globus_fifo_t * globus_fifo_copy ( const globus_fifo_t * fifo) { globus_fifo_t * copy; struct globus_fifo_s * s_copy; struct globus_fifo_s * s_fifo; if (fifo == GLOBUS_NULL) return NULL; s_fifo = *fifo; if(s_fifo==GLOBUS_NULL) return NULL; copy = globus_malloc (sizeof(globus_fifo_t)); if (copy == NULL) return NULL; globus_fifo_init(copy); s_copy = *copy; s_copy->head = globus_list_copy(s_fifo->head); s_copy->tail = s_copy->head; while(!globus_list_empty(globus_list_rest(s_copy->tail))) { s_copy->tail = globus_list_rest (s_copy->tail); } s_copy->size = s_fifo->size; return copy; }
int globus_fifo_move( globus_fifo_t * fifo_dest, globus_fifo_t * fifo_src) { struct globus_fifo_s * s_fifo_dest; struct globus_fifo_s * s_fifo_src; if(fifo_dest == GLOBUS_NULL || fifo_src == GLOBUS_NULL) { return -1; } globus_fifo_init(fifo_dest); s_fifo_dest = *fifo_dest; s_fifo_src = *fifo_src; if(s_fifo_dest == GLOBUS_NULL || s_fifo_src == GLOBUS_NULL) { return -1; } s_fifo_dest->head = s_fifo_src->head; s_fifo_dest->tail = s_fifo_src->tail; s_fifo_dest->size = s_fifo_src->size; s_fifo_src->head = GLOBUS_NULL; s_fifo_src->tail = GLOBUS_NULL; s_fifo_src->size = 0; return 0; }
/** * Create a copy of a restart marker. * @ingroup globus_ftp_client_restart_marker * * This function copies the contents of marker to new_marker. * * @param new_marker * A pointer to a new restart marker. * @param marker * The marker to copy. * * @see globus_ftp_client_restart_marker_init(), * globus_ftp_client_restart_marker_destroy() */ globus_result_t globus_ftp_client_restart_marker_copy( globus_ftp_client_restart_marker_t * new_marker, globus_ftp_client_restart_marker_t * marker) { globus_fifo_t * tmp; GlobusFuncName(globus_ftp_client_restart_marker_copy); if(new_marker == GLOBUS_NULL) { return globus_error_put( GLOBUS_I_FTP_CLIENT_ERROR_NULL_PARAMETER("new_marker")); } if(marker == GLOBUS_NULL) { return globus_error_put( GLOBUS_I_FTP_CLIENT_ERROR_NULL_PARAMETER("marker")); } globus_ftp_client_restart_marker_init(new_marker); new_marker->type = marker->type; switch(new_marker->type) { case GLOBUS_FTP_CLIENT_RESTART_NONE: break; case GLOBUS_FTP_CLIENT_RESTART_STREAM: new_marker->stream.offset = marker->stream.offset; break; case GLOBUS_FTP_CLIENT_RESTART_EXTENDED_BLOCK: globus_fifo_init(&new_marker->extended_block.ranges); if(globus_fifo_empty(&marker->extended_block.ranges)) { break; } tmp = globus_fifo_copy(&marker->extended_block.ranges); while(!globus_fifo_empty(tmp)) { globus_i_ftp_client_range_t * range; range = (globus_i_ftp_client_range_t *) globus_fifo_dequeue(tmp); globus_ftp_client_restart_marker_insert_range(new_marker, range->offset, range->end_offset); } globus_fifo_destroy(tmp); globus_free(tmp); break; } return GLOBUS_SUCCESS; }
globus_result_t gfs_i_xio_cp_start( gfs_i_xio_cp_handle_t ** cp_h_out, globus_fifo_t * read_handle_fifo, globus_fifo_t * write_handle_fifo, globus_callback_func_t complete_cb, globus_callback_func_t update_cb, void * user_arg) { globus_fifo_t * read_q; gfs_i_xio_cp_handle_t * cp_h; cp_h = (gfs_i_xio_cp_handle_t *) globus_calloc(1, sizeof(gfs_i_xio_cp_handle_t)); cp_h->read_all_q = globus_fifo_copy(net_handle_fifo); cp_h->write_all_q = globus_fifo_copy(net_handle_fifo); cp_h->write_q = globus_fifo_copy(net_handle_fifo); globus_fifo_init(&cp_h->read_buffer_q); cp_h->block_size = block_size; cp_h->cb = complete_cb; cp_h->user_arg = user_arg; globus_mutex_init(&cp_h->mutex, NULL); cp_h->state = GFS_XIO_CP_STATE_OPEN; read_q = globus_fifo_copy(net_handle_fifo); cp_h->read_handle_count = globus_fifo_size(cp_h->read_all_q); cp_h->write_handle_count = globus_fifo_size(cp_h->write_all_q); *cp_h_out = cp_h; globus_mutex_lock(&cp_h->mutex); { while(!globus_fifo_empty(read_q)) { xio_h = (globus_xio_handle_t) globus_fifo_dequeue(cp_h->read_q); read_buf = (gfs_l_xio_read_buffer_t *) globus_calloc(sizeof(gfs_l_xio_read_buffer_t)+block_size, 1); read_buf->block_size = block_size; read_buf->whos_my_daddy = cp_h; gfs_l_xio_cp_post_read(xio_h, read_buf); } } globus_mutex_unlock(&cp_h->mutex); globus_fifo_destroy(read_q); return GLOBUS_SUCCESS; }
static globus_result_t globus_l_xio_telnet_open( const globus_xio_contact_t * contact_info, void * driver_link, void * driver_attr, globus_xio_operation_t op) { globus_result_t res; globus_l_xio_telnet_attr_t * attr; globus_l_xio_telnet_handle_t * handle; GlobusXIOName(globus_l_xio_telnet_open); /* decide what attr to use */ if(driver_attr != NULL) { attr = (globus_l_xio_telnet_attr_t *) driver_attr; } else if(driver_link != NULL) { attr = (globus_l_xio_telnet_attr_t *) driver_link; } else { /* default */ attr = NULL; } handle = (globus_l_xio_telnet_handle_t *) globus_calloc( sizeof(globus_l_xio_telnet_handle_t), 1); if(handle == NULL) { res = GlobusXIOErrorMemory("handle"); goto error_handle_alloc; } if(attr != NULL && attr->force_server) { handle->client = GLOBUS_FALSE; } else { handle->client = driver_link ? GLOBUS_FALSE : GLOBUS_TRUE; } handle->read_buffer_length = GLOBUS_L_XIO_TELNET_DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE; handle->read_buffer = globus_malloc(handle->read_buffer_length); if(handle->read_buffer == NULL) { res = GlobusXIOErrorMemory("buffer"); goto error_buffer_alloc; } globus_mutex_init(&handle->mutex, NULL); globus_fifo_init(&handle->write_q); handle->create_buffer_mode = attr ? attr->create_buffer_mode : GLOBUS_FALSE; res = globus_xio_driver_pass_open( op, contact_info, globus_l_xio_telnet_open_cb, handle); if(res != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { goto error_pass; } return GLOBUS_SUCCESS; error_pass: globus_free(handle->read_buffer); globus_mutex_destroy(&handle->mutex); globus_fifo_destroy(&handle->write_q); error_buffer_alloc: globus_free(handle); error_handle_alloc: return res; }
int globus_args_scan( int * argc, char *** argv, int option_count, globus_args_option_descriptor_t * options, const char * name, const globus_version_t * version, const char * oneline_usage, const char * long_usage, globus_list_t ** options_found, char ** error_msg ) { static globus_mutex_t args_mutex; static globus_bool_t args_mutex_initialized = GLOBUS_FALSE; int rc; int my_argc; char * my_arg; int len; int i; char ** alias; char ** arglist; globus_fifo_t fifo; globus_bool_t done; globus_bool_t found; globus_libc_lock(); if (!args_mutex_initialized) { globus_mutex_init(&args_mutex, (globus_mutexattr_t *) GLOBUS_NULL); args_mutex_initialized = GLOBUS_TRUE; } globus_libc_unlock(); globus_mutex_lock(&args_mutex); rc = GLOBUS_SUCCESS; globus_fifo_init(&fifo); *options_found = GLOBUS_NULL; if (error_msg) *error_msg = GLOBUS_NULL; /* precheck : are the options correct? */ rc = globus_l_args_check_options(option_count, options, error_msg); done = (rc==GLOBUS_SUCCESS) ? GLOBUS_FALSE : GLOBUS_TRUE; my_argc=1; while (!done) { /* any more options? */ if (my_argc == *argc) { done=GLOBUS_TRUE; continue; } my_arg = (*argv)[my_argc]; len = strlen(my_arg); if (my_arg[0]!='-' || len<2) { /* unrecognized option */ done=GLOBUS_TRUE; continue; } /* '--*' is a special case : if '*' is non-null, it's an error. Otherwise, it signals end of parsing. */ if (!strncmp(my_arg,"--",2)) { if (len == 2) /* end of parsing */ { /* next argument is first "unrecognized" option */ my_argc++; } else { rc = GLOBUS_FAILURE; globus_l_args_create_error_msg( error_msg, my_argc, my_arg, _GCSL("double-dashed option syntax is not allowed"), oneline_usage ); } done = GLOBUS_TRUE; continue; } /* four specials : -help, -usage, -version, -versions */ if (!strcmp("-help",my_arg)) { globus_l_args_create_msg( error_msg , (char *) long_usage ); rc = GLOBUS_ARGS_HELP; done = GLOBUS_TRUE; continue; } if(!strcmp("-usage",my_arg)) { globus_l_args_create_msg( error_msg , (char *) oneline_usage ); rc = GLOBUS_ARGS_HELP; done = GLOBUS_TRUE; continue; } if (!strcmp("-version",my_arg)) { globus_version_print( name, version, stderr, GLOBUS_FALSE); rc = GLOBUS_ARGS_VERSION; done = GLOBUS_TRUE; continue; } if (!strcmp("-versions",my_arg)) { globus_version_print( name, version, stderr, GLOBUS_TRUE); globus_module_print_activated_versions(stderr, GLOBUS_TRUE); rc = GLOBUS_ARGS_VERSION; done = GLOBUS_TRUE; continue; } /* is it a known flag? */ found=GLOBUS_FALSE; for (i=0; !found && !rc && i<option_count; i++) { for (alias=options[i].names; !found && !rc && *alias; alias++) { if (!strcmp(my_arg, *alias)) { found = GLOBUS_TRUE; arglist = GLOBUS_NULL; if (options[i].arity > 0) { if (my_argc+options[i].arity >= *argc) { globus_l_args_create_error_msg( error_msg, my_argc, my_arg, _GCSL("not enough arguments"), oneline_usage ); rc = GLOBUS_FAILURE; continue; } rc = globus_l_args_validate( &options[i], my_argc, (*argv), &arglist, oneline_usage, error_msg ); } /* if */ if (rc==GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { /* option successfully detected: add it */ globus_l_args_add_instance( &fifo, &options[i], arglist ); my_argc += 1+options[i].arity; } } /* strcmp(my_arg,*alias)) */ } /* alias */ } /* i */ if (!found) { /* my_arg contains an unregistered option */ rc = GLOBUS_FAILURE; globus_l_args_create_error_msg( error_msg, my_argc, my_arg, _GCSL("unknown option"), oneline_usage ); } if (rc!=GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { done = GLOBUS_TRUE; continue; } } /* while (!done) */ if (rc==GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { /* if successful, return number of options found */ rc = globus_fifo_size(&fifo); *options_found = globus_fifo_convert_to_list( &fifo ); /* modify argc/argv */ if (my_argc>1) { for (i = my_argc; i < *argc; i++) (*argv)[i-my_argc+1] = (*argv)[i]; *argc -= my_argc - 1; } } globus_fifo_destroy(&fifo); globus_mutex_unlock(&args_mutex); return rc; }
int main( int argc, char * argv[]) { int i; int nitems; long thread_id; globus_thread_t thread; globus_thread_set_model("pthread"); globus_module_activate(GLOBUS_COMMON_MODULE); if (argc != 4) { globus_stdio_lock(); { printf("\nusage: globus_thread_test " "nproducers nconsumers nitems\n\n"); } globus_stdio_unlock(); exit(1); } nproducers = atoi(argv[1]); nconsumers = atoi(argv[2]); nitems = atoi(argv[3]); /* * Initialize queue and queue concurrency control structures */ globus_fifo_init(&queue); globus_mutex_init(&queue_mutex, (globus_mutexattr_t *) GLOBUS_NULL); globus_cond_init(&queue_cond, (globus_condattr_t *) GLOBUS_NULL); /* * Initialize shared (common) concurrency control structures */ globus_mutex_init(&common_mutex, (globus_mutexattr_t *) GLOBUS_NULL); globus_cond_init(&common_cond, (globus_condattr_t *) GLOBUS_NULL); /* * Assign a thread id to the main thread so that it's output is uniquely * tagged. Note: we do not use the return value of globus_thread_self() * since it could be a pointer or a structure, the latter which is * extremely hard to print without knowing the implementation details. */ thread_id_assign(); thread_id = thread_id_get(); /* * Start producer and consumer threads */ globus_stdio_lock(); { printf("%04ld: main() - starting %d producer and %d consumer threads\n", thread_id, nproducers, nconsumers); } globus_stdio_unlock(); for (i = 0 ; i < nproducers ; i ++) { int rc; int nitems_per_thread; nitems_per_thread = nitems / nproducers + ((i < nitems % nproducers) ? 1 : 0); rc = globus_thread_create( &thread, NULL, producer, (void *) nitems_per_thread); if (rc != 0) { globus_stdio_lock(); { printf("%04ld: main() - ERROR: " "unable to create producer thread %d\n", thread_id, i); exit(1); } globus_stdio_unlock(); } } for (i = 0 ; i < nconsumers ; i ++) { int rc; int nitems_per_thread; nitems_per_thread = nitems / nconsumers + ((i < nitems % nconsumers) ? 1 : 0); rc = globus_thread_create( &thread, NULL, consumer, (void *) nitems_per_thread); if (rc != 0) { globus_stdio_lock(); { printf("%04ld: main() - ERROR: " "unable to create consumer thread %d\n", thread_id, i); exit(1); } globus_stdio_unlock(); } } /* * Wait for all threads to be started */ wait_for_all(); globus_stdio_lock(); { printf("%04ld: main() - all threads started\n", thread_id); } globus_stdio_unlock(); /* * Wait for all threads to complete their work */ wait_for_all(); globus_stdio_lock(); { printf("%04ld: main() - all threads have completed their work\n", thread_id); } globus_stdio_unlock(); /* * Wait for all thread id data to be destroyed */ while (thread_ids_destruct_cnt < nproducers + nconsumers) { globus_thread_yield(); } globus_stdio_lock(); { printf("%04ld: main() - all threads terminated\n", thread_id); } globus_stdio_unlock(); globus_cond_destroy(&common_cond); globus_mutex_destroy(&common_mutex); globus_cond_destroy(&queue_cond); globus_mutex_destroy(&queue_mutex); globus_fifo_destroy(&queue); globus_module_deactivate(GLOBUS_COMMON_MODULE); exit(0); }
static globus_result_t globus_l_gfork_child_start( gfork_child_handle_t * out_handle, const char * in_env_suffix, globus_gfork_open_func_t open_cb, globus_gfork_closed_func_t close_cb, globus_gfork_incoming_cb_t incoming_cb, globus_gfork_error_func_t error_cb, void * user_arg, globus_bool_t master) { globus_result_t result; gfork_i_lib_handle_t * handle; char * env; char * env_suffix; int read_fd; int write_fd; handle = (gfork_i_lib_handle_t *) globus_calloc(1, sizeof(gfork_i_lib_handle_t)); handle->state = GFORK_STATE_OPEN; handle->open_cb = open_cb; handle->close_cb = close_cb; handle->error_cb = error_cb; handle->incoming_cb = incoming_cb; handle->user_arg = user_arg; handle->master = master; globus_mutex_init(&handle->mutex, NULL); globus_fifo_init(&handle->write_q); if(in_env_suffix == NULL) { env_suffix = ""; } else { env_suffix = (char *) in_env_suffix; } env = globus_common_create_string("%s%s", GFORK_CHILD_READ_ENV, env_suffix); result = gfork_l_get_env_fd(env, &read_fd); globus_free(env); if(result != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { goto error_read_env; } env = globus_common_create_string("%s%s",GFORK_CHILD_WRITE_ENV,env_suffix); result = gfork_l_get_env_fd(env, &write_fd); globus_free(env); if(result != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { goto error_write_env; } result = gfork_i_make_xio_handle(&handle->read_xio, read_fd); if(result != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { goto error_read_convert; } result = gfork_i_make_xio_handle(&handle->write_xio, write_fd); if(result != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { goto error_write_convert; } globus_mutex_lock(&handle->mutex); { result = globus_xio_register_read( handle->read_xio, (globus_byte_t *)&handle->header, sizeof(gfork_i_msg_header_t), sizeof(gfork_i_msg_header_t), NULL, gfork_l_child_read_header_cb, handle); if(result != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { goto error_post; } } globus_mutex_unlock(&handle->mutex); *out_handle = handle; return GLOBUS_SUCCESS; error_post: gfork_l_child_error(handle, result); globus_mutex_unlock(&handle->mutex); error_write_convert: globus_xio_close(handle->read_xio, NULL); error_read_convert: error_write_env: error_read_env: globus_fifo_destroy(&handle->write_q); globus_mutex_destroy(&handle->mutex); globus_free(handle); return result; }
/** * Write the response to an HTTP request * @ingroup globus_i_xio_http_server * * Generates an HTTP response line from a handle, and passes it to the * transport. The globus_l_xio_http_server_write_response_callback() will * be called once the transport has sent the response. * * This call may be triggered by either the first write on a server handle, * or by calling the #GLOBUS_XIO_HTTP_HANDLE_SET_END_OF_ENTITY handle * control function. * * Called with my mutex lock. * * @param http_handle * Handle associated with this HTTP stream. * @param iovec * Array of globus_xio_iovec_t structs associated with the user's write. * @param iovec_count * Length of the @a iovec array. If this is zero, we assume that the * response is being generated by the * #GLOBUS_XIO_HTTP_HANDLE_SET_END_OF_ENTITY control. * @param op * Operation associated with the write. If this is NULL (in the case * of the GLOBUS_XIO_HTTP_HANDLE_SET_END_OF_ENTITY control), one * will be created in this function. * * This function returns GLOBUS_SUCCESS, GLOBUS_XIO_ERROR_MEMORY, or an * error result from globus_xio_driver_operation_create(), or * globus_xio_driver_pass_write(). * * @retval GLOBUS_SUCCESS * Response was passed to the transport for writing. If this was generated * by a user writing data, then the write will occur after the * globus_l_xio_http_server_write_response_callback() has been called. * @retval GLOBUS_XIO_ERROR_MEMORY * Unable to compose the response due to memory constraints. */ globus_result_t globus_i_xio_http_server_write_response( globus_i_xio_http_handle_t * http_handle, const globus_xio_iovec_t * iovec, int iovec_count, globus_xio_operation_t op) { globus_result_t result; globus_fifo_t iovecs; const char * str; char code_str[5]; globus_xio_iovec_t * iov; int rc; int i; int send_size; char * size_buffer = NULL; globus_bool_t free_op = GLOBUS_FALSE; globus_xio_http_header_t * current_header; GlobusXIOName(globus_i_xio_server_write_response); globus_assert(http_handle->send_state == GLOBUS_XIO_HTTP_STATUS_LINE); rc = globus_fifo_init(&iovecs); if (rc != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { result = GlobusXIOErrorMemory("iovecs"); goto error_exit; } /* Compose HTTP Response: * HTTP-Version SP Status-Code SP Reason-Phrase CRLF */ if (http_handle->response_info.http_version == GLOBUS_XIO_HTTP_VERSION_1_0) { str = "HTTP/1.0 "; } else { http_handle->response_info.http_version = GLOBUS_XIO_HTTP_VERSION_1_1; str = "HTTP/1.1 "; } GLOBUS_XIO_HTTP_COPY_BLOB(&iovecs, str, 9, free_iovecs_error); sprintf(code_str, "%d ", http_handle->response_info.status_code); GLOBUS_XIO_HTTP_COPY_BLOB(&iovecs, code_str, 4, free_iovecs_error); if (http_handle->response_info.reason_phrase != NULL) { str = http_handle->response_info.reason_phrase; } else { str = globus_i_xio_http_lookup_reason( http_handle->response_info.status_code); } GLOBUS_XIO_HTTP_COPY_BLOB(&iovecs, str, strlen(str), free_iovecs_error); GLOBUS_XIO_HTTP_COPY_BLOB(&iovecs, "\r\n", 2, free_iovecs_error); current_header = globus_hashtable_first( &http_handle->response_info.headers.headers); while (current_header) { GLOBUS_XIO_HTTP_COPY_BLOB(&iovecs, current_header->name, strlen(current_header->name), free_iovecs_error); GLOBUS_XIO_HTTP_COPY_BLOB(&iovecs, ": ", 2, free_iovecs_error); GLOBUS_XIO_HTTP_COPY_BLOB(&iovecs, current_header->value, strlen(current_header->value), free_iovecs_error); GLOBUS_XIO_HTTP_COPY_BLOB(&iovecs, "\r\n", 2, free_iovecs_error); current_header = globus_hashtable_next( &http_handle->response_info.headers.headers); } /* * Special headers we generate. */ if (GLOBUS_I_XIO_HTTP_HEADER_IS_CONNECTION_CLOSE( &http_handle->response_info.headers) || (http_handle->request_info.http_version == GLOBUS_XIO_HTTP_VERSION_1_0) || (http_handle->response_info.headers.transfer_encoding == GLOBUS_XIO_HTTP_TRANSFER_ENCODING_IDENTITY && GLOBUS_I_XIO_HTTP_HEADER_IS_CONTENT_LENGTH_SET( &http_handle->response_info.headers))) { http_handle->response_info.headers.flags |= GLOBUS_I_XIO_HTTP_HEADER_CONNECTION_CLOSE; GLOBUS_XIO_HTTP_COPY_BLOB(&iovecs, "Connection: close\r\n", 19, free_iovecs_error); } if (iovec_count > 0) { /* * We are sending a body, so we'll set the appropriate entity-related * headers */ if (http_handle->request_info.http_version == GLOBUS_XIO_HTTP_VERSION_1_0 || (http_handle->response_info.headers.transfer_encoding == GLOBUS_XIO_HTTP_TRANSFER_ENCODING_IDENTITY && GLOBUS_I_XIO_HTTP_HEADER_IS_CONTENT_LENGTH_SET( &http_handle->response_info.headers))) { http_handle->response_info.headers.transfer_encoding = GLOBUS_XIO_HTTP_TRANSFER_ENCODING_IDENTITY; /* Transfer-Encoding mustn't be sent to a HTTP/1.0 client */ if (http_handle->request_info.http_version != GLOBUS_XIO_HTTP_VERSION_1_0) { GLOBUS_XIO_HTTP_COPY_BLOB(&iovecs, "Transfer-Encoding: identity\r\n", 29, free_iovecs_error); } /* * When we know the content-length beforehand we can set it here, * otherwise, we will use the connection: close header */ if (GLOBUS_I_XIO_HTTP_HEADER_IS_CONTENT_LENGTH_SET( &http_handle->response_info.headers)) { GLOBUS_XIO_HTTP_COPY_BLOB(&iovecs, "Content-Length: ", 16, free_iovecs_error); size_buffer = globus_common_create_string( "%lu\r\n", (unsigned long) http_handle->response_info.headers.content_length); if (size_buffer == NULL) { result = GlobusXIOErrorMemory("iovec.iov_base"); goto free_iovecs_error; } GLOBUS_XIO_HTTP_COPY_BLOB(&iovecs, size_buffer, strlen(size_buffer), free_iovecs_error); free(size_buffer); size_buffer = NULL; } } else { http_handle->response_info.headers.transfer_encoding = GLOBUS_XIO_HTTP_TRANSFER_ENCODING_CHUNKED; GLOBUS_XIO_HTTP_COPY_BLOB(&iovecs, "Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n", 28, free_iovecs_error); } } GLOBUS_XIO_HTTP_COPY_BLOB(&iovecs, "\r\n", 2, free_iovecs_error); http_handle->header_iovcnt = globus_fifo_size(&iovecs); http_handle->header_iovec = globus_libc_malloc( http_handle->header_iovcnt * sizeof(globus_xio_iovec_t)); if (http_handle->header_iovec == NULL) { goto free_iovecs_error; } /* Convert fifo to iovec array, counting up size for wait_for_nbytes * parameter to globus_xio_driver_pass_write. */ for (i = 0, send_size = 0; i < http_handle->header_iovcnt; i++) { iov = globus_fifo_dequeue(&iovecs); globus_assert(iov != NULL); http_handle->header_iovec[i].iov_base = iov->iov_base; http_handle->header_iovec[i].iov_len = iov->iov_len; send_size += iov->iov_len; globus_libc_free(iov); } if (op == NULL) { result = globus_xio_driver_operation_create( &op, http_handle->handle); free_op = GLOBUS_TRUE; if (result != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { goto free_headers_exit; } } /* Stash user buffer info until we've sent response headers */ http_handle->write_operation.operation = op; http_handle->write_operation.iov = (globus_xio_iovec_t *) iovec; http_handle->write_operation.iovcnt = iovec_count; http_handle->write_operation.wait_for = 0; result = globus_xio_driver_pass_write( http_handle->write_operation.operation, http_handle->header_iovec, http_handle->header_iovcnt, send_size, globus_l_xio_http_server_write_response_callback, http_handle); if (result != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { goto free_operation_exit; } globus_fifo_destroy(&iovecs); if (iovec_count == 0) { http_handle->send_state = GLOBUS_XIO_HTTP_EOF; } else if (http_handle->response_info.headers.transfer_encoding == GLOBUS_XIO_HTTP_TRANSFER_ENCODING_CHUNKED) { http_handle->send_state = GLOBUS_XIO_HTTP_CHUNK_BODY; } else { http_handle->send_state = GLOBUS_XIO_HTTP_IDENTITY_BODY; } return GLOBUS_SUCCESS; free_operation_exit: if (free_op) { globus_xio_driver_operation_destroy( http_handle->write_operation.operation); } free_headers_exit: http_handle->write_operation.operation = NULL; http_handle->write_operation.driver_handle = NULL; http_handle->write_operation.iov = NULL; http_handle->write_operation.iovcnt = 0; http_handle->write_operation.wait_for = 0; for (i = 0; i < http_handle->header_iovcnt; i++) { globus_libc_free(http_handle->header_iovec[i].iov_base); } globus_libc_free(http_handle->header_iovec); http_handle->header_iovec = NULL; http_handle->header_iovcnt = 0; free_iovecs_error: while (!globus_fifo_empty(&iovecs)) { iov = globus_fifo_dequeue(&iovecs); globus_libc_free(iov->iov_base); globus_libc_free(iov); } globus_fifo_destroy(&iovecs); if (size_buffer != NULL) { free(size_buffer); } error_exit: return result; }
/** * Insert a range into a restart marker * @ingroup globus_ftp_client_restart_marker * * This function updates a restart marker with a new byte range, * suitable for using to restart an extended block mode transfer. * Adjacent ranges within the marker will be combined into a single * entry in the marker. * * The marker must first be initialized by calling * globus_ftp_client_restart_marker_init() or * globus_ftp_client_restart_marker_copy(). * * A marker can only hold a range list or a stream offset. Calling * this function after calling * globus_ftp_client_restart_marker_set_offset() will result in a marker * suitable only for use restarting an extended block mode transfer. * * @param marker * A restart marker * @param offset * The starting offset of the range. * @param end_offset * The ending offset of the range. * * @see globus_ftp_client_restart_marker_set_offset() * globus_ftp_client_operationattr_set_mode() */ globus_result_t globus_ftp_client_restart_marker_insert_range( globus_ftp_client_restart_marker_t * marker, globus_off_t offset, globus_off_t end_offset) { globus_fifo_t tmp; globus_i_ftp_client_range_t * range; globus_i_ftp_client_range_t * newrange; globus_object_t * err = GLOBUS_SUCCESS; GlobusFuncName(globus_ftp_client_insert_range); if(marker == GLOBUS_NULL) { return globus_error_put( GLOBUS_I_FTP_CLIENT_ERROR_NULL_PARAMETER("marker")); } if(marker->type != GLOBUS_FTP_CLIENT_RESTART_EXTENDED_BLOCK) { memset(marker, '\0', sizeof(globus_ftp_client_restart_extended_block_t)); marker->type = GLOBUS_FTP_CLIENT_RESTART_EXTENDED_BLOCK; globus_fifo_init(&marker->extended_block.ranges); } globus_fifo_move(&tmp, &marker->extended_block.ranges); while(!globus_fifo_empty(&tmp)) { range = globus_fifo_dequeue(&tmp); if(offset <= range->offset) { if(end_offset+1 < range->offset) { newrange = globus_malloc(sizeof(globus_i_ftp_client_range_t)); if(newrange == NULL) { err = GLOBUS_I_FTP_CLIENT_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY(); if(!err) err = GLOBUS_ERROR_NO_INFO; goto copy_rest; } newrange->offset = offset; newrange->end_offset = end_offset; globus_fifo_enqueue(&marker->extended_block.ranges, newrange); globus_fifo_enqueue(&marker->extended_block.ranges, range); goto copy_rest; } else if(end_offset+1 == range->offset) { end_offset = range->end_offset; globus_libc_free(range); } else { /* weird.... overlapping data */ if(end_offset < range->end_offset) { end_offset = range->end_offset; } globus_libc_free(range); } } else { if(range->end_offset < offset - 1) { globus_fifo_enqueue(&marker->extended_block.ranges, range); } else if(range->end_offset >= offset - 1) { offset = range->offset; if(end_offset < range->end_offset) { end_offset = range->end_offset; } globus_libc_free(range); } else { globus_fifo_enqueue(&marker->extended_block.ranges, range); } } } newrange = globus_malloc(sizeof(globus_i_ftp_client_range_t)); if(newrange == GLOBUS_NULL) { err = GLOBUS_I_FTP_CLIENT_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY(); if(!err) err = GLOBUS_ERROR_NO_INFO; goto copy_rest; } newrange->offset = offset; newrange->end_offset = end_offset; globus_fifo_enqueue(&marker->extended_block.ranges, newrange); copy_rest: while(! globus_fifo_empty(&tmp)) { globus_fifo_enqueue(&marker->extended_block.ranges, globus_fifo_dequeue(&tmp)); } globus_fifo_destroy(&tmp); return err ? globus_error_put(err) : GLOBUS_SUCCESS; }
/** * Initialize a gass_transfer request handle. * * This function creates a #globus_gass_transfer_request_struct_t and * associates it with a #gass_transfer_request_t handle. The structure * is initialized with the information passed as the arguments to the * function. * * @note This function must be called with the request handle mutex lock. * * @param request * The request handle to initialize. If this function is successful, * the value pointed to by this will be initialized to the new * handle id; otherwise, the it will be set to * GLOBUS_NULL_HANDLE. * @param attr * The request attributes to use to create the handle. If non-NULL, * they are copied into the request structure. * @param url * An URL string containing the location of the file to access. A * copy of this is stored in the request handle. * @param type * The type of file transfer that this request will be used for. * @param callback * The callback function to be called once the request is in the * ready state. * @param user_arg * User-supplied argument to the callback function. * * @retval void */ void globus_i_gass_transfer_request_init( globus_gass_transfer_request_t * request, globus_gass_transfer_requestattr_t * attr, char * url, globus_gass_transfer_request_type_t type, globus_gass_transfer_callback_t callback, void * user_arg) { globus_gass_transfer_request_struct_t * req; req = globus_malloc(sizeof(globus_gass_transfer_request_struct_t)); if(req == GLOBUS_NULL) { goto error_exit; } if(url) { req->url = globus_libc_strdup(url); if(req->url == GLOBUS_NULL) { goto free_req; } } else { req->url = GLOBUS_NULL; } req->type = type; req->status = GLOBUS_GASS_TRANSFER_REQUEST_STARTING; req->referral_url = GLOBUS_NULL; req->referral_count = 0; req->callback = callback; req->callback_arg = user_arg; req->proto = GLOBUS_NULL; req->subject = GLOBUS_NULL; req->denial_reason = 0; req->denial_message = GLOBUS_NULL; req->handled_length = 0; req->posted_length = 0; req->fail_callback = GLOBUS_NULL; req->client_side = GLOBUS_FALSE; req->user_pointer = GLOBUS_NULL; globus_fifo_init(&req->pending_data); if(attr) { if(*attr) { req->attr = globus_object_copy(*attr); if(req->attr == GLOBUS_NULL) { goto free_fifo; } } else { req->attr = GLOBUS_NULL; } } else { req->attr = GLOBUS_NULL; } *request = globus_handle_table_insert(&globus_i_gass_transfer_request_handles, (void *) req, 2); globus_list_insert(&globus_i_gass_transfer_requests, (void *) (intptr_t) (*request)); return; free_fifo: globus_fifo_destroy(&req->pending_data); globus_free(req->url); free_req: globus_free(req); error_exit: *request = GLOBUS_NULL_HANDLE; return; }
static int globus_l_seg_stdout_activate(void) { globus_result_t result; globus_xio_attr_t out_attr; globus_xio_attr_t in_attr; int rc; globus_l_seg_output_handle = NULL; globus_l_seg_input_handle = NULL; globus_l_seg_file_stack = NULL; globus_l_seg_file_driver = NULL; globus_l_seg_timestamp = 0; globus_l_seg_write_registered = GLOBUS_FALSE; globus_l_seg_shutdown = 0; rc = globus_module_activate(GLOBUS_COMMON_MODULE); if (rc != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { goto error; } rc = globus_module_activate(GLOBUS_SCHEDULER_EVENT_GENERATOR_MODULE); if (rc != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { goto deactivate_common_error; } rc = globus_fifo_init(&globus_l_seg_buffers); if (rc != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { goto deactivate_seg_error; } rc = globus_module_activate(GLOBUS_XIO_MODULE); if (rc != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { goto destroy_fifo_error; } result = globus_xio_driver_load("file", &globus_l_seg_file_driver); if (result != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { goto deactivate_xio_error; } result = globus_xio_stack_init(&globus_l_seg_file_stack, NULL); if (result != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { goto unload_driver_error; } result = globus_xio_stack_push_driver(globus_l_seg_file_stack, globus_l_seg_file_driver); if (result != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { goto destroy_stack_error; } result = globus_xio_attr_init(&out_attr); if (result != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { goto destroy_stack_error; } result = globus_xio_attr_cntl( out_attr, globus_l_seg_file_driver, GLOBUS_XIO_FILE_SET_FLAGS, GLOBUS_XIO_FILE_WRONLY); if (result != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { goto destroy_out_attr_error; } result = globus_xio_attr_cntl( out_attr, globus_l_seg_file_driver, GLOBUS_XIO_FILE_SET_HANDLE, fileno(stdout)); if (result != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { goto destroy_out_attr_error; } result = globus_xio_attr_init(&in_attr); if (result != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { goto destroy_out_attr_error; } result = globus_xio_attr_cntl( in_attr, globus_l_seg_file_driver, GLOBUS_XIO_FILE_SET_FLAGS, GLOBUS_XIO_FILE_RDONLY); if (result != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { goto destroy_in_attr_error; } result = globus_xio_attr_cntl( in_attr, globus_l_seg_file_driver, GLOBUS_XIO_FILE_SET_HANDLE, fileno(stdin)); if (result != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { goto destroy_in_attr_error; } result = globus_xio_handle_create( &globus_l_seg_output_handle, globus_l_seg_file_stack); if (result != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { goto destroy_in_attr_error; } result = globus_xio_open(globus_l_seg_output_handle, "", out_attr); if (result != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { goto close_out_handle_error; } result = globus_xio_handle_create( &globus_l_seg_input_handle, globus_l_seg_file_stack); if (result != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { goto close_out_handle_error; } result = globus_xio_open(globus_l_seg_input_handle, "", in_attr); if (result != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { goto close_in_handle_error; } rc = globus_mutex_init(&globus_l_seg_mutex, NULL); if (rc != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { goto close_in_handle_error; } rc = globus_cond_init(&globus_l_seg_cond, NULL); if (rc != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { goto destroy_mutex_error; } result = globus_xio_register_read( globus_l_seg_input_handle, globus_l_seg_input_buffer, sizeof(globus_l_seg_input_buffer), 1, NULL, globus_l_xio_read_eof_callback, NULL); if (result != GLOBUS_SUCCESS) { goto destroy_cond_error; } globus_xio_attr_destroy(in_attr); globus_xio_attr_destroy(out_attr); return 0; destroy_cond_error: globus_cond_destroy(&globus_l_seg_cond); destroy_mutex_error: globus_mutex_destroy(&globus_l_seg_mutex); close_in_handle_error: globus_xio_close(globus_l_seg_input_handle, NULL); close_out_handle_error: globus_xio_close(globus_l_seg_output_handle, NULL); destroy_in_attr_error: globus_xio_attr_destroy(in_attr); destroy_out_attr_error: globus_xio_attr_destroy(out_attr); destroy_stack_error: globus_xio_stack_destroy(globus_l_seg_file_stack); unload_driver_error: globus_xio_driver_unload(globus_l_seg_file_driver); deactivate_xio_error: globus_module_deactivate(GLOBUS_XIO_MODULE); destroy_fifo_error: globus_fifo_destroy(&globus_l_seg_buffers); deactivate_seg_error: globus_module_deactivate(GLOBUS_SCHEDULER_EVENT_GENERATOR_MODULE); deactivate_common_error: globus_module_deactivate(GLOBUS_COMMON_MODULE); error: return 1; }