Пример #1
double gsl_hypot (const double x, const double y)
  double xabs = fabs(x) ;
  double yabs = fabs(y) ;
  double min, max;

  /* Follow the optional behavior of the ISO C standard and return
     +Inf when any of the argument is +-Inf, even if the other is NaN.
     http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/functions/hypot.html */
  if (gsl_isinf(x) || gsl_isinf(y)) 
      return GSL_POSINF;

  if (xabs < yabs) {
    min = xabs ;
    max = yabs ;
  } else {
    min = yabs ;
    max = xabs ;

  if (min == 0) 
      return max ;

    double u = min / max ;
    return max * sqrt (1 + u * u) ;
Пример #2
double MyParser::EvalRemoveSingularity(double *xvar)
	try {
		double result = Eval();
		if ( gsl_isinf(result) || gsl_isnan(result) )
			throw Singularity();
		return result;
	} catch (Singularity) {
		try {
			if (isinf(Eval()))
				throw Pole();

			int n;
			frexp (*xvar, &n);
			double xp = *xvar + ldexp(DBL_EPSILON,n);
			double xm = *xvar - ldexp(DBL_EPSILON,n);
			*xvar = xp;
			double yp = Eval();
			if (gsl_isinf(yp) || gsl_isnan(yp))
				throw Pole();
			*xvar = xm;
			double ym = Eval();
			if (gsl_isinf(ym) || gsl_isnan(ym))
				throw Pole();
			return (yp + ym)/2;
		} catch (Pole) {
			return GSL_ESING;
Пример #3
/** *************************************************************************************************************************/
double compute_mlik_pois_marg_brent(double finitestepsize, void *params)
   struct fnparams *gparams = ((struct fnparams *) params);
   gsl_vector *myBeta=gparams->betastatic;
   int n=gparams->nDim;
   int m=gparams->mDim;
   gsl_permutation *perm=gparams->perm;
   gsl_matrix *hessgvalues=gparams->mattmp2;
   gsl_matrix *hessgvalues3pt=gparams->mattmp3;
   double gvalue=gparams->gvalue;
   int status,sss;
   double mydet;
   double logscore,logscore3pt;
   double error_val=0.0;
   /** ***/
   /*double finitestepsize=gsl_vector_get(finitestepsize_vec,0);*/
  /** ***/
  /*Rprintf("got h=%e n=%d m=%d gvalue=%e\n",finitestepsize,n,m,gvalue);*/
  /*for(i=0;i<myBeta->size;i++){Rprintf("beta= %f ",gsl_vector_get(myBeta,i));}Rprintf("\n");*/

   rv_hessg_pois_outer_marg(myBeta,gparams, hessgvalues,finitestepsize,hessgvalues3pt);/** start with LARGEST STEPSIZE **/
   /*for(i=0;i<hessgvalues3pt->size1;i++){for(j=0;j<hessgvalues3pt->size2;j++){Rprintf("%e ",gsl_matrix_get(hessgvalues3pt,i,j));}Rprintf("\n");}*/
   mydet=gsl_linalg_LU_lndet(hessgvalues);/** compute determinant but this might be a nan - overflow? gsl_linalg_LU_lndet*/
   logscore= -n*gvalue-0.5*mydet+(m/2.0)*log((2.0*M_PI)/n);/** this is the final value */
   mydet=gsl_linalg_LU_lndet(hessgvalues3pt);/** compute determinant but this might be a nan - overflow? gsl_linalg_LU_lndet*/
   logscore3pt= -n*gvalue-0.5*mydet+(m/2.0)*log((2.0*M_PI)/n);/** this is the final value */
   /*Rprintf("logscore=%e logscore3pt=%e\n",logscore,logscore3pt);*/
   if(gsl_isnan(error_val) || gsl_isinf(error_val)){return(DBL_MAX);/*error("Non-finite value in mlik error estimation");*/}
Пример #4
main (void)
  double y, y_expected;
  int e, e_expected;

  gsl_ieee_env_setup ();

  /* Test for expm1 */

  y = gsl_expm1 (0.0);
  y_expected = 0.0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_expm1(0.0)");

  y = gsl_expm1 (1e-10);
  y_expected = 1.000000000050000000002e-10;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_expm1(1e-10)");

  y = gsl_expm1 (-1e-10);
  y_expected = -9.999999999500000000017e-11;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_expm1(-1e-10)");

  y = gsl_expm1 (0.1);
  y_expected = 0.1051709180756476248117078264902;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_expm1(0.1)");

  y = gsl_expm1 (-0.1);
  y_expected = -0.09516258196404042683575094055356;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_expm1(-0.1)");

  y = gsl_expm1 (10.0);
  y_expected = 22025.465794806716516957900645284;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_expm1(10.0)");

  y = gsl_expm1 (-10.0);
  y_expected = -0.99995460007023751514846440848444;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_expm1(-10.0)");

  /* Test for log1p */

  y = gsl_log1p (0.0);
  y_expected = 0.0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_log1p(0.0)");

  y = gsl_log1p (1e-10);
  y_expected = 9.9999999995000000000333333333308e-11;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_log1p(1e-10)");

  y = gsl_log1p (0.1);
  y_expected = 0.095310179804324860043952123280765;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_log1p(0.1)");

  y = gsl_log1p (10.0);
  y_expected = 2.3978952727983705440619435779651;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_log1p(10.0)");

  /* Test for gsl_hypot */

  y = gsl_hypot (0.0, 0.0);
  y_expected = 0.0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(0.0, 0.0)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1e-10, 1e-10);
  y_expected = 1.414213562373095048801688e-10;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1e-10, 1e-10)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1e-38, 1e-38);
  y_expected = 1.414213562373095048801688e-38;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1e-38, 1e-38)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1e-10, -1.0);
  y_expected = 1.000000000000000000005;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1e-10, -1)");

  y = gsl_hypot (-1.0, 1e-10);
  y_expected = 1.000000000000000000005;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(-1, 1e-10)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1e307, 1e301);
  y_expected = 1.000000000000499999999999e307;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1e307, 1e301)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1e301, 1e307);
  y_expected = 1.000000000000499999999999e307;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1e301, 1e307)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1e307, 1e307);
  y_expected = 1.414213562373095048801688e307;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1e307, 1e307)");

  /* Test +-Inf, finite */
  y = gsl_hypot (GSL_POSINF, 1.2);
  y_expected = GSL_POSINF;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(GSL_POSINF, 1.2)");

  y = gsl_hypot (GSL_NEGINF, 1.2);
  y_expected = GSL_POSINF;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(GSL_NEGINF, 1.2)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1.2, GSL_POSINF);
  y_expected = GSL_POSINF;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1.2, GSL_POSINF)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1.2, GSL_NEGINF);
  y_expected = GSL_POSINF;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1.2, GSL_NEGINF)");

  /* Test NaN, finite */
  y = gsl_hypot (GSL_NAN, 1.2);
  y_expected = GSL_NAN;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(GSL_NAN, 1.2)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1.2, GSL_NAN);
  y_expected = GSL_NAN;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1.2, GSL_NAN)");

  /* Test NaN, NaN */

  y = gsl_hypot (GSL_NAN, GSL_NAN);
  y_expected = GSL_NAN;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(GSL_NAN, GSL_NAN)");

  /* Test +Inf, NaN */

  y = gsl_hypot (GSL_POSINF, GSL_NAN);
  y_expected = GSL_POSINF;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(GSL_POSINF, GSL_NAN)");

  /* Test -Inf, NaN */

  y = gsl_hypot (GSL_NEGINF, GSL_NAN);
  y_expected = GSL_POSINF;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(GSL_NEGINF, GSL_NAN)");

  /* Test NaN, +Inf */

  y = gsl_hypot (GSL_NAN, GSL_POSINF);
  y_expected = GSL_POSINF;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(GSL_NAN, GSL_POSINF)");

  /* Test NaN, -Inf */

  y = gsl_hypot (GSL_NAN, GSL_NEGINF);
  y_expected = GSL_POSINF;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(GSL_NAN, GSL_NEGINF)");

  /* Test for gsl_hypot3 */

  y = gsl_hypot3 (0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
  y_expected = 0.0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)");

  y = gsl_hypot3 (1e-10, 1e-10, 1e-10);
  y_expected = 1.732050807568877293527446e-10;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot3(1e-10, 1e-10, 1e-10)");

  y = gsl_hypot3 (1e-38, 1e-38, 1e-38);
  y_expected = 1.732050807568877293527446e-38;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot3(1e-38, 1e-38, 1e-38)");

  y = gsl_hypot3 (1e-10, 1e-10, -1.0);
  y_expected = 1.000000000000000000099;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot3(1e-10, 1e-10, -1)");

  y = gsl_hypot3 (1e-10, -1.0, 1e-10);
  y_expected = 1.000000000000000000099;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot3(1e-10, -1, 1e-10)");

  y = gsl_hypot3 (-1.0, 1e-10, 1e-10);
  y_expected = 1.000000000000000000099;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot3(-1, 1e-10, 1e-10)");

  y = gsl_hypot3 (1e307, 1e301, 1e301);
  y_expected = 1.0000000000009999999999995e307;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot3(1e307, 1e301, 1e301)");

  y = gsl_hypot3 (1e307, 1e307, 1e307);
  y_expected = 1.732050807568877293527446e307;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot3(1e307, 1e307, 1e307)");

  y = gsl_hypot3 (1e307, 1e-307, 1e-307);
  y_expected = 1.0e307;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot3(1e307, 1e-307, 1e-307)");

  /* Test for acosh */

  y = gsl_acosh (1.0);
  y_expected = 0.0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_acosh(1.0)");

  y = gsl_acosh (1.1);
  y_expected = 4.435682543851151891329110663525e-1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_acosh(1.1)");

  y = gsl_acosh (10.0);
  y_expected = 2.9932228461263808979126677137742e0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_acosh(10.0)");

  y = gsl_acosh (1e10);
  y_expected = 2.3718998110500402149594646668302e1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_acosh(1e10)");

  /* Test for asinh */

  y = gsl_asinh (0.0);
  y_expected = 0.0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(0.0)");

  y = gsl_asinh (1e-10);
  y_expected = 9.9999999999999999999833333333346e-11;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(1e-10)");

  y = gsl_asinh (-1e-10);
  y_expected = -9.9999999999999999999833333333346e-11;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(1e-10)");

  y = gsl_asinh (0.1);
  y_expected = 9.983407889920756332730312470477e-2;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(0.1)");

  y = gsl_asinh (-0.1);
  y_expected = -9.983407889920756332730312470477e-2;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(-0.1)");

  y = gsl_asinh (1.0);
  y_expected = 8.8137358701954302523260932497979e-1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(1.0)");

  y = gsl_asinh (-1.0);
  y_expected = -8.8137358701954302523260932497979e-1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(-1.0)");

  y = gsl_asinh (10.0);
  y_expected = 2.9982229502979697388465955375965e0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(10)");

  y = gsl_asinh (-10.0);
  y_expected = -2.9982229502979697388465955375965e0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(-10)");

  y = gsl_asinh (1e10);
  y_expected = 2.3718998110500402149599646668302e1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(1e10)");

  y = gsl_asinh (-1e10);
  y_expected = -2.3718998110500402149599646668302e1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(-1e10)");

  /* Test for atanh */

  y = gsl_atanh (0.0);
  y_expected = 0.0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_atanh(0.0)");

  y = gsl_atanh (1e-20);
  y_expected = 1e-20;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_atanh(1e-20)");

  y = gsl_atanh (-1e-20);
  y_expected = -1e-20;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_atanh(-1e-20)");

  y = gsl_atanh (0.1);
  y_expected = 1.0033534773107558063572655206004e-1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_atanh(0.1)");

  y = gsl_atanh (-0.1);
  y_expected = -1.0033534773107558063572655206004e-1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_atanh(-0.1)");

  y = gsl_atanh (0.9);
  y_expected = 1.4722194895832202300045137159439e0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_atanh(0.9)");

  y = gsl_atanh (-0.9);
  y_expected = -1.4722194895832202300045137159439e0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_atanh(0.9)");

  /* Test for pow_int */

  y = gsl_pow_2 (-3.14);
  y_expected = pow (-3.14, 2.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_2(-3.14)");

  y = gsl_pow_3 (-3.14);
  y_expected = pow (-3.14, 3.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_3(-3.14)");

  y = gsl_pow_4 (-3.14);
  y_expected = pow (-3.14, 4.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_4(-3.14)");

  y = gsl_pow_5 (-3.14);
  y_expected = pow (-3.14, 5.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_5(-3.14)");

  y = gsl_pow_6 (-3.14);
  y_expected = pow (-3.14, 6.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_6(-3.14)");

  y = gsl_pow_7 (-3.14);
  y_expected = pow (-3.14, 7.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_7(-3.14)");

  y = gsl_pow_8 (-3.14);
  y_expected = pow (-3.14, 8.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_8(-3.14)");

  y = gsl_pow_9 (-3.14);
  y_expected = pow (-3.14, 9.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_9(-3.14)");

    int n;
    for (n = -9; n < 10; n++)
        y = gsl_pow_int (-3.14, n);
        y_expected = pow (-3.14, n);
        gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_int(-3.14,%d)", n);

    unsigned int n;
    for (n = 0; n < 10; n++)
        y = gsl_pow_uint (-3.14, n);
        y_expected = pow (-3.14, n);
        gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_uint(-3.14,%d)", n);

  /* Test case for n at INT_MAX, INT_MIN */

    double u = 1.0000001;
    int n = INT_MAX;
    y = gsl_pow_int (u, n);
    y_expected = pow (u, n);
    gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-6, "gsl_pow_int(%.7f,%d)", u, n);

    n = INT_MIN;
    y = gsl_pow_int (u, n);
    y_expected = pow (u, n);
    gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-6, "gsl_pow_int(%.7f,%d)", u, n);

  /* Test for ldexp */

  y = gsl_ldexp (M_PI, -2);
  y_expected = M_PI_4;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_ldexp(pi,-2)");

  y = gsl_ldexp (1.0, 2);
  y_expected = 4.000000;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_ldexp(1.0,2)");

  y = gsl_ldexp (0.0, 2);
  y_expected = 0.0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_ldexp(0.0,2)");

  y = gsl_ldexp (9.999999999999998890e-01, 1024);
  y_expected = GSL_DBL_MAX;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_ldexp DBL_MAX");

  y = gsl_ldexp (1e308, -2000);
  y_expected = 8.7098098162172166755761e-295;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_ldexp(1e308,-2000)");

  y = gsl_ldexp (GSL_DBL_MIN, 2000);
  y_expected = 2.554675596204441378334779940e294;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_ldexp(DBL_MIN,2000)");

  /* Test subnormals */

    int i = 0;
    volatile double x = GSL_DBL_MIN;
    y_expected = 2.554675596204441378334779940e294;
    x /= 2;
    while (x > 0)
        i++ ;
        y = gsl_ldexp (x, 2000 + i);
        gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_ldexp(DBL_MIN/2**%d,%d)",i,2000+i);
        x /= 2;

  /* Test for frexp */

  y = gsl_frexp (0.0, &e);
  y_expected = 0;
  e_expected = 0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_frexp(0) fraction");
  gsl_test_int (e, e_expected, "gsl_frexp(0) exponent");

  y = gsl_frexp (M_PI, &e);
  y_expected = M_PI_4;
  e_expected = 2;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_frexp(pi) fraction");
  gsl_test_int (e, e_expected, "gsl_frexp(pi) exponent");

  y = gsl_frexp (2.0, &e);
  y_expected = 0.5;
  e_expected = 2;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_frexp(2.0) fraction");
  gsl_test_int (e, e_expected, "gsl_frexp(2.0) exponent");

  y = gsl_frexp (1.0 / 4.0, &e);
  y_expected = 0.5;
  e_expected = -1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_frexp(0.25) fraction");
  gsl_test_int (e, e_expected, "gsl_frexp(0.25) exponent");

  y = gsl_frexp (1.0 / 4.0 - 4.0 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, &e);
  y_expected = 0.999999999999996447;
  e_expected = -2;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_frexp(0.25-eps) fraction");
  gsl_test_int (e, e_expected, "gsl_frexp(0.25-eps) exponent");

  y = gsl_frexp (GSL_DBL_MAX, &e);
  y_expected = 9.999999999999998890e-01;
  e_expected = 1024;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_frexp(DBL_MAX) fraction");
  gsl_test_int (e, e_expected, "gsl_frexp(DBL_MAX) exponent");

  y = gsl_frexp (-GSL_DBL_MAX, &e);
  y_expected = -9.999999999999998890e-01;
  e_expected = 1024;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_frexp(-DBL_MAX) fraction");
  gsl_test_int (e, e_expected, "gsl_frexp(-DBL_MAX) exponent");

  y = gsl_frexp (GSL_DBL_MIN, &e);
  y_expected = 0.5;
  e_expected = -1021;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_frexp(DBL_MIN) fraction");
  gsl_test_int (e, e_expected, "gsl_frexp(DBL_MIN) exponent");

  y = gsl_frexp (-GSL_DBL_MIN, &e);
  y_expected = -0.5;
  e_expected = -1021;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_frexp(-DBL_MIN) fraction");
  gsl_test_int (e, e_expected, "gsl_frexp(-DBL_MIN) exponent");

  /* Test subnormals */

    int i = 0;
    volatile double x = GSL_DBL_MIN;
    y_expected = 0.5;
    e_expected = -1021;
    x /= 2;

    while (x > 0)
        i++ ;
        y = gsl_frexp (x, &e);
        gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_frexp(DBL_MIN/2**%d) fraction",i);
        gsl_test_int (e, e_expected, "gsl_frexp(DBL_MIN/2**%d) exponent", i);
        x /= 2;

  /* Test for approximate floating point comparison */
    double x, y;
    int i;

    x = M_PI;
    y = 22.0 / 7.0;

    /* test the basic function */

    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        double tol = pow (10, -i);
        int res = gsl_fcmp (x, y, tol);
        gsl_test_int (res, -(i >= 4), "gsl_fcmp(%.5f,%.5f,%g)", x, y, tol);

    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        double tol = pow (10, -i);
        int res = gsl_fcmp (y, x, tol);
        gsl_test_int (res, (i >= 4), "gsl_fcmp(%.5f,%.5f,%g)", y, x, tol);

  /* Test for isinf, isnan, finite */

    double zero, one, inf, nan;
    int s;

    zero = 0.0;
    one = 1.0;
    inf = exp (1.0e10);
    nan = inf / inf;

    s = gsl_isinf (zero);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_isinf(0)");

    s = gsl_isinf (one);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_isinf(1)");

    s = gsl_isinf (inf);
    gsl_test_int (s, 1, "gsl_isinf(inf)");

    s = gsl_isinf (-inf);  
    gsl_test_int (s, -1, "gsl_isinf(-inf)");

    s = gsl_isinf (nan);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_isinf(nan)");

    s = gsl_isnan (zero);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_isnan(0)");

    s = gsl_isnan (one);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_isnan(1)");

    s = gsl_isnan (inf);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_isnan(inf)");

    s = gsl_isnan (-inf);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_isnan(-inf)");

    s = gsl_isnan (nan);
    gsl_test_int (s, 1, "gsl_isnan(nan)");

    s = gsl_finite (zero);
    gsl_test_int (s, 1, "gsl_finite(0)");

    s = gsl_finite (one);
    gsl_test_int (s, 1, "gsl_finite(1)");

    s = gsl_finite (inf);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_finite(inf)");

    s = gsl_finite (-inf);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_finite(-inf)");

    s = gsl_finite (nan);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_finite(nan)");

    double x = gsl_fdiv (2.0, 3.0);
    gsl_test_rel (x, 2.0 / 3.0, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "gsl_fdiv(2,3)");

  /* Test constants in gsl_math.h */

    double x = log(M_E);
    gsl_test_rel (x, 1.0, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "ln(M_E)");
    double x=pow(2.0,M_LOG2E);
    gsl_test_rel (x, exp(1.0), 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "2^M_LOG2E");
    double x=pow(10.0,M_LOG10E);
    gsl_test_rel (x, exp(1.0), 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "10^M_LOG10E");

    double x=pow(M_SQRT2, 2.0);
    gsl_test_rel (x, 2.0, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "M_SQRT2^2");

    double x=pow(M_SQRT1_2, 2.0);
    gsl_test_rel (x, 1.0/2.0, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "M_SQRT1_2");

    double x=pow(M_SQRT3, 2.0);
    gsl_test_rel (x, 3.0, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "M_SQRT3^2");

    double x = M_PI;
    gsl_test_rel (x, 3.1415926535897932384626433832795, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "M_PI");

    double x = 2 * M_PI_2;
    gsl_test_rel (x, M_PI, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "2*M_PI_2");

    double x = 4 * M_PI_4;
    gsl_test_rel (x, M_PI, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "4*M_PI_4");

    double x = pow(M_SQRTPI, 2.0);
    gsl_test_rel (x, M_PI, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "M_SQRTPI^2");

    double x = pow(M_2_SQRTPI, 2.0);
    gsl_test_rel (x, 4/M_PI, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "M_SQRTPI^2");

    double x = M_1_PI;
    gsl_test_rel (x, 1/M_PI, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "M_1_SQRTPI");

    double x = M_2_PI;
    gsl_test_rel (x, 2.0/M_PI, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "M_2_PI");

    double x = exp(M_LN10);
    gsl_test_rel (x, 10, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "exp(M_LN10)");

    double x = exp(M_LN2);
    gsl_test_rel (x, 2, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "exp(M_LN2)");

    double x = exp(M_LNPI);
    gsl_test_rel (x, M_PI, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "exp(M_LNPI)");

    double x = M_EULER;
    gsl_test_rel (x, 0.5772156649015328606065120900824, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "M_EULER");

  exit (gsl_test_summary ());
Пример #5
static VALUE rb_gsl_isinf2(VALUE obj, VALUE x)
  //  Need_Float(x);
  if (gsl_isinf(NUM2DBL(x))) return Qtrue;
  else return Qfalse;
Пример #6
static VALUE rb_gsl_isinf(VALUE obj, VALUE x)
  return INT2FIX(gsl_isinf(NUM2DBL(x)));
Пример #7
main (void)
  double y, y_expected;

  gsl_ieee_env_setup ();

  /* Test for expm1 */

  y = gsl_expm1 (0.0); y_expected = 0.0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_expm1(0.0)");

  y = gsl_expm1 (1e-10); y_expected = 1.000000000050000000002e-10;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_expm1(1e-10)");

  y = gsl_expm1 (-1e-10); y_expected = -9.999999999500000000017e-11;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_expm1(-1e-10)");

  y = gsl_expm1 (0.1); y_expected = 0.1051709180756476248117078264902;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_expm1(0.1)");

  y = gsl_expm1 (-0.1); y_expected = -0.09516258196404042683575094055356;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_expm1(-0.1)");

  y = gsl_expm1 (10.0); y_expected = 22025.465794806716516957900645284;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_expm1(10.0)");

  y = gsl_expm1 (-10.0); y_expected = -0.99995460007023751514846440848444;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_expm1(-10.0)");
  /* Test for log1p */

  y = gsl_log1p (0.0); y_expected = 0.0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_log1p(0.0)");

  y = gsl_log1p (1e-10); y_expected = 9.9999999995000000000333333333308e-11;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_log1p(1e-10)");

  y = gsl_log1p (0.1); y_expected = 0.095310179804324860043952123280765;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_log1p(0.1)");

  y = gsl_log1p (10.0); y_expected = 2.3978952727983705440619435779651;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_log1p(10.0)");

  /* Test for gsl_hypot */

  y = gsl_hypot (0.0, 0.0) ; y_expected = 0.0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(0.0, 0.0)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1e-10, 1e-10) ; y_expected = 1.414213562373095048801688e-10;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1e-10, 1e-10)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1e-38, 1e-38) ; y_expected = 1.414213562373095048801688e-38;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1e-38, 1e-38)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1e-10, -1.0) ; y_expected = 1.000000000000000000005;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1e-10, -1)");

  y = gsl_hypot (-1.0, 1e-10) ; y_expected = 1.000000000000000000005;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(-1, 1e-10)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1e307, 1e301) ; y_expected = 1.000000000000499999999999e307;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1e307, 1e301)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1e301, 1e307) ; y_expected = 1.000000000000499999999999e307;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1e301, 1e307)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1e307, 1e307) ; y_expected = 1.414213562373095048801688e307;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1e307, 1e307)");

  /* Test for acosh */

  y = gsl_acosh (1.0); y_expected = 0.0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_acosh(1.0)");

  y = gsl_acosh (1.1); y_expected = 4.435682543851151891329110663525e-1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_acosh(1.1)");

  y = gsl_acosh (10.0); y_expected = 2.9932228461263808979126677137742e0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_acosh(10.0)");

  y = gsl_acosh (1e10); y_expected = 2.3718998110500402149594646668302e1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_acosh(1e10)");

  /* Test for asinh */

  y = gsl_asinh (0.0); y_expected = 0.0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(0.0)");

  y = gsl_asinh (1e-10); y_expected = 9.9999999999999999999833333333346e-11;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(1e-10)");

  y = gsl_asinh (-1e-10); y_expected = -9.9999999999999999999833333333346e-11;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(1e-10)");

  y = gsl_asinh (0.1); y_expected = 9.983407889920756332730312470477e-2;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(0.1)");

  y = gsl_asinh (-0.1); y_expected = -9.983407889920756332730312470477e-2;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(-0.1)");

  y = gsl_asinh (1.0); y_expected = 8.8137358701954302523260932497979e-1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(1.0)");

  y = gsl_asinh (-1.0); y_expected = -8.8137358701954302523260932497979e-1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(-1.0)");

  y = gsl_asinh (10.0); y_expected = 2.9982229502979697388465955375965e0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(10)");

  y = gsl_asinh (-10.0); y_expected = -2.9982229502979697388465955375965e0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(-10)");

  y = gsl_asinh (1e10); y_expected = 2.3718998110500402149599646668302e1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(1e10)");

  y = gsl_asinh (-1e10); y_expected = -2.3718998110500402149599646668302e1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(-1e10)");

  /* Test for atanh */

  y = gsl_atanh (0.0); y_expected = 0.0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_atanh(0.0)");

  y = gsl_atanh (1e-20); y_expected = 1e-20;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_atanh(1e-20)");

  y = gsl_atanh (-1e-20); y_expected = -1e-20;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_atanh(-1e-20)");

  y = gsl_atanh (0.1); y_expected = 1.0033534773107558063572655206004e-1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_atanh(0.1)");

  y = gsl_atanh (-0.1); y_expected = -1.0033534773107558063572655206004e-1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_atanh(-0.1)");

  y = gsl_atanh (0.9); y_expected = 1.4722194895832202300045137159439e0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_atanh(0.9)");

  y = gsl_atanh (-0.9); y_expected = -1.4722194895832202300045137159439e0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_atanh(0.9)");

  /* Test for pow_int */

  y = gsl_pow_2 (-3.14); y_expected = pow(-3.14, 2.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_2(-3.14)");

  y = gsl_pow_3 (-3.14); y_expected = pow(-3.14, 3.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_3(-3.14)");

  y = gsl_pow_4 (-3.14); y_expected = pow(-3.14, 4.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_4(-3.14)");

  y = gsl_pow_5 (-3.14); y_expected = pow(-3.14, 5.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_5(-3.14)");

  y = gsl_pow_6 (-3.14); y_expected = pow(-3.14, 6.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_6(-3.14)");

  y = gsl_pow_7 (-3.14); y_expected = pow(-3.14, 7.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_7(-3.14)");

  y = gsl_pow_8 (-3.14); y_expected = pow(-3.14, 8.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_8(-3.14)");

  y = gsl_pow_9 (-3.14); y_expected = pow(-3.14, 9.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_9(-3.14)");

    int n;
    for (n = -9; n < 10; n++) {
      y = gsl_pow_int (-3.14, n); y_expected = pow(-3.14, n);
      gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_n(-3.14,%d)", n);

  /* Test for isinf, isnan, finite*/

    double zero, one, inf, nan;
    int s;

    zero = 0.0;
    one = 1.0;
    inf = exp(1.0e10);
    nan = inf / inf;
    s = gsl_isinf(zero);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_isinf(0)");
    s = gsl_isinf(one);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_isinf(1)");
    s = gsl_isinf(inf);
    gsl_test_int (s, 1, "gsl_isinf(inf)");

    s = gsl_isinf(-inf);
    gsl_test_int (s, -1, "gsl_isinf(-inf)");
    s = gsl_isinf(nan);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_isinf(nan)");

    s = gsl_isnan(zero);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_isnan(0)");
    s = gsl_isnan(one);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_isnan(1)");
    s = gsl_isnan(inf);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_isnan(inf)");
    s = gsl_isnan(nan);
    gsl_test_int (s, 1, "gsl_isnan(nan)");

    s = gsl_finite(zero);
    gsl_test_int (s, 1, "gsl_finite(0)");
    s = gsl_finite(one);
    gsl_test_int (s, 1, "gsl_finite(1)");
    s = gsl_finite(inf);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_finite(inf)");
    s = gsl_finite(nan);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_finite(nan)");

    double x = gsl_fdiv (2.0, 3.0);
    gsl_test_rel (x, 2.0/3.0, 4*GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "gsl_fdiv(2,3)");

  exit (gsl_test_summary ());
Пример #8
  * C++ version of gsl_isinf().
  * @param x A double.
  * @return 1 for infinite; 0 otherwise.
 inline int is_inf( double const x ){ return gsl_isinf( x ); }
Пример #9
gsl_test_rel (double result, double expected, double relative_error,
              const char *test_description,...)
  int status ;

  /* Check for NaN vs inf vs number */

  if (gsl_isnan(result) || gsl_isnan(expected)) 
      status = gsl_isnan(result) != gsl_isnan(expected); 
  else if (gsl_isinf(result) || gsl_isinf(expected)) 
      status = gsl_isinf(result) != gsl_isinf(expected); 
  else if (expected != 0 ) 
      status = (fabs(result-expected)/fabs(expected) > relative_error) ;
      status = (fabs(result) > relative_error) ;


  if (status == 0)
      if (verbose)
        printf ("PASS: "******"FAIL: ");

  if (verbose)

      va_list ap;

      va_start (ap, test_description);
      va_start (ap);
      vprintf (test_description, ap);
      va_end (ap);
      if (status == 0)
          if (strlen(test_description) < 45)
              printf(" (%g observed vs %g expected)", result, expected) ;
              printf(" (%g obs vs %g exp)", result, expected) ;
          printf(" (%.18g observed vs %.18g expected)", result, expected) ;

      printf ("\n") ;
      fflush (stdout);
Пример #10
main (void)
  double y, y_expected;
  int e, e_expected;

  gsl_ieee_env_setup ();

  /* Test for expm1 */

  y = gsl_expm1 (0.0);
  y_expected = 0.0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_expm1(0.0)");

  y = gsl_expm1 (1e-10);
  y_expected = 1.000000000050000000002e-10;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_expm1(1e-10)");

  y = gsl_expm1 (-1e-10);
  y_expected = -9.999999999500000000017e-11;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_expm1(-1e-10)");

  y = gsl_expm1 (0.1);
  y_expected = 0.1051709180756476248117078264902;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_expm1(0.1)");

  y = gsl_expm1 (-0.1);
  y_expected = -0.09516258196404042683575094055356;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_expm1(-0.1)");

  y = gsl_expm1 (10.0);
  y_expected = 22025.465794806716516957900645284;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_expm1(10.0)");

  y = gsl_expm1 (-10.0);
  y_expected = -0.99995460007023751514846440848444;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_expm1(-10.0)");

  /* Test for log1p */

  y = gsl_log1p (0.0);
  y_expected = 0.0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_log1p(0.0)");

  y = gsl_log1p (1e-10);
  y_expected = 9.9999999995000000000333333333308e-11;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_log1p(1e-10)");

  y = gsl_log1p (0.1);
  y_expected = 0.095310179804324860043952123280765;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_log1p(0.1)");

  y = gsl_log1p (10.0);
  y_expected = 2.3978952727983705440619435779651;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_log1p(10.0)");

  /* Test for gsl_hypot */

  y = gsl_hypot (0.0, 0.0);
  y_expected = 0.0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(0.0, 0.0)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1e-10, 1e-10);
  y_expected = 1.414213562373095048801688e-10;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1e-10, 1e-10)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1e-38, 1e-38);
  y_expected = 1.414213562373095048801688e-38;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1e-38, 1e-38)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1e-10, -1.0);
  y_expected = 1.000000000000000000005;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1e-10, -1)");

  y = gsl_hypot (-1.0, 1e-10);
  y_expected = 1.000000000000000000005;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(-1, 1e-10)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1e307, 1e301);
  y_expected = 1.000000000000499999999999e307;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1e307, 1e301)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1e301, 1e307);
  y_expected = 1.000000000000499999999999e307;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1e301, 1e307)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1e307, 1e307);
  y_expected = 1.414213562373095048801688e307;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1e307, 1e307)");

  /* Test for acosh */

  y = gsl_acosh (1.0);
  y_expected = 0.0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_acosh(1.0)");

  y = gsl_acosh (1.1);
  y_expected = 4.435682543851151891329110663525e-1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_acosh(1.1)");

  y = gsl_acosh (10.0);
  y_expected = 2.9932228461263808979126677137742e0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_acosh(10.0)");

  y = gsl_acosh (1e10);
  y_expected = 2.3718998110500402149594646668302e1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_acosh(1e10)");

  /* Test for asinh */

  y = gsl_asinh (0.0);
  y_expected = 0.0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(0.0)");

  y = gsl_asinh (1e-10);
  y_expected = 9.9999999999999999999833333333346e-11;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(1e-10)");

  y = gsl_asinh (-1e-10);
  y_expected = -9.9999999999999999999833333333346e-11;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(1e-10)");

  y = gsl_asinh (0.1);
  y_expected = 9.983407889920756332730312470477e-2;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(0.1)");

  y = gsl_asinh (-0.1);
  y_expected = -9.983407889920756332730312470477e-2;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(-0.1)");

  y = gsl_asinh (1.0);
  y_expected = 8.8137358701954302523260932497979e-1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(1.0)");

  y = gsl_asinh (-1.0);
  y_expected = -8.8137358701954302523260932497979e-1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(-1.0)");

  y = gsl_asinh (10.0);
  y_expected = 2.9982229502979697388465955375965e0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(10)");

  y = gsl_asinh (-10.0);
  y_expected = -2.9982229502979697388465955375965e0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(-10)");

  y = gsl_asinh (1e10);
  y_expected = 2.3718998110500402149599646668302e1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(1e10)");

  y = gsl_asinh (-1e10);
  y_expected = -2.3718998110500402149599646668302e1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(-1e10)");

  /* Test for atanh */

  y = gsl_atanh (0.0);
  y_expected = 0.0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_atanh(0.0)");

  y = gsl_atanh (1e-20);
  y_expected = 1e-20;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_atanh(1e-20)");

  y = gsl_atanh (-1e-20);
  y_expected = -1e-20;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_atanh(-1e-20)");

  y = gsl_atanh (0.1);
  y_expected = 1.0033534773107558063572655206004e-1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_atanh(0.1)");

  y = gsl_atanh (-0.1);
  y_expected = -1.0033534773107558063572655206004e-1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_atanh(-0.1)");

  y = gsl_atanh (0.9);
  y_expected = 1.4722194895832202300045137159439e0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_atanh(0.9)");

  y = gsl_atanh (-0.9);
  y_expected = -1.4722194895832202300045137159439e0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_atanh(0.9)");

  /* Test for pow_int */

  y = gsl_pow_2 (-3.14);
  y_expected = pow (-3.14, 2.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_2(-3.14)");

  y = gsl_pow_3 (-3.14);
  y_expected = pow (-3.14, 3.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_3(-3.14)");

  y = gsl_pow_4 (-3.14);
  y_expected = pow (-3.14, 4.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_4(-3.14)");

  y = gsl_pow_5 (-3.14);
  y_expected = pow (-3.14, 5.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_5(-3.14)");

  y = gsl_pow_6 (-3.14);
  y_expected = pow (-3.14, 6.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_6(-3.14)");

  y = gsl_pow_7 (-3.14);
  y_expected = pow (-3.14, 7.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_7(-3.14)");

  y = gsl_pow_8 (-3.14);
  y_expected = pow (-3.14, 8.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_8(-3.14)");

  y = gsl_pow_9 (-3.14);
  y_expected = pow (-3.14, 9.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_9(-3.14)");

    int n;
    for (n = -9; n < 10; n++)
        y = gsl_pow_int (-3.14, n);
        y_expected = pow (-3.14, n);
        gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_n(-3.14,%d)", n);

  /* Test for ldexp */

  y = gsl_ldexp (M_PI, -2);
  y_expected = M_PI_4;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_ldexp(pi,-2)");

  y = gsl_ldexp (1.0, 2);
  y_expected = 4.000000;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_ldexp(1.0,2)");

  y = gsl_ldexp (0.0, 2);
  y_expected = 0.0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_ldexp(0.0,2)");

  /* Test for frexp */

  y = gsl_frexp (M_PI, &e);
  y_expected = M_PI_4;
  e_expected = 2;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_frexp(pi) fraction");
  gsl_test_int (e, e_expected, "gsl_frexp(pi) exponent");

  y = gsl_frexp (2.0, &e);
  y_expected = 0.5;
  e_expected = 2;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_frexp(2.0) fraction");
  gsl_test_int (e, e_expected, "gsl_frexp(2.0) exponent");

  y = gsl_frexp (1.0 / 4.0, &e);
  y_expected = 0.5;
  e_expected = -1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_frexp(0.25) fraction");
  gsl_test_int (e, e_expected, "gsl_frexp(0.25) exponent");

  y = gsl_frexp (1.0 / 4.0 - 4.0 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, &e);
  y_expected = 0.999999999999996447;
  e_expected = -2;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_frexp(0.25-eps) fraction");
  gsl_test_int (e, e_expected, "gsl_frexp(0.25-eps) exponent");

  /* Test for approximate floating point comparison */
    double x, y;
    int i;

    x = M_PI;
    y = 22.0 / 7.0;

    /* test the basic function */

    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        double tol = pow (10, -i);
        int res = gsl_fcmp (x, y, tol);
        gsl_test_int (res, -(i >= 4), "gsl_fcmp(%.5f,%.5f,%g)", x, y, tol);

    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        double tol = pow (10, -i);
        int res = gsl_fcmp (y, x, tol);
        gsl_test_int (res, (i >= 4), "gsl_fcmp(%.5f,%.5f,%g)", y, x, tol);

  /* Test for isinf, isnan, finite */

    double zero, one, inf, nan;
    int s;

    zero = 0.0;
    one = 1.0;
    inf = exp (1.0e10);
    nan = inf / inf;

    s = gsl_isinf (zero);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_isinf(0)");

    s = gsl_isinf (one);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_isinf(1)");

    s = gsl_isinf (inf);
    gsl_test_int (s, 1, "gsl_isinf(inf)");

    s = gsl_isinf (-inf);
    gsl_test_int (s, -1, "gsl_isinf(-inf)");

    s = gsl_isinf (nan);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_isinf(nan)");

    s = gsl_isnan (zero);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_isnan(0)");

    s = gsl_isnan (one);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_isnan(1)");

    s = gsl_isnan (inf);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_isnan(inf)");

    s = gsl_isnan (nan);
    gsl_test_int (s, 1, "gsl_isnan(nan)");

    s = gsl_finite (zero);
    gsl_test_int (s, 1, "gsl_finite(0)");

    s = gsl_finite (one);
    gsl_test_int (s, 1, "gsl_finite(1)");

    s = gsl_finite (inf);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_finite(inf)");

    s = gsl_finite (nan);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_finite(nan)");

    double x = gsl_fdiv (2.0, 3.0);
    gsl_test_rel (x, 2.0 / 3.0, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "gsl_fdiv(2,3)");

  exit (gsl_test_summary ());
Пример #11
int main( int argc, char * argv[] ) {

  Libnucnet *p_my_nucnet;
  Libnuceq *p_equil;
  Libnuceq__Cluster *p_cluster;
  nnt::Zone work_zone;
  gsl_vector * p_abundances, * p_z_wse = NULL, * p_z_nse, *p_z_qse, * p_z_net;
  size_t i;
  double d_ye_root, d_ye, d_yh, d_yh_nse, d_yh_wse;
  user::coul_corr_data my_coul_corr_data;

  // Check input.

  check_input( argc, argv );

  // Read input data.

  p_my_nucnet =

  // Check zones.

  if( Libnucnet__getNumberOfZones( p_my_nucnet ) == 0 )
    std::cerr << "No zones." << std::endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
  // Set weak views in zones.
  user::set_weak_views_in_zones( p_my_nucnet );

  // Create a zone to store abundances temporarily.  Get a net view for
  // copying to other zones.

      Libnucnet__getNet( p_my_nucnet ),

  work_zone.getNetView( S_XPATH, "" );

  // Create an equilibrium.

  p_equil =
      Libnucnet__Net__getNuc( Libnucnet__getNet( p_my_nucnet ) )

  // Output largest Z.

    "Largest Z = %d\n",
      Libnucnet__Net__getNuc( Libnucnet__getNet( p_my_nucnet ) ),

  // Iterate zones.

    (Libnucnet__Zone__compare_function) nnt::zone_compare_by_first_label

  BOOST_FOREACH( nnt::Zone zone, nnt::make_zone_list( p_my_nucnet ) )


    p_z_net = Libnucnet__Zone__getSummedAbundances( zone.getNucnetZone(), "z" );

    d_ye = Libnucnet__Zone__computeZMoment( zone.getNucnetZone(), 1 );

    d_yh =

    // Add Coulomb correction if present.  Otherwise clear it.
    if( zone.hasProperty( nnt::s_USE_SCREENING) )

      my_coul_corr_data = user::get_coulomb_corr_data();


      Libnuceq__clearNseCorrectionFactorFunction( p_equil );

    // Compute NSE.

      Libnucnet__Zone__computeZMoment( zone.getNucnetZone(), 1 )

      boost::lexical_cast<double>( zone.getProperty( nnt::s_T9 ) ),
      boost::lexical_cast<double>( zone.getProperty( nnt::s_RHO ) )

    p_abundances = Libnuceq__getAbundances( p_equil );


    p_z_nse =
      Libnucnet__Zone__getSummedAbundances( work_zone.getNucnetZone(), "z" );

    gsl_vector_free( p_abundances );

    d_yh_nse =

    // Compute QSE.

    p_cluster = Libnuceq__newCluster( p_equil, S_XPATH );


      boost::lexical_cast<double>( zone.getProperty( nnt::s_T9 ) ),
      boost::lexical_cast<double>( zone.getProperty( nnt::s_RHO ) )

    p_abundances = Libnuceq__getAbundances( p_equil );


    p_z_qse =

    gsl_vector_free( p_abundances );

    Libnuceq__removeCluster( p_equil, p_cluster );

    // Compute WSE.  Do it last for a zone because it modifies Ye.

    if( argc == 4 )

      if( zone.hasProperty( nnt::s_USE_SCREENING) )



	) != -1

	Libnuceq__clearYe( p_equil );

	  boost::lexical_cast<double>( zone.getProperty( nnt::s_T9 ) ),
	  boost::lexical_cast<double>( zone.getProperty( nnt::s_RHO ) )

	p_abundances = Libnuceq__getAbundances( p_equil );

	d_ye_root = Libnuceq__computeZMoment( p_equil, 1 );

	Libnucnet__Zone__updateAbundances( zone.getNucnetZone(), p_abundances );

	d_yh_wse = 

	p_z_wse =
	  Libnucnet__Zone__getSummedAbundances( zone.getNucnetZone(), "z" );

	gsl_vector_free( p_abundances );



	user::update_my_rate_functions_data( zone );

	d_ye_root =
	    (nnt::quantityFunction) user::my_yedot_root,

	d_yh_wse =

	p_z_wse =
	  Libnucnet__Zone__getSummedAbundances( zone.getNucnetZone(), "z" );



    // Print out.

    if( zone.hasProperty( nnt::s_TIME ) )
      std::cout << "time = " << zone.getProperty( nnt::s_TIME ) << std::endl;

    std::cout << "t9 = " << zone.getProperty( nnt::s_T9 ) << std::endl;

    std::cout << "rho = " << zone.getProperty( nnt::s_RHO ) << std::endl;

    std::cout << "Ye = " << d_ye << std::endl;

    if( argc == 4 ) std::cout << "Ye_wse = " << d_ye_root << std::endl;

    std::cout << "Yh = " << d_yh << std::endl;

    std::cout << "Yh_nse = " << d_yh_nse << std::endl;

    if( argc == 4 ) std::cout << "Yh_wse = " << d_yh_wse << std::endl;

      i = 0;
      i <= Libnucnet__Nuc__getLargestNucleonNumber(
	     Libnucnet__Net__getNuc( Libnucnet__getNet( p_my_nucnet ) ),

      if( argc == 4 )
	  "%lu %e %e %e %e\n",
	  (unsigned long) i,
	  gsl_vector_get( p_z_net, i ),
	  gsl_vector_get( p_z_nse, i ),
	  gsl_vector_get( p_z_qse, i ),
	  gsl_vector_get( p_z_wse, i )
	  "%lu %e %e %e\n",
	  (unsigned long) i,
	  gsl_vector_get( p_z_net, i ),
	  gsl_vector_get( p_z_nse, i ),
	  gsl_vector_get( p_z_qse, i )


    gsl_vector_free( p_z_net );
    gsl_vector_free( p_z_nse );
    gsl_vector_free( p_z_qse );
    gsl_vector_free( p_z_wse );

    std::cout << std::endl;

Пример #12
 * Computes node and edge betweenness for a weighted graph.
MATRIX_T* BCT_NAMESPACE::edge_betweenness_wei(const MATRIX_T* G, VECTOR_T** BC) {
	if (safe_mode) check_status(G, SQUARE | WEIGHTED, "edge_betweenness_wei");
	// n=length(G);
	int n = length(G);
	// BC=zeros(n,1);
	if (BC != NULL) {
		*BC = zeros_vector(n);
	// EBC=zeros(n);
	MATRIX_T* EBC = zeros(n);
	// for u=1:n
	for (int u = 0; u < n; u++) {
		// D=inf(1,n); D(u) = 0;
		VECTOR_T* D = VECTOR_ID(alloc)(n);
		VECTOR_ID(set_all)(D, GSL_POSINF);
		VECTOR_ID(set)(D, u, 0.0);
		// NP=zeros(1,n); NP(u)=1;
		VECTOR_T* NP = zeros_vector(n);
		VECTOR_ID(set)(NP, u, 1.0);
		// S=true(1,n);
		VECTOR_T* S = VECTOR_ID(alloc)(n);
		VECTOR_ID(set_all)(S, 1.0);
		// P=false(n);
		MATRIX_T* P = MATRIX_ID(calloc)(n, n);
		// Q=zeros(1,n); q=n;
		VECTOR_T* Q = zeros_vector(n);
		int q = n - 1;
		// G1=G;
		MATRIX_T* G1 = copy(G);
		// V=u;
		VECTOR_T* V = VECTOR_ID(alloc)(1);
		VECTOR_ID(set)(V, 0, (FP_T)u);
		// while 1
		while (true) {
			// S(V)=0;
			ordinal_index_assign(S, V, 0.0);
			// G1(:,V)=0;
			VECTOR_T* G1_rows = sequence(0, G1->size1 - 1);
			ordinal_index_assign(G1, G1_rows, V, 0.0);
			// for v=V
			for (int i_V = 0; i_V < (int)V->size; i_V++) {
				int v = (int)VECTOR_ID(get)(V, i_V);
				// Q(q)=v; q=q-1;
				VECTOR_ID(set)(Q, q--, (FP_T)v);
				// W=find(G1(v,:));
				VECTOR_ID(view) G1_row_v = MATRIX_ID(row)(G1, v);
				VECTOR_T* W = find(&G1_row_v.vector);
				if (W != NULL) {
					// for w=W
					for (int i_W = 0; i_W < (int)W->size; i_W++) {
						int w = (int)VECTOR_ID(get)(W, i_W);
						// Duw=D(v)+G1(v,w);
						FP_T Duw = VECTOR_ID(get)(D, v) + MATRIX_ID(get)(G1, v, w);
						// if Duw<D(w)
						if (Duw < VECTOR_ID(get)(D, w)) {
							// D(w)=Duw;
							VECTOR_ID(set)(D, w, Duw);
							// NP(w)=NP(v);
							VECTOR_ID(set)(NP, w, VECTOR_ID(get)(NP, v));
							// P(w,:)=0;
							VECTOR_ID(view) P_row_w = MATRIX_ID(row)(P, w);
							// P(w,v)=1;
							MATRIX_ID(set)(P, w, v, 1.0);
							// elseif Duw==D(w)
						} else if (fp_equal(Duw, VECTOR_ID(get)(D, w))) {
							// NP(w)=NP(w)+NP(v);
							VECTOR_ID(set)(NP, w, VECTOR_ID(get)(NP, w) + VECTOR_ID(get)(NP, v));
							// P(w,v)=1;
							MATRIX_ID(set)(P, w, v, 1.0);
			// if isempty(minD), break
			if (nnz(S) == 0) {
			} else {
				// minD=min(D(S))
				VECTOR_T* D_S = logical_index(D, S);
				FP_T minD = VECTOR_ID(min)(D_S);
				// elseif isinf(minD),
				if (gsl_isinf(minD) == 1) {
					// Q(1:q)=find(isinf(D)); break
					VECTOR_T* isinf_D = compare_elements(D, fp_equal, GSL_POSINF);
					VECTOR_T* find_isinf_D = find(isinf_D);
					VECTOR_ID(view) Q_subv = VECTOR_ID(subvector)(Q, 0, q + 1);
					VECTOR_ID(memcpy)(&Q_subv.vector, find_isinf_D);
				// V=find(D==minD);
				VECTOR_T* D_eq_minD = compare_elements(D, fp_equal, minD);
				V = find(D_eq_minD);
		// DP=zeros(n,1);
		VECTOR_T* DP = zeros_vector(n);
		// for w=Q(1:n-1);
		for (int i_Q = 0; i_Q < n - 1; i_Q++) {
			int w = (int)VECTOR_ID(get)(Q, i_Q);
			// BC(w)=BC(w)+DP(w)
			if (BC != NULL) {
				VECTOR_ID(set)(*BC, w, VECTOR_ID(get)(*BC, w) + VECTOR_ID(get)(DP, w));
			// for v=find(P(w,:))
			VECTOR_ID(view) P_row_w = MATRIX_ID(row)(P, w);
			VECTOR_T* find_P_row_w = find(&P_row_w.vector);
			if (find_P_row_w != NULL) {
				for (int i_find_P_row_w = 0; i_find_P_row_w < (int)find_P_row_w->size; i_find_P_row_w++) {
					int v = (int)VECTOR_ID(get)(find_P_row_w, i_find_P_row_w);
					// DPvw=(1+DP(w)).*NP(v)./NP(w);
					FP_T DP_w = VECTOR_ID(get)(DP, w);
					FP_T NP_v = VECTOR_ID(get)(NP, v);
					FP_T NP_w = VECTOR_ID(get)(NP, w);
					FP_T DPvw = (1 + DP_w) * NP_v / NP_w;
					// DP(v)=DP(v)+DPvw;
					VECTOR_ID(set)(DP, v, VECTOR_ID(get)(DP, v) + DPvw);
					// EBC(v,w)=EBC(v,w)+DPvw;
					MATRIX_ID(set)(EBC, v, w, MATRIX_ID(get)(EBC, v, w) + DPvw);
	return EBC;