Пример #1
/* gsdll_execute_end, then gsdll_exit, then unload library */
gsdll_execute_cont(const char * str, int len)
    int exit_code;
    int code = gsapi_run_string_continue(pgs_minst, str, len,
        0, &exit_code);
    if (code == e_NeedInput)
        code = 0;		/* this is not an error */
    return code;
Пример #2
/* Wrap up interp instance after a "job" */
static int	/* ret 0 ok, else -ve error code */
	pl_interp_instance_t *instance         /* interp instance to wrap up job in */
    int code = 0; 
    int exit_code = 0;
    static const char *buf = "\n.endjob\n";  /* restore to initial state, non-encapsualted */
    ps_interp_instance_t *psi = (ps_interp_instance_t *)instance;

    /* take care of a stored pdf file */
    if ( psi->pdf_stream ) {

         * Hex encode to avoid problems with window's directory
	 * separators '\' being interpreted in postscript as escape
	 * sequences.  The buffer length is the maximum file name size
	 * (gp_file_name_sizeof) * 2 (hex encoding) + 2 (hex
	 * delimiters '<' and '>') + the rest of the run command 7
	 * (space + (run) + new line + null).
        char buf[gp_file_name_sizeof * 2 + 2 + 7];
        const char *run_str = " run\n";
        const char *hex_digits = "0123456789ABCDEF";
        char *pd = buf;                       /* destination */
        const char *ps = psi->pdf_file_name;  /* source */
        *pd = '<'; pd++;
        while (*ps) {
            *pd = hex_digits[*ps >> 4 ]; pd++;
            *pd = hex_digits[*ps & 0xf]; pd++;
        *pd = '>'; pd++;
        strcpy(pd, run_str);

        /* at this point we have finished writing the spooled pdf file
           and we need to close it */

        /* Send the buffer to Ghostscript */
        code = gsapi_run_string_continue(psi->plmemory->gs_lib_ctx, buf, strlen(buf), 0, &exit_code);

        /* indicate we are done with the pdf stream */
        psi->pdf_stream = false;
        /* handle errors... normally job deinit failures are
           considered fatal but pdf runs the spooled job when the job
           is deinitialized so handle error processing here and return code is always 0. */
        if (( code < 0) && (code != e_NeedInput)) {
            errprintf(psi->plmemory, "PDF interpreter exited with exit code %d\n", exit_code);
            errprintf(psi->plmemory, "Flushing to EOJ\n");
        code = 0;
Пример #3
/* Prepare interp instance for the next "job" */
static int	/* ret 0 ok, else -ve error code */
	pl_interp_instance_t   *instance         /* interp instance to start job in */
    ps_interp_instance_t *psi = (ps_interp_instance_t *)instance;
    static const char *buf = "\004";  /* use ^D to start a new encapsulated job */
    int exit_code;

    /* starting a new job */
    psi->fresh_job = true;
    gsapi_run_string_continue(psi->plmemory->gs_lib_ctx, buf, strlen(buf), 0, &exit_code); /* ^D */
    return 0;
Пример #4
/* Set a device into an interpreter instance */
static int   /* ret 0 ok, else -ve error code */
  pl_interp_instance_t   *instance,     /* interp instance to use */
  gx_device              *device        /* device to set (open or closed) */
    int code = 0;
    int exit_code = 0;
    ps_interp_instance_t *psi = (ps_interp_instance_t *)instance;
    gs_state *pgs = psi->minst->i_ctx_p->pgs;

    /* Initialize device ICC profile  */
    code = gsicc_init_device_profile(pgs, device);
    if (code < 0)
        return code;
    /* Set the device into the gstate */
    code = gs_setdevice_no_erase(pgs, device);
    if (code >= 0 )
	code = gs_erasepage(pgs);

    if (code < 0)
        return code;
    /* install a screen appropriate for the device */
        const char *screen_str = ".setdefaultscreen\n";
        code = gsapi_run_string_continue(psi->plmemory->gs_lib_ctx,
                                         screen_str, strlen(screen_str),
                                         0, &exit_code);
        /* needs more input this is not an error */
        if ( code == e_NeedInput )
            code = 0;

        if (code < 0)
            return code;
    return exit_code;
Пример #5
/* Parse a buffer full of data */
static int	/* ret 0 or +ve if ok, else -ve error code */
	pl_interp_instance_t *instance,        /* interp instance to process data job in */
	stream_cursor_read   *cursor           /* data to process */
    ps_interp_instance_t *psi = (ps_interp_instance_t *)instance;
    int code, exit_code;
    uint avail = cursor->limit - cursor->ptr;
    /* if we are at the beginning of a job check for pdf and set
       appropriate state variables to process either a pdf or ps
       job */
    if ( psi->fresh_job ) {
        const char pdf_idstr[] = "%PDF-1.";
        /* do we have enough data? */
        const uint pdf_idstr_len = strlen(pdf_idstr);
        if ( avail < pdf_idstr_len )
            /* more data.  NB update ptr ?? */
            return 0;
            /* compare beginning of stream with pdf id */
            if ( !strncmp(pdf_idstr, (const char *)cursor->ptr + 1, pdf_idstr_len) ) {
                char fmode[4];
                /* open the temporary pdf file.  If the file open
                   fails PDF fails and we allow the job to be sent
                   to postscript and generate an error.  It turns
                   out this is easier than restoring the state and
                   returning */
                strcpy(fmode, "w+");
                strcat(fmode, gp_fmode_binary_suffix);
                psi->pdf_filep = gp_open_scratch_file(psi->plmemory,
                if ( psi->pdf_filep == NULL )
                    psi->pdf_stream = false;
                    psi->pdf_stream = true;
                psi->pdf_stream = false;
        /* we only check for pdf at the beginning of the job */
        psi->fresh_job = false;
    /* for a pdf stream we append to the open pdf file but for
       postscript we hand it directly to the ps interpreter.  PDF
       files are processed subsequently, at end job time */
    code = 0;
    if ( psi->pdf_stream ) {
        uint bytes_written = fwrite((cursor->ptr + 1), 1, avail, psi->pdf_filep);
        if ( bytes_written != avail )
            code = gs_error_invalidfileaccess;
    } else {
        /* Send the buffer to Ghostscript */
        code = gsapi_run_string_continue(psi->plmemory->gs_lib_ctx, (const char *)(cursor->ptr + 1),
                                         avail, 0, &exit_code);
        /* needs more input this is not an error */
        if ( code == e_NeedInput )
            code = 0;
        /* error - I guess it gets "exit code" - nonsense */
        if ( code < 0 )
            code = exit_code;
    /* update the cursor */
    cursor->ptr += avail;
    /* flush stdout on error. */
    if (code < 0)
    /* return the exit code */
    return code;