Пример #1
GKeyFile *gnc_state_load (const QofSession *session)

    GKeyFile *keyfile = NULL;
    GError *error = NULL;

    /* Drop possible previous state_file first */
    if (state_file)
        g_key_file_free (state_file);
        state_file = NULL;

    gnc_state_set_base (session);

    if (state_file_name_pre_241)
        state_file = gnc_key_file_load_from_file (state_file_name_pre_241,
                     TRUE, TRUE, NULL);
    else if (state_file_name)
        state_file = gnc_key_file_load_from_file (state_file_name,
                     TRUE, TRUE, NULL);

    return gnc_state_get_current ();

Пример #2
/* Sort changed callback */
static void
gnc_split_reg2_sort_changed_cb (GtkTreeSortable *sortable, gpointer user_data)
    GNCSplitReg2 *gsr = user_data;
    GncTreeViewSplitReg *view;
    GncTreeModelSplitReg *model;
    GtkSortType   type;
    gint          sortcol;
    gint          sort_depth;
    const gchar  *state_section;
    GKeyFile *state_file = gnc_state_get_current();

    gtk_tree_sortable_get_sort_column_id (sortable, &sortcol, &type);
    ENTER("sortcol is %d", sortcol);

    view = gnc_ledger_display2_get_split_view_register (gsr->ledger);
    model = gnc_ledger_display2_get_split_model_register (gsr->ledger);

    sort_depth = gnc_tree_view_reg_get_selected_row_depth (view);
    if (sort_depth != 0)
        model->sort_depth = sort_depth;

    model->sort_col = sortcol;
    model->sort_direction = type;

    /* Save the sort depth state */
    state_section = gnc_tree_view_get_state_section (GNC_TREE_VIEW (view));
    g_key_file_set_integer (state_file, state_section, "sort_depth", model->sort_depth);

    LEAVE("m_sort_col %d, m_sort_direction is %d  m_sort_depth is %d", model->sort_col, model->sort_direction, model->sort_depth);

    if (sortcol != -1)
        gnc_ledger_display2_refresh (gsr->ledger);
Пример #3
CsvImportSettings::remove_common (void)
    auto keyfile = gnc_state_get_current ();
    auto group = csv_group_prefix + m_settings_type + " - " + m_name;
    g_key_file_remove_group (keyfile, group.c_str(), nullptr);
Пример #4
CsvTransSettings::remove (void)
    if (trans_preset_is_reserved_name (m_name))

    auto keyfile = gnc_state_get_current ();
    auto group = csv_group_prefix + m_name;
    g_key_file_remove_group (keyfile, group.c_str(), nullptr);
Пример #5
 * save_common
 * save settings to a key file
CsvImportSettings::save_common (void)
    auto keyfile = gnc_state_get_current ();
    auto group = csv_group_prefix + m_settings_type + " - " + m_name;

    // Start Saving the Common settings
    g_key_file_set_string (keyfile, group.c_str(), CSV_NAME, m_name.c_str());

    g_key_file_set_integer (keyfile, group.c_str(), CSV_SKIP_START, m_skip_start_lines);
    g_key_file_set_integer (keyfile, group.c_str(), CSV_SKIP_END, m_skip_end_lines);
    g_key_file_set_boolean (keyfile, group.c_str(), CSV_SKIP_ALT, m_skip_alt_lines);
    g_key_file_set_boolean (keyfile, group.c_str(), CSV_FORMAT,
        (m_file_format == GncImpFileFormat::CSV) ? true : false);

    g_key_file_set_string (keyfile, group.c_str(), CSV_SEP, m_separators.c_str());
    g_key_file_set_integer (keyfile, group.c_str(), CSV_DATE, m_date_format);
    std::ostringstream cmt_ss;
    cmt_ss << "Supported date formats: ";
    int fmt_num = 0;
    std::for_each (GncDate::c_formats.cbegin(), GncDate::c_formats.cend(),
                    [&cmt_ss, &fmt_num](const GncDateFormat& fmt)
                        { cmt_ss << fmt_num++ << ": '" << fmt.m_fmt << "', "; });
    auto cmt = cmt_ss.str().substr(0, static_cast<long>(cmt_ss.tellp()) - 2);
    g_key_file_set_comment (keyfile, group.c_str(), CSV_DATE, cmt.c_str(), nullptr);
    g_key_file_set_integer (keyfile, group.c_str(), CSV_CURRENCY, m_currency_format);
    g_key_file_set_string (keyfile, group.c_str(), CSV_ENCODING, m_encoding.c_str());

    if (!m_column_widths.empty())
        g_key_file_set_integer_list (keyfile, group.c_str(), CSV_COL_WIDTHS,
                (gint*)(m_column_widths.data()), m_column_widths.size());

    // Do a test read of encoding
    GError *key_error = nullptr;
    bool error = false;
    auto enc_val = g_key_file_get_string (keyfile, group.c_str(), CSV_ENCODING, &key_error);
    auto enc_str = std::string{enc_val};
    if (enc_val)
        g_free (enc_val);

    if ((key_error) || (enc_str != m_encoding.c_str()))
        if (key_error)
            g_warning ("Error reading group %s key %s: %s", group.c_str(), CSV_ENCODING, key_error->message);
            g_error_free (key_error);
            g_warning ("Error comparing group %s key %s: '%s' and '%s'", group.c_str(), CSV_ENCODING, enc_str.c_str(), group.c_str());
        error = true;
    return error;
Пример #6
/** Save all persistent program state to disk.  This function finds the
 *  name of the "new" state file associated with a specific book guid.
 *  It saves some top level data, then iterates through the list of
 *  open windows calling a helper function to save each window.
 *  @note The name of the state file is based on the name of the data
 *  file, not the path name of the data file.  If there are multiple
 *  data files with the same name, the state files will be suffixed
 *  with a number.  E.G. test_account, test_account_2, test_account_3,
 *  etc.
 *  @param session The QofSession whose state should be saved.
 *  @param unused */
static void
gnc_save_all_state (gpointer session, gpointer unused)
    QofBook *book;
    gchar guid_string[GUID_ENCODING_LENGTH+1];
    const GncGUID *guid;
    GKeyFile *keyfile = NULL;

    keyfile = gnc_state_get_current ();
    if (keyfile)
        /* Remove existing Window and Page groups from the keyfile
         * They will be regenerated.
        gsize num_groups, curr;
        gchar **groups = g_key_file_get_groups (keyfile, &num_groups);
        for (curr=0; curr < num_groups; curr++)
            if (g_str_has_prefix (groups[curr], "Window ") ||
                    g_str_has_prefix (groups[curr], "Page "))
                DEBUG ("Removing state group %s", groups[curr]);
                g_key_file_remove_group (keyfile, groups[curr], NULL);
        g_strfreev (groups);

    /* Store the book's GncGUID in the top level group */
    book = qof_session_get_book(session);
    guid = qof_entity_get_guid(QOF_INSTANCE(book));
    guid_to_string_buff(guid, guid_string);
    g_key_file_set_string(keyfile, STATE_FILE_TOP, STATE_FILE_BOOK_GUID,


#ifdef DEBUG
    /*  Debugging: dump a copy to the trace log */
        gchar *file_data;
        gsize file_length;
        file_data = g_key_file_to_data(keyfile, &file_length, NULL);
        DEBUG("=== File Data Written===\n%s\n=== File End ===\n", file_data);
Пример #7
 * find
 * find all settings entries in the state key file
const preset_vec& get_trans_presets (void)

    // Search all Groups in the state key file for ones starting with prefix
    auto preset_names = std::vector<std::string>();
    auto keyfile = gnc_state_get_current ();
    gsize grouplength;
    gchar **groups = g_key_file_get_groups (keyfile, &grouplength);

    /* Start by building a sorted list of candidate presets as found in the state file */
    for (gsize i=0; i < grouplength; i++)
        auto group = std::string(groups[i]);
        auto pos = group.find(csv_group_prefix);
        if (pos == std::string::npos)

    // string array from the state file is no longer needed now.
    g_strfreev (groups);

    /* We want our settings to appear sorted alphabetically to the user */
    std::sort(preset_names.begin(), preset_names.end());

    /* Now add each preset to our global list */

    /* Start with the internally generated ones */

    /* Then add all the ones we found in the state file */
    for (auto preset_name : preset_names)
        auto preset = std::make_shared<CsvTransSettings>();
        preset->m_name = preset_name;

    return presets;
Пример #8
 * load_common
 * load the settings from a state key file
CsvImportSettings::load_common (void)
    GError *key_error = nullptr;
    m_load_error = false;
    auto group = csv_group_prefix + m_settings_type + " - " + m_name;
    auto keyfile = gnc_state_get_current ();

    m_skip_start_lines = g_key_file_get_integer (keyfile, group.c_str(), CSV_SKIP_START, &key_error);
    m_load_error |= handle_load_error (&key_error, group);

    m_skip_end_lines = g_key_file_get_integer (keyfile, group.c_str(), CSV_SKIP_END, &key_error);
    m_load_error |= handle_load_error (&key_error, group);

    m_skip_alt_lines = g_key_file_get_boolean (keyfile, group.c_str(), CSV_SKIP_ALT, &key_error);
    m_load_error |= handle_load_error (&key_error, group);

    auto csv_format = g_key_file_get_boolean (keyfile, group.c_str(), CSV_FORMAT, &key_error);
    if (key_error) csv_format = true; // default to true, but above command will return false in case of error
    m_load_error |= handle_load_error (&key_error, group);
    if (csv_format)
        m_file_format = GncImpFileFormat::CSV;
        m_file_format = GncImpFileFormat::FIXED_WIDTH;

    gchar *key_char = g_key_file_get_string (keyfile, group.c_str(), CSV_SEP, &key_error);
    if (key_char && *key_char != '\0')
        m_separators = key_char;
    m_load_error |= handle_load_error (&key_error, group);
    if (key_char)
        g_free (key_char);

    m_date_format = g_key_file_get_integer (keyfile, group.c_str(), CSV_DATE, &key_error);
    m_load_error |= handle_load_error (&key_error, group);

    m_currency_format = g_key_file_get_integer (keyfile, group.c_str(), CSV_CURRENCY, &key_error);
    m_load_error |= handle_load_error (&key_error, group);

    key_char = g_key_file_get_string (keyfile, group.c_str(), CSV_ENCODING, &key_error);
    if (key_char && *key_char != '\0')
        m_encoding = key_char;
        m_encoding = "UTF-8";
    m_load_error |= handle_load_error (&key_error, group);
    if (key_char)
        g_free (key_char);

    // Widths
    gsize list_len;
    gint *col_widths_int = g_key_file_get_integer_list (keyfile, group.c_str(), CSV_COL_WIDTHS,
            &list_len, &key_error);
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < list_len; i++)
        if (col_widths_int[i] > 0)
    m_load_error |= handle_load_error (&key_error, group);
    if (col_widths_int)
        g_free (col_widths_int);

    return m_load_error;
Пример #9
 * save
 * save settings to a key file
CsvTransSettings::save (void)
    if (trans_preset_is_reserved_name (m_name))
        PWARN ("Ignoring attempt to save to reserved name '%s'", m_name.c_str());
        return true;

    if ((m_name.find('[') != std::string::npos))
        PWARN ("Name '%s' contains invalid characters '[]'. Refusing to save", m_name.c_str());
        return true;

    auto keyfile = gnc_state_get_current ();
    auto group = csv_group_prefix + m_name;

    // Drop previous saved settings with this name
    g_key_file_remove_group (keyfile, group.c_str(), nullptr);

    // Start Saving the settings
    g_key_file_set_string (keyfile, group.c_str(), CSV_NAME, m_name.c_str());
    g_key_file_set_boolean (keyfile, group.c_str(), CSV_MULTI_SPLIT, m_multi_split);
    g_key_file_set_integer (keyfile, group.c_str(), CSV_SKIP_START, m_skip_start_lines);
    g_key_file_set_integer (keyfile, group.c_str(), CSV_SKIP_END, m_skip_end_lines);
    g_key_file_set_boolean (keyfile, group.c_str(), CSV_SKIP_ALT, m_skip_alt_lines);
    g_key_file_set_boolean (keyfile, group.c_str(), CSV_FORMAT,
        (m_file_format == GncImpFileFormat::CSV) ? true : false);

    g_key_file_set_string (keyfile, group.c_str(), CSV_SEP, m_separators.c_str());
    g_key_file_set_integer (keyfile, group.c_str(), CSV_DATE, m_date_format);
    std::ostringstream cmt_ss;
    cmt_ss << "Supported date formats: ";
    int fmt_num = 0;
    std::for_each (GncDate::c_formats.cbegin(), GncDate::c_formats.cend(),
                    [&cmt_ss, &fmt_num](const GncDateFormat& fmt)
                        { cmt_ss << fmt_num++ << ": '" << fmt.m_fmt << "', "; });
    auto cmt = cmt_ss.str().substr(0, static_cast<long>(cmt_ss.tellp()) - 2);
    g_key_file_set_comment (keyfile, group.c_str(), CSV_DATE,
                            cmt.c_str(), nullptr);
    g_key_file_set_integer (keyfile, group.c_str(), CSV_CURRENCY, m_currency_format);
    g_key_file_set_string (keyfile, group.c_str(), CSV_ENCODING, m_encoding.c_str());

    if (m_base_account)
        g_key_file_set_string (keyfile, group.c_str(), CSV_ACCOUNT, gnc_account_get_full_name(m_base_account));

    std::vector<const char*> col_types_str;
    for (auto col_type : m_column_types)

    if (!col_types_str.empty())
        g_key_file_set_string_list (keyfile, group.c_str(), CSV_COL_TYPES,
                col_types_str.data(), col_types_str.size());

    if (!m_column_widths.empty())
        g_key_file_set_integer_list (keyfile, group.c_str(), CSV_COL_WIDTHS,
                (gint*)(m_column_widths.data()), m_column_widths.size());

    // Do a test read of encoding
    GError *key_error = nullptr;
    bool error = false;
    auto enc_val = g_key_file_get_string (keyfile, group.c_str(), CSV_ENCODING, &key_error);
    auto enc_str = std::string{enc_val};
    if (enc_val)
        g_free (enc_val);

    if ((key_error) || (enc_str != m_encoding.c_str()))
        if (key_error)
            g_warning ("Error reading group %s key %s: %s", group.c_str(), CSV_COL_TYPES, key_error->message);
            g_error_free (key_error);
            g_warning ("Error comparing group %s key %s: '%s' and '%s'", group.c_str(), CSV_COL_TYPES, enc_str.c_str(), group.c_str());
        error = true;
    return error;
Пример #10
 * load
 * load the settings from a state key file
CsvTransSettings::load (void)
    if (trans_preset_is_reserved_name (m_name))
        return true;

    GError *key_error = nullptr;
    m_load_error = false;
    auto group = csv_group_prefix + m_name;
    auto keyfile = gnc_state_get_current ();

    m_skip_start_lines = g_key_file_get_integer (keyfile, group.c_str(), CSV_SKIP_START, &key_error);
    m_load_error |= handle_load_error (&key_error, group);

    m_skip_end_lines = g_key_file_get_integer (keyfile, group.c_str(), CSV_SKIP_END, &key_error);
    m_load_error |= handle_load_error (&key_error, group);

    m_skip_alt_lines = g_key_file_get_boolean (keyfile, group.c_str(), CSV_SKIP_ALT, &key_error);
    m_load_error |= handle_load_error (&key_error, group);

    m_multi_split = g_key_file_get_boolean (keyfile, group.c_str(), CSV_MULTI_SPLIT, &key_error);
    m_load_error |= handle_load_error (&key_error, group);

    auto csv_format = g_key_file_get_boolean (keyfile, group.c_str(), CSV_FORMAT, &key_error);
    if (key_error) csv_format = true; // default to true, but above command will return false in case of error
    m_load_error |= handle_load_error (&key_error, group);
    if (csv_format)
        m_file_format = GncImpFileFormat::CSV;
        m_file_format = GncImpFileFormat::FIXED_WIDTH;

    gchar *key_char = g_key_file_get_string (keyfile, group.c_str(), CSV_SEP, &key_error);
    if (key_char && *key_char != '\0')
        m_separators = key_char;
    m_load_error |= handle_load_error (&key_error, group);
    if (key_char)
        g_free (key_char);

    m_date_format = g_key_file_get_integer (keyfile, group.c_str(), CSV_DATE, &key_error);
    m_load_error |= handle_load_error (&key_error, group);

    m_currency_format = g_key_file_get_integer (keyfile, group.c_str(), CSV_CURRENCY, &key_error);
    m_load_error |= handle_load_error (&key_error, group);

    key_char = g_key_file_get_string (keyfile, group.c_str(), CSV_ENCODING, &key_error);
    if (key_char && *key_char != '\0')
        m_encoding = key_char;
        m_encoding = "UTF-8";
    m_load_error |= handle_load_error (&key_error, group);
    if (key_char)
        g_free (key_char);

    key_char = g_key_file_get_string (keyfile, group.c_str(), CSV_ACCOUNT, &key_error);
    if (key_char && *key_char != '\0')
        m_base_account = gnc_account_lookup_by_full_name (gnc_get_current_root_account(), key_char);
    m_load_error |= handle_load_error (&key_error, group);
    if (key_char)
        g_free (key_char);

    gsize list_len;
    gchar** col_types_str = g_key_file_get_string_list (keyfile, group.c_str(), CSV_COL_TYPES,
            &list_len, &key_error);
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < list_len; i++)
        auto col_types_it = std::find_if (gnc_csv_col_type_strs.begin(),
                gnc_csv_col_type_strs.end(), test_prop_type_str (col_types_str[i]));
        if (col_types_it != gnc_csv_col_type_strs.end())
            /* Found a valid column type. Now check whether it is allowed
             * in the selected mode (two-split vs multi-split) */
            auto prop = sanitize_trans_prop (col_types_it->first, m_multi_split);
            if (prop != col_types_it->first)
                PWARN("Found column type '%s', but this is blacklisted when multi-split mode is %s. "
                        "Inserting column type 'NONE' instead'.",
                        col_types_it->second, m_multi_split ? "enabled" : "disabled");
            PWARN("Found invalid column type '%s'. Inserting column type 'NONE' instead'.",

    if (col_types_str)
        g_strfreev (col_types_str);

    gint *col_widths_int = g_key_file_get_integer_list (keyfile, group.c_str(), CSV_COL_WIDTHS,
            &list_len, &key_error);
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < list_len; i++)
        if (col_widths_int[i] > 0)
    m_load_error |= handle_load_error (&key_error, group);
    if (col_widths_int)
        g_free (col_widths_int);

    return m_load_error;
Пример #11
gsr2_create_table (GNCSplitReg2 *gsr)
    GncTreeViewSplitReg *view;
    GncTreeModelSplitReg *model;
    GtkTreeModel *s_model;
    GtkWidget *scrolled_window;
    GtkTreeViewColumn *col;
    GNCLedgerDisplay2Type ledger_type;
    GtkWidget *hbox;
    gdouble num_of_trans;

    gchar *state_section;
    GKeyFile *state_file = gnc_state_get_current();
    const GncGUID * guid;
    Account * account;

    account = gnc_ledger_display2_leader (gsr->ledger);
    guid = xaccAccountGetGUID (account);

    ENTER("create table gsr=%p", gsr);

    gnc_ledger_display2_set_user_data (gsr->ledger, (gpointer)gsr);
    gnc_ledger_display2_set_handlers (gsr->ledger,

    model = gnc_ledger_display2_get_split_model_register (gsr->ledger);
    view = gnc_tree_view_split_reg_new_with_model (model);
    g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (model));

    /* State_section is used to store per register state: column widths, sort order,... */
    ledger_type = gnc_ledger_display2_type (gsr->ledger);
    if (ledger_type == LD2_GL && model->type == GENERAL_JOURNAL2)
        state_section = g_strdup (STATE_SECTION_GEN_JOURNAL);
    else if (ledger_type == LD2_SUBACCOUNT)
        gchar guidstr[GUID_ENCODING_LENGTH+1];
        guid_to_string_buff (guid, guidstr);
        state_section = g_strconcat (STATE_SECTION_REG_PREFIX, " ", guidstr, " w/subaccounts", NULL);
        gchar guidstr[GUID_ENCODING_LENGTH+1];
        guid_to_string_buff (guid, guidstr);
        state_section = g_strconcat (STATE_SECTION_REG_PREFIX, " ", guidstr, NULL);
    g_object_set (G_OBJECT (view), "state-section", state_section,
                 "show-column-menu", FALSE, NULL);

    // Create a hbox for treeview and scrollbar.
    hbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 0);
    gtk_box_set_homogeneous (GTK_BOX (hbox), FALSE);
    gtk_widget_show (hbox);

    scrolled_window = gtk_scrolled_window_new (NULL, NULL);
    gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (scrolled_window),

    gtk_widget_show (scrolled_window);

    gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (gsr), hbox, TRUE, TRUE, 0);

    num_of_trans = model->number_of_trans_in_full_tlist - 1;

    gsr->scroll_adj = GTK_ADJUSTMENT (gtk_adjustment_new (model->position_of_trans_in_full_tlist, 0.0, num_of_trans + 10, 1.0, 10.0, 10.0));

    gsr->scroll_bar = gtk_scrollbar_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, GTK_ADJUSTMENT (gsr->scroll_adj));
    gtk_widget_show (gsr->scroll_bar);

    gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), gsr->scroll_bar, FALSE, FALSE, 2);
    gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), scrolled_window, TRUE, TRUE, 0);

    gnc_ledger_display2_set_split_view_register (gsr->ledger, view);

    /* Synchronize model state with view state
     * (needed to properly set up the internal query) */

    /* Restore the sort depth from saved state */
    model->sort_depth = g_key_file_get_integer (state_file, state_section, "sort_depth", NULL);

    s_model = gtk_tree_view_get_model(GTK_TREE_VIEW(view));
    if (s_model)
        gint sort_col;
        GtkSortType   type;

        if (gtk_tree_sortable_get_sort_column_id (GTK_TREE_SORTABLE (s_model), &sort_col, &type))
            model->sort_col = sort_col;
            model->sort_direction = type;

    gnc_tree_view_configure_columns (GNC_TREE_VIEW (view));

    if (ledger_type == LD2_GL && model->type == GENERAL_JOURNAL2)
        gnc_tree_view_set_show_column_menu (GNC_TREE_VIEW (view), TRUE);
        gnc_tree_view_set_show_column_menu (GNC_TREE_VIEW (view), FALSE);

    /* This column gets all the free space */
    gnc_tree_view_expand_columns (GNC_TREE_VIEW (view), "descnotes", NULL);

    /* This sets the status color column, 4 is the minimum */
    col = gnc_tree_view_find_column_by_name (GNC_TREE_VIEW (view), "status");
    if (col != NULL)
        g_object_set (G_OBJECT(col),
                     "resizable", FALSE,
                     "sizing", GTK_TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_FIXED,
                     "fixed-width", 4,

    gtk_tree_view_set_headers_visible (GTK_TREE_VIEW (view), TRUE);
    gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (view));

    gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (scrolled_window), GTK_WIDGET (view));
    gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (gsr));

    /* Should this be read only */
    gnc_tree_view_split_reg_set_read_only (view, gsr->read_only);

    /* This tells the ledger that we have a valid tree view */
    gnc_ledger_display2_set_split_view_refresh (gsr->ledger, TRUE);

    /* This triggers the update of the summary bar */
    g_signal_connect_after (model, "refresh_status_bar",
                      G_CALLBACK (gsr2_redraw_all_cb), gsr); //this works

    // This will keep scrollbar in sync.
    g_signal_connect (model, "scroll_sync",
                      G_CALLBACK (gsr2_scroll_sync_cb), gsr);

    /* This triggers the update of the help text */
    g_signal_connect (view, "help_signal",
                      G_CALLBACK (gsr2_emit_help_changed), gsr); // this works

    gsr2_scroll_value_changed_cb (GTK_ADJUSTMENT (gsr->scroll_adj), gsr);

    /* This triggers the tooltip to change when scrolling */
    g_signal_connect (gsr->scroll_adj, "value-changed",
                      G_CALLBACK (gsr2_scroll_value_changed_cb), gsr); // this works

    /* This triggers the model update when mouse button released */
    g_signal_connect (gsr->scroll_bar, "button-release-event",
                      G_CALLBACK (gsr2_scroll_button_event_cb), gsr);

    // Connect a call back to update the sort settings.
    g_signal_connect (GTK_TREE_SORTABLE (s_model), "sort-column-changed",
          G_CALLBACK (gnc_split_reg2_sort_changed_cb), gsr);

    LEAVE(" ");
Пример #12
static void
gnucash_register_configure (GnucashSheet *sheet, gchar * state_section)
    GNCHeaderWidths widths;
    Table *table;
    GList *node;
    gchar *key;
    guint value;
    GKeyFile *state_file = gnc_state_get_current();

    // Stuff for per-register settings load.
    g_return_if_fail (sheet != NULL);
    g_return_if_fail (GNUCASH_IS_SHEET (sheet));


    ENTER("sheet=%p, data=%p", sheet, "");

    table = sheet->table;
    gnc_table_init_gui (table);
    table->ui_data = sheet;

    g_object_ref (sheet);

    /* config the cell-block styles */

    widths = gnc_header_widths_new ();

    if (state_section && gnc_prefs_get_bool(GNC_PREFS_GROUP_GENERAL, GNC_PREF_SAVE_GEOMETRY))
        node = gnc_table_layout_get_cells (table->layout);
        for (; node; node = node->next)
            BasicCell *cell = node->data;

            if (cell->expandable)

            /* Remember whether the column is visible */
            key = g_strdup_printf("%s_width", cell->cell_name);
            value = g_key_file_get_integer (state_file, state_section, key, NULL);
            if (value != 0)
                gnc_header_widths_set_width (widths, cell->cell_name, value);

    gnucash_sheet_create_styles (sheet);

    gnucash_sheet_set_header_widths (sheet, widths);

    gnucash_sheet_compile_styles (sheet);

    gnucash_sheet_table_load (sheet, TRUE);
    gnucash_sheet_cursor_set_from_table (sheet, TRUE);
    gnucash_sheet_redraw_all (sheet);

    gnc_header_widths_destroy (widths);

    LEAVE(" ");