Пример #1
void guac_rdp_cache_bitmap(rdpContext* context, rdpBitmap* bitmap) {

    guac_client* client = ((rdp_freerdp_context*) context)->client;
    guac_socket* socket = client->socket; 

    /* Allocate surface */
    guac_layer* buffer = guac_client_alloc_buffer(client);
    guac_common_surface* surface = guac_common_surface_alloc(socket, buffer, bitmap->width, bitmap->height);

    /* Cache image data if present */
    if (bitmap->data != NULL) {

        /* Create surface from image data */
        cairo_surface_t* image = cairo_image_surface_create_for_data(
            bitmap->data, CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB24,
            bitmap->width, bitmap->height, 4*bitmap->width);

        /* Send surface to buffer */
        guac_common_surface_draw(surface, 0, 0, image);

        /* Free surface */


    /* Store buffer reference in bitmap */
    ((guac_rdp_bitmap*) bitmap)->buffer = buffer;
    ((guac_rdp_bitmap*) bitmap)->surface = surface;

Пример #2
void guac_rdp_bitmap_paint(rdpContext* context, rdpBitmap* bitmap) {

    guac_client* client = ((rdp_freerdp_context*) context)->client;
    rdp_guac_client_data* client_data = (rdp_guac_client_data*) client->data;

    guac_common_surface* surface = ((guac_rdp_bitmap*) bitmap)->surface;

    int width = bitmap->right - bitmap->left + 1;
    int height = bitmap->bottom - bitmap->top + 1;

    /* If not cached, cache if necessary */
    if (surface == NULL && ((guac_rdp_bitmap*) bitmap)->used >= 1)
        guac_rdp_cache_bitmap(context, bitmap);

    /* If cached, retrieve from cache */
    if (surface != NULL)
        guac_common_surface_copy(surface, 0, 0, width, height,
                                 client_data->default_surface, bitmap->left, bitmap->top);

    /* Otherwise, draw with stored image data */
    else if (bitmap->data != NULL) {

        /* Create surface from image data */
        cairo_surface_t* image = cairo_image_surface_create_for_data(
            bitmap->data, CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB24,
            width, height, 4*bitmap->width);

        /* Draw image on default surface */
        guac_common_surface_draw(client_data->default_surface, bitmap->left, bitmap->top, image);

        /* Free surface */


    /* Increment usage counter */
    ((guac_rdp_bitmap*) bitmap)->used++;

Пример #3
void guac_rdp_gdi_memblt(rdpContext* context, MEMBLT_ORDER* memblt) {

    guac_client* client = ((rdp_freerdp_context*) context)->client;
    guac_common_surface* current_surface = ((rdp_guac_client_data*) client->data)->current_surface;
    guac_rdp_bitmap* bitmap = (guac_rdp_bitmap*) memblt->bitmap;

    int x = memblt->nLeftRect;
    int y = memblt->nTopRect;
    int w = memblt->nWidth;
    int h = memblt->nHeight;

    int x_src = memblt->nXSrc;
    int y_src = memblt->nYSrc;

    /* Make sure that the recieved bitmap is not NULL before processing */
    if (bitmap == NULL) {
        guac_client_log(client, GUAC_LOG_INFO, "NULL bitmap found in memblt instruction.");

    switch (memblt->bRop) {

        /* If blackness, send black rectangle */
        case 0x00:
            guac_common_surface_rect(current_surface, x, y, w, h, 0, 0, 0);

        /* If NOP, do nothing */
        case 0xAA:

        /* If operation is just SRC, simply copy */
        case 0xCC: 

            /* If not cached, cache if necessary */
            if (bitmap->surface == NULL && bitmap->used >= 1)
                guac_rdp_cache_bitmap(context, memblt->bitmap);

            /* If not cached, send as PNG */
            if (bitmap->surface == NULL) {
                if (memblt->bitmap->data != NULL) {

                    /* Create surface from image data */
                    cairo_surface_t* surface = cairo_image_surface_create_for_data(
                        memblt->bitmap->data + 4*(x_src + y_src*memblt->bitmap->width),
                        CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB24, w, h, 4*memblt->bitmap->width);

                    /* Send surface to buffer */
                    guac_common_surface_draw(current_surface, x, y, surface);

                    /* Free surface */


            /* Otherwise, copy */
                guac_common_surface_copy(bitmap->surface, x_src, y_src, w, h,
                                         current_surface, x, y);

            /* Increment usage counter */
            ((guac_rdp_bitmap*) bitmap)->used++;


        /* If whiteness, send white rectangle */
        case 0xFF:
            guac_common_surface_rect(current_surface, x, y, w, h, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF);

        /* Otherwise, use transfer */

            /* If not available as a surface, make available. */
            if (bitmap->surface == NULL)
                guac_rdp_cache_bitmap(context, memblt->bitmap);

            guac_common_surface_transfer(bitmap->surface, x_src, y_src, w, h,
                                         guac_rdp_rop3_transfer_function(client, memblt->bRop),
                                         current_surface, x, y);

            /* Increment usage counter */
            ((guac_rdp_bitmap*) bitmap)->used++;


Пример #4
 * Sends the given character to the terminal at the given row and column,
 * rendering the character immediately. This bypasses the guac_terminal_display
 * mechanism and is intended for flushing of updates only.
int __guac_terminal_set(guac_terminal_display* display, int row, int col, int codepoint) {

    int width;

    int bytes;
    char utf8[4];

    /* Use foreground color */
    const guac_terminal_color* color =

    /* Use background color */
    const guac_terminal_color* background =

    cairo_surface_t* surface;
    cairo_t* cairo;
    int surface_width, surface_height;
    PangoLayout* layout;
    int layout_width, layout_height;
    int ideal_layout_width, ideal_layout_height;

    /* Calculate width in columns */
    width = wcwidth(codepoint);
    if (width < 0)
        width = 1;

    /* Do nothing if glyph is empty */
    if (width == 0)
        return 0;

    /* Convert to UTF-8 */
    bytes = guac_terminal_encode_utf8(codepoint, utf8);

    surface_width = width * display->char_width;
    surface_height = display->char_height;

    ideal_layout_width = surface_width * PANGO_SCALE;
    ideal_layout_height = surface_height * PANGO_SCALE;

    /* Prepare surface */
    surface = cairo_image_surface_create(CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB24,
                                         surface_width, surface_height);
    cairo = cairo_create(surface);

    /* Fill background */
            background->red   / 255.0,
            background->green / 255.0,
            background->blue  / 255.0);

    cairo_rectangle(cairo, 0, 0, surface_width, surface_height); 

    /* Get layout */
    layout = pango_cairo_create_layout(cairo);
    pango_layout_set_font_description(layout, display->font_desc);
    pango_layout_set_text(layout, utf8, bytes);
    pango_layout_set_alignment(layout, PANGO_ALIGN_CENTER);

    pango_layout_get_size(layout, &layout_width, &layout_height);

    /* If layout bigger than available space, scale it back */
    if (layout_width > ideal_layout_width || layout_height > ideal_layout_height) {

        double scale = fmin(ideal_layout_width  / (double) layout_width,
                            ideal_layout_height / (double) layout_height);

        cairo_scale(cairo, scale, scale);

        /* Update layout to reflect scaled surface */
        pango_layout_set_width(layout, ideal_layout_width / scale);
        pango_layout_set_height(layout, ideal_layout_height / scale);
        pango_cairo_update_layout(cairo, layout);


    /* Draw */
            color->red   / 255.0,
            color->green / 255.0,
            color->blue  / 255.0);

    cairo_move_to(cairo, 0.0, 0.0);
    pango_cairo_show_layout(cairo, layout);

    /* Draw */
        display->char_width * col,
        display->char_height * row,

    /* Free all */

    return 0;
