Пример #1
/* Tridiagonal Systems */
CAMLprim value ml_gsl_linalg_solve_symm_tridiag(value DIAG, value E, value B, value X)
  gsl_linalg_solve_symm_tridiag(&v_DIAG, &v_E, &v_B, &v_X);
  return Val_unit;
Пример #2
Файл: mrs.c Проект: zmuda/mownit
# mrs jest niestabilna numerycznie
# rozwiązanie przykładowego problemu
# cu' - u" = x^2 - rownanie dyfuzji-konwekcji
# xe(0,1); u(0)=u(1)=0;
# arg1 = liczba podzialow; arg2 = stala konwekcji c
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
    unsigned n;
    double c;
        printf("\nWymagane dwa argumenty: liczba podzialow; stala konwekcji c\n");
        return 1;
    } else {
        int i=atoi(argv[1]);
        if( i<2 ){
            printf("\nNie mozna dzielic na mniej niz dwa elementy\n");
            return 2;

    macierz wspolczynników w mrs jest trójdiagonalna
    przy obranych warunkach poczatkowych jest ponadto
     symetryczna wzgledem obu diagonal
    const unsigned N =n+1;
    gsl_vector* diag = gsl_vector_alloc( N-2 );
    //analitycznie uzyskana wartosc
    gsl_vector_set_all (diag, 2*n*n);
    gsl_vector* offdiag = gsl_vector_alloc( N-3 );
    //analitycznie uzyskana wartosc
    gsl_vector_set_all (offdiag, (c/2)*n-n*n);
    gsl_vector* f = gsl_vector_alloc( N-2 );
    //wypelnienie probkowanymi wartosciami funkcji x^2
    int i=N-2;
    double h = 1.0/n;
        gsl_vector_set (f,i, (i*h+h) * (i*h+h) );
    gsl_vector* x = gsl_vector_alloc( N-2 );

    //solver dedykowany do trojdiagonalej symetrycznej
    //macierzy wspolczynnikow
    // - mniejsza zlozonosc O(n^2)
    gsl_linalg_solve_symm_tridiag (diag,offdiag,f,x);

    //plik tymczasowy dla gnuplot
    FILE* out = fopen("out_0.tmp","w");
    //warunek brzegowy #1
        fprintf(out,"%f\t%f\n",i*h+h,gsl_vector_get (x,i));
    //warunek brzegowy #2

    return 0;
Пример #3
/* natural spline calculation
 * see [Engeln-Mullges + Uhlig, p. 254]
static int
cspline_init (void * vstate, const double xa[], const double ya[],
              size_t size)
  cspline_state_t *state = (cspline_state_t *) vstate;

  size_t i;
  size_t num_points = size;
  size_t max_index = num_points - 1;  /* Engeln-Mullges + Uhlig "n" */
  size_t sys_size = max_index - 1;    /* linear system is sys_size x sys_size */

  state->c[0] = 0.0;
  state->c[max_index] = 0.0;

  for (i = 0; i < sys_size; i++)
      const double h_i   = xa[i + 1] - xa[i];
      const double h_ip1 = xa[i + 2] - xa[i + 1];
      const double ydiff_i   = ya[i + 1] - ya[i];
      const double ydiff_ip1 = ya[i + 2] - ya[i + 1];
      const double g_i = (h_i != 0.0) ? 1.0 / h_i : 0.0;
      const double g_ip1 = (h_ip1 != 0.0) ? 1.0 / h_ip1 : 0.0;
      state->offdiag[i] = h_ip1;
      state->diag[i] = 2.0 * (h_ip1 + h_i);
      state->g[i] = 3.0 * (ydiff_ip1 * g_ip1 -  ydiff_i * g_i);

  if (sys_size == 1)
      state->c[1] = state->g[0] / state->diag[0];
      return GSL_SUCCESS;
      gsl_vector_view g_vec = gsl_vector_view_array(state->g, sys_size);
      gsl_vector_view diag_vec = gsl_vector_view_array(state->diag, sys_size);
      gsl_vector_view offdiag_vec = gsl_vector_view_array(state->offdiag, sys_size - 1);
      gsl_vector_view solution_vec = gsl_vector_view_array ((state->c) + 1, sys_size);
      int status = gsl_linalg_solve_symm_tridiag(&diag_vec.vector, 
      return status;
Пример #4
     * C++ version of gsl_linalg_solve_symm_tridiag().
     * @param diag A vector of diagonal elements
     * @param offdiag Off-diagonal vector (one element shorte than @c diag)
     * @param b A vector
     * @param x A vector
     * @return Error code on failure
    inline int solve_symm_tridiag( vector const& diag, vector const& offdiag, vector const& b,
				   vector& x ){
      return gsl_linalg_solve_symm_tridiag( diag.get(), offdiag.get(), b.get(), x.get() ); } 
Пример #5
int main_gsl_quad() {
// Na postawie N i K bede ustalal jak wiele moze byc przedzialów,
// Ustalilem recznie, na wyczucie.

	int DEEP = (int)( log(2.0E7 / N) );
//	printf("%d\n", DEEP);
	int DLIMIT = Pow(2,DEEP);

	double result1, result2, diff1, diff2;
	double result3, result4, diff3, diff4;
	F  = gsl_vector_alloc((int)N);   // Macierz G jest trojdiagonalna symetryczna
	G1 = gsl_vector_alloc((int)N);   // wiec mozna ja opisac jedynie poprzez 2
	G2 = gsl_vector_alloc((int)N-1); // wektory- diagonali i poddiagonali.
	X  = gsl_vector_alloc((int)N);   // 
	for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
		gsl_vector_set(G1, i, 2*(i-1.0)/h);
	for (int i = 0; i < N-1; ++i)
		gsl_vector_set(G2, i, -(2.0*i+1.0)/2.0/h);
	workspace = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(LIMIT);

	if ( K > 20 ) {
		DLIMIT = (int) log10(sqrt(5*K))*DLIMIT;
		DEEP = (int) log2(DLIMIT);
	DLIMIT *= 4;
	DEEP *= 4;
	table = gsl_integration_qawo_table_alloc(K*PI, h, GSL_INTEG_SINE, DEEP);
	fun.function = &f2q_sin;
//	printf("%d %d\n", DEEP, DLIMIT);
// Mamy doczynienia z funkcja oscylujaca, uzyjmy wiec specjalnych
// kwadratur GSLa, oddzielnie dla sinus oddzielnie dla cosinus,
	for (f2qi = 1; f2qi <= N; ++f2qi) { // sinus	
		fisign = 1;
		if ( f2qi < 2 ) // wartosci na siebie nachodza
			gsl_integration_qawo(&fun, (f2qi-1)*h, 0.0E0, EPSILON, DLIMIT, workspace, table, &result1, &diff1);
		else result1 = -result3;
		fisign = -1;
		gsl_integration_qawo(&fun, (f2qi  )*h, 0.0E0, EPSILON, DLIMIT, workspace, table, &result3, &diff3);

		gsl_vector_set(F, f2qi-1, result1+result3);
//		if( f2qi % 1000 == 0 ) { printf("%d  \r", f2qi); fflush(stdout); }
	table = gsl_integration_qawo_table_alloc(K*PI, h, GSL_INTEG_COSINE, DEEP);
	fun.function = &f2q_cos;
	for (f2qi = 1; f2qi <= N; ++f2qi) { // cosinus	
		fisign = 1;
		if ( f2qi < 2 ) // wartosci na siebie nachodza
			gsl_integration_qawo(&fun, (f2qi-1)*h, 0.0E0, EPSILON, DLIMIT, workspace, table, &result2, &diff2);
		else result2 = -result4;
		fisign = -1;
		gsl_integration_qawo(&fun, (f2qi  )*h, 0.0E0, EPSILON, DLIMIT, workspace, table, &result4, &diff4);	
		gsl_vector_set(F, f2qi-1, result1+result3+gsl_vector_get(F, f2qi-1));
//		if( f2qi % 1000 == 0 ) { printf("%d  \r", f2qi); fflush(stdout); }

// Mamy F wiec znajdujemy X (h*), rozwiazujac uklad Gh=F
// gdzie G symetryczna trojdiagonalna,

//	fprintf(stderr,"2 quad done.\n");
//	for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
//		fprintf(stderr,"h[%d] = %.15e\n",i,gsl_vector_get(X,i));
	fprintf(stderr,"2 linalg done.\n");
	return 0;
Пример #6
static int init(void * vstate, const double xa[], const double ya[], size_t size)
   struct state_t * state = (struct state_t *) vstate;
   switch (size)
      case 2:
         double A[16];
         double x[4];
         double b[4];
         /* Set up the system */
            int i;
            double h = xa[1] - xa[0];
            for (i=0; i<16; i++)
               A[i] = 0.0;
            /* Zeroth-order, all points have the same value */
            /* a = y0 */
            A[0*4+0] = 1.0;
            b[0] = ya[0];
            /* a, b, c, d = y1 */
            A[1*4+0] = 1.0;
            A[1*4+1] = h;
            A[1*4+2] = h*h;
            A[1*4+3] = h*h*h;
            b[1] = ya[1];
            /* The last two equations depend on the endpoint types */
            if (state->ltype == BT_INTERP_SLOPE)
               /* b = alpha */
               A[2*4+1] = 1.0;
               b[2] = state->alpha;
            else /* state->ltype == WAM_INTERP_NATURAL */
               /* c = 0 */
               A[2*4+2] = 2.0;
               b[2] = 0.0;
            if (state->rtype == BT_INTERP_SLOPE)
               /* b, c, d = beta */
               A[3*4+1] = 1.0;
               A[3*4+2] = 2*h;
               A[3*4+3] = 3*h*h;
               b[3] = state->beta;
            else /* state->ltype == WAM_INTERP_NATURAL */
               /* c, d = 0 */
               A[3*4+2] = 2.0;
               A[3*4+3] = 6*h;
               b[3] = 0.0;
         /* Solve the system */
            gsl_matrix_view A_view = gsl_matrix_view_array(A,4,4);
            gsl_vector_view b_view = gsl_vector_view_array(b,4);
            gsl_vector_view x_view = gsl_vector_view_array(x,4);
            gsl_permutation * p = gsl_permutation_alloc(4);
            int s;
            gsl_linalg_LU_decomp( &A_view.matrix, p, &s);
            gsl_linalg_LU_solve( &A_view.matrix, p, &b_view.vector, &x_view.vector );
         /* Save the solved values */
         state->s_2p->a = x[0];
         state->s_2p->b = x[1];
         state->s_2p->c = x[2];
         state->s_2p->d = x[3];
      } break;
      case 3:
         double A[64];
         double x[8];
         double b[8];
         /* Set up the system */
            int i;
            double hL = xa[1] - xa[0];
            double hR = xa[2] - xa[1];
            for (i=0; i<64; i++)
               A[i] = 0.0;
            /* Zeroth-order, all points have the same value */
            /* aL = y0 */
            A[0*8+0] = 1.0;
            b[0] = ya[0];
            /* aL, bL, cL, dL = y1 */
            A[1*8+0] = 1.0;
            A[1*8+1] = hL;
            A[1*8+2] = hL*hL;
            A[1*8+3] = hL*hL*hL;
            b[1] = ya[1];
            /* aR = y1 */
            A[2*8+4] = 1.0;
            b[2] = ya[1];
            /* aR, bR, cR, dR = y2 */
            A[3*8+4] = 1.0;
            A[3*8+5] = hR;
            A[3*8+6] = hR*hR;
            A[3*8+7] = hR*hR*hR;
            b[3] = ya[2];
            /* First-order, the slopes are the same at the midpoint */
            /* bL, cL, dL, -bR = 0 */
            A[4*8+1] = 1.0;
            A[4*8+2] = 2*hL;
            A[4*8+3] = 3*hL*hL;
            A[4*8+5] = -1.0;
            b[4] = 0.0;
            /* Second-order, the concavity is the same at the midpoint */
            /* cL, dL, -cR = 0 */
            A[5*8+2] = 2.0;
            A[5*8+3] = 6*hL;
            A[5*8+6] = -2.0;
            b[5] = 0.0;
            /* The last two equations depend on the endpoint types */
            if (state->ltype == BT_INTERP_SLOPE)
               /* bL = alpha */
               A[6*8+1] = 1.0;
               b[6] = state->alpha;
            else /* state->ltype == WAM_INTERP_NATURAL */
               /* cL = 0 */
               A[6*8+2] = 2.0;
               b[6] = 0.0;
            if (state->rtype == BT_INTERP_SLOPE)
               /* bR, cR, dR = beta */
               A[7*8+5] = 1.0;
               A[7*8+6] = 2*hR;
               A[7*8+7] = 3*hR*hR;
               b[7] = state->beta;
            else /* state->rtype == WAM_INTERP_NATURAL */
               /* cR, dR = 0 */
               A[7*8+6] = 2.0;
               A[7*8+7] = 6*hL;
               b[7] = 0.0;
         /* Solve the system */
            gsl_matrix_view A_view = gsl_matrix_view_array(A,8,8);
            gsl_vector_view b_view = gsl_vector_view_array(b,8);
            gsl_vector_view x_view = gsl_vector_view_array(x,8);
            gsl_permutation * p = gsl_permutation_alloc(8);
            int s;
            gsl_linalg_LU_decomp( &A_view.matrix, p, &s);
            gsl_linalg_LU_solve( &A_view.matrix, p, &b_view.vector, &x_view.vector );
         /* Save the solved values */
         state->s_3p->aL = x[0];
         state->s_3p->bL = x[1];
         state->s_3p->cL = x[2];
         state->s_3p->dL = x[3];
         state->s_3p->aR = x[4];
         state->s_3p->bR = x[5];
         state->s_3p->cR = x[6];
         state->s_3p->dR = x[7];
      } break;
         /* spline calculation with natural boundary conditions
          * or with defined first and/or last derivatives
          * see [Engeln-Mullges + Uhlig, p. 258]
         /* Note - this is mostly duplication. Oh well. */
         size_t i;
         size_t num_points = size;
         size_t max_index = num_points - 1;  /* Engeln-Mullges + Uhlig "n" */
         size_t sys_size = max_index - 1;    /* linear system is sys_size x sys_size */

         /* Note - moved outer c setting to below */
         /* Set up the system for the inner c's */
         for (i = 0; i < sys_size; i++)
            const double h_i   = xa[i + 1] - xa[i];
            const double h_ip1 = xa[i + 2] - xa[i + 1];
            const double ydiff_i   = ya[i + 1] - ya[i];
            const double ydiff_ip1 = ya[i + 2] - ya[i + 1];
            const double g_i = (h_i != 0.0) ? 1.0 / h_i : 0.0;
            const double g_ip1 = (h_ip1 != 0.0) ? 1.0 / h_ip1 : 0.0;
            state->cstate->offdiag[i] = h_ip1;
            /* added in here ######### */
            if (state->ltype == BT_INTERP_SLOPE && i==0)
               state->cstate->diag[i] = 1.5 * h_i + 2.0 * h_ip1;
               state->cstate->g[i] = 3.0 * (ydiff_ip1 * g_ip1 - 0.5 * ( 3.0*(ydiff_i*g_i) - state->alpha ) );
            if (state->rtype == BT_INTERP_SLOPE && i == sys_size-1)
               state->cstate->diag[i] = 2.0 * h_i + 1.5 * h_ip1;
               state->cstate->g[i] = 3.0 * ( 0.5 * ( 3.0*(ydiff_ip1*g_ip1) - state->beta ) - ydiff_i * g_i );
            /* ####################### */
            state->cstate->diag[i] = 2.0 * (h_ip1 + h_i);
            state->cstate->g[i] = 3.0 * (ydiff_ip1 * g_ip1 - ydiff_i * g_i);
         /* Solve the system for the inner c's */
            gsl_vector_view g_vec = gsl_vector_view_array(state->cstate->g, sys_size);
            gsl_vector_view diag_vec = gsl_vector_view_array(state->cstate->diag, sys_size);
            gsl_vector_view offdiag_vec = gsl_vector_view_array(state->cstate->offdiag, sys_size - 1);
            gsl_vector_view solution_vec = gsl_vector_view_array ((state->cstate->c) + 1, sys_size);
            int status = gsl_linalg_solve_symm_tridiag(&diag_vec.vector, 
            if (status != GSL_SUCCESS) return status;
         /* Set the outer c's.  */
         if (state->ltype == BT_INTERP_SLOPE)
            const double h_0 = xa[1] - xa[0];
            const double ydiff_0 = ya[1] - ya[0];
            state->cstate->c[0] = 1.0/(2.0*h_0) * ( (3.0/h_0)*ydiff_0 - 3.0*state->alpha - state->cstate->c[1]*h_0 );
            state->cstate->c[0] = 0.0;
         if (state->rtype == BT_INTERP_SLOPE)
            const double h_nm1 = xa[max_index] - xa[max_index-1];
            const double ydiff_nm1 = ya[max_index] - ya[max_index-1];
            state->cstate->c[max_index] = - 1.0/(2.0*h_nm1) * ( (3.0/h_nm1)*ydiff_nm1 - 3.0*state->beta + state->cstate->c[max_index-1]*h_nm1 );
            state->cstate->c[max_index] = 0.0;
      } break;
   return GSL_SUCCESS;
Пример #7
int main_rect() {

	double result1=0, result2=0, diff1=0, diff2=0;
	double result3=0, result4=0, diff3=0, diff4=0;
	F  = gsl_vector_alloc((int)N);   // Macierz G jest trojdiagonalna symetryczna
	G1 = gsl_vector_alloc((int)N);   // wiec mozna ja opisac jedynie poprzez 2
	G2 = gsl_vector_alloc((int)N-1); // wektory- diagonali i poddiagonali.
	X  = gsl_vector_alloc((int)N);   // 
	for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
		gsl_vector_set(G1, i, 2*(i-1.0)/h);
	for (int i = 0; i < N-1; ++i)
		gsl_vector_set(G2, i, -(2.0*i+1.0)/2.0/h);
	workspace = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(LIMIT);
	for (f1qi = 1; f1qi <= N; ++f1qi) { // na dwie tury,
		fisign = 1;	
		if (f1qi < 2) {
			result1 = 0;
			for (double i = ((double)f1qi-1.0)*h + h/M/2.0; i < ((double)f1qi)*h; i += h/M)
				result1 += f1q(i,0)*h/M;
		} else result1 = -result2;
		gsl_vector_set(F, f1qi-1, result1);
		fisign = -1;
		result2 = 0;
		for (double i = ((double)f1qi)*h + h/M/2.0; i < ((double)f1qi+1)*h; i += h/M)
			result2 += f1q(i,0)*h/M;
		gsl_vector_set(F, f1qi-1, result1 +result2);
		if( f1qi % 1000 == 0 ) { printf("%d  \r", f2qi); fflush(stdout); }
	fprintf(stderr,"1 qad done.\n");
//	for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
//		fprintf(stderr,"h[%d] = %e\n",i,gsl_vector_get(X,i));
	fprintf(stderr,"1 linalg done.\n");

	for (f2qi = 1; f2qi <= N; ++f2qi) { // sinus	
		fisign = 1;
		if (f2qi < 2) { // wartosci na siebie nachodza
			result1 = 0;
			for (double i = ((double)f2qi-1.0)*h + h/M/2.0; i < ((double)f2qi)*h; i += h/M)
				result1 += f2q(i,0)*h/M;
		} else result1 = -result3;
		fisign = -1;
		result2 = 0;
		for (double i = ((double)f2qi)*h + h/M/2.0; i < ((double)f2qi+1)*h; i += h/M)
			result2 += f2q(i,0)*h/M;
		gsl_vector_set(F, f2qi-1, result2+result1);
		if( f2qi % 1000 == 0 ) { printf("%d  \r", f2qi); fflush(stdout); }

	fprintf(stderr,"2 quad done.\n");
//	for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
//		fprintf(stderr,"h[%d] = %.15e\n",i,gsl_vector_get(X,i));
	fprintf(stderr,"2 linalg done.\n");

	return 0;