Пример #1
static GstPad *
gst_gl_mixer_bin_request_new_pad (GstElement * element, GstPadTemplate * templ,
    const gchar * req_name, const GstCaps * caps)
  GstGLMixerBin *self = GST_GL_MIXER_BIN (element);
  GstPadTemplate *mixer_templ;
  struct input_chain *chain;
  GstPad *mixer_pad;

  chain = g_new0 (struct input_chain, 1);

  mixer_templ = _find_element_pad_template (self->mixer,
  g_return_val_if_fail (mixer_templ, NULL);

  mixer_pad =
      gst_element_request_pad (self->mixer, mixer_templ, req_name, NULL);
  g_return_val_if_fail (mixer_pad, NULL);

  if (!_create_input_chain (self, chain, mixer_pad)) {
    gst_element_release_request_pad (self->mixer, mixer_pad);
    _free_input_chain (chain);
    return NULL;

  GST_OBJECT_LOCK (element);
  self->priv->input_chains = g_list_prepend (self->priv->input_chains, chain);
  GST_OBJECT_UNLOCK (element);

  gst_child_proxy_child_added (GST_CHILD_PROXY (self),
      G_OBJECT (chain->ghost_pad), GST_OBJECT_NAME (chain->ghost_pad));

  return GST_PAD (chain->ghost_pad);
Пример #2
 *              GstElement vmetods                  *
static GstPad *
_request_new_pad (GstElement * element, GstPadTemplate * templ,
    const gchar * name, const GstCaps * caps)
  GstPad *audioresample_srcpad, *audioconvert_sinkpad, *tmpghost;
  GstPad *ghost;
  GstElement *audioconvert, *audioresample;
  PadInfos *infos = g_slice_new0 (PadInfos);
  GESSmartAdder *self = GES_SMART_ADDER (element);

  infos->adder_pad = gst_element_request_pad (self->adder, templ, NULL, caps);
  if (infos->adder_pad == NULL) {
    GST_WARNING_OBJECT (element, "Could not get any pad from GstAdder");

    return NULL;

  infos->self = self;

  infos->bin = gst_bin_new (NULL);
  audioconvert = gst_element_factory_make ("audioconvert", NULL);
  audioresample = gst_element_factory_make ("audioresample", NULL);

  gst_bin_add_many (GST_BIN (infos->bin), audioconvert, audioresample, NULL);
  gst_element_link_many (audioconvert, audioresample, NULL);

  audioconvert_sinkpad = gst_element_get_static_pad (audioconvert, "sink");
  tmpghost = GST_PAD (gst_ghost_pad_new (NULL, audioconvert_sinkpad));
  gst_object_unref (audioconvert_sinkpad);
  gst_pad_set_active (tmpghost, TRUE);
  gst_element_add_pad (GST_ELEMENT (infos->bin), tmpghost);

  gst_bin_add (GST_BIN (self), infos->bin);
  ghost = gst_ghost_pad_new (NULL, tmpghost);
  gst_pad_set_active (ghost, TRUE);
  if (!gst_element_add_pad (GST_ELEMENT (self), ghost))
    goto could_not_add;

  audioresample_srcpad = gst_element_get_static_pad (audioresample, "src");
  tmpghost = GST_PAD (gst_ghost_pad_new (NULL, audioresample_srcpad));
  gst_object_unref (audioresample_srcpad);
  gst_pad_set_active (tmpghost, TRUE);
  gst_element_add_pad (GST_ELEMENT (infos->bin), tmpghost);
  gst_pad_link (tmpghost, infos->adder_pad);

  LOCK (self);
  g_hash_table_insert (self->pads_infos, ghost, infos);
  UNLOCK (self);

  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "Returning new pad %" GST_PTR_FORMAT, ghost);
  return ghost;

    GST_ERROR_OBJECT (self, "could not add pad");
    destroy_pad (infos);
    return NULL;
Пример #3
 * \brief Create a branch from input, to branch1 and branch2. In this case it is used to add a typefind element for ROI management and the udpsrc
 * \param pipeline the pipeline associated to this SP
 * \param input last element added in pipeline from which we want to branch
 * \param branch1 the next element in branch 1
 * \param branch2 the next element in branch 2
 * \return TRUE on succes, FALSE on FAILURE
static gboolean create_branch_in_pipeline( GstElement *pipeline , GstElement *input , GstElement *branch1 , GstElement *branch2){

	GstPadTemplate *tee_src_pad_template;
	GstPad *tee_branch1_sink_pad, *tee_branch2_sink_pad;
	GstPad *branch1_src_pad, *branch2_src_pad;

	g_debug("create a branch in pipeline, using %s",  TEE_NAME );

	 * Create the tee element, use to create the branchs in pipeline
	GstElement *tee = gst_element_factory_make_log( "tee", TEE_NAME );

	/* add it in pipeline */
	if ( !gst_bin_add ( GST_BIN(pipeline), tee) ){
		g_critical("Failed to add %s element in pipeline", TEE_NAME );
		return FALSE;
	if ( ! gst_element_link_log ( input , tee))
		return FALSE;

	/* retrieve tee source pad template (after linking it to input element*/
	tee_src_pad_template = gst_element_class_get_pad_template(GST_ELEMENT_GET_CLASS(tee), "src_%u");
	tee_branch1_sink_pad = gst_element_request_pad(tee, tee_src_pad_template, NULL, NULL );

	/* get sink pad from branch 1 */
	branch1_src_pad = gst_element_get_static_pad( branch1 , "sink");

	tee_branch2_sink_pad = gst_element_request_pad(tee, tee_src_pad_template, NULL, NULL );

	/* get sink pad from branch 2 */
	branch2_src_pad = gst_element_get_static_pad(branch2, "sink");

	if(gst_pad_link(tee_branch1_sink_pad, branch1_src_pad) != GST_PAD_LINK_OK || gst_pad_link(tee_branch2_sink_pad, branch2_src_pad) != GST_PAD_LINK_OK) {
		g_critical("%s could not be linked to %s and %s", TEE_NAME , GST_ELEMENT_NAME(branch1) ,  GST_ELEMENT_NAME(branch2) );
		return FALSE;


	return TRUE;

Пример #4
static GstPad *
gst_switch_get_case_sink_pad (GstElement * swcase, const GstCaps * caps)
  GstPad *basepad = gst_element_get_static_pad (swcase, "sink");
  if (!basepad) {
    gint num = GST_ELEMENT (swcase)->numsinkpads;
    gchar *name = g_strdup_printf ("sink_%u", num);
    basepad = gst_element_request_pad (swcase,
        gst_static_pad_template_get (&gst_switch_sink_factory), name, caps);
    g_free (name);
  return basepad;
MxGstGraphElementPad *
mx_gst_graph_element_pad_new (GstStaticPadTemplate *pad_template, 
    GstElement *element)
  GstPad *pad = NULL;
  if(GST_PAD_ALWAYS == pad_template->presence)
    pad = gst_element_get_pad(element, 
        (gchar *)pad_template->name_template);
    pad = gst_element_request_pad(element,
        gst_static_pad_template_get(pad_template), NULL, NULL);

  GString *caps_str = _print_caps(gst_pad_get_caps(pad), FALSE);
  gchar *name = g_strdup_printf("Name:  %s", gst_pad_get_name(pad));

  MxGstGraphElementPad *eltPad = MX_GST_GRAPH_ELEMENT_PAD(
        "name",  name,
        "blurb", caps_str->str,
        "is-compatible-func", mx_gst_pad_is_compatible,

  g_string_free(caps_str, TRUE);

  MxGstGraphElementPadPrivate *priv = eltPad->priv;
  priv->pad_template = pad_template;
  priv->pad = pad;

  priv->position = 
    (GST_PAD_SRC  == pad_template->direction) ? PAD_POSITION_EAST :
    (GST_PAD_SINK == pad_template->direction) ? PAD_POSITION_WEST:

  mx_gst_graph_element_pad_create_info_txt (eltPad);
  return eltPad;
Пример #6
static gboolean
kms_webrtc_data_session_bin_link_data_channel_src (KmsWebRtcDataSessionBin *
    self, GstElement * channel)
  GstPadTemplate *pad_template;
  GstPad *srcpad, *sinkpad;
  guint sctp_stream_id;
  gboolean ret = FALSE;
  GstCaps *caps;
  gchar *name;

  g_object_get (G_OBJECT (channel), "id", &sctp_stream_id, NULL);

  caps =
      kms_webrtc_data_channel_bin_create_caps (KMS_WEBRTC_DATA_CHANNEL_BIN

  if (caps == NULL) {
    return FALSE;

  pad_template =
      gst_element_class_get_pad_template (GST_ELEMENT_GET_CLASS (self->
          priv->sctpenc), "sink_%u");
  name = g_strdup_printf ("sink_%u", sctp_stream_id);
  sinkpad = gst_element_request_pad (self->priv->sctpenc, pad_template, name,
  g_free (name);

  srcpad = gst_element_get_static_pad (channel, "src");

  ret = gst_pad_link (srcpad, sinkpad) == GST_PAD_LINK_OK;

  g_object_unref (srcpad);
  g_object_unref (sinkpad);
  gst_caps_unref (caps);

  return ret;
static void
cb_pad_added (GstElement *dec, GstPad *pad, gpointer data)
  GstCaps *caps;
  GstStructure *str;
  const gchar *name;
  GstPadTemplate *templ;
  GstElementClass *klass;

  /* check media type */
  caps = gst_pad_query_caps (pad, NULL);
  str = gst_caps_get_structure (caps, 0);
  name = gst_structure_get_name (str);

  klass = GST_ELEMENT_GET_CLASS (sink);

  if (g_str_has_prefix (name, "audio")) 
    templ = gst_element_class_get_pad_template (klass, "audio_sink");
  else if (g_str_has_prefix (name, "video")) 
    templ = gst_element_class_get_pad_template (klass, "video_sink");
  else if (g_str_has_prefix (name, "text")) 
    templ = gst_element_class_get_pad_template (klass, "text_sink");
    templ = NULL;

  if (templ) 
    GstPad *sinkpad;

    sinkpad = gst_element_request_pad (sink, templ, NULL, NULL);

    if (!gst_pad_is_linked (sinkpad))
      gst_pad_link (pad, sinkpad);

    gst_object_unref (sinkpad);
 *              GstElement vmetods                  *
static GstPad *
_request_new_pad (GstElement * element, GstPadTemplate * templ,
    const gchar * name, const GstCaps * caps)
  GstPad *videoconvert_srcpad, *videoconvert_sinkpad, *tmpghost;
  PadInfos *infos = g_slice_new0 (PadInfos);
  GESSmartMixer *self = GES_SMART_MIXER (element);
  GstPad *ghost;
  GstElement *videoconvert;

  infos->mixer_pad = gst_element_request_pad (self->mixer,
      gst_element_class_get_pad_template (GST_ELEMENT_GET_CLASS (self->mixer),
          "sink_%u"), NULL, NULL);

  if (infos->mixer_pad == NULL) {
    GST_WARNING_OBJECT (element, "Could not get any pad from GstMixer");
    g_slice_free (PadInfos, infos);

    return NULL;

  infos->self = self;

  infos->bin = gst_bin_new (NULL);
  videoconvert = gst_element_factory_make ("videoconvert", NULL);

  gst_bin_add (GST_BIN (infos->bin), videoconvert);

  videoconvert_sinkpad = gst_element_get_static_pad (videoconvert, "sink");
  tmpghost = GST_PAD (gst_ghost_pad_new (NULL, videoconvert_sinkpad));
  gst_object_unref (videoconvert_sinkpad);
  gst_pad_set_active (tmpghost, TRUE);
  gst_element_add_pad (GST_ELEMENT (infos->bin), tmpghost);

  gst_bin_add (GST_BIN (self), infos->bin);
  ghost = gst_ghost_pad_new (NULL, tmpghost);
  gst_pad_set_active (ghost, TRUE);
  if (!gst_element_add_pad (GST_ELEMENT (self), ghost))
    goto could_not_add;

  videoconvert_srcpad = gst_element_get_static_pad (videoconvert, "src");
  tmpghost = GST_PAD (gst_ghost_pad_new (NULL, videoconvert_srcpad));
  gst_object_unref (videoconvert_srcpad);
  gst_pad_set_active (tmpghost, TRUE);
  gst_element_add_pad (GST_ELEMENT (infos->bin), tmpghost);
  gst_pad_link (tmpghost, infos->mixer_pad);

  infos->probe_id =
      gst_pad_add_probe (infos->mixer_pad, GST_PAD_PROBE_TYPE_BUFFER,
      (GstPadProbeCallback) parse_metadata, self, NULL);

  LOCK (self);
  g_hash_table_insert (self->pads_infos, ghost, infos);
  UNLOCK (self);

  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "Returning new pad %" GST_PTR_FORMAT, ghost);
  return ghost;

    GST_ERROR_OBJECT (self, "could not add pad");
    destroy_pad (infos);
    return NULL;
static gboolean
pad_added_cb (GstElement * element, GstPad * new_pad, InsanityTest * test)
  GstElement *fakesink;
  GstPadTemplate *mqsinktmpl;
  GstPadLinkReturn linkret;

  GstIterator *it = NULL;
  GstCaps *caps = NULL;
  gboolean ret = TRUE;

  gulong probe_id;
  GstPad *mqsinkpad = NULL, *mqsrcpad = NULL, *ssinkpad = NULL, *decodesinkpad =
      NULL, *decodesrcpad = NULL, *tmppad;


  /* First check if the pad caps are compatible with the decoder or the parser */
  caps = gst_pad_get_current_caps (new_pad);
  if (glob_parser)
    decodesinkpad = gst_element_get_compatible_pad (glob_parser, new_pad, caps);
    decodesinkpad =
        gst_element_get_compatible_pad (glob_decoder, new_pad, caps);

  if (decodesinkpad == NULL)
    goto error;

  mqsinktmpl =
      gst_element_class_get_pad_template (GST_ELEMENT_GET_CLASS
      (glob_multiqueue), "sink%d");

  if (mqsinktmpl == NULL)
    goto error;

  mqsinkpad = gst_element_request_pad (glob_multiqueue, mqsinktmpl, NULL, NULL);

  it = gst_pad_iterate_internal_links (mqsinkpad);
  if (!it || (gst_iterator_next (it, (gpointer) & mqsrcpad)) != GST_ITERATOR_OK
      || mqsrcpad == NULL) {
    ERROR (test, "Couldn't get srcpad from multiqueue for sinkpad %"
        GST_PTR_FORMAT, mqsinkpad);

    goto error;

  /* Finnish creating and add to bin */
  fakesink = gst_element_factory_make ("fakesink", NULL);
  gst_bin_add (GST_BIN (glob_pipeline), fakesink);
  gst_element_sync_state_with_parent (fakesink);
  gst_element_sync_state_with_parent (glob_decoder);

  linkret = gst_pad_link (new_pad, mqsinkpad);
  if (linkret != GST_PAD_LINK_OK) {
    ERROR (test, "Getting linking %" GST_PTR_FORMAT " with %" GST_PTR_FORMAT,
        new_pad, mqsinkpad);
    goto error;

  /* Link to the decoder */
  linkret = gst_pad_link (mqsrcpad, decodesinkpad);
  if (linkret != GST_PAD_LINK_OK) {
    ERROR (test, "Getting linking %" GST_PTR_FORMAT " with %" GST_PTR_FORMAT,
        mqsrcpad, decodesinkpad);
    goto error;

  if (glob_parser) {
    if (!gst_element_link (glob_parser, glob_decoder)) {
      ERROR (test, "Linking parser with decoder");
      goto error;

  /* Now link to the faksink */
  decodesrcpad = gst_element_get_static_pad (glob_decoder, "src");
  if (decodesrcpad == NULL) {
    ERROR (test, "Getting decoder srcpad");
    goto error;

  ssinkpad = gst_element_get_static_pad (fakesink, "sink");
  if (ssinkpad == NULL) {
    ERROR (test, "Getting fakesink sinkpad");
    goto error;

  linkret = gst_pad_link (decodesrcpad, ssinkpad);
  if (linkret != GST_PAD_LINK_OK) {
    ERROR (test, "Getting linking %" GST_PTR_FORMAT " with %" GST_PTR_FORMAT,
        decodesrcpad, ssinkpad);
    goto error;

  /* And install a probe to the decoder src pad */
  if (insanity_gst_test_add_data_probe (INSANITY_GST_TEST (test),
          GST_BIN (glob_pipeline), GST_OBJECT_NAME (glob_decoder),
          GST_ELEMENT_NAME (decodesrcpad), &tmppad, &probe_id,
          &probe_cb, NULL, NULL) == TRUE) {

    glob_prob_ctx = g_slice_new0 (ProbeContext);
    glob_prob_ctx->probe_id = probe_id;
    glob_prob_ctx->pad = tmppad;
    glob_prob_ctx->decoder = glob_decoder;
    glob_prob_ctx->fakesink = fakesink;
    glob_prob_ctx->test = test;

    insanity_test_validate_checklist_item (test, "install-probes", TRUE, NULL);
  } else {
    insanity_test_validate_checklist_item (test,
        "install-probes", FALSE, "Failed to attach probe to fakesink");

    /* No reason to keep the test alive if there is a probe we can't add */
    insanity_test_done (test);
    goto error;

  if (glob_media_desc_parser)
    media_descriptor_parser_add_stream (glob_media_desc_parser, new_pad);


  if (it)
    gst_iterator_free (it);

  if (decodesinkpad)
    gst_object_unref (decodesinkpad);

  if (caps)
    gst_caps_unref (caps);

  if (mqsinkpad)
    gst_object_unref (mqsinkpad);

  if (ssinkpad)
    gst_object_unref (ssinkpad);

  return ret;

  ret = FALSE;
  goto done;
static GstPad *
gst_splitmux_sink_request_new_pad (GstElement * element,
    GstPadTemplate * templ, const gchar * name, const GstCaps * caps)
  GstSplitMuxSink *splitmux = (GstSplitMuxSink *) element;
  GstPadTemplate *mux_template = NULL;
  GstPad *res = NULL;
  GstPad *mq_sink, *mq_src;
  gchar *gname;
  gboolean is_video = FALSE;
  MqStreamCtx *ctx;

  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (element, "templ:%s, name:%s", templ->name_template, name);

  GST_SPLITMUX_LOCK (splitmux);
  if (!create_elements (splitmux))
    goto fail;

  if (templ->name_template) {
    if (g_str_equal (templ->name_template, "video")) {
      /* FIXME: Look for a pad template with matching caps, rather than by name */
      mux_template =
          gst_element_class_get_pad_template (GST_ELEMENT_GET_CLASS
          (splitmux->muxer), "video_%u");
      is_video = TRUE;
      name = NULL;
    } else {
      mux_template =
          gst_element_class_get_pad_template (GST_ELEMENT_GET_CLASS
          (splitmux->muxer), templ->name_template);

  res = gst_element_request_pad (splitmux->muxer, mux_template, name, caps);
  if (res == NULL)
    goto fail;

  if (is_video)
    gname = g_strdup ("video");
  else if (name == NULL)
    gname = gst_pad_get_name (res);
    gname = g_strdup (name);

  if (!get_pads_from_mq (splitmux, &mq_sink, &mq_src)) {
    gst_element_release_request_pad (splitmux->muxer, res);
    gst_object_unref (GST_OBJECT (res));
    goto fail;

  if (gst_pad_link (mq_src, res) != GST_PAD_LINK_OK) {
    gst_element_release_request_pad (splitmux->muxer, res);
    gst_object_unref (GST_OBJECT (res));
    gst_element_release_request_pad (splitmux->mq, mq_sink);
    gst_object_unref (GST_OBJECT (mq_sink));
    goto fail;

  gst_object_unref (GST_OBJECT (res));

  ctx = mq_stream_ctx_new (splitmux);
  ctx->is_video = is_video;
  ctx->srcpad = mq_src;
  ctx->sinkpad = mq_sink;

  mq_stream_ctx_ref (ctx);
  ctx->src_pad_block_id =
      gst_pad_add_probe (mq_src, GST_PAD_PROBE_TYPE_DATA_DOWNSTREAM,
      (GstPadProbeCallback) handle_mq_output, ctx, (GDestroyNotify)
  if (is_video)
    splitmux->video_ctx = ctx;

  res = gst_ghost_pad_new (gname, mq_sink);
  g_object_set_qdata ((GObject *) (res), PAD_CONTEXT, ctx);

  mq_stream_ctx_ref (ctx);
  ctx->sink_pad_block_id =
      gst_pad_add_probe (res, GST_PAD_PROBE_TYPE_DATA_DOWNSTREAM,
      (GstPadProbeCallback) handle_mq_input, ctx, (GDestroyNotify)

  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (splitmux, "Request pad %" GST_PTR_FORMAT
      " is mq pad %" GST_PTR_FORMAT, res, mq_sink);

  splitmux->contexts = g_list_prepend (splitmux->contexts, ctx);

  g_free (gname);

  gst_object_unref (mq_sink);
  gst_object_unref (mq_src);

  gst_pad_set_active (res, TRUE);
  gst_element_add_pad (element, res);

  return res;
  return NULL;
Пример #11
static GstPadProbeReturn
link_to_videomixer (GstPad * pad, GstPadProbeInfo * info,
    KmsCompositeMixerData * data)
  GstPadTemplate *sink_pad_template;
  KmsCompositeMixer *mixer;

    return GST_PAD_PROBE_PASS;

  mixer = KMS_COMPOSITE_MIXER (data->mixer);
  GST_DEBUG ("stream start detected %d", data->id);

  data->link_probe_id = 0;

  sink_pad_template =
      gst_element_class_get_pad_template (GST_ELEMENT_GET_CLASS (mixer->priv->
          videomixer), "sink_%u");

  if (G_UNLIKELY (sink_pad_template == NULL)) {
    GST_ERROR_OBJECT (mixer, "Error taking a new pad from videomixer");
    return GST_PAD_PROBE_DROP;

  if (mixer->priv->videotestsrc == NULL) {
    GstElement *capsfilter;
    GstCaps *filtercaps;
    GstPad *pad;

    mixer->priv->videotestsrc = gst_element_factory_make ("videotestsrc", NULL);
    capsfilter = gst_element_factory_make ("capsfilter", NULL);

    g_object_set (mixer->priv->videotestsrc, "is-live", TRUE, "pattern",
        /*black */ 2, NULL);

    filtercaps =
        gst_caps_new_simple ("video/x-raw", "format", G_TYPE_STRING, "AYUV",
        "width", G_TYPE_INT, mixer->priv->output_width,
        "height", G_TYPE_INT, mixer->priv->output_height,
        "framerate", GST_TYPE_FRACTION, 15, 1, NULL);
    g_object_set (G_OBJECT (capsfilter), "caps", filtercaps, NULL);
    gst_caps_unref (filtercaps);

    gst_bin_add_many (GST_BIN (mixer), mixer->priv->videotestsrc,
        capsfilter, NULL);

    gst_element_link (mixer->priv->videotestsrc, capsfilter);

    /*link capsfilter -> videomixer */
    pad = gst_element_request_pad (mixer->priv->videomixer, sink_pad_template,
        NULL, NULL);

    gst_element_link_pads (capsfilter, NULL,
        mixer->priv->videomixer, GST_OBJECT_NAME (pad));
    g_object_set (pad, "xpos", 0, "ypos", 0, "alpha", 0.0, NULL);
    g_object_unref (pad);

    gst_element_sync_state_with_parent (capsfilter);
    gst_element_sync_state_with_parent (mixer->priv->videotestsrc);

  data->videoscale = gst_element_factory_make ("videoscale", NULL);
  data->capsfilter = gst_element_factory_make ("capsfilter", NULL);
  data->videorate = gst_element_factory_make ("videorate", NULL);
  data->queue = gst_element_factory_make ("queue", NULL);
  data->input = TRUE;

  gst_bin_add_many (GST_BIN (mixer), data->queue, data->videorate,
      data->videoscale, data->capsfilter, NULL);

  g_object_set (data->videorate, "average-period", 200 * GST_MSECOND, NULL);
  g_object_set (data->queue, "flush-on-eos", TRUE, "max-size-buffers", 60,

  gst_element_link_many (data->videorate, data->queue, data->videoscale,
      data->capsfilter, NULL);

  /*link capsfilter -> videomixer */
  data->video_mixer_pad =
      gst_element_request_pad (mixer->priv->videomixer,
      sink_pad_template, NULL, NULL);
  gst_element_link_pads (data->capsfilter, NULL,
      mixer->priv->videomixer, GST_OBJECT_NAME (data->video_mixer_pad));

  gst_element_link (data->videoconvert, data->videorate);

  data->probe_id = gst_pad_add_probe (data->video_mixer_pad,
      (GstPadProbeCallback) cb_EOS_received,
      KMS_COMPOSITE_MIXER_REF (data), (GDestroyNotify) kms_ref_struct_unref);

  gst_element_sync_state_with_parent (data->videoscale);
  gst_element_sync_state_with_parent (data->capsfilter);
  gst_element_sync_state_with_parent (data->videorate);
  gst_element_sync_state_with_parent (data->queue);

  /*recalculate the output sizes */
  kms_composite_mixer_recalculate_sizes (mixer);


Пример #12
bool GstShow::init_pipeline(const int  xwinid)
    pipeline = gst_pipeline_new ("xvoverlay");

    //create base pipeline elements
    videosink = gst_element_factory_make("xvimagesink", NULL);

    gst_video_overlay_set_window_handle (GST_VIDEO_OVERLAY (videosink), xwinid);    
    mixer = gst_element_factory_make("videomixer", "mix");
    ///* Manually linking the videoboxes to the mixer */
    GstPadTemplate *mixer_sink_pad_template = gst_element_class_get_pad_template(GST_ELEMENT_GET_CLASS(mixer), "sink_%u");
    if(mixer_sink_pad_template == NULL) {
      g_printerr("Could not get mixer pad template.\n");
      // gst_object_unref(something);
      return false;
    GstPad* mixerpads[2];
    mixerpads[0] = gst_element_request_pad(mixer, mixer_sink_pad_template, NULL, NULL);
    mixerpads[1] = gst_element_request_pad(mixer, mixer_sink_pad_template, NULL, NULL);
    g_object_set(mixerpads[0], "xpos",   0, NULL);
    g_object_set(mixerpads[0], "ypos",   0, NULL);
    g_object_set(mixerpads[0], "alpha",1.0, NULL);
    g_object_set(mixerpads[1], "xpos", 640, NULL);
    g_object_set(mixerpads[1], "ypos",   0, NULL);
    g_object_set(mixerpads[1], "alpha",1.0, NULL);    
    // prepare queue and scale
    for (int i = 0; i<2; i++)
        queue[i] = gst_element_factory_make("queue", NULL);
        scale[i] = gst_element_factory_make("videoscale", NULL);
        scalefilter[i] = gst_element_factory_make("capsfilter", NULL);
        GstCaps *caps =  gst_caps_new_simple("video/x-raw",
            "width", G_TYPE_INT, 640,
            "height", G_TYPE_INT, 480, 
            //"format", G_TYPE_STRING, "BGR",
        caps = gst_caps_fixate(caps);
        g_object_set(G_OBJECT(scalefilter[i]), "caps", caps, NULL);
    gst_bin_add_many(GST_BIN(pipeline), queue[0], queue[1], scale[0], scale[1], 
                    scalefilter[0], scalefilter[1], mixer, videosink, NULL);
    return true;
Пример #13
	Gstreamer pipeline creation and init
int vc_gst_pipeline_init(vc_data *data)
	GstStateChangeReturn ret;
	GstElement *rtp_udpsrc, *rtcp_udpsrc, *rtcp_udpsink, *decoder,
		*depayloader, *converter, *sink, *rtpbin;
	GstCaps *caps;

	/* Request Pads */

	/* Template */
	GstPadTemplate* rtpbin_pad_template;
	/* TODO - Find a way to free the pads when the pipeline is closed */

	/* Create a new GMainLoop */
	data->gst_data.loop = g_main_loop_new (NULL, FALSE);
	data->gst_data.context = g_main_loop_get_context(data->gst_data.loop);

	/* Create gstreamer elements */
	data->gst_data.pipeline  = gst_pipeline_new ("videoclient");
	VC_CHECK_ELEMENT_ERROR(data->gst_data.pipeline, "pipeline");

	 * RTP UDP Source - for received RTP messages
	rtp_udpsrc = gst_element_factory_make ("udpsrc", "rtp-udpsrc");

	g_print ("Setting RTP source port to: %d\n", data->cfg.rtp_recv_port);
	g_object_set (G_OBJECT (rtp_udpsrc),"port", data->cfg.rtp_recv_port, NULL);

	/* Create GstCaps structure from string.  This function allocates
	     memory for the structure */
	caps = gst_caps_from_string(
			"application/x-rtp, media=(string)video, clock-rate=(int)90000, encoding-name=(string)H264");
	g_object_set (G_OBJECT (rtp_udpsrc), "caps", caps, NULL);
	gst_caps_unref(caps); /* Free the structure */

	 * RTCP UDP Source
	rtcp_udpsrc = gst_element_factory_make ("udpsrc", "rtcp-udpsrc");

	g_print ("Setting RTCP udp source port to: %d\n",
	g_object_set (G_OBJECT (rtcp_udpsrc), "port", data->cfg.rtcp_recv_port, NULL);

	 * RTCP UDP Sink (transmits data from rtpbin back to server)
	rtcp_udpsink = gst_element_factory_make ("udpsink", "rtcp-udpsink");

	g_print ("Setting RTCP udp sink port to: %d\n",
	g_object_set (G_OBJECT (rtcp_udpsink),
			"host", data->cfg.server_ip_addr,
			"port", data->cfg.rtcp_send_port,
			"sync", FALSE,
			"async", FALSE,

	 * RTP Bin - Automates RTP/RTCP management
	rtpbin = gst_element_factory_make ("gstrtpbin", "rtpbin");

	 * Request pads from rtpbin, starting with the RTP receive sink pad,
	 * This pad receives RTP data from the network (rtp-udpsrc).
	rtpbin_pad_template = gst_element_class_get_pad_template (
	/* Use the template to request the pad */
	data->gst_data.recv_rtp_sink_pad = gst_element_request_pad (rtpbin, rtpbin_pad_template,
			"recv_rtp_sink_0", NULL);
	/* Print the name for confirmation */
	g_print ("A new pad %s was created\n",
			gst_pad_get_name (data->gst_data.recv_rtp_sink_pad));

	rtpbin_pad_template = gst_element_class_get_pad_template (
	data->gst_data.recv_rtcp_sink_pad = gst_element_request_pad (rtpbin,
			"recv_rtcp_sink_0", NULL);
	g_print ("A new pad %s was created\n",
			gst_pad_get_name (data->gst_data.recv_rtcp_sink_pad));

	rtpbin_pad_template = gst_element_class_get_pad_template (
	data->gst_data.send_rtcp_src_pad = gst_element_request_pad (rtpbin, rtpbin_pad_template,
			"send_rtcp_src_0", NULL);
	g_print ("A new pad %s was created\n",
			gst_pad_get_name (data->gst_data.send_rtcp_src_pad));

	/* Set the latency of the rtpbin */
	g_object_set (G_OBJECT (rtpbin),
			"latency", DEFAULT_LATENCY_MS,
			"rtcp-sync-interval",1000, NULL);

	 * RTP H.264 Depayloader
	depayloader = gst_element_factory_make ("rtph264depay","depayloader");
	data->gst_data.depayloader = depayloader;

	/* If we are ARM architecture, then assume that we are an i.MX processor and build
	   the pipeline to decode and display using the i.MX plugins */
#ifdef __arm__
	int assume_imx = 1;
	int assume_imx = 0;

	if (assume_imx){
	 	 * i.MX VPU decoder
		decoder = gst_element_factory_make ("vpudec", "decoder");

	 	 * i.MX Video sink
		sink = gst_element_factory_make ("mfw_v4lsink", "sink");

		/* Set max lateness to .5 seconds */
		g_object_set (G_OBJECT(sink), "max-lateness", (long long)50000000, NULL);
		g_object_set (G_OBJECT(sink), "sync", FALSE, NULL);
		g_object_set (G_OBJECT(sink), "device", "/dev/video16",NULL);
		/* Add elements into the pipeline */
		g_print("  Adding elements to pipeline...\n");

		gst_bin_add_many (GST_BIN (data->gst_data.pipeline),

		/* Link some of the elements together */
		g_print("  Linking some elements...\n");

		if(!gst_element_link_many (depayloader, decoder,  sink, NULL))
			g_print("Error: could not link the depayloader, decoder, and sink\n");
	else {
	 	 * ffmpeg decoder
		decoder = gst_element_factory_make ("ffdec_h264", "decoder");
		converter = gst_element_factory_make ("ffmpegcolorspace", "converter");

	 	 * i.MX Video sink
		sink = gst_element_factory_make ("autovideosink", "sink");
		/* Add elements into the pipeline */
		g_print("  Adding elements to pipeline...\n");

		gst_bin_add_many (GST_BIN (data->gst_data.pipeline),

		/* Link some of the elements together */
		g_print("  Linking some elements...\n");

		if(!gst_element_link_many (depayloader, decoder, converter, sink, NULL))
			g_print("Error: could not link the depayloader, decoder, converter, and sink\n");	
	 * Connect to the pad-added signal for the rtpbin.  This allows us to link
	 * the dynamic RTP source pad to the depayloader when it is created.
	if(!g_signal_connect (rtpbin, "pad-added",
			G_CALLBACK (vc_pad_added_handler), data))
		g_print("Error: could not add signal handler\n");

	 * Connect the on-timeout signal
	if(!g_signal_connect (rtpbin, "on-timeout", G_CALLBACK (vc_on_timeout_handler), data))
		g_print("Error: could not add on-timeout signal handler\n");

	/* Link some of the elements together */
	g_print("  Linking RTP and RTCP sources to rtpbin...\n");
	/* Link the payloader src pad to the rtpbin send_vrtp_sink_pad */
	if(!gst_element_link_pads(rtp_udpsrc, "src", rtpbin, "recv_rtp_sink_0"))
		g_print("Error: could not link udp source to rtp sink\n");

	/* Link the rtpbin send_vrtp_src_pad to the rtp_udpsink sink pad */
	if(!gst_element_link_pads(rtcp_udpsrc, "src", rtpbin, "recv_rtcp_sink_0"))
		g_print("Error: could not link udp source to rtcp sink\n");

	/* Link the rtpbin sent_rctp_src_pad to the rtcp_udpsink (udpsink) sink pad */
	if(!gst_element_link_pads(rtpbin, "send_rtcp_src_0", rtcp_udpsink, "sink"))
		g_print("Error: could not link rtcp source to udp sink\n");

	/* Set the pipeline to "playing" state*/
	g_print ("Now playing\n");
	ret = gst_element_set_state (data->gst_data.pipeline, GST_STATE_PLAYING);

		g_printerr ("Unable to set the pipeline to the playing state.\n");
		gst_object_unref (data->gst_data.pipeline);
		return -1;

	return 0;
Пример #14
static gint
kms_composite_mixer_handle_port (KmsBaseHub * mixer,
    GstElement * mixer_end_point)
  KmsCompositeMixer *self = KMS_COMPOSITE_MIXER (mixer);
  KmsCompositeMixerData *port_data;
  gint port_id;

  GST_DEBUG ("handle new port");
      (kms_composite_mixer_parent_class))->handle_port (mixer, mixer_end_point);

  if (port_id < 0) {
    return port_id;


  if (self->priv->videomixer == NULL) {
    self->priv->videomixer = gst_element_factory_make ("compositor", NULL);
    g_object_set (G_OBJECT (self->priv->videomixer), "background",
        1 /*black */ , "start-time-selection", 1 /*first */ ,
        "latency", LATENCY * GST_MSECOND, NULL);
    self->priv->mixer_video_agnostic =
        gst_element_factory_make ("agnosticbin", NULL);

    gst_bin_add_many (GST_BIN (mixer), self->priv->videomixer,
        self->priv->mixer_video_agnostic, NULL);

    if (self->priv->videotestsrc == NULL) {
      GstElement *capsfilter;
      GstCaps *filtercaps;
      GstPad *pad;
      GstPadTemplate *sink_pad_template;

      sink_pad_template =
          gst_element_class_get_pad_template (GST_ELEMENT_GET_CLASS
          (self->priv->videomixer), "sink_%u");

      if (G_UNLIKELY (sink_pad_template == NULL)) {
        GST_ERROR_OBJECT (self, "Error taking a new pad from videomixer");

      self->priv->videotestsrc =
          gst_element_factory_make ("videotestsrc", NULL);
      capsfilter = gst_element_factory_make ("capsfilter", NULL);
      g_object_set (G_OBJECT (capsfilter), "caps-change-mode", 1, NULL);

      g_object_set (self->priv->videotestsrc, "is-live", TRUE, "pattern",
          /*black */ 2, NULL);

      filtercaps =
          gst_caps_new_simple ("video/x-raw",
          "width", G_TYPE_INT, self->priv->output_width,
          "height", G_TYPE_INT, self->priv->output_height,
          "framerate", GST_TYPE_FRACTION, 15, 1, NULL);
      g_object_set (G_OBJECT (capsfilter), "caps", filtercaps, NULL);
      gst_caps_unref (filtercaps);

      gst_bin_add_many (GST_BIN (self), self->priv->videotestsrc,
          capsfilter, NULL);

      gst_element_link (self->priv->videotestsrc, capsfilter);

      /*link capsfilter -> videomixer */
      pad = gst_element_request_pad (self->priv->videomixer, sink_pad_template,
          NULL, NULL);

      gst_pad_add_probe (pad, GST_PAD_PROBE_TYPE_QUERY_UPSTREAM,
          (GstPadProbeCallback) cb_latency, NULL, NULL);

      gst_element_link_pads (capsfilter, NULL,
          self->priv->videomixer, GST_OBJECT_NAME (pad));
      g_object_set (pad, "xpos", 0, "ypos", 0, "alpha", 0.0, NULL);
      g_object_unref (pad);

      gst_element_sync_state_with_parent (capsfilter);
      gst_element_sync_state_with_parent (self->priv->videotestsrc);
    gst_element_sync_state_with_parent (self->priv->videomixer);
    gst_element_sync_state_with_parent (self->priv->mixer_video_agnostic);

    gst_element_link (self->priv->videomixer, self->priv->mixer_video_agnostic);

  if (self->priv->audiomixer == NULL) {
    self->priv->audiomixer = gst_element_factory_make ("kmsaudiomixer", NULL);

    gst_bin_add (GST_BIN (mixer), self->priv->audiomixer);

    gst_element_sync_state_with_parent (self->priv->audiomixer);
    g_signal_connect (self->priv->audiomixer, "pad-added",
        G_CALLBACK (pad_added_cb), self);
    g_signal_connect (self->priv->audiomixer, "pad-removed",
        G_CALLBACK (pad_removed_cb), self);
  kms_base_hub_link_video_src (KMS_BASE_HUB (self), port_id,
      self->priv->mixer_video_agnostic, "src_%u", TRUE);

  port_data = kms_composite_mixer_port_data_create (self, port_id);
  g_hash_table_insert (self->priv->ports, create_gint (port_id), port_data);


  return port_id;
Пример #15
static GstPadProbeReturn
link_to_videomixer (GstPad * pad, GstPadProbeInfo * info,
    KmsCompositeMixerData * data)
  GstPadTemplate *sink_pad_template;
  KmsCompositeMixer *mixer;
  GstPad *tee_src;

    return GST_PAD_PROBE_PASS;

  mixer = KMS_COMPOSITE_MIXER (data->mixer);
  GST_DEBUG ("stream start detected %d", data->id);

  data->link_probe_id = 0;
  data->latency_probe_id = 0;

  sink_pad_template =
      gst_element_class_get_pad_template (GST_ELEMENT_GET_CLASS (mixer->
          priv->videomixer), "sink_%u");

  if (G_UNLIKELY (sink_pad_template == NULL)) {
    GST_ERROR_OBJECT (mixer, "Error taking a new pad from videomixer");
    return GST_PAD_PROBE_DROP;

  data->input = TRUE;

  /*link tee -> videomixer */
  data->video_mixer_pad =
      gst_element_request_pad (mixer->priv->videomixer,
      sink_pad_template, NULL, NULL);

  tee_src = gst_element_get_request_pad (data->tee, "src_%u");

  gst_element_link_pads (data->tee, GST_OBJECT_NAME (tee_src),
      mixer->priv->videomixer, GST_OBJECT_NAME (data->video_mixer_pad));
  g_object_unref (tee_src);

  data->probe_id = gst_pad_add_probe (data->video_mixer_pad,
      (GstPadProbeCallback) cb_EOS_received,
      KMS_COMPOSITE_MIXER_REF (data), (GDestroyNotify) kms_ref_struct_unref);

  data->latency_probe_id = gst_pad_add_probe (data->video_mixer_pad,
      (GstPadProbeCallback) cb_latency, NULL, NULL);

  /*recalculate the output sizes */
  kms_composite_mixer_recalculate_sizes (mixer);

  //Recalculate latency to avoid video freezes when an element stops to send media.
  gst_bin_recalculate_latency (GST_BIN (mixer));


Пример #16
static GstPadProbeReturn
link_to_videomixer (GstPad * pad, GstPadProbeInfo * info,
    KmsAlphaBlendingData * data)
  GstPadTemplate *sink_pad_template;
  KmsAlphaBlending *mixer = data->mixer;

    return GST_PAD_PROBE_PASS;

  GST_DEBUG ("stream start detected");


  data->link_probe_id = 0;

  sink_pad_template =
      gst_element_class_get_pad_template (GST_ELEMENT_GET_CLASS (mixer->
          priv->videomixer), "sink_%u");

  if (G_UNLIKELY (sink_pad_template == NULL)) {
    GST_ERROR_OBJECT (mixer, "Error taking a new pad from videomixer");
    return GST_PAD_PROBE_DROP;

  if (mixer->priv->master_port == data->id) {
    //master_port, reconfigurate the output_width and heigth_width
    //and all the ports already created
    GstEvent *event;
    GstCaps *caps;
    gint width, height;
    const GstStructure *str;

    event = gst_pad_probe_info_get_event (info);
    gst_event_parse_caps (event, &caps);

    GST_DEBUG ("caps %" GST_PTR_FORMAT, caps);
    if (caps != NULL) {
      str = gst_caps_get_structure (caps, 0);
      if (gst_structure_get_int (str, "width", &width) &&
          gst_structure_get_int (str, "height", &height)) {
        mixer->priv->output_height = height;
        mixer->priv->output_width = width;

  if (mixer->priv->videotestsrc == NULL) {
    GstCaps *filtercaps;
    GstPad *pad;

    mixer->priv->videotestsrc = gst_element_factory_make ("videotestsrc", NULL);
    mixer->priv->videotestsrc_capsfilter =
        gst_element_factory_make ("capsfilter", NULL);

    g_object_set (mixer->priv->videotestsrc, "is-live", TRUE, "pattern",
        /*black */ 2, NULL);

    filtercaps =
        gst_caps_new_simple ("video/x-raw", "format", G_TYPE_STRING, "AYUV",
        "width", G_TYPE_INT, mixer->priv->output_width,
        "height", G_TYPE_INT, mixer->priv->output_height,
        "framerate", GST_TYPE_FRACTION, 15, 1, NULL);
    g_object_set (G_OBJECT (mixer->priv->videotestsrc_capsfilter), "caps",
        filtercaps, NULL);
    gst_caps_unref (filtercaps);

    gst_bin_add_many (GST_BIN (mixer), mixer->priv->videotestsrc,
        mixer->priv->videotestsrc_capsfilter, NULL);

    gst_element_link (mixer->priv->videotestsrc,

    /*link capsfilter -> videomixer */
    pad = gst_element_request_pad (mixer->priv->videomixer,
        sink_pad_template, NULL, NULL);
    gst_element_link_pads (mixer->priv->videotestsrc_capsfilter, NULL,
        mixer->priv->videomixer, GST_OBJECT_NAME (pad));
    g_object_set (pad, "xpos", 0, "ypos", 0, "alpha", 0.0, "zorder", 0, NULL);
    g_object_unref (pad);

    gst_element_sync_state_with_parent (mixer->priv->videotestsrc_capsfilter);
    gst_element_sync_state_with_parent (mixer->priv->videotestsrc);

  data->videoscale = gst_element_factory_make ("videoscale", NULL);
  data->capsfilter = gst_element_factory_make ("capsfilter", NULL);
  data->videorate = gst_element_factory_make ("videorate", NULL);
  data->queue = gst_element_factory_make ("queue", NULL);
  data->videobox = gst_element_factory_make ("videobox", NULL);
  data->input = TRUE;

  gst_bin_add_many (GST_BIN (mixer), data->queue, data->videorate,
      data->videoscale, data->capsfilter, data->videobox, NULL);

  g_object_set (data->videorate, "average-period", 200 * GST_MSECOND, NULL);
  g_object_set (data->queue, "flush-on-eos", TRUE, NULL);

  gst_element_link_many (data->videorate, data->queue, data->videoscale,
      data->capsfilter, data->videobox, NULL);

  /*link capsfilter -> videomixer */
  data->video_mixer_pad =
      gst_element_request_pad (mixer->priv->videomixer,
      sink_pad_template, NULL, NULL);

  gst_element_link_pads (data->videobox, NULL,
      mixer->priv->videomixer, GST_OBJECT_NAME (data->video_mixer_pad));

  gst_element_link (data->videoconvert, data->videorate);

  data->probe_id = gst_pad_add_probe (data->video_mixer_pad,
      (GstPadProbeCallback) cb_EOS_received,
      KMS_ALPHA_BLENDING_REF (data), (GDestroyNotify) kms_ref_struct_unref);

  gst_element_sync_state_with_parent (data->videoscale);
  gst_element_sync_state_with_parent (data->capsfilter);
  gst_element_sync_state_with_parent (data->videorate);
  gst_element_sync_state_with_parent (data->queue);
  gst_element_sync_state_with_parent (data->videobox);

  /* configure videomixer pad */

  if (mixer->priv->master_port == data->id) {
    kms_alpha_blending_reconfigure_ports (mixer);
  } else {
    configure_port (data);


int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  GstElement *pipeline, *audio_source, *tee, *audio_queue, *audio_convert, *audio_resample, *audio_sink;
  GstElement *video_queue, *visual, *video_convert, *video_sink;
  GstBus *bus;
  GstMessage *msg;
  GstPadTemplate *tee_src_pad_template;
  GstPad *tee_audio_pad, *tee_video_pad;
  GstPad *queue_audio_pad, *queue_video_pad;
  /* Initialize GStreamer */
  gst_init (&argc, &argv);
  /* Create the elements */
  audio_source = gst_element_factory_make ("audiotestsrc", "audio_source");
  tee = gst_element_factory_make ("tee", "tee");
  audio_queue = gst_element_factory_make ("queue", "audio_queue");
  audio_convert = gst_element_factory_make ("audioconvert", "audio_convert");
  audio_resample = gst_element_factory_make ("audioresample", "audio_resample");
  audio_sink = gst_element_factory_make ("autoaudiosink", "audio_sink");
  video_queue = gst_element_factory_make ("queue", "video_queue");
  visual = gst_element_factory_make ("wavescope", "visual");
  video_convert = gst_element_factory_make ("ffmpegcolorspace", "csp");
  video_sink = gst_element_factory_make ("autovideosink", "video_sink");
  /* Create the empty pipeline */
  pipeline = gst_pipeline_new ("test-pipeline");
  if (!pipeline || !audio_source || !tee || !audio_queue || !audio_convert || !audio_resample || !audio_sink ||
      !video_queue || !visual || !video_convert || !video_sink) {
    g_printerr ("Not all elements could be created.\n");
    return -1;
  /* Configure elements */
  g_object_set (audio_source, "freq", 215.0f, NULL);
  g_object_set (visual, "shader", 0, "style", 1, NULL);
  /* Link all elements that can be automatically linked because they have "Always" pads */
  gst_bin_add_many (GST_BIN (pipeline), audio_source, tee, audio_queue, audio_convert, audio_resample, audio_sink,
      video_queue, visual, video_convert, video_sink, NULL);
  if (gst_element_link_many (audio_source, tee, NULL) != TRUE ||
      gst_element_link_many (audio_queue, audio_convert, audio_resample, audio_sink, NULL) != TRUE ||
      gst_element_link_many (video_queue, visual, video_convert, video_sink, NULL) != TRUE) {
    g_printerr ("Elements could not be linked.\n");
    gst_object_unref (pipeline);
    return -1;
  /* Manually link the Tee, which has "Request" pads */
  tee_src_pad_template = gst_element_class_get_pad_template (GST_ELEMENT_GET_CLASS (tee), "src%d");
  tee_audio_pad = gst_element_request_pad (tee, tee_src_pad_template, NULL, NULL);
  g_print ("Obtained request pad %s for audio branch.\n", gst_pad_get_name (tee_audio_pad));
  queue_audio_pad = gst_element_get_static_pad (audio_queue, "sink");
  tee_video_pad = gst_element_request_pad (tee, tee_src_pad_template, NULL, NULL);
  g_print ("Obtained request pad %s for video branch.\n", gst_pad_get_name (tee_video_pad));
  queue_video_pad = gst_element_get_static_pad (video_queue, "sink");
  if (gst_pad_link (tee_audio_pad, queue_audio_pad) != GST_PAD_LINK_OK ||
      gst_pad_link (tee_video_pad, queue_video_pad) != GST_PAD_LINK_OK) {
    g_printerr ("Tee could not be linked.\n");
    gst_object_unref (pipeline);
    return -1;
  gst_object_unref (queue_audio_pad);
  gst_object_unref (queue_video_pad);
  /* Start playing the pipeline */
  gst_element_set_state (pipeline, GST_STATE_PLAYING);
  /* Wait until error or EOS */
  bus = gst_element_get_bus (pipeline);
  msg = gst_bus_timed_pop_filtered (bus, GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE, GST_MESSAGE_ERROR | GST_MESSAGE_EOS);
  /* Release the request pads from the Tee, and unref them */
  gst_element_release_request_pad (tee, tee_audio_pad);
  gst_element_release_request_pad (tee, tee_video_pad);
  gst_object_unref (tee_audio_pad);
  gst_object_unref (tee_video_pad);
  /* Free resources */
  if (msg != NULL)
    gst_message_unref (msg);
  gst_object_unref (bus);
  gst_element_set_state (pipeline, GST_STATE_NULL);
  gst_object_unref (pipeline);
  return 0;
Пример #18
ats_tree_new(guint    stream_id,
	     gchar*   ip,
	     guint    port,
	     GError** error)
  ATS_TREE       *rval;
  GstElement     *parse, *fakesink;
  GstPadTemplate *tee_src_pad_template;
  GstPad         *teepad, *sinkpad;
  /* init-ing tree */
  rval              = g_new(ATS_TREE, 1);
  rval->pipeline    = NULL;
  rval->source      = NULL;
  parse             = NULL;
  fakesink          = NULL;
  rval->faketee.tee = NULL;
  rval->faketee.pad = NULL;
  rval->branches    = NULL;
  /* creating elements */
  if ((rval->pipeline = gst_pipeline_new("proc-tree-pipe")) == NULL)
    goto error;
  if ((rval->source = gst_element_factory_make("udpsrc","proc-tree-source")) == NULL)
    goto error;
  if ((parse = gst_element_factory_make("tsparse","proc-tree-parse")) == NULL)
    goto error;
  if ((rval->faketee.tee = gst_element_factory_make("tee","proc-tree-tee")) == NULL)
    goto error;
  if ((fakesink = gst_element_factory_make("fakesink",NULL)) == NULL)
    goto error;
  /* init-ing tree metadata */
  rval->metadata = ats_metadata_new(stream_id);
  /* setting udpsrc port and buf size*/
  g_object_set (G_OBJECT (rval->source),
		"timeout",     5000000000,
		"buffer-size", 2147483647,
		"port",        port,
		"address",     ip,

	       "parse-private-sections", TRUE,
  /* linking pipeline */
		   fakesink, NULL);
  gst_element_link_many (rval->source,
			 rval->faketee.tee, NULL);

  /* connecting tee src to fakesink */
  sinkpad = gst_element_get_static_pad(fakesink, "sink");
  tee_src_pad_template =
  teepad = gst_element_request_pad(rval->faketee.tee,
				   NULL, NULL);
  gst_pad_link(teepad, sinkpad);

  /* creating additional tee src pad for other brunches */
  tee_src_pad_template =
  rval->faketee.pad = gst_element_request_pad(rval->faketee.tee,
					      NULL, NULL);
  return rval;
  if (rval->pipeline)    gst_object_unref(rval->pipeline);
  if (rval->source)      gst_object_unref(rval->source);
  if (parse)             gst_object_unref(parse);
  if (rval->faketee.tee) gst_object_unref(rval->faketee.tee);
  if (fakesink)          gst_object_unref(fakesink);
  if (rval)              g_free(rval);
	      G_ERR_UNKNOWN, -1,
	      "Error: failed to create tree in ats_tree_new");
  return NULL;