Пример #1
void LOpenGLComponent::renderOpenGL() {
    if(hasCallback("renderOpenGL")) {
        const float desktopScale = (float) openGLContext.getRenderingScale();
        ScopedPointer<LowLevelGraphicsContext> glRenderer(
            createOpenGLGraphicsContext ( openGLContext, 
                                            roundToInt (desktopScale * Component::getWidth()),
                                            roundToInt (desktopScale * Component::getHeight()) )
        if(glRenderer != nullptr) {
            Graphics g(*glRenderer);
            g.addTransform (AffineTransform::scale (desktopScale));
            LGraphics lg(LUA::Get(), g);
            callback( "renderOpenGL", 1, { new LRefBase("Graphics", &lg) } );
            if(! LUA::isEmpty())
                lua_pop(LUA::Get(), 1);
        else {
Пример #2
int main(void)
	//Set the error callback

	//Initialize GLFW
	if (!glfwInit())


	//Declare a window object
	GLFWwindow* window;

	//Create a window and create its OpenGL context
	window = glfwCreateWindow(800, 800, appTitle.c_str(), NULL, NULL);

	//If the window couldn't be created
	if (!window)
		fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open GLFW window.\n");

	//This function makes the context of the specified window current on the calling thread. 

	//Set callbacks
	glfwSetKeyCallback(window, key_callback);
	glfwSetFramebufferSizeCallback(window, framebuffer_size_callback);

	//Initialize GLEW
	glewExperimental = GL_TRUE;
	GLenum err = glewInit();

	//If GLEW hasn't initialized
	if (err != GLEW_OK)
		fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", glewGetErrorString(err));
		return -1;

	// Output some info on the OpenGL implementation
	const GLubyte* glvendor = glGetString(GL_VENDOR); 
	const GLubyte* glrenderer = glGetString(GL_RENDERER);
	const GLubyte* glversion = glGetString(GL_VERSION);
	printf("Vendor: %s\n", glvendor);
	printf("Renderer: %s\n", glrenderer);
	printf("Version: %s\n", glversion);

	//Set a background color

	renderer = glRenderer();
	renderer.window = window;

	printf("""g"" : Toggle geometry shader\n");
	printf("""w"" : Toggle wireframe\n");
	printf("""+"" : increase number of subdivisions\n");
	printf("""-"" : decrease number of subdivisions\n");
	printf("""shift +"" : increase radius\n");
	printf("""shift -"" : decrease radius\n");

	double lastFPStime = glfwGetTime();
	int frameCounter = 0;

	//Main Loop

		double thisFPStime = glfwGetTime();

		if (thisFPStime - lastFPStime >= 1.0)
			lastFPStime = thisFPStime;

			std::string windowTitle = appTitle + " (";
			windowTitle += std::to_string(frameCounter);
			windowTitle += " fps) - (c) 2014 by Sascha Willems (www.saschawillems.de)";
			const char* windowCaption = windowTitle.c_str();
			glfwSetWindowTitle(window, windowCaption);

			frameCounter = 0;


		//Get and organize events, like keyboard and mouse input, window resizing, etc...

	} //Check if the ESC key had been pressed or if the window had been closed
	while (!glfwWindowShouldClose(window));

	//Close OpenGL window and terminate GLFW
	//Finalize and clean up GLFW

Пример #3
	void StelMainView::processOpenGLdiagnosticsAndWarnings(QSettings *conf, StelQGLWidget* glWidget) const
#ifdef Q_OS_MAC

	QOpenGLContext* context=glWidget->context()->contextHandle();
	QSurfaceFormat format=context->format();

	// These tests are not required on MacOS X
#ifndef Q_OS_MAC
	bool openGLerror=false;
	if (format.renderableType()==QSurfaceFormat::OpenGL || format.renderableType()==QSurfaceFormat::OpenGLES)
		qDebug() << "Detected:" << (format.renderableType()==QSurfaceFormat::OpenGL  ? "OpenGL" : "OpenGL ES" ) << QString("%1.%2").arg(format.majorVersion()).arg(format.minorVersion());
		qDebug() << "Neither OpenGL nor OpenGL ES detected: Unsupported Format!";

	QString glDriver(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(glGetString(GL_VERSION)));
	qDebug() << "Driver version string:" << glDriver;
	qDebug() << "GL vendor is" << QString(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(glGetString(GL_VENDOR)));
	QString glRenderer(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(glGetString(GL_RENDERER)));
	qDebug() << "GL renderer is" << glRenderer;	

	// Minimal required version of OpenGL for Qt5 is 2.1 and OpenGL Shading Language may be 1.20 (or OpenGL ES is 2.0 and GLSL ES is 1.0).
	// As of V0.13.0..1, we use GLSL 1.10/GLSL ES 1.00 (implicitly, by omitting a #version line), but in case of using ANGLE we need hardware
	// detected as providing ps_3_0.
	// This means, usually systems with OpenGL3 support reported in the driver will work, those with reported 2.1 only will almost certainly fail.
	// If platform does not even support minimal OpenGL version for Qt5, then tell the user about troubles and quit from application.
	// This test is apparently not applicable on MacOS X due to its behaving differently from all other known OSes.
	// The correct way to handle driver issues on MacOS X remains however unclear for now.
#ifndef Q_OS_MAC
	bool isMesa=glDriver.contains("Mesa", Qt::CaseInsensitive);
	#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
	bool isANGLE=glRenderer.startsWith("ANGLE", Qt::CaseSensitive);
	if ( openGLerror ||
	     ((format.renderableType()==QSurfaceFormat::OpenGL  ) && (format.version() < QPair<int, int>(2, 1)) && !isMesa) ||
	     ((format.renderableType()==QSurfaceFormat::OpenGL  ) && (format.version() < QPair<int, int>(2, 0)) &&  isMesa) || // Mesa defaults to 2.0 but works!
	     ((format.renderableType()==QSurfaceFormat::OpenGLES) && (format.version() < QPair<int, int>(2, 0)))  )
		#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
		if ((!isANGLE) && (!isMesa))
			qWarning() << "Oops... Insufficient OpenGL version. Please update drivers, graphics hardware, or use --angle-mode (or even --mesa-mode) option.";
		else if (isANGLE)
			qWarning() << "Oops... Insufficient OpenGL version in ANGLE. Please update drivers, graphics hardware, or use --mesa-mode option.";
			qWarning() << "Oops... Insufficient OpenGL version. Mesa failed! Please send a bug report.";

		QMessageBox::critical(0, "Stellarium", q_("Insufficient OpenGL version. Please update drivers, graphics hardware, or use --angle-mode (or --mesa-mode) option."), QMessageBox::Abort, QMessageBox::Abort);
		qWarning() << "Oops... Insufficient OpenGL version. Please update drivers, or graphics hardware.";
		QMessageBox::critical(0, "Stellarium", q_("Insufficient OpenGL version. Please update drivers, or graphics hardware."), QMessageBox::Abort, QMessageBox::Abort);
	// This call requires OpenGL2+.
	QString glslString(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(glGetString(GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION)));
	qDebug() << "GL Shading Language version is" << glslString;

	// Only give extended info if called on command line, for diagnostic.
	if (qApp->property("dump_OpenGL_details").toBool())

#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
	// If we have ANGLE, check esp. for insufficient ps_2 level.
	if (isANGLE)
		QRegExp angleVsPsRegExp(" vs_(\\d)_(\\d) ps_(\\d)_(\\d)");
		int angleVSPSpos=angleVsPsRegExp.indexIn(glRenderer);

		if (angleVSPSpos >-1)
			float vsVersion=angleVsPsRegExp.cap(1).toFloat() + 0.1*angleVsPsRegExp.cap(2).toFloat();
			float psVersion=angleVsPsRegExp.cap(3).toFloat() + 0.1*angleVsPsRegExp.cap(4).toFloat();
			qDebug() << "VS Version Number detected: " << vsVersion;
			qDebug() << "PS Version Number detected: " << psVersion;
			if ((vsVersion<2.0) || (psVersion<3.0))
				qDebug() << "This is not enough: we need DirectX9 with vs_2_0 and ps_3_0 or later.";
				qDebug() << "You should update graphics drivers, graphics hardware, or use the --mesa-mode option.";
				qDebug() << "Else, please try to use an older version like 0.12.5, and try with --safe-mode";

				if (conf->value("main/ignore_opengl_warning", false).toBool())
					qDebug() << "Config option main/ignore_opengl_warning found, continuing. Expect problems.";
					qDebug() << "You can try to run in an unsupported degraded mode by ignoring the warning and continuing.";
					qDebug() << "But more than likely problems will persist.";
					QMessageBox::StandardButton answerButton=
					QMessageBox::critical(0, "Stellarium", q_("Your DirectX/OpenGL ES subsystem has problems. See log for details.\nIgnore and suppress this notice in the future and try to continue in degraded mode anyway?"),
							      QMessageBox::Ignore|QMessageBox::Abort, QMessageBox::Abort);
					if (answerButton == QMessageBox::Abort)
						qDebug() << "Aborting due to ANGLE OpenGL ES / DirectX vs or ps version problems.";
						qDebug() << "Ignoring all warnings, continuing without further question.";
						conf->setValue("main/ignore_opengl_warning", true);
				qDebug() << "vs/ps version is fine, we should not see a graphics problem.";
			qDebug() << "Cannot parse ANGLE shader version string. This may indicate future problems.";
			qDebug() << "Please send a bug report that includes this log file and states if Stellarium runs or has problems.";
#ifndef Q_OS_MAC
	// Do a similar test for MESA: Ensure we have at least Mesa 10, Mesa 9 on FreeBSD (used for hardware-acceleration of AMD IGP) was reported to lose the stars.
	if (isMesa)
		QRegExp mesaRegExp("Mesa (\\d+\\.\\d+)"); // we need only major version. Minor should always be here. Test?
		int mesaPos=mesaRegExp.indexIn(glDriver);

		if (mesaPos >-1)
			float mesaVersion=mesaRegExp.cap(1).toFloat();
			qDebug() << "MESA Version Number detected: " << mesaVersion;
			if ((mesaVersion<10.0f))
				qDebug() << "This is not enough: we need Mesa 10.0 or later.";
				qDebug() << "You should update graphics drivers or graphics hardware.";
				qDebug() << "Else, please try to use an older version like 0.12.5, and try there with --safe-mode";

				if (conf->value("main/ignore_opengl_warning", false).toBool())
					qDebug() << "Config option main/ignore_opengl_warning found, continuing. Expect problems.";
					qDebug() << "You can try to run in an unsupported degraded mode by ignoring the warning and continuing.";
					qDebug() << "But more than likely problems will persist.";
					QMessageBox::StandardButton answerButton=
					QMessageBox::critical(0, "Stellarium", q_("Your OpenGL/Mesa subsystem has problems. See log for details.\nIgnore and suppress this notice in the future and try to continue in degraded mode anyway?"),
							      QMessageBox::Ignore|QMessageBox::Abort, QMessageBox::Abort);
					if (answerButton == QMessageBox::Abort)
						qDebug() << "Aborting due to OpenGL/Mesa insufficient version problems.";
						qDebug() << "Ignoring all warnings, continuing without further question.";
						conf->setValue("main/ignore_opengl_warning", true);
				qDebug() << "Mesa version is fine, we should not see a graphics problem.";
			qDebug() << "Cannot parse Mesa Driver version string. This may indicate future problems.";
			qDebug() << "Please send a bug report that includes this log file and states if Stellarium runs or has problems.";

	// Although our shaders are only GLSL1.10, there are frequent problems with systems just at this level of programmable shaders.
	// If GLSL version is less than 1.30 or GLSL ES 1.00, Stellarium usually does run properly on Windows or various Linux flavours.
	// Depending on whatever driver/implementation details, Stellarium may crash or show only minor graphical errors.
	// On these systems, we show a warning panel that can be suppressed by a config option which is automatically added on first run.
	// Again, based on a sample size of one, Macs have been reported already to always work in this case.
#ifndef Q_OS_MAC
	QRegExp glslRegExp("^(\\d\\.\\d\\d)");
	int pos=glslRegExp.indexIn(glslString);
	QRegExp glslesRegExp("ES (\\d\\.\\d\\d)");
	int posES=glslesRegExp.indexIn(glslString);
	if (pos >-1)
		float glslVersion=glslRegExp.cap(1).toFloat();
		qDebug() << "GLSL Version Number detected: " << glslVersion;
		if (glslVersion<1.3f)
			qDebug() << "This is not enough: we need GLSL1.30 or later.";
			qDebug() << "You should update graphics drivers, graphics hardware, or use the --mesa-mode option.";
			qDebug() << "Else, please try to use an older version like 0.12.5, and try there with --safe-mode";

			if (conf->value("main/ignore_opengl_warning", false).toBool())
				qDebug() << "Config option main/ignore_opengl_warning found, continuing. Expect problems.";
				qDebug() << "You can try to run in an unsupported degraded mode by ignoring the warning and continuing.";
				qDebug() << "But more than likely problems will persist.";
				QMessageBox::StandardButton answerButton=
				QMessageBox::critical(0, "Stellarium", q_("Your OpenGL subsystem has problems. See log for details.\nIgnore and suppress this notice in the future and try to continue in degraded mode anyway?"),
						      QMessageBox::Ignore|QMessageBox::Abort, QMessageBox::Abort);
				if (answerButton == QMessageBox::Abort)
					qDebug() << "Aborting due to OpenGL/GLSL version problems.";
					qDebug() << "Ignoring all warnings, continuing without further question.";
					conf->setValue("main/ignore_opengl_warning", true);
			qDebug() << "GLSL version is fine, we should not see a graphics problem.";
	else if (posES >-1)
		float glslesVersion=glslesRegExp.cap(1).toFloat();
		qDebug() << "GLSL ES Version Number detected: " << glslesVersion;
		if (glslesVersion<1.0) // TBD: is this possible at all?
			qDebug() << "This is not enough: we need GLSL ES 1.00 or later.";
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
			qDebug() << "You should update graphics drivers, graphics hardware, or use the --mesa-mode option.";
			qDebug() << "You should update graphics drivers or graphics hardware.";
			qDebug() << "Else, please try to use an older version like 0.12.5, and try there with --safe-mode";

			if (conf->value("main/ignore_opengl_warning", false).toBool())
				qDebug() << "Config option main/ignore_opengl_warning found, continuing. Expect problems.";
				qDebug() << "You can try to run in an unsupported degraded mode by ignoring the warning and continuing.";
				qDebug() << "But more than likely problems will persist.";
				QMessageBox::StandardButton answerButton=
				QMessageBox::critical(0, "Stellarium", q_("Your OpenGL ES subsystem has problems. See log for details.\nIgnore and suppress this notice in the future and try to continue in degraded mode anyway?"),
						      QMessageBox::Ignore|QMessageBox::Abort, QMessageBox::Abort);
				if (answerButton == QMessageBox::Abort)
					qDebug() << "Aborting due to OpenGL ES/GLSL ES version problems.";
					qDebug() << "Ignoring all warnings, continuing without further question.";
					conf->setValue("main/ignore_opengl_warning", true);
			if (openGLerror)
				qDebug() << "GLSL ES version is OK, but there were previous errors, expect problems.";
				qDebug() << "GLSL ES version is fine, we should not see a graphics problem.";
		qDebug() << "Cannot parse GLSL (ES) version string. This may indicate future problems.";
		qDebug() << "Please send a bug report that includes this log file and states if Stellarium works or has problems.";