Пример #1
static gboolean
gst_video_test_src_setcaps (GstBaseSrc * bsrc, GstCaps * caps)
  gboolean res;
  gint width, height, rate_denominator, rate_numerator;
  struct fourcc_list_struct *fourcc;
  GstVideoTestSrc *videotestsrc;

  videotestsrc = GST_VIDEO_TEST_SRC (bsrc);

  res = gst_video_test_src_parse_caps (caps, &width, &height,
      &rate_numerator, &rate_denominator, &fourcc);
  if (res) {
    /* looks ok here */
    videotestsrc->fourcc = fourcc;
    videotestsrc->width = width;
    videotestsrc->height = height;
    videotestsrc->rate_numerator = rate_numerator;
    videotestsrc->rate_denominator = rate_denominator;
    videotestsrc->bpp = videotestsrc->fourcc->bitspp;

    GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (videotestsrc, "size %dx%d, %d/%d fps",
        videotestsrc->width, videotestsrc->height,
        videotestsrc->rate_numerator, videotestsrc->rate_denominator);
  return res;
Пример #2
static gboolean
gst_video_test_src_setcaps (GstBaseSrc * bsrc, GstCaps * caps)
  const GstStructure *structure;
  GstVideoTestSrc *videotestsrc;
  GstVideoInfo info;

  videotestsrc = GST_VIDEO_TEST_SRC (bsrc);

  structure = gst_caps_get_structure (caps, 0);

  if (gst_structure_has_name (structure, "video/x-raw")) {
    /* we can use the parsing code */
    if (!gst_video_info_from_caps (&info, caps))
      goto parse_failed;

  } else if (gst_structure_has_name (structure, "video/x-bayer")) {
    gint x_inv = 0, y_inv = 0;

    gst_video_info_init (&info);

    info.finfo = gst_video_format_get_info (GST_VIDEO_FORMAT_GRAY8);

    if (!gst_video_test_src_parse_caps (caps, &info.width, &info.height,
            &info.fps_n, &info.fps_d, &info.colorimetry, &x_inv, &y_inv))
      goto parse_failed;

    info.size = GST_ROUND_UP_4 (info.width) * info.height;
    info.stride[0] = GST_ROUND_UP_4 (info.width);

    videotestsrc->bayer = TRUE;
    videotestsrc->x_invert = x_inv;
    videotestsrc->y_invert = y_inv;

  /* looks ok here */
  videotestsrc->info = info;

  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (videotestsrc, "size %dx%d, %d/%d fps",
      info.width, info.height, info.fps_n, info.fps_d);

  g_free (videotestsrc->tmpline);
  g_free (videotestsrc->tmpline2);
  g_free (videotestsrc->tmpline_u8);
  g_free (videotestsrc->tmpline_u16);
  videotestsrc->tmpline_u8 = g_malloc (info.width + 8);
  videotestsrc->tmpline = g_malloc ((info.width + 8) * 4);
  videotestsrc->tmpline2 = g_malloc ((info.width + 8) * 4);
  videotestsrc->tmpline_u16 = g_malloc ((info.width + 16) * 8);

  videotestsrc->accum_rtime += videotestsrc->running_time;
  videotestsrc->accum_frames += videotestsrc->n_frames;

  videotestsrc->running_time = 0;
  videotestsrc->n_frames = 0;

  return TRUE;

  /* ERRORS */
    GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (bsrc, "failed to parse caps");
    return FALSE;