLocalStrainWhereApply();
            iEndIndx   = integrationRulesArray [ i ]->getEndIndexOfLocalStrainWhereApply();
            for ( j = 0; j < numberOfIntegrationRules; j++ ) {
                jStartIndx = integrationRulesArray [ j ]->getStartIndexOfLocalStrainWhereApply();
                jEndIndx   = integrationRulesArray [ j ]->getEndIndexOfLocalStrainWhereApply();
                if ( i == j ) {
                    iRule = integrationRulesArray [ i ];
                } else if ( integrationRulesArray [ i ]->getNumberOfIntegrationPoints() < integrationRulesArray [ j ]->getNumberOfIntegrationPoints() ) {
                    iRule = integrationRulesArray [ i ];
                } else {
                    iRule = integrationRulesArray [ j ];

                for ( k = 0; k < iRule->getNumberOfIntegrationPoints(); k++ ) {
                    gp = iRule->getIntegrationPoint(k);
                    this->computeBmatrixAt(gp, bi, iStartIndx, iEndIndx);
                    if ( i != j ) {
                        this->computeBmatrixAt(gp, bj, jStartIndx, jEndIndx);
                    } else {
                        bj = bi;

                    if ( nlGeometry ) {
                        for ( l = 0; l <  bi.giveNumberOfRows(); l++ ) {
                            // loop over each component of strain vector
                            this->computeNLBMatrixAt(A, gp, l + iStartIndx);
                            if ( ( A.isNotEmpty() ) && ( ut != NULL ) ) {
                                b2.beProductOf(* ut, A);
                                for ( m = 1; m <= bi.giveNumberOfColumns(); m++ ) {
                                    // add nonlinear contribution to each component
                                    bi.at(l + 1, m) += b2.at(1, m); //mj

                    if ( nlGeometry && ( i != j ) ) {
                        for ( l = 0; l <  bj.giveNumberOfRows(); l++ ) {
                            // loop over each component of strain vector
                            this->computeNLBMatrixAt(A, gp, l + jStartIndx);
                            if ( ( A.isNotEmpty() ) && ( ut != NULL ) ) {
                                b2.beProductOf(* ut, A);
                                for ( m = 1; m <= bj.giveNumberOfColumns(); m++ ) {
                                    // add nonlinear contribution to each component
                                    bj.at(l + 1, m) += b2.at(1, m); //mj
                    } // end nlGeometry

                    this->computeConstitutiveMatrixAt(d, rMode, gp, tStep);
                    dij.beSubMatrixOf(d, iStartIndx, iEndIndx, jStartIndx, jEndIndx);
                    dV  = this->computeVolumeAround(gp);
                    dbj.beProductOf(dij, bj);
                    if ( matStiffSymmFlag ) {
                        answer.plusProductSymmUpper(bi, dbj, dV);
                    } else {
                        answer.plusProductUnsym(bi, dbj, dV);
    } else { // numberOfIntegrationRules == 1
        iRule = integrationRulesArray [ giveDefaultIntegrationRule() ];
        for ( j = 0; j < iRule->getNumberOfIntegrationPoints(); j++ ) {
            gp = iRule->getIntegrationPoint(j);
            this->computeBmatrixAt(gp, bj);
            if ( nlGeometry ) {
                for ( l = 1; l <=  bj.giveNumberOfRows(); l++ ) {
                    // loop over each component of strain vector
                    this->computeNLBMatrixAt(A, gp, l);
                    if ( ( A.isNotEmpty() ) && ( ut != NULL ) ) {
                        b2.beProductOf(* ut, A);
                        for ( k = 1; k <= bj.giveNumberOfColumns(); k++ ) {
                            // add nonlinear contribution to each component
                            bj.at(l, k) += b2.at(1, k); //mj
            } // end nlGeometry

            this->computeConstitutiveMatrixAt(d, rMode, gp, tStep);
            dV = this->computeVolumeAround(gp);
            dbj.beProductOf(d, bj);
            if ( matStiffSymmFlag ) {
                answer.plusProductSymmUpper(bj, dbj, dV);
            } else {
                answer.plusProductUnsym(bj, dbj, dV);

    if ( nlGeometry ) {
        delete ut;

    if ( nlGeometry ) {
        iRule = integrationRulesArray [ giveDefaultIntegrationRule() ];
        // assemble initial stress matrix
        for ( i = 0; i < iRule->getNumberOfIntegrationPoints(); i++ ) {
            gp = iRule->getIntegrationPoint(i);
            dV = this->computeVolumeAround(gp);
            stress = ( ( StructuralMaterialStatus * ) mat->giveStatus(gp) )->giveTempStressVector();
            n = stress.giveSize();
            if ( n ) {
                for ( j = 1; j <= n; j++ ) {
                    // loop over each component of strain vector
                    this->computeNLBMatrixAt(A, gp, j);
                    if ( A.isNotEmpty() ) {
                        A.times(stress.at(j) * dV);
    } // end nlGeometry

    if ( matStiffSymmFlag ) {
Пример #16
tet21ghostsolid :: giveInternalForcesVector(FloatArray &answer, TimeStep *tStep, int useUpdatedGpRecord)

    IntegrationRule *iRule = integrationRulesArray [ giveDefaultIntegrationRule() ];
#ifdef __FM_MODULE
    FluidDynamicMaterial *fluidMaterial = static_cast< FluidCrossSection * >( this->giveCrossSection() )->giveFluidMaterial();

    FloatMatrix Kf, G, Kx, B, Ed, dNx;
    FloatArray Strain, Stress, Nlin, dNv, a, aVelocity, aPressure, aGhostDisplacement, fluidStress, epsf;
    FloatArray momentum, conservation, auxstress;
    double pressure, epsvol;

    this->computeVectorOf( VM_Total, tStep, a);
    if (!tStep->isTheFirstStep()) {
        // a.printYourself();

    aVelocity.beSubArrayOf(a, momentum_ordering);
    aPressure.beSubArrayOf(a, conservation_ordering);
    aGhostDisplacement.beSubArrayOf(a, ghostdisplacement_ordering);

    for (int j = 0; j<iRule->giveNumberOfIntegrationPoints(); j++) {
        GaussPoint *gp = iRule->getIntegrationPoint(j);

        double detJ = fabs( ( this->interpolation.giveTransformationJacobian( * gp->giveNaturalCoordinates(), FEIElementGeometryWrapper(this) ) ) );
        double weight = gp->giveWeight();

        this->interpolation.evaldNdx( dNx, * gp->giveNaturalCoordinates(), FEIElementGeometryWrapper(this) );
        this->interpolation_lin.evalN( Nlin, * gp->giveNaturalCoordinates(), FEIElementGeometryWrapper(this) );

        for (int k = 0; k<dNx.giveNumberOfColumns(); k++) {
            dNv.at(k*3+1) = dNx.at(1,k+1);
            dNv.at(k*3+2) = dNx.at(2,k+1);
            dNv.at(k*3+3) = dNx.at(3,k+1);

        if (nlGeometry == 0) {

            this->computeBmatrixAt(gp, B);
            epsf.beProductOf(B, aVelocity);
            pressure = Nlin.dotProduct(aPressure);

            // Fluid part
#ifdef __FM_MODULE
            fluidMaterial->computeDeviatoricStressVector(fluidStress, epsvol, gp, epsf, pressure, tStep);
            OOFEM_ERROR("Missing FM module");

            momentum.plusProduct(B, fluidStress, detJ*weight);
            momentum.add(-pressure * detJ * weight, dNv);
            conservation.add(epsvol * detJ * weight, Nlin);

            // Ghost solid part
            Strain.beProductOf(B, aGhostDisplacement);
            Stress.beProductOf(Dghost, Strain);
            auxstress.plusProduct(B, Stress, detJ * weight);

        } else {
            OOFEM_ERROR("No support for large deformations yet!");


    // Totaly uncoupled
    answer.assemble(momentum, momentum_ordering);
    answer.assemble(conservation, conservation_ordering);
    answer.assemble(auxstress, ghostdisplacement_ordering);
    answer.assemble(momentum, ghostdisplacement_ordering);
    answer.assemble(conservation, conservation_ordering);
    answer.assemble(auxstress, momentum_ordering);

    // Test linear

    /*    if (this->giveNumber() == 364) {
        FloatMatrix K;
        FloatArray ans;
        this->computeStiffnessMatrix(K, TangentStiffness, tStep);
        ans.beProductOf(K, a);
    } */

Пример #17
tet21ghostsolid :: computeStiffnessMatrix(FloatMatrix &answer, MatResponseMode rMode, TimeStep *tStep)

    IntegrationRule *iRule = integrationRulesArray [ giveDefaultIntegrationRule() ];
#ifdef __FM_MODULE
    FluidDynamicMaterial *fluidMaterial = static_cast< FluidCrossSection * >( this->giveCrossSection() )->giveFluidMaterial();

    FloatMatrix Kf, G, Kx, D, B, Ed, EdB, dNx;
    FloatArray Nlin, dNv;

    for (int j = 0; j<iRule->giveNumberOfIntegrationPoints(); j++) {
        GaussPoint *gp = iRule->getIntegrationPoint(j);

        double detJ = fabs( ( this->interpolation.giveTransformationJacobian( * gp->giveNaturalCoordinates(), FEIElementGeometryWrapper(this) ) ) );
        double weight = gp->giveWeight();

        this->interpolation.evaldNdx( dNx, * gp->giveNaturalCoordinates(), FEIElementGeometryWrapper(this) );
        this->interpolation_lin.evalN( Nlin, * gp->giveNaturalCoordinates(), FEIElementGeometryWrapper(this) );

        dNv.resize(30); // dNv = [dN1/dx dN1/dy dN1/dz dN2/dx dN2/dy dN2/dz ... dN10/dz]

        for (int k = 0; k<dNx.giveNumberOfRows(); k++) {
            dNv.at(k*3+1) = dNx.at(k+1,1);
            dNv.at(k*3+2) = dNx.at(k+1,2);
            dNv.at(k*3+3) = dNx.at(k+1,3);

        if (nlGeometry == 0) {

            this->computeBmatrixAt(gp, B);

            // Fluid part
#ifdef __FM_MODULE
            fluidMaterial->giveDeviatoricStiffnessMatrix(Ed, TangentStiffness, gp, tStep);
            OOFEM_ERROR("Fluid module missing\n");

            EdB.beProductOf(Ed, B);
            Kf.plusProductSymmUpper(B, EdB, detJ*weight);

            // Ghost solid part
            EdB.beProductOf(Dghost, B);
            Kx.plusProductSymmUpper(B, EdB, detJ*weight);

            // Incompressibility part
            G.plusDyadUnsym(dNv, Nlin, -detJ*weight);

        } else {
            OOFEM_ERROR ("No support for large deformations yet!");


    FloatMatrix GT;

    //    Kf.printYourself();
    //    G.printYourself();
    //    GT.printYourself();
    //    Kx.printYourself();

    answer.resize(64, 64);

    // Totaly uncoupled
    answer.assemble(Kf, momentum_ordering, momentum_ordering);
    answer.assemble(G, momentum_ordering, conservation_ordering);
    answer.assemble(GT, conservation_ordering, momentum_ordering);
    answer.assemble(Kx, ghostdisplacement_ordering, ghostdisplacement_ordering);
    answer.assemble(Kf, ghostdisplacement_ordering, ghostdisplacement_ordering);
    answer.assemble(Kf, ghostdisplacement_ordering, momentum_ordering);
    answer.assemble(G, ghostdisplacement_ordering, conservation_ordering);
    answer.assemble(GT, conservation_ordering, ghostdisplacement_ordering);
    answer.assemble(GT, conservation_ordering, momentum_ordering);
    answer.assemble(Kx, momentum_ordering, ghostdisplacement_ordering);


Пример #18
LIBeam3dNL :: computeStiffnessMatrix(FloatMatrix &answer, MatResponseMode rMode, TimeStep *tStep)
    int i, j, k;
    double s1, s2;
    FloatMatrix d, x, xt(12, 6), dxt, sn, sm, sxd, y;
    FloatArray n(3), m(3), xd(3), TotalStressVector;
    IntegrationRule *iRule = integrationRulesArray [ giveDefaultIntegrationRule() ];
    GaussPoint *gp = iRule->getIntegrationPoint(0);

    answer.resize( this->computeNumberOfDofs(EID_MomentumBalance), this->computeNumberOfDofs(EID_MomentumBalance) );

    // linear part

    this->updateTempTriad(tStep); // update temp triad
    this->computeXMtrx(x, tStep);
    for ( i = 1; i <= 12; i++ ) {
        for ( j = 1; j <= 3; j++ ) {
            for ( k = 1; k <= 3; k++ ) {
                // compute x*Tbar, taking into account sparsity of Tbar
                xt.at(i, j)   += x.at(i, k) * tempTc.at(k, j);
                xt.at(i, j + 3) += x.at(i, k + 3) * tempTc.at(k, j);

    this->computeConstitutiveMatrixAt(d, rMode, gp, tStep);
    dxt.beProductTOf(d, xt);
    answer.beProductOf(xt, dxt);
    answer.times(1. / this->l0);

    // geometric stiffness ks = ks1+ks2
    // ks1
    this->computeStressVector(TotalStressVector, gp, tStep);

    for ( i = 1; i <= 3; i++ ) {
        s1 = s2 = 0.0;
        for ( j = 1; j <= 3; j++ ) {
            s1 += tempTc.at(i, j) * TotalStressVector.at(j);
            s2 += tempTc.at(i, j) * TotalStressVector.at(j + 3);

        n.at(i)   = s1;
        m.at(i)   = s2;

    this->computeSMtrx(sn, n);
    this->computeSMtrx(sm, m);

    for ( i = 1; i <= 3; i++ ) {
        for ( j = 1; j <= 3; j++ ) {
            answer.at(i, j + 3)   += sn.at(i, j);
            answer.at(i, j + 9)   += sn.at(i, j);
            answer.at(i + 3, j + 3) += sm.at(i, j);
            answer.at(i + 3, j + 9) += sm.at(i, j);

            answer.at(i + 6, j + 3) -= sn.at(i, j);
            answer.at(i + 6, j + 9) -= sn.at(i, j);
            answer.at(i + 9, j + 3) -= sm.at(i, j);
            answer.at(i + 9, j + 9) -= sm.at(i, j);

    // ks2
    this->computeXdVector(xd, tStep);
    this->computeSMtrx(sxd, xd);

    y.beProductOf(sxd, sn);

    for ( i = 1; i <= 3; i++ ) {
        for ( j = 1; j <= 3; j++ ) {
            answer.at(i + 3, j)     -= sn.at(i, j);
            answer.at(i + 3, j + 3)   += y.at(i, j);
            answer.at(i + 3, j + 6)   += sn.at(i, j);
            answer.at(i + 3, j + 9)   += y.at(i, j);

            answer.at(i + 9, j)     -= sn.at(i, j);
            answer.at(i + 9, j + 3)   += y.at(i, j);
            answer.at(i + 9, j + 6)   += sn.at(i, j);
            answer.at(i + 9, j + 9)   += y.at(i, j);