Пример #1
static GstFlowReturn
gst_rtp_pt_demux_chain (GstPad * pad, GstBuffer * buf)
  GstFlowReturn ret = GST_FLOW_OK;
  GstRtpPtDemux *rtpdemux;
  GstElement *element = GST_ELEMENT (GST_OBJECT_PARENT (pad));
  guint8 pt;
  GstPad *srcpad;
  GstRtpPtDemuxPad *rtpdemuxpad;
  GstCaps *caps;

  rtpdemux = GST_RTP_PT_DEMUX (GST_OBJECT_PARENT (pad));

  if (!gst_rtp_buffer_validate (buf))
    goto invalid_buffer;

  pt = gst_rtp_buffer_get_payload_type (buf);

  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (rtpdemux, "received buffer for pt %d", pt);

  rtpdemuxpad = find_pad_for_pt (rtpdemux, pt);
  if (rtpdemuxpad == NULL) {
    /* new PT, create a src pad */
    GstElementClass *klass;
    GstPadTemplate *templ;
    gchar *padname;

    klass = GST_ELEMENT_GET_CLASS (rtpdemux);
    templ = gst_element_class_get_pad_template (klass, "src_%d");
    padname = g_strdup_printf ("src_%d", pt);
    srcpad = gst_pad_new_from_template (templ, padname);
    gst_pad_use_fixed_caps (srcpad);
    g_free (padname);

    caps = gst_rtp_pt_demux_get_caps (rtpdemux, pt);
    if (!caps)
      goto no_caps;

    caps = gst_caps_make_writable (caps);
    gst_caps_set_simple (caps, "payload", G_TYPE_INT, pt, NULL);
    gst_pad_set_caps (srcpad, caps);
    gst_caps_unref (caps);

    GST_DEBUG ("Adding pt=%d to the list.", pt);
    rtpdemuxpad = g_new0 (GstRtpPtDemuxPad, 1);
    rtpdemuxpad->pt = pt;
    rtpdemuxpad->newcaps = FALSE;
    rtpdemuxpad->pad = srcpad;
    GST_OBJECT_LOCK (rtpdemux);
    rtpdemux->srcpads = g_slist_append (rtpdemux->srcpads, rtpdemuxpad);
    GST_OBJECT_UNLOCK (rtpdemux);

    gst_pad_set_active (srcpad, TRUE);
    gst_element_add_pad (element, srcpad);

    GST_DEBUG ("emitting new-payload-type for pt %d", pt);
    g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (rtpdemux),
        gst_rtp_pt_demux_signals[SIGNAL_NEW_PAYLOAD_TYPE], 0, pt, srcpad);

  srcpad = rtpdemuxpad->pad;

  if (pt != rtpdemux->last_pt) {
    gint emit_pt = pt;

    /* our own signal with an extra flag that this is the only pad */
    rtpdemux->last_pt = pt;
    GST_DEBUG ("emitting payload-type-changed for pt %d", emit_pt);
    g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (rtpdemux),
        gst_rtp_pt_demux_signals[SIGNAL_PAYLOAD_TYPE_CHANGE], 0, emit_pt);

  if (rtpdemuxpad->newcaps) {
    GST_DEBUG ("need new caps");
    caps = gst_rtp_pt_demux_get_caps (rtpdemux, pt);
    if (!caps)
      goto no_caps;

    caps = gst_caps_make_writable (caps);
    gst_caps_set_simple (caps, "payload", G_TYPE_INT, pt, NULL);
    gst_pad_set_caps (srcpad, caps);
    gst_caps_unref (caps);
    rtpdemuxpad->newcaps = FALSE;

  gst_buffer_set_caps (buf, GST_PAD_CAPS (srcpad));

  /* push to srcpad */
  ret = gst_pad_push (srcpad, buf);

  return ret;

  /* ERRORS */
    /* this is fatal and should be filtered earlier */
        ("Dropping invalid RTP payload"));
    gst_buffer_unref (buf);
    return GST_FLOW_ERROR;
        ("Could not get caps for payload"));
    gst_buffer_unref (buf);
    return GST_FLOW_ERROR;
Пример #2
static GstFlowReturn
gst_rtp_pt_demux_chain (GstPad * pad, GstObject * parent, GstBuffer * buf)
  GstFlowReturn ret = GST_FLOW_OK;
  GstRtpPtDemux *rtpdemux;
  guint8 pt;
  GstPad *srcpad;
  GstCaps *caps;
  GstRTPBuffer rtp = { NULL };

  rtpdemux = GST_RTP_PT_DEMUX (parent);

  if (!gst_rtp_buffer_map (buf, GST_MAP_READ, &rtp))
    goto invalid_buffer;

  pt = gst_rtp_buffer_get_payload_type (&rtp);
  gst_rtp_buffer_unmap (&rtp);

  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (rtpdemux, "received buffer for pt %d", pt);

  srcpad = find_pad_for_pt (rtpdemux, pt);
  if (srcpad == NULL) {
    /* new PT, create a src pad */
    GstRtpPtDemuxPad *rtpdemuxpad;
    GstElementClass *klass;
    GstPadTemplate *templ;
    gchar *padname;

    caps = gst_rtp_pt_demux_get_caps (rtpdemux, pt);
    if (!caps)
      goto no_caps;

    klass = GST_ELEMENT_GET_CLASS (rtpdemux);
    templ = gst_element_class_get_pad_template (klass, "src_%u");
    padname = g_strdup_printf ("src_%u", pt);
    srcpad = gst_pad_new_from_template (templ, padname);
    gst_pad_use_fixed_caps (srcpad);
    g_free (padname);
    gst_pad_set_event_function (srcpad, gst_rtp_pt_demux_src_event);

    GST_DEBUG ("Adding pt=%d to the list.", pt);
    rtpdemuxpad = g_slice_new0 (GstRtpPtDemuxPad);
    rtpdemuxpad->pt = pt;
    rtpdemuxpad->newcaps = FALSE;
    rtpdemuxpad->pad = srcpad;
    gst_object_ref (srcpad);
    GST_OBJECT_LOCK (rtpdemux);
    rtpdemux->srcpads = g_slist_append (rtpdemux->srcpads, rtpdemuxpad);
    GST_OBJECT_UNLOCK (rtpdemux);

    gst_pad_set_active (srcpad, TRUE);

    /* First push the stream-start event, it must always come first */
    gst_pad_push_event (srcpad,
        gst_pad_get_sticky_event (rtpdemux->sink, GST_EVENT_STREAM_START, 0));

    /* Then caps event is sent */
    caps = gst_caps_make_writable (caps);
    gst_caps_set_simple (caps, "payload", G_TYPE_INT, pt, NULL);
    gst_pad_set_caps (srcpad, caps);
    gst_caps_unref (caps);

    /* First sticky events on sink pad are forwarded to the new src pad */
    gst_pad_sticky_events_foreach (rtpdemux->sink, forward_sticky_events,

    gst_element_add_pad (GST_ELEMENT_CAST (rtpdemux), srcpad);

    GST_DEBUG ("emitting new-payload-type for pt %d", pt);
    g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (rtpdemux),
        gst_rtp_pt_demux_signals[SIGNAL_NEW_PAYLOAD_TYPE], 0, pt, srcpad);

  if (pt != rtpdemux->last_pt) {
    gint emit_pt = pt;

    /* our own signal with an extra flag that this is the only pad */
    rtpdemux->last_pt = pt;
    GST_DEBUG ("emitting payload-type-changed for pt %d", emit_pt);
    g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (rtpdemux),
        gst_rtp_pt_demux_signals[SIGNAL_PAYLOAD_TYPE_CHANGE], 0, emit_pt);

  while (need_caps_for_pt (rtpdemux, pt)) {
    GST_DEBUG ("need new caps for %d", pt);
    caps = gst_rtp_pt_demux_get_caps (rtpdemux, pt);
    if (!caps)
      goto no_caps;

    clear_newcaps_for_pt (rtpdemux, pt);

    caps = gst_caps_make_writable (caps);
    gst_caps_set_simple (caps, "payload", G_TYPE_INT, pt, NULL);
    gst_pad_set_caps (srcpad, caps);
    gst_caps_unref (caps);

  /* push to srcpad */
  ret = gst_pad_push (srcpad, buf);

  gst_object_unref (srcpad);

  return ret;

  /* ERRORS */
    /* this is fatal and should be filtered earlier */
        ("Dropping invalid RTP payload"));
    gst_buffer_unref (buf);
    return GST_FLOW_ERROR;
        ("Could not get caps for payload"));
    gst_buffer_unref (buf);
    if (srcpad)
      gst_object_unref (srcpad);
    return GST_FLOW_ERROR;