Foam::tmp<Foam::GeometricField<Type, Foam::fvsPatchField, Foam::surfaceMesh> > Foam::linearUpwind<Type>::correction ( const GeometricField<Type, fvPatchField, volMesh>& vf ) const { const fvMesh& mesh = this->mesh(); tmp<GeometricField<Type, fvsPatchField, surfaceMesh> > tsfCorr ( new GeometricField<Type, fvsPatchField, surfaceMesh> ( IOobject ( "linearUpwind::correction(" + + ')', mesh.time().timeName(), mesh, IOobject::NO_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE, false ), mesh, dimensioned<Type>(, vf.dimensions(), pTraits<Type>::zero) ) ); GeometricField<Type, fvsPatchField, surfaceMesh>& sfCorr = tsfCorr(); const surfaceScalarField& faceFlux = this->faceFlux_; const labelList& owner = mesh.owner(); const labelList& neighbour = mesh.neighbour(); const volVectorField& C = mesh.C(); const surfaceVectorField& Cf = mesh.Cf(); tmp < GeometricField < typename outerProduct<vector, Type>::type, fvPatchField, volMesh > > tgradVf = gradScheme_().grad(vf, gradSchemeName_); const GeometricField < typename outerProduct<vector, Type>::type, fvPatchField, volMesh >& gradVf = tgradVf(); forAll(faceFlux, facei) { label celli = (faceFlux[facei] > 0) ? owner[facei] : neighbour[facei]; sfCorr[facei] = (Cf[facei] - C[celli]) & gradVf[celli]; }
Foam::tmp<Foam::GeometricField<Type, Foam::fvsPatchField, Foam::surfaceMesh> > Foam::linearUpwindV<Type>::correction ( const GeometricField<Type, fvPatchField, volMesh>& vf ) const { const fvMesh& mesh = this->mesh(); tmp<GeometricField<Type, fvsPatchField, surfaceMesh> > tsfCorr ( new GeometricField<Type, fvsPatchField, surfaceMesh> ( IOobject (, mesh.time().timeName(), mesh ), mesh, dimensioned<Type> (, vf.dimensions(), pTraits<Type>::zero ) ) ); GeometricField<Type, fvsPatchField, surfaceMesh>& sfCorr = tsfCorr(); const surfaceScalarField& faceFlux = this->faceFlux_; const surfaceScalarField& w = mesh.weights(); const labelList& own = mesh.owner(); const labelList& nei = mesh.neighbour(); const vectorField& C = mesh.C(); const vectorField& Cf = mesh.Cf(); GeometricField <typename outerProduct<vector, Type>::type, fvPatchField, volMesh> gradVf = gradScheme_().grad(vf); forAll(faceFlux, facei) { vector maxCorr; if (faceFlux[facei] > 0.0) { maxCorr = (1.0 - w[facei]) *(vf[nei[facei]] - vf[own[facei]]); sfCorr[facei] = (Cf[facei] - C[own[facei]]) & gradVf[own[facei]]; } else { maxCorr = w[facei]*(vf[own[facei]] - vf[nei[facei]]); sfCorr[facei] = (Cf[facei] - C[nei[facei]]) & gradVf[nei[facei]]; } scalar sfCorrs = magSqr(sfCorr[facei]); scalar maxCorrs = sfCorr[facei] & maxCorr; if (sfCorrs > 0) { if (maxCorrs < 0) { sfCorr[facei] = vector::zero; } else if (sfCorrs > maxCorrs) { sfCorr[facei] *= maxCorrs/(sfCorrs + VSMALL); } } else if (sfCorrs < 0) { if (maxCorrs > 0) { sfCorr[facei] = vector::zero; } else if (sfCorrs < maxCorrs) { sfCorr[facei] *= maxCorrs/(sfCorrs - VSMALL); } } }
Foam::tmp<Foam::GeometricField<Type, Foam::fvsPatchField, Foam::surfaceMesh> > Foam::linearUpwindV<Type>::correction ( const GeometricField<Type, fvPatchField, volMesh>& vf ) const { const fvMesh& mesh = this->mesh(); tmp<GeometricField<Type, fvsPatchField, surfaceMesh> > tsfCorr ( new GeometricField<Type, fvsPatchField, surfaceMesh> ( IOobject ( "linearUpwindCorrection(" + + ')', mesh.time().timeName(), mesh, IOobject::NO_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE, false ), mesh, dimensioned<Type>(, vf.dimensions(), pTraits<Type>::zero) ) ); GeometricField<Type, fvsPatchField, surfaceMesh>& sfCorr = tsfCorr(); const surfaceScalarField& faceFlux = this->faceFlux_; const surfaceScalarField& w = mesh.weights(); const labelList& own = mesh.owner(); const labelList& nei = mesh.neighbour(); const volVectorField& C = mesh.C(); const surfaceVectorField& Cf = mesh.Cf(); GeometricField <typename outerProduct<vector, Type>::type, fvPatchField, volMesh> gradVf = gradScheme_().grad(vf); // Note: in order for the patchNeighbourField to be correct on coupled // boundaries, correctBoundaryConditions needs to be called. // The call shall be moved into the library fvc operators gradVf.correctBoundaryConditions(); forAll(faceFlux, facei) { vector maxCorr; if (faceFlux[facei] > 0) { maxCorr = (1 - w[facei])*(vf[nei[facei]] - vf[own[facei]]); sfCorr[facei] = (Cf[facei] - C[own[facei]]) & gradVf[own[facei]]; } else { maxCorr = w[facei]*(vf[own[facei]] - vf[nei[facei]]); sfCorr[facei] = (Cf[facei] - C[nei[facei]]) & gradVf[nei[facei]]; } scalar sfCorrs = magSqr(sfCorr[facei]); scalar maxCorrs = sfCorr[facei] & maxCorr; if (sfCorrs > 0) { if (maxCorrs < 0) { sfCorr[facei] = vector::zero; } else if (sfCorrs > maxCorrs) { sfCorr[facei] *= maxCorrs/(sfCorrs + VSMALL); } } else if (sfCorrs < 0) { if (maxCorrs > 0) { sfCorr[facei] = vector::zero; } else if (sfCorrs < maxCorrs) { sfCorr[facei] *= maxCorrs/(sfCorrs - VSMALL); } } }