int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct image image; const double incr_frac = 1.0/1000000.0; double incr_val; double ax, ay, az; double bx, by, bz; double cx, cy, cz; UnitCell *cell; Crystal *cr; struct quaternion orientation; int i; int fail = 0; int quiet = 0; int plot = 0; int c; gsl_rng *rng; const struct option longopts[] = { {"quiet", 0, &quiet, 1}, {"plot", 0, &plot, 1}, {0, 0, NULL, 0} }; while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "", longopts, NULL)) != -1) { switch (c) { case 0 : break; case '?' : break; default : ERROR("Unhandled option '%c'\n", c); break; } } image.width = 1024; image.height = 1024; image.det = simple_geometry(&image); image.det->panels[0].res = 13333.3; image.det->panels[0].clen = 80e-3; image.det->panels[0].coffset = 0.0; image.lambda = ph_en_to_lambda(eV_to_J(8000.0)); image.div = 1e-3; = 0.01; image.filename = malloc(256); cr = crystal_new(); if ( cr == NULL ) { ERROR("Failed to allocate crystal.\n"); return 1; } crystal_set_mosaicity(cr, 0.0); crystal_set_profile_radius(cr, 0.005e9); crystal_set_image(cr, &image); cell = cell_new_from_parameters(10.0e-9, 10.0e-9, 10.0e-9, deg2rad(90.0), deg2rad(90.0), deg2rad(90.0)); rng = gsl_rng_alloc(gsl_rng_mt19937); for ( i=0; i<2; i++ ) { UnitCell *rot; double val; PartialityModel pmodel; if ( i == 0 ) { pmodel = PMODEL_SPHERE; STATUS("Testing flat sphere model:\n"); } else { pmodel = PMODEL_GAUSSIAN; STATUS("Testing Gaussian model:\n"); } /* No point testing TES model, because it has no Lorentz factor */ orientation = random_quaternion(rng); rot = cell_rotate(cell, orientation); crystal_set_cell(cr, rot); cell_get_reciprocal(rot, &ax, &ay, &az, &bx, &by, &bz, &cx, &cy, &cz); incr_val = incr_frac * image.div; val = test_gradients(cr, incr_val, REF_DIV, "div", "div", pmodel, quiet, plot); if ( val < 0.99 ) fail = 1; } gsl_rng_free(rng); return fail; }
void hSDM_binomial_iCAR ( // Constants and data const int *ngibbs, int *nthin, int *nburn, // Number of iterations, burning and samples const int *nobs, // Number of observations const int *ncell, // Constants const int *np, // Number of fixed effects for theta const int *Y_vect, // Number of successes (presences) const int *T_vect, // Number of trials const double *X_vect, // Suitability covariates // Spatial correlation const int *C_vect, // Cell Id const int *nNeigh, // Number of neighbors for each cell const int *Neigh_vect, // Vector of neighbors sorted by cell // Predictions const int *npred, // Number of predictions const double *X_pred_vect, // Suitability covariates for predictions const int *C_pred_vect, // Cell Id for predictions // Starting values for M-H const double *beta_start, const double *rho_start, // Parameters to save double *beta_vect, double *rho_pred, double *Vrho, // Defining priors const double *mubeta, double *Vbeta, const double *priorVrho, const double *shape, double *rate, const double *Vrho_max, // Diagnostic double *Deviance, double *theta_latent, // Latent proba of suitability (length NOBS) double *theta_pred, // Proba of suitability for predictions (length NPRED) // Seeds const int *seed, // Verbose const int *verbose, // Save rho and p const int *save_rho, const int *save_p ) { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% // Defining and initializing objects //////////////////////////////////////// // Initialize random number generator // gsl_rng *r=gsl_rng_alloc(gsl_rng_mt19937); gsl_rng_set(r,seed[0]); /////////////////////////// // Redefining constants // const int NGIBBS=ngibbs[0]; const int NTHIN=nthin[0]; const int NBURN=nburn[0]; const int NSAMP=(NGIBBS-NBURN)/NTHIN; const int NOBS=nobs[0]; const int NCELL=ncell[0]; const int NP=np[0]; const int NPRED=npred[0]; /////////////////////////////////// // Declaring some useful objects // double *theta_run=malloc(NOBS*sizeof(double)); for (int n=0; n<NOBS; n++) { theta_run[n]=0.0; } double *theta_pred_run=malloc(NPRED*sizeof(double)); for (int m=0; m<NPRED; m++) { theta_pred_run[m]=0.0; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Set up and initialize structure for density function // struct dens_par dens_data; /* Data */ dens_data.NOBS=NOBS; dens_data.NCELL=NCELL; // Y dens_data.Y=malloc(NOBS*sizeof(int)); for (int n=0; n<NOBS; n++) { dens_data.Y[n]=Y_vect[n]; } // T dens_data.T=malloc(NOBS*sizeof(int)); for (int n=0; n<NOBS; n++) { dens_data.T[n]=T_vect[n]; } /* Spatial correlation */ // IdCell dens_data.IdCell=malloc(NOBS*sizeof(int)); for (int n=0; n<NOBS; n++) { dens_data.IdCell[n]=C_vect[n]; } // nObsCell dens_data.nObsCell=malloc(NCELL*sizeof(int)); for (int i=0; i<NCELL; i++) { dens_data.nObsCell[i]=0; for (int n=0; n<NOBS; n++) { if (dens_data.IdCell[n]==i) { dens_data.nObsCell[i]++; } } } // PosCell dens_data.PosCell=malloc(NCELL*sizeof(int*)); for (int i=0; i<NCELL; i++) { dens_data.PosCell[i]=malloc(dens_data.nObsCell[i]*sizeof(int)); int repCell=0; for (int n=0; n<NOBS; n++) { if (dens_data.IdCell[n]==i) { dens_data.PosCell[i][repCell]=n; repCell++; } } } // Number of neighbors by cell dens_data.nNeigh=malloc(NCELL*sizeof(int)); for (int i=0; i<NCELL; i++) { dens_data.nNeigh[i]=nNeigh[i]; } // Neighbor identifiers by cell int posNeigh=0; dens_data.Neigh=malloc(NCELL*sizeof(int*)); for (int i=0; i<NCELL; i++) { dens_data.Neigh[i]=malloc(nNeigh[i]*sizeof(int)); for (int m=0; m<nNeigh[i]; m++) { dens_data.Neigh[i][m]=Neigh_vect[posNeigh+m]; } posNeigh+=nNeigh[i]; } dens_data.pos_rho=0; dens_data.rho_run=malloc(NCELL*sizeof(double)); for (int i=0; i<NCELL; i++) { dens_data.rho_run[i]=rho_start[i]; } dens_data.shape=shape[0]; dens_data.rate=rate[0]; dens_data.Vrho_run=Vrho[0]; /* Suitability process */ dens_data.NP=NP; dens_data.pos_beta=0; dens_data.X=malloc(NOBS*sizeof(double*)); for (int n=0; n<NOBS; n++) { dens_data.X[n]=malloc(NP*sizeof(double)); for (int p=0; p<NP; p++) { dens_data.X[n][p]=X_vect[p*NOBS+n]; } } dens_data.mubeta=malloc(NP*sizeof(double)); dens_data.Vbeta=malloc(NP*sizeof(double)); for (int p=0; p<NP; p++) { dens_data.mubeta[p]=mubeta[p]; dens_data.Vbeta[p]=Vbeta[p]; } dens_data.beta_run=malloc(NP*sizeof(double)); for (int p=0; p<NP; p++) { dens_data.beta_run[p]=beta_start[p]; } /* Visited cell or not */ int *viscell = malloc(NCELL*sizeof(int)); for (int i=0; i<NCELL; i++) { viscell[i]=0; } for (int n=0; n<NOBS; n++) { viscell[dens_data.IdCell[n]]++; } int NVISCELL=0; for (int i=0; i<NCELL; i++) { if (viscell[i]>0) { NVISCELL++; } } /* Predictions */ // IdCell_pred int *IdCell_pred=malloc(NPRED*sizeof(int)); for (int m=0; m<NPRED; m++) { IdCell_pred[m]=C_pred_vect[m]; } // X_pred double **X_pred=malloc(NPRED*sizeof(double*)); for (int m=0; m<NPRED; m++) { X_pred[m]=malloc(NP*sizeof(double)); for (int p=0; p<NP; p++) { X_pred[m][p]=X_pred_vect[p*NPRED+m]; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Proposal variance and acceptance for adaptive sampling // // beta double *sigmap_beta = malloc(NP*sizeof(double)); int *nA_beta = malloc(NP*sizeof(int)); double *Ar_beta = malloc(NP*sizeof(double)); // Acceptance rate for (int p=0; p<NP; p++) { nA_beta[p]=0; sigmap_beta[p]=1.0; Ar_beta[p]=0.0; } // rho double *sigmap_rho = malloc(NCELL*sizeof(double)); int *nA_rho = malloc(NCELL*sizeof(int)); double *Ar_rho = malloc(NCELL*sizeof(double)); // Acceptance rate for (int i=0; i<NCELL; i++) { nA_rho[i]=0; sigmap_rho[i]=1.0; Ar_rho[i]=0.0; } //////////// // Message// Rprintf("\nRunning the Gibbs sampler. It may be long, please keep cool :)\n\n"); R_FlushConsole(); //R_ProcessEvents(); for windows /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% // Gibbs sampler for (int g=0; g<NGIBBS; g++) { //////////////////////////////////////////////// // beta for (int p=0; p<NP; p++) { dens_data.pos_beta=p; // Specifying the rank of the parameter of interest double x_now=dens_data.beta_run[p]; double x_prop=x_now+gsl_ran_gaussian_ziggurat(r,sigmap_beta[p]); double p_now=betadens(x_now, &dens_data); double p_prop=betadens(x_prop, &dens_data); double ratio=exp(p_prop-p_now); // ratio double z=gsl_rng_uniform(r); // Actualization if (z < ratio) { dens_data.beta_run[p]=x_prop; nA_beta[p]++; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////// // rho /* Sampling rho_run[i] */ for (int i=0; i<NCELL; i++) { dens_data.pos_rho=i; // Specifying the rank of the parameter of interest if (viscell[i]>0) { double x_now=dens_data.rho_run[i]; double x_prop=x_now+gsl_ran_gaussian_ziggurat(r, sigmap_rho[i]); double p_now=rhodens_visited(x_now, &dens_data); double p_prop=rhodens_visited(x_prop, &dens_data); double ratio=exp(p_prop-p_now); // ratio double z=gsl_rng_uniform(r); // Actualization if (z < ratio) { dens_data.rho_run[i]=x_prop; nA_rho[i]++; } } else { dens_data.rho_run[i]=rhodens_unvisited(r, &dens_data); } } /* Centering rho_run[i] */ double rho_sum=0.0; for (int i=0; i<NCELL; i++) { rho_sum+=dens_data.rho_run[i]; } double rho_bar=rho_sum/NCELL; for (int i=0; i<NCELL; i++) { dens_data.rho_run[i]=dens_data.rho_run[i]-rho_bar; } //////////////////////////////////////////////// // Vrho if (priorVrho[0]>0.0) { // fixed value for Vrho dens_data.Vrho_run=priorVrho[0]; } else { double Sum=0.0; for (int i=0; i<NCELL; i++) { double Sum_neigh=0.0; double nNeigh=dens_data.nNeigh[i]; double rho_run=dens_data.rho_run[i]; for (int m=0; m<nNeigh; m++) { Sum_neigh += dens_data.rho_run[dens_data.Neigh[i][m]]; } Sum += rho_run*(nNeigh*rho_run-Sum_neigh); } if (priorVrho[0]==-1.0) { // prior = 1/Gamma(shape,rate) double Shape=shape[0]+0.5*(NCELL-1); double Rate=rate[0]+0.5*Sum; dens_data.Vrho_run=Rate/gsl_ran_gamma(r, Shape, 1.0); } if (priorVrho[0]==-2.0) { // prior = Uniform(0,Vrho_max) double Shape=0.5*NCELL-1; double Rate=0.5*Sum; dens_data.Vrho_run=1/myrtgamma_left_gsl(r, Shape, Rate, 1/Vrho_max[0]); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Deviance // logLikelihood double logL=0.0; for (int n=0; n<NOBS; n++) { /* theta */ double Xpart_theta=0.0; for (int p=0; p<NP; p++) { Xpart_theta+=dens_data.X[n][p]*dens_data.beta_run[p]; } theta_run[n]=invlogit(Xpart_theta+dens_data.rho_run[dens_data.IdCell[n]]); /* log Likelihood */ logL+=dbinom(dens_data.Y[n],dens_data.T[n],theta_run[n],1); } // Deviance double Deviance_run=-2*logL; ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Predictions for (int m=0; m<NPRED; m++) { /* theta_pred_run */ double Xpart_theta_pred=0.0; for (int p=0; p<NP; p++) { Xpart_theta_pred+=X_pred[m][p]*dens_data.beta_run[p]; } theta_pred_run[m]=invlogit(Xpart_theta_pred+dens_data.rho_run[IdCell_pred[m]]); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Output if (((g+1)>NBURN) && (((g+1)%(NTHIN))==0)) { int isamp=((g+1)-NBURN)/(NTHIN); for (int p=0; p<NP; p++) { beta_vect[p*NSAMP+(isamp-1)]=dens_data.beta_run[p]; } Deviance[isamp-1]=Deviance_run; for (int n=0; n<NOBS; n++) { theta_latent[n]+=theta_run[n]/NSAMP; // We compute the mean of NSAMP values } // rho if (save_rho[0]==0) { // We compute the mean of NSAMP values for (int i=0; i<NCELL; i++) { rho_pred[i]+=dens_data.rho_run[i]/NSAMP; } } if (save_rho[0]==1) { // The NSAMP sampled values for rhos are saved for (int i=0; i<NCELL; i++) { rho_pred[i*NSAMP+(isamp-1)]=dens_data.rho_run[i]; } } // prob.p if (save_p[0]==0) { // We compute the mean of NSAMP values for (int m=0; m<NPRED; m++) { theta_pred[m]+=theta_pred_run[m]/NSAMP; } } if (save_p[0]==1) { // The NSAMP sampled values for theta are saved for (int m=0; m<NPRED; m++) { theta_pred[m*NSAMP+(isamp-1)]=theta_pred_run[m]; } } // Vrho Vrho[isamp-1]=dens_data.Vrho_run; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Adaptive sampling (on the burnin period) const double ropt=0.234; int DIV=0; if (NGIBBS >=1000) DIV=100; else DIV=NGIBBS/10; /* During the burnin period */ if ((g+1)%DIV==0 && (g+1)<=NBURN) { // beta for (int p=0; p<NP; p++) { Ar_beta[p]=((double) nA_beta[p])/DIV; if (Ar_beta[p]>=ropt) sigmap_beta[p]=sigmap_beta[p]*(2-(1-Ar_beta[p])/(1-ropt)); else sigmap_beta[p]=sigmap_beta[p]/(2-Ar_beta[p]/ropt); nA_beta[p]=0.0; // We reinitialize the number of acceptance to zero } // rho for (int i=0; i<NCELL; i++) { if (viscell[i]>0) { Ar_rho[i]=((double) nA_rho[i])/DIV; if (Ar_rho[i]>=ropt) sigmap_rho[i]=sigmap_rho[i]*(2-(1-Ar_rho[i])/(1-ropt)); else sigmap_rho[i]=sigmap_rho[i]/(2-Ar_rho[i]/ropt); nA_rho[i]=0.0; // We reinitialize the number of acceptance to zero } } } /* After the burnin period */ if ((g+1)%DIV==0 && (g+1)>NBURN) { // beta for (int p=0; p<NP; p++) { Ar_beta[p]=((double) nA_beta[p])/DIV; nA_beta[p]=0.0; // We reinitialize the number of acceptance to zero } // rho for (int i=0; i<NCELL; i++) { if (viscell[i]>0) { Ar_rho[i]=((double) nA_rho[i])/DIV; nA_rho[i]=0.0; // We reinitialize the number of acceptance to zero } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Progress bar double Perc=100*(g+1)/(NGIBBS); if (((g+1)%(NGIBBS/100))==0 && verbose[0]==1) { Rprintf("*"); R_FlushConsole(); //R_ProcessEvents(); for windows if (((g+1)%(NGIBBS/10))==0) { double mAr_beta=0; // Mean acceptance rate double mAr_rho=0; // beta for (int p=0; p<NP; p++) { mAr_beta+=Ar_beta[p]/NP; } // rho for (int i=0; i<NCELL; i++) { if (viscell[i]>0) { mAr_rho+=Ar_rho[i]/NVISCELL; } } Rprintf(":%.1f%%, mean accept. rates= beta:%.3f, rho:%.3f\n",Perc,mAr_beta,mAr_rho); R_FlushConsole(); //R_ProcessEvents(); for windows } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // User interrupt R_CheckUserInterrupt(); // allow user interrupt } // Gibbs sampler /////////////// // Delete memory allocation (see malloc()) /* Data */ free(dens_data.Y); free(dens_data.T); free(dens_data.IdCell); free(dens_data.nObsCell); for (int i=0; i<NCELL; i++) { free(dens_data.PosCell[i]); } free(dens_data.PosCell); /* Spatial correlation */ free(dens_data.nNeigh); for (int i=0; i<NCELL; i++) { free(dens_data.Neigh[i]); } free(dens_data.Neigh); free(dens_data.rho_run); /* Suitability */ for (int n=0; n<NOBS; n++) { free(dens_data.X[n]); } free(dens_data.X); free(dens_data.mubeta); free(dens_data.Vbeta); free(dens_data.beta_run); free(theta_run); /* Visited cells */ free(viscell); /* Predictions */ free(IdCell_pred); for (int m=0; m<NPRED; m++) { free(X_pred[m]); } free(X_pred); free(theta_pred_run); /* Adaptive MH */ free(sigmap_beta); free(nA_beta); free(Ar_beta); free(sigmap_rho); free(nA_rho); free(Ar_rho); /* Random seed */ gsl_rng_free(r); } // end hSDM function
int main (int argc, char ** argv) { annealing_simple_workspace_t S; fitting_data_t D; fitting_step_t max_step = { 1.0, 0.1, 1.0 }; configuration_t configurations[3]; int verbose_mode = 0; { int c; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "hv")) != -1) switch (c) { case 'h': fprintf(stderr, "usage: test_fitting [-v] [-h]\n"); goto exit; case 'v': verbose_mode = 1; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "test_fitting error: unknown option %c\n", c); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } printf("\n------------------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("test_fitting: exponential parameters fitting with simulated annealing\n"); /* fitting data initialisation */ { D.num = NUM; linspace(D.t, D.num, 0.0, 10.0); make_observations(D.t, D.observations, D.num); } /* annealing workspace initialisation */ { S.number_of_iterations_at_fixed_temperature = 10; S.max_step_value = &max_step; S.temperature = 10.0; S.minimum_temperature = 0.1; S.restart_temperature = 1.0; S.boltzmann_constant = 1.0; S.damping_factor = 1.005; S.energy_function = energy_function; S.step_function = step_function; S.copy_function = copy_function; S.log_function = (verbose_mode)? log_function : NULL; S.cooling_function = NULL; S.numbers_generator = gsl_rng_alloc(gsl_rng_rand); gsl_rng_set(S.numbers_generator, 15); &(configurations[0]); = &(configurations[1]); = &(configurations[2]); /* start configuration */ configurations[0].A = 6.0; configurations[0].lambda = 3.0; configurations[0].b = 1.0; S.params = &D; } annealing_simple_solve(&S); printf("test_fitting: final best solution: %f, %f, %f; original: %g, %g, %g\n", configurations[1].A, configurations[1].lambda, configurations[1].b, original_params.A, original_params.lambda, original_params.b); printf("------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"); gsl_rng_free(S.numbers_generator); exit: exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
int main (void) { gsl_ieee_env_setup (); gsl_rng_env_setup (); r_global = gsl_rng_alloc (gsl_rng_default); #define FUNC(x) test_ ## x, "test gsl_ran_" #x #define FUNC2(x) test_ ## x, test_ ## x ## _pdf, "test gsl_ran_" #x test_shuffle (); test_choose (); testMoments (FUNC (ugaussian), 0.0, 100.0, 0.5); testMoments (FUNC (ugaussian), -1.0, 1.0, 0.6826895); testMoments (FUNC (ugaussian), 3.0, 3.5, 0.0011172689); testMoments (FUNC (ugaussian_tail), 3.0, 3.5, 0.0011172689 / 0.0013498981); testMoments (FUNC (exponential), 0.0, 1.0, 1 - exp (-0.5)); testMoments (FUNC (cauchy), 0.0, 10000.0, 0.5); testMoments (FUNC (discrete1), -0.5, 0.5, 0.59); testMoments (FUNC (discrete1), 0.5, 1.5, 0.40); testMoments (FUNC (discrete1), 1.5, 3.5, 0.01); testMoments (FUNC (discrete2), -0.5, 0.5, 1.0/45.0 ); testMoments (FUNC (discrete2), 8.5, 9.5, 0 ); testMoments (FUNC (discrete3), -0.5, 0.5, 0.05 ); testMoments (FUNC (discrete3), 0.5, 1.5, 0.05 ); testMoments (FUNC (discrete3), -0.5, 9.5, 0.5 ); test_dirichlet_moments (); test_multinomial_moments (); testPDF (FUNC2 (beta)); testPDF (FUNC2 (cauchy)); testPDF (FUNC2 (chisq)); testPDF (FUNC2 (chisqnu2)); testPDF (FUNC2 (dirichlet)); testPDF (FUNC2 (dirichlet_small)); testPDF (FUNC2 (erlang)); testPDF (FUNC2 (exponential)); testPDF (FUNC2 (exppow0)); testPDF (FUNC2 (exppow1)); testPDF (FUNC2 (exppow1a)); testPDF (FUNC2 (exppow2)); testPDF (FUNC2 (exppow2a)); testPDF (FUNC2 (exppow2b)); testPDF (FUNC2 (fdist)); testPDF (FUNC2 (fdist_large)); testPDF (FUNC2 (flat)); testPDF (FUNC2 (gamma)); testPDF (FUNC2 (gamma1)); testPDF (FUNC2 (gamma_int)); testPDF (FUNC2 (gamma_large)); testPDF (FUNC2 (gamma_vlarge)); testPDF (FUNC2 (gamma_knuth_vlarge)); testPDF (FUNC2 (gamma_small)); testPDF (FUNC2 (gamma_mt)); testPDF (FUNC2 (gamma_mt1)); testPDF (FUNC2 (gamma_mt_int)); testPDF (FUNC2 (gamma_mt_large)); testPDF (FUNC2 (gamma_mt_small)); testPDF (FUNC2 (gaussian)); testPDF (FUNC2 (gaussian_ratio_method)); testPDF (FUNC2 (gaussian_ziggurat)); testPDF (FUNC2 (ugaussian)); testPDF (FUNC2 (ugaussian_ratio_method)); testPDF (FUNC2 (gaussian_tail)); testPDF (FUNC2 (gaussian_tail1)); testPDF (FUNC2 (gaussian_tail2)); testPDF (FUNC2 (ugaussian_tail)); testPDF (FUNC2 (bivariate_gaussian1)); testPDF (FUNC2 (bivariate_gaussian2)); testPDF (FUNC2 (bivariate_gaussian3)); testPDF (FUNC2 (bivariate_gaussian4)); testPDF (FUNC2 (gumbel1)); testPDF (FUNC2 (gumbel2)); testPDF (FUNC2 (landau)); testPDF (FUNC2 (levy1)); testPDF (FUNC2 (levy2)); testPDF (FUNC2 (levy1a)); testPDF (FUNC2 (levy2a)); testPDF (FUNC2 (levy_skew1)); testPDF (FUNC2 (levy_skew2)); testPDF (FUNC2 (levy_skew1a)); testPDF (FUNC2 (levy_skew2a)); testPDF (FUNC2 (levy_skew1b)); testPDF (FUNC2 (levy_skew2b)); testPDF (FUNC2 (logistic)); testPDF (FUNC2 (lognormal)); testPDF (FUNC2 (pareto)); testPDF (FUNC2 (rayleigh)); testPDF (FUNC2 (rayleigh_tail)); testPDF (FUNC2 (tdist1)); testPDF (FUNC2 (tdist2)); testPDF (FUNC2 (laplace)); testPDF (FUNC2 (weibull)); testPDF (FUNC2 (weibull1)); testPDF (FUNC2 (dir2d)); testPDF (FUNC2 (dir2d_trig_method)); testPDF (FUNC2 (dir3dxy)); testPDF (FUNC2 (dir3dyz)); testPDF (FUNC2 (dir3dzx)); testDiscretePDF (FUNC2 (discrete1)); testDiscretePDF (FUNC2 (discrete2)); testDiscretePDF (FUNC2 (discrete3)); testDiscretePDF (FUNC2 (poisson)); testDiscretePDF (FUNC2 (poisson_large)); testDiscretePDF (FUNC2 (bernoulli)); testDiscretePDF (FUNC2 (binomial)); testDiscretePDF (FUNC2 (binomial0)); testDiscretePDF (FUNC2 (binomial1)); testDiscretePDF (FUNC2 (binomial_knuth)); testDiscretePDF (FUNC2 (binomial_large)); testDiscretePDF (FUNC2 (binomial_large_knuth)); testDiscretePDF (FUNC2 (binomial_huge)); testDiscretePDF (FUNC2 (binomial_huge_knuth)); testDiscretePDF (FUNC2 (binomial_max)); testDiscretePDF (FUNC2 (geometric)); testDiscretePDF (FUNC2 (geometric1)); testDiscretePDF (FUNC2 (hypergeometric1)); testDiscretePDF (FUNC2 (hypergeometric2)); testDiscretePDF (FUNC2 (hypergeometric3)); testDiscretePDF (FUNC2 (hypergeometric4)); testDiscretePDF (FUNC2 (hypergeometric5)); testDiscretePDF (FUNC2 (hypergeometric6)); testDiscretePDF (FUNC2 (logarithmic)); testDiscretePDF (FUNC2 (multinomial)); testDiscretePDF (FUNC2 (multinomial_large)); testDiscretePDF (FUNC2 (negative_binomial)); testDiscretePDF (FUNC2 (pascal)); gsl_rng_free (r_global); gsl_ran_discrete_free (g1); gsl_ran_discrete_free (g2); gsl_ran_discrete_free (g3); exit (gsl_test_summary ()); }
void opiniao(int **rede, par *P, int s[], unsigned long int sem, unsigned long int sem_rede, char out[], char fran[]) { // --------------------------------------------------- // Aqui é a parte da simulação da dinâmica de opinião. // --------------------------------------------------- // Obtendo os parâmetros int *h, k_max=0; // vetor de conectividade e com o estado dos sitios; double epsilon=P->eps, J=P->J, q=P->q; int i, w, t, tt, T=P->T_mcs, nt=P->D_mcs; // passo monte-carlo e iterador de sítios da rede double *tau, rho=0; // campo local de cada sítio e taca de transição FILE *f=fopen(out,"w"), *g, *ff=fopen(fran,"r"); char ou[255]; // Variáveis do gerador gsl_rng *r; // Arquivo de saída de estado strcpy(ou,out); strcat(ou,"~"); // Iniciando a galera h=(int *)calloc(n,I); // Pegar o grau máximo for(i=0;i<n;i++) if(rede[i][0]>k_max) k_max=rede[i][0]; // Constrói as taxas de k=0 até o grau máximo tau=make_tau(k_max,J,q,epsilon); // Iniciando a semente de números aleatórios r = gsl_rng_alloc (gsl_rng_mt19937); gsl_rng_fread(ff,r); fclose(ff); for(i=0;i<n;i++) rho+=s[i]; rho/=((double)n); // Primeiro ponto na saida fprintf(f, "%lf\n", rho); // O monte-carlo começa aqui for(t=0;t<T;t+=nt) { g=fopen(ou,"w"); ff=fopen(fran,"w"); fprintf(g,"# N=%d\tk=%d\tp=%lf\tsem=-1\tJ=%lf\teps=%lf\tq=%lf\tSR=%lu\n",n,K,p,J,epsilon,q,sem_rede); fprintf(g, "# Semente: -1\n"); for(tt=0;tt<nt;tt++) { // Calcular o vetor h dos sítios for(i=0;i<n;i++) { h[i]=0; for(w=1;w<=rede[i][0];w++) { h[i]+=s[rede[i][w]]; } } // Atualiza os sítios for(i=0;i<n;i++) { if(gsl_rng_uniform(r)<tau[h[i]-1+(rede[i][0]+1)*rede[i][0]/2]) s[i]=1; else s[i]=0; } // Calcula a densidade de estados rho=0; for(i=0;i<n;i++) rho+=s[i]; rho/=((double)n); // Imprime saída fprintf(f, "%lf\n", rho); } // Salvando o estado for(i=0;i<n;i++) fprintf(g, "%d\n", s[i]); gsl_rng_fwrite(ff,r); fclose(g); fclose(ff); } free(tau); free(h); // Libera memória do gerador gsl_rng_free (r); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { //--Foodweb Struktur mit Standardwerten aufstellen------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ struct simuParams simParams = {0.3, 0.65, 0.35, 0.5, 6.0}; // Diese Parameter sind konstant struct simuMemory simMem = {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}; // Größe der Vektoren liegt noch nicht fest gsl_vector* fixpunkte = gsl_vector_calloc(9); struct foodweb nicheweb = {NULL, fixpunkte, NULL,&simParams, &simMem, 18, 3, 1, 5, 0, 0, -7., 0.0, 0, 1}; // Reihenfolge: network, fxpkt, migrPara, AllMus, AllNus, S, B, Rnum, Y, T, Tchoice, d, x, M, Z struct migration stochastic = {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0.00001, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}; struct resource res = {500.0, 0.0}; // Resource: Größe, Wachstum //--Konsoleneingabe------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int L = 5; // Statistik int i = 0,j; // Counter char aims6[255] = ORT; FILE* RobustnessEachRun; int checksum = getArgs(argc, argv, &(nicheweb.S), &(nicheweb.B), &(nicheweb.T), &(nicheweb.d), &L, &(nicheweb.Y), &(nicheweb.x), &(nicheweb.M), &(res.size), &(nicheweb.Z), &(stochastic.Bmigr)); if (checksum != 11 && checksum!=(int)(argc-1)/2) // Alles gesetzt? { printf("Bitte gültige Eingabe für Parameter machen!\nProgramm wird beendet.\n"); return(0); } /* int length = ((nicheweb.Rnum+nicheweb.S)*(nicheweb.S+nicheweb.Rnum)+1+nicheweb.Y*nicheweb.Y+1+(nicheweb.Rnum+nicheweb.S)+nicheweb.S+1); // Länge des Rückabewerts = gsl_vector_calloc(length); */ // Speicher belegen, nachdem die Größe des Systems durch die Konsoleneingabe bekannt ist CallocFoodwebMem(&nicheweb); CallocStochasticMem(&stochastic, nicheweb.Y, nicheweb.S); printf("Z = %i\n",nicheweb.Z); nicheweb.migrPara = gsl_vector_calloc(7); // Reihenfolge: tau, mu, nu, SpeciesNumber, momentanes t, ymigr, migrationEventNumber // stochastic.SpeciesNumbers = gsl_vector_calloc(nicheweb.Z); // stochastic.AllMus = gsl_vector_calloc(nicheweb.Z); // stochastic.AllNus = gsl_vector_calloc(nicheweb.Z); // stochastic.Biomass_SpeciesNumbers = gsl_vector_calloc(nicheweb.Z); // stochastic.Biomass_AllMus = gsl_vector_calloc(nicheweb.Z); // stochastic.Biomass_AllNus = gsl_vector_calloc(nicheweb.Z); //--Zufallszahlengenerator initialisieren-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const gsl_rng_type *rng1_T; // **** gsl_rng *rng1; // initialize random number generator gsl_rng_env_setup(); // ermöglicht Konsolenparameter rng1_T = gsl_rng_default; // default random number generator (so called mt19937) gsl_rng_default_seed = 0; // default seed for rng // gsl_rng_default_seed = ((unsigned)time(NULL)); // random starting seed for rng rng1 = gsl_rng_alloc(rng1_T); //--Struct initialisieren für patchweise Ausgabe---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct data patchwise[nicheweb.Y]; for(i=0; i<nicheweb.Y; i++) { gsl_vector* sini = gsl_vector_calloc(6); gsl_vector* sfini = gsl_vector_calloc(6); gsl_vector* bini = gsl_vector_calloc(6); gsl_vector* bfini = gsl_vector_calloc(6); gsl_vector* robness = gsl_vector_calloc(2); //struct data tempo = {sini,sfini,bini,bfini,robness}; struct data temp = {sini,sfini,bini,bfini,robness}; patchwise[i] = temp; } //printf("test"); //--Initialisierungen--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- nicheweb.Tchoice = nicheweb.T; nicheweb.T = 0; nicheweb.d = nicheweb.d/10; printf("d ist %f\n",nicheweb.d); res.size = res.size/10; stochastic.Bmigr = 2.5*stochastic.Bmigr*pow(10,nicheweb.d); nicheweb.Z = pow(10,nicheweb.Z); printf("Bmigr ist %f\n",stochastic.Bmigr); printf("Z ist %i\n",nicheweb.Z); printf("x ist %f\n",nicheweb.x); //int len = ((nicheweb.Rnum+nicheweb.S)*(nicheweb.S+nicheweb.Rnum)+1+nicheweb.Y*nicheweb.Y+1+(nicheweb.Rnum+nicheweb.S)+nicheweb.S); // Länge des Rückabewerts gsl_vector *populationFIN = gsl_vector_calloc((nicheweb.Rnum + nicheweb.S)*(nicheweb.Y)*5 + (nicheweb.S) + 3); // Gleiche Länge wie Rückgabe von evolveNetwork gsl_vector *robustness = gsl_vector_calloc(63); gsl_vector *resultEvolveWeb = gsl_vector_calloc((nicheweb.Rnum+nicheweb.S)*nicheweb.Y*5 + 3 + nicheweb.S); // y[Simulation], y0, ymax, ymin, yavg, fixp, TL gsl_vector *resultRobustness = gsl_vector_calloc(63); gsl_matrix *D = gsl_matrix_calloc(nicheweb.Y,nicheweb.Y); gsl_matrix* Dchoice = gsl_matrix_calloc(nicheweb.Y,nicheweb.Y); gsl_vector *robustnesstemp = gsl_vector_calloc(63); gsl_vector *meanSquOfDataAll = gsl_vector_calloc(63); gsl_vector *meanSquOfDataAlltemp = gsl_vector_calloc(63); gsl_vector *standardDeviationAll = gsl_vector_calloc(63); gsl_vector *meanOfData = gsl_vector_calloc((6*4+2)*nicheweb.Y); gsl_vector *meanOfDatatemp = gsl_vector_calloc((6*4+2)*nicheweb.Y); gsl_vector *meanSquOfData = gsl_vector_calloc((6*4+2)*nicheweb.Y); gsl_vector *standardDeviation = gsl_vector_calloc((6*4+2)*nicheweb.Y); gsl_vector_set_zero(robustness); gsl_vector_set_zero(meanOfData); gsl_vector_set_zero(meanSquOfData); gsl_vector_set_zero(nicheweb.migrPara); gsl_vector_set_zero(meanSquOfDataAll); // double SpeciesNumber[L*nicheweb.Z][2]; // double AllMu[L*nicheweb.Z][2]; // double AllNu[L*nicheweb.Z][2]; double ymigr = 0; double mu = 0; double nu = 0; double ymigrtemp; double ymigrSqu = 0; double ymigrDeviation; double migrationEventNumber = 0; double migrationEventNumbertemp; double migrationEventNumberSqu = 0.0; double migrationEventNumberDeviation; int lastMigrationEventNumber = 0; //--Simulation--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //SetTopology(nicheweb.Y, nicheweb.T, D); SetTopology(nicheweb.Y, nicheweb.Tchoice, Dchoice); // for(i = 0; i<nicheweb.Y; i++) // { // for(j = 0 ; j<nicheweb.Y; j++) // { // printf("%f\t",gsl_matrix_get(Dchoice,i,j)); // } // printf("\n"); // } for(i = 0; i < L; i++) { // const gsl_rng_type *rng1_T; // **** // gsl_rng *rng1; // initialize random number generator // gsl_rng_env_setup(); // ermöglicht Konsolenparameter // rng1_T = gsl_rng_default; // default random number generator (so called mt19937) // gsl_rng_default_seed = 0; // default seed for rng // //gsl_rng_default_seed = ((unsigned)time(NULL)); // random starting seed for rng // rng1 = gsl_rng_alloc(rng1_T); printf("\nStarte Durchlauf L = %i\n", i); //--Starte Simulation----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SetNicheNetwork(nicheweb, stochastic, res, rng1, rng1_T, D); gsl_vector_set_zero(resultEvolveWeb); populationFIN = EvolveNetwork(nicheweb, stochastic, rng1, rng1_T, Dchoice, resultEvolveWeb); gsl_vector_set_zero(resultRobustness); gsl_vector_memcpy(robustnesstemp, EvaluateRobustness(populationFIN, nicheweb, patchwise, resultRobustness)); // Robustness Analyse //--Standardabweichung für Mittelung vorbereiten----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- determineMean(robustnesstemp, 63, robustness); determineMeanSqu(robustnesstemp, 63, meanSquOfDataAll); //--Ausgabewerte---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ymigrtemp = gsl_vector_get(nicheweb.migrPara, 5); migrationEventNumbertemp = gsl_vector_get(nicheweb.migrPara, 6); // for(int j= 0; j<migrationEventNumbertemp; j++) // { // AllMu[lastMigrationEventNumber+j][0] = gsl_vector_get(stochastic.AllMus, j); // AllNu[lastMigrationEventNumber+j][0] = gsl_vector_get(stochastic.AllNus, j); // SpeciesNumber[lastMigrationEventNumber+j][0] = gsl_vector_get(stochastic.SpeciesNumbers,j); // // AllMu[lastMigrationEventNumber+j][1] = gsl_vector_get(stochastic.Biomass_AllMus, j); // AllNu[lastMigrationEventNumber+j][1] = gsl_vector_get(stochastic.Biomass_AllNus, j); // SpeciesNumber[lastMigrationEventNumber+j][1] = gsl_vector_get(stochastic.Biomass_SpeciesNumbers,j); // } lastMigrationEventNumber += migrationEventNumbertemp; //printf("SpeciesNumber ist %f\n",SpeciesNumber[i]); ymigr += ymigrtemp; migrationEventNumber += migrationEventNumbertemp; ymigrSqu += (ymigrtemp*ymigrtemp); migrationEventNumberSqu = (migrationEventNumberSqu*(i)+(migrationEventNumbertemp*migrationEventNumbertemp))/(i+1); // printf("Additionsteil ist %f\n",(migrationEventNumberSqu*(i)+(migrationEventNumbertemp*migrationEventNumbertemp))/(i+1)); //--Mittelwert und Vorbereitungen für Standardabweichung für die patchweise Ausgabe berechnen-------------------------------- linkElements(patchwise, nicheweb.Y, meanOfDatatemp); determineMean(meanOfDatatemp, (6*4+2)*nicheweb.Y, meanOfData); determineMeanSqu(meanOfDatatemp, (6*4+2)*nicheweb.Y, meanSquOfData); createOutputRobustnessPatchwiseEachRun(nicheweb,patchwise,aims6,RobustnessEachRun,i); printf("\nBeende Durchlauf L = %i\n", i); } //-- Standardabweichung berechnen-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ymigrSqu = ymigrSqu/L; ymigr = ymigr/L; ymigrDeviation = sqrt(ymigrSqu - ymigr*ymigr); //migrationEventNumberSqu = migrationEventNumberSqu/L; migrationEventNumber = migrationEventNumber/L; migrationEventNumberDeviation = sqrt(migrationEventNumberSqu - migrationEventNumber*migrationEventNumber); // printf("migrationEventNumber ist %f\n",migrationEventNumber); // printf("migrationEventNumberSqu ist %f\n",migrationEventNumberSqu); // printf("migrationEventNumberDeviation ist %f\n",migrationEventNumberDeviation); // //-- Für patchweise Ausgabe------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- standardDeviation = determineStandardDeviation((6*4+2)*nicheweb.Y, meanOfData, meanSquOfData, L, standardDeviation); standardDeviationAll = determineStandardDeviation(63, robustness, meanSquOfDataAll, L, standardDeviationAll); //printf("der 3. Eintrag in standardDeviationAll ist %f\n", gsl_vector_get(standardDeviationAll,3)); // printf("S ist %f\n", gsl_vector_get(robustness,3)); // printf("Standardabweichung von S ist %f\n", gsl_vector_get(standardDeviationAll,3)); // printf("meanOfDataSqu ist %f\n", gsl_vector_get(meanOfDataSquAll,3)); // printf("meanSquOfData ist %f\n", gsl_vector_get(meanSquOfDataAll,3)); printf("L=%i\tspeciesini=%f\tspeciesfinal=%f\n", L, gsl_vector_get(robustness, 3)/L, gsl_vector_get(robustness, 9)/L); //--Abspeichern in File------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- char aims[255] = ORT; createOutputGeneral(nicheweb, res, stochastic, aims, robustness, standardDeviationAll, L, mu, nu, ymigr, ymigrDeviation, migrationEventNumber, migrationEventNumberDeviation); // Datei schließen //--Daten patchweise abspeichern---------------------------------------------------------------------- // printf("population ist %f\n",gsl_vector_get(stochastic.Biomass_AllMus,0)); for(int l = 0 ; l< nicheweb.Y; l++) { //char name[100]; char aims2[255] = ORT2; createOutputPatchwise(nicheweb, res, stochastic, aims2, meanOfData, standardDeviation, L, l); } // if(nicheweb.Tchoice != 0) // { //--Ausgewählte Spezies rausschreiben, die migrieren darf--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // char aims3[255] = ORT; // // //createOutputSpeciesNumber(nicheweb, res, aims3, SpeciesNumber, L, migrationEventNumber); // // // //--Ausgewählte Verbindung rausschreiben, über die migriert werden darf--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // char aims4[255] = ORT; // // // createOutputPatchlink(nicheweb, res, aims4, AllMu, AllNu, L, migrationEventNumber); // } printf("\nSimulation abgespeichert\n\n"); //--free---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- free(; gsl_vector_free(fixpunkte); for(i=0; i<nicheweb.Y; i++) { gsl_vector_free(patchwise[i].sini); gsl_vector_free(patchwise[i].sfini); gsl_vector_free(patchwise[i].bini); gsl_vector_free(patchwise[i].bfini); gsl_vector_free(patchwise[i].robness); } FreeFoodwebMem(&nicheweb); // eigene Funktion FreeStochasticMem(&stochastic); gsl_vector_free(nicheweb.migrPara); // gsl_vector_free(stochastic.AllMus); // gsl_vector_free(stochastic.AllNus); // gsl_vector_free(stochastic.SpeciesNumbers); // gsl_vector_free(stochastic.Biomass_AllMus); // gsl_vector_free(stochastic.Biomass_AllNus); // gsl_vector_free(stochastic.Biomass_SpeciesNumbers); gsl_vector_free(populationFIN); gsl_vector_free(robustness); gsl_vector_free(meanOfData); gsl_vector_free(meanOfDatatemp); gsl_vector_free(meanSquOfData); gsl_vector_free(standardDeviation); gsl_vector_free(standardDeviationAll); gsl_vector_free(meanSquOfDataAll); gsl_vector_free(meanSquOfDataAlltemp); gsl_matrix_free(D); gsl_matrix_free(Dchoice); //gsl_vector_free(resultEvolveWeb); gsl_vector_free(robustnesstemp); gsl_rng_free(rng1); return(0); }
void pcat_client_cleanup( pcat_client client ) { pcat_space_cleanup( &client->space ); pcat_map_destroy( &client->tested_points ); gsl_rng_free( client->rng ); }
void Testrapt(CuTest* tc) { gsl_vector* x = gsl_vector_alloc(DIM); gsl_vector_set_all(x, 0.0); gsl_rng* rng = gsl_rng_alloc(gsl_rng_default); gsl_matrix* sigma_whole = gsl_matrix_alloc(DIM, DIM); gsl_matrix_set_identity(sigma_whole); gsl_matrix* sigma_local[K]; for(int k=0; k<K; k++) { sigma_local[k] = gsl_matrix_alloc(DIM, DIM); gsl_matrix_set_identity(sigma_local[k]); } double means[K]; double variances[K]; double nk[K]; for(int k=0; k<K; k++) { means[k] = 0.0; variances[k] = 0.0; nk[k] = 0.0; } double mean = 0.0; double variance = 0.0; mcmclib_amh* s = mcmclib_rapt_alloc(rng, dunif, NULL, /*target distrib.*/ x, T0, sigma_whole, K, sigma_local, which_region, NULL, NULL); rapt_suff* suff = (rapt_suff*) s->suff; /*Main MCMC loop*/ gsl_matrix* X = gsl_matrix_alloc(N, DIM); gsl_vector* which_region_n = gsl_vector_alloc(N); for(size_t n=0; n<N; n++) { mcmclib_amh_update(s); gsl_vector_view Xn = gsl_matrix_row(X, n); gsl_vector_memcpy(&(Xn.vector), x); gsl_vector_set(which_region_n, n, (double) which_region(NULL, x)); means[which_region(NULL, x)] += x0; variances[which_region(NULL, x)] += x0 * x0; nk[which_region(NULL, x)] += 1.0; mean += x0; variance += x0 * x0; } /*compute means and variances*/ mean /= (double) N; variance = variance / ((double) N) - (mean * mean); for(size_t k=0; k<K; k++) { means[k] /= nk[k]; variances[k] = (variances[k] / nk[k]) - (means[k] * means[k]); } /*check results*/ CuAssertDblEquals(tc, mean, v0(suff->global_mean), TOL); CuAssertDblEquals(tc, variance, m00(suff->global_variance), TOL); static char kmsg[3]; for(size_t k=0; k<K; k++) { sprintf(kmsg, "%zd", k); CuAssertDblEquals_Msg(tc, kmsg, nk[k], gsl_vector_get(suff->n, k), TOL); CuAssertDblEquals_Msg(tc, kmsg, means[k], v0(suff->means[k]), TOL); CuAssertDblEquals_Msg(tc, kmsg, variances[k], m00(suff->variances[k]), TOL); } /*free memory*/ gsl_matrix_free(X); for(int k=0; k<K; k++) gsl_matrix_free(sigma_local[k]); gsl_matrix_free(sigma_whole); gsl_vector_free(x); mcmclib_amh_free(s); gsl_rng_free(rng); gsl_vector_free(which_region_n); }
void hSDM_Nmixture ( // Constants and data const int *ngibbs, int *nthin, int *nburn, // Number of iterations, burning and samples const int *nobs, int *nsite, // Number of observations and sites const int *np, // Number of fixed effects for lambda const int *nq, // Number of fixed effects for delta const int *Y_vect, // Number of successes (presences) const double *W_vect, // Observability covariates (nobs x nq) const double *X_vect, // Suitability covariates (nsite x np) // Spatial sites const int *S_vect, // Site Id // Predictions const int *npred, // Number of predictions const double *X_pred_vect, // Suitability covariates for predictions // Starting values for M-H const double *beta_start, const double *gamma_start, const int *N_start, // Parameters double *beta_vect, double *gamma_vect, int *N_pred, // Defining priors const double *mubeta, double *Vbeta, const double *mugamma, double *Vgamma, // Diagnostic double *Deviance, double *lambda_latent, // Latent proba of suitability (length NSITE) double *delta_latent, // Latent proba of observability (length NOBS) double *lambda_pred, // Proba of suitability for predictions (length NPRED) // Seeds const int *seed, // Verbose const int *verbose, // Save p and N const int *save_p, const int *save_N ) { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% // Defining and initializing objects //////////////////////////////////////// // Initialize random number generator // gsl_rng *r=gsl_rng_alloc(gsl_rng_mt19937); gsl_rng_set(r,seed[0]); /////////////////////////// // Redefining constants // const int NGIBBS=ngibbs[0]; const int NTHIN=nthin[0]; const int NBURN=nburn[0]; const int NSAMP=(NGIBBS-NBURN)/NTHIN; const int NOBS=nobs[0]; const int NSITE=nsite[0]; const int NP=np[0]; const int NQ=nq[0]; const int NPRED=npred[0]; /////////////////////////////////// // Declaring some useful objects // double *lambda_run=malloc(NSITE*sizeof(double)); for (int i=0; i<NSITE; i++) { lambda_run[i]=0.0; } double *delta_run=malloc(NOBS*sizeof(double)); for (int n=0; n<NOBS; n++) { delta_run[n]=0.0; } double *lambda_pred_run=malloc(NPRED*sizeof(double)); for (int m=0; m<NPRED; m++) { lambda_pred_run[m]=0.0; } double *N_pred_double=malloc(NSITE*sizeof(double)); for (int i=0; i<NSITE; i++) { N_pred_double[i]=0.0; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Set up and initialize structure for density function // struct dens_par dens_data; /* Data */ dens_data.NOBS=NOBS; dens_data.NSITE=NSITE; // Y dens_data.Y=malloc(NOBS*sizeof(int)); for (int n=0; n<NOBS; n++) { dens_data.Y[n]=Y_vect[n]; } /* Latent variable */ // N_run dens_data.N_run=malloc(NSITE*sizeof(int)); for (int i=0; i<NSITE; i++) { dens_data.N_run[i]=N_start[i]; } dens_data.pos_N=0; /* Sites */ // IdSite dens_data.IdSite=malloc(NOBS*sizeof(int)); for (int n=0; n<NOBS; n++) { dens_data.IdSite[n]=S_vect[n]; } // nObsSite dens_data.nObsSite=malloc(NSITE*sizeof(int)); for (int i=0; i<NSITE; i++) { dens_data.nObsSite[i]=0; for (int n=0; n<NOBS; n++) { if (dens_data.IdSite[n]==i) { dens_data.nObsSite[i]++; } } } // PosSite dens_data.PosSite=malloc(NSITE*sizeof(int*)); for (int i=0; i<NSITE; i++) { dens_data.PosSite[i]=malloc(dens_data.nObsSite[i]*sizeof(int)); int repSite=0; for (int n=0; n<NOBS; n++) { if (dens_data.IdSite[n]==i) { dens_data.PosSite[i][repSite]=n; repSite++; } } } /* Suitability process */ dens_data.NP=NP; dens_data.pos_beta=0; dens_data.X=malloc(NSITE*sizeof(double*)); for (int i=0; i<NSITE; i++) { dens_data.X[i]=malloc(NP*sizeof(double)); for (int p=0; p<NP; p++) { dens_data.X[i][p]=X_vect[p*NSITE+i]; } } dens_data.mubeta=malloc(NP*sizeof(double)); dens_data.Vbeta=malloc(NP*sizeof(double)); for (int p=0; p<NP; p++) { dens_data.mubeta[p]=mubeta[p]; dens_data.Vbeta[p]=Vbeta[p]; } dens_data.beta_run=malloc(NP*sizeof(double)); for (int p=0; p<NP; p++) { dens_data.beta_run[p]=beta_start[p]; } /* Observability process */ dens_data.NQ=NQ; dens_data.pos_gamma=0; dens_data.W=malloc(NOBS*sizeof(double*)); for (int n=0; n<NOBS; n++) { dens_data.W[n]=malloc(NQ*sizeof(double)); for (int q=0; q<NQ; q++) { dens_data.W[n][q]=W_vect[q*NOBS+n]; } } dens_data.mugamma=malloc(NQ*sizeof(double)); dens_data.Vgamma=malloc(NQ*sizeof(double)); for (int q=0; q<NQ; q++) { dens_data.mugamma[q]=mugamma[q]; dens_data.Vgamma[q]=Vgamma[q]; } dens_data.gamma_run=malloc(NQ*sizeof(double)); for (int q=0; q<NQ; q++) { dens_data.gamma_run[q]=gamma_start[q]; } /* Predictions */ // X_pred double **X_pred=malloc(NPRED*sizeof(double*)); for (int m=0; m<NPRED; m++) { X_pred[m]=malloc(NP*sizeof(double)); for (int p=0; p<NP; p++) { X_pred[m][p]=X_pred_vect[p*NPRED+m]; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Proposal variance and acceptance for adaptive sampling // // beta double *sigmap_beta = malloc(NP*sizeof(double)); int *nA_beta = malloc(NP*sizeof(int)); double *Ar_beta = malloc(NP*sizeof(double)); // Acceptance rate for (int p=0; p<NP; p++) { nA_beta[p]=0; sigmap_beta[p]=1.0; Ar_beta[p]=0.0; } // gamma double *sigmap_gamma = malloc(NQ*sizeof(double)); int *nA_gamma = malloc(NQ*sizeof(int)); double *Ar_gamma = malloc(NQ*sizeof(double)); // Acceptance rate for (int q=0; q<NQ; q++) { nA_gamma[q]=0; sigmap_gamma[q]=1.0; Ar_gamma[q]=0.0; } // N int *nA_N = malloc(NSITE*sizeof(int)); double *Ar_N = malloc(NSITE*sizeof(double)); // Acceptance rate for (int i=0; i<NSITE; i++) { nA_N[i]=0; Ar_N[i]=0.0; } //////////// // Message// Rprintf("\nRunning the Gibbs sampler. It may be long, please keep cool :)\n\n"); R_FlushConsole(); //R_ProcessEvents(); for windows /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% // Gibbs sampler for (int g=0; g<NGIBBS; g++) { //////////////////////////////////////////////// // beta for (int p=0; p<NP; p++) { dens_data.pos_beta=p; // Specifying the rank of the parameter of interest double x_now=dens_data.beta_run[p]; double x_prop=x_now+gsl_ran_gaussian_ziggurat(r, sigmap_beta[p]); double p_now=betadens(x_now, &dens_data); double p_prop=betadens(x_prop, &dens_data); double ratio=exp(p_prop-p_now); // ratio double z=gsl_rng_uniform(r); // Actualization if (z < ratio) { dens_data.beta_run[p]=x_prop; nA_beta[p]++; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////// // gamma for (int q=0; q<NQ; q++) { dens_data.pos_gamma=q; // Specifying the rank of the parameter of interest double x_now=dens_data.gamma_run[q]; double x_prop=x_now+gsl_ran_gaussian_ziggurat(r, sigmap_gamma[q]); double p_now=gammadens(x_now, &dens_data); double p_prop=gammadens(x_prop, &dens_data); double ratio=exp(p_prop-p_now); // ratio double z=gsl_rng_uniform(r); // Actualization if (z < ratio) { dens_data.gamma_run[q]=x_prop; nA_gamma[q]++; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////// // N for (int i=0; i<NSITE; i++) { dens_data.pos_N=i; // Specifying the rank of the parameter of interest int x_now=dens_data.N_run[i]; if (x_now==0) { double s=gsl_rng_uniform(r); if (s < 0.5) { //dens_data.N_run[i]=x_now; dens_data.N_run[i]=0; } else { // Proposal //int x_prop=x_now+1; int x_prop=1; // Ratio double p_now=Ndens(x_now, &dens_data); double p_prop=Ndens(x_prop, &dens_data); double ratio=exp(p_prop-p_now); // Actualization double z=gsl_rng_uniform(r); if (z < ratio) { dens_data.N_run[i]=x_prop; nA_N[i]++; } } } else { // Proposal double s=gsl_rng_uniform(r); int x_prop=0; if (s < 0.5) x_prop=x_now-1; else x_prop=x_now+1; // Ratio double p_now=Ndens(x_now, &dens_data); double p_prop=Ndens(x_prop, &dens_data); double ratio=exp(p_prop-p_now); // Actualization double z=gsl_rng_uniform(r); if (z < ratio) { dens_data.N_run[i]=x_prop; nA_N[i]++; } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Deviance // logLikelihood double logL1=0.0; for (int n=0; n<NOBS; n++) { /* delta */ double logit_delta=0.0; for (int q=0; q<NQ; q++) { logit_delta+=dens_data.W[n][q]*dens_data.gamma_run[q]; } delta_run[n]=invlogit(logit_delta); /* log Likelihood */ logL1+=dbinom(dens_data.Y[n],dens_data.N_run[dens_data.IdSite[n]],delta_run[n],1); } double logL2=0.0; for (int i=0; i<NSITE; i++) { /* lambda */ double Xpart_lambda=0.0; for (int p=0; p<NP; p++) { Xpart_lambda+=dens_data.X[i][p]*dens_data.beta_run[p]; } lambda_run[i]=exp(Xpart_lambda); logL2+=dpois(dens_data.N_run[i],lambda_run[i],1); } double logL=logL1+logL2; // Deviance double Deviance_run=-2*logL; ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Predictions for (int m=0; m<NPRED; m++) { /* lambda_pred_run */ double Xpart_lambda_pred=0.0; for (int p=0; p<NP; p++) { Xpart_lambda_pred+=X_pred[m][p]*dens_data.beta_run[p]; } lambda_pred_run[m]=exp(Xpart_lambda_pred); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Output if (((g+1)>NBURN) && (((g+1)%(NTHIN))==0)) { int isamp=((g+1)-NBURN)/(NTHIN); // beta for (int p=0; p<NP; p++) { beta_vect[p*NSAMP+(isamp-1)]=dens_data.beta_run[p]; } // gamma for (int q=0; q<NQ; q++) { gamma_vect[q*NSAMP+(isamp-1)]=dens_data.gamma_run[q]; } // Deviance Deviance[isamp-1]=Deviance_run; for (int i=0; i<NSITE; i++) { lambda_latent[i]+=lambda_run[i]/NSAMP; // We compute the mean of NSAMP values } for (int n=0; n<NOBS; n++) { delta_latent[n]+=delta_run[n]/NSAMP; // We compute the mean of NSAMP values } // lambda if (save_p[0]==0) { // We compute the mean of NSAMP values for (int m=0; m<NPRED; m++) { lambda_pred[m]+=lambda_pred_run[m]/NSAMP; } } if (save_p[0]==1) { // The NSAMP sampled values for lambda are saved for (int m=0; m<NPRED; m++) { lambda_pred[m*NSAMP+(isamp-1)]=lambda_pred_run[m]; } } // N if (save_N[0]==0) { // We compute the mean of NSAMP values for (int i=0; i<NSITE; i++) { N_pred_double[i]+= ((double) dens_data.N_run[i])/NSAMP; } } if (save_N[0]==1) { // The NSAMP sampled values for lambda are saved for (int i=0; i<NSITE; i++) { N_pred[i*NSAMP+(isamp-1)]=dens_data.N_run[i]; } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Adaptive sampling (on the burnin period) const double ropt=0.234; int DIV=0; if (NGIBBS >=1000) DIV=100; else DIV=NGIBBS/10; /* During the burnin period */ if ((g+1)%DIV==0 && (g+1)<=NBURN) { // beta for (int p=0; p<NP; p++) { Ar_beta[p]=((double) nA_beta[p])/DIV; if(Ar_beta[p]>=ropt) sigmap_beta[p]=sigmap_beta[p]*(2-(1-Ar_beta[p])/(1-ropt)); else sigmap_beta[p]=sigmap_beta[p]/(2-Ar_beta[p]/ropt); nA_beta[p]=0.0; // We reinitialize the number of acceptance to zero } // gamma for (int q=0; q<NQ; q++) { Ar_gamma[q]=((double) nA_gamma[q])/DIV; if(Ar_gamma[q]>=ropt) sigmap_gamma[q]=sigmap_gamma[q]*(2-(1-Ar_gamma[q])/(1-ropt)); else sigmap_gamma[q]=sigmap_gamma[q]/(2-Ar_gamma[q]/ropt); nA_gamma[q]=0.0; // We reinitialize the number of acceptance to zero } // N for (int i=0; i<NSITE; i++) { Ar_N[i]=((double) nA_N[i])/DIV; nA_N[i]=0.0; // We reinitialize the number of acceptance to zero } } /* After the burnin period */ if ((g+1)%DIV==0 && (g+1)>NBURN) { // beta for (int p=0; p<NP; p++) { Ar_beta[p]=((double) nA_beta[p])/DIV; nA_beta[p]=0.0; // We reinitialize the number of acceptance to zero } // gamma for (int q=0; q<NQ; q++) { Ar_gamma[q]=((double) nA_gamma[q])/DIV; nA_gamma[q]=0.0; // We reinitialize the number of acceptance to zero } // N for (int i=0; i<NSITE; i++) { Ar_N[i]=((double) nA_N[i])/DIV; nA_N[i]=0.0; // We reinitialize the number of acceptance to zero } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Progress bar double Perc=100*(g+1)/(NGIBBS); if (((g+1)%(NGIBBS/100))==0 && verbose[0]==1) { Rprintf("*"); R_FlushConsole(); //R_ProcessEvents(); for windows if (((g+1)%(NGIBBS/10))==0) { double mAr_beta=0; // Mean acceptance rate double mAr_gamma=0; double mAr_N=0; // beta for (int p=0; p<NP; p++) { mAr_beta+=Ar_beta[p]/NP; } // gamma for (int q=0; q<NQ; q++) { mAr_gamma+=Ar_gamma[q]/NQ; } // N for (int i=0; i<NSITE; i++) { mAr_N+=Ar_N[i]/NSITE; } Rprintf(":%.1f%%, mean accept. rates= beta:%.3f, gamma:%.3f, N:%.3f\n",Perc,mAr_beta,mAr_gamma,mAr_N); R_FlushConsole(); //R_ProcessEvents(); for windows } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // User interrupt R_CheckUserInterrupt(); // allow user interrupt } // Gibbs sampler ////////////////////////// // Rounding N_pred if save.N==0 if (save_N[0]==0) { for (int i=0; i<NSITE; i++) { N_pred[i]= (int)(N_pred_double[i] < 0 ? (N_pred_double[i]-0.5):(N_pred_double[i]+0.5)); } } /////////////// // Delete memory allocation (see malloc()) /* Data */ free(dens_data.Y); free(dens_data.N_run); free(N_pred_double); free(dens_data.IdSite); free(dens_data.nObsSite); for (int i=0; i<NSITE; i++) { free(dens_data.PosSite[i]); } free(dens_data.PosSite); /* Suitability */ for (int i=0; i<NSITE; i++) { free(dens_data.X[i]); } free(dens_data.X); free(dens_data.mubeta); free(dens_data.Vbeta); free(dens_data.beta_run); free(lambda_run); /* Observability */ for (int n=0; n<NOBS; n++) { free(dens_data.W[n]); } free(dens_data.W); free(dens_data.mugamma); free(dens_data.Vgamma); free(dens_data.gamma_run); free(delta_run); /* Predictions */ for (int m=0; m<NPRED; m++) { free(X_pred[m]); } free(X_pred); free(lambda_pred_run); /* Adaptive MH */ free(sigmap_beta); free(nA_beta); free(Ar_beta); free(sigmap_gamma); free(nA_gamma); free(Ar_gamma); free(nA_N); free(Ar_N); /* Random seed */ gsl_rng_free(r); } // end hSDM function
gsl_vector* least_square_nl_fit(struct data dat, struct parameters par, gsl_multifit_function_fdf f) { size_t n, p; int status, i, iter = 0; double *x_init; const gsl_rng_type * type; const gsl_multifit_fdfsolver_type *T; gsl_multifit_fdfsolver *s; n = dat.n; p = par.n; gsl_matrix *covar = gsl_matrix_alloc(p,p); x_init = (double *) calloc(par.n, sizeof(double)); for(i=0; i<par.n; i++) x_init[i] = par.guess_p[i]; gsl_vector_view x = gsl_vector_view_array (x_init, p); gsl_rng * r; gsl_rng_env_setup(); type = gsl_rng_default; r = gsl_rng_alloc (type); T = gsl_multifit_fdfsolver_lmsder; s = gsl_multifit_fdfsolver_alloc(T, n, p); gsl_multifit_fdfsolver_set(s, &f, &x.vector); #ifdef PRINT_INFO print_state (iter, s); #endif do { iter++; status = gsl_multifit_fdfsolver_iterate (s); #ifdef PRINT_INFO print_state (iter, s); #endif if (status) break; status = gsl_multifit_test_delta (s->dx, s->x, 1e-6, 1e-6); } while (status == GSL_CONTINUE && iter < 500); #ifdef PRINT_INFO print_state (iter, s); #endif gsl_multifit_covar (s->J, 0.0, covar); { gsl_matrix_free (covar); gsl_rng_free (r); } return s->x; gsl_multifit_fdfsolver_free (s); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { long seed; char *netF; int method; FILE *inFile; struct node_gra *net = NULL; gsl_rng *rand_gen; int S, L; int nsteps; double step, damp; /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Command line parameters --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (argc < 7) { printf("\nUse: netlayout.out net_file_name seed step(-1) nsteps damping(-1) 1(2d)/2(2dp)/3(3d)\n\n"); return -1; } netF = argv[1]; seed = atoi(argv[2]); step = atof(argv[3]); if (step < 0.0 ) step = 0.05; // Default step nsteps = atoi(argv[4]); damp = atof(argv[5]); if (damp < 0.0 ) damp = 0.05; // Default damping method = atoi(argv[6]); /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Initialize the random number generator --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ rand_gen = gsl_rng_alloc(gsl_rng_mt19937); gsl_rng_set(rand_gen, seed); /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Build the network --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ inFile=fopen(netF, "r"); net = FBuildNetwork(inFile, 0, 0, 0, 1); fclose(inFile); S = CountNodes(net); L = TotalNLinks(net, 1); /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Layout the graph --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (method == 3) { MDGraphLayout3D(net, damp, step, nsteps, rand_gen, 0); } else if (method == 2) { MDGraphLayout2Dp(net, damp, step, nsteps, rand_gen, 0); } else { MDGraphLayout(net, damp, step, nsteps, rand_gen, 0); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Output coordinates --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ PrintNodeCoordinates(stdout, net); /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Free memory --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ RemoveGraph(net); gsl_rng_free(rand_gen); return 0; }
void poisson_distrib_destroy(poisson_distrib *p) { gsl_rng_free(p->r); free(p); }
/** * @brief Main principal * @param argc El número de argumentos del programa * @param argv Cadenas de argumentos del programa * @return Nada si es correcto o algún número negativo si es incorrecto */ int main( int argc, char** argv ) { if( argc < 4 ) return -1; // Declaración de variables gsl_rng *rng; IplImage *frame, *hsv_frame; histogram **ref_histos, *histo_aux; CvCapture *video; particle **particles, **aux, **nuevas_particulas; CvScalar color_rojo = CV_RGB(255,0,0), color_azul = CV_RGB(0,0,255); CvRect *regions; int num_objects = 0; int i = 1, MAX_OBJECTS = atoi(argv[3]), PARTICLES = atoi(argv[2]); FILE *datos; char name[45], num[3], *p1, *p2; clock_t t_ini, t_fin; double ms; video = cvCaptureFromFile( argv[1] ); if( !video ) { printf("No se pudo abrir el fichero de video %s\n", argv[1]); exit(-1); } first_frame = cvQueryFrame( video ); num_objects = get_regions( ®ions, MAX_OBJECTS, argv[1] ); if( num_objects == 0 ) exit(-1); t_ini = clock(); hsv_frame = bgr2hsv( first_frame ); histo_aux = (histogram*) malloc( sizeof(histogram) ); histo_aux->n = NH*NS + NV; nuevas_particulas = (particle**) malloc( num_objects * sizeof( particle* ) ); for( int j = 0; j < num_objects; ++j ) nuevas_particulas[j] = (particle*) malloc( PARTICLES * sizeof( particle ) ); // Computamos los histogramas de referencia y distribuimos las partículas iniciales ref_histos = compute_ref_histos( hsv_frame, regions, num_objects ); particles = init_distribution( regions, num_objects, PARTICLES ); // Mostramos el tracking if( show_tracking ) { // Mostramos todas las partículas if( show_all ) for( int k = 0; k < num_objects; ++k ) for( int j = 0; j < PARTICLES; ++j ) display_particle( first_frame, particles[k][j], color_azul ); // Dibujamos la partícula más prometedora de cada objeto for( int k = 0; k < num_objects; ++k ) display_particle( first_frame, particles[k][0], color_rojo ); cvNamedWindow( "Video", 1 ); cvShowImage( "Video", first_frame ); cvWaitKey( 5 ); } // Exportamos los histogramas de referencia y los frames if( exportar ) { export_ref_histos( ref_histos, num_objects ); export_frame( first_frame, 1 ); for( int k = 0; k < num_objects; ++k ) { sprintf( num, "%02d", k ); strcpy( name, REGION_BASE); p1 = strrchr( argv[1], '/' ); p2 = strrchr( argv[1], '.' ); strncat( name, (++p1), p2-p1 ); strcat( name, num ); strcat( name, ".txt" ); datos = fopen( name, "a+" ); if( ! datos ) { printf("Error creando fichero para datos\n"); return -1; } fprintf( datos, "%d\t%f\t%f\n", 0, particles[k][0].x, particles[k][0].y ); fclose( datos ); } } cvReleaseImage( &hsv_frame ); // Inicializamos el generador de números aleatorios gsl_rng_env_setup(); rng = gsl_rng_alloc( gsl_rng_mt19937 ); gsl_rng_set(rng, (unsigned long) time(NULL)); // Recordar que frame no se puede liberar debido al cvQueryFrame while( frame = cvQueryFrame( video ) ) { hsv_frame = bgr2hsv( frame ); // Realizamos la predicción y medición de probabilidad para cada partícula for( int k = 0; k < num_objects; ++k ) for( int j = 0; j < PARTICLES; ++j ) { transition( &particles[k][j], frame->width, frame->height, rng ); particles[k][j].w = likelihood( hsv_frame, &particles[k][j], ref_histos[k], histo_aux ); } // Normalizamos los pesos y remuestreamos un conjunto de partículas no ponderadas normalize_weights( particles, num_objects, PARTICLES ); for (int k = 0; k < num_objects; ++k ) resample( particles[k], PARTICLES, nuevas_particulas[k] ); aux = particles; particles = nuevas_particulas; nuevas_particulas = aux; // Mostramos el tracking if( show_tracking ) { // Mostramos todas las partículas if( show_all ) for( int k = 0; k < num_objects; ++k ) for( int j = 0; j < PARTICLES; ++j ) display_particle( frame, particles[k][j], color_azul ); // Dibujamos la partícula más prometedora de cada objeto for( int k = 0; k < num_objects; ++k ) display_particle( frame, particles[k][0], color_rojo ); cvNamedWindow( "Video", 1 ); cvShowImage( "Video", frame ); cvWaitKey( 5 ); } // Exportamos los histogramas de referencia y los frames if( exportar ) { export_frame( frame, i+1 ); for( int k = 0; k < num_objects; ++k ) { sprintf( num, "%02d", k ); strcpy( name, REGION_BASE); p1 = strrchr( argv[1], '/' ); p2 = strrchr( argv[1], '.' ); strncat( name, (++p1), p2-p1 ); strcat( name, num ); strcat( name, ".txt" ); datos = fopen( name, "a+" ); if( ! datos ) { printf("Error abriendo fichero para datos\n"); return -1; } fprintf( datos, "%d\t%f\t%f\n", i, particles[k][0].x, particles[k][0].y ); fclose( datos ); } } cvReleaseImage( &hsv_frame ); ++i; } // Liberamos todos los recursos usados (mallocs, gsl y frames) cvReleaseCapture( &video ); gsl_rng_free( rng ); free( histo_aux ); free( regions ); for( int i = 0; i < num_objects; ++i ) { free( ref_histos[i] ); free( particles[i] ); free( nuevas_particulas[i] ); } free( particles ); free( nuevas_particulas ); t_fin = clock(); ms = ((double)(t_fin - t_ini) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC) * 1000.0; printf("%d\t%d\t%.10g\n", PARTICLES, num_objects, ms); }
//if you want to simulate a true hom, pass in var with both alleles the same void simulator(int depth, int read_len, int kmer, double seq_err_per_base, int number_repetitions, int colour_indiv, int colour_allele1, int colour_allele2, int colour_ref_minus_site, VariantBranchesAndFlanks* var, int len_genome_minus_site, zygosity true_gt, GraphAndModelInfo* model_info, char* fasta, char* true_ml_gt_name, int working_colour1, int working_colour2, boolean using_1and2_nets, dBGraph* db_graph) //dBNode** genome_minus_site //boolean are_the_two_alleles_identical //char* filelist_net1, char* filelist_net2 //int working_colour_1net, int working_colour_2net { if (NUMBER_OF_COLOURS<4) { die("Cannot run the simulator with <4 colours. Recompile.\n"); } int count_passes = 0; int count_fails = 0; const gsl_rng_type * T; gsl_rng * r; // GLS setup: /* create a generator chosen by the environment variable GSL_RNG_TYPE */ gsl_rng_env_setup(); T = gsl_rng_default; r = gsl_rng_alloc (T); //put the alleles and reference into their colours: mark_allele_with_all_1s_or_more(var->one_allele, var->len_one_allele, colour_allele1); mark_allele_with_all_1s_or_more(var->other_allele, var->len_other_allele, colour_allele2); int i; for (i=0; i<number_repetitions; i++) { zero_path_except_two_alleles_and_ref(var->one_allele, var->len_one_allele, colour_allele1, colour_allele2, colour_ref_minus_site); zero_path_except_two_alleles_and_ref(var->other_allele, var->len_other_allele, colour_allele1, colour_allele2, colour_ref_minus_site); //give the each allele depth which is taken from a Poisson with mean = (D/2) * (R-k+1)/R * (1-k*epsilon) //printf("Depth %d, var->len one allele - k,er +1 = %d, and 1-kmer * seq_err = %f \n", depth, (var->len_one_allele)-kmer+1, 1-kmer*seq_err_per_base ) ; double exp_depth_on_allele1 = 0; if (true_gt==het) //het. So 1/3 of seq errors on the other allele end up on this one { exp_depth_on_allele1 = ((double) depth/2) * ( (double)(read_len+(var->len_one_allele)-kmer+1)/read_len) * (1-kmer*seq_err_per_base); // + ((double) depth/2) * //( (double)(read_len+(var->len_other_allele)-kmer+1)/read_len) * (kmer*seq_err_per_base/3); //some errors from the other allele give covg here } else if (true_gt==hom_one) {//hom exp_depth_on_allele1 = ((double) depth) * ( (double)(read_len+(var->len_one_allele)-kmer+1)/read_len) * (1-kmer*seq_err_per_base); } else if (true_gt==hom_other) { exp_depth_on_allele1 = ((double) depth) * ( (double)(read_len+(var->len_other_allele)-kmer+1)/read_len) * kmer*seq_err_per_base/3;// 1/3 of the errors on the true allele are on this one } double exp_depth_on_allele2 = 0; if (true_gt==het) //het. So 1/3 of seq errors are not a problem. So loss of covg is (1-k*(2/3)*e) { exp_depth_on_allele2 = exp_depth_on_allele1; } else if (true_gt==hom_one) { exp_depth_on_allele2 = ( (double)(read_len+(var->len_one_allele)-kmer+1)/read_len) * kmer*seq_err_per_base/3; } else if (true_gt==hom_other) { exp_depth_on_allele2 = ((double) depth) * ( (double)(read_len+(var->len_other_allele)-kmer+1)/read_len) * (1-kmer*seq_err_per_base); } double exp_depth_on_ref_minus_site = (double) depth * ((double)(len_genome_minus_site-kmer+1)/read_len) * (1-kmer*seq_err_per_base); //printf("exp ZAMMER %f %f %f\n", exp_depth_on_allele1, exp_depth_on_allele2, exp_depth_on_ref_minus_site); unsigned int sampled_covg_allele1 = gsl_ran_poisson (r, exp_depth_on_allele1); unsigned int sampled_covg_allele2 = gsl_ran_poisson (r, exp_depth_on_allele2); unsigned int sampled_covg_rest_of_genome = gsl_ran_poisson (r, exp_depth_on_ref_minus_site); printf("Sampled covgs on alleles 1,2 and genome are %d %d %d\n", sampled_covg_allele1, sampled_covg_allele2, sampled_covg_rest_of_genome); update_allele(var->one_allele, var->len_one_allele, colour_indiv, sampled_covg_allele1,read_len-kmer+1); update_allele(var->other_allele, var->len_other_allele, colour_indiv, sampled_covg_allele2, read_len-kmer+1); //update_allele(genome_minus_site,len_genome_minus_site, colour_indiv, sampled_covg_rest_of_genome); test(var, model_info, fasta, colour_ref_minus_site, colour_indiv, using_1and2_nets, working_colour1, working_colour2, &count_passes, &count_fails, db_graph, true_ml_gt_name); } //cleanup zero_allele(var->one_allele, var->len_one_allele, colour_indiv, colour_allele1, colour_allele2, colour_ref_minus_site); zero_allele(var->other_allele, var->len_other_allele, colour_indiv, colour_allele1, colour_allele2, colour_ref_minus_site); CU_ASSERT((double)count_passes/(double)(count_passes+count_fails) > 0.9 );//actually, we could set this to ==1 printf("Number of passes: %d, number of fails %d\n", count_passes, count_fails); gsl_rng_free (r); }
// Find a point in space with high density. void TChain::find_center(double* const center, gsl_matrix *const cov, gsl_matrix *const inv_cov, double* det_cov, double dmax, unsigned int iterations) const { // Check that the matrices are the correct size /*assert(cov->size1 == N); assert(cov->size2 == N); assert(inv_cov->size1 == N); assert(inv_cov->size2 == N);*/ // Choose random point in chain as starting point gsl_rng *r; seed_gsl_rng(&r); long unsigned int index_tmp = gsl_rng_uniform_int(r, length); const double *x_tmp = get_element(index_tmp); for(unsigned int i=0; i<N; i++) { center[i] = x_tmp[i]; } //std::cout << "center #0:"; //for(unsigned int n=0; n<N; n++) { std::cout << " " << center[n]; } //std::cout << std::endl; /*double *E_k = new double[N]; double *E_ij = new double[N*N]; for(unsigned int n1=0; n1<N; n1++) { E_k[n1] = 0.; for(unsigned int n2=0; n2<N; n2++) { E_ij[n1 + N*n2] = 0.; } }*/ // Iterate double *sum = new double[N]; double weight; for(unsigned int i=0; i<iterations; i++) { // Set mean of nearby points as center weight = 0.; for(unsigned int n=0; n<N; n++) { sum[n] = 0.; } for(unsigned int k=0; k<length; k++) { x_tmp = get_element(k); if(metric_dist2(inv_cov, x_tmp, center, N) < dmax*dmax) { for(unsigned int n=0; n<N; n++) { sum[n] += w[k] * x_tmp[n]; } weight += w[k]; // Calculate the covariance /*if(i == iterations - 1) { for(unsigned int n1=0; n1<N; n1++) { E_k[n1] += w[k] * x_tmp[n1]; for(unsigned int n2=0; n2<N; n2++) { E_ij[n1 + N*n2] += w[k] * x_tmp[n1] * x_tmp[n2]; } } }*/ } } //std::cout << "center #" << i+1 << ":"; for(unsigned int n=0; n<N; n++) { center[n] = sum[n] / (double)weight; }//std::cout << " " << center[n]; } //std::cout << " (" << weight << ")" << std::endl; dmax *= 0.9; } for(unsigned int n=0; n<N; n++) { std::cout << " " << center[n]; } std::cout << std::endl; // Calculate the covariance matrix of the enclosed points /*double tmp; for(unsigned int i=0; i<N; i++) { for(unsigned int j=i; j<N; j++) { tmp = (E_ij[i + N*j] - E_k[i]*E_k[j]/(double)weight) / (double)weight; gsl_matrix_set(cov, i, j, tmp); if(i != j) { gsl_matrix_set(cov, j, i, tmp); } } }*/ // Get the inverse of the covariance /*int s; gsl_permutation* p = gsl_permutation_alloc(N); gsl_matrix* LU = gsl_matrix_alloc(N, N); gsl_matrix_memcpy(LU, cov); gsl_linalg_LU_decomp(LU, p, &s); gsl_linalg_LU_invert(LU, p, inv_cov); // Get the determinant of the covariance *det_cov = gsl_linalg_LU_det(LU, s); // Cleanup gsl_matrix_free(LU); gsl_permutation_free(p); delete[] E_k; delete[] E_ij;*/ gsl_rng_free(r); delete[] sum; }
/* * Break yu12 image in little square pieces * args: * frame - pointer to frame buffer (yu12 format) * width - frame width * height - frame height * piece_size - multiple of 2 (we need at least 2 pixels to get the entire pixel information) * * asserts: * frame is not null */ static void fx_yu12_pieces(uint8_t* frame, int width, int height, int piece_size ) { int numx = width / piece_size; //number of pieces in x axis int numy = height / piece_size; //number of pieces in y axis uint8_t piece[(piece_size * piece_size * 3) / 2]; uint8_t *ppiece = piece; int i = 0, j = 0, w = 0, h = 0; /*random generator setup*/ gsl_rng_env_setup(); const gsl_rng_type *T = gsl_rng_default; gsl_rng *r = gsl_rng_alloc (T); int rot = 0; uint8_t *py = NULL; uint8_t *pu = NULL; uint8_t *pv = NULL; for(h = 0; h < height; h += piece_size) { for(w = 0; w < width; w += piece_size) { uint8_t *ppy = piece; uint8_t *ppu = piece + (piece_size * piece_size); uint8_t *ppv = ppu + ((piece_size * piece_size) / 4); for(i = 0; i < piece_size; ++i) { py = frame + ((h + i) * width) + w; for (j=0; j < piece_size; ++j) { *ppy++ = *py++; } } for(i = 0; i < piece_size; i += 2) { uint8_t *pu = frame + (width * height) + (((h + i) * width) / 4) + (w / 2); uint8_t *pv = pu + ((width * height) / 4); for(j = 0; j < piece_size; j += 2) { *ppu++ = *pu++; *ppv++ = *pv++; } } ppy = piece; ppu = piece + (piece_size * piece_size); ppv = ppu + ((piece_size * piece_size) / 4); /*rotate piece and copy it to frame*/ //rotation is random rot = (int) lround(8 * gsl_rng_uniform (r)); /*0 to 8*/ switch(rot) { case 0: // do nothing break; case 5: case 1: //mirror fx_yu12_mirror(piece, piece_size, piece_size); break; case 6: case 2: //upturn fx_yu12_upturn(piece, piece_size, piece_size); break; case 4: case 3://mirror upturn fx_yu12_upturn(piece, piece_size, piece_size); fx_yu12_mirror(piece, piece_size, piece_size); break; default: //do nothing break; } ppy = piece; ppu = piece + (piece_size * piece_size); ppv = ppu + ((piece_size * piece_size) / 4); for(i = 0; i < piece_size; ++i) { py = frame + ((h + i) * width) + w; for (j=0; j < piece_size; ++j) { *py++ = *ppy++; } } for(i = 0; i < piece_size; i += 2) { uint8_t *pu = frame + (width * height) + (((h + i) * width) / 4) + (w / 2); uint8_t *pv = pu + ((width * height) / 4); for(j = 0; j < piece_size; j += 2) { *pu++ = *ppu++; *pv++ = *ppv++; } } } } /*free the random seed generator*/ gsl_rng_free (r); }
/* * Trail of particles obtained from the image frame * args: * frame - pointer to frame buffer (yuyv format) * width - frame width * height - frame height * trail_size - trail size (in frames) * particle_size - maximum size in pixels - should be even (square - size x size) * * asserts: * frame is not null * * returns: void */ static void fx_particles(uint8_t* frame, int width, int height, int trail_size, int particle_size) { /*asserts*/ assert(frame != NULL); int i,j,w,h = 0; int part_w = width>>7; int part_h = height>>6; /*random generator setup*/ gsl_rng_env_setup(); const gsl_rng_type *T = gsl_rng_default; gsl_rng *r = gsl_rng_alloc (T); /*allocation*/ if (particles == NULL) { particles = calloc(trail_size * part_w * part_h, sizeof(particle_t)); if(particles == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"RENDER: FATAL memory allocation failure (fx_particles): %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(-1); } } particle_t *part = particles; particle_t *part1 = part; /*move particles in trail*/ for (i = trail_size; i > 1; --i) { part += (i - 1) * part_w * part_h; part1 += (i - 2) * part_w * part_h; for (j= 0; j < part_w * part_h; ++j) { if(part1->decay > 0) { part->PX = part1->PX + (int) lround(3 * gsl_rng_uniform (r)); /*0 to 3*/ part->PY = part1->PY -4 + (int) lround(5 * gsl_rng_uniform (r));/*-4 to 1*/ if(ODD(part->PX)) part->PX++; /*make sure PX is allways even*/ if((part->PX > (width-particle_size)) || (part->PY > (height-particle_size)) || (part->PX < 0) || (part->PY < 0)) { part->PX = 0; part->PY = 0; part->decay = 0; } else { part->decay = part1->decay - 1; } part->Y = part1->Y; part->U = part1->U; part->V = part1->V; part->size = part1->size; } else { part->decay = 0; } part++; part1++; } part = particles; /*reset*/ part1 = part; } part = particles; /*reset*/ /*get particles from frame (one pixel per particle - make PX allways even)*/ for(i =0; i < part_w * part_h; i++) { /* (2 * particle_size) to (width - 4 * particle_size)*/ part->PX = 2 * particle_size + (int) lround( (width - 6 * particle_size) * gsl_rng_uniform (r)); /* (2 * particle_size) to (height - 4 * particle_size)*/ part->PY = 2 * particle_size + (int) lround( (height - 6 * particle_size) * gsl_rng_uniform (r)); if(ODD(part->PX)) part->PX++; int y_pos = part->PX + (part->PY * width); int u_pos = (part->PX + (part->PY * width / 2)) / 2; int v_pos = u_pos + ((width * height) / 4); part->Y = frame[y_pos]; part->U = frame[u_pos]; part->V = frame[v_pos]; part->size = 1 + (int) lround((particle_size -1) * gsl_rng_uniform (r)); if(ODD(part->size)) part->size++; part->decay = (float) trail_size; part++; /*next particle*/ } part = particles; /*reset*/ int line = 0; float blend =0; float blend1 =0; /*render particles to frame (expand pixel to particle size)*/ for (i = 0; i < trail_size * part_w * part_h; i++) { if(part->decay > 0) { int y_pos = part->PX + (part->PY * width); int u_pos = (part->PX + (part->PY * width / 2)) / 2; int v_pos = u_pos + ((width * height) / 4); blend = part->decay/trail_size; blend1= 1 - blend; //y for(h = 0; h <(part->size); h++) { line = h * width; for (w = 0; w <(part->size); w++) { frame[y_pos + line + w] = CLIP((part->Y * blend) + (frame[y_pos + line + w] * blend1)); } } //u v for(h = 0; h <(part->size); h+=2) { line = (h * width) / 4; for (w = 0; w <(part->size); w+=2) { frame[u_pos + line + (w / 2)] = CLIP((part->U * blend) + (frame[u_pos + line + (w / 2)] * blend1)); frame[v_pos + line + (w / 2)] = CLIP((part->V * blend) + (frame[v_pos + line + (w / 2)] * blend1)); } } } part++; } /*free the random seed generator*/ gsl_rng_free (r); }
/* * Break yuyv image in little square pieces * args: * frame - pointer to frame buffer (yuyv format) * width - frame width * height - frame height * piece_size - multiple of 2 (we need at least 2 pixels to get the entire pixel information) * * asserts: * frame is not null */ static void fx_yuyv_pieces(uint8_t* frame, int width, int height, int piece_size ) { int numx = width / piece_size; //number of pieces in x axis int numy = height / piece_size; //number of pieces in y axis uint8_t *piece = calloc (piece_size * piece_size * 2, sizeof(uint8_t)); if(piece == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"RENDER: FATAL memory allocation failure (fx_pieces): %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(-1); } int i = 0, j = 0, line = 0, column = 0, linep = 0, px = 0, py = 0; /*random generator setup*/ gsl_rng_env_setup(); const gsl_rng_type *T = gsl_rng_default; gsl_rng *r = gsl_rng_alloc (T); int rot = 0; for(j = 0; j < numy; j++) { int row = j * piece_size; for(i = 0; i < numx; i++) { column = i * piece_size * 2; //get piece for(py = 0; py < piece_size; py++) { linep = py * piece_size * 2; line = (py + row) * width * 2; for(px=0 ; px < piece_size * 2; px++) { piece[px + linep] = frame[(px + column) + line]; } } /*rotate piece and copy it to frame*/ //rotation is random rot = (int) lround(8 * gsl_rng_uniform (r)); /*0 to 8*/ switch(rot) { case 0: // do nothing break; case 5: case 1: //mirror fx_yuyv_mirror(piece, piece_size, piece_size); break; case 6: case 2: //upturn fx_yuyv_upturn(piece, piece_size, piece_size); break; case 4: case 3://mirror upturn fx_yuyv_upturn(piece, piece_size, piece_size); fx_yuyv_mirror(piece, piece_size, piece_size); break; default: //do nothing break; } //write piece for(py = 0; py < piece_size; py++) { linep = py * piece_size * 2; line = (py + row) * width * 2; for(px=0 ; px < piece_size * 2; px++) { frame[(px + column) + line] = piece[px + linep]; } } } } /*free the random seed generator*/ gsl_rng_free (r); /*free the piece buffer*/ free(piece); }
/*This is the main function of the integration program that calls the gsl Runge-Kutta integrator:*/ void integrator(function F, int D, void *params, double x[], double dxdt[], double x0[], double t[], int iters, double s_noise, double abstol, double reltol) { /*Temporary variables*/ double *y = (double*) malloc( sizeof(double)*D ); /*state variable at time t-1 (input) and then at time t(output)*/ double *dydt_in = (double*) malloc( sizeof(double)*D ); /*rate of change at time point t-1*/ double *dydt_out= (double*) malloc( sizeof(double)*D ); /*rate of change at time point t*/ double *yerr = (double*) malloc( sizeof(double)*D );/*error*/ double t0,tf,tc,dt=(t[1]-t[0])/2,noise;/*initial time point, final time point, current time point, current time step, noise*/ int j,ii;/*State variable and iteration indexes*/ int status;/*integrator success flag*/ /*Definitions and initializations of gsl integrator necessary inputs and parameters:*/ /*Prepare noise generator*/ const gsl_rng_type *Q; gsl_rng *r; gsl_rng_env_setup(); Q = gsl_rng_default; r = gsl_rng_alloc(Q); /*Create a stepping function*/ const gsl_odeiv_step_type *T = gsl_odeiv_step_rkf45; gsl_odeiv_step *s = gsl_odeiv_step_alloc(T, D); /*Create an adaptive control function*/ gsl_odeiv_control *c = gsl_odeiv_control_y_new(abstol, reltol); /*Create the system to be integrated (with NULL jacobian)*/ gsl_odeiv_system sys = {F, NULL, D, params}; /*The integration loop:*/ /*Initialize*/ /*Calculate dx/dt for x0*/ tc=t[0]; /* initialise dydt_in from system parameters */ /*GSL_ODEIV_FN_EVAL(&sys, t, y, dydt_in);*/ GSL_ODEIV_FN_EVAL(&sys, tc, x0, dydt_in); for (j=0;j<D;j++) { y[j] = x[j] = x0[j]; } /*Integration*/ for (ii=1; ii<iters; ii++) { /*Call the integrator*/ /*int gsl_odeiv_step_apply(gsl_odeiv_step * s, double t, double h, double y[], double yerr[], const double dydt_in[], double dydt_out[], const gsl_odeiv_system * dydt)*/ t0=t[ii-1]; tf=t[ii]; tc=t0; while (tc<tf) { /*Constraint time step h such as that tc+h<=tf*/ if (tc+dt>tf) dt=tf-tc; /*Advance a h time step*/ status=gsl_odeiv_step_apply(s, tc, dt, y, yerr, dydt_in, dydt_out, &sys); if (status != GSL_SUCCESS) break; /*Modify time sep*/ gsl_odeiv_control_hadjust(c,s,y,yerr,dydt_in,&dt); /*Increase current time*/ tc += dt; /*Add noise*/ for (j=0;j<D;j++) { noise=gsl_ran_gaussian_ziggurat(r, s_noise); y[j] += sqrt(dt)*noise; //dydt_in[j]+=noise; } } /*Unpack and store result for this time point*/ if (status != GSL_SUCCESS) break; for (j=0;j<D;j++) { x[ii*D+j] = y[j]; dxdt[(ii-1)*D+j] = dydt_in[j]; /*Prepare next step*/ dydt_in[j] = dydt_out[j]; } } /*Get dxdt for the last time point*/ for (j=0;j<D;j++) dxdt[(iters-1)*D+j] = dydt_out[j]; /*Free dynamically allocated memory*/ gsl_odeiv_control_free(c); printf("c freed\n"); gsl_odeiv_step_free(s); printf("s freed\n"); gsl_rng_free(r); printf("rng freed\n"); free(yerr); printf("yerr freed\n"); free(dydt_out); printf("dydt_out freed\n"); free(dydt_in); printf("dydt_in freed\n"); free(y); printf("y freed\n"); }
int main() { const size_t n = N; const size_t p = 2; size_t i; gsl_rng *r = gsl_rng_alloc(gsl_rng_default); gsl_matrix *X = gsl_matrix_alloc(n, p); gsl_vector *y = gsl_vector_alloc(n); for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { /* generate first random variable u */ double ui = gsl_ran_gaussian(r, 1.0); /* set v = u + noise */ double vi = ui + gsl_ran_gaussian(r, 0.001); /* set y = u + v + noise */ double yi = ui + vi + gsl_ran_gaussian(r, 1.0); /* since u =~ v, the matrix X is ill-conditioned */ gsl_matrix_set(X, i, 0, ui); gsl_matrix_set(X, i, 1, vi); /* rhs vector */ gsl_vector_set(y, i, yi); } { gsl_multifit_linear_workspace *w = gsl_multifit_linear_alloc(n, p); gsl_vector *c = gsl_vector_alloc(p); gsl_vector *c_ridge = gsl_vector_alloc(p); gsl_matrix *cov = gsl_matrix_alloc(p, p); double chisq; /* unregularized (standard) least squares fit, lambda = 0 */ gsl_multifit_linear_ridge(0.0, X, y, c, cov, &chisq, w); fprintf(stderr, "=== Unregularized fit ===\n"); fprintf(stderr, "best fit: y = %g u + %g v\n", gsl_vector_get(c, 0), gsl_vector_get(c, 1)); fprintf(stderr, "chisq/dof = %g\n", chisq / (n - p)); /* regularize with lambda = 1 */ gsl_multifit_linear_ridge(1.0, X, y, c_ridge, cov, &chisq, w); fprintf(stderr, "=== Regularized fit ===\n"); fprintf(stderr, "best fit: y = %g u + %g v\n", gsl_vector_get(c_ridge, 0), gsl_vector_get(c_ridge, 1)); fprintf(stderr, "chisq/dof = %g\n", chisq / (n - p)); gsl_multifit_linear_free(w); gsl_matrix_free(cov); gsl_vector_free(c); gsl_vector_free(c_ridge); } gsl_rng_free(r); gsl_matrix_free(X); gsl_vector_free(y); return 0; }
double pfilter(Model & sim_model, Parameter & model_params, MCMCoptions & options, Particle &particles, Trajectory & output_traj, TimeSeriesData &epi_data, TreeData &tree_data, MultiTreeData &multitree_data) { int thread_max = omp_get_max_threads(); gsl_rng** rngs = new gsl_rng*[thread_max]; for (int thread = 0; thread < thread_max; thread++) { rngs[thread] = gsl_rng_alloc(gsl_rng_mt19937); gsl_rng_set(rngs[thread], omp_get_thread_num() + thread); } double loglik = 0.0; int num_groups = options.num_groups; int num_particles = options.particles; int init_seed = options.seed; int total_dt = options.total_dt; double sim_dt = options.sim_dt; int total_steps = ceil((double)total_dt/(double)options.pfilter_every); int add_dt = 0; double ESS_threshold = options.pfilter_threshold*(double)num_particles; Likelihood likelihood_calc; // std::vector <Parameter> values;// (options.num_threads, model_params); // for (int i=0; i!=options.num_threads; ++i) values.push_back(model_params); // for (int i=0; i!=model_params.get_total_params(); ++i) values.push_back(model_params.get(i)); std::vector <std::vector<double> > values(options.num_threads, std::vector<double>(model_params.get_total_params(), 0.0)); for (int i=0; i!=options.num_threads; ++i) { for (int j=0; j!=model_params.get_total_params(); ++j) { values[i][j] = model_params.get(j); } } // printf("Size of values = %d\n",values.size()); double reporting_rate = 1.0; if (model_params.param_exists("reporting")) { reporting_rate = model_params.get("reporting"); } std::vector <std::string> param_names = model_params.get_names_vector(); std::vector <std::vector<std::string> > param_names_threads (options.num_threads); if (model_params.param_exists("time_before_data")) { add_dt = model_params.get("time_before_data"); } if (options.save_traj) { if (add_dt > 0) { particles.start_particle_tracing(add_dt+total_dt, num_groups); } else if (add_dt < 0) { particles.start_particle_tracing(add_dt+total_dt, num_groups); total_steps = ceil((double)(total_dt+add_dt)/(double)options.pfilter_every); } else { particles.start_particle_tracing(total_dt, num_groups); } } std::vector <Model> models; for (int i=0; i<options.num_threads; ++i) { models.push_back(sim_model); } std::vector <int> add_dt_threads (options.num_threads, add_dt); std::vector <int> start_dt_threads (options.num_threads, 0); std::vector <int> end_dt_threads (options.num_threads, add_dt); std::vector <double> dt_threads (options.num_threads, sim_dt); std::vector <int> total_dt_threads(options.num_threads, total_dt); std::vector <double> reporting_rate_threads(options.num_threads, reporting_rate); std::vector <int> num_groups_threads(options.num_threads, num_groups); // Simulate model and calculate likelihood assuming no observed data if (model_params.param_exists("time_before_data")) { if (add_dt > 0) { omp_set_num_threads(options.num_threads); // std::vector <Trajectory *> curr_trajs; // for (int i=0; i!=num_particles; ++i) { // curr_trajs.push_back(particles.get_traj(i)); // } #pragma omp parallel for shared(particles, values) schedule(static,1) for (int tn = 0; tn < thread_max; tn++) { for (int i = tn; i < num_particles; i += thread_max) { // Adjust length of trajectory particles.get_traj(i)->resize(add_dt, num_groups); models[tn].simulate(values[tn], param_names_threads[tn], particles.get_traj(i), 0, add_dt_threads[tn], dt_threads[tn], total_dt_threads[tn], rngs[tn]); if (options.which_likelihood < 2) { double w = likelihood_calc.binomial_lik(reporting_rate_threads[tn], particles.get_traj(i)->get_total_traj(), add_dt_threads[tn] + total_dt_threads[tn], 0, add_dt_threads[tn], num_groups_threads[tn], false); particles.set_weight(w, i, false); } if (options.save_traj) { particles.save_traj_to_matrix(i, 0, add_dt); particles.save_ancestry(i, 0, add_dt); } } } } } init_seed += num_particles; int t=0; int start_dt; int end_dt; for (t = 0; t != total_steps; ++t) { // std::vector<double> we(options.particles, 0.0), wg(options.particles, 0.0); start_dt = t*options.pfilter_every; end_dt = std::min(total_dt, (t + 1)*options.pfilter_every); std::fill(start_dt_threads.begin(), start_dt_threads.end(), start_dt); std::fill(end_dt_threads.begin(), end_dt_threads.end(), end_dt); omp_set_num_threads(options.num_threads); #pragma omp parallel for shared (particles, values) schedule(static,1) for (int tn = 0; tn < thread_max; tn++) { for (int i = tn; i < num_particles; i+=thread_max) { // Adjust length of trajectory // if (tn==0) std::cout << i << ' ' << std::endl; particles.get_traj(i)->resize(end_dt - start_dt, options.num_groups); models[tn].simulate(values[tn], param_names_threads[tn], particles.get_traj(i), start_dt_threads[tn], end_dt_threads[tn], dt_threads[tn], total_dt_threads[tn], rngs[tn]); double w = 1.0; double temp = 0.0; if (options.which_likelihood < 2) { double A = particles.get_traj(i)->get_total_traj(); temp = likelihood_calc.binomial_lik(reporting_rate_threads[tn], A, epi_data.get_data_ptr(0), add_dt_threads[tn] + total_dt_threads[tn], start_dt_threads[tn], end_dt_threads[tn], add_dt_threads[tn], num_groups_threads[tn], false); w *= temp; // we[i] = log(temp); } if (options.which_likelihood != 1) { temp = likelihood_calc.coalescent_lik(particles.get_traj(i)->get_traj_ptr(0, 0), particles.get_traj(i)->get_traj_ptr(1, 0), tree_data.get_binomial_ptr(0), tree_data.get_interval_ptr(0), tree_data.get_ends_ptr(0), start_dt_threads[tn], end_dt_threads[tn], add_dt_threads[tn], false); w *= temp; // wg[i] = log(temp); } particles.set_weight(w, i, true); if (options.save_traj) { particles.save_traj_to_matrix(i, start_dt_threads[tn] + add_dt_threads[tn], end_dt_threads[tn] + add_dt_threads[tn]); particles.save_ancestry(i, start_dt_threads[tn] + add_dt_threads[tn], end_dt_threads[tn] + add_dt_threads[tn]); } } } // std::cout << "Epi Weight: " << std::accumulate(we.begin(), we.end(), 0.0) << " Gen Weight: " << std::accumulate(wg.begin(), wg.end(), 0.0) << " Total: " << particles.get_total_weight() << std::endl; double curr_ESS = particles.get_ESS(); if (curr_ESS < ESS_threshold) { double total_weight = particles.get_total_weight(); if (total_weight == 0.0) { loglik += -0.1*std::numeric_limits<double>::max(); // std::cout << std::accumulate(epi_data.get_data_ptr(0)+start_dt, epi_data.get_data_ptr(0)+end_dt, 0.0) << " : " << particles.get_traj(0)->get_traj(0) << std::endl; std::cout << "stop time: " << end_dt << std::endl; break; } else { loglik += log(total_weight) - log(num_particles); } particles.resample(options.rng[0]); } else { particles.reset_parents(); } } if (options.save_traj) { output_traj.resize((total_dt+add_dt), num_groups); //if (loglik > -0.1*std::numeric_limits<double>::max()) { particles.retrace_traj(output_traj, options.rng[0]); //} } for (int i=0; i!=num_particles; ++i) { particles.get_traj(i)->reset(); } std::vector < std::vector<double> >().swap(values); for (int thread = 0; thread < thread_max; thread++) { gsl_rng_free(rngs[thread]); } delete[] rngs; return (loglik); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { gen_workspace *gen_workspace_p; lapack_workspace *lapack_workspace_p; size_t N; int c; int lower; int upper; int incremental; size_t nmat; gsl_matrix *A, *B; gsl_rng *r; int s; int compute_schur; size_t i; gsl_ieee_env_setup(); gsl_rng_env_setup(); N = 30; lower = -10; upper = 10; incremental = 0; nmat = 0; compute_schur = 0; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "ic:n:l:u:z")) != (-1)) { switch (c) { case 'i': incremental = 1; break; case 'n': N = strtol(optarg, NULL, 0); break; case 'l': lower = strtol(optarg, NULL, 0); break; case 'u': upper = strtol(optarg, NULL, 0); break; case 'c': nmat = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0); break; case 'z': compute_schur = 1; break; case '?': default: printf("usage: %s [-i] [-z] [-n size] [-l lower-bound] [-u upper-bound] [-c num]\n", argv[0]); exit(1); break; } /* switch (c) */ } A = gsl_matrix_alloc(N, N); B = gsl_matrix_alloc(N, N); gen_workspace_p = gen_alloc(N, compute_schur); lapack_workspace_p = lapack_alloc(N); r = gsl_rng_alloc(gsl_rng_default); if (incremental) { make_start_matrix(A, lower); /* we need B to be non-singular */ make_random_integer_matrix(B, r, lower, upper); } fprintf(stderr, "testing N = %d", N); if (incremental) fprintf(stderr, " incrementally"); else fprintf(stderr, " randomly"); fprintf(stderr, " on element range [%d, %d]", lower, upper); if (compute_schur) fprintf(stderr, ", with Schur vectors"); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); while (1) { if (nmat && (count >= nmat)) break; ++count; if (!incremental) { make_random_matrix(A, r, lower, upper); make_random_matrix(B, r, lower, upper); } else { s = inc_matrix(A, lower, upper); if (s) break; /* all done */ make_random_integer_matrix(B, r, lower, upper); } /*if (count != 89120) continue;*/ /* make copies of matrices */ gsl_matrix_memcpy(gen_workspace_p->A, A); gsl_matrix_memcpy(gen_workspace_p->B, B); gsl_matrix_transpose_memcpy(lapack_workspace_p->A, A); gsl_matrix_transpose_memcpy(lapack_workspace_p->B, B); /* compute eigenvalues with LAPACK */ s = lapack_proc(lapack_workspace_p); if (s != GSL_SUCCESS) { printf("LAPACK failed, case %lu\n", count); exit(1); } #if 0 print_matrix(A, "A"); print_matrix(B, "B"); gsl_matrix_transpose(lapack_workspace_p->A); gsl_matrix_transpose(lapack_workspace_p->B); print_matrix(lapack_workspace_p->A, "S_lapack"); print_matrix(lapack_workspace_p->B, "T_lapack"); #endif /* compute eigenvalues with GSL */ s = gen_proc(gen_workspace_p); if (s != GSL_SUCCESS) { printf("=========== CASE %lu ============\n", count); printf("Failed to converge: found %u eigenvalues\n", gen_workspace_p->n_evals); print_matrix(A, "A"); print_matrix(B, "B"); print_matrix(gen_workspace_p->A, "Af"); print_matrix(gen_workspace_p->B, "Bf"); print_matrix(lapack_workspace_p->A, "Ae"); print_matrix(lapack_workspace_p->B, "Be"); exit(1); } #if 0 print_matrix(gen_workspace_p->A, "S_gsl"); print_matrix(gen_workspace_p->B, "T_gsl"); #endif /* compute alpha / beta vectors */ for (i = 0; i < N; ++i) { double beta; gsl_complex alpha, z; beta = gsl_vector_get(gen_workspace_p->beta, i); if (beta == 0.0) GSL_SET_COMPLEX(&z, GSL_POSINF, GSL_POSINF); else { alpha = gsl_vector_complex_get(gen_workspace_p->alpha, i); z = gsl_complex_div_real(alpha, beta); } gsl_vector_complex_set(gen_workspace_p->evals, i, z); beta = gsl_vector_get(lapack_workspace_p->beta, i); GSL_SET_COMPLEX(&alpha, lapack_workspace_p->alphar[i], lapack_workspace_p->alphai[i]); if (beta == 0.0) GSL_SET_COMPLEX(&z, GSL_POSINF, GSL_POSINF); else z = gsl_complex_div_real(alpha, beta); gsl_vector_complex_set(lapack_workspace_p->evals, i, z); gsl_vector_complex_set(lapack_workspace_p->alpha, i, alpha); } #if 0 gsl_sort_vector(gen_workspace_p->beta); gsl_sort_vector(lapack_workspace_p->beta); sort_complex_vector(gen_workspace_p->alpha); sort_complex_vector(lapack_workspace_p->alpha); s = test_alpha(gen_workspace_p->alpha, lapack_workspace_p->alpha, A, B, "gen", "lapack"); s = test_beta(gen_workspace_p->beta, lapack_workspace_p->beta, A, B, "gen", "lapack"); #endif #if 1 sort_complex_vector(gen_workspace_p->evals); sort_complex_vector(lapack_workspace_p->evals); s = test_evals(gen_workspace_p->evals, lapack_workspace_p->evals, A, B, "gen", "lapack"); #endif if (compute_schur) { test_schur(A, gen_workspace_p->A, gen_workspace_p->Q, gen_workspace_p->Z); test_schur(B, gen_workspace_p->B, gen_workspace_p->Q, gen_workspace_p->Z); } } gsl_matrix_free(A); gsl_matrix_free(B); gen_free(gen_workspace_p); lapack_free(lapack_workspace_p); if (r) gsl_rng_free(r); return 0; } /* main() */
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { unsigned int i = 0; unsigned int nbIntervals = 0; double* intervals = NULL; FILE* outputFileFd = NULL; gsl_rng* rng = NULL; unsigned int nbStates = 0; struct arg_file* outputFile = arg_file1("o", NULL, "<file>", "The output file for the generated initial state"); struct arg_int* n = arg_int1("n", NULL, "<n>", "The number of initial states to generate"); struct arg_str* s = arg_str1(NULL, "intervals", "<s>", "The intervals for the initial states generation"); struct arg_end* end = arg_end(4); void* argtable[4]; int nerrors = 0; argtable[0] = outputFile; argtable[1] = n; argtable[2] = s; argtable[3] = end; if(arg_nullcheck(argtable) != 0) { printf("error: insufficient memory\n"); arg_freetable(argtable, 4); return EXIT_FAILURE; } nerrors = arg_parse(argc, argv, argtable); if(nerrors > 0) { printf("%s:", argv[0]); arg_print_syntax(stdout, argtable, "\n"); arg_print_errors(stdout, end, argv[0]); arg_freetable(argtable, 4); return EXIT_FAILURE; } nbStates = n->ival[0]; intervals = parseIntervals(s->sval[0], &nbIntervals); rng = gsl_rng_alloc(gsl_rng_mt19937); gsl_rng_set(rng, time(NULL)); outputFileFd = fopen(outputFile->filename[0], "w"); fprintf(outputFileFd, "%u\n", n->ival[0]); for(; i < nbStates; i++) { unsigned int j = 0; for(; j < (nbIntervals - 1); j++) fprintf(outputFileFd, "%.15f,", (fabs(intervals[(j * 2) + 1] - intervals[j * 2]) * gsl_rng_uniform(rng)) + intervals[j * 2]); fprintf(outputFileFd, "%.15f\n", (fabs(intervals[(j * 2) + 1] - intervals[j * 2]) * gsl_rng_uniform(rng)) + intervals[j * 2]); } fclose(outputFileFd); gsl_rng_free(rng); free(intervals); arg_freetable(argtable, 4); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { double psr; // source bulge double res_s,err_s; double xl_s[1]={4.5}; double xu_s[1]={11.5}; const gsl_rng_type *T_s; gsl_rng *r_s; gsl_monte_function G_s={&source,1,0}; size_t calls_s=50000000; gsl_rng_env_setup (); T_s=gsl_rng_default; r_s = gsl_rng_alloc (T_s); gsl_monte_vegas_state *s_s = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (1); gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&G_s, xl_s, xu_s, 1, 10000, r_s, s_s, &res_s, &err_s); do { gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&G_s, xl_s, xu_s, 1, calls_s/5, r_s, s_s, &res_s, &err_s); } while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s_s) - 1.0) > 0.5); gsl_monte_vegas_free (s_s); gsl_rng_free (r_s); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // neutron stars, pulsar to bulge double res_x,err_x; //double xl_x[4]={3.0,0.0,-1200.0,-1200.0}; //double xu_x[4]={13.0,13.0,1200.0,1200.0}; double xl_x[8]={4.5,0.01,-2000.0,-2000.0,-2000.0,-550.0,-450.0,-350.0}; double xu_x[8]={11.5,8.0,2000.0,2000.0,2000.0,550.0,450.0,350.0}; const gsl_rng_type *T_x; gsl_rng *r_x; gsl_monte_function G_x={&g_psr,8,0}; size_t calls_x=50000000; T_x=gsl_rng_default; // calculation r_x=gsl_rng_alloc(T_x); gsl_monte_vegas_state *s_x = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (8); gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&G_x, xl_x, xu_x, 8, 10000, r_x, s_x,&res_x, &err_x); do { gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&G_x, xl_x, xu_x, 8, calls_x/5, r_x, s_x,&res_x, &err_x); } while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s_x) - 1.0) > 0.5); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // source disk double res_sd,err_sd; double xl_sd[1]={0.0}; double xu_sd[1]={11.5}; const gsl_rng_type *T_sd; gsl_rng *r_sd; gsl_monte_function G_sd={&source_d,1,0}; size_t calls_sd=50000000; T_sd=gsl_rng_default; r_sd = gsl_rng_alloc (T_sd); gsl_monte_vegas_state *s_sd = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (1); gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&G_sd, xl_sd, xu_sd, 1, 10000, r_sd, s_sd, &res_sd, &err_sd); do { gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&G_sd, xl_sd, xu_sd, 1, calls_sd/5, r_sd, s_sd, &res_sd, &err_sd); } while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s_sd) - 1.0) > 0.5); gsl_monte_vegas_free (s_sd); gsl_rng_free (r_sd); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // neutron stars, pulsar to disk double res_xd,err_xd; //double xl_x[4]={3.0,0.0,-1200.0,-1200.0}; //double xu_x[4]={13.0,13.0,1200.0,1200.0}; double xl_xd[8]={0.0,0.01,-2000.0,-2000.0,-2000.0,-100.0,-150.0,-100.0}; double xu_xd[8]={11.5,8.0,2000.0,2000.0,2000.0,100.0,150.0,100.0}; const gsl_rng_type *T_xd; gsl_rng *r_xd; gsl_monte_function G_xd={&g_psr_d,8,0}; size_t calls_xd=50000000; T_xd=gsl_rng_default; // calculation r_xd=gsl_rng_alloc(T_xd); gsl_monte_vegas_state *s_xd = gsl_monte_vegas_alloc (8); gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&G_xd, xl_xd, xu_xd, 8, 10000, r_xd, s_xd, &res_xd, &err_xd); do { gsl_monte_vegas_integrate (&G_xd, xl_xd, xu_xd, 8, calls_xd/5, r_xd, s_xd, &res_xd, &err_xd); } while (fabs (gsl_monte_vegas_chisq (s_xd) - 1.0) > 0.5); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// psr = (fabs(res_x)+fabs(res_xd))/(fabs(res_s)+fabs(res_sd)); printf ("bulge:%e %e %e\n", res_x, res_s, res_x/res_s); printf ("disk:%e %e %e\n", res_xd, res_sd, res_xd/res_sd); printf ("psr event rate:%e\n", psr); //printf ("psr event rate: %e\n", psr); gsl_monte_vegas_free (s_x); gsl_rng_free (r_x); gsl_monte_vegas_free (s_xd); gsl_rng_free (r_xd); return 0; }
scope_ray *rays_initialize(int ray_setup, int *ray_status, double *overshoot){ /* Variable Declarations */ long i,j; scope_ray *rays,normal,g,det_plane; double angle=0.; printf("Initializing %0.3e rays...\n",N_RAYS); rays = (scope_ray *)malloc(N_RAYS * sizeof(scope_ray)); *ray_status = 2222; /* Initialize ray position randomly across the aperture */ /* Start GSL's RNG */ const gsl_rng_type *T; gsl_rng *r; gsl_rng_env_setup(); // T = gsl_rng_ranlux389; // Second slowest T = gsl_rng_taus2; r = gsl_rng_alloc(T); /* Assign random starting point for rays */ double radius = 1.0; double x,y; for(i=0,j=0;i<N_RAYS;i++,j++){ // j counts the # of times the loop executes x = gsl_rng_uniform(r)*2. - 1.; y = gsl_rng_uniform(r)*2. - 1.; if(x*x + y*y > 1.){ // If outside the circle, i--; // decriment i, continue; // and try again. } rays[i].x = x*radius; rays[i].y = y*radius; rays[i].z = +10.; // Start way up high rays[i].lost = false; // Not lost yet } *overshoot = (double)j/(double)i; /* Initialize ray direction based on setup criteria */ switch(ray_setup){ case(TARGET_POINT): printf("Serving up a single point source...\n"); for(i=0;i<N_RAYS;i++){ rays[i].vx = sin(angle); rays[i].vy = 0; rays[i].vz = -cos(angle); } break; case(TARGET_POINTS): break; case(TARGET_IMAGE): i=0; /* Variable Declaration */ int stat; gsl_histogram2d imghist; gsl_histogram2d_pdf imgpdf; double x,y; stat = gsl_histogram2d_pdf_sample(&imgpdf, gsl_rng_uniform(r), gsl_rng_uniform(r), &x, &y); rays[i].x = x; rays[i].y = y; rays[i].z = +10.; break; default: printf("I am defaulting on ray direction.\n"); } /* Clean up */ gsl_rng_free(r); return rays; }
void free_rng(gsl_rng * rng) { gsl_rng_free(rng); }
void free_rng( void ) { gsl_rng_free( r ); return ; }
Lattice::~Lattice() { gsl_rng_free(rng); delete [] phi_data; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ double zmin=0.0, zmax=0.0; int galaxies=0.0; string outputfile; bool HALF=false, START=false; int arg=1; int nside=512; while (arg < argc) { if (argv[arg][0] == '-') { switch (argv[arg][1]) { case 'O': outputfile=string(argv[arg+1]); arg+=2; break; case 'N': nside=atoi(argv[arg+1]); arg+=2; break; case 'G': galaxies=atoi(argv[arg+1]); arg+=2; break; case 'H': HALF=true; arg+=1; break; case 'h': cout<<BOLDRED<<"Options:"<<RESET<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<YELLOW<<"-O"<<RESET<<"utput: name of the "<<BLUE<<"'outputfile'"<<RESET<<" in fits format"<<endl; cout<<YELLOW<<"-N"<<RESET<<"side: "<<BLUE<<"'nside'"<<RESET<<" Healpix resolution of the output map; default 512"<<endl; cout<<YELLOW<<"-G"<<RESET<<"alaxies: "<<BLUE<<"'galaxy number'"<<RESET<<" of the uniform distributed map"<<endl; cout<<YELLOW<<"-H"<<RESET<<"alf: upper half of the sphere will be realised, otherwise full sphere"<<endl; cout<<MAGENTA<<"Example:"<<endl<<"./RandomReal -O out_map.fits -G 100000 -H"<<endl<<";"<<RESET<<endl<<endl; cout<<GREEN<<"Queries should be directed to [email protected]"<<RESET<<endl; START=false; arg++; break; default: cout<<"bad argument: do RandomReal -h to get man page. "<<RED<<"Exit now"<<RESET<<endl; exit(-1); break; } }else{ cout<<"bad argument: do RandomReal -h to get man page. "<<RED<<"Exit now."<<RESET<<endl; exit(-1); } } int order=log2(nside); Healpix_Map<double> randomreal(order, RING); //Initialise random numbers gsl_rng *random=gsl_rng_alloc(gsl_rng_default); gsl_rng *random2=gsl_rng_alloc(gsl_rng_default); gsl_rng *random3=gsl_rng_alloc(gsl_rng_default); int seed=time(NULL); int seed2=time(NULL)+100; int seed3=time(NULL)+1000; gsl_rng_set(random, seed); gsl_rng_set(random2, seed2); gsl_rng_set(random3, seed3); randomreal.fill(0.0); pointing pointer; double phi, costheta; int pixel=0; for(int i=0; i<galaxies;i++){ costheta=gsl_rng_uniform(random); phi=2.0*pi*gsl_rng_uniform(random2); if(!HALF) if(gsl_rng_uniform(random3)>0.5) costheta=-costheta; pointer.theta=acos(costheta); pointer.phi=phi; pixel=randomreal.ang2pix(pointer); randomreal[pixel]+=1.0; } write_Healpix_map_to_fits<float64>(outputfile, randomreal, PLANCK_FLOAT64); gsl_rng_free(random); gsl_rng_free(random2); return 0; }
void fnIMIS(const size_t InitSamples, const size_t StepSamples, const size_t FinalResamples, const size_t MaxIter, const size_t NumParam, unsigned long int rng_seed, const char * runName) { // Declare and configure GSL RNG gsl_rng * rng; const gsl_rng_type * T; gsl_rng_env_setup(); T = gsl_rng_default; rng = gsl_rng_alloc (T); gsl_rng_set(rng, rng_seed); char strDiagnosticsFile[strlen(runName) + 15 +1]; char strResampleFile[strlen(runName) + 12 +1]; strcpy(strDiagnosticsFile, runName); strcat(strDiagnosticsFile, "Diagnostics.txt"); strcpy(strResampleFile, runName); strcat(strResampleFile, "Resample.txt"); FILE * diagnostics_file = fopen(strDiagnosticsFile, "w"); fprintf(diagnostics_file, "Seeded RNG: %zu\n", rng_seed); fprintf(diagnostics_file, "Running IMIS. InitSamples: %zu, StepSamples: %zu, FinalResamples %zu, MaxIter %zu\n", InitSamples, StepSamples, FinalResamples, MaxIter); // Setup IMIS arrays gsl_matrix * Xmat = gsl_matrix_alloc(InitSamples + StepSamples*MaxIter, NumParam); double * prior_all = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double) * (InitSamples + StepSamples*MaxIter)); double * likelihood_all = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double) * (InitSamples + StepSamples*MaxIter)); double * imp_weight_denom = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double) * (InitSamples + StepSamples*MaxIter)); // proportional to q(k) in stage 2c of Raftery & Bao double * gaussian_sum = (double*) calloc(InitSamples + StepSamples*MaxIter, sizeof(double)); // sum of mixture distribution for mode struct dst * distance = (struct dst *) malloc(sizeof(struct dst) * (InitSamples + StepSamples*MaxIter)); // Mahalanobis distance to most recent mode double * imp_weights = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double) * (InitSamples + StepSamples*MaxIter)); double * tmp_MVNpdf = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double) * (InitSamples + StepSamples*MaxIter)); gsl_matrix * nearestX = gsl_matrix_alloc(StepSamples, NumParam); double center_all[MaxIter][NumParam]; gsl_matrix * sigmaChol_all[MaxIter]; gsl_matrix * sigmaInv_all[MaxIter]; // Initial prior samples sample_prior(rng, InitSamples, Xmat); // Calculate prior covariance double prior_invCov_diag[NumParam]; /* The paper describing the algorithm uses the full prior covariance matrix. This follows the code in the IMIS R package and diagonalizes the prior covariance matrix to ensure invertibility. */ for(size_t i = 0; i < NumParam; i++){ gsl_vector_view tmpCol = gsl_matrix_subcolumn(Xmat, i, 0, InitSamples); prior_invCov_diag[i] = gsl_stats_variance(, tmpCol.vector.stride, InitSamples); prior_invCov_diag[i] = 1.0/prior_invCov_diag[i]; } // IMIS steps fprintf(diagnostics_file, "Step Var(w_i) MargLik Unique Max(w_i) ESS Time\n"); printf("Step Var(w_i) MargLik Unique Max(w_i) ESS Time\n"); time_t time1, time2; time(&time1); size_t imisStep = 0, numImisSamples; for(imisStep = 0; imisStep < MaxIter; imisStep++){ numImisSamples = (InitSamples + imisStep*StepSamples); // Evaluate prior and likelihood if(imisStep == 0){ // initial stage #pragma omp parallel for for(size_t i = 0; i < numImisSamples; i++){ gsl_vector_const_view theta = gsl_matrix_const_row(Xmat, i); prior_all[i] = prior(&theta.vector); likelihood_all[i] = likelihood(&theta.vector); } } else { // imisStep > 0 #pragma omp parallel for for(size_t i = InitSamples + (imisStep-1)*StepSamples; i < numImisSamples; i++){ gsl_vector_const_view theta = gsl_matrix_const_row(Xmat, i); prior_all[i] = prior(&theta.vector); likelihood_all[i] = likelihood(&theta.vector); } } // Determine importance weights, find current maximum, calculate monitoring criteria #pragma omp parallel for for(size_t i = 0; i < numImisSamples; i++){ imp_weight_denom[i] = (InitSamples*prior_all[i] + StepSamples*gaussian_sum[i])/(InitSamples + StepSamples * imisStep); imp_weights[i] = (prior_all[i] > 0)?likelihood_all[i]*prior_all[i]/imp_weight_denom[i]:0; } double sumWeights = 0.0; for(size_t i = 0; i < numImisSamples; i++){ sumWeights += imp_weights[i]; } double maxWeight = 0.0, varImpW = 0.0, entropy = 0.0, expectedUnique = 0.0, effSampSize = 0.0, margLik; size_t maxW_idx; #pragma omp parallel for reduction(+: varImpW, entropy, expectedUnique, effSampSize) for(size_t i = 0; i < numImisSamples; i++){ imp_weights[i] /= sumWeights; varImpW += pow(numImisSamples * imp_weights[i] - 1.0, 2.0); entropy += imp_weights[i] * log(imp_weights[i]); expectedUnique += (1.0 - pow((1.0 - imp_weights[i]), FinalResamples)); effSampSize += pow(imp_weights[i], 2.0); } for(size_t i = 0; i < numImisSamples; i++){ if(imp_weights[i] > maxWeight){ maxW_idx = i; maxWeight = imp_weights[i]; } } for(size_t i = 0; i < NumParam; i++) center_all[imisStep][i] = gsl_matrix_get(Xmat, maxW_idx, i); varImpW /= numImisSamples; entropy = -entropy / log(numImisSamples); effSampSize = 1.0/effSampSize; margLik = log(sumWeights/numImisSamples); fprintf(diagnostics_file, "%4zu %8.2f %8.2f %8.2f %8.2f %8.2f %8.2f\n", imisStep, varImpW, margLik, expectedUnique, maxWeight, effSampSize, difftime(time(&time2), time1)); printf("%4zu %8.2f %8.2f %8.2f %8.2f %8.2f %8.2f\n", imisStep, varImpW, margLik, expectedUnique, maxWeight, effSampSize, difftime(time(&time2), time1)); time1 = time2; // Check for convergence if(expectedUnique > FinalResamples*(1.0 - exp(-1.0))){ break; } // Calculate Mahalanobis distance to current mode GetMahalanobis_diag(Xmat, center_all[imisStep], prior_invCov_diag, numImisSamples, NumParam, distance); // Find StepSamples nearest points // (Note: this was a major bottleneck when InitSamples and StepResamples are large. qsort substantially outperformed GSL sort options.) qsort(distance, numImisSamples, sizeof(struct dst), cmp_dst); #pragma omp parallel for for(size_t i = 0; i < StepSamples; i++){ gsl_vector_const_view tmpX = gsl_matrix_const_row(Xmat, distance[i].idx); gsl_matrix_set_row(nearestX, i, &tmpX.vector); } // Calculate weighted covariance of nearestX // (a) Calculate weights for nearest points 1...StepSamples double weightsCov[StepSamples]; #pragma omp parallel for for(size_t i = 0; i < StepSamples; i++){ weightsCov[i] = 0.5*(imp_weights[distance[i].idx] + 1.0/numImisSamples); // cov_wt function will normalize the weights } // (b) Calculate weighted covariance sigmaChol_all[imisStep] = gsl_matrix_alloc(NumParam, NumParam); covariance_weighted(nearestX, weightsCov, StepSamples, center_all[imisStep], NumParam, sigmaChol_all[imisStep]); // (c) Do Cholesky decomposition and inverse of covariance matrix gsl_linalg_cholesky_decomp(sigmaChol_all[imisStep]); for(size_t j = 0; j < NumParam; j++) // Note: GSL outputs a symmetric matrix rather than lower tri, so have to set upper tri to zero for(size_t k = j+1; k < NumParam; k++) gsl_matrix_set(sigmaChol_all[imisStep], j, k, 0.0); sigmaInv_all[imisStep] = gsl_matrix_alloc(NumParam, NumParam); gsl_matrix_memcpy(sigmaInv_all[imisStep], sigmaChol_all[imisStep]); gsl_linalg_cholesky_invert(sigmaInv_all[imisStep]); // Sample new inputs gsl_matrix_view newSamples = gsl_matrix_submatrix(Xmat, numImisSamples, 0, StepSamples, NumParam); GenerateRandMVnorm(rng, StepSamples, center_all[imisStep], sigmaChol_all[imisStep], NumParam, &newSamples.matrix); // Evaluate sampling probability from mixture distribution // (a) For newly sampled points, sum over all previous centers for(size_t pastStep = 0; pastStep < imisStep; pastStep++){ GetMVNpdf(&newSamples.matrix, center_all[pastStep], sigmaInv_all[pastStep], sigmaChol_all[pastStep], StepSamples, NumParam, tmp_MVNpdf); #pragma omp parallel for for(size_t i = 0; i < StepSamples; i++) gaussian_sum[numImisSamples + i] += tmp_MVNpdf[i]; } // (b) For all points, add weight for most recent center gsl_matrix_const_view Xmat_curr = gsl_matrix_const_submatrix(Xmat, 0, 0, numImisSamples + StepSamples, NumParam); GetMVNpdf(&Xmat_curr.matrix, center_all[imisStep], sigmaInv_all[imisStep], sigmaChol_all[imisStep], numImisSamples + StepSamples, NumParam, tmp_MVNpdf); #pragma omp parallel for for(size_t i = 0; i < numImisSamples + StepSamples; i++) gaussian_sum[i] += tmp_MVNpdf[i]; } // loop over imisStep //// FINISHED IMIS ROUTINE fclose(diagnostics_file); // Resample posterior outputs int resampleIdx[FinalResamples]; walker_ProbSampleReplace(rng, numImisSamples, imp_weights, FinalResamples, resampleIdx); // Note: Random sampling routine used in R sample() function. // Print results FILE * resample_file = fopen(strResampleFile, "w"); for(size_t i = 0; i < FinalResamples; i++){ for(size_t j = 0; j < NumParam; j++) fprintf(resample_file, "%.15e\t", gsl_matrix_get(Xmat, resampleIdx[i], j)); gsl_vector_const_view theta = gsl_matrix_const_row(Xmat, resampleIdx[i]); fprintf(resample_file, "\n"); } fclose(resample_file); /* // This outputs Xmat (parameter matrix), centers, and covariance matrices to files for debugging FILE * Xmat_file = fopen("Xmat.txt", "w"); for(size_t i = 0; i < numImisSamples; i++){ for(size_t j = 0; j < NumParam; j++) fprintf(Xmat_file, "%.15e\t", gsl_matrix_get(Xmat, i, j)); fprintf(Xmat_file, "%e\t%e\t%e\t%e\t%e\t\n", prior_all[i], likelihood_all[i], imp_weights[i], gaussian_sum[i], distance[i]); } fclose(Xmat_file); FILE * centers_file = fopen("centers.txt", "w"); for(size_t i = 0; i < imisStep; i++){ for(size_t j = 0; j < NumParam; j++) fprintf(centers_file, "%f\t", center_all[i][j]); fprintf(centers_file, "\n"); } fclose(centers_file); FILE * sigmaInv_file = fopen("sigmaInv.txt", "w"); for(size_t i = 0; i < imisStep; i++){ for(size_t j = 0; j < NumParam; j++) for(size_t k = 0; k < NumParam; k++) fprintf(sigmaInv_file, "%f\t", gsl_matrix_get(sigmaInv_all[i], j, k)); fprintf(sigmaInv_file, "\n"); } fclose(sigmaInv_file); */ // free memory allocated by IMIS for(size_t i = 0; i < imisStep; i++){ gsl_matrix_free(sigmaChol_all[i]); gsl_matrix_free(sigmaInv_all[i]); } // release RNG gsl_rng_free(rng); gsl_matrix_free(Xmat); gsl_matrix_free(nearestX); free(prior_all); free(likelihood_all); free(imp_weight_denom); free(gaussian_sum); free(distance); free(imp_weights); free(tmp_MVNpdf); return; }