Пример #1
static int enter_params(gmx_ffparams_t *ffparams, t_functype ftype,
                        real forceparams[MAXFORCEPARAM], int comb, real reppow,
                        int start, gmx_bool bAppend)
    t_iparams newparam;
    int       type;
    int       rc;

    if ( (rc = assign_param(ftype, &newparam, forceparams, comb, reppow)) < 0)
        /* -1 means this interaction is all-zero and should not be added */
        return rc;

    if (!bAppend)
        for (type = start; (type < ffparams->ntypes); type++)
            if (ffparams->functype[type] == ftype)
                if (F_GB13 == ftype)
                    /* Occasionally, the way the 1-3 reference distance is
                     * computed can lead to non-binary-identical results, but I
                     * don't know why. */
                    if ((gmx_within_tol(newparam.gb.sar,  ffparams->iparams[type].gb.sar,  1e-6)) &&
                        (gmx_within_tol(newparam.gb.st,   ffparams->iparams[type].gb.st,   1e-6)) &&
                        (gmx_within_tol(newparam.gb.pi,   ffparams->iparams[type].gb.pi,   1e-6)) &&
                        (gmx_within_tol(newparam.gb.gbr,  ffparams->iparams[type].gb.gbr,  1e-6)) &&
                        (gmx_within_tol(newparam.gb.bmlt, ffparams->iparams[type].gb.bmlt, 1e-6)))
                        return type;
                    if (memcmp(&newparam, &ffparams->iparams[type], (size_t)sizeof(newparam)) == 0)
                        return type;
        type = ffparams->ntypes;
    if (debug)
        fprintf(debug, "copying newparam to ffparams->iparams[%d] (ntypes=%d)\n",
                type, ffparams->ntypes);
    memcpy(&ffparams->iparams[type], &newparam, (size_t)sizeof(newparam));

    ffparams->functype[type] = ftype;

    return type;
Пример #2
AnalysisDataDisplacementModule::frameStarted(const AnalysisDataFrameHeader &header)
    // Initialize times.
    if (_impl->bFirst)
        _impl->t0 = header.x();
    else if (_impl->dt <= 0)
        _impl->dt = header.x() - _impl->t0;
        if (_impl->dt < 0 || gmx_within_tol(_impl->dt, 0.0, GMX_REAL_EPS))
            GMX_THROW(APIError("Identical or decreasing frame times"));
        if (!gmx_within_tol(header.x() - _impl->t, _impl->dt, GMX_REAL_EPS))
            GMX_THROW(APIError("Frames not evenly spaced"));
    _impl->t = header.x();

    // Allocate memory for all the positions once it is possible.
    if (_impl->max_store == -1 && !_impl->bFirst)
        _impl->max_store = _impl->nmax * (int)(_impl->tmax/_impl->dt + 1);
        srenew(_impl->oldval, _impl->max_store);

    // Increment the index where current positions are stored.
    _impl->ci += _impl->nmax;
    if (_impl->ci >= _impl->max_store)
        _impl->ci = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < _impl->nmax; ++i)
        _impl->p[_impl->ci + i].bPres = false;
    _impl->bFirst = false;
Пример #3
/*! \brief
 * Does a type conversion on a \c t_selexpr_value.
 * \param[in,out] value    Value to convert.
 * \param[in]     type     Type to convert to.
 * \param[in]     scanner  Scanner data structure.
 * \returns       0 on success, a non-zero value on error.
static int
convert_value(t_selexpr_value *value, e_selvalue_t type, void *scanner)
    if (value->type == type || type == NO_VALUE)
        return 0;
    if (value->bExpr)
        /* Conversion from atom selection to position using default
         * reference positions. */
        if (value->type == GROUP_VALUE && type == POS_VALUE)
            value->u.expr =
                _gmx_sel_init_position(value->u.expr, NULL, scanner);
            if (value->u.expr == NULL)
                return -1;
            value->type = type;
            return 0;
        return -1;
        /* Integers to floating point are easy */
        if (value->type == INT_VALUE && type == REAL_VALUE)
            value->u.r.r1 = (real)value->u.i.i1;
            value->u.r.r2 = (real)value->u.i.i2;
            value->type = type;
            return 0;
        /* Reals that are integer-valued can also be converted */
        if (value->type == REAL_VALUE && type == INT_VALUE
            && gmx_within_tol(value->u.r.r1, (int)value->u.r.r1, GMX_REAL_EPS)
            && gmx_within_tol(value->u.r.r2, (int)value->u.r.r2, GMX_REAL_EPS))
            value->u.i.i1 = (int)value->u.r.r1;
            value->u.i.i2 = (int)value->u.r.r2;
            value->type = type;
            return 0;
    return -1;
Пример #4
/*! \brief
 * Implementation for evaluate_compare() if either value is non-integer.
 * \param[in]  top   Not used.
 * \param[in]  fr    Not used.
 * \param[in]  pbc   Not used.
 * \param[in]  g     Evaluation index group.
 * \param[out] out   Output data structure (\p out->u.g is used).
 * \param[in]  data  Should point to a \c t_methoddata_compare.
 * Left value is assumed to be real-valued; right value can be either.
 * This is ensured by the initialization method.
static void
evaluate_compare_real(t_topology *top, t_trxframe *fr, t_pbc *pbc,
                      gmx_ana_index_t *g, gmx_ana_selvalue_t *out, void *data)
    t_methoddata_compare *d = (t_methoddata_compare *)data;
    int                   i, i1, i2, ig;
    real                  a, b;
    bool                  bAccept;

    for (i = i1 = i2 = ig = 0; i < g->isize; ++i)
        a       = d->left.r[i1];
        b       = (d->right.flags & CMP_REALVAL) ? d->right.r[i2] : d->right.i[i2];
        bAccept = false;
        switch (d->cmpt)
            case CMP_INVALID: break;
            case CMP_LESS:    bAccept = a <  b; break;
            case CMP_LEQ:     bAccept = a <= b; break;
            case CMP_GTR:     bAccept = a >  b; break;
            case CMP_GEQ:     bAccept = a >= b; break;
            case CMP_EQUAL:   bAccept =  gmx_within_tol(a, b, GMX_REAL_EPS); break;
            case CMP_NEQ:     bAccept = !gmx_within_tol(a, b, GMX_REAL_EPS); break;
        if (bAccept)
            out->u.g->index[ig++] = g->index[i];
        if (!(d->left.flags & CMP_SINGLEVAL))
        if (!(d->right.flags & CMP_SINGLEVAL))
    out->u.g->isize = ig;
Пример #5
gmx_shellfc_t init_shell_flexcon(FILE *fplog,
                                 gmx_bool bCutoffSchemeIsVerlet,
                                 gmx_mtop_t *mtop, int nflexcon,
                                 rvec *x)
    struct gmx_shellfc       *shfc;
    t_shell                  *shell;
    int                      *shell_index = NULL, *at2cg;
    t_atom                   *atom;
    int                       n[eptNR], ns, nshell, nsi;
    int                       i, j, nmol, type, mb, mt, a_offset, cg, mol, ftype, nra;
    real                      qS, alpha;
    int                       aS, aN = 0; /* Shell and nucleus */
    int                       bondtypes[] = { F_BONDS, F_HARMONIC, F_CUBICBONDS, F_POLARIZATION, F_ANHARM_POL, F_WATER_POL };
#define NBT asize(bondtypes)
    t_iatom                  *ia;
    gmx_mtop_atomloop_block_t aloopb;
    gmx_mtop_atomloop_all_t   aloop;
    gmx_ffparams_t           *ffparams;
    gmx_molblock_t           *molb;
    gmx_moltype_t            *molt;
    t_block                  *cgs;

    /* Count number of shells, and find their indices */
    for (i = 0; (i < eptNR); i++)
        n[i] = 0;

    aloopb = gmx_mtop_atomloop_block_init(mtop);
    while (gmx_mtop_atomloop_block_next(aloopb, &atom, &nmol))
        n[atom->ptype] += nmol;

    if (fplog)
        /* Print the number of each particle type */
        for (i = 0; (i < eptNR); i++)
            if (n[i] != 0)
                fprintf(fplog, "There are: %d %ss\n", n[i], ptype_str[i]);

    nshell = n[eptShell];

    if (nshell == 0 && nflexcon == 0)
        /* We're not doing shells or flexible constraints */
        return NULL;

    if (bCutoffSchemeIsVerlet)
        gmx_fatal(FARGS, "The shell code does not work with the Verlet cut-off scheme.\n");

    snew(shfc, 1);
    shfc->nflexcon = nflexcon;

    if (nshell == 0)
        return shfc;

    /* We have shells: fill the shell data structure */

    /* Global system sized array, this should be avoided */
    snew(shell_index, mtop->natoms);

    aloop  = gmx_mtop_atomloop_all_init(mtop);
    nshell = 0;
    while (gmx_mtop_atomloop_all_next(aloop, &i, &atom))
        if (atom->ptype == eptShell)
            shell_index[i] = nshell++;

    snew(shell, nshell);

    /* Initiate the shell structures */
    for (i = 0; (i < nshell); i++)
        shell[i].shell = NO_ATID;
        shell[i].nnucl = 0;
        shell[i].nucl1 = NO_ATID;
        shell[i].nucl2 = NO_ATID;
        shell[i].nucl3 = NO_ATID;
        /* shell[i].bInterCG=FALSE; */
        shell[i].k_1   = 0;
        shell[i].k     = 0;

    ffparams = &mtop->ffparams;

    /* Now fill the structures */
    shfc->bInterCG = FALSE;
    ns             = 0;
    a_offset       = 0;
    for (mb = 0; mb < mtop->nmolblock; mb++)
        molb = &mtop->molblock[mb];
        molt = &mtop->moltype[molb->type];

        cgs = &molt->cgs;
        snew(at2cg, molt->atoms.nr);
        for (cg = 0; cg < cgs->nr; cg++)
            for (i = cgs->index[cg]; i < cgs->index[cg+1]; i++)
                at2cg[i] = cg;

        atom = molt->atoms.atom;
        for (mol = 0; mol < molb->nmol; mol++)
            for (j = 0; (j < NBT); j++)
                ia = molt->ilist[bondtypes[j]].iatoms;
                for (i = 0; (i < molt->ilist[bondtypes[j]].nr); )
                    type  = ia[0];
                    ftype = ffparams->functype[type];
                    nra   = interaction_function[ftype].nratoms;

                    /* Check whether we have a bond with a shell */
                    aS = NO_ATID;

                    switch (bondtypes[j])
                        case F_BONDS:
                        case F_HARMONIC:
                        case F_CUBICBONDS:
                        case F_POLARIZATION:
                        case F_ANHARM_POL:
                            if (atom[ia[1]].ptype == eptShell)
                                aS = ia[1];
                                aN = ia[2];
                            else if (atom[ia[2]].ptype == eptShell)
                                aS = ia[2];
                                aN = ia[1];
                        case F_WATER_POL:
                            aN    = ia[4]; /* Dummy */
                            aS    = ia[5]; /* Shell */
                            gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Death Horror: %s, %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);

                    if (aS != NO_ATID)
                        qS = atom[aS].q;

                        /* Check whether one of the particles is a shell... */
                        nsi = shell_index[a_offset+aS];
                        if ((nsi < 0) || (nsi >= nshell))
                            gmx_fatal(FARGS, "nsi is %d should be within 0 - %d. aS = %d",
                                      nsi, nshell, aS);
                        if (shell[nsi].shell == NO_ATID)
                            shell[nsi].shell = a_offset + aS;
                        else if (shell[nsi].shell != a_offset+aS)
                            gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Weird stuff in %s, %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);

                        if      (shell[nsi].nucl1 == NO_ATID)
                            shell[nsi].nucl1 = a_offset + aN;
                        else if (shell[nsi].nucl2 == NO_ATID)
                            shell[nsi].nucl2 = a_offset + aN;
                        else if (shell[nsi].nucl3 == NO_ATID)
                            shell[nsi].nucl3 = a_offset + aN;
                            if (fplog)
                                pr_shell(fplog, ns, shell);
                            gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Can not handle more than three bonds per shell\n");
                        if (at2cg[aS] != at2cg[aN])
                            /* shell[nsi].bInterCG = TRUE; */
                            shfc->bInterCG = TRUE;

                        switch (bondtypes[j])
                            case F_BONDS:
                            case F_HARMONIC:
                                shell[nsi].k    += ffparams->iparams[type].harmonic.krA;
                            case F_CUBICBONDS:
                                shell[nsi].k    += ffparams->iparams[type].cubic.kb;
                            case F_POLARIZATION:
                            case F_ANHARM_POL:
                                if (!gmx_within_tol(qS, atom[aS].qB, GMX_REAL_EPS*10))
                                    gmx_fatal(FARGS, "polarize can not be used with qA(%e) != qB(%e) for atom %d of molecule block %d", qS, atom[aS].qB, aS+1, mb+1);
                                shell[nsi].k    += sqr(qS)*ONE_4PI_EPS0/
                            case F_WATER_POL:
                                if (!gmx_within_tol(qS, atom[aS].qB, GMX_REAL_EPS*10))
                                    gmx_fatal(FARGS, "water_pol can not be used with qA(%e) != qB(%e) for atom %d of molecule block %d", qS, atom[aS].qB, aS+1, mb+1);
                                alpha          = (ffparams->iparams[type].wpol.al_x+
                                shell[nsi].k  += sqr(qS)*ONE_4PI_EPS0/alpha;
                                gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Death Horror: %s, %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);
                    ia += nra+1;
                    i  += nra+1;
            a_offset += molt->atoms.nr;
        /* Done with this molecule type */

    /* Verify whether it's all correct */
    if (ns != nshell)
        gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Something weird with shells. They may not be bonded to something");

    for (i = 0; (i < ns); i++)
        shell[i].k_1 = 1.0/shell[i].k;

    if (debug)
        pr_shell(debug, ns, shell);

    shfc->nshell_gl      = ns;
    shfc->shell_gl       = shell;
    shfc->shell_index_gl = shell_index;

    shfc->bPredict     = (getenv("GMX_NOPREDICT") == NULL);
    shfc->bRequireInit = FALSE;
    if (!shfc->bPredict)
        if (fplog)
            fprintf(fplog, "\nWill never predict shell positions\n");
        shfc->bRequireInit = (getenv("GMX_REQUIRE_SHELL_INIT") != NULL);
        if (shfc->bRequireInit && fplog)
            fprintf(fplog, "\nWill always initiate shell positions\n");

    if (shfc->bPredict)
        if (x)
            predict_shells(fplog, x, NULL, 0, shfc->nshell_gl, shfc->shell_gl,
                           NULL, mtop, TRUE);

        if (shfc->bInterCG)
            if (fplog)
                fprintf(fplog, "\nNOTE: there all shells that are connected to particles outside thier own charge group, will not predict shells positions during the run\n\n");
            shfc->bPredict = FALSE;

    return shfc;
Пример #6
static void fill_table(t_tabledata *td,int tp,const t_forcerec *fr)
  /* Fill the table according to the formulas in the manual.
   * In principle, we only need the potential and the second
   * derivative, but then we would have to do lots of calculations
   * in the inner loop. By precalculating some terms (see manual)
   * we get better eventual performance, despite a larger table.
   * Since some of these higher-order terms are very small,
   * we always use double precision to calculate them here, in order
   * to avoid unnecessary loss of precision.
  FILE *fp;
  int  i;
  double reppow,p;
  double r1,rc,r12,r13;
  double r,r2,r6,rc6;
  double expr,Vtab,Ftab;
  /* Parameters for David's function */
  double A=0,B=0,C=0,A_3=0,B_4=0;
  /* Parameters for the switching function */
  double ksw,swi,swi1;
  /* Temporary parameters */
  gmx_bool bSwitch,bShift;
  double ewc=fr->ewaldcoeff;
  double isp= 0.564189583547756;
  bSwitch = ((tp == etabLJ6Switch) || (tp == etabLJ12Switch) || 
	     (tp == etabCOULSwitch) ||
	     (tp == etabEwaldSwitch) || (tp == etabEwaldUserSwitch));
  bShift  = ((tp == etabLJ6Shift) || (tp == etabLJ12Shift) || 
	     (tp == etabShift));

  reppow = fr->reppow;

  if (tprops[tp].bCoulomb) {
    r1 = fr->rcoulomb_switch;
    rc = fr->rcoulomb;
  else {
    r1 = fr->rvdw_switch;
    rc = fr->rvdw;
  if (bSwitch)
    ksw  = 1.0/(pow5(rc-r1));
    ksw  = 0.0;
  if (bShift) {
    if (tp == etabShift)
      p = 1;
    else if (tp == etabLJ6Shift) 
      p = 6; 
      p = reppow;
    A = p * ((p+1)*r1-(p+4)*rc)/(pow(rc,p+2)*pow2(rc-r1));
    B = -p * ((p+1)*r1-(p+3)*rc)/(pow(rc,p+2)*pow3(rc-r1));
    C = 1.0/pow(rc,p)-A/3.0*pow3(rc-r1)-B/4.0*pow4(rc-r1);
    if (tp == etabLJ6Shift) {
  if (debug) { fprintf(debug,"Setting up tables\n"); fflush(debug); }
  for(i=td->nx0; (i<td->nx); i++) {
    r     = td->x[i];
    r2    = r*r;
    r6    = 1.0/(r2*r2*r2);
    if (gmx_within_tol(reppow,12.0,10*GMX_DOUBLE_EPS)) {
      r12 = r6*r6;
    } else {
      r12 = pow(r,-reppow);   
    Vtab  = 0.0;
    Ftab  = 0.0;
    if (bSwitch) {
      /* swi is function, swi1 1st derivative and swi2 2nd derivative */
      /* The switch function is 1 for r<r1, 0 for r>rc, and smooth for
       * r1<=r<=rc. The 1st and 2nd derivatives are both zero at
       * r1 and rc.
       * ksw is just the constant 1/(rc-r1)^5, to save some calculations...
      if(r<=r1) {
	swi  = 1.0;
	swi1 = 0.0;
      } else if (r>=rc) {
	swi  = 0.0;
	swi1 = 0.0;
      } else {
	swi      = 1 - 10*pow3(r-r1)*ksw*pow2(rc-r1) 
	  + 15*pow4(r-r1)*ksw*(rc-r1) - 6*pow5(r-r1)*ksw;
	swi1     = -30*pow2(r-r1)*ksw*pow2(rc-r1) 
	  + 60*pow3(r-r1)*ksw*(rc-r1) - 30*pow4(r-r1)*ksw;
    else { /* not really needed, but avoids compiler warnings... */
      swi  = 1.0;
      swi1 = 0.0;
    fprintf(fp,"%10g  %10g  %10g  %10g\n",r,swi,swi1,swi2);

    rc6 = rc*rc*rc;
    rc6 = 1.0/(rc6*rc6);

    switch (tp) {
    case etabLJ6:
      /* Dispersion */
      Vtab  = -r6;
      Ftab  = 6.0*Vtab/r;
    case etabLJ6Switch:
    case etabLJ6Shift:
      /* Dispersion */
      if (r < rc) {      
	Vtab  = -r6;
	Ftab  = 6.0*Vtab/r;
    case etabLJ12:
      /* Repulsion */
      Vtab  = r12;
      Ftab  = reppow*Vtab/r;
    case etabLJ12Switch:
    case etabLJ12Shift:
      /* Repulsion */
      if (r < rc) {                
	Vtab  = r12;
	Ftab  = reppow*Vtab/r;
	case etabLJ6Encad:
        if(r < rc) {
            Vtab  = -(r6-6.0*(rc-r)*rc6/rc-rc6);
            Ftab  = -(6.0*r6/r-6.0*rc6/rc);
        } else { /* r>rc */ 
            Vtab  = 0;
            Ftab  = 0;
    case etabLJ12Encad:
        if(r < rc) {
            Vtab  = r12-12.0*(rc-r)*rc6*rc6/rc-1.0*rc6*rc6;
            Ftab  = 12.0*r12/r-12.0*rc6*rc6/rc;
        } else { /* r>rc */ 
            Vtab  = 0;
            Ftab  = 0;
    case etabCOUL:
      Vtab  = 1.0/r;
      Ftab  = 1.0/r2;
    case etabCOULSwitch:
    case etabShift:
      if (r < rc) { 
	Vtab  = 1.0/r;
	Ftab  = 1.0/r2;
    case etabEwald:
    case etabEwaldSwitch:
      Vtab  = gmx_erfc(ewc*r)/r;
      Ftab  = gmx_erfc(ewc*r)/r2+2*exp(-(ewc*ewc*r2))*ewc*isp/r;
    case etabEwaldUser:
    case etabEwaldUserSwitch:
      /* Only calculate minus the reciprocal space contribution */
      Vtab  = -gmx_erf(ewc*r)/r;
      Ftab  = -gmx_erf(ewc*r)/r2+2*exp(-(ewc*ewc*r2))*ewc*isp/r;
    case etabRF:
    case etabRF_ZERO:
      Vtab  = 1.0/r      +   fr->k_rf*r2 - fr->c_rf;
      Ftab  = 1.0/r2     - 2*fr->k_rf*r;
      if (tp == etabRF_ZERO && r >= rc) {
	Vtab = 0;
	Ftab = 0;
    case etabEXPMIN:
      expr  = exp(-r);
      Vtab  = expr;
      Ftab  = expr;
    case etabCOULEncad:
        if(r < rc) {
            Vtab  = 1.0/r-(rc-r)/(rc*rc)-1.0/rc;
            Ftab  = 1.0/r2-1.0/(rc*rc);
        } else { /* r>rc */ 
            Vtab  = 0;
            Ftab  = 0;
      gmx_fatal(FARGS,"Table type %d not implemented yet. (%s,%d)",
    if (bShift) {
      /* Normal coulomb with cut-off correction for potential */
      if (r < rc) {
	Vtab -= C;
	/* If in Shifting range add something to it */
	if (r > r1) {
	  r12 = (r-r1)*(r-r1);
	  r13 = (r-r1)*r12;
	  Vtab  += - A_3*r13 - B_4*r12*r12;
	  Ftab  +=   A*r12 + B*r13;

    if (ETAB_USER(tp)) {
      Vtab += td->v[i];
      Ftab += td->f[i];

    if ((r > r1) && bSwitch) {
      Ftab = Ftab*swi - Vtab*swi1;
      Vtab = Vtab*swi;
    /* Convert to single precision when we store to mem */
    td->v[i]  = Vtab;
    td->f[i]  = Ftab;

  /* Continue the table linearly from nx0 to 0.
   * These values are only required for energy minimization with overlap or TPI.
  for(i=td->nx0-1; i>=0; i--) {
    td->v[i] = td->v[i+1] + td->f[i+1]*(td->x[i+1] - td->x[i]);
    td->f[i] = td->f[i+1];

Пример #7
void mapGridToDataGrid(std::vector<int>    *gridpointToDatapoint,
                       const double* const *data,
                       int                  numDataPoints,
                       const std::string   &dataFilename,
                       const Grid          &grid,
                       const std::string   &correctFormatMessage)
    /* Transform the data into a grid in order to map each grid point to a data point
       using the grid functions. */
    std::vector<GridAxis> axis_;

    /* Count the number of points for each dimension. Each dimension
       has its own stride. */
    int              stride           = 1;
    int              numPointsCounted = 0;
    std::vector<int> numPoints(grid.numDimensions());
    for (int d = grid.numDimensions() - 1; d >= 0; d--)
        int    numPointsInDim = 0;
        int    pointIndex     = 0;
        double firstValue     = data[d][pointIndex];
            pointIndex       += stride;
        while (pointIndex < numDataPoints &&
               !gmx_within_tol(firstValue, data[d][pointIndex], GMX_REAL_EPS));

        /* The stride in dimension dimension d - 1 equals the number of points
           dimension d. */
        stride = numPointsInDim;

        numPointsCounted = (numPointsCounted == 0) ? numPointsInDim : numPointsCounted*numPointsInDim;

        numPoints[d]     = numPointsInDim;

    if (numPointsCounted != numDataPoints)
        std::string mesg = gmx::formatString("Could not extract data properly from %s. Wrong data format?"
                                             dataFilename.c_str(), correctFormatMessage.c_str());

    /* The data grid has the data that was read and the properties of the AWH grid */
    for (int d = 0; d < grid.numDimensions(); d++)
        axis_.push_back(GridAxis(data[d][0], data[d][numDataPoints - 1],
                                 grid.axis(d).period(), numPoints[d]));

    /* Map each grid point to a data point. No interpolation, just pick the nearest one.
     * It is assumed that the given data is uniformly spaced for each dimension.
    for (size_t m = 0; m < grid.numPoints(); m++)
        /* We only define what we need for the datagrid since it's not needed here which is a bit ugly */

        if (!valueIsInGrid(grid.point(m).coordValue, axis_))
            std::string mesg =
                gmx::formatString("%s does not contain data for all coordinate values. "
                                  "Make sure your input data covers the whole sampling domain "
                                  "and is correctly formatted. \n\n%s",
                                  dataFilename.c_str(), correctFormatMessage.c_str());
        (*gridpointToDatapoint)[m] = getNearestIndexInGrid(grid.point(m).coordValue, axis_);
Пример #8
/*! \brief
 * Read parameters of an AWH bias dimension.
 * \param[in,out] ninp_p     Number of read input file entries.
 * \param[in,out] inp_p      Input file entries.
 * \param[in] prefix         Prefix for dimension parameters.
 * \param[in,out] dimParams  AWH dimensional parameters.
 * \param[in] pull_params    Pull parameters.
 * \param[in,out] wi         Struct for bookeeping warnings.
 * \param[in] bComment       True if comments should be printed.
static void readDimParams(int *ninp_p, t_inpfile **inp_p, const char *prefix,
                          AwhDimParams *dimParams, const pull_params_t *pull_params,
                          warninp_t wi, bool bComment)
    char       warningmsg[STRLEN];

    int        ninp = *ninp_p;
    t_inpfile *inp  = *inp_p;

    if (bComment)
        CTYPE("The provider of the reaction coordinate, currently only pull is supported");
    char opt[STRLEN];
    sprintf(opt, "%s-coord-provider", prefix);
    EETYPE(opt, dimParams->eCoordProvider, eawhcoordprovider_names);

    if (bComment)
        CTYPE("The coordinate index for this dimension");
    sprintf(opt, "%s-coord-index", prefix);
    int coordIndexInput;
    ITYPE(opt, coordIndexInput, 1);
    if (coordIndexInput <  1)
        gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Failed to read a valid coordinate index for %s. "
                  "Note that the pull coordinate indexing starts at 1.", opt);

    /* The pull coordinate indices start at 1 in the input file, at 0 internally */
    dimParams->coordIndex = coordIndexInput - 1;

    /* The pull settings need to be consistent with the AWH settings */
    if (!(pull_params->coord[dimParams->coordIndex].eType == epullEXTERNAL) )
        gmx_fatal(FARGS, "AWH biasing can only be  applied to pull type %s",

    if (dimParams->coordIndex >= pull_params->ncoord)
        gmx_fatal(FARGS, "The given AWH coordinate index (%d) is larger than the number of pull coordinates (%d)",
                  coordIndexInput, pull_params->ncoord);
    if (pull_params->coord[dimParams->coordIndex].rate != 0)
        sprintf(warningmsg, "Setting pull-coord%d-rate (%g) is incompatible with AWH biasing this coordinate", coordIndexInput, pull_params->coord[dimParams->coordIndex].rate);
        warning_error(wi, warningmsg);

    /* Grid params for each axis */
    int eGeom = pull_params->coord[dimParams->coordIndex].eGeom;

    if (bComment)
        CTYPE("Start and end values for each coordinate dimension");

    sprintf(opt, "%s-start", prefix);
    RTYPE(opt, dimParams->origin, 0.);

    sprintf(opt, "%s-end", prefix);
    RTYPE(opt, dimParams->end, 0.);

    if (gmx_within_tol(dimParams->end - dimParams->origin, 0, GMX_REAL_EPS))
        sprintf(warningmsg, "The given interval length given by %s-start (%g) and %s-end (%g) is zero. "
                "This will result in only one point along this axis in the coordinate value grid.",
                prefix, dimParams->origin, prefix, dimParams->end);
        warning(wi, warningmsg);
    /* Check that the requested interval is in allowed range */
    if (eGeom == epullgDIST)
        if (dimParams->origin < 0 || dimParams->end < 0)
            gmx_fatal(FARGS, "%s-start (%g) or %s-end (%g) set to a negative value. With pull geometry distance coordinate values are non-negative. "
                      "Perhaps you want to use geometry %s instead?",
                      prefix, dimParams->origin, prefix, dimParams->end, EPULLGEOM(epullgDIR));
    else if (eGeom == epullgANGLE || eGeom == epullgANGLEAXIS)
        if (dimParams->origin < 0 || dimParams->end > 180)
            gmx_fatal(FARGS, "%s-start (%g) and %s-end (%g) are outside of the allowed range 0 to 180 deg for pull geometries %s and %s ",
                      prefix, dimParams->origin, prefix, dimParams->end, EPULLGEOM(epullgANGLE), EPULLGEOM(epullgANGLEAXIS));
    else if (eGeom == epullgDIHEDRAL)
        if (dimParams->origin < -180 || dimParams->end > 180)
            gmx_fatal(FARGS, "%s-start (%g) and %s-end (%g) are outside of the allowed range -180 to 180 deg for pull geometry %s. ",
                      prefix, dimParams->origin, prefix, dimParams->end, EPULLGEOM(epullgDIHEDRAL));

    if (bComment)
        CTYPE("The force constant for this coordinate (kJ/mol/nm^2 or kJ/mol/rad^2)");
    sprintf(opt, "%s-force-constant", prefix);
    RTYPE(opt, dimParams->forceConstant, 0);
    if (dimParams->forceConstant <= 0)
        warning_error(wi, "The force AWH bias force constant should be > 0");

    if (bComment)
        CTYPE("Estimated diffusion constant (nm^2/ps or rad^2/ps)");
    sprintf(opt, "%s-diffusion", prefix);
    RTYPE(opt, dimParams->diffusion, 0);

    if (dimParams->diffusion <= 0)
        const double diffusion_default = 1e-5;
        sprintf(warningmsg, "%s not explicitly set by user."
                " You can choose to use a default value (%g nm^2/ps or rad^2/ps) but this may very well be non-optimal for your system!",
                opt, diffusion_default);
        warning(wi, warningmsg);
        dimParams->diffusion = diffusion_default;

    if (bComment)
        CTYPE("Diameter that needs to be sampled around a point before it is considered covered.");
    sprintf(opt, "%s-cover-diameter", prefix);
    RTYPE(opt, dimParams->coverDiameter, 0);

    if (dimParams->coverDiameter < 0)
        gmx_fatal(FARGS, "%s (%g) cannot be negative.",
                  opt, dimParams->coverDiameter);

    *ninp_p   = ninp;
    *inp_p    = inp;
Пример #9
static int ChooseNewLambda(int nlim, t_expanded *expand, df_history_t *dfhist, int fep_state, real *weighted_lamee, double *p_k,
                           gmx_int64_t seed, gmx_int64_t step)
    /* Choose new lambda value, and update transition matrix */

    int      i, ifep, minfep, maxfep, lamnew, lamtrial, starting_fep_state;
    real     r1, r2, de, trialprob, tprob = 0;
    double  *propose, *accept, *remainder;
    double   pks;
    real     pnorm;

    starting_fep_state = fep_state;
    lamnew             = fep_state; /* so that there is a default setting -- stays the same */

    if (!EWL(expand->elamstats))    /* ignore equilibrating the weights if using WL */
        if ((expand->lmc_forced_nstart > 0) && (dfhist->n_at_lam[nlim-1] <= expand->lmc_forced_nstart))
            /* Use a marching method to run through the lambdas and get preliminary free energy data,
               before starting 'free' sampling.  We start free sampling when we have enough at each lambda */

            /* if we have enough at this lambda, move on to the next one */

            if (dfhist->n_at_lam[fep_state] == expand->lmc_forced_nstart)
                lamnew = fep_state+1;
                if (lamnew == nlim)  /* whoops, stepped too far! */
                    lamnew -= 1;
                lamnew = fep_state;
            return lamnew;

    snew(propose, nlim);
    snew(accept, nlim);
    snew(remainder, nlim);

    for (i = 0; i < expand->lmc_repeats; i++)
        double rnd[2];

        gmx_rng_cycle_2uniform(step, i, seed, RND_SEED_EXPANDED, rnd);

        for (ifep = 0; ifep < nlim; ifep++)
            propose[ifep] = 0;
            accept[ifep]  = 0;

        if ((expand->elmcmove == elmcmoveGIBBS) || (expand->elmcmove == elmcmoveMETGIBBS))
            /* use the Gibbs sampler, with restricted range */
            if (expand->gibbsdeltalam < 0)
                minfep      = 0;
                maxfep      = nlim-1;
                minfep = fep_state - expand->gibbsdeltalam;
                maxfep = fep_state + expand->gibbsdeltalam;
                if (minfep < 0)
                    minfep = 0;
                if (maxfep > nlim-1)
                    maxfep = nlim-1;

            GenerateGibbsProbabilities(weighted_lamee, p_k, &pks, minfep, maxfep);

            if (expand->elmcmove == elmcmoveGIBBS)
                for (ifep = minfep; ifep <= maxfep; ifep++)
                    propose[ifep] = p_k[ifep];
                    accept[ifep]  = 1.0;
                /* Gibbs sampling */
                r1 = rnd[0];
                for (lamnew = minfep; lamnew <= maxfep; lamnew++)
                    if (r1 <= p_k[lamnew])
                    r1 -= p_k[lamnew];
            else if (expand->elmcmove == elmcmoveMETGIBBS)

                /* Metropolized Gibbs sampling */
                for (ifep = minfep; ifep <= maxfep; ifep++)
                    remainder[ifep] = 1 - p_k[ifep];

                /* find the proposal probabilities */

                if (remainder[fep_state] == 0)
                    /* only the current state has any probability */
                    /* we have to stay at the current state */
                    lamnew = fep_state;
                    for (ifep = minfep; ifep <= maxfep; ifep++)
                        if (ifep != fep_state)
                            propose[ifep] = p_k[ifep]/remainder[fep_state];
                            propose[ifep] = 0;

                    r1 = rnd[0];
                    for (lamtrial = minfep; lamtrial <= maxfep; lamtrial++)
                        pnorm = p_k[lamtrial]/remainder[fep_state];
                        if (lamtrial != fep_state)
                            if (r1 <= pnorm)
                            r1 -= pnorm;

                    /* we have now selected lamtrial according to p(lamtrial)/1-p(fep_state) */
                    tprob = 1.0;
                    /* trial probability is min{1,\frac{1 - p(old)}{1-p(new)} MRS 1/8/2008 */
                    trialprob = (remainder[fep_state])/(remainder[lamtrial]);
                    if (trialprob < tprob)
                        tprob = trialprob;
                    r2 = rnd[1];
                    if (r2 < tprob)
                        lamnew = lamtrial;
                        lamnew = fep_state;

                /* now figure out the acceptance probability for each */
                for (ifep = minfep; ifep <= maxfep; ifep++)
                    tprob = 1.0;
                    if (remainder[ifep] != 0)
                        trialprob = (remainder[fep_state])/(remainder[ifep]);
                        trialprob = 1.0; /* this state is the only choice! */
                    if (trialprob < tprob)
                        tprob = trialprob;
                    /* probability for fep_state=0, but that's fine, it's never proposed! */
                    accept[ifep] = tprob;

            if (lamnew > maxfep)
                /* it's possible some rounding is failing */
                if (gmx_within_tol(remainder[fep_state], 0, 50*GMX_DOUBLE_EPS))
                    /* numerical rounding error -- no state other than the original has weight */
                    lamnew = fep_state;
                    /* probably not a numerical issue */
                    int   loc    = 0;
                    int   nerror = 200+(maxfep-minfep+1)*60;
                    char *errorstr;
                    snew(errorstr, nerror);
                    /* if its greater than maxfep, then something went wrong -- probably underflow in the calculation
                       of sum weights. Generated detailed info for failure */
                    loc += sprintf(errorstr, "Something wrong in choosing new lambda state with a Gibbs move -- probably underflow in weight determination.\nDenominator is: %3d%17.10e\n  i                dE        numerator          weights\n", 0, pks);
                    for (ifep = minfep; ifep <= maxfep; ifep++)
                        loc += sprintf(&errorstr[loc], "%3d %17.10e%17.10e%17.10e\n", ifep, weighted_lamee[ifep], p_k[ifep], dfhist->sum_weights[ifep]);
                    gmx_fatal(FARGS, errorstr);
        else if ((expand->elmcmove == elmcmoveMETROPOLIS) || (expand->elmcmove == elmcmoveBARKER))
            /* use the metropolis sampler with trial +/- 1 */
            r1 = rnd[0];
            if (r1 < 0.5)
                if (fep_state == 0)
                    lamtrial = fep_state;
                    lamtrial = fep_state-1;
                if (fep_state == nlim-1)
                    lamtrial = fep_state;
                    lamtrial = fep_state+1;

            de = weighted_lamee[lamtrial] - weighted_lamee[fep_state];
            if (expand->elmcmove == elmcmoveMETROPOLIS)
                tprob     = 1.0;
                trialprob = std::exp(de);
                if (trialprob < tprob)
                    tprob = trialprob;
                propose[fep_state] = 0;
                propose[lamtrial]  = 1.0; /* note that this overwrites the above line if fep_state = ntrial, which only occurs at the ends */
                accept[fep_state]  = 1.0; /* doesn't actually matter, never proposed unless fep_state = ntrial, in which case it's 1.0 anyway */
                accept[lamtrial]   = tprob;

            else if (expand->elmcmove == elmcmoveBARKER)
                tprob = 1.0/(1.0+std::exp(-de));

                propose[fep_state] = (1-tprob);
                propose[lamtrial] += tprob; /* we add, to account for the fact that at the end, they might be the same point */
                accept[fep_state]  = 1.0;
                accept[lamtrial]   = 1.0;

            r2 = rnd[1];
            if (r2 < tprob)
                lamnew = lamtrial;
                lamnew = fep_state;

        for (ifep = 0; ifep < nlim; ifep++)
            dfhist->Tij[fep_state][ifep]      += propose[ifep]*accept[ifep];
            dfhist->Tij[fep_state][fep_state] += propose[ifep]*(1.0-accept[ifep]);
        fep_state = lamnew;

    dfhist->Tij_empirical[starting_fep_state][lamnew] += 1.0;


    return lamnew;
Пример #10
gmx_shellfc_t *init_shell_flexcon(FILE *fplog,
                                  gmx_mtop_t *mtop, int nflexcon,
                                  int nstcalcenergy,
                                  bool usingDomainDecomposition)
    gmx_shellfc_t            *shfc;
    t_shell                  *shell;
    int                      *shell_index = NULL, *at2cg;
    t_atom                   *atom;

    int                       ns, nshell, nsi;
    int                       i, j, type, mb, a_offset, cg, mol, ftype, nra;
    real                      qS, alpha;
    int                       aS, aN = 0; /* Shell and nucleus */
    int                       bondtypes[] = { F_BONDS, F_HARMONIC, F_CUBICBONDS, F_POLARIZATION, F_ANHARM_POL, F_WATER_POL };
#define NBT asize(bondtypes)
    t_iatom                  *ia;
    gmx_mtop_atomloop_all_t   aloop;
    gmx_ffparams_t           *ffparams;
    gmx_molblock_t           *molb;
    gmx_moltype_t            *molt;
    t_block                  *cgs;

    std::array<int, eptNR>    n = countPtypes(fplog, mtop);
    nshell = n[eptShell];

    if (nshell == 0 && nflexcon == 0)
        /* We're not doing shells or flexible constraints */
        return NULL;

    snew(shfc, 1);
    shfc->nflexcon = nflexcon;

    if (nshell == 0)
        /* Only flexible constraints, no shells.
         * Note that make_local_shells() does not need to be called.
        shfc->nshell   = 0;
        shfc->bPredict = FALSE;

        return shfc;

    if (nstcalcenergy != 1)
        gmx_fatal(FARGS, "You have nstcalcenergy set to a value (%d) that is different from 1.\nThis is not supported in combination with shell particles.\nPlease make a new tpr file.", nstcalcenergy);
    if (usingDomainDecomposition)
        gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Shell particles are not implemented with domain decomposition, use a single rank");

    /* We have shells: fill the shell data structure */

    /* Global system sized array, this should be avoided */
    snew(shell_index, mtop->natoms);

    aloop  = gmx_mtop_atomloop_all_init(mtop);
    nshell = 0;
    while (gmx_mtop_atomloop_all_next(aloop, &i, &atom))
        if (atom->ptype == eptShell)
            shell_index[i] = nshell++;

    snew(shell, nshell);

    /* Initiate the shell structures */
    for (i = 0; (i < nshell); i++)
        shell[i].shell = -1;
        shell[i].nnucl = 0;
        shell[i].nucl1 = -1;
        shell[i].nucl2 = -1;
        shell[i].nucl3 = -1;
        /* shell[i].bInterCG=FALSE; */
        shell[i].k_1   = 0;
        shell[i].k     = 0;

    ffparams = &mtop->ffparams;

    /* Now fill the structures */
    shfc->bInterCG = FALSE;
    ns             = 0;
    a_offset       = 0;
    for (mb = 0; mb < mtop->nmolblock; mb++)
        molb = &mtop->molblock[mb];
        molt = &mtop->moltype[molb->type];

        cgs = &molt->cgs;
        snew(at2cg, molt->atoms.nr);
        for (cg = 0; cg < cgs->nr; cg++)
            for (i = cgs->index[cg]; i < cgs->index[cg+1]; i++)
                at2cg[i] = cg;

        atom = molt->atoms.atom;
        for (mol = 0; mol < molb->nmol; mol++)
            for (j = 0; (j < NBT); j++)
                ia = molt->ilist[bondtypes[j]].iatoms;
                for (i = 0; (i < molt->ilist[bondtypes[j]].nr); )
                    type  = ia[0];
                    ftype = ffparams->functype[type];
                    nra   = interaction_function[ftype].nratoms;

                    /* Check whether we have a bond with a shell */
                    aS = -1;

                    switch (bondtypes[j])
                        case F_BONDS:
                        case F_HARMONIC:
                        case F_CUBICBONDS:
                        case F_POLARIZATION:
                        case F_ANHARM_POL:
                            if (atom[ia[1]].ptype == eptShell)
                                aS = ia[1];
                                aN = ia[2];
                            else if (atom[ia[2]].ptype == eptShell)
                                aS = ia[2];
                                aN = ia[1];
                        case F_WATER_POL:
                            aN    = ia[4]; /* Dummy */
                            aS    = ia[5]; /* Shell */
                            gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Death Horror: %s, %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);

                    if (aS != -1)
                        qS = atom[aS].q;

                        /* Check whether one of the particles is a shell... */
                        nsi = shell_index[a_offset+aS];
                        if ((nsi < 0) || (nsi >= nshell))
                            gmx_fatal(FARGS, "nsi is %d should be within 0 - %d. aS = %d",
                                      nsi, nshell, aS);
                        if (shell[nsi].shell == -1)
                            shell[nsi].shell = a_offset + aS;
                        else if (shell[nsi].shell != a_offset+aS)
                            gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Weird stuff in %s, %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);

                        if      (shell[nsi].nucl1 == -1)
                            shell[nsi].nucl1 = a_offset + aN;
                        else if (shell[nsi].nucl2 == -1)
                            shell[nsi].nucl2 = a_offset + aN;
                        else if (shell[nsi].nucl3 == -1)
                            shell[nsi].nucl3 = a_offset + aN;
                            if (fplog)
                                pr_shell(fplog, ns, shell);
                            gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Can not handle more than three bonds per shell\n");
                        if (at2cg[aS] != at2cg[aN])
                            /* shell[nsi].bInterCG = TRUE; */
                            shfc->bInterCG = TRUE;

                        switch (bondtypes[j])
                            case F_BONDS:
                            case F_HARMONIC:
                                shell[nsi].k    += ffparams->iparams[type].harmonic.krA;
                            case F_CUBICBONDS:
                                shell[nsi].k    += ffparams->iparams[type].cubic.kb;
                            case F_POLARIZATION:
                            case F_ANHARM_POL:
                                if (!gmx_within_tol(qS, atom[aS].qB, GMX_REAL_EPS*10))
                                    gmx_fatal(FARGS, "polarize can not be used with qA(%e) != qB(%e) for atom %d of molecule block %d", qS, atom[aS].qB, aS+1, mb+1);
                                shell[nsi].k    += gmx::square(qS)*ONE_4PI_EPS0/
                            case F_WATER_POL:
                                if (!gmx_within_tol(qS, atom[aS].qB, GMX_REAL_EPS*10))
                                    gmx_fatal(FARGS, "water_pol can not be used with qA(%e) != qB(%e) for atom %d of molecule block %d", qS, atom[aS].qB, aS+1, mb+1);
                                alpha          = (ffparams->iparams[type].wpol.al_x+
                                shell[nsi].k  += gmx::square(qS)*ONE_4PI_EPS0/alpha;
                                gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Death Horror: %s, %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);
                    ia += nra+1;
                    i  += nra+1;
            a_offset += molt->atoms.nr;
        /* Done with this molecule type */

    /* Verify whether it's all correct */
    if (ns != nshell)
        gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Something weird with shells. They may not be bonded to something");

    for (i = 0; (i < ns); i++)
        shell[i].k_1 = 1.0/shell[i].k;

    if (debug)
        pr_shell(debug, ns, shell);

    shfc->nshell_gl      = ns;
    shfc->shell_gl       = shell;
    shfc->shell_index_gl = shell_index;

    shfc->bPredict     = (getenv("GMX_NOPREDICT") == NULL);
    shfc->bRequireInit = FALSE;
    if (!shfc->bPredict)
        if (fplog)
            fprintf(fplog, "\nWill never predict shell positions\n");
        shfc->bRequireInit = (getenv("GMX_REQUIRE_SHELL_INIT") != NULL);
        if (shfc->bRequireInit && fplog)
            fprintf(fplog, "\nWill always initiate shell positions\n");

    if (shfc->bPredict)
        if (shfc->bInterCG)
            if (fplog)
                fprintf(fplog, "\nNOTE: there all shells that are connected to particles outside thier own charge group, will not predict shells positions during the run\n\n");
            /* Prediction improves performance, so we should implement either:
             * 1. communication for the atoms needed for prediction
             * 2. prediction using the velocities of shells; currently the
             *    shell velocities are zeroed, it's a bit tricky to keep
             *    track of the shell displacements and thus the velocity.
            shfc->bPredict = FALSE;

    return shfc;