Пример #1

  gossip_set_debug_mask(1, MASK_MPIRPC|MASK_DHT);

  // wait_for_notification();
  // notify_next();




  if (mpi_rank == mpi_size-1)
Пример #2
int main(
    int argc,
    char **argv)
    int ret = -1;
    int outcount = 0, count;
    struct BMI_unexpected_info request_info;
    flow_descriptor *flow_d = NULL;
    double time1, time2;
    int i;
    PINT_Request *req;
    char path_name[PATH_SIZE];
    TROVE_op_id op_id;
    TROVE_coll_id coll_id;
    TROVE_handle file_handle, parent_handle;
    TROVE_ds_state state;
    char *file_name;
    TROVE_keyval_s key, val;
    bmi_context_id context;
    TROVE_context_id trove_context;
    PVFS_handle_extent cur_extent;
    PVFS_handle_extent_array extent_array;

    /* initialization stuff */

    /* set debugging level */
    gossip_set_debug_mask(0, GOSSIP_FLOW_PROTO_DEBUG | GOSSIP_BMI_DEBUG_TCP );

    /* start up BMI */
    ret = BMI_initialize("bmi_tcp", "tcp://NULL:3335", BMI_INIT_SERVER);
    if (ret < 0)
	fprintf(stderr, "BMI init failure.\n");
	return (-1);

    ret = BMI_open_context(&context);
    if (ret < 0)
	fprintf(stderr, "BMI_open_context() failure.\n");
	return (-1);

    ret = trove_initialize(
        TROVE_METHOD_DBPF, NULL, storage_space, 0);
    if (ret < 0)
	fprintf(stderr, "initialize failed: run trove-mkfs first.\n");
	return -1;

    /* initialize the flow interface. protocol specific */
    ret = PINT_flow_initialize("flowproto_bmi_cache", 0);
    if (ret < 0)
	fprintf(stderr, "flow init failure.\n");
	return (-1);

    /* try to look up collection used to store file system */
    ret = trove_collection_lookup(
        TROVE_METHOD_DBPF, file_system, &coll_id, NULL, &op_id);
    if (ret < 0)
	fprintf(stderr, "collection lookup failed.\n");
	return -1;

    ret = trove_open_context(coll_id, &trove_context);
    if (ret < 0)
	fprintf(stderr, "TROVE_open_context() failure.\n");
	return (-1);

    /* find the parent directory name */
    strcpy(path_name, path_to_file);
    for (i = strlen(path_name); i >= 0; i--)
	if (path_name[i] != '/')
	    path_name[i] = '\0';
    file_name = path_to_file + strlen(path_name);
    printf("path is %s\n", path_name);
    printf("file is %s\n", file_name);

    /* find the parent directory handle */
    ret = path_lookup(coll_id, trove_context, path_name, &parent_handle);
    if (ret < 0)
	return -1;

    file_handle = 0;

    cur_extent.first = cur_extent.last = requested_file_handle;
    extent_array.extent_count = 1;
    extent_array.extent_array = &cur_extent;
    ret = trove_dspace_create(coll_id,
				NULL, trove_context, &op_id, NULL);
    while (ret == 0)
	ret =
	    trove_dspace_test(coll_id, op_id, trove_context, &count, NULL, NULL,
    if (ret < 0)
	fprintf(stderr, "dspace create failed.\n");
	return -1;

    /* TODO: set attributes of file? */

    /* add new file name/handle pair to parent directory */
    key.buffer = file_name;
    key.buffer_sz = strlen(file_name) + 1;
    val.buffer = &file_handle;
    val.buffer_sz = sizeof(file_handle);
    ret =
	trove_keyval_write(coll_id, parent_handle, &key, &val, 0, NULL, NULL,
			   trove_context, &op_id, NULL);
    while (ret == 0)
	ret =
	    trove_dspace_test(coll_id, op_id, trove_context, &count, NULL, NULL,
    if (ret < 0)
	fprintf(stderr, "keyval write failed.\n");
	return -1;

    /* wait for an initial communication via BMI */
    /* we don't give a crap about that message except that it tells us
     * where to find the client 
	ret = BMI_testunexpected(1, &outcount, &request_info, 10);
    } while (ret == 0 && outcount == 0);
    if (ret < 0 || request_info.error_code != 0)
	fprintf(stderr, "waitunexpected failure.\n");
	return (-1);
    BMI_unexpected_free(request_info.addr, request_info.buffer);

    /* setup request/dist stuff */

    /* request description */
    /* just want one contiguous region */
    ret = PVFS_Request_contiguous(TEST_SIZE, PVFS_BYTE, &req);
    if (ret < 0)
	fprintf(stderr, "PVFS_Request_contiguous() failure.\n");
	return (-1);

    /* setup communicaton stuff */

    /* create a flow descriptor */
    flow_d = PINT_flow_alloc();
    if (!flow_d)
	fprintf(stderr, "flow_alloc failed.\n");
	return (-1);

    /* file data */
    flow_d->file_data.fsize = TEST_SIZE;
    flow_d->file_data.server_nr = 0;
    flow_d->file_data.server_ct = 1;
    flow_d->file_data.extend_flag = 1;
    flow_d->file_data.dist = PINT_dist_create("basic_dist");
    if (!flow_d->file_data.dist)
	fprintf(stderr, "Error: failed to create dist.\n");
	return (-1);
    ret = PINT_dist_lookup(flow_d->file_data.dist);
    if (ret != 0)
	fprintf(stderr, "Error: failed to lookup dist.\n");
	return (-1);
    flow_d->file_req = req;
    flow_d->tag = 0;
    flow_d->user_ptr = NULL;
    flow_d->aggregate_size = TEST_SIZE;

    /* fill in flow details */
    flow_d->src.endpoint_id = BMI_ENDPOINT;
    flow_d->src.u.bmi.address = request_info.addr;
    flow_d->dest.endpoint_id = TROVE_ENDPOINT;
    flow_d->dest.u.trove.handle = file_handle;
    flow_d->dest.u.trove.coll_id = coll_id;

	 * test bmi to file (analogous to a client side write)

    time1 = Wtime();
    ret = block_on_flow(flow_d);
    if (ret < 0)
	return (-1);
    time2 = Wtime();

#if 0
    printf("Server bw (recv): %f MB/sec\n",
	   ((TEST_SIZE) / ((time2 - time1) * 1000000.0)));

    /* final cleanup and output */


    /* shut down flow interface */
    ret = PINT_flow_finalize();
    if (ret < 0)
	fprintf(stderr, "flow finalize failure.\n");
	return (-1);

    /* shut down BMI */

    trove_close_context(coll_id, trove_context);

    return (0);
Пример #3
int main(
    int argc,
    char **argv)
    int ret;
    struct PVFS_server_req req_array[4];
    req_sched_id id_array[4];
    req_sched_id id_arrayB[4];
    struct PVFS_server_req io_req_array[4];
    req_sched_id io_id_array[4];
    req_sched_id io_id_arrayB[4];
    int count = 0;
    int status = 0;
    req_sched_id timer_id_array[2];

    /* setup some requests to test */
    req_array[0].op = PVFS_SERV_GETATTR;
    req_array[0].u.getattr.handle = 5;

    req_array[1].op = PVFS_SERV_SETATTR;
    req_array[1].u.setattr.handle = 5;

    req_array[2].op = PVFS_SERV_GETATTR;
    req_array[2].u.getattr.handle = 6;

    req_array[3].op = PVFS_SERV_SETATTR;
    req_array[3].u.setattr.handle = 5;

    io_req_array[0].op = PVFS_SERV_IO;
    io_req_array[0].u.io.handle = 5;
    io_req_array[1].op = PVFS_SERV_IO;
    io_req_array[1].u.io.handle = 5;
    io_req_array[2].op = PVFS_SERV_IO;
    io_req_array[2].u.io.handle = 5;
    io_req_array[3].op = PVFS_SERV_IO;
    io_req_array[3].u.io.handle = 5;

    /* turn on gossip for the scheduler */
    gossip_set_debug_mask(1, GOSSIP_REQ_SCHED_DEBUG);

    /* initialize scheduler */
    ret = PINT_req_sched_initialize();
    if (ret < 0)
	fprintf(stderr, "Error: initialize failure.\n");
	return (-1);

    /* try to schedule first request- it should proceed */
    ret = PINT_req_sched_post(&(req_array[0]), 0, NULL, &(id_array[0]));
    if (ret != 1)
	fprintf(stderr, "Error: 1st post should immediately complete.\n");
	return (-1);

    /* try to schedule second request- it should queue up */
    ret = PINT_req_sched_post(&(req_array[1]), 0, NULL, &(id_array[1]));
    if (ret != 0)
	fprintf(stderr, "Error: 2nd post should queue.\n");
	return (-1);

    /* schedule two I/O requests */
    ret = PINT_req_sched_post(&(io_req_array[1]), 0, NULL, &(io_id_array[1]));
    if (ret != 0)
	fprintf(stderr, "Error: 1st I/O req should queue.\n");
	return (-1);
    ret = PINT_req_sched_post(&(io_req_array[0]), 0, NULL, &(io_id_array[0]));
    if (ret != 0)
	fprintf(stderr, "Error: 1st I/O req should queue.\n");
	return (-1);

    /* try to schedule third request- it should proceed */
    ret = PINT_req_sched_post(&(req_array[2]), 0, NULL, &(id_array[2]));
    if (ret != 1)
	fprintf(stderr, "Error: 3rd post should immediately complete.\n");
	return (-1);

    /* try to schedule fourth request- it should queue up */
    ret = PINT_req_sched_post(&(req_array[3]), 0, NULL, &(id_array[3]));
    if (ret != 0)
	fprintf(stderr, "Error: 4th post should queue.\n");
	return (-1);


    /* test the second one and make sure it doesn't finish */
    ret = PINT_req_sched_test(id_array[1], &count, NULL, &status);
    if (ret != 0 || count != 0)
	fprintf(stderr, "Error: test of 2nd request failed.\n");
	return (-1);

    /* unpost the 2nd request */
    ret = PINT_req_sched_unpost(id_array[1], NULL);
    if (ret != 0)
	fprintf(stderr, "Error: upost failure.\n");
	return (-1);

    /* complete the first request */
    ret = PINT_req_sched_release(id_array[0], NULL, &(id_arrayB[0]));
    if (ret != 1)
	fprintf(stderr, "Error: release didn't immediately complete.\n");
	return (-1);

    /* 4th request should still block on i/o requests */
    ret = PINT_req_sched_test(id_array[3], &count, NULL, &status);
    if (ret != 0 || count != 0)
	fprintf(stderr, "Error: test of 4th request failed.\n");
	return (-1);

    /* see if the first two i/o requests are ready */
    /* test out of order, to make sure that works */
    ret = PINT_req_sched_test(io_id_array[1], &count, NULL, &status);
    if (ret != 1 || count != 1 || status != 0)
	fprintf(stderr, "Error: test of 2nd io request failed.\n");
	return (-1);
    ret = PINT_req_sched_test(io_id_array[0], &count, NULL, &status);
    if (ret != 1 || count != 1 || status != 0)
	fprintf(stderr, "Error: test of 2nd io request failed.\n");
	return (-1);

    /* 4th request should still block on i/o requests */
    ret = PINT_req_sched_test(id_array[3], &count, NULL, &status);
    if (ret != 0 || count != 0)
	fprintf(stderr, "Error: test of 4th request failed.\n");
	return (-1);

    /* release the first two io requests */
    ret = PINT_req_sched_release(io_id_array[1], NULL, &(io_id_arrayB[1]));
    if (ret != 1)
	fprintf(stderr, "Error: release didn't immediately complete.\n");
	return (-1);
    ret = PINT_req_sched_release(io_id_array[0], NULL, &(io_id_arrayB[0]));
    if (ret != 1)
	fprintf(stderr, "Error: release didn't immediately complete.\n");
	return (-1);

    /* now the 4th request should be ready to go */
    ret = PINT_req_sched_test(id_array[3], &count, NULL, &status);
    if (ret != 1 || count != 1 || status != 0)
	fprintf(stderr, "Error: test of 4th request failed.\n");
	return (-1);

    /* complete the 3rd and 4th requests */
    ret = PINT_req_sched_release(id_array[2], NULL, &(id_arrayB[2]));
    if (ret != 1)
	fprintf(stderr, "Error: release didn't immediately complete.\n");
	return (-1);
    ret = PINT_req_sched_release(id_array[3], NULL, &(id_arrayB[3]));
    if (ret != 1)
	fprintf(stderr, "Error: release didn't immediately complete.\n");
	return (-1);

    /* schedule two more I/O requests, should both immediately complete */
    ret = PINT_req_sched_post(&(io_req_array[2]), 0, NULL, &(io_id_array[2]));
    if (ret != 1)
	fprintf(stderr, "Error: 3rd I/O req should complete.\n");
	return (-1);
    ret = PINT_req_sched_post(&(io_req_array[3]), 0, NULL, &(io_id_array[3]));
    if (ret != 1)
	fprintf(stderr, "Error: 4th I/O req should complete.\n");
	return (-1);

    /* release last two i/o requests */
    ret = PINT_req_sched_release(io_id_array[3], NULL, &(io_id_arrayB[3]));
    if (ret != 1)
	fprintf(stderr, "Error: release didn't immediately complete.\n");
	return (-1);
    ret = PINT_req_sched_release(io_id_array[2], NULL, &(io_id_arrayB[2]));
    if (ret != 1)
	fprintf(stderr, "Error: release didn't immediately complete.\n");
	return (-1);

    /* try a simple timer case */
    ret = PINT_req_sched_post_timer(1500, NULL, &(timer_id_array[0]));
    if (ret != 0)
	fprintf(stderr, "Error: post timer weirdness.\n");
	return (-1);
    ret = PINT_req_sched_post_timer(1000, NULL, &(timer_id_array[1]));
    if (ret != 0)
	fprintf(stderr, "Error: post timer weirdness.\n");
	return (-1);

	count = 2;
	ret = PINT_req_sched_testworld(&count, timer_id_array, NULL, &status);
    } while (ret == 0 && count == 0);

    assert(ret == 1 && count == 1 && status == 0);
    if (ret < 0 || status != 0)
	fprintf(stderr, "Error: test failure.\n");
    printf("Done 1.\n");

	count = 2;
	ret = PINT_req_sched_testworld(&count, timer_id_array, NULL, &status);
    } while (ret == 0 && count == 0);

    assert(ret == 1 && count == 1 && status == 0);
    if (ret < 0 || status != 0)
	fprintf(stderr, "Error: test failure.\n");
    printf("Done 2.\n");

    /* shut down scheduler */
    ret = PINT_req_sched_finalize();
    if (ret < 0)
	fprintf(stderr, "Error: finalize failure.\n");
	return (-1);

    return (0);
Пример #4
main(int argc, char **argv)
	int i;
	PINT_Request req1;
	PINT_Request req2;
	PINT_Request req3;

	// PVFS_Process_request arguments
	PINT_Request_state *reqs;
	PVFS_Dist_parm dparm;
	PINT_Request_file_data rfdata;
	int32_t segmax;
	PVFS_offset *offset_array;
	PVFS_size *size_array;
	PVFS_offset offset;
	PVFS_size bytemax;
	PVFS_boolean eof_flag;

	// Turn on debugging

	req2.offset = 0; // This is a byte type
	req2.num_ereqs = 1;
	req2.stride = 0;
	req2.num_blocks = 1;
	req2.ub = 1;
	req2.lb = 0;
	req2.aggregate_size = 1;
	req2.depth = 0;
	req2.num_contig_chunks = 1;
	req2.ereq = NULL;
	req2.sreq = NULL;

	req3.offset = 0;
	req3.num_ereqs = 8;
	req3.stride = 20;
	req3.num_blocks = 20;
	req3.ub = 400;
	req3.lb = 0;
	req3.aggregate_size = 160;
	req3.depth = 1;
	req3.num_contig_chunks = 20;
	req3.ereq = &req2;
	req3.sreq = NULL;

	req1.offset = 0;
	req1.num_ereqs = 4;
	req1.stride = 2000;
	req1.num_blocks = 10;
	req1.ub = 19600;
	req1.lb = 0;
	req1.aggregate_size = 6400;
	req1.depth = 2;
	req1.num_contig_chunks = 800;
	req1.ereq = &req3;
	req1.sreq = NULL;

	reqs = PINT_new_request_state(&req1);
	rfdata.server_nr = 0;
	rfdata.server_ct = 2;
	rfdata.fsize = 10000000;
	rfdata.dist = PINT_lookup_distribution("simple stripe");
	dparm.strip_size = 1024;
	rfdata.dparm = &dparm;
	rfdata.extend_flag = 0;
	offset_array = (int64_t *)malloc(SEGMAX * sizeof(int64_t));
	size_array = (int64_t *)malloc(SEGMAX * sizeof(int64_t));
	eof_flag = 0;
	offset = 0;
	do {
		segmax = SEGMAX;
		bytemax = BYTEMAX;
		PINT_process_request(reqs, &rfdata, &segmax, offset_array,
				size_array, &offset, &bytemax, &eof_flag, PINT_SERVER);
		printf("processed %lld bytes in %d segments\n", bytemax, segmax);
		for (i = 0; i < segmax; i++)
			printf("segment %d: offset=%lld size=%lld\n", i,
					offset_array[i], size_array[i]);
	} while (offset != -1);
Пример #5
int main(
    int argc,
    char **argv)

    struct options *user_opts = NULL;
    struct server_request *my_req = NULL;
    struct server_ack *my_ack = NULL;
    int ret = -1;
    PVFS_BMI_addr_t client_addr;
    void *recv_buffer1 = NULL;
    void *recv_buffer2 = NULL;
    bmi_op_id_t server_ops[2];
    bmi_error_code_t error_code;
    int outcount = 0;
    struct BMI_unexpected_info request_info;
    bmi_size_t actual_size;
    bmi_size_t size_list[2];
    void *buffer_list[2];
    int last = 0;
    int i = 0;
    bmi_context_id context;
    char method[24], *cp;
    int len;

    /* grab any command line options */
    user_opts = parse_args(argc, argv);
    if (!user_opts)
	return (-1);

    /* set debugging stuff */
    gossip_set_debug_mask(0, GOSSIP_BMI_DEBUG_ALL);

    /* convert address to bmi method type by prefixing bmi_ */
    cp = strchr(user_opts->hostid, ':');
    if (!cp)
        return 1;
    len = cp - user_opts->hostid;
    strcpy(method, "bmi_");
    strncpy(method + 4, user_opts->hostid, len);
    method[4+len] = '\0';

    /* initialize local interface (default options) */
    ret = BMI_initialize(method, user_opts->hostid, BMI_INIT_SERVER);
    if (ret < 0)
	errno = -ret;
	return (-1);

    ret = BMI_open_context(&context);
    if (ret < 0)
	errno = -ret;
	return (-1);

    /* wait for an initial request  */
	ret = BMI_testunexpected(1, &outcount, &request_info, 10);
    } while (ret == 0 && outcount == 0);
    if (ret < 0)
	fprintf(stderr, "Request recv failure (bad state).\n");
	errno = -ret;
	return (-1);
    if (request_info.error_code != 0)
	fprintf(stderr, "Request recv failure (bad state).\n");
	return (-1);

    printf("Received a new request.\n");

    if (request_info.size != sizeof(struct server_request))
	fprintf(stderr, "Bad Request!\n");

    my_req = (struct server_request *) request_info.buffer;
    client_addr = request_info.addr;

    /* create an ack */
    my_ack = (struct server_ack *) BMI_memalloc(client_addr,
						sizeof(struct server_ack),
    if (!my_ack)
	fprintf(stderr, "BMI_memalloc failed.\n");
	return (-1);
    memset(my_ack, 0, sizeof(struct server_ack));

    /* create 2 buffers to recv into */
    recv_buffer1 = BMI_memalloc(client_addr, (my_req->size / 2), BMI_RECV);
    recv_buffer2 = BMI_memalloc(client_addr,
				(my_req->size - (my_req->size / 2)), BMI_RECV);
    if (!recv_buffer1 || !recv_buffer2)
	fprintf(stderr, "BMI_memalloc failed.\n");
	return (-1);
    buffer_list[0] = recv_buffer1;
    buffer_list[1] = recv_buffer2;
    size_list[0] = my_req->size / 2;
    size_list[1] = my_req->size - (my_req->size / 2);

    /* post the ack */
    ret = BMI_post_send(&(server_ops[1]), client_addr, my_ack,
			sizeof(struct server_ack), BMI_PRE_ALLOC, 0, NULL,
			context, NULL);
    if (ret < 0)
	fprintf(stderr, "BMI_post_send_failure.\n");
	return (-1);
    if (ret == 0)
	/* turning this into a blocking call for testing :) */
	/* check for completion of ack send */
	    ret = BMI_test(server_ops[1], &outcount, &error_code,
			   &actual_size, NULL, 10, context);
	} while (ret == 0 && outcount == 0);

	if (ret < 0 || error_code != 0)
	    fprintf(stderr, "ack send failed.\n");
	    return (-1);

    /* post the recv */
    ret = BMI_post_recv_list(&(server_ops[0]), client_addr, buffer_list,
			     size_list, 2, my_req->size, &actual_size,
			     BMI_PRE_ALLOC, 0, NULL, context, NULL);
    if (ret < 0)
	fprintf(stderr, "BMI_post_recv_failure.\n");
	return (-1);
    if (ret == 0)
	/* turning this into a blocking call for testing :) */
	/* check for completion of data payload recv */
	    ret = BMI_test(server_ops[0], &outcount, &error_code,
			   &actual_size, NULL, 10, context);
	} while (ret == 0 && outcount == 0);

	if (ret < 0 || error_code != 0)
	    fprintf(stderr, "data recv failed.\n");
	    return (-1);

    if (actual_size != my_req->size)
	printf("Short recv.\n");
	printf("diff: %d\n", (int) (my_req->size - actual_size));

    /* check validity of received message */
    for (i = 0; i < ((my_req->size / 2) / sizeof(int)); i++)
	if (((int *) recv_buffer1)[i] != i)
	    fprintf(stderr, "Validation failure, offset %d.\n", i);
    last = i;
    for (i = last;
	 i < (last + ((my_req->size - (my_req->size / 2)) / sizeof(int))); i++)
	if (((int *) recv_buffer2)[i - last] != i)
	    fprintf(stderr, "Validation failure, offset %d.\n", i);

    /* free up the message buffers */
    BMI_memfree(client_addr, recv_buffer1, (my_req->size / 2), BMI_RECV);
    BMI_memfree(client_addr, recv_buffer2, (my_req->size -
					    (my_req->size / 2)), BMI_RECV);
    BMI_memfree(client_addr, my_ack, sizeof(struct server_ack), BMI_SEND);
    BMI_unexpected_free(client_addr, my_req);

    /* shutdown the local interface */
    ret = BMI_finalize();
    if (ret < 0)
	errno = -ret;
	return (-1);

    /* turn off debugging stuff */


    return (0);
Пример #6
int main(int argc, char **argv)
        struct options                  *opts = NULL;
        int                             ret = -1;
        bmi_context_id                  context;

        /* grab any command line options */
        opts = parse_args(argc, argv);
        if (!opts) {
                return (-1);

        /* set debugging stuff */
        gossip_set_debug_mask(0, GOSSIP_BMI_DEBUG_ALL);

#ifdef WIN32
        /* get performance counter frequency */

        /* initialize local interface (default options) */
        if (opts->which == SERVER)
            ret = BMI_initialize(opts->method, opts->hostid, BMI_INIT_SERVER);
            ret = BMI_initialize(NULL, NULL, 0);

        if (ret < 0) {
                errno = -ret;
                return (-1);

        ret = BMI_open_context(&context);
        if (ret < 0) {
                errno = -ret;
                return (-1);

        if (opts->which == SERVER) {
                ret = do_server(opts, &context);
        } else {
                ret = do_client(opts, &context);

        /* shutdown the local interface */
        ret = BMI_finalize();
        if (ret < 0) {
                errno = -ret;
                return (-1);

        /* turn off debugging stuff */

        return (0);
Пример #7
int main(
    int argc,
    char **argv)
    int ret = -1;
    int outcount = 0;
    void *mybuffer;
    PVFS_BMI_addr_t server_addr;
    bmi_op_id_t op;
    bmi_error_code_t error_code;
    flow_descriptor *flow_d = NULL;
    int i = 0;
    bmi_size_t actual_size;
    double time1, time2;
    PINT_Request *req;
    bmi_context_id context;

    /* initialization stuff */

    /* set debugging level */

    /* Dist init */

    /* start up BMI */
    ret = BMI_initialize("bmi_tcp", NULL, 0);
    if (ret < 0)
	fprintf(stderr, "BMI init failure.\n");
	return (-1);

    ret = BMI_open_context(&context);
    if (ret < 0)
	fprintf(stderr, "BMI_open_context() failure.\n");
	return (-1);

    /* initialize the flow interface */
    ret = PINT_flow_initialize("flowproto_multiqueue", 0);
    if (ret < 0)
	fprintf(stderr, "flow init failure.\n");
	return (-1);

    /* send some random crap to the other side to start up communication */
    ret = BMI_addr_lookup(&server_addr, "tcp://localhost:3335");
    if (ret < 0)
	fprintf(stderr, "BMI lookup failure.\n");
	return (-1);

    ret = BMI_post_sendunexpected(&op, server_addr, &mybuffer, 1,
				  BMI_EXT_ALLOC, 0, NULL, context, NULL);
    if (ret < 0)
	fprintf(stderr, "BMI_post_sendunexpected failure.\n");
	return (-1);
    if (ret == 0)
	/* turning this into a blocking call for testing :) */
	/* check for completion of request */
	    ret = BMI_test(op, &outcount, &error_code, &actual_size,
			   NULL, 10, context);
	} while (ret == 0 && outcount == 0);

	if (ret < 0 || error_code != 0)
	    fprintf(stderr, "Request send failed.\n");
	    if (ret < 0)
		errno = -ret;
	    return (-1);

    /* setup request/dist stuff */

    /* request description */
    /* just want one contiguous region */
    ret = PVFS_Request_contiguous(TEST_SIZE, PVFS_BYTE, &req);
    if (ret < 0)
	fprintf(stderr, "PVFS_Request_contiguous() failure.\n");
	return (-1);

    /* setup communicaton stuff */

    /* memory buffer to xfer */
    mybuffer = (void *) malloc(TEST_SIZE);
    if (!mybuffer)
	fprintf(stderr, "mem.\n");
	return (-1);
    /* mark it so that we can check correctness */
    for (i = 0; i < (TEST_SIZE / (sizeof(int))); i++)
	((int *) mybuffer)[i] = i;

    /* create a flow descriptor */
    flow_d = PINT_flow_alloc();
    if (!flow_d)
	fprintf(stderr, "mem.\n");
	return (-1);

    /* file data */
    flow_d->file_data.fsize = TEST_SIZE;
    flow_d->file_data.server_nr = 0;
    flow_d->file_data.server_ct = 1;
    flow_d->file_data.extend_flag = 0;
    flow_d->file_data.dist = PINT_dist_create("basic_dist");
    if (!flow_d->file_data.dist)
	fprintf(stderr, "Error: failed to create dist.\n");
	return (-1);
    ret = PINT_dist_lookup(flow_d->file_data.dist);
    if (ret != 0)
	fprintf(stderr, "Error: failed to lookup dist.\n");
	return (-1);

    flow_d->file_req = req;
    flow_d->tag = 0;
    flow_d->user_ptr = NULL;
    flow_d->aggregate_size = TEST_SIZE;

    /* fill in flow details */
    flow_d->src.endpoint_id = MEM_ENDPOINT;
    flow_d->src.u.mem.buffer = mybuffer;
    flow_d->dest.endpoint_id = BMI_ENDPOINT;
    flow_d->dest.u.bmi.address = server_addr;

	 * test memory to bmi (analogous to client side write)

    time1 = Wtime();
    ret = block_on_flow(flow_d);
    if (ret < 0)
	return (-1);
    time2 = Wtime();

    /* final cleanup and output */

#if 0
    printf("Client bw (send): %f MB/sec\n",
	   ((TEST_SIZE) / ((time2 - time1) * 1000000.0)));


    /* shut down flow interface */
    ret = PINT_flow_finalize();
    if (ret < 0)
	fprintf(stderr, "flow finalize failure.\n");
	return (-1);

    /* shut down BMI */


    return (0);
Пример #8
int main(int argc, char **argv)

    int ret = -1;
    struct request_foo* req = NULL;
    struct ack_foo* ack = NULL;
    PVFS_BMI_addr_t server_addr;
    job_status_s status1;
    job_id_t tmp_id;
    job_context_id context;

    /* set debugging level */
    gossip_set_debug_mask(0, 0);

    /* start the BMI interface */
    ret = BMI_initialize("bmi_tcp", NULL, 0);
    if(ret < 0)
        fprintf(stderr, "BMI_initialize failure.\n");

    ret = trove_initialize(
              TROVE_METHOD_DBPF, NULL, "/tmp/pvfs2-test-space", 0);
    if(ret < 0)
        fprintf(stderr, "trove_initialize failure.\n");

    /* start the job interface */
    ret = job_initialize(0);
    if(ret < 0)
        fprintf(stderr, "job_initialize failure.\n");

    ret = job_open_context(&context);
    if(ret < 0)
        fprintf(stderr, "job_open_context() failure.\n");

    /* lookup the server to get a BMI style address for it */
    ret = BMI_addr_lookup(&server_addr, "tcp://localhost:3414");
    if(ret < 0)
        fprintf(stderr, "BMI_addr_lookup failure.\n");

    /* allocate some buffers for the req and ack */
    req = BMI_memalloc(server_addr, sizeof(struct request_foo),
    ack = BMI_memalloc(server_addr, sizeof(struct ack_foo),
    if(!ack || ! req)
        fprintf(stderr, "BMI_memalloc failure.\n");

    /* send a message */
    ret = job_bmi_send(server_addr, req, sizeof(struct request_foo),
                       0, BMI_PRE_ALLOC, 1, NULL, 0, &status1, &tmp_id, context,
                       JOB_TIMEOUT_INF, NULL);
    if(ret < 0)
        fprintf(stderr, "job_bmi_send() failure.\n");
    if(ret == 0)
        int count = 0;
        ret = job_test(tmp_id, &count, NULL, &status1, -1, context);
        if(ret < 0)
            fprintf(stderr, "job_test() failure.\n");

    /* check status */
    if(status1.error_code != 0)
        fprintf(stderr, "job failure.\n");

    /* receive a message */
    ret = job_bmi_recv(server_addr, ack, sizeof(struct ack_foo),
                       0, BMI_PRE_ALLOC, NULL, 0, &status1, &tmp_id, context,
                       JOB_TIMEOUT_INF, NULL);
    if(ret < 0)
        fprintf(stderr, "job_bmi_recv() failure.\n");
    if(ret == 0)
        int count = 0;
        ret = job_test(tmp_id, &count, NULL, &status1, -1, context);
        if(ret < 0)
            fprintf(stderr, "job_test() failure.\n");

    /* check status */
    if(status1.error_code != 0)
        fprintf(stderr, "job failure.\n");

    /* check the size */
    if(status1.actual_size != sizeof(struct ack_foo))
        fprintf(stderr, "short recv.\n");

    /* free memory buffers */
    BMI_memfree(server_addr, req, sizeof(struct request_foo),
    BMI_memfree(server_addr, ack, sizeof(struct ack_foo),

    /* shut down the interfaces */

Пример #9
int main(int argc, char **argv)	

	int ret = -1;
	struct ack_foo* ack = NULL;
	job_status_s status1;
	struct BMI_unexpected_info req_info;
	job_id_t job_id;
	int outcount;
	job_id_t tmp_id;
	job_context_id context;

	/* set debugging level */
	gossip_set_debug_mask(0, 0);

	/* start the BMI interface */
	ret = BMI_initialize("bmi_tcp", "tcp://NULL:3414", BMI_INIT_SERVER);
	if(ret < 0)
		fprintf(stderr, "BMI_initialize failure.\n");

	ret = trove_initialize(
	    TROVE_METHOD_DBPF, NULL, "/tmp/pvfs2-test-space", 0);
	if(ret < 0)
		fprintf(stderr, "trove_initialize failure.\n");

	/* start the flow interface */
	ret = PINT_flow_initialize("flowproto_multiqueue", 0);
	if(ret < 0)
		fprintf(stderr, "flow_init failure.\n");

	/* start the job interface */
	ret = job_initialize(0);
	if(ret < 0)
		fprintf(stderr, "job_initialize failure.\n");

	ret = job_open_context(&context);
	if(ret < 0)
		fprintf(stderr, "job_open_context() failure.\n");

	/* post a job for unexpected receive */
	ret = job_bmi_unexp(&req_info, NULL, 0, &status1, &job_id, 0, context);
	if(ret < 0)
		fprintf(stderr, "job_bmi_unexp() failure.\n");
	if(ret != 1)
#if 0
		/* exercise testworld() interface, block indefinitely */
		outcount = 1;
		ret = job_testworld(&job_id, &outcount, NULL, &status1, -1);
		if(ret < 0 || outcount == 0)
			fprintf(stderr, "job_testworld() failure.\n");

		/* alternatively, try out the testsome interface */
		outcount = 1;
		ret = job_testsome(&job_id, &outcount, &foo, NULL, &status1, -1);
		if(ret < 0 || outcount == 0)
			fprintf(stderr, "job_testsome() failure.\n");

		/* ... or maybe even give job_test() a whirl */
		ret = job_test(job_id, &outcount, NULL, &status1, 5000, context);
		if(ret < 0 || outcount == 0)
			fprintf(stderr, "job_test() failure.\n");


	/* check status */
	if(status1.error_code != 0)
		fprintf(stderr, "Bad status in unexp recv.\n");

	/* allocate a buffer for the ack */
	ack = BMI_memalloc(req_info.addr, sizeof(struct ack_foo),
		fprintf(stderr, "BMI_memalloc failure.\n");

	/* send a message */
	ret = job_bmi_send(req_info.addr, ack, sizeof(struct ack_foo),
		0, BMI_PRE_ALLOC, 0, NULL, 0, &status1, &tmp_id, context,
	if(ret < 0)
		fprintf(stderr, "job_bmi_send() failure.\n");
	if(ret == 0)
		int count = 0;
		ret = job_test(tmp_id, &count, NULL, &status1, -1, context);
		if(ret < 0)
			fprintf(stderr, "job_test() failure.\n");

	/* check status */
	if(status1.error_code != 0)
		fprintf(stderr, "job failure.\n");

	BMI_memfree(req_info.addr, ack, sizeof(struct ack_foo), BMI_RECV);
	BMI_unexpected_free(req_info.addr, req_info.buffer);

	/* shut down the interfaces */
