Пример #1
double *InitCond(double *p, int N, int distr_type, double center, double gamma) {
  int i;			/* Counters */
  double k;
  gsl_rng *r;

  gsl_rng_default_seed = rand()*RAND_MAX;

  const gsl_rng_type *T;
  T = gsl_rng_default;
  r = gsl_rng_alloc(T);
  switch(distr_type) {
  case 0:			/* Cauchy ??? */
    for(i=0 ;i<N ;i++ ) 
      p[i] = center + gsl_ran_cauchy(r, gamma);
  case 1:			/* Gaussian (random) */
    for(i=0 ;i<N ;i++ ) 
      p[i] = center + gsl_ran_gaussian(r,gamma);
  case 2:			/* Cauchy ordered */
    for(i=0 ;i<N ;i++ ) {
      k = (2.0*(i+1) - N -1.0)/(N+1.0);
      p[i] = center + gamma*tan((PI/2.0)*k);

  return p;
Пример #2
void librdist_cauchy(gsl_rng *rng, int argc, void *argv, int bufc, float *buf){
	t_atom *av = (t_atom *)argv;
	if(argc != librdist_getnargs(ps_cauchy)){
	const double a = librdist_atom_getfloat(av);
	int i;
	for(i = 0; i < bufc; i++)
	       	buf[i] = (float)gsl_ran_cauchy(rng, a);
Пример #3
main (int argc, char *argv[])
  size_t i,j;
  size_t n = 0;
  double mu = 0, nu = 0, nu1 = 0, nu2 = 0, sigma = 0, a = 0, b = 0, c = 0;
  double zeta = 0, sigmax = 0, sigmay = 0, rho = 0;
  double p = 0;
  double x = 0, y =0, z=0  ;
  unsigned int N = 0, t = 0, n1 = 0, n2 = 0 ;
  unsigned long int seed = 0 ;
  const char * name ;
  gsl_rng * r ;

  if (argc < 4) 
      printf (
"Usage: gsl-randist seed n DIST param1 param2 ...\n"
"Generates n samples from the distribution DIST with parameters param1,\n"
"param2, etc. Valid distributions are,\n"
"  beta\n"
"  binomial\n"
"  bivariate-gaussian\n"
"  cauchy\n"
"  chisq\n"
"  dir-2d\n"
"  dir-3d\n"
"  dir-nd\n"
"  erlang\n"
"  exponential\n"
"  exppow\n"
"  fdist\n"
"  flat\n"
"  gamma\n"
"  gaussian-tail\n"
"  gaussian\n"
"  geometric\n"
"  gumbel1\n"
"  gumbel2\n"
"  hypergeometric\n"
"  laplace\n"
"  landau\n"
"  levy\n"
"  levy-skew\n"
"  logarithmic\n"
"  logistic\n"
"  lognormal\n"
"  negative-binomial\n"
"  pareto\n"
"  pascal\n"
"  poisson\n"
"  rayleigh-tail\n"
"  rayleigh\n"
"  tdist\n"
"  ugaussian-tail\n"
"  ugaussian\n"
"  weibull\n") ;
      exit (0);

  argv++ ; seed = atol (argv[0]); argc-- ;
  argv++ ; n = atol (argv[0]); argc-- ;
  argv++ ; name = argv[0] ; argc-- ; argc-- ;

  gsl_rng_env_setup() ;

  if (gsl_rng_default_seed != 0) {
            "overriding GSL_RNG_SEED with command line value, seed = %ld\n", 
            seed) ;
  gsl_rng_default_seed = seed ;

  r = gsl_rng_alloc(gsl_rng_default) ;

#define NAME(x) !strcmp(name,(x))
#define OUTPUT(x) for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { printf("%g\n", (x)) ; }
#define OUTPUT1(a,x) for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { a ; printf("%g\n", x) ; }
#define OUTPUT2(a,x,y) for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { a ; printf("%g %g\n", x, y) ; }
#define OUTPUT3(a,x,y,z) for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { a ; printf("%g %g %g\n", x, y, z) ; }
#define INT_OUTPUT(x) for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { printf("%d\n", (x)) ; }
#define ARGS(x,y) if (argc != x) error(y) ;
#define DBL_ARG(x) if (argc) { x=atof((++argv)[0]);argc--;} else {error( #x);};
#define INT_ARG(x) if (argc) { x=atoi((++argv)[0]);argc--;} else {error( #x);};

  if (NAME("bernoulli"))
      ARGS(1, "p = probability of success");
      INT_OUTPUT(gsl_ran_bernoulli (r, p));
  else if (NAME("beta"))
      ARGS(2, "a,b = shape parameters");
      OUTPUT(gsl_ran_beta (r, a, b));
  else if (NAME("binomial"))
      ARGS(2, "p = probability, N = number of trials");
      INT_OUTPUT(gsl_ran_binomial (r, p, N));
  else if (NAME("cauchy"))
      ARGS(1, "a = scale parameter");
      OUTPUT(gsl_ran_cauchy (r, a));
  else if (NAME("chisq"))
      ARGS(1, "nu = degrees of freedom");
      OUTPUT(gsl_ran_chisq (r, nu));
  else if (NAME("erlang"))
      ARGS(2, "a = scale parameter, b = order");
      OUTPUT(gsl_ran_erlang (r, a, b));
  else if (NAME("exponential"))
      ARGS(1, "mu = mean value");
      DBL_ARG(mu) ;
      OUTPUT(gsl_ran_exponential (r, mu));
  else if (NAME("exppow"))
      ARGS(2, "a = scale parameter, b = power (1=exponential, 2=gaussian)");
      DBL_ARG(a) ;
      DBL_ARG(b) ;
      OUTPUT(gsl_ran_exppow (r, a, b));
  else if (NAME("fdist"))
      ARGS(2, "nu1, nu2 = degrees of freedom parameters");
      DBL_ARG(nu1) ;
      DBL_ARG(nu2) ;
      OUTPUT(gsl_ran_fdist (r, nu1, nu2));
  else if (NAME("flat"))
      ARGS(2, "a = lower limit, b = upper limit");
      DBL_ARG(a) ;
      DBL_ARG(b) ;
      OUTPUT(gsl_ran_flat (r, a, b));
  else if (NAME("gamma"))
      ARGS(2, "a = order, b = scale");
      DBL_ARG(a) ;
      DBL_ARG(b) ;
      OUTPUT(gsl_ran_gamma (r, a, b));
  else if (NAME("gaussian"))
      ARGS(1, "sigma = standard deviation");
      DBL_ARG(sigma) ;
      OUTPUT(gsl_ran_gaussian (r, sigma));
  else if (NAME("gaussian-tail"))
      ARGS(2, "a = lower limit, sigma = standard deviation");
      DBL_ARG(a) ;
      DBL_ARG(sigma) ;
      OUTPUT(gsl_ran_gaussian_tail (r, a, sigma));
  else if (NAME("ugaussian"))
      ARGS(0, "unit gaussian, no parameters required");
      OUTPUT(gsl_ran_ugaussian (r));
  else if (NAME("ugaussian-tail"))
      ARGS(1, "a = lower limit");
      DBL_ARG(a) ;
      OUTPUT(gsl_ran_ugaussian_tail (r, a));
  else if (NAME("bivariate-gaussian"))
      ARGS(3, "sigmax = x std.dev., sigmay = y std.dev., rho = correlation");
      DBL_ARG(sigmax) ;
      DBL_ARG(sigmay) ;
      DBL_ARG(rho) ;
      OUTPUT2(gsl_ran_bivariate_gaussian (r, sigmax, sigmay, rho, &x, &y), 
              x, y);
  else if (NAME("dir-2d"))
      OUTPUT2(gsl_ran_dir_2d (r, &x, &y), x, y);
  else if (NAME("dir-3d"))
      OUTPUT3(gsl_ran_dir_3d (r, &x, &y, &z), x, y, z);
  else if (NAME("dir-nd"))
      double *xarr;  
      ARGS(1, "n1 = number of dimensions of hypersphere"); 
      INT_ARG(n1) ;
      xarr = (double *)malloc(n1*sizeof(double));

      for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { 
        gsl_ran_dir_nd (r, n1, xarr) ; 
        for (j = 0; j < n1; j++) { 
          if (j) putchar(' '); 
          printf("%g", xarr[j]) ; 
      } ;

  else if (NAME("geometric"))
      ARGS(1, "p = bernoulli trial probability of success");
      DBL_ARG(p) ;
      INT_OUTPUT(gsl_ran_geometric (r, p));
  else if (NAME("gumbel1"))
      ARGS(2, "a = order, b = scale parameter");
      DBL_ARG(a) ;
      DBL_ARG(b) ;
      OUTPUT(gsl_ran_gumbel1 (r, a, b));
  else if (NAME("gumbel2"))
      ARGS(2, "a = order, b = scale parameter");
      DBL_ARG(a) ;
      DBL_ARG(b) ;
      OUTPUT(gsl_ran_gumbel2 (r, a, b));
  else if (NAME("hypergeometric"))
      ARGS(3, "n1 = tagged population, n2 = untagged population, t = number of trials");
      INT_ARG(n1) ;
      INT_ARG(n2) ;
      INT_ARG(t) ;
      INT_OUTPUT(gsl_ran_hypergeometric (r, n1, n2, t));
  else if (NAME("laplace"))
      ARGS(1, "a = scale parameter");
      DBL_ARG(a) ;
      OUTPUT(gsl_ran_laplace (r, a));
  else if (NAME("landau"))
      ARGS(0, "no arguments required");
      OUTPUT(gsl_ran_landau (r));
  else if (NAME("levy"))
      ARGS(2, "c = scale, a = power (1=cauchy, 2=gaussian)");
      DBL_ARG(c) ;
      DBL_ARG(a) ;
      OUTPUT(gsl_ran_levy (r, c, a));
  else if (NAME("levy-skew"))
      ARGS(3, "c = scale, a = power (1=cauchy, 2=gaussian), b = skew");
      DBL_ARG(c) ;
      DBL_ARG(a) ;
      DBL_ARG(b) ;
      OUTPUT(gsl_ran_levy_skew (r, c, a, b));
  else if (NAME("logarithmic"))
      ARGS(1, "p = probability");
      DBL_ARG(p) ;
      INT_OUTPUT(gsl_ran_logarithmic (r, p));
  else if (NAME("logistic"))
      ARGS(1, "a = scale parameter");
      DBL_ARG(a) ;
      OUTPUT(gsl_ran_logistic (r, a));
  else if (NAME("lognormal"))
      ARGS(2, "zeta = location parameter, sigma = scale parameter");
      DBL_ARG(zeta) ;
      DBL_ARG(sigma) ;
      OUTPUT(gsl_ran_lognormal (r, zeta, sigma));
  else if (NAME("negative-binomial"))
      ARGS(2, "p = probability, a = order");
      DBL_ARG(p) ;
      DBL_ARG(a) ;
      INT_OUTPUT(gsl_ran_negative_binomial (r, p, a));
  else if (NAME("pareto"))
      ARGS(2, "a = power, b = scale parameter");
      DBL_ARG(a) ;
      DBL_ARG(b) ;
      OUTPUT(gsl_ran_pareto (r, a, b));
  else if (NAME("pascal"))
      ARGS(2, "p = probability, n = order (integer)");
      DBL_ARG(p) ;
      INT_ARG(N) ;
      INT_OUTPUT(gsl_ran_pascal (r, p, N));
  else if (NAME("poisson"))
      ARGS(1, "mu = scale parameter");
      DBL_ARG(mu) ;
      INT_OUTPUT(gsl_ran_poisson (r, mu));
  else if (NAME("rayleigh"))
      ARGS(1, "sigma = scale parameter");
      DBL_ARG(sigma) ;
      OUTPUT(gsl_ran_rayleigh (r, sigma));
  else if (NAME("rayleigh-tail"))
      ARGS(2, "a = lower limit, sigma = scale parameter");
      DBL_ARG(a) ;
      DBL_ARG(sigma) ;
      OUTPUT(gsl_ran_rayleigh_tail (r, a, sigma));
  else if (NAME("tdist"))
      ARGS(1, "nu = degrees of freedom");
      DBL_ARG(nu) ;
      OUTPUT(gsl_ran_tdist (r, nu));
  else if (NAME("weibull"))
      ARGS(2, "a = scale parameter, b = exponent");
      DBL_ARG(a) ;
      DBL_ARG(b) ;
      OUTPUT(gsl_ran_weibull (r, a, b));
      fprintf(stderr,"Error: unrecognized distribution: %s\n", name) ;

  return 0 ;
Пример #4
test_cauchy (void)
  return gsl_ran_cauchy (r_global, 2.0);
Пример #5
   @brief Gets a feature map containing the peptides and predicts for those the retention times
  void RTSimulation::predictRT(FeatureMapSim& features)
    LOG_INFO << "RT Simulation ... started" << std::endl;

    vector<DoubleReal>  predicted_retention_times;
    bool is_relative = (param_.getValue("auto_scale") == "true");
    if (param_.getValue("rt_column") == "none")
    // CE or HPLC:
    else if (param_.getValue("rt_column") == "CE")
      calculateMT_(features, predicted_retention_times);
    else if (param_.getValue("rt_column") == "HPLC")
      vector<AASequence> peptides_aa_vector(features.size());
      for (Size i = 0; i < features.size(); ++i)
        peptides_aa_vector[i] = features[i].getPeptideIdentifications()[0].getHits()[0].getSequence();
      wrapSVM(peptides_aa_vector, predicted_retention_times);

    // rt error dicing
    SimCoordinateType rt_offset = param_.getValue("variation:affine_offset");
    SimCoordinateType rt_scale  = param_.getValue("variation:affine_scale");
    SimCoordinateType rt_ft_stddev = param_.getValue("variation:feature_stddev");

    FeatureMapSim fm_tmp(features);
    StringList deleted_features;
    for (Size i = 0; i < predicted_retention_times.size(); ++i)
      // relative -> absolute RT's (with border)
      if (is_relative)
        predicted_retention_times[i] *= total_gradient_time_;

      //overwrite RT (if given by user)
      if (features[i].metaValueExists("rt"))
        predicted_retention_times[i] = features[i].getMetaValue("rt");
      // add variation
      SimCoordinateType rt_error = gsl_ran_gaussian(rnd_gen_->technical_rng, rt_ft_stddev) + rt_offset;
      predicted_retention_times[i] = predicted_retention_times[i] * rt_scale + rt_error;
      //overwrite RT [no randomization] (if given by user)
      if (features[i].metaValueExists("RT"))
        predicted_retention_times[i] = features[i].getMetaValue("RT");

      // remove invalid peptides & (later) display removed ones
      if (
        (predicted_retention_times[i] < 0.0) || // check for invalid RT
        (predicted_retention_times[i] > gradient_max_) || // check if RT is not in scan window
        (predicted_retention_times[i] < gradient_min_) // check if RT is not in scan window
        deleted_features.push_back(features[i].getPeptideIdentifications()[0].getHits()[0].getSequence().toUnmodifiedString() + " [" +
                                   String::number(predicted_retention_times[i], 2)
                                   + "]");


      // determine shape parameters for EGH
      DoubleReal variance = egh_variance_location_ + (egh_variance_scale_ == 0 ? 0 : gsl_ran_cauchy(rnd_gen_->technical_rng, egh_variance_scale_));
      DoubleReal tau = egh_tau_location_ + (egh_tau_scale_ == 0 ? 0 : gsl_ran_cauchy(rnd_gen_->technical_rng, egh_tau_scale_));

      // resample variance if it is below 0
      // try this only 10 times to avoid endless loop in case of
      // a bad parameter combination
      Size retry_variance_sampling = 0;
      while ((variance <= 0 || (fabs(variance - egh_variance_location_) > 10 * egh_variance_scale_)) && retry_variance_sampling < 9)
        variance = egh_variance_location_ + gsl_ran_cauchy(rnd_gen_->technical_rng, egh_variance_scale_);

      if (variance <= 0 || (fabs(variance - egh_variance_location_) > 10 * egh_variance_scale_))
        LOG_ERROR << "Sigma^2 was negative, resulting in a feature with width=0. Tried to resample 10 times and then stopped. Setting it to the user defined width value of " << egh_variance_location_ << "!" << std::endl;
        variance = egh_variance_location_;

      // resample tau if the value is to big
      // try this only 10 times to avoid endless loop in case of
      // a bad parameter combination
      Size retry_tau_sampling = 0;
      while (fabs(tau - egh_tau_location_) > 10 * egh_tau_scale_  && retry_tau_sampling < 9)
        tau = egh_tau_location_ + gsl_ran_cauchy(rnd_gen_->technical_rng, egh_tau_scale_);

      if (fabs(tau - egh_tau_location_) > 10 * egh_tau_scale_)
        LOG_ERROR << "Tau is to big for a reasonable feature. Tried to resample 10 times and then stopped. Setting it to the user defined skewness value of " << egh_tau_location_ << "!" << std::endl;
        tau = egh_tau_location_;

      features[i].setMetaValue("RT_egh_variance", variance);
      features[i].setMetaValue("RT_egh_tau", tau);


    // print invalid features:
    if (deleted_features.size() > 0)
      LOG_WARN << "RT prediction gave 'invalid' results for " << deleted_features.size() << " peptide(s), making them unobservable.\n";
      if (deleted_features.size() < 100)
        LOG_WARN << "  " << ListUtils::concatenate(deleted_features, "\n  ") << std::endl;
        LOG_WARN << "  (List is too big to show)" << std::endl;
    // only retain valid features:


Пример #6
double random_proposal(gsl_rng* r)
  return gsl_ran_cauchy(r, 1);