static void page_create( Page* pPage, int width, int height ) { SYS_VERIFY( rendertarget_create( &pPage->bgTarget, width, height, PixelFormat_R8G8B8A8 ) ); SYS_VERIFY( rendertarget_create( &pPage->fgTarget, width, height, PixelFormat_R8G8B8A8 ) ); SYS_VERIFY( rendertarget_create( &pPage->burnTarget, width, height, PixelFormat_R8G8B8A8 ) ); // render into render target: graphics_setRenderTarget( &pPage->bgTarget ); graphics_setBlendMode( BlendMode_Disabled ); // render paper: graphics_setShader( &s_renderer.paperShader ); graphics_setFp4f( 0u, float_rand(), float_rand(), 2.0f / width, 2.0f / height ); graphics_setVp4f( 0u, 32.0f, 18.0f, 0.4f, 0.3f ); graphics_setFsTexture(0,,SamplerState_MirrorU_MirrorV_Bilinear); graphics_drawFullscreenQuad(); // clear fg+burn target: graphics_setShader( 0 ); graphics_setRenderTarget( &pPage->fgTarget ); graphics_clear( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ); graphics_setRenderTarget( &pPage->burnTarget ); graphics_clear( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ); }
void game_showLevelIncrement() { char *buffer[9]; // level xx\0 Particle *particle = NULL; particle = particle_createNewParticle(); graphics_clear(); sprintf((void*)buffer, "LEVEL %d", game.level); font_print(0, 0, (void*)buffer, NULL); glFlush(); if (!level_increment_texture) { level_increment_texture = graphics_createTextureFromViewport(0, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 128, 128, 128); } else { graphics_adjustTextureFromViewport(0, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 128, 128, 128, level_increment_texture); } particle->texture = level_increment_texture; particle->alpha = 1.0f; particle->alpha_decay = -0.02f; particle->v_speed = 1.0f; particle->x = GRID_BLOCK_SIZE + ((GRID_BLOCK_SIZE * GRID_WIDTH) / 2) - 32; particle->y = GRID_BLOCK_SIZE + ((GRID_BLOCK_SIZE * GRID_HEIGHT) / 2) - 64; particle_createNewCollection(particle); }
// creates some particles to show score incrememnts void game_showScoreIncrement(int line, int increment) { int i; char buffer[5]; Particle *first = NULL; Particle *current = NULL; for (i = 0; i < GRID_WIDTH; i++) { if (first == NULL) { // if we dont have any particles yet first = particle_createNewParticle(); current = first; graphics_clear(); // clear the back buffer // create the texture for the increments // TODO: adjust for adjustable resolution if (!score_increment_texture) { sprintf(buffer, "+%d", increment); font_print(0, 0, buffer, NULL); // put the text into the back buffer glFlush(); score_increment_texture = graphics_createTextureFromViewport(0, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 128, 128, 128); } else { if (increment != previous_increment) { sprintf(buffer, "+%d", increment); font_print(0, 0, buffer, NULL); // put the text into the back buffer glFlush(); graphics_adjustTextureFromViewport(0, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 128, 128, 128, score_increment_texture); } } current->texture = score_increment_texture; } else { // if we're adding to already existing current->next = particle_createNewParticle(); current = current->next; current->texture = first->texture; } // set some initial particle states current->alpha = 0.8f; current->alpha_decay = -((_random(2) + 1) * 0.01); current->v_speed = -((_random(10) + 1) * 0.1); current->x = 20 + (GRID_BLOCK_SIZE * i); current->y = (GRID_BLOCK_SIZE/2) + (GRID_BLOCK_SIZE * line); } // add to the collection particle_createNewCollection(first); previous_increment = increment; }
// Expects errorhandler at index 1 void pcall(lua_State *state, int nargs) { if(lua_pcall(state, nargs, 0, 1)) { char const *msg = lua_tostring(state, -1); printf("Lua error: %s\n", msg); graphics_Font font; graphics_setBackgroundColor(0.64f, 0.27f, 0.26f, 1.0f); graphics_clear(); graphics_setColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.8f); graphics_Font_new(&font, 0, 12); graphics_Font_render(&font, msg, 10, 40, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); graphics_swap(); #ifdef EMSCRIPTEN emscripten_force_exit(1); #else exit(1); #endif } }
int main(int argc, char ** argv) { graphics_open(100,100); int x, j; for (j = 0; j < 10; ++j) { for (x = 0; x < 100; ++x) { graphics_clear(); graphics_circle_fill(x, 50, 5, 255, 0, 0); graphics_update(); msleep(10); } } graphics_close(); return 0; }
void graphics_scrollup( struct graphics *g, int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t w, int32_t h, int32_t dy ) { int j; w = MIN(g->clip.w-x,w); h = MIN(g->clip.h-y,h); x += g->clip.x; y += g->clip.y; if(dy>h) dy=h; for(j=0;j<(h-dy);j++) { memcpy( &g->bitmap->data[((y+j)*g->bitmap->width+x)*3], &g->bitmap->data[((y+j+dy)*g->bitmap->width+x)*3], w*3 ); } graphics_clear(g,x,y+h-dy,w,dy); }
void main_loop(void *data) { MainLoopData* loopData = (MainLoopData*)data; // TODO use registry to get love.update and love.draw? chdir("love"); timer_step(); graphics_clear(); matrixstack_origin(); lua_rawgeti(loopData->luaState, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, loopData->errhand); lua_getglobal(loopData->luaState, "love"); lua_pushstring(loopData->luaState, "update"); lua_rawget(loopData->luaState, -2); lua_pushnumber(loopData->luaState, timer_getDelta()); pcall(loopData->luaState, 1); lua_pushstring(loopData->luaState, "draw"); lua_rawget(loopData->luaState, -2); pcall(loopData->luaState, 0); graphics_DisplayState curState = *graphics_getState(); matrixstack_push(); mouse_cursor_draw(); matrixstack_pop(); graphics_setState(&curState); graphics_swap(); lua_pop(loopData->luaState, 1); SDL_Event event; while(SDL_PollEvent(&event)) { switch(event.type) { case SDL_KEYDOWN: keyboard_keypressed(event.key.keysym.sym); break; case SDL_KEYUP: keyboard_keyreleased(event.key.keysym.sym); break; case SDL_TEXTINPUT: keyboard_textInput(event.text.text); break; case SDL_MOUSEMOTION: mouse_mousemoved(event.motion.x, event.motion.y); break; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: mouse_mousepressed(event.button.x, event.button.y, event.button.button); break; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP: mouse_mousereleased(event.button.x, event.button.y, event.button.button); break; case SDL_JOYDEVICEADDED: joystick_deviceAdded(event.jdevice.which); break; case SDL_JOYDEVICEREMOVED: joystick_deviceRemoved(event.jdevice.which); break; case SDL_JOYBUTTONUP: joystick_buttonReleased(event.jbutton.which, event.jbutton.button); break; case SDL_JOYBUTTONDOWN: joystick_buttonPressed(event.jbutton.which, event.jbutton.button); break; case SDL_JOYAXISMOTION: joystick_axisEvent(event.jaxis.which, event.jaxis.axis, event.jaxis.value); break; case SDL_CONTROLLERBUTTONUP: joystick_controllerButtonReleased(event.jbutton.which, event.jbutton.button); break; case SDL_CONTROLLERBUTTONDOWN: joystick_controllerButtonPressed(event.jbutton.which, event.jbutton.button); break; case SDL_CONTROLLERAXISMOTION: joystick_controllerAxisEvent(event.jaxis.which, event.jaxis.axis, event.jaxis.value); break; #ifndef EMSCRIPTEN case SDL_QUIT: exit(0); #endif } } audio_updateStreams(); //lua_gc(loopData->luaState, LUA_GCCOLLECT, 0); }
static void console_reset() { xpos = ypos = 0; graphics_clear(bgcolor); }
// render stuff void display_update() { int gx, gy; char buffer[20]; char time_buffer[8]; Particle *current_particle = NULL; ParticleCollection *current_collection = NULL; SDL_Color grid_color; // TODO: make grid color settable grid_color.r = 255; grid_color.g = 255; grid_color.b = 255; graphics_clear(); // draw texture for the grid if (grid) { graphics_drawGrid(20, 0, GRID_BLOCK_SIZE, GRID_WIDTH, GRID_HEIGHT, &grid_color); } // draw grid if (grid && block_texture) { for (gy = 0; gy < GRID_HEIGHT; gy++) { // TODO: cater for realtime grid width/height settings for (gx = 0; gx < GRID_WIDTH; gx++) { // red if (*(grid->data + gx + (gy * GRID_WIDTH)) == 1) { graphics_drawTextureScaled(20 + (GRID_BLOCK_SIZE * gx), 0 + (GRID_BLOCK_SIZE * gy), GRID_BLOCK_SIZE, GRID_BLOCK_SIZE, red_block_texture); } // green if (*(grid->data + gx + (gy * GRID_WIDTH)) == 2) { graphics_drawTextureScaled(20 + (GRID_BLOCK_SIZE * gx), 0 + (GRID_BLOCK_SIZE * gy), GRID_BLOCK_SIZE, GRID_BLOCK_SIZE, green_block_texture); } // blue if (*(grid->data + gx + (gy * GRID_WIDTH)) == 3) { graphics_drawTextureScaled(20 + (GRID_BLOCK_SIZE * gx), 0 + (GRID_BLOCK_SIZE * gy), GRID_BLOCK_SIZE, GRID_BLOCK_SIZE, blue_block_texture); } // orange if (*(grid->data + gx + (gy * GRID_WIDTH)) == 4) { graphics_drawTextureScaled(20 + (GRID_BLOCK_SIZE * gx), 0 + (GRID_BLOCK_SIZE * gy), GRID_BLOCK_SIZE, GRID_BLOCK_SIZE, orange_block_texture); } // yellow if (*(grid->data + gx + (gy * GRID_WIDTH)) == 5) { graphics_drawTextureScaled(20 + (GRID_BLOCK_SIZE * gx), 0 + (GRID_BLOCK_SIZE * gy), GRID_BLOCK_SIZE, GRID_BLOCK_SIZE, yellow_block_texture); } // cyan if (*(grid->data + gx + (gy * GRID_WIDTH)) == 6) { graphics_drawTextureScaled(20 + (GRID_BLOCK_SIZE * gx), 0 + (GRID_BLOCK_SIZE * gy), GRID_BLOCK_SIZE, GRID_BLOCK_SIZE, cyan_block_texture); } // purple if (*(grid->data + gx + (gy * GRID_WIDTH)) == 7) { graphics_drawTextureScaled(20 + (GRID_BLOCK_SIZE * gx), 0 + (GRID_BLOCK_SIZE * gy), GRID_BLOCK_SIZE, GRID_BLOCK_SIZE, purple_block_texture); } } } } // draw tetromino if (block_texture && current_tetromino) { for (gy = 0; gy < 4; gy++) { // TODO: cater for realtime grid width/height settings for (gx = 0; gx < 4; gx++) { // red if (*(current_tetromino->data+gx+(4*gy)) == 1) { graphics_drawTextureScaled(20 + (GRID_BLOCK_SIZE * gx) + (GRID_BLOCK_SIZE * current_tetromino->x), 0 + (GRID_BLOCK_SIZE * gy) + (GRID_BLOCK_SIZE * current_tetromino->y), GRID_BLOCK_SIZE, GRID_BLOCK_SIZE, red_block_texture); } // green if (*(current_tetromino->data+gx+(4*gy)) == 2) { graphics_drawTextureScaled(20 + (GRID_BLOCK_SIZE * gx) + (GRID_BLOCK_SIZE * current_tetromino->x), 0 + (GRID_BLOCK_SIZE * gy) + (GRID_BLOCK_SIZE * current_tetromino->y), GRID_BLOCK_SIZE, GRID_BLOCK_SIZE, green_block_texture); } // blue if (*(current_tetromino->data+gx+(4*gy)) == 3) { graphics_drawTextureScaled(20 + (GRID_BLOCK_SIZE * gx) + (GRID_BLOCK_SIZE * current_tetromino->x), 0 + (GRID_BLOCK_SIZE * gy) + (GRID_BLOCK_SIZE * current_tetromino->y), GRID_BLOCK_SIZE, GRID_BLOCK_SIZE, blue_block_texture); } // orange if (*(current_tetromino->data+gx+(4*gy)) == 4) { graphics_drawTextureScaled(20 + (GRID_BLOCK_SIZE * gx) + (GRID_BLOCK_SIZE * current_tetromino->x), 0 + (GRID_BLOCK_SIZE * gy) + (GRID_BLOCK_SIZE * current_tetromino->y), GRID_BLOCK_SIZE, GRID_BLOCK_SIZE, orange_block_texture); } // yellow if (*(current_tetromino->data+gx+(4*gy)) == 5) { graphics_drawTextureScaled(20 + (GRID_BLOCK_SIZE * gx) + (GRID_BLOCK_SIZE * current_tetromino->x), 0 + (GRID_BLOCK_SIZE * gy) + (GRID_BLOCK_SIZE * current_tetromino->y), GRID_BLOCK_SIZE, GRID_BLOCK_SIZE, yellow_block_texture); } // cyan if (*(current_tetromino->data+gx+(4*gy)) == 6) { graphics_drawTextureScaled(20 + (GRID_BLOCK_SIZE * gx) + (GRID_BLOCK_SIZE * current_tetromino->x), 0 + (GRID_BLOCK_SIZE * gy) + (GRID_BLOCK_SIZE * current_tetromino->y), GRID_BLOCK_SIZE, GRID_BLOCK_SIZE, cyan_block_texture); } // purple if (*(current_tetromino->data+gx+(4*gy)) == 7) { graphics_drawTextureScaled(20 + (GRID_BLOCK_SIZE * gx) + (GRID_BLOCK_SIZE * current_tetromino->x), 0 + (GRID_BLOCK_SIZE * gy) + (GRID_BLOCK_SIZE * current_tetromino->y), GRID_BLOCK_SIZE, GRID_BLOCK_SIZE, purple_block_texture); } } } } // draw text font_print(280, 35, "SCORE", NULL); sprintf(buffer, "%d", game.score); font_print(280, 55, buffer, NULL); font_print(280, 75, "TIME", NULL); game_getTime(time_buffer); font_print(280, 95, time_buffer, NULL); font_print(280, 115, "LEVEL", NULL); sprintf(buffer, "%d", game.level); font_print(280, 135, buffer, NULL); font_print(280, 155, "LINES", NULL); sprintf(buffer, "%d", game.lines); font_print(280, 175, buffer, NULL); // render any particles if they're not currently being modified if (SDL_SemTryWait(sem) == 0) { current_collection = particle_getActiveCollections(); if (current_collection) { while (current_collection) { current_particle = current_collection->first; while (current_particle) { glColor4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, current_particle->alpha); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE); glEnable(GL_BLEND); graphics_drawTexture(current_particle->x, current_particle->y, current_particle->texture); glDisable(GL_BLEND); current_particle = current_particle->next; } current_collection = current_collection->next; } } SDL_SemPost(sem); } // draw the menu if its needed if (ui_isMenuVisible()) { if (grid && current_tetromino) { ui_drawMainMenu(MENU_IN_GAME); } else { ui_drawMainMenu(MENU_MAIN); } } SDL_GL_SwapBuffers(); }
void renderer_flipPage() { // if( s_renderer.flipTime >= 0.0f ) { //SYS_TRACE_WARNING( "starting page flip while another flip is still active!\n" ); } s_renderer.lastPage = s_renderer.currentPage; s_renderer.currentPage = 1 - s_renderer.currentPage; //s_renderer.currentStroke.pDefinition = 0; s_renderer.currentCommand = 0u; clearStrokeBuffer( &s_renderer.strokeBuffer ); setPageState( PageState_BeforeDraw ); Page* pPage = &s_renderer.pages[ s_renderer.currentPage ]; // clear current page: graphics_setRenderTarget( &pPage->fgTarget ); graphics_setBlendMode( BlendMode_Disabled ); graphics_setShader( 0 ); // graphics_clear( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ); graphics_setRenderTarget( &pPage->burnTarget ); graphics_clear( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ); for( uint i = 0u; i < SYS_COUNTOF(s_renderer.burnHoles); ++i ) { if( s_renderer.burnHoles[i].size>=0.0f) { // SYS_TRACE_DEBUG("bh[%i]=%f\n", i, s_renderer.burnHoles[i].size); drawBurnHole( &s_renderer.burnHoles[i] ); s_renderer.burnHoles[i].size -= 0.1f; } } if( s_renderer.flipDuration > 0.0f ) { s_renderer.flipTime = 0.0f; } else { // flip instantly: s_renderer.flipTime = -1.0f; } s_renderer.pageNumber++; float oldVariance=s_renderer.currentVariance; s_renderer.currentVariance=0.0f; renderer_setPen(Pen_PageNumber); // add the page number; float2 textPos; float2_set(&textPos,1.0f,1.0f); char numberText[16u]; sprintf(numberText,"%i",s_renderer.pageNumber); font_drawText(&textPos,0.5f,0.0f,numberText); renderer_flush(); s_renderer.currentVariance=oldVariance; //font_ }
void main_loop(void *data) { MainLoopData* loopData = (MainLoopData*)data; timer_step(); lua_rawgeti(loopData->luaState, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, loopData->errhand); lua_getglobal(loopData->luaState, "love"); lua_pushstring(loopData->luaState, "update"); lua_rawget(loopData->luaState, -2); lua_pushnumber(loopData->luaState, timer_getDelta()); if (swap_At == 1){ if(luaL_dofile(loopData->luaState, "main.lua")) { printf("Error: %s\n", lua_tostring(loopData->luaState, -1)); } } if(lua_pcall(loopData->luaState, 1, 0, 0)) { printf("Lua error: %s\n", lua_tostring(loopData->luaState, -1)); #ifdef EMSCRIPTEN quit_function(loopData->luaState); emscripten_force_exit(1); #else exit(1); #endif } graphics_clear(); lua_pushstring(loopData->luaState, "draw"); lua_rawget(loopData->luaState, -2); if(lua_pcall(loopData->luaState, 0, 0, 0)) { printf("Lua error: %s\n", lua_tostring(loopData->luaState, -1)); #ifdef EMSCRIPTEN quit_function(loopData->luaState); emscripten_force_exit(1); l_running = 0; #else l_running = 0; #endif } graphics_swap(); // silly hack for love.event.quit() #ifdef WINDOWS event_force_quit = graphics_stop_windows(); if(!event_force_quit) l_running = 0; #endif //This will affect only Windows users // lua_pop(loopData->luaState, 1); #ifdef UNIX SDL_Event event; while(SDL_PollEvent(&event)) { if (event.type == SDL_WINDOWEVENT) { switch (event.window.event) { case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_ENTER: graphics_setMouseFocus(1); break; case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_LEAVE: graphics_setMouseFocus(0); break; case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_FOCUS_LOST: graphics_setFocus(0); break; case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_FOCUS_GAINED: graphics_setFocus(1); break; default: break; } } switch(event.wheel.type) { case SDL_MOUSEWHEEL: mouse_mousewheel(event.wheel.y); int _what = event.wheel.y == 1 ? SDL_BUTTON_WHEEL_UP : SDL_BUTTON_WHEEL_DOWN; mouse_mousepressed(event.button.x, event.button.y, _what); break; default: break; } switch(event.type) { case SDL_KEYDOWN: keyboard_keypressed(event.key.keysym.sym); break; case SDL_KEYUP: keyboard_keyreleased(event.key.keysym.sym); break; case SDL_TEXTINPUT: keyboard_textInput(event.text.text); break; case SDL_MOUSEMOTION: mouse_mousemoved(event.motion.x, event.motion.y); break; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: mouse_mousepressed(event.button.x, event.button.y, event.button.button); break; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP: mouse_mousereleased(event.button.x, event.button.y, event.button.button); break; #ifndef EMSCRIPTEN case SDL_QUIT: quit_function(loopData->luaState); l_running = 0; #endif } } #endif }
void game_render(SDL_Surface* sf) { graphics_clear(sf); raycast_render(sf, &player, &m); }
gboolean start_new_game (gchar *game_filename, gchar *graphics_filename, gchar *splash_filename, gchar *music_filename, gchar *hints_filename) { const gchar *filters[] = { "Magnetic Scrolls data file (*.mag)", "*.mag", NULL }; if (!game_filename) game_filename = file_selector (FALSE, NULL, filters, "Open game file"); if (!game_filename) return TRUE; stop_main_loop (); if (ms_is_running ()) { ms_stop (); ms_freemem (); } stop_recording (TRUE); stop_scripting (TRUE); stop_replaying (TRUE); if (!graphics_filename) graphics_filename = change_file_extension (game_filename, "gfx"); if (!splash_filename) splash_filename = change_file_extension (game_filename, "png"); if (!music_filename) music_filename = change_file_extension (game_filename, "mp3"); if (!hints_filename) hints_filename = change_file_extension (game_filename, "hnt"); display_splash_screen (splash_filename, music_filename); text_clear (); graphics_clear (); hints_clear (); if (applicationExiting) return FALSE; if (!ms_init ((type8s *) game_filename, (type8s *) graphics_filename, (type8s *) hints_filename), NULL) { GtkWidget *error; gchar *basename; basename = g_path_get_basename (game_filename); error = gtk_message_dialog_new ( GTK_WINDOW (Gui.main_window), GTK_DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR, GTK_BUTTONS_OK, "Could not start the game! The most likely cause is\n" "that '%s' is not a valid game file.", basename); gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (error)); g_free (basename); gtk_widget_destroy (error); } else start_main_loop (); g_free (game_filename); g_free (graphics_filename); g_free (splash_filename); g_free (music_filename); g_free (hints_filename); gtk_widget_grab_focus (Gui.text_view); return TRUE; }