Пример #1
void gcmd_win_change_focus(window_t *win, glui32 arg)
    win = gli_window_iterate_treeorder(gli_focuswin);
    while (win == NULL || win->type == wintype_Pair) {
        if (win == gli_focuswin)
        win = gli_window_iterate_treeorder(win);
    gli_focuswin = win;
Пример #2
/* Handle a keystroke. This is called from glk_select() whenever a
    key is hit. */
void gli_input_handle_key(glui32 key)
    command_t *cmd = NULL;
    window_t *win = NULL;

    /* First, see if the key has a general binding. */
    if (!cmd) {
        cmd = commands_always(key);
        if (cmd)
            win = NULL;

    /* If not, see if the key is bound in the focus window. */
    if (!cmd && gli_focuswin) {
        cmd = commands_window(gli_focuswin, key);
        if (cmd)
            win = gli_focuswin;

    /* If not, see if there's some other window which has a binding for
        the key; if so, set the focus there. */
    if (!cmd && gli_rootwin) {
        window_t *altwin = gli_focuswin;
        command_t *altcmd = NULL;
        do {
            altwin = gli_window_iterate_treeorder(altwin);
            if (altwin && altwin->type != wintype_Pair) {
                altcmd = commands_window(altwin, key);
                if (altcmd)
        } while (altwin != gli_focuswin);
        if (altwin != gli_focuswin && altcmd) {
            cmd = altcmd;
            win = altwin;
            gli_focuswin = win; /* set the focus */

    if (cmd) {
        /* We found a binding. Run it. */
        glui32 arg;
        if (cmd->arg == -1) {
            arg = (glui32)key;
        else {
            arg = cmd->arg;
        (*cmd->func)(win, arg);
Пример #3
/* Pick a window which might want input. This is called at the beginning
    of glk_select(). */
void gli_input_guess_focus()
    window_t *altwin;

    if (gli_focuswin
            && (gli_focuswin->line_request || gli_focuswin->char_request)) {

    altwin = gli_focuswin;
    do {
        altwin = gli_window_iterate_treeorder(altwin);
        if (altwin
                && (altwin->line_request || altwin->char_request)) {
    } while (altwin != gli_focuswin);

    if (gli_focuswin != altwin)
        gli_focuswin = altwin;