bool Foam::sampledTriSurfaceMesh::update() { if (!needsUpdate_) { return false; } // Find the cells the triangles of the surface are in. // Does approximation by looking at the face centres only const pointField& fc = surface_.faceCentres(); meshSearch meshSearcher(mesh(), false); const indexedOctree<treeDataPoint>& cellCentreTree = meshSearcher.cellCentreTree(); // Global numbering for cells - only used to uniquely identify local cells. globalIndex globalCells(mesh().nCells()); List<nearInfo> nearest(fc.size()); forAll(nearest, i) { nearest[i].first() = GREAT; nearest[i].second() = labelMax; }
Foam::labelList Foam::refinementParameters::findCells(const polyMesh& mesh) const { // Force calculation of tet-diag decomposition (for use in findCell) (void)mesh.tetBasePtIs(); // Global calculation engine globalIndex globalCells(mesh.nCells()); // Cell label per point labelList cellLabels(keepPoints_.size()); forAll(keepPoints_, i) { const point& keepPoint = keepPoints_[i]; label localCellI = mesh.findCell(keepPoint); label globalCellI = -1; if (localCellI != -1) { globalCellI = globalCells.toGlobal(localCellI); } reduce(globalCellI, maxOp<label>()); if (globalCellI == -1) { FatalErrorInFunction << "Point " << keepPoint << " is not inside the mesh or on a face or edge." << nl << "Bounding box of the mesh:" << mesh.bounds() << exit(FatalError); } label procI = globalCells.whichProcID(globalCellI); label procCellI = globalCells.toLocal(procI, globalCellI); Info<< "Found point " << keepPoint << " in cell " << procCellI << " on processor " << procI << endl; if (globalCells.isLocal(globalCellI)) { cellLabels[i] = localCellI; } else { cellLabels[i] = -1; } } return cellLabels; }
Foam::labelList Foam::refinementParameters::findCells(const polyMesh& mesh) const { // Global calculation engine globalIndex globalCells(mesh.nCells()); // Cell label per point labelList cellLabels(keepPoints_.size()); forAll(keepPoints_, i) { const point& keepPoint = keepPoints_[i]; label localCellI = mesh.findCell(keepPoint); label globalCellI = -1; if (localCellI != -1) { Pout<< "Found point " << keepPoint << " in cell " << localCellI << " on processor " << Pstream::myProcNo() << endl; globalCellI = globalCells.toGlobal(localCellI); } reduce(globalCellI, maxOp<label>()); if (globalCellI == -1) { FatalErrorIn ( "refinementParameters::findCells(const polyMesh&) const" ) << "Point " << keepPoint << " is not inside the mesh or on a face or edge." << nl << "Bounding box of the mesh:" << mesh.bounds() << exit(FatalError); } if (globalCells.isLocal(globalCellI)) { cellLabels[i] = localCellI; } else { cellLabels[i] = -1; } } return cellLabels; }
// Call scotch with options from dictionary. Foam::label Foam::ptscotchDecomp::decompose ( const fileName& meshPath, const label adjncySize, const label adjncy[], const label xadjSize, const label xadj[], const scalarField& cWeights, List<label>& finalDecomp ) const { if (debug) { Pout<< "ptscotchDecomp : entering with xadj:" << xadjSize << endl; } // Dump graph if (decompositionDict_.found("scotchCoeffs")) { const dictionary& scotchCoeffs = decompositionDict_.subDict("scotchCoeffs"); if (scotchCoeffs.lookupOrDefault("writeGraph", false)) { OFstream str ( meshPath + "_" + Foam::name(Pstream::myProcNo()) + ".dgr" ); Pout<< "Dumping Scotch graph file to " << << endl << "Use this in combination with dgpart." << endl; globalIndex globalCells(xadjSize-1); // Distributed graph file (.grf) label version = 2; str << version << nl; // Number of files (procglbnbr) str << Pstream::nProcs(); // My file number (procloc) str << ' ' << Pstream::myProcNo() << nl; // Total number of vertices (vertglbnbr) str << globalCells.size(); // Total number of connections (edgeglbnbr) str << ' ' << returnReduce(xadj[xadjSize-1], sumOp<label>()) << nl; // Local number of vertices (vertlocnbr) str << xadjSize-1; // Local number of connections (edgelocnbr) str << ' ' << xadj[xadjSize-1] << nl; // Numbering starts from 0 label baseval = 0; // 100*hasVertlabels+10*hasEdgeWeights+1*hasVertWeighs str << baseval << ' ' << "000" << nl; for (label celli = 0; celli < xadjSize-1; celli++) { label start = xadj[celli]; label end = xadj[celli+1]; str << end-start; for (label i = start; i < end; i++) { str << ' ' << adjncy[i]; } str << nl; } } } // Strategy // ~~~~~~~~ // Default. SCOTCH_Strat stradat; check(SCOTCH_stratInit(&stradat), "SCOTCH_stratInit"); if (decompositionDict_.found("scotchCoeffs")) { const dictionary& scotchCoeffs = decompositionDict_.subDict("scotchCoeffs"); string strategy; if (scotchCoeffs.readIfPresent("strategy", strategy)) { if (debug) { Info<< "ptscotchDecomp : Using strategy " << strategy << endl; } SCOTCH_stratDgraphMap(&stradat, strategy.c_str()); //fprintf(stdout, "S\tStrat="); //SCOTCH_stratSave(&stradat, stdout); //fprintf(stdout, "\n"); } } // Graph // ~~~~~ List<label> velotab; // Check for externally provided cellweights and if so initialise weights scalar minWeights = gMin(cWeights); scalar maxWeights = gMax(cWeights); if (maxWeights > minWeights) { if (minWeights <= 0) { WarningInFunction << "Illegal minimum weight " << minWeights << endl; } if (cWeights.size() != xadjSize-1) { FatalErrorInFunction << "Number of cell weights " << cWeights.size() << " does not equal number of cells " << xadjSize-1 << exit(FatalError); } } scalar velotabSum = gSum(cWeights)/minWeights; scalar rangeScale(1.0); if (Pstream::master()) { if (velotabSum > scalar(labelMax - 1)) { // 0.9 factor of safety to avoid floating point round-off in // rangeScale tipping the subsequent sum over the integer limit. rangeScale = 0.9*scalar(labelMax - 1)/velotabSum; WarningInFunction << "Sum of weights has overflowed integer: " << velotabSum << ", compressing weight scale by a factor of " << rangeScale << endl; } } Pstream::scatter(rangeScale); if (maxWeights > minWeights) { if (cWeights.size()) { // Convert to integers. velotab.setSize(cWeights.size()); forAll(velotab, i) { velotab[i] = int((cWeights[i]/minWeights - 1)*rangeScale) + 1; } }
Foam::label Foam::scotchDecomp::decompose ( const fileName& meshPath, const List<label>& adjncy, const List<label>& xadj, const scalarField& cWeights, List<label>& finalDecomp ) { if (!Pstream::parRun()) { decomposeOneProc ( meshPath, adjncy, xadj, cWeights, finalDecomp ); } else { if (debug) { Info<< "scotchDecomp : running in parallel." << " Decomposing all of graph on master processor." << endl; } globalIndex globalCells(xadj.size()-1); label nTotalConnections = returnReduce(adjncy.size(), sumOp<label>()); // Send all to master. Use scheduled to save some storage. if (Pstream::master()) { Field<label> allAdjncy(nTotalConnections); Field<label> allXadj(globalCells.size()+1); scalarField allWeights(globalCells.size()); // Insert my own label nTotalCells = 0; forAll(cWeights, cellI) { allXadj[nTotalCells] = xadj[cellI]; allWeights[nTotalCells++] = cWeights[cellI]; } nTotalConnections = 0; forAll(adjncy, i) { allAdjncy[nTotalConnections++] = adjncy[i]; } for (int slave=1; slave<Pstream::nProcs(); slave++) { IPstream fromSlave(Pstream::scheduled, slave); Field<label> nbrAdjncy(fromSlave); Field<label> nbrXadj(fromSlave); scalarField nbrWeights(fromSlave); // Append. //label procStart = nTotalCells; forAll(nbrXadj, cellI) { allXadj[nTotalCells] = nTotalConnections+nbrXadj[cellI]; allWeights[nTotalCells++] = nbrWeights[cellI]; } // No need to renumber xadj since already global. forAll(nbrAdjncy, i) { allAdjncy[nTotalConnections++] = nbrAdjncy[i]; } } allXadj[nTotalCells] = nTotalConnections; Field<label> allFinalDecomp; decomposeOneProc ( meshPath, allAdjncy, allXadj, allWeights, allFinalDecomp ); // Send allFinalDecomp back for (int slave=1; slave<Pstream::nProcs(); slave++) { OPstream toSlave(Pstream::scheduled, slave); toSlave << SubField<label> ( allFinalDecomp, globalCells.localSize(slave), globalCells.offset(slave) ); } // Get my own part (always first) finalDecomp = SubField<label> ( allFinalDecomp, globalCells.localSize() ); }
// Call scotch with options from dictionary. Foam::label Foam::ptscotchDecomp::decompose ( const fileName& meshPath, const List<int>& adjncy, const List<int>& xadj, const scalarField& cWeights, List<int>& finalDecomp ) const { if (debug) { Pout<< "ptscotchDecomp : entering with xadj:" << xadj.size() << endl; } // Dump graph if (decompositionDict_.found("ptscotchCoeffs")) { const dictionary& scotchCoeffs = decompositionDict_.subDict("ptscotchCoeffs"); if (scotchCoeffs.lookupOrDefault("writeGraph", false)) { OFstream str ( meshPath + "_" + Foam::name(Pstream::myProcNo()) + ".dgr" ); Pout<< "Dumping Scotch graph file to " << << endl << "Use this in combination with dgpart." << endl; globalIndex globalCells(xadj.size()-1); // Distributed graph file (.grf) label version = 2; str << version << nl; // Number of files (procglbnbr) str << Pstream::nProcs(); // My file number (procloc) str << ' ' << Pstream::myProcNo() << nl; // Total number of vertices (vertglbnbr) str << globalCells.size(); // Total number of connections (edgeglbnbr) str << ' ' << returnReduce(xadj[xadj.size()-1], sumOp<label>()) << nl; // Local number of vertices (vertlocnbr) str << xadj.size()-1; // Local number of connections (edgelocnbr) str << ' ' << xadj[xadj.size()-1] << nl; // Numbering starts from 0 label baseval = 0; // 100*hasVertlabels+10*hasEdgeWeights+1*hasVertWeighs str << baseval << ' ' << "000" << nl; for (label cellI = 0; cellI < xadj.size()-1; cellI++) { label start = xadj[cellI]; label end = xadj[cellI+1]; str << end-start; for (label i = start; i < end; i++) { str << ' ' << adjncy[i]; } str << nl; } } } // Strategy // ~~~~~~~~ // Default. SCOTCH_Strat stradat; check(SCOTCH_stratInit(&stradat), "SCOTCH_stratInit"); if (decompositionDict_.found("scotchCoeffs")) { const dictionary& scotchCoeffs = decompositionDict_.subDict("scotchCoeffs"); string strategy; if (scotchCoeffs.readIfPresent("strategy", strategy)) { if (debug) { Info<< "ptscotchDecomp : Using strategy " << strategy << endl; } SCOTCH_stratDgraphMap(&stradat, strategy.c_str()); //fprintf(stdout, "S\tStrat="); //SCOTCH_stratSave(&stradat, stdout); //fprintf(stdout, "\n"); } } // Graph // ~~~~~ List<int> velotab; // Check for externally provided cellweights and if so initialise weights scalar minWeights = gMin(cWeights); if (cWeights.size() > 0) { if (minWeights <= 0) { WarningIn ( "ptscotchDecomp::decompose(..)" ) << "Illegal minimum weight " << minWeights << endl; } if (cWeights.size() != xadj.size()-1) { FatalErrorIn ( "ptscotchDecomp::decompose(..)" ) << "Number of cell weights " << cWeights.size() << " does not equal number of cells " << xadj.size()-1 << exit(FatalError); } // Convert to integers. velotab.setSize(cWeights.size()); forAll(velotab, i) { velotab[i] = int(cWeights[i]/minWeights); } } if (debug) { Pout<< "SCOTCH_dgraphInit" << endl; } SCOTCH_Dgraph grafdat; check(SCOTCH_dgraphInit(&grafdat, MPI_COMM_WORLD), "SCOTCH_dgraphInit"); if (debug) { Pout<< "SCOTCH_dgraphBuild with:" << nl << "xadj.size()-1 : " << xadj.size()-1 << nl << "xadj : " << long(xadj.begin()) << nl << "velotab : " << long(velotab.begin()) << nl << "adjncy.size() : " << adjncy.size() << nl << "adjncy : " << long(adjncy.begin()) << nl << endl; } check ( SCOTCH_dgraphBuild ( &grafdat, // grafdat 0, // baseval, c-style numbering xadj.size()-1, // vertlocnbr, nCells xadj.size()-1, // vertlocmax const_cast<SCOTCH_Num*>(xadj.begin()), // vertloctab, start index per cell into // adjncy const_cast<SCOTCH_Num*>(&xadj[1]),// vendloctab, end index ,, const_cast<SCOTCH_Num*>(velotab.begin()),// veloloctab, vtx weights NULL, // vlblloctab adjncy.size(), // edgelocnbr, number of arcs adjncy.size(), // edgelocsiz const_cast<SCOTCH_Num*>(adjncy.begin()), // edgeloctab NULL, // edgegsttab NULL // edlotab, edge weights ), "SCOTCH_dgraphBuild" ); if (debug) { Pout<< "SCOTCH_dgraphCheck" << endl; } check(SCOTCH_dgraphCheck(&grafdat), "SCOTCH_dgraphCheck"); // Architecture // ~~~~~~~~~~~~ // (fully connected network topology since using switch) if (debug) { Pout<< "SCOTCH_archInit" << endl; } SCOTCH_Arch archdat; check(SCOTCH_archInit(&archdat), "SCOTCH_archInit"); List<label> processorWeights; if (decompositionDict_.found("scotchCoeffs")) { const dictionary& scotchCoeffs = decompositionDict_.subDict("scotchCoeffs"); scotchCoeffs.readIfPresent("processorWeights", processorWeights); } if (processorWeights.size()) { if (debug) { Info<< "ptscotchDecomp : Using procesor weights " << processorWeights << endl; } check ( SCOTCH_archCmpltw(&archdat, nProcessors_, processorWeights.begin()), "SCOTCH_archCmpltw" ); } else { if (debug) { Pout<< "SCOTCH_archCmplt" << endl; } check ( SCOTCH_archCmplt(&archdat, nProcessors_), "SCOTCH_archCmplt" ); } //SCOTCH_Mapping mapdat; //SCOTCH_dgraphMapInit(&grafdat, &mapdat, &archdat, NULL); //SCOTCH_dgraphMapCompute(&grafdat, &mapdat, &stradat); /*Perform mapping*/ //SCOTCHdgraphMapExit(&grafdat, &mapdat); // Hack:switch off fpu error trapping # ifdef LINUX_GNUC int oldExcepts = fedisableexcept ( FE_DIVBYZERO | FE_INVALID | FE_OVERFLOW ); # endif if (debug) { Pout<< "SCOTCH_dgraphMap" << endl; } finalDecomp.setSize(xadj.size()-1); finalDecomp = 0; check ( SCOTCH_dgraphMap ( &grafdat, &archdat, &stradat, // const SCOTCH_Strat * finalDecomp.begin() // parttab ), "SCOTCH_graphMap" ); # ifdef LINUX_GNUC feenableexcept(oldExcepts); # endif //finalDecomp.setSize(xadj.size()-1); //check //( // SCOTCH_dgraphPart // ( // &grafdat, // nProcessors_, // partnbr // &stradat, // const SCOTCH_Strat * // finalDecomp.begin() // parttab // ), // "SCOTCH_graphPart" //); if (debug) { Pout<< "SCOTCH_dgraphExit" << endl; } // Release storage for graph SCOTCH_dgraphExit(&grafdat); // Release storage for strategy SCOTCH_stratExit(&stradat); // Release storage for network topology SCOTCH_archExit(&archdat); return 0; }
//- Does prevention of 0 cell domains and calls ptscotch. Foam::label Foam::ptscotchDecomp::decomposeZeroDomains ( const fileName& meshPath, const List<int>& initadjncy, const List<int>& initxadj, const scalarField& initcWeights, List<int>& finalDecomp ) const { globalIndex globalCells(initxadj.size()-1); bool hasZeroDomain = false; for (label procI = 0; procI < Pstream::nProcs(); procI++) { if (globalCells.localSize(procI) == 0) { hasZeroDomain = true; break; } } if (!hasZeroDomain) { return decompose ( meshPath, initadjncy, initxadj, initcWeights, finalDecomp ); } if (debug) { Info<< "ptscotchDecomp : have graphs with locally 0 cells." << " trickling down." << endl; } // Make sure every domain has at least one cell // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // (scotch does not like zero sized domains) // Trickle cells from processors that have them up to those that // don't. // Number of cells to send to the next processor // (is same as number of cells next processor has to receive) List<int> nSendCells(Pstream::nProcs(), 0); for (label procI = nSendCells.size()-1; procI >=1; procI--) { label nLocalCells = globalCells.localSize(procI); if (nLocalCells-nSendCells[procI] < 1) { nSendCells[procI-1] = nSendCells[procI]-nLocalCells+1; } } // First receive (so increasing the sizes of all arrays) Field<int> xadj(initxadj); Field<int> adjncy(initadjncy); scalarField cWeights(initcWeights); if (Pstream::myProcNo() >= 1 && nSendCells[Pstream::myProcNo()-1] > 0) { // Receive cells from previous processor IPstream fromPrevProc(Pstream::blocking, Pstream::myProcNo()-1); Field<int> prevXadj(fromPrevProc); Field<int> prevAdjncy(fromPrevProc); scalarField prevCellWeights(fromPrevProc); if (prevXadj.size() != nSendCells[Pstream::myProcNo()-1]) { FatalErrorIn("ptscotchDecomp::decompose(..)") << "Expected from processor " << Pstream::myProcNo()-1 << " connectivity for " << nSendCells[Pstream::myProcNo()-1] << " nCells but only received " << prevXadj.size() << abort(FatalError); } // Insert adjncy prepend(prevAdjncy, adjncy); // Adapt offsets and prepend xadj xadj += prevAdjncy.size(); prepend(prevXadj, xadj); // Weights prepend(prevCellWeights, cWeights); } // Send to my next processor if (nSendCells[Pstream::myProcNo()] > 0) { // Send cells to next processor OPstream toNextProc(Pstream::blocking, Pstream::myProcNo()+1); int nCells = nSendCells[Pstream::myProcNo()]; int startCell = xadj.size()-1 - nCells; int startFace = xadj[startCell]; int nFaces = adjncy.size()-startFace; // Send for all cell data: last nCells elements // Send for all face data: last nFaces elements toNextProc << Field<int>::subField(xadj, nCells, startCell)-startFace << Field<int>::subField(adjncy, nFaces, startFace) << ( cWeights.size() ? static_cast<const scalarField&> ( scalarField::subField(cWeights, nCells, startCell) ) : scalarField(0) ); // Remove data that has been sent if (cWeights.size()) { cWeights.setSize(cWeights.size()-nCells); } adjncy.setSize(adjncy.size()-nFaces); xadj.setSize(xadj.size() - nCells); } // Do decomposition as normal. Sets finalDecomp. label result = decompose(meshPath, adjncy, xadj, cWeights, finalDecomp); if (debug) { Info<< "ptscotchDecomp : have graphs with locally 0 cells." << " trickling up." << endl; } // If we sent cells across make sure we undo it // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // Receive back from next processor if I sent something if (nSendCells[Pstream::myProcNo()] > 0) { IPstream fromNextProc(Pstream::blocking, Pstream::myProcNo()+1); List<int> nextFinalDecomp(fromNextProc); if (nextFinalDecomp.size() != nSendCells[Pstream::myProcNo()]) { FatalErrorIn("parMetisDecomp::decompose(..)") << "Expected from processor " << Pstream::myProcNo()+1 << " decomposition for " << nSendCells[Pstream::myProcNo()] << " nCells but only received " << nextFinalDecomp.size() << abort(FatalError); } append(nextFinalDecomp, finalDecomp); } // Send back to previous processor. if (Pstream::myProcNo() >= 1 && nSendCells[Pstream::myProcNo()-1] > 0) { OPstream toPrevProc(Pstream::blocking, Pstream::myProcNo()-1); int nToPrevious = nSendCells[Pstream::myProcNo()-1]; toPrevProc << SubList<int> ( finalDecomp, nToPrevious, finalDecomp.size()-nToPrevious ); // Remove locally what has been sent finalDecomp.setSize(finalDecomp.size()-nToPrevious); } return result; }
// Given a subset of cells determine the new global indices. The problem // is in the cells from neighbouring processors which need to be renumbered. void Foam::multiLevelDecomp::subsetGlobalCellCells ( const label nDomains, const label domainI, const labelList& dist, const labelListList& cellCells, const labelList& set, labelListList& subCellCells, labelList& cutConnections ) const { // Determine new index for cells by inverting subset labelList oldToNew(invert(cellCells.size(), set)); globalIndex globalCells(cellCells.size()); // Subset locally the elements for which I have data subCellCells = UIndirectList<labelList>(cellCells, set); // Get new indices for neighbouring processors List<Map<label>> compactMap; mapDistribute map(globalCells, subCellCells, compactMap); map.distribute(oldToNew); labelList allDist(dist); map.distribute(allDist); // Now we have: // oldToNew : the locally-compact numbering of all our cellCells. -1 if // cellCell is not in set. // allDist : destination domain for all our cellCells // subCellCells : indexes into oldToNew and allDist // Globally compact numbering for cells in set. globalIndex globalSubCells(set.size()); // Now subCellCells contains indices into oldToNew which are the // new locations of the neighbouring cells. cutConnections.setSize(nDomains); cutConnections = 0; forAll(subCellCells, subCelli) { labelList& cCells = subCellCells[subCelli]; // Keep the connections to valid mapped cells label newI = 0; forAll(cCells, i) { // Get locally-compact cell index of neighbouring cell label nbrCelli = oldToNew[cCells[i]]; if (nbrCelli == -1) { cutConnections[allDist[cCells[i]]]++; } else { // Reconvert local cell index into global one // Get original neighbour label celli = set[subCelli]; label oldNbrCelli = cellCells[celli][i]; // Get processor from original neighbour label proci = globalCells.whichProcID(oldNbrCelli); // Convert into global compact numbering cCells[newI++] = globalSubCells.toGlobal(proci, nbrCelli); } }