Пример #1
 * Add a new element, whose position is i, to the list
inslist(List *l, int i, ...)
	Posn *pp;
	void **vpp;
	va_list list;

	va_start(list, i);
	case 'P':
		growlist(l, sizeof(*pp));
		pp = l->posnptr+i;
		memmove(pp+1, pp, (l->nused-i)*sizeof(*pp));
		*pp = va_arg(list, Posn);
	case 'p':
		growlist(l, sizeof(*vpp));
		vpp = l->voidpptr+i;
		memmove(vpp+1, vpp, (l->nused-i)*sizeof(*vpp));
		*vpp = va_arg(list, void*);

int   reordernodes()
** Input:   none                                                
** Output:  returns 1 if successful, 0 if not                   
** Purpose: re-orders nodes to minimize # of non-zeros that     
**          will appear in factorized solution matrix           
   int k, knode, m, n;
   for (k=1; k<=Nnodes; k++)
      Row[k] = k;
      Order[k] = k;
   n = Njuncs;
   for (k=1; k<=n; k++)                   /* Examine each junction    */
      m = mindegree(k,n);                 /* Node with lowest degree  */
      knode = Order[m];                   /* Node's index             */
      if (!growlist(knode)) return(101);  /* Augment adjacency list   */
      Order[m] = Order[k];                /* Switch order of nodes    */
      Order[k] = knode;
      Degree[knode] = 0;                  /* In-activate node         */
   for (k=1; k<=n; k++)                   /* Assign nodes to rows of  */
     Row[Order[k]] = k;                   /*   coeff. matrix          */
}                        /* End of reordernodes */
Пример #3
Файл: edit.c Проект: npe9/harvey
 * Add a new element, whose position is i, to the list
inslist(List *l, int i, void *v)
	memmove(&l->ptr[i+1], &l->ptr[i], (l->nused-i)*sizeof(void*));
	l->ptr[i] = v;
Пример #4
 * Add a new element, whose position is i, to the list
inslist(List *l, int i, int64_t val)
    memmove(&l->longptr[i+1], &l->longptr[i], (l->nused-i)*sizeof(l->g));
    l->longptr[i] = val;
Пример #5
static inline void markcall (i_puint32 cp) {
     growlist(i_puint32, i_calls, i_calls_cur, i_calls_lim, dn_calls);
     i_calls[i_calls_cur++] = cp;
Пример #6
void Comm::borders(Atom &atom)
  int i, m, n, iswap, idim, ineed, nsend, nrecv, nall, nfirst, nlast;
  MMD_float lo, hi;
  int pbc_flags[4];
  MMD_float** x;
  MPI_Request request;
  MPI_Status status;

  /* erase all ghost atoms */

  atom.nghost = 0;

  /* do swaps over all 3 dimensions */

  iswap = 0;

  int tid = omp_get_thread_num();

    #pragma omp master
      if(atom.nlocal > maxnlocal) {
        send_flag = new int[atom.nlocal];
        maxnlocal = atom.nlocal;

      if(maxthreads < threads->omp_num_threads) {
        maxthreads = threads->omp_num_threads;
        nsend_thread = new int [maxthreads];
        nrecv_thread = new int [maxthreads];
        nholes_thread = new int [maxthreads];
        maxsend_thread = new int [maxthreads];
        exc_sendlist_thread = new int*[maxthreads];

        for(int i = 0; i < maxthreads; i++) {
          maxsend_thread[i] = maxsend;
          exc_sendlist_thread[i] = (int*) malloc(maxsend * sizeof(int));

  for(idim = 0; idim < 3; idim++) {
    nlast = 0;

    for(ineed = 0; ineed < 2 * need[idim]; ineed++) {

      // find atoms within slab boundaries lo/hi using <= and >=
      // check atoms between nfirst and nlast
      //   for first swaps in a dim, check owned and ghost
      //   for later swaps in a dim, only check newly arrived ghosts
      // store sent atom indices in list for use in future timesteps

      lo = slablo[iswap];
      hi = slabhi[iswap];
      pbc_flags[0] = pbc_any[iswap];
      pbc_flags[1] = pbc_flagx[iswap];
      pbc_flags[2] = pbc_flagy[iswap];
      pbc_flags[3] = pbc_flagz[iswap];

      x = atom.x;

      if(ineed % 2 == 0) {
        nfirst = nlast;
        nlast = atom.nlocal + atom.nghost;

      #pragma omp for

      for(int i = 0; i < threads->omp_num_threads; i++) {
        nsend_thread[i] = 0;

      #pragma omp barrier
      nsend = 0;
      m = 0;

      #pragma omp for

      for(int i = nfirst; i < nlast; i++) {
        if(x[i][idim] >= lo && x[i][idim] <= hi) {
          if(nsend >= maxsend_thread[tid])  {
            maxsend_thread[tid] = nsend + 100;
            exc_sendlist_thread[tid] = (int*) realloc(exc_sendlist_thread[tid], (nsend + 100) * sizeof(int));

          exc_sendlist_thread[tid][nsend++] = i;

      nsend_thread[tid] = nsend;

      #pragma omp barrier

      #pragma omp master
        int total_nsend = 0;

        for(int i = 0; i < threads->omp_num_threads; i++) {
          total_nsend += nsend_thread[i];
          nsend_thread[i] = total_nsend;

        if(total_nsend > maxsendlist[iswap]) growlist(iswap, total_nsend);

        if(total_nsend * 3 > maxsend) growsend(total_nsend * 3);
      #pragma omp barrier

      for(int k = 0; k < nsend; k++) {
        atom.pack_border(exc_sendlist_thread[tid][k], &buf_send[(k + nsend_thread[tid] - nsend) * 3], pbc_flags);
        sendlist[iswap][k + nsend_thread[tid] - nsend] = exc_sendlist_thread[tid][k];

      #pragma omp barrier

      /* swap atoms with other proc
      put incoming ghosts at end of my atom arrays
      if swapping with self, simply copy, no messages */

      #pragma omp master
        nsend = nsend_thread[threads->omp_num_threads - 1];

        if(sendproc[iswap] != me) {
          MPI_Send(&nsend, 1, MPI_INT, sendproc[iswap], 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
          MPI_Recv(&nrecv, 1, MPI_INT, recvproc[iswap], 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);

          if(nrecv * atom.border_size > maxrecv) growrecv(nrecv * atom.border_size);

          if(sizeof(MMD_float) == 4) {
            MPI_Irecv(buf_recv, nrecv * atom.border_size, MPI_FLOAT,
                      recvproc[iswap], 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);
            MPI_Send(buf_send, nsend * atom.border_size, MPI_FLOAT,
                     sendproc[iswap], 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
          } else {
            MPI_Irecv(buf_recv, nrecv * atom.border_size, MPI_DOUBLE,
                      recvproc[iswap], 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request);
            MPI_Send(buf_send, nsend * atom.border_size, MPI_DOUBLE,
                     sendproc[iswap], 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

          MPI_Wait(&request, &status);
          buf = buf_recv;
        } else {
          nrecv = nsend;
          buf = buf_send;

        nrecv_atoms = nrecv;
      /* unpack buffer */

      #pragma omp barrier
      n = atom.nlocal + atom.nghost;
      nrecv = nrecv_atoms;

      #pragma omp for

      for(int i = 0; i < nrecv; i++)
        atom.unpack_border(n + i, &buf[i * 3]);

      #pragma omp barrier

      /* set all pointers & counters */

      #pragma omp master
        sendnum[iswap] = nsend;
        recvnum[iswap] = nrecv;
        comm_send_size[iswap] = nsend * atom.comm_size;
        comm_recv_size[iswap] = nrecv * atom.comm_size;
        reverse_send_size[iswap] = nrecv * atom.reverse_size;
        reverse_recv_size[iswap] = nsend * atom.reverse_size;
        firstrecv[iswap] = atom.nlocal + atom.nghost;
        atom.nghost += nrecv;
      #pragma omp barrier

  /* insure buffers are large enough for reverse comm */

  int max1, max2;
  max1 = max2 = 0;

  for(iswap = 0; iswap < nswap; iswap++) {
    max1 = MAX(max1, reverse_send_size[iswap]);
    max2 = MAX(max2, reverse_recv_size[iswap]);

  if(max1 > maxsend) growsend(max1);

  if(max2 > maxrecv) growrecv(max2);