Пример #1
void testFuncCallOp() {
    qDebug() << "Testing GpxFile::operator()";

    GpxFile gpx("data/test1.gpx");
    assert(gpx(0).elevation() == 50);
    assert(gpx(1).elevation() == 55);
    assert(gpx(2).elevation() == 60);
    qDebug() << "GpxFile::operator() tests passed";
Пример #2
int main() {

    GpxFile gpx("data/quandry.gpx");

    qDebug() << "Total distance: " << meter2mile(gpx.length()) << " miles";
    qDebug() << "Total duration: " << formatDuration(gpx.duration());
    qDebug() << "Max speed: " << meterPerSecond2MilePerHour(gpx.maxSpeed()) << " mph";
    qDebug() << "Average speed: " << meterPerSecond2MilePerHour(gpx.averageSpeed()) << " mph";

    qDebug() << "\nNumber of segments: " << gpx.segmentCount();

    for (int i=0; i<gpx.segmentCount(); ++i) {
        qDebug() << "Segment " << (i+1) << " has " <<
            gpx[i].pointCount() << " points, "
            "length " << meter2mile(gpx[i].length()) << " miles, "
            "duration " << formatDuration(gpx[i].duration()) <<
            "max speed of " << meterPerSecond2MilePerHour(gpx[i].maxSpeed()) << " mph, "
            "and average speed of " << meterPerSecond2MilePerHour(gpx[i].averageSpeed()) << " mph";



    qDebug() << "All tests passed.";
    return 0;
Пример #3
void testMerge() {
    qDebug() << "Testing track merge";

    QStringList tom = QStringList() << "ACTIVE LOG #2" << "ACTIVE LOG #3" << "ACTIVE LOG #4";
    GpxFile gpx("data/test2.gpx");
    assert(gpx.segmentCount() == 3);
    assert(gpx[0].name() == "ACTIVE LOG #2");
    assert(gpx[1].name() == "ACTIVE LOG #3");
    int ptCount = gpx.pointCount();

    assert(gpx.segmentCount() == 1);
    assert(gpx[0].name() == "ACTIVE LOG #2");
    assert(gpx.pointCount() == ptCount);
    qDebug() << "Track merge tests passed";
    QString tmp;
    qDebug() << tmp;
Пример #4
void ConstructA_CG2(const mesh& Mesh, FullMatrix& A)
  const int NumPhysElems = Mesh.get_NumPhysElems();
  const int NumBndNodes  = Mesh.get_SubNumBndNodes();
  const int Asize = Mesh.get_SubNumPhysNodes();

  dTensor1 A1(6);
  dTensor1 A2(6);
  dTensor1 A3(6);
  dTensor1 A4(6);
  dTensor1 A5(6);
  dTensor1 A6(6);

  A1.set(1, -oneninth     );
  A1.set(2,  4.0*oneninth );
  A1.set(3, -oneninth     );
  A1.set(4,  4.0*oneninth );
  A1.set(5,  4.0*oneninth );
  A1.set(6, -oneninth     );
  A2.set(1, -onethird     );
  A2.set(2,  0.0          );
  A2.set(3,  onethird     );
  A2.set(4, -4.0*onethird );
  A2.set(5,  4.0*onethird );
  A2.set(6,  0.0          );
  A3.set(1, -onethird     );
  A3.set(2, -4.0*onethird );
  A3.set(3,  0.0          );
  A3.set(4,  0.0          );
  A3.set(5,  4.0*onethird );
  A3.set(6,  onethird     );
  A4.set(1,  4.0          );
  A4.set(2, -4.0          );
  A4.set(3,  0.0          );
  A4.set(4, -4.0          );
  A4.set(5,  4.0          );
  A4.set(6,  0.0          );

  A5.set(1,  2.0          );
  A5.set(2, -4.0          );
  A5.set(3,  2.0          );
  A5.set(4,  0.0          );
  A5.set(5,  0.0          );
  A5.set(6,  0.0          );
  A6.set(1,  2.0          );
  A6.set(2,  0.0          );
  A6.set(3,  0.0          );
  A6.set(4, -4.0          );
  A6.set(5,  0.0          );
  A6.set(6,  2.0          );

  dTensor2 spts(3,2);
  spts.set(1,1,  1.0/3.0 );
  spts.set(1,2, -1.0/6.0 );
  spts.set(2,1, -1.0/6.0 );
  spts.set(2,2, -1.0/6.0 );
  spts.set(3,1, -1.0/6.0 );
  spts.set(3,2,  1.0/3.0 );
  dTensor1 wgts(3);
  wgts.set(1, 1.0/6.0 );
  wgts.set(2, 1.0/6.0 );
  wgts.set(3, 1.0/6.0 );
  // Loop over all elements in the mesh
  for (int i=1; i<=NumPhysElems; i++)
      // Information for element i
      iTensor1 tt(6);
      for (int k=1; k<=6; k++)
	{  tt.set(k, Mesh.get_node_subs(i,k) );  }
      // Evaluate gradients of the Lagrange polynomials on Gauss quadrature points      
      dTensor2 gpx(6,3);
      dTensor2 gpy(6,3);
      for (int m=1; m<=3; m++)
	  double  xi = spts.get(m,1);
	  double eta = spts.get(m,2);
	  for (int k=1; k<=6; k++)
	      double gp_xi  = A2.get(k) + 2.0*A5.get(k)*xi + A4.get(k)*eta;
	      double gp_eta = A3.get(k) + A4.get(k)*xi + 2.0*A6.get(k)*eta;

	      gpx.set(k,m, Mesh.get_jmat(i,1,1)*gp_xi
		         + Mesh.get_jmat(i,1,2)*gp_eta );
	      gpy.set(k,m, Mesh.get_jmat(i,2,1)*gp_xi
		         + Mesh.get_jmat(i,2,2)*gp_eta );

      // Entries of the stiffness matrix A
      double Area = Mesh.get_area_prim(i);
      for (int j=1; j<=6; j++)
	for (int k=1; k<=6; k++)
	    double tmp = A.get(tt.get(j),tt.get(k));
	    for (int m=1; m<=3; m++)
		tmp = tmp + 2.0*Area*wgts.get(m)*(gpx.get(j,m)*gpx.get(k,m)+gpy.get(j,m)*gpy.get(k,m));
	    A.set(tt.get(j),tt.get(k), tmp );

  // Replace boundary node equations by Dirichlet boundary condition enforcement
  for (int i=1; i<=NumBndNodes; i++)
      const int j=Mesh.get_sub_bnd_node(i);
      for (int k=1; k<=A.get_NumCols(); k++)
	  A.set(j,k, 0.0 );	  
      for (int k=1; k<=A.get_NumRows(); k++)
	  A.set(k,j, 0.0 );
      A.set(j,j, 1.0 );

  // Get sparse structure representation
Пример #5
void V800export::export_sessions(QList<QString> sessions, unsigned char mode)
    QSettings settings;
    QString default_dir = settings.value(tr("default_dir")).toString();

    for(int sessions_iter = 0; sessions_iter < sessions.length(); sessions_iter++)
        QStringList filters;
        filters << QString(tr("%1_*")).arg(sessions[sessions_iter]);

        QDir filter_dir(default_dir);

        int multi_sessions_iter;
        QStringList multi_sessions = filter_dir.entryList();
        for(multi_sessions_iter = 0; multi_sessions_iter < multi_sessions.length(); multi_sessions_iter++)
                emit export_session_error(sessions[sessions_iter], RENAME_ERROR);

            QString session_info(QString(tr("%1/%2/v2-users-0000000-training-sessions-%3")).arg(default_dir).arg(multi_sessions[multi_sessions_iter]).arg(multi_sessions[multi_sessions_iter]));
            polar::v2::TrainingSession parser(session_info);

            qDebug("Parser: %s", session_info.toUtf8().constData());

            parser.setTcxOption(polar::v2::TrainingSession::ForceTcxUTC, true);

                emit export_session_error(sessions[sessions_iter], PARSE_ERROR);

            if(mode & TCX_EXPORT)
                QString tcx(QString(tr("%1/%2.tcx")).arg(default_dir).arg(multi_sessions[multi_sessions_iter]));
                    emit export_session_error(sessions[sessions_iter], TCX_ERROR);

            if(mode & HRM_EXPORT)
                QString hrm(QString(tr("%1/%2")).arg(default_dir).arg(multi_sessions[multi_sessions_iter]));
                QStringList hrm_out = parser.writeHRM(hrm);
                if(hrm_out.length() < 1)
                    emit export_session_error(sessions[sessions_iter], HRM_ERROR);

            if(mode & GPX_EXPORT)
                QString gpx(QString(tr("%1/%2.gpx")).arg(default_dir).arg(multi_sessions[multi_sessions_iter]));
                    emit export_session_error(sessions[sessions_iter], GPX_ERROR);


        emit export_session_done(sessions_iter, sessions.length());

    emit export_sessions_done();