Пример #1
int is_mirror_image(double* X, int X_dim0, int X_dim1, int X_dim1_mem,
                    double* Y, int Y_dim0, int Y_dim1, int Y_dim1_mem) {
    // Check if two configurations X and Y are mirror images
    // (i.e. does their optimal superposition involve a reflection?)
    // Parameters
    // ----------
    // X : double*, shape=(X_dim0, X_dim1)
    //    Pointer to the upper left corner of matrix X.
    // X_dim0 : int
    //    The number of rows in matrix X. Should be 3.
    // X_dim1 : int
    //    The number of columns in matrix X. Corresponds to number of atoms
    // X_dim1_mem : int
    //     number of columns of X in memory. corresponds to the number of padded atoms.
    //     such that the (i,j)-th element of X is accessed at X[i*X_dim1*mem + j]
    // Y : double*, shape=(X_dim0, X_dim1)
    //    Pointer to the upper left corner of matrix X.
    // Y_dim0 : int
    //    The number of rows in matrix Y. Should be 3.
    // Y_dim1 : int
    //    The number of columns in matrix Y. Corresponds to number of atoms
    // Y_dim1_mem : int
    //     number of columns of Y in memory. corresponds to the number of padded atoms.
    //     such that the (i,j)-th element of Y is accessed at Y[i*Y_dim1*mem + j]    // 
    // Returns
    // -------
    // mirror : int
    //     = 1 if they are mirror images
    //     = 0 if they are not mirror images
    if ((X_dim0 != Y_dim0) || (X_dim1 != Y_dim1) || (X_dim0 != 3)){
        fprintf(stderr, "is_mirror_image called with wrong shape\n");
    // covariance = np.dot(X, Y.T)
    gsl_matrix* covariance = gsl_matrix_alloc(3, 3);
    gsl_matrix_view mX = gsl_matrix_view_array_with_tda(X, X_dim0, X_dim1, X_dim1_mem);
    gsl_matrix_view mY = gsl_matrix_view_array_with_tda(Y, Y_dim0, Y_dim1, Y_dim1_mem);
    gsl_blas_dgemm(CblasNoTrans, CblasTrans, 1.0, &mX.matrix, &mY.matrix, 0.0, covariance);
    gsl_matrix* U = gsl_matrix_alloc(3, 3);
    gsl_vector* S = gsl_vector_alloc(3);
    gsl_vector* work = gsl_vector_alloc(3);
    gsl_linalg_SV_decomp(covariance, U, S, work);
    double determinant = ddet(covariance->data) * ddet(U->data);
    return determinant < 0;
Пример #2
 * ncm_matrix_new_full:
 * @d: pointer to the data
 * @nrows: number of rows
 * @ncols: number of columns
 * @tda: row trailing dimension
 * @pdata: (allow-none): descending data pointer
 * @pfree: (scope notified) (allow-none): free function to be called when destroying the matrix
 * This function allocates memory for a new #NcmMatrix of doubles
 * with @nrows rows and @ncols columns.
 * Returns: A new #NcmMatrix.
NcmMatrix *
ncm_matrix_new_full (gdouble *d, guint nrows, guint ncols, guint tda, gpointer pdata, GDestroyNotify pfree)
  NcmMatrix *cm = g_object_new (NCM_TYPE_MATRIX, NULL);
  if (tda == ncols)
    cm->mv = gsl_matrix_view_array (d, nrows, ncols);
    cm->mv = gsl_matrix_view_array_with_tda (d, nrows, ncols, tda);

  cm->type = NCM_MATRIX_DERIVED;
  g_assert ((pdata == NULL) || (pdata != NULL && pfree != NULL));
  cm->pdata = pdata;
  cm->pfree = pfree;

  return cm;
Пример #3
	/** Note that GSL has rows and columns in C convention ordering. */
	bool Matrix::gslInit ( const size_t rows, const size_t cols, double *base, const size_t tda ) {
		bool invalidates
			= base != matrix.data
			|| rows < countRows()
			|| cols < countColumns()
			|| ( tda != matrix.tda && 1 < countRows() );
		// Circumvent GSL limitation to allow 0-row and/or 0-column matrices
		if ( 0 == rows || 0 == cols ) {
			assert( 0 <= rows );
			assert( 0 <= cols );
			assert( cols <= tda );
			matrix.data = base;
			matrix.size1 = rows;
			matrix.size2 = cols;
			matrix.tda = tda;
		} else {
			*static_cast<gsl_matrix_view*>( this ) = gsl_matrix_view_array_with_tda( base, rows, cols, tda );
		return invalidates;
Пример #4
int average_structure(double* X, int X_dim0, int X_dim1, int X_dim2, int X_dim2_mem,
                      long* assignments, int assignments_dim0, long k,
                      double* R, int R_dim0, int R_dim1, int R_dim1_mem) {
    // Compute an "average conformation" from amongst the conformations
    // in xyzlist[assignments==k]
    // Parameters (input)
    // ------------------
    // X : double*
    //     pointer to the upper left corner of the trajectoy's coordinates.
    //     X should be the start of a 3d matrix.
    // X_dim0 : int
    //     number of rows of X. Corresponds to the number of frames.
    // X_dim1 : int
    //     number of columns of X. This should be 3.
    // X_dim2 : int
    //     size of the third dimension of X. Corresponds to the number of atoms.
    // X_dim2_mem : int
    //     If the array on disk has "padded" atoms, then X_dim2_mem should be
    //     the number of atoms with padding. This is important because we
    //     need to skip over the right number of frames to find the n-th
    //     conformation on disk.
    // assignments : long*
    //     pointer to the beginning of the assignments vector, which contains
    //     the index of the "state" that each conformation is assigned to.
    // k : long
    //     this routine will only touch entries in X corresponding to frames
    //     whose assignment is equal to k. The other frames will be skipped.
    // Parameters (output)
    // -------------------
    // R : double*
    //     pointer to the start of a conformation where you'd like the resulting
    //     average structure stored.
    // R_dim0 : int
    //     number of rows of R. this should be 3
    // R_dim1 : int
    //     number of columns of R. corresponds to the number of atoms
    if ((X_dim1 != R_dim0) || (X_dim2 != R_dim1) || (X_dim1 != 3)){
        fprintf(stderr, "X_dim1 %d\n", X_dim1);
        fprintf(stderr, "R_dim0 %d\n", R_dim0);
        fprintf(stderr, "X_dim2 %d\n", X_dim2);   
        fprintf(stderr, "R_dim1 %d\n", R_dim1);
        fprintf(stderr, "average_structure called with wrong shape\n");
    if (X_dim2_mem <= X_dim2) {
        fprintf(stderr, "x_dim2_mem must be greater than or equal to X_dim2");
    int status = 0;
    // declare the workspace for the gower matrix
    double B[X_dim2*X_dim2];
    memset(B, 0, sizeof(double)*X_dim2*X_dim2);
    status = gower_matrix(X, X_dim0, X_dim1, X_dim2, X_dim2_mem, assignments, assignments_dim0, k,
                          B, X_dim2, X_dim2);
    if (status == -1) {
        int new_seed = rand() % X_dim0;
        fprintf(stderr, "Warning: No assignments for state %ld\n", k);
        fprintf(stderr, "Choosing new seed structure: %d\n", new_seed);
        memcpy(R, &X[new_seed*X_dim1*X_dim2_mem], X_dim2*sizeof(double));
        memcpy(R + X_dim2_mem, &X[new_seed*X_dim1*X_dim2_mem + X_dim2_mem], X_dim2*sizeof(double));
        memcpy(R + 2*X_dim2_mem, &X[new_seed*X_dim1*X_dim2_mem + 2*X_dim2_mem], X_dim2*sizeof(double));
        return 0;

    gsl_matrix_view mB = gsl_matrix_view_array(B, X_dim2, X_dim2);
    gsl_eigen_symmv_workspace* workspace = gsl_eigen_symmv_alloc(X_dim2);
    gsl_vector* eval = gsl_vector_alloc(X_dim2);
    gsl_matrix* evec = gsl_matrix_alloc(X_dim2, X_dim2);

    gsl_eigen_symmv(&mB.matrix, eval, evec, workspace);
    gsl_eigen_symmv_sort(eval, evec, GSL_EIGEN_SORT_VAL_DESC);
    // printf("Eigenvectors\n");
    // gsl_matrix_printf(evec);
    // printf("\n");
    int i;
    gsl_vector_view column;
    for (i = 0; i < X_dim2; i++) {
        column = gsl_matrix_column(evec, i);
        gsl_vector_scale(&column.vector, sqrt(gsl_vector_get(eval, i)));
    gsl_matrix_view output = gsl_matrix_view_array_with_tda(R, R_dim0, R_dim1, R_dim1_mem);
    gsl_matrix_view submatrix = gsl_matrix_submatrix(evec, 0, 0, X_dim2, 3);
    gsl_matrix_transpose_memcpy(&output.matrix, &submatrix.matrix);

    rectify_mirror(R, R_dim0, R_dim1, R_dim1_mem, &X[status*X_dim1*X_dim2_mem], X_dim1, X_dim2, X_dim2_mem);

    return 1;
Пример #5
int gower_matrix(double* X, int X_dim0, int X_dim1, int X_dim2, int X_dim2_mem,
                 long* assignments, int assignments_dim0, long k,
                 double* B, int B_dim0, int B_dim1) {
    // Compute the Gower matrix over an ensemble of conformations.
    // The result can be thought of as the average dissimilarity between each
    // of the atoms.
    // Gower, J.C. (1966). Some distance properties of latent root
    // and vector methods used in multivariate analysis.
    // Biometrika 53: 325-338
    // Parameters
    // ----------
    // X : double*, shape=(X_dim0, X_dim1, X_dim2)
    //     The centered cartesian coordinates
    // X_dim0 : int
    //     number of rows of X. Corresponds to the number of frames.
    // X_dim1 : int
    //     number of columns of X. This should be 3.
    // X_dim2_mem : int
    //     If the array on disk has "padded" atoms, then X_dim2_mem should be
    //     the number of atoms with padding. This is important because we
    //     need to skip over the right number of frames to find the n-th
    //     conformation on disk.
    // assignments : long*, shape=(assignments_dim0)
    //     The assignments for each frame.
    // k : long
    //     The requested state. Only frames with index i such that assignments[i] == k
    //     will be averaged.
    // B : double*, shape=(B_dim0, B_dim1)
    //     The output array. It's a dissimilarity matrix over the atoms, so
    //     the dimenensions should be n_atoms x n_atoms (that is, X_dim2 x X_dim2)
    // Returns
    // -------
    // status : int
    //     = -1    if none of the frames have assignment[k]. this is an error.
    //     > 0     when the method runs correctly, the return code will contain
    //             the index of the last frame assigned to state k.
    if ((X_dim1 != 3) || (X_dim2 != B_dim0) || (X_dim2 != B_dim1) || (assignments_dim0 != X_dim0)){
        fprintf(stderr, "gower_matrix called with wrong shapes\n");
    gsl_matrix_view mA, mB;
    int retval = -1;
    int n_assignments = 0;
    int i, j;
    long p;
    // count the number of assignments
    for (i = 0; i < assignments_dim0; i++) {
        if (assignments[i] == k) {
            retval = i;
    if (n_assignments <= 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "no assignements (gower)\n");
        return -1;
    mB = gsl_matrix_view_array(B, B_dim0, B_dim1);

    for (p = 0; p < assignments_dim0; p++) {
        if (assignments[p] != k) {
        mA = gsl_matrix_view_array_with_tda(&X[p*X_dim1*X_dim2_mem], X_dim1, X_dim2, X_dim2_mem);
        // for (j = 0; j < X_dim2; j++) {
            // printf("%f", gsl_matrix_get(&mA.matrix, 0, j));
        // }
        // B += (1/n_frames) X.T[i] * X[i]
        gsl_blas_dgemm(CblasTrans, CblasNoTrans, 1.0 / n_assignments,
            &mA.matrix, &mA.matrix, 1.0, &mB.matrix);
    // ones = np.ones(X_dim2)
    // b = np.empty(X_dim2)
    gsl_vector* ones = gsl_vector_alloc(X_dim2);
    gsl_vector_set_all(ones, 1.0);
    gsl_vector* b = gsl_vector_alloc(X_dim2);
    // b = np.mean(B) / B.shape[0]
    gsl_blas_dgemv(CblasNoTrans, 1.0 / X_dim2, &mB.matrix, ones, 0.0, b);
    // bb = np.mean(b)
    double bb;
    gsl_blas_ddot(b, ones, &bb);
    bb /= X_dim2;
    // B = B - np.add.outer(b, b)) + bb
    for (i = 0; i < X_dim2; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < X_dim2; j++) {
            B[i*X_dim2 + j] +=  bb - (gsl_vector_get(b, i) + gsl_vector_get(b, j));
    return retval;