Пример #1
/// Subtract a vector
/// @param v :: The other vector
GSLVector &GSLVector::operator-=(const GSLVector &v) {
  if (size() != v.size()) {
    throw std::runtime_error("GSLVectors have different sizes.");
  gsl_vector_sub(gsl(), v.gsl());
  return *this;
Пример #2
/// Copy a column into a GSLVector
/// @param i :: A column index.
GSLVector GSLMatrix::copyColumn(size_t i) const {
  if (i >= size2()) {
    throw std::out_of_range("GSLMatrix column index is out of range.");
  auto columnView = gsl_matrix_const_column(gsl(), i);
  return GSLVector(&columnView.vector);
Пример #3
    /// Assign this matrix to a product of three other matrices
    /// @param mult3 :: Matrix multiplication helper object.
    GSLMatrix& GSLMatrix::operator=(const GSLMatrixMult3& mult3)
      // sizes of the result matrix
      size_t n1 = mult3.tr1 ? mult3.m_1.size2() : mult3.m_1.size1();
      size_t n2 = mult3.tr3 ? mult3.m_3.size1() : mult3.m_3.size2();


      // intermediate matrix 
      GSLMatrix AB( n1, mult3.m_2.size2() );

      CBLAS_TRANSPOSE tr1 = mult3.tr1? CblasTrans : CblasNoTrans;
      CBLAS_TRANSPOSE tr2 = mult3.tr2? CblasTrans : CblasNoTrans;
      CBLAS_TRANSPOSE tr3 = mult3.tr3? CblasTrans : CblasNoTrans;

      // AB = m_1 * m_2
      gsl_blas_dgemm (tr1, tr2,
                      1.0, mult3.m_1.gsl(), mult3.m_2.gsl(),
                      0.0, AB.gsl());

      // this = AB * m_3
      gsl_blas_dgemm (CblasNoTrans, tr3,
                      1.0, AB.gsl(), mult3.m_3.gsl(),
                      0.0, gsl());

      return *this;
Пример #4
/// Add a vector
/// @param v :: The other vector
ComplexVector &ComplexVector::operator+=(const ComplexVector &v) {
  if (size() != v.size()) {
    throw std::runtime_error("ComplexVectors have different sizes.");
  gsl_vector_complex_add(gsl(), v.gsl());
  return *this;
Пример #5
/// Copy a row into a GSLVector
/// @param i :: A row index.
GSLVector GSLMatrix::copyRow(size_t i) const {
  if (i >= size1()) {
    throw std::out_of_range("GSLMatrix row index is out of range.");
  auto rowView = gsl_matrix_const_row(gsl(), i);
  return GSLVector(&rowView.vector);
Пример #6
/// Calculate the dot product
/// @param v :: The other vector.
double GSLVector::dot(const GSLVector &v) const {
  if (size() != v.size()) {
    throw std::runtime_error("Vectors have different sizes in dot product.");
  double res = 0.0;
  gsl_blas_ddot(gsl(), v.gsl(), &res);
  return res;
Пример #7
/// Solve system of linear equations M*x == rhs, M is this matrix
/// This matrix is destroyed.
/// @param rhs :: The right-hand-side vector
/// @param x :: The solution vector
void GSLMatrix::solve(const GSLVector &rhs, GSLVector &x) {
  if (size1() != size2()) {
    throw std::runtime_error(
        "System of linear equations: the matrix must be square.");
  size_t n = size1();
  if (rhs.size() != n) {
    throw std::runtime_error(
        "System of linear equations: right-hand side vector has wrong size.");
  int s;
  gsl_permutation *p = gsl_permutation_alloc(n);
  gsl_linalg_LU_decomp(gsl(), p, &s); // matrix is modified at this moment
  gsl_linalg_LU_solve(gsl(), p, rhs.gsl(), x.gsl());
Пример #8
/// Calculate the eigensystem of a symmetric matrix
/// @param eigenValues :: Output variable that receives the eigenvalues of this
/// matrix.
/// @param eigenVectors :: Output variable that receives the eigenvectors of
/// this matrix.
void GSLMatrix::eigenSystem(GSLVector &eigenValues, GSLMatrix &eigenVectors) {
  size_t n = size1();
  if (n != size2()) {
    throw std::runtime_error("Matrix eigenSystem: the matrix must be square.");
  eigenVectors.resize(n, n);
  auto workspace = gsl_eigen_symmv_alloc(n);
  gsl_eigen_symmv(gsl(), eigenValues.gsl(), eigenVectors.gsl(), workspace);
Пример #9
/// Solve system of linear equations M*x == rhs, M is this matrix
/// This matrix is destroyed.
/// @param rhs :: The right-hand-side vector
/// @param x :: The solution vector
/// @throws std::invalid_argument if the input vectors have wrong sizes.
/// @throws std::runtime_error if the GSL fails to solve the equations.
void GSLMatrix::solve(const GSLVector &rhs, GSLVector &x) {
  if (size1() != size2()) {
    throw std::invalid_argument(
        "System of linear equations: the matrix must be square.");
  size_t n = size1();
  if (rhs.size() != n) {
    throw std::invalid_argument(
        "System of linear equations: right-hand side vector has wrong size.");
  int s;
  gsl_permutation *p = gsl_permutation_alloc(n);
  gsl_linalg_LU_decomp(gsl(), p, &s); // matrix is modified at this moment
  int res = gsl_linalg_LU_solve(gsl(), p, rhs.gsl(), x.gsl());
  if (res != GSL_SUCCESS) {
    std::string message = "Failed to solve system of linear equations.\n"
                          "Error message returned by the GSL:\n" +
    throw std::runtime_error(message);
Пример #10
/// Assign this matrix to a product of two other matrices
/// @param mult2 :: Matrix multiplication helper object.
GSLMatrix &GSLMatrix::operator=(const GSLMatrixMult2 &mult2) {
  // sizes of the result matrix
  size_t n1 = mult2.tr1 ? mult2.m_1.size2() : mult2.m_1.size1();
  size_t n2 = mult2.tr2 ? mult2.m_2.size1() : mult2.m_2.size2();

  this->resize(n1, n2);

  CBLAS_TRANSPOSE tr1 = mult2.tr1 ? CblasTrans : CblasNoTrans;
  CBLAS_TRANSPOSE tr2 = mult2.tr2 ? CblasTrans : CblasNoTrans;

  // this = m_1 * m_2
  gsl_blas_dgemm(tr1, tr2, 1.0, mult2.m_1.gsl(), mult2.m_2.gsl(), 0.0, gsl());

  return *this;
Пример #11
/// Matrix by vector multiplication
/// @param v :: A vector to multiply by. Must have the same size as size2().
/// @returns A vector - the result of the multiplication. Size of the returned
/// vector equals size1().
/// @throws std::invalid_argument if the input vector has a wrong size.
/// @throws std::runtime_error if the underlying GSL routine fails.
GSLVector GSLMatrix::operator*(const GSLVector &v) const {
  if (v.size() != size2()) {
    throw std::invalid_argument(
        "Matrix by vector multiplication: wrong size of vector.");
  GSLVector res(size1());
  auto status =
      gsl_blas_dgemv(CblasNoTrans, 1.0, gsl(), v.gsl(), 0.0, res.gsl());
  if (status != GSL_SUCCESS) {
    std::string message = "Failed to multiply matrix by a vector.\n"
                          "Error message returned by the GSL:\n" +
    throw std::runtime_error(message);
  return res;
Пример #12
int SM_problem::solve_with_GSLists(int linearization){
	GSLists gsl(NUM_INDIVIDUALS,men,women,linearization);
	int nprops=gsl.solve_GS(this->men_matches);
	return nprops;
Пример #13
/// Multiply by a number
/// @param d :: The number
GSLVector &GSLVector::operator*=(const double d) {
    gsl_vector_scale(gsl(), d);
    return *this;
Пример #14
/// Multiply by a number
/// @param d :: The number
ComplexVector &ComplexVector::operator*=(const ComplexType d) {
  gsl_vector_complex_scale(gsl(), gsl_complex{{d.real(), d.imag()}});
  return *this;