Пример #1
void BTreeBuilder::buildUnbalanced(
    ByteInputStream &sortedInputStream,
    RecordNum nEntriesTotal,
    double fillFactor)
    // TODO:  common fcn
    // calculate amount of space to reserve on each leaf from fillfactor
    uint cbReserved = getSegment()->getUsablePageSize() - sizeof(BTreeNode);
    cbReserved = uint(cbReserved*(1-fillFactor));

    // start with just a leaf level
    BTreeBuildLevel &level = getLevel(0);
    level.cbReserved = cbReserved;
    level.nEntriesTotal = nEntriesTotal;

    // NOTE:  It's important to realize that growTree() could be called inside
    // this loop, so it's necessary to recompute levels.size() after each
    // iteration.
    for (uint i = 0; i < levels.size(); ++i) {
        BTreeBuildLevel &level = getLevel(i);

Пример #2
void HeapPriorityQueue::enqueue(string value) {
    //Create new node with the value as the word.
    string* newWord = new string(value);
     * Insert node into tree.
    //If there's no other elements, this element becomes the root
        root = newWord;
    //For all other cases:
        //Find next empty spot and insert:
        elements[size() + 1] = newWord;
        //Swap with parent nodes as needed until tree is valid again.
        bubbleUp(elements[size() + 1], size() + 1, elements);
    //Increment the total.
    total ++;
    //If necessary, grow the tree.
    if(total == length){
Пример #3
//Função recurssiva que constroi árvore e cria novas threads, de forma a calcular o resultado
void * NewSpawnTree (void * l)
    leaf L = (leaf) l; // Faz casting

    //Confere se pode e/ou nescessita crescimento da árvore
    if( ( L->posVet < L->T->sizeVetCalories) &&
            ( L->prevSum < L->T->idealDist ) &&
            ( L->T->FLAG == TRUE ) )
        growTree(L); // Aloca novas posições
        int flag = 0;

        //Inicio seção crítica
        pthread_mutex_lock(&L->T->numThreadsLock); // Tranca mutex
        if(L->T->numThreads < L->T->maxNumThreads)
            L->T->numThreads ++;
            flag = 1;
        pthread_mutex_unlock(&L->T->numThreadsLock); // Libera mutex

        if(flag)// Confere possibilidade de criar nova thread
            pthread_t NAO;
            (void) pthread_create(&NAO, NULL, NewSpawnTree, (void *) L->nao);
            (*NewSpawnTree)((void *) L->sim); // Utilizando o ponteiro da função HAHA
            pthread_join(NAO, NULL);

        else // Caso Nova thread não possa ser criada, faz de maneira funcional mesmo

        //Seção crítica
        pthread_mutex_lock(&L->T->numThreadsLock); // Tranca Mutex
        L->T->numThreads -= (1+flag);
        pthread_mutex_unlock(&L->T->numThreadsLock); // Libera Mutex

    else if( L->prevSum  == L->T->idealDist ) // Confere se resultado já foi encontrado
        //Seção crítica
        pthread_mutex_lock(&L->T->flagLock);// Tranca Mutex
        L->T->FLAG = 0;
        pthread_mutex_unlock(&L->T->flagLock); // Libera Mutex
    return 0;
//void AssociationTree::solve(std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> > & _pairs, std::vector<unsigned int> &  _unassoc)
void AssociationTree::solve(std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> > & _pairs, std::vector<bool> & _associated_mask)
    std::list<AssociationNode*>::iterator best_node;
    bool rootReached = false;
    AssociationNode *anPtr;
    //grows tree exploring all likely hypothesis
    //computes tree probs
    //normalizes tree probs

    //if terminus_node_list_ is empty exit withou pairing
    if ( terminus_node_list_.empty() ) return;
    //choose best node based on best tree probability
    //resize _associated_mask and resets it to false

    //set pairs
    anPtr = *best_node; //init pointer
    int ii=0;
    while( ! anPtr->isRoot() ) //set pairs
//         if ( anPtr->getTargetIndex() == nt_) //detection with void target -> unassociated detection
//         {
//             _unassoc.push_back(anPtr->getDetectionIndex());
//         }
//         else
//         {
//             _pairs.push_back( std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>(anPtr->getDetectionIndex(), anPtr->getTargetIndex()) );
//         }
        if ( anPtr->getTargetIndex() < nt_ ) //association pair
            _associated_mask.at(anPtr->getDetectionIndex()) = true; 
            _pairs.push_back( std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>(anPtr->getDetectionIndex(), anPtr->getTargetIndex()) );
        anPtr = anPtr->upNodePtr();
Пример #5
// Função seta todos os parametros iniciais de uma nova árvore, incluindo os mutex e o máximo de threads
tree initTree(int idealDist, int * Vet, int sizeVet, int maxNumThreads)
    tree T = malloc( sizeof (*T) ); // Aloca espaço da árvore
    T->vetCalories = malloc(sizeVet * sizeof(int)); // Aloca Espaço das folhas da árvore

    //Seta parametros
    T->sizeVetCalories = sizeVet;
    T->idealDist = idealDist;
    T->FLAG = TRUE;
    T->numThreads = 0;
    T->maxNumThreads = maxNumThreads;

    //Inicializa os Mutex
    pthread_mutex_init(&T->flagLock, NULL);
    pthread_mutex_init(&T->numThreadsLock, NULL);

    //Seta valores do vetor de calorias
    int cont;
    for(cont=0; cont<sizeVet; cont++)
        T->vetCalories[cont] = Vet[cont];

    //Aloca e seta parametros no topo da árvore
    T->topo = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
    T->topo->prevSum = 0;
    T->topo->val = 0;
    T->topo->posVet = -1;
    T->topo->sim = NULL;
    T->topo->nao = NULL;
    T->topo->T = T;

    //Aloca 2 novas folhas (Sim e Não) para crescimento da árvore

    return T; // retorna essa árvore
Пример #6
ompl::base::PlannerStatus ompl::geometric::RRTConnect::solve(const base::PlannerTerminationCondition &ptc)
    base::GoalSampleableRegion *goal = dynamic_cast<base::GoalSampleableRegion*>(pdef_->getGoal().get());

    if (!goal)
        logError("Unknown type of goal (or goal undefined)");
        return base::PlannerStatus::UNRECOGNIZED_GOAL_TYPE;

    while (const base::State *st = pis_.nextStart())
        Motion *motion = new Motion(si_);
        si_->copyState(motion->state, st);
        motion->root = motion->state;

    if (tStart_->size() == 0)
        logError("Motion planning start tree could not be initialized!");
        return base::PlannerStatus::INVALID_START;

    if (!goal->couldSample())
        logError("Insufficient states in sampleable goal region");
        return base::PlannerStatus::INVALID_GOAL;

    if (!sampler_)
        sampler_ = si_->allocStateSampler();

    logInform("Starting with %d states", (int)(tStart_->size() + tGoal_->size()));

    TreeGrowingInfo tgi;
    tgi.xstate = si_->allocState();

    Motion   *rmotion   = new Motion(si_);
    base::State *rstate = rmotion->state;
    bool startTree      = true;
    bool solved         = false;

    while (ptc() == false)
        TreeData &tree      = startTree ? tStart_ : tGoal_;
        tgi.start = startTree;
        startTree = !startTree;
        TreeData &otherTree = startTree ? tStart_ : tGoal_;

        if (tGoal_->size() == 0 || pis_.getSampledGoalsCount() < tGoal_->size() / 2)
            const base::State *st = tGoal_->size() == 0 ? pis_.nextGoal(ptc) : pis_.nextGoal();
            if (st)
                Motion* motion = new Motion(si_);
                si_->copyState(motion->state, st);
                motion->root = motion->state;

            if (tGoal_->size() == 0)
                logError("Unable to sample any valid states for goal tree");

        /* sample random state */

        GrowState gs = growTree(tree, tgi, rmotion);

        if (gs != TRAPPED)
            /* remember which motion was just added */
            Motion *addedMotion = tgi.xmotion;

            /* attempt to connect trees */

            /* if reached, it means we used rstate directly, no need top copy again */
            if (gs != REACHED)
                si_->copyState(rstate, tgi.xstate);

            GrowState gsc = ADVANCED;
            tgi.start = startTree;
            while (gsc == ADVANCED)
                gsc = growTree(otherTree, tgi, rmotion);

            Motion *startMotion = startTree ? tgi.xmotion : addedMotion;
            Motion *goalMotion  = startTree ? addedMotion : tgi.xmotion;

            /* if we connected the trees in a valid way (start and goal pair is valid)*/
            if (gsc == REACHED && goal->isStartGoalPairValid(startMotion->root, goalMotion->root))
                // it must be the case that either the start tree or the goal tree has made some progress
                // so one of the parents is not NULL. We go one step 'back' to avoid having a duplicate state
                // on the solution path
                if (startMotion->parent)
                    startMotion = startMotion->parent;
                    goalMotion = goalMotion->parent;

                connectionPoint_ = std::make_pair<base::State*, base::State*>(startMotion->state, goalMotion->state);

                /* construct the solution path */
                Motion *solution = startMotion;
                std::vector<Motion*> mpath1;
                while (solution != NULL)
                    solution = solution->parent;

                solution = goalMotion;
                std::vector<Motion*> mpath2;
                while (solution != NULL)
                    solution = solution->parent;

                PathGeometric *path = new PathGeometric(si_);
                path->getStates().reserve(mpath1.size() + mpath2.size());
                for (int i = mpath1.size() - 1 ; i >= 0 ; --i)
                for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < mpath2.size() ; ++i)

                pdef_->addSolutionPath(base::PathPtr(path), false, 0.0);
                solved = true;

    delete rmotion;

    logInform("Created %u states (%u start + %u goal)", tStart_->size() + tGoal_->size(), tStart_->size(), tGoal_->size());

    return solved ? base::PlannerStatus::EXACT_SOLUTION : base::PlannerStatus::TIMEOUT;
Пример #7
int World::loadColumn(WorldColumn &wc, int xIndex, int zIndex, const int *heightMap, bool doOutCroppings) {
  int worldX = xIndex * WORLD_CHUNK_SIDE;
  int worldZ = zIndex * WORLD_CHUNK_SIDE;

  wc.mWorldIndex.x = xIndex;
  wc.mWorldIndex.z = zIndex;

  wc.mWorldPosition.x = worldX;
  wc.mWorldPosition.z = worldZ;

  block_t block;
  block.faceVisibility = 0;
  block.uniqueLighting = LIGHT_LEVEL_NOT_SET;

  int floorBlockType = BLOCK_TYPE_DIRT;
  v3di_t worldPosition;
  worldPosition.z = worldZ;
  v3di_t relativePosition;

  for (relativePosition.z = 0; relativePosition.z < WORLD_CHUNK_SIDE; relativePosition.z++, worldPosition.z++) {
    worldPosition.x = worldX;
    for (relativePosition.x = 0; relativePosition.x < WORLD_CHUNK_SIDE; relativePosition.x++, worldPosition.x++) {
      // calculate the index for the heightmap: heightmap is an int[] which contains the height info
      // for the entire chunk 'floor'. It is apparently (WORLD_CHUNK_SIDE + 2)^2 in size. It has to be
      // because even the edges need to know their neighbors height to avoid gaps
      int terrainIndex = (relativePosition.x + 1) + ((relativePosition.z + 1) * (WORLD_CHUNK_SIDE + 2));
      int terrainHeight = heightMap[terrainIndex];

      if (terrainHeight > 5000 ||
        terrainHeight < -5000) {
          // this isn't really necessary...just kind of a warning
          printf ("World::loadColumn() - whoa boy\n");

      int worldY = terrainHeight;

      // check neighbors to see if we need more blocks underneath
      int lowestNeighborHeight = 1000000;

      bool treePossible = true;
      int neighborHeight;

      // left
      int neighborIndex = terrainIndex - 1;
      neighborHeight = heightMap[neighborIndex];

      if (neighborHeight != worldY) treePossible = false;
      lowestNeighborHeight = min (lowestNeighborHeight, neighborHeight);

      // right
      neighborIndex = terrainIndex + 1;
      neighborHeight = heightMap[neighborIndex];

      if (neighborHeight != worldY) treePossible = false;
      lowestNeighborHeight = min (lowestNeighborHeight, neighborHeight);

      // backward
      neighborIndex = terrainIndex - (WORLD_CHUNK_SIDE + 2);
      neighborHeight = heightMap[neighborIndex];

      if (neighborHeight != worldY) treePossible = false;
      lowestNeighborHeight = min (lowestNeighborHeight, neighborHeight);

      // forward
      neighborIndex = terrainIndex + (WORLD_CHUNK_SIDE + 2);
      neighborHeight = heightMap[neighborIndex];

      if (neighborHeight != worldY) treePossible = false;
      lowestNeighborHeight = min (lowestNeighborHeight, neighborHeight);

      // now for the rest
      // this starts at 1 to include the ground floor
      int positiveNoiseHeight = 1;

      if (doOutCroppings) {
        positiveNoiseHeight += (int)floor(25.0 * mPeriodics.mRandomMap.getValueBilerp((double)worldPosition.x * 0.00321, (double)worldPosition.z * 0.00321));

      if (worldY < WATER_LEVEL) {  // deal with the water
//        if (worldY < -20) worldY = -20;
        for (worldPosition.y = worldY; worldPosition.y < WATER_LEVEL; worldPosition.y++) {
          // this is where the actual block is figured out
          // this will generate the ground block and all the water above
          block.type = mPeriodics.generateBlockAtWorldPosition(worldPosition);
          if (block.type > BLOCK_TYPE_AIR) {
            wc.setBlockAtWorldPosition(worldPosition, block);

            if (gBlockData.get(block.type)->solidityType == BLOCK_SOLIDITY_TYPE_LIQUID) {
      else { // finally, generate the stack of blocks for this x, z
        for (worldPosition.y = worldY; worldPosition.y < (worldY + positiveNoiseHeight); worldPosition.y++) {
          if (doOutCroppings) {
            block.type = mPeriodics.generateBlockAtWorldPosition(worldPosition);
          else {
            block.type = mPeriodics.generateBlockAtWorldPosition(worldPosition, terrainHeight);

          if (worldPosition.y == worldY) {
            floorBlockType = block.type;
          if (block.type > BLOCK_TYPE_AIR) {
            wc.setBlockAtWorldPosition(worldPosition, block);

        if (doOutCroppings) {
          // this is the wrong place for this!!!!
          if (treePossible && r_numi(0, 10) >= 5) {
            // reset this to the ground level
            worldPosition.y = worldY;
            growTree(worldPosition, floorBlockType, wc.mNumUnderWater);
          else {
            worldPosition.y = worldY;

  int lowest = wc.getLowestBlockHeight();

  // fill in the underground
/*  for (relativePosition.z = 0; relativePosition.z < DEFAULT_REGION_SIDE; relativePosition.z++) {
    for (relativePosition.x = 0; relativePosition.x < DEFAULT_REGION_SIDE; relativePosition.x++) {
      v3di_t worldPosition;
      worldPosition.x = worldX + relativePosition.x;
      worldPosition.z = worldZ + relativePosition.z;

      int terrainHeight = static_cast<int>(floor (mPeriodics.getTerrainHeight (worldPosition.x,

      for (worldPosition.y = lowest; worldPosition.y < terrainHeight; worldPosition.y++) {
        block_t block = mPeriodics.generateBlockAtWorldPosition (worldPosition);

        wc.setBlockAtWorldPosition (worldPosition, block, mPeriodics);


//  #pragma omp parallel for
  for (int rz = 0; rz < WORLD_CHUNK_SIDE; rz++) {
    for (int rx = 0; rx < WORLD_CHUNK_SIDE; rx++) {
      v3di_t worldPosition;
      worldPosition.x = worldX + rx;
      worldPosition.z = worldZ + rz;

      int terrainIndex = (rx + 1) + ((rz + 1) * (WORLD_CHUNK_SIDE + 2));
      int terrainHeight = heightMap[terrainIndex];

      for (worldPosition.y = lowest; worldPosition.y < terrainHeight; worldPosition.y++) {
        if (doOutCroppings) {
          block.type = mPeriodics.generateBlockAtWorldPosition(worldPosition);
        else {
          block.type = mPeriodics.generateBlockAtWorldPosition(worldPosition, terrainHeight);
        wc.setBlockAtWorldPosition(worldPosition, block);


  return 1;