Пример #1
 * @brief Prints text on the screen.
 * @usage gfx.print( nil, "Hello World!", 50, 50, colour.new("Red") ) -- Displays text in red at 50,50.
 * @usage gfx.print( true, "Hello World!", 50, 50, col, 100 ) -- Displays text to a maximum of 100 pixels wide.
 * @usage gfx.print( true, str, 50, 50, col, 100, true ) -- Displays centered text to a maximum of 100 pixels.
 *    @luaparam small Whether or not to use a small font.
 *    @luaparam str String to print.
 *    @luaparam x X position to print at.
 *    @luaparam y Y position to print at.
 *    @luaparam col Colour to print text.
 *    @luaparam max Optional parameter to indicate maximum width to render up to.
 *    @luaparam center Optional boolean parameter indicating whether or not to center it.
 * @luafunc print( small, str, x, y, col, max, center )
static int gfxL_print( lua_State *L )
   glFont *font;
   const char *str;
   double x, y;
   LuaColour *lc;
   int max, mid;

   /* Parse parameters. */
   font  = lua_toboolean(L,1) ? &gl_smallFont : &gl_defFont;
   str   = luaL_checkstring(L,2);
   x     = luaL_checknumber(L,3);
   y     = luaL_checknumber(L,4);
   lc    = luaL_checkcolour(L,5);
   if (lua_gettop(L) >= 6)
      max = luaL_checkinteger(L,6);
      max = 0;
   mid   = lua_toboolean(L,7);

   /* Render. */
   if (mid)
      gl_printMidRaw( font, max, x, y, &lc->col, str );
   else if (max > 0)
      gl_printMaxRaw( font, max, x, y, &lc->col, str );
      gl_printRaw( font, x, y, &lc->col, str );
   return 0;
Пример #2
 * @brief Renders a button widget.
 *    @param tab WIDGET_BUTTON widget to render.
 *    @param bx Base X position.
 *    @param by Base Y position.
static void tab_render( Widget* tab, double bx, double by )
   int i, x;
   Window *wdw;
   glColour *c, *lc;

   /** Get window. */
   wdw = window_wget( tab->dat.tab.windows[ tab->dat.tab.active ] );
   if (wdw == NULL) {
      WARN("Active window in widget '%s' not found in stack.", tab->name);

   /* Render the active window. */
   window_render( wdw );

   /* Render tabs ontop. */
   x = 20;
   for (i=0; i<tab->dat.tab.ntabs; i++) {
      if (i!=tab->dat.tab.active) {
         lc = toolkit_col;
         c  = toolkit_colDark;

         /* Draw border. */
         toolkit_drawRect( bx+x, by+0, tab->dat.tab.namelen[i] + 10,
               TAB_HEIGHT, lc, c );
         toolkit_drawOutline( bx+x+1, by+1, tab->dat.tab.namelen[i] + 8,
               TAB_HEIGHT-1, 1., c, &cBlack );
      else {
         if (i==0)
            toolkit_drawRect( bx+x-1, by+0,
                  1, TAB_HEIGHT+1, toolkit_colDark, &cGrey20 );
         else if (i==tab->dat.tab.ntabs-1)
            toolkit_drawRect( bx+x+tab->dat.tab.namelen[i]+9, by+0,
                  1, TAB_HEIGHT+1, toolkit_colDark, &cGrey20 );
      /* Draw text. */
      gl_printRaw( &gl_defFont, bx+x + 5 + SCREEN_W/2,
            by + (TAB_HEIGHT-gl_defFont.h)/2 + SCREEN_H/2, &cBlack,
            tab->dat.tab.tabnames[i] );

      /* Go to next line. */
      x += 10 + tab->dat.tab.namelen[i];
Пример #3
Файл: font.c Проект: nenau/naev
 * @brief Prints text on screen like printf.
 * Defaults ft_font to gl_defFont if NULL.
 *    @param ft_font Font to use (NULL means gl_defFont)
 *    @param x X position to put text at.
 *    @param y Y position to put text at.
 *    @param c Colour to use (uses white if NULL)
 *    @param fmt String formatted like printf to print.
void gl_print( const glFont *ft_font,
      const double x, const double y,
      const glColour* c, const char *fmt, ... )
   /*float h = ft_font->h / .63;*/ /* slightly increase fontsize */
   char text[256]; /* holds the string */
   va_list ap;

   if (fmt == NULL) return;
   else { /* convert the symbols to text */
      va_start(ap, fmt);
      vsnprintf(text, 256, fmt, ap);

   gl_printRaw( ft_font, x, y, c, text );
Пример #4
 * @brief Renders the overlay map.
 *    @param dt Current delta tick.
void ovr_render( double dt )
   (void) dt;
   int i, j;
   Pilot **pstk;
   int n;
   double w, h, res;
   double x,y;
   glColour c = { .r=0., .g=0., .b=0., .a=0.5 };

   /* Must be open. */
   if (!ovr_open)

   /* Player must be alive. */
   if (player_isFlag( PLAYER_DESTROYED ) || (player.p == NULL))

   /* Default values. */
   w     = SCREEN_W;
   h     = SCREEN_H;
   res   = ovr_res;

   /* First render the background overlay. */
   gl_renderRect( 0., 0., w, h, &c );

   /* Render planets. */
   for (i=0; i<cur_system->nplanets; i++)
      if ((cur_system->planets[ i ]->real == ASSET_REAL) && (i != player.p->nav_planet))
         gui_renderPlanet( i, RADAR_RECT, w, h, res, 1 );
   if (player.p->nav_planet > -1)
      gui_renderPlanet( player.p->nav_planet, RADAR_RECT, w, h, res, 1 );

   /* Render jump points. */
   for (i=0; i<cur_system->njumps; i++)
      if ((i != player.p->nav_hyperspace) && !jp_isFlag(&cur_system->jumps[i], JP_EXITONLY))
         gui_renderJumpPoint( i, RADAR_RECT, w, h, res, 1 );
   if (player.p->nav_hyperspace > -1)
      gui_renderJumpPoint( player.p->nav_hyperspace, RADAR_RECT, w, h, res, 1 );

   /* Render pilots. */
   pstk  = pilot_getAll( &n );
   j     = 0;
   for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
      if (pstk[i]->id == PLAYER_ID) /* Skip player. */
      if (pstk[i]->id == player.p->target)
         j = i;
         gui_renderPilot( pstk[i], RADAR_RECT, w, h, res, 1 );
   /* Render the targeted pilot */
   if (j!=0)
      gui_renderPilot( pstk[j], RADAR_RECT, w, h, res, 1 );

   /* Check if player has goto target. */
   if (player_isFlag(PLAYER_AUTONAV) && (player.autonav == AUTONAV_POS_APPROACH)) {
      x = player.autonav_pos.x / res + w / 2.;
      y = player.autonav_pos.y / res + h / 2.;
      gl_renderCross( x, y, 5., &cRadar_hilight );
      gl_printRaw( &gl_smallFont, x+10., y-gl_smallFont.h/2., &cRadar_hilight, "GOTO" );

   /* Render the player. */
   gui_renderPlayer( res, 1 );

   /* Render markers. */
   ovr_mrkRenderAll( res );

 * @brief Renders all the markers.
 *    @param res Resolution to render at.
static void ovr_mrkRenderAll( double res )
   int i;
   ovr_marker_t *mrk;
   double x, y;

   if (ovr_markers == NULL)

   for (i=0; i<array_size(ovr_markers); i++) {
      mrk = &ovr_markers[i];

      x = mrk->u.pt.x / res + SCREEN_W / 2.;
      y = mrk->u.pt.y / res + SCREEN_H / 2.;
      gl_renderCross( x, y, 5., &cRadar_hilight );

      if (mrk->text != NULL)
         gl_printRaw( &gl_smallFont, x+10., y-gl_smallFont.h/2., &cRadar_hilight, mrk->text );
Пример #5
 * @brief Renders the load screen with message.
 *    @param done Amount done (1. == completed).
 *    @param msg Loading screen message.
void loadscreen_render( double done, const char *msg )
   glColour col;
   double bx,by, bw,bh;
   double x,y, w,h, rh;

   /* Clear background. */

   /* Draw stars. */
   space_renderStars( 0. );

    * Dimensions.
   /* Image. */
   bw = 512.;
   bh = 512.;
   bx = (SCREEN_W-bw)/2.;
   by = (SCREEN_H-bh)/2.;
   /* Loading bar. */
   w  = gl_screen.w * 0.4;
   h  = gl_screen.h * 0.02;
   rh = h + gl_defFont.h + 4.;
   x  = -w/2.;
   if (SCREEN_H < 768)
      y  = -h/2.;
      y  = -bw/2 - rh - 5.;

   /* Draw loading screen image. */
   if (loading != NULL)
      gl_blitScale( loading, bx, by, bw, bh, NULL );

   /* Draw progress bar. */
   /* BG. */
   col.r = cBlack.r;
   col.g = cBlack.g;
   col.b = cBlack.b;
   col.a = 0.7;
   gl_renderRect( x-2., y-2., w+4., rh+4., &col );
   /* FG. */
   col.r = cDConsole.r;
   col.g = cDConsole.g;
   col.b = cDConsole.b;
   col.a = 0.2;
   gl_renderRect( x+done*w, y, (1.-done)*w, h, &col );
   col.r = cConsole.r;
   col.g = cConsole.g;
   col.b = cConsole.b;
   col.a = 0.7;
   gl_renderRect( x, y, done*w, h, &col );

   /* Draw text. */
   gl_printRaw( &gl_defFont, x + gl_screen.w/2., y + gl_screen.h/2 + 2. + h,
         &cConsole, msg );

   /* Flip buffers. */