Пример #1
int fei::Vector_core::giveToVector(int numValues,
				       const int* indices,
				       const double* values,
				       bool sumInto,
				       int vectorIndex)
  int prev_proc = -1;
  fei::CSVec* prev_vec = NULL;
  for(int i=0; i<numValues; ++i) {
    int ind = indices[i];
    double val = values[i];

    if (ind < 0) {
//      throw std::runtime_error("negative index not allowed");
      //preservation of existing behavior: certain Sierra scenarios
      //involve passing negative indices for positions that should be
      //ignored... so we'll continue rather than throwing.
    int local = ind - firstLocalOffset_;
    if (local < 0 || local >= numLocal_) {
      int proc = eqnComm_->getOwnerProc(ind);
      if (output_level_ >= fei::BRIEF_LOGS && output_stream_ != NULL) {
        FEI_OSTREAM& os = *output_stream_;
        os << dbgprefix_<<"giveToVector remote["<<proc<<"]("
      fei::CSVec* remoteVec = prev_vec;
      if (proc != prev_proc) {
        remoteVec = getRemotelyOwned(proc);
        prev_vec = remoteVec;
        prev_proc = proc;

      if (sumInto) {
        fei::add_entry( *remoteVec, ind, val);
      else {
        fei::put_entry( *remoteVec, ind, val);
    else {
      int err = giveToUnderlyingVector(1, &ind, &val, sumInto, vectorIndex);
      if (err != 0) {
        fei::console_out() << "giveToVector sumIn ERROR, ind: " << ind
          << ", val: " << val << FEI_ENDL;

Пример #2
int fei::Vector_core::gatherFromOverlap(bool accumulate)
  if (fei::numProcs(comm_) == 1 || haveFEVector()) {

#ifndef FEI_SER
  //first create the list of procs we'll be sending to.
  std::vector<int> sendProcs;
  for(unsigned i=0; i<remotelyOwned_.size(); ++i) {
    if ((int)i == fei::localProc(comm_)) continue;
    if (remotelyOwned_[i]->size() == 0) continue;


  std::vector<int> recvProcs;
  fei::mirrorProcs(comm_, sendProcs, recvProcs);

  //declare arrays to hold the indices and coefs we'll be receiving.
  std::vector<std::vector<int> > recv_ints(recvProcs.size());
  std::vector<std::vector<double> > recv_doubles(recvProcs.size());
  std::vector<int> recv_sizes(recvProcs.size());

  std::vector<MPI_Request> mpiReqs(recvProcs.size()*2);
  std::vector<MPI_Status> mpiStatuses(recvProcs.size()*2);
  int tag1 = 11111;
  int tag2 = 11112;

  //post the recvs for the sizes.
  for(size_t i=0; i<recvProcs.size(); ++i) {
    int proc = recvProcs[i];
    MPI_Irecv(&recv_sizes[i], 1, MPI_INT, proc,
              tag1, comm_, &mpiReqs[i]);

  //send the sizes of data we'll be sending.
  for(unsigned i=0; i<sendProcs.size(); ++i) {
    int proc = sendProcs[i];
    int size = remotelyOwned_[proc]->size();
    MPI_Send(&size, 1, MPI_INT, proc, tag1, comm_);

  if (recvProcs.size() > 0) {
    MPI_Waitall(recvProcs.size(), &mpiReqs[0], &mpiStatuses[0]);

  //now post the recvs for the data.
  unsigned offset = 0;
  for(size_t i=0; i<recvProcs.size(); ++i) {
    int proc = recvProcs[i];
    int size = recv_sizes[i];
    std::vector<int>& recv_ints_i = recv_ints[i];
    std::vector<double>& recv_doubles_i = recv_doubles[i];
    MPI_Irecv(&(recv_ints_i[0]), size, MPI_INT, proc,
              tag1, comm_, &mpiReqs[offset++]);
    MPI_Irecv(&(recv_doubles_i[0]), size, MPI_DOUBLE, proc,
              tag2, comm_, &mpiReqs[offset++]);

  //now send the outgoing data.
  for(size_t i=0; i<sendProcs.size(); ++i) {
    int proc = sendProcs[i];
    int size = remotelyOwned_[proc]->size();
    int* indices = &(remotelyOwned_[proc]->indices())[0];
    MPI_Send(indices, size, MPI_INT, proc, tag1, comm_);
    double* coefs = &(remotelyOwned_[proc]->coefs())[0];
    MPI_Send(coefs, size, MPI_DOUBLE, proc, tag2, comm_);

    fei::set_values(*remotelyOwned_[proc], 0.0);

  if (recvProcs.size() > 0) {
    MPI_Waitall(recvProcs.size()*2, &mpiReqs[0], &mpiStatuses[0]);

  //now store the data we've received.
  for(size_t i=0; i<recvProcs.size(); ++i) {
    int num = recv_sizes[i];
    std::vector<int>& recv_ints_i = recv_ints[i];
    std::vector<double>& recv_doubles_i = recv_doubles[i];
    int err = giveToUnderlyingVector(num, &(recv_ints_i[0]),
                                     &(recv_doubles_i[0]), accumulate, 0);
    if (err != 0) {
      FEI_COUT << "fei::Vector_core::gatherFromOverlap ERROR storing recvd data" << FEI_ENDL;

#endif  //#ifndef FEI_SER

Пример #3
int fei::Vector_core::gatherFromOverlap(bool accumulate)
  if (fei::numProcs(comm_) == 1 || haveFEVector()) {

#ifndef FEI_SER
  std::vector<MPI_Request> mpiReqs;
  int tag1 = 11111;

  if (sendRecvProcsNeedUpdated_) {

  //now post the recvs for the data.
  for(size_t i=0; i<recvProcs_.size(); ++i) {
    MPI_Irecv(&(recv_chars_[i][0]), recv_sizes_[i], MPI_CHAR, recvProcs_[i],
              tag1, comm_, &mpiReqs[i]);

  bool resize_buffer = false;
  bool zero_remotely_owned_after_packing = true;
  pack_send_buffers(sendProcs_, remotelyOwned_, send_chars_,
                    resize_buffer, zero_remotely_owned_after_packing);

  //now send the outgoing data.
  for(size_t i=0; i<sendProcs_.size(); ++i) {
    int proc = sendProcs_[i];

    int size = send_chars_[i].size();
    MPI_Send(&(send_chars_[i][0]), size, MPI_CHAR, proc, tag1, comm_);

  int numRecvProcs = recvProcs_.size();
  for(size_t i=0; i<recvProcs_.size(); ++i) {
    int index;
    MPI_Status status;
    MPI_Waitany(numRecvProcs, &mpiReqs[0], &index, &status);

  std::vector<int> indices;
  std::vector<double> coefs;
  //now store the data we've received.
  for(size_t i=0; i<recvProcs_.size(); ++i) {
    fei::impl_utils::unpack_indices_coefs(recv_chars_[i], indices, coefs);
    int num = indices.size();
    if (num == 0) continue;
    int err = giveToUnderlyingVector(num, &(indices[0]),
                                     &(coefs[0]), accumulate, 0);
    if (err != 0) {
    //  FEI_COUT << "fei::Vector_core::gatherFromOverlap ERROR storing recvd data" << FEI_ENDL;

#endif  //#ifndef FEI_SER
