Пример #1
 * called when the user click on the button 'create the new reconciliation'
 * check the entries and create the corresponding reconciliation
 * \param button
 * \param label a message label, hidden at the beginning, that will say ok the reconciliation is created
 * 		or if there is a problem...
 * \return FALSE
 * */
static gboolean gsb_assistant_reconcile_config_page_add_new_reconcile ( GtkWidget *button,
                        GtkWidget *label )
    gint reconcile_number;
    gchar *string;

    /* first, we check the date are valid */
    if ( !gsb_date_check_entry ( reconcile_init_date_entry ) )
        string = make_red ( _("The initial date is not valid, please check it.") );
        gtk_label_set_markup ( GTK_LABEL ( label) , string );
        gtk_widget_grab_focus (reconcile_init_date_entry);
        g_free ( string );
        return FALSE;

    if ( !gsb_date_check_entry ( reconcile_final_date_entry ) )
        string = make_red ( _("The final date is not valid, please check it.") );
        gtk_label_set_markup ( GTK_LABEL ( label) , string );
        gtk_widget_grab_focus ( reconcile_final_date_entry );
        g_free ( string );
    return FALSE;

    /* check there is a name */
    if ( !strlen (gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( reconcile_name_entry ) ) ) )
        string = make_red ( _("Please give a name to the new reconciliation.") );
        gtk_label_set_markup ( GTK_LABEL ( label) , string );
        gtk_widget_grab_focus ( reconcile_name_entry );
        g_free ( string );
        return FALSE;

    /* check if already exist the name */
    if ( gsb_data_reconcile_get_number_by_name (
     gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (reconcile_name_entry) ) ) )
        string = make_red ( _("That name already exists, please find another one.") );
        gtk_label_set_markup ( GTK_LABEL ( label) , string );
        gtk_widget_grab_focus ( reconcile_name_entry );
        g_free ( string );
        return FALSE;

    /* ok, now we can create the reconcile */
    reconcile_number = gsb_data_reconcile_new (
                        gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( reconcile_name_entry ) ) );
    if ( !reconcile_number )
    if (gsb_data_reconcile_get_number_by_name ( gtk_entry_get_text (
     GTK_ENTRY ( reconcile_name_entry ) ) ) )
        string = make_red ( _("Cannot allocate memory : Bad things will happen soon.") );
        gtk_label_set_markup ( GTK_LABEL ( label) , string );
        gtk_widget_grab_focus ( reconcile_name_entry );
        g_free ( string );
        return FALSE;

    gsb_data_reconcile_set_init_date ( reconcile_number,
                        gsb_calendar_entry_get_date ( reconcile_init_date_entry ) );
    gsb_data_reconcile_set_final_date ( reconcile_number,
                        gsb_calendar_entry_get_date ( reconcile_final_date_entry ) );
    gsb_data_reconcile_set_init_balance ( reconcile_number,
                        utils_real_get_from_string ( gtk_entry_get_text (
                        GTK_ENTRY (reconcile_init_balance_entry ) ) ) );
    gsb_data_reconcile_set_final_balance ( reconcile_number,
                        utils_real_get_from_string ( gtk_entry_get_text (
                        GTK_ENTRY ( reconcile_final_balance_entry ) ) ) );
    gsb_data_reconcile_set_account ( reconcile_number,
                        gsb_account_get_combo_account_number ( reconcile_account_button ) );

    /* erase the entries but not the account wich can be used again */
    gtk_entry_set_text ( GTK_ENTRY (reconcile_name_entry), "" );
    gtk_entry_set_text ( GTK_ENTRY (reconcile_init_date_entry), "" );
    gtk_entry_set_text ( GTK_ENTRY (reconcile_final_date_entry), "" );
    gtk_entry_set_text ( GTK_ENTRY (reconcile_init_balance_entry), "" );
    gtk_entry_set_text ( GTK_ENTRY (reconcile_final_balance_entry), "" );

    string = make_blue ( g_strdup_printf ( _("Reconciliation %s successfully appended!"),
                        gsb_data_reconcile_get_name ( reconcile_number ) ) );
    gtk_label_set_markup ( GTK_LABEL ( label ), string );
    g_free ( string );

    /* update the list of reconcile in the configuration list */
    gsb_reconcile_config_fill ( );

    gtk_widget_grab_focus ( reconcile_name_entry );

    return FALSE;
Пример #2
 * finish the reconciliation,
 * called by a click on the finish button
 * \param button
 * \param null
 * \return FALSE
gboolean gsb_reconcile_finish_reconciliation ( GtkWidget *button,
					    gpointer null )
    GSList *list_tmp_transactions;
    GDate *date;
    gint account_number;
    gint reconcile_number;
    gsb_real real;
	gchar* tmpstr;

    account_number = gsb_gui_navigation_get_current_account ();

    if ( gsb_real_sub ( gsb_real_add ( utils_real_get_from_string (gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( reconcile_initial_balance_entry ))),
				       gsb_data_account_calculate_waiting_marked_balance (account_number)),
			utils_real_get_from_string (gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( reconcile_final_balance_entry )))).mantissa != 0 )
	dialogue_warning_hint ( _("There is a variance in balances, check that both final balance and initial balance minus marked transactions are equal."),
				_("Reconciliation can't be completed.") );
	return FALSE;

    /* get and check the reconcile name */
    reconcile_number = gsb_data_reconcile_get_number_by_name (gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( reconcile_number_entry )));
    if (reconcile_number)
	dialogue_warning_hint ( _("There is already a reconcile with that name, you must use another name or let it free.\nIf the reconcile name is ending by a number,\nit will be automatically incremented."),
				_("Reconciliation can't be completed.") );
	return FALSE;

    /* get and save the date */
    date = gsb_calendar_entry_get_date (reconcile_new_date_entry);
    if (!date)
	gchar* tmpstr = g_strdup_printf ( _("Invalid date: '%s'"),
						  gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( reconcile_new_date_entry )));
	dialogue_warning_hint ( tmpstr,
				_("Reconciliation can't be completed.") );
	g_free ( tmpstr );
	return FALSE;

    if (!strlen (gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( reconcile_number_entry ))))
	dialogue_warning_hint ( _("You need to set a name to the reconciliation ; at least, set a number,\nit will be automatically incremented later"),
				_("Reconciliation can't be completed.") );
	return FALSE;

    /* restore the good sort of the list */
    if (transaction_list_sort_get_reconcile_sort ())
	gtk_toggle_button_set_active ( GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (reconcile_sort_list_button),
				       FALSE );
	gsb_reconcile_list_button_clicked (reconcile_sort_list_button, NULL);

    tmpstr = g_strdup_printf ( _("Last statement: %s"), gsb_format_gdate (date));
    gtk_label_set_text ( GTK_LABEL ( label_last_statement ),
    g_free ( tmpstr );

    /* create the new reconcile structure */
    reconcile_number = gsb_data_reconcile_new (gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (reconcile_number_entry)));
    gsb_data_reconcile_set_account ( reconcile_number, account_number );

    /* set the variables of the reconcile */
    gsb_data_reconcile_set_final_date ( reconcile_number, date );
    g_date_free (date);

    date = gsb_parse_date_string (gtk_label_get_text (GTK_LABEL (reconcile_last_date_label)));
    gsb_data_reconcile_set_init_date ( reconcile_number, date );
    g_free (date);

    real = utils_real_get_from_string ( gtk_entry_get_text (
                        GTK_ENTRY ( reconcile_initial_balance_entry ) ) );
    gsb_data_reconcile_set_init_balance ( reconcile_number, real );

    real = utils_real_get_from_string ( gtk_entry_get_text (
                        GTK_ENTRY ( reconcile_final_balance_entry ) ) );
    gsb_data_reconcile_set_final_balance ( reconcile_number,
					   real );

    /* modify the reconciled transactions */
    list_tmp_transactions = gsb_data_transaction_get_transactions_list ();

    while ( list_tmp_transactions )
	gint transaction_number_tmp;
	transaction_number_tmp = gsb_data_transaction_get_transaction_number (
                        list_tmp_transactions -> data);

	if ( gsb_data_transaction_get_account_number (transaction_number_tmp) == account_number
	     ( gsb_data_transaction_get_marked_transaction (transaction_number_tmp) == OPERATION_POINTEE
	       gsb_data_transaction_get_marked_transaction (transaction_number_tmp) == OPERATION_TELERAPPROCHEE ))
	    gsb_data_transaction_set_marked_transaction ( transaction_number_tmp,
	    gsb_data_transaction_set_reconcile_number ( transaction_number_tmp,
							reconcile_number );
	list_tmp_transactions = list_tmp_transactions -> next;

    /* update the P and T to R in the list */
    transaction_list_update_element (ELEMENT_MARK);

    run.mise_a_jour_liste_comptes_accueil = TRUE;

    /* go back to the normal transactions list */
    gsb_reconcile_cancel (NULL, NULL);

    /* reset records in run: to do after gsb_reconcile_cancel */
    g_free (run.reconcile_final_balance);
    if (run.reconcile_new_date)
        g_date_free (run.reconcile_new_date);
    run.reconcile_final_balance = NULL;
    run.reconcile_new_date = NULL;
    run.reconcile_account_number = -1;

    gsb_file_set_modified ( TRUE );

    if ( reconcile_save_last_scheduled_convert )
        gsb_gui_navigation_set_selection ( GSB_SCHEDULER_PAGE, 0, NULL );
        gsb_scheduler_list_select ( reconcile_save_last_scheduled_convert );
        gsb_scheduler_list_edit_transaction ( reconcile_save_last_scheduled_convert );
        reconcile_save_last_scheduled_convert = 0;

    return FALSE;
Пример #3
 * called by menubar to obfuscate the file
 * \param
 * \return TRUE
 * */
gboolean file_obfuscate_run ( void )
    GtkWidget *assistant;
    gint result;

    gsb_status_message ( _("Obfuscating file...") );

    assistant = gsb_assistant_new ( _("Grisbi file obfuscation"),
				    _("This assistant produces anonymized copies of account files, with "
				      "all personal data replaced with harmless random data, in order to "
				      "attach an anonimized copy of your Grisbi file with any bug report "
				      "you submit."
				      "That said, please check that bugs you submit are still valid with "
				      "anonymized version of your files.\n"
				      "To avoid any problems in your file, after saving the modified file, "
				      "Grisbi will close without letting you saving anything.  "
				      "So if you didn't save your changes, please stop this assistant, "
				      "save your work and restart the obfuscation process.\n\n" 
				      "In next page, you will be able to select individual features to "
				      "obfuscate or to keep depending on the level of privacy needed."),
				    NULL );

    gsb_assistant_add_page ( assistant,
			     file_obfuscate_page_1 (),
			     1, 0, 2, NULL ); 
    gsb_assistant_add_page ( assistant,
			     file_obfuscate_page_2 (),
			     2, 1, -1, NULL ); 
    result = gsb_assistant_run ( assistant );

    if (result == GTK_RESPONSE_APPLY)
	/* obfuscate the file */
	GSList *tmp_list;
	gchar *filename;
	/*  remove the swp file */
	gsb_file_util_modify_lock (FALSE);

	if (gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (button_accounts_details)))
	    /* hide the details of account but not the names */
	    tmp_list = gsb_data_account_get_list_accounts ();
	    while (tmp_list)
		gint account_number = gsb_data_account_get_no_account (tmp_list -> data);
		gsb_data_account_set_id (account_number,
					 g_strdup_printf ("id account %d", account_number));
		gsb_data_account_set_comment (account_number, NULL);
		gsb_data_account_set_holder_name (account_number, NULL);
		gsb_data_account_set_holder_address (account_number, NULL);
		gsb_data_account_set_init_balance (account_number, null_real);
		gsb_data_account_set_mini_balance_wanted (account_number, null_real);
		gsb_data_account_set_mini_balance_authorized (account_number, null_real);
		gsb_data_account_set_bank_branch_code (account_number, NULL);
		gsb_data_account_set_bank_account_number (account_number, NULL);
		gsb_data_account_set_bank_account_key (account_number, NULL);

		tmp_list = tmp_list -> next;

	if (gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (button_amount)))
	    /* hide the amounts of transactions */
	    tmp_list = gsb_data_transaction_get_complete_transactions_list ();
	    while (tmp_list)
		gint transaction_number = gsb_data_transaction_get_transaction_number (tmp_list -> data);

		gsb_data_transaction_set_amount (transaction_number, null_real);
		gsb_data_transaction_set_voucher (transaction_number, NULL);
		gsb_data_transaction_set_bank_references (transaction_number, NULL);

		tmp_list = tmp_list -> next;

	    /* hide the amounts of scheduled transactions */
	    tmp_list = gsb_data_scheduled_get_scheduled_list ();
	    while (tmp_list)
		gint scheduled_number = gsb_data_scheduled_get_scheduled_number (tmp_list -> data);

		gsb_data_scheduled_set_amount (scheduled_number, null_real);
		tmp_list = tmp_list -> next;

	if (gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (button_accounts_names)))
	    /* hide the accounts names */
	    tmp_list = gsb_data_account_get_list_accounts ();
	    while (tmp_list)
		gint account_number = gsb_data_account_get_no_account (tmp_list -> data);
		gsb_data_account_set_name (account_number,
					   g_strdup_printf ("Account n°%d", account_number));

		tmp_list = tmp_list -> next;

	if (gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (button_payee)))
	    /* hide the payees names */
	    tmp_list = gsb_data_payee_get_payees_list ();
	    while (tmp_list)
		gint payee_number = gsb_data_payee_get_no_payee (tmp_list -> data);

		gsb_data_payee_set_name (payee_number,
					 g_strdup_printf ( "Payee n°%d", payee_number));
		gsb_data_payee_set_description (payee_number, NULL);

		tmp_list = tmp_list -> next;

	if (gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (button_categories)))
	    /* hide the categories */
	    tmp_list = gsb_data_category_get_categories_list ();
	    while (tmp_list)
		GSList *list_sub_categ;
		gint category_number = gsb_data_category_get_no_category (tmp_list -> data);

		gsb_data_category_set_name (category_number,
					    g_strdup_printf ( "Category n°%d", category_number));

		list_sub_categ = gsb_data_category_get_sub_category_list (category_number);
		while (list_sub_categ)
		    gint sub_categ_number = gsb_data_category_get_no_sub_category (list_sub_categ -> data);

		    gsb_data_category_set_sub_category_name (category_number, sub_categ_number,
							     g_strdup_printf ("Sub-category n°%d", sub_categ_number));
		    list_sub_categ = list_sub_categ -> next;
		tmp_list = tmp_list -> next;

	if (gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (button_budgets)))
	    /* hide the budgets */
	    tmp_list = gsb_data_budget_get_budgets_list ();
	    while (tmp_list)
		GSList *list_sub_budget;
		gint budget_number = gsb_data_budget_get_no_budget (tmp_list -> data);

		gsb_data_budget_set_name (budget_number,
					  g_strdup_printf ( "Budget n°%d", budget_number));

		list_sub_budget = gsb_data_budget_get_sub_budget_list (budget_number);
		while (list_sub_budget)
		    gint sub_budget_number = gsb_data_budget_get_no_sub_budget (list_sub_budget -> data);

		    gsb_data_budget_set_sub_budget_name (budget_number, sub_budget_number,
							 g_strdup_printf ("Sub-budget n°%d", sub_budget_number));
		    list_sub_budget = list_sub_budget -> next;
		tmp_list = tmp_list -> next;

	if (gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (button_notes)))
	    /* hide the notes */
	    tmp_list = gsb_data_transaction_get_complete_transactions_list ();
	    while (tmp_list)
		gint transaction_number = gsb_data_transaction_get_transaction_number (tmp_list -> data);

		gsb_data_transaction_set_notes (transaction_number, NULL);

		tmp_list = tmp_list -> next;

	    /* hide the notes of scheduled transactions */
	    tmp_list = gsb_data_scheduled_get_scheduled_list ();
	    while (tmp_list)
		gint scheduled_number = gsb_data_scheduled_get_scheduled_number (tmp_list -> data);

		gsb_data_scheduled_set_notes (scheduled_number, NULL);
		tmp_list = tmp_list -> next;

	if (gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (button_banks)))
	    /* hide the banks */
	    tmp_list = gsb_data_bank_get_bank_list ();
	    while (tmp_list)
		gint bank_number = gsb_data_bank_get_no_bank (tmp_list -> data);

		gsb_data_bank_set_name (bank_number,
					g_strdup_printf ("Bank n°%d", bank_number));
		gsb_data_bank_set_code (bank_number, NULL);
		gsb_data_bank_set_bank_address (bank_number, NULL);
		gsb_data_bank_set_bank_tel (bank_number, NULL);
		gsb_data_bank_set_bank_mail (bank_number, NULL);
		gsb_data_bank_set_bank_web (bank_number, NULL);
		gsb_data_bank_set_bank_note (bank_number, NULL);
		gsb_data_bank_set_correspondent_name (bank_number, NULL);
		gsb_data_bank_set_correspondent_tel (bank_number, NULL);
		gsb_data_bank_set_correspondent_mail (bank_number, NULL);
		gsb_data_bank_set_correspondent_fax (bank_number, NULL);

		tmp_list = tmp_list -> next;


	if (gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (button_reports)))
	    /* hide the reports names*/
	    tmp_list = gsb_data_report_get_report_list ();
	    while (tmp_list)
		gint report_number = gsb_data_report_get_report_number (tmp_list -> data);

		gsb_data_report_set_report_name ( report_number, 
						  g_strdup_printf ( "Report n°%d", report_number));

		tmp_list = tmp_list -> next;

	if (gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (button_reconcile)))
	    /* hide the reconciles */
	    GList *reconcile_list;
	    reconcile_list = gsb_data_reconcile_get_reconcile_list ();
	    while (reconcile_list)
		gint reconcile_number = gsb_data_reconcile_get_no_reconcile (reconcile_list -> data);

		gsb_data_reconcile_set_init_balance (reconcile_number, null_real);
		gsb_data_reconcile_set_final_balance (reconcile_number, null_real);

		reconcile_list = reconcile_list -> next;

	if (nom_fichier_comptes)
	    /* remove the .gsb */
	    nom_fichier_comptes[strlen(nom_fichier_comptes) -4] = 0;
	    filename = g_strconcat ( nom_fichier_comptes, "-obfuscated.gsb", NULL);
	    filename = g_strconcat ( my_get_gsb_file_default_dir (), "No_name-obfuscated.gsb", NULL);

	if (gsb_file_save_save_file (filename, FALSE, FALSE))
	    dialogue_hint ( g_strdup_printf ( _("Obfuscated file saved as\n'%s'"), filename ),
				    _("Obfuscation succeeded") );
	    dialogue_error_hint (g_strdup_printf (_("Grisbi couldn't save the file\n'%s'"), filename ),
				 _("Obfuscation failed") );

	/* bye bye */
	exit (0);

    gtk_widget_destroy ( assistant );
    gsb_status_message ( _("Done.") );

    return FALSE;