static void oracle_client_thread(void *arg) { DBPool *pool = arg; DBPoolConn *pconn = NULL; int i; List *result; for (i = 1; i <= queries; i++) { pconn = dbpool_conn_consume(pool); if (pconn == NULL) continue; #if 1 /* selects */ if (dbpool_conn_select(pconn, sql, NULL, &result) == 0) { long i,j; for (i=0; i < gwlist_len(result); i++) { List *row = gwlist_get(result, i); for (j=0; j < gwlist_len(row); j++) debug("", 0, "col = %ld value = '%s'", j, octstr_get_cstr(gwlist_get(row,j))); gwlist_destroy(row, octstr_destroy_item); } } gwlist_destroy(result, NULL); dbpool_conn_produce(pconn); #else /* only updates */ debug("", 0, "rows processed = %d ", dbpool_conn_update(pconn, sql, NULL)); dbpool_conn_produce(pconn); #endif } }
static void wtp_event_dump(Msg *msg) { WAPEvent *dgram; List *events; long i, n; dgram = wdp_msg2event(msg); if (dgram == NULL) error(0, "dgram is null"); /* pdu = wtp_pdu_unpack(dgram->u.T_DUnitdata_Ind.user_data); if (pdu == NULL) { error(0, "WTP PDU unpacking failed, WAP event is:"); wap_event_dump(dgram); } else { wtp_pdu_dump(pdu, 0); wtp_pdu_destroy(pdu); } */ events = wtp_unpack_wdp_datagram(dgram); n = gwlist_len(events); debug("wap.proxy",0,"datagram contains %ld events", n); i = 1; while (gwlist_len(events) > 0) { WAPEvent *event; event = gwlist_extract_first(events); info(0, "WTP: %ld/%ld event %s.", i, n, wap_event_name(event->type)); if (wtp_event_is_for_responder(event)) /* wtp_resp_dispatch_event(event); */ debug("",0,"datagram is for WTP responder"); else /* wtp_initiator_dispatch_event(event); */ debug("",0,"datagram is for WTP initiator"); wap_event_dump(event); /* switch (event->type) { RcvInvoke: debug("",0,"XXX invoke"); break; RcvResult: debug("",0,"XXX result"); break; default: error(0,"unkown WTP event type while unpacking"); break; } */ i++; } wap_event_destroy(dgram); gwlist_destroy(events, NULL); }
/* * Read some headers, i.e., until the first empty line (read and discard * the empty line as well). Return -1 for error, 0 for all headers read. */ static int read_mime_headers(ParseContext *context, List *headers) { Octstr *line, *prev; if (gwlist_len(headers) == 0) prev = NULL; else prev = gwlist_get(headers, gwlist_len(headers) - 1); for (;;) { line = parse_get_line(context); if (line == NULL) { return -1; } if (octstr_len(line) == 0) { octstr_destroy(line); break; } if (isspace(octstr_get_char(line, 0)) && prev != NULL) { octstr_append(prev, line); octstr_destroy(line); } else { gwlist_append(headers, line); prev = line; } } return 0; }
static void main_for_list_add_and_delete(void) { static char *items[] = { "one", "two", "three", }; int num_items = sizeof(items) / sizeof(items[0]); int num_repeats = 3; int i, j; char *p; List *list; list = gwlist_create(); for (j = 0; j < num_repeats; ++j) for (i = 0; i < num_items; ++i) gwlist_append(list, items[i]); gwlist_delete_matching(list, items[0], compare_cstr); for (i = 0; i < gwlist_len(list); ++i) { p = gwlist_get(list, i); if (strcmp(p, items[0]) == 0) panic(0, "list contains `%s' after deleting it!", items[0]); } for (i = 0; i < num_items; ++i) gwlist_delete_equal(list, items[i]); if (gwlist_len(list) != 0) panic(0, "list is not empty after deleting everything"); gwlist_destroy(list, NULL); }
static void expire_cookies(List *cookies) { Cookie *value = NULL; time_t now = 0; long pos = 0; if (cookies == NULL) { error(0, "expire_cookies: Null argument(s) - no Cookie list"); return; } /* Walk through the cookie cache */ time(&now); if (gwlist_len(cookies) > 0) { debug("wap.wsp.http", 0, "expire_cookies: Cookies in cache"); for (pos = 0; pos < gwlist_len(cookies); pos++) { value = gwlist_get(cookies, pos); gw_assert(value != NULL); if (value->max_age != -1) { /* Interesting value */ if (value->max_age + value->birth < now) { debug("wap.wsp.http", 0, "expire_cookies: Expired cookie (%s)", octstr_get_cstr(value->name)); cookie_destroy(value); gwlist_delete(cookies, pos, 1); } } } } else debug("wap.wsp.http", 0, "expire_cookies: No cookies in cache"); return; }
void mms_cfg_destroy(mCfg *cfg) { List *l; int i, n; gw_assert(cfg); for (i = 0, l = dict_keys(cfg->grps), n = gwlist_len(l); i < n; i++) { Octstr *grpname = gwlist_get(l, i); void *val = dict_get(cfg->grps, grpname); if (is_multigroup(grpname)) { /* item is a list. */ List *gl = val; int j, m = gwlist_len(gl); for (j = 0; j < m; j++) mGrp_destroy(gwlist_get(gl, j)); gwlist_destroy(gl, NULL); } else mGrp_destroy(val); } gwlist_destroy(l, (gwlist_item_destructor_t *)octstr_destroy); dict_destroy(cfg->grps); octstr_destroy(cfg->file); if (cfg->xcfg && cfg->cfg_funcs && cfg->cfg_funcs->destroy) cfg->cfg_funcs->destroy(cfg->xcfg); gw_free(cfg); }
static void destroy_pushmachines(List *machines) { if (gwlist_len(machines) > 0) { warning(0, "Destroying WSP session with %ld active pushes\n", gwlist_len(machines)); } gwlist_destroy(machines, push_machine_destroy); }
static void destroy_methodmachines(List *machines) { if (gwlist_len(machines) > 0) { warning(0, "Destroying WSP session with %ld active methods\n", gwlist_len(machines)); } gwlist_destroy(machines, method_machine_destroy); }
/* Counts the number of elements produced to any deliver threads (live elements) * Used to control how many new queueings to accept. * Each of these may use upto 3 filehandles * - One for the qf * - One for the df file * - Delivery notification file * Does sockets count as filehandles? */ static int mms_queue_live_count() { int i,j,count = 0; static struct Qthread_t *tlist; List *queue_run_thread_groups = dict_keys(tlists); for (i = 0; i < gwlist_len(queue_run_thread_groups); i++) { tlist = dict_get(tlists, gwlist_get(queue_run_thread_groups, i)); for (j = 0; j < number_of_threads; j++) count += gwlist_len(tlist[j].l); } gwlist_destroy(queue_run_thread_groups, octstr_destroy_item); return count; }
void wsp_cap_dump_list(List *caps_list) { long i; if (caps_list == NULL) { debug("wsp", 0, "NULL capability list"); return; } debug("wsp", 0, "Dumping capability list at %p, length %ld", caps_list, gwlist_len(caps_list)); for (i = 0; i < gwlist_len(caps_list); i++) { wsp_cap_dump(gwlist_get(caps_list, i)); } debug("wsp", 0, "End of capability list dump"); }
/* * this thread listens to incoming_wdp list * and then routs messages to proper wapbox */ static void wdp_to_wapboxes(void *arg) { List *route_info; AddrPar *ap; Boxc *conn; Msg *msg; int i; gwlist_add_producer(flow_threads); gwlist_add_producer(wapbox_list); route_info = gwlist_create(); while(bb_status != BB_DEAD) { gwlist_consume(suspended); /* block here if suspended */ if ((msg = gwlist_consume(incoming_wdp)) == NULL) break; gw_assert(msg_type(msg) == wdp_datagram); conn = route_msg(route_info, msg); if (conn == NULL) { warning(0, "Cannot route message, discard it"); msg_destroy(msg); continue; } gwlist_produce(conn->incoming, msg); } debug("bb", 0, "wdp_to_wapboxes: destroying lists"); while((ap = gwlist_extract_first(route_info)) != NULL) ap_destroy(ap); gw_assert(gwlist_len(route_info) == 0); gwlist_destroy(route_info, NULL); gwlist_lock(wapbox_list); for(i=0; i < gwlist_len(wapbox_list); i++) { conn = gwlist_get(wapbox_list, i); gwlist_remove_producer(conn->incoming); conn->alive = 0; } gwlist_unlock(wapbox_list); gwlist_remove_producer(wapbox_list); gwlist_remove_producer(flow_threads); }
int boxc_incoming_wdp_queue(void) { int i, q = 0; Boxc *boxc; if (wapbox_list) { gwlist_lock(wapbox_list); for(i=0; i < gwlist_len(wapbox_list); i++) { boxc = gwlist_get(wapbox_list, i); q += gwlist_len(boxc->incoming); } gwlist_unlock(wapbox_list); } return q; }
/* * Parse a line in the format: <name=value name=value ...> * and return a Dict with the name as key and the value as value, * otherwise return NULL if a parsing error occures. */ static Dict *brunet_parse_body(Octstr *body) { Dict *param = NULL; List *words = NULL; long len; Octstr *word; words = octstr_split_words(body); if ((len = gwlist_len(words)) > 0) { param = dict_create(4, (void(*)(void *)) octstr_destroy); while ((word = gwlist_extract_first(words)) != NULL) { List *l = octstr_split(word, octstr_imm("=")); Octstr *key = gwlist_extract_first(l); Octstr *value = gwlist_extract_first(l); if (octstr_len(key)) dict_put(param, key, value); octstr_destroy(key); octstr_destroy(word); gwlist_destroy(l, (void(*)(void *)) octstr_destroy); } } gwlist_destroy(words, (void(*)(void *)) octstr_destroy); return param; }
mCfgGrp *mms_get_multi_by_field(mCfg *cfg, Octstr *name, Octstr *field, Octstr *value) { gw_assert(name); gw_assert(is_multigroup(name) == 1); if (!valid_in_group(name, field)) panic(0, "Request for invalid field/variable `%s' in group `%s', unexpected!", octstr_get_cstr(field), octstr_get_cstr(name)); if (cfg->xcfg == NULL) { mCfgGrp *grp; Octstr *val; List *r; int i; r = dict_get(cfg->grps, name); if (r) for (i = 0; i < gwlist_len(r); i++) if ((grp = gwlist_get(r, i)) != NULL && (val = dict_get(grp->fields, field)) != NULL && octstr_compare(val, value) == 0) return grp; return NULL; } else return cfg->cfg_funcs->get_multi_by_field(cfg->xcfg, name, field, value); }
/* get_matching_translations - iterate over all translations in trans. * for each translation check whether * the translation's keyword has already been interpreted as a regexp. * if not, compile it now, * otherwise retrieve compilation result from dictionary. * * the translations where the word matches the translation's pattern * are returned in a list * */ static List *get_matching_translations(URLTranslationList *trans, Octstr *msg) { List *list; long i; URLTranslation *t; gw_assert(trans != NULL && msg != NULL); list = gwlist_create(); for (i = 0; i < gwlist_len(trans->list); ++i) { t = gwlist_get(trans->list, i); if (t->keyword_regex == NULL) continue; if (gw_regex_match_pre(t->keyword_regex, msg) == 1) { debug("", 0, "match found: %s", octstr_get_cstr(t->name)); gwlist_append(list, t); } else { debug("", 0, "no match found: %s", octstr_get_cstr(t->name)); } } return list; }
int udp_outgoing_queue(void) { int i, q = 0; Udpc *udpc; if (!udp_running || udpc_list == NULL) return 0; gwlist_lock(udpc_list); for (i=0; i < gwlist_len(udpc_list); i++) { udpc = gwlist_get(udpc_list, i); q += gwlist_len(udpc->outgoing_list); } gwlist_unlock(udpc_list); return q; }
static int do_dump(void) { Octstr *key; Msg *msg; List *sms_list; long l; if (filename == NULL) return 0; /* create a new store-file and save all non-acknowledged * messages into it */ if (open_file(newfile)==-1) return -1; sms_list = dict_keys(sms_dict); for (l=0; l < gwlist_len(sms_list); l++) { key = gwlist_get(sms_list, l); msg = dict_get(sms_dict, key); if (msg != NULL) write_msg(msg); } fflush(file); gwlist_destroy(sms_list, octstr_destroy_item); /* rename old storefile as .bak, and then new as regular file * without .new ending */ return rename_store(); }
static long dlr_redis_messages(void) { List *result, *row; DBPoolConn *conn; long msgs = -1; conn = dbpool_conn_consume(pool); if (conn == NULL) return -1; if (dbpool_conn_select(conn, octstr_imm("DBSIZE"), NULL, &result) != 0) { dbpool_conn_produce(conn); return 0; } dbpool_conn_produce(conn); if (gwlist_len(result) > 0) { row = gwlist_extract_first(result); msgs = atol(octstr_get_cstr(gwlist_get(row, 0))); gwlist_destroy(row, octstr_destroy_item); while ((row = gwlist_extract_first(result)) != NULL) gwlist_destroy(row, octstr_destroy_item); } gwlist_destroy(result, NULL); return msgs; }
/* * Input: List of headers containing only X-Wap-Application-Id headers, values * being numeric application id codes. (Ppg module does coding of the header * value part of the X-WAP-Application-Id header). * Output: Octstr containing them in a byte list (one id per byte). * * Returns: Octstr containing headers, if succesfull, otherwise an empty * octstr. */ static Octstr *pack_appid_list(List *headers) { Octstr *appid_os, *header_name, *header_value; long i; size_t len; i = 0; appid_os = octstr_create(""); len = (size_t) gwlist_len(headers); gw_assert(len); while (i < len) { http_header_get(headers, i, &header_name, &header_value); gw_assert(octstr_compare(header_name, octstr_imm("X-WAP-Application-Id")) == 0); octstr_format_append(appid_os, "%S", header_value); octstr_destroy(header_name); octstr_destroy(header_value); ++i; } return appid_os; }
static WAPEvent *unpack_ack(WTP_PDU *pdu, WAPAddrTuple *addr_tuple) { WAPEvent *event; WTP_TPI *tpi; int i, num_tpis; event = wap_event_create(RcvAck); event->u.RcvAck.tid = pdu->u.Ack.tid; event->u.RcvAck.tid_ok = pdu->u.Ack.tidverify; event->u.RcvAck.rid = pdu->u.Ack.rid; event->u.RcvAck.addr_tuple = wap_addr_tuple_duplicate(addr_tuple); /* Set default to 0 because Ack on 1 piece message has no tpi */ event->u.RcvAck.psn = 0; num_tpis = gwlist_len(pdu->options); for (i = 0; i < num_tpis; i++) { tpi = gwlist_get(pdu->options, i); if (tpi->type == TPI_PSN) { event->u.RcvAck.psn = octstr_get_bits(tpi->data,0,8); break; } } return event; }
static void wtls_application(WAPEvent * event, WTLSMachine * wtls_machine) { int listLen, i = 0; WAPEvent *dgram; wtls_Payload *payLoad; /* Apply the negotiated decryption/decoding/MAC check to the received data */ /* Take the userdata and pass it on up to the WTP/WSP, depending on the destination port */ listLen = gwlist_len(event->u.T_Unitdata_Ind.pdu_list); for (; i < listLen; i++) { payLoad = gwlist_consume(event->u.T_Unitdata_Ind.pdu_list); dgram = wap_event_create(T_DUnitdata_Ind); dgram->u.T_DUnitdata_Ind.addr_tuple = wap_addr_tuple_create(event->u.T_Unitdata_Ind.addr_tuple-> remote->address, event->u.T_Unitdata_Ind.addr_tuple-> remote->port, event->u.T_Unitdata_Ind.addr_tuple-> local->address, event->u.T_Unitdata_Ind.addr_tuple-> local->port); dgram->u.T_DUnitdata_Ind.user_data = payLoad->data; wap_dispatch_datagram(dgram); payLoad->data = NULL; wtls_payload_destroy(payLoad); } }
static void init_batch(Octstr *cfilename, Octstr *rfilename) { Octstr *receivers; long lineno = 0; content = octstr_read_file(octstr_get_cstr(cfilename)); octstr_strip_crlfs(content); if (content == NULL) panic(0,"Can not read content file `%s'.", octstr_get_cstr(cfilename)); info(0,"SMS-Text: <%s>", octstr_get_cstr(content)); info(0,"Loading receiver list. This may take a while..."); receivers = octstr_read_file(octstr_get_cstr(rfilename)); if (receivers == NULL) panic(0,"Can not read receivers file `%s'.", octstr_get_cstr(rfilename)); lines = octstr_split(receivers, octstr_imm("\n")); lineno = gwlist_len(lines); if (lineno <= 0) panic(0,"Receiver file seems empty!"); info(0,"Receivers file `%s' contains %ld destination numbers.", octstr_get_cstr(rfilename), lineno); counter = counter_create(); }
static long pack_tpis(Octstr *data, long bitpos, List *tpis) { long length; WTP_TPI *tpi; int i; int num_tpis; num_tpis = gwlist_len(tpis); for (i = 0; i < num_tpis; i++) { tpi = gwlist_get(tpis, i); length = octstr_len(tpi->data); octstr_set_bits(data, bitpos, 1, i + 1 < num_tpis); octstr_set_bits(data, bitpos + 1, 4, tpi->type); if (length >= 4) { /* Long TPI */ octstr_set_bits(data, bitpos + 5, 1, 1); octstr_set_bits(data, bitpos + 8, 8, length); bitpos += 16; } else { /* Short TPI */ octstr_set_bits(data, bitpos + 5, 1, 0); octstr_set_bits(data, bitpos + 6, 2, length); bitpos += 8; } gw_assert(bitpos % 8 == 0); octstr_append(data, tpi->data); bitpos += 8 * length; } return bitpos; }
/* * Add reroute information to the connection data. Where the priority * is in the order: reroute, reroute-smsc-id, reroute-receiver. */ static void init_reroute(SMSCConn *conn, CfgGroup *grp) { Octstr *rule; long i; if (cfg_get_bool(&conn->reroute_dlr, grp, octstr_imm("reroute-dlr")) == -1) conn->reroute_dlr = 0; info(0, "DLR rerouting for smsc id <%s> %s.", octstr_get_cstr(conn->id), (conn->reroute_dlr?"enabled":"disabled")); if (cfg_get_bool(&conn->reroute, grp, octstr_imm("reroute")) != -1) { debug("smscconn",0,"Adding general internal routing for smsc id <%s>", octstr_get_cstr(conn->id)); return; } if ((conn->reroute_to_smsc = cfg_get(grp, octstr_imm("reroute-smsc-id"))) != NULL) { /* reroute all messages to a specific smsc-id */ debug("smscconn",0,"Adding internal routing: smsc id <%s> to smsc id <%s>", octstr_get_cstr(conn->id), octstr_get_cstr(conn->reroute_to_smsc)); return; } if ((rule = cfg_get(grp, octstr_imm("reroute-receiver"))) != NULL) { List *routes; /* create hash disctionary for this smsc-id */ conn->reroute_by_receiver = dict_create(100, (void(*)(void *)) octstr_destroy); routes = octstr_split(rule, octstr_imm(";")); for (i = 0; i < gwlist_len(routes); i++) { Octstr *item = gwlist_get(routes, i); Octstr *smsc, *receiver; List *receivers; /* first word is the smsc-id, all other are the receivers */ receivers = octstr_split(item, octstr_imm(",")); smsc = gwlist_extract_first(receivers); if (smsc) octstr_strip_blanks(smsc); while((receiver = gwlist_extract_first(receivers))) { octstr_strip_blanks(receiver); debug("smscconn",0,"Adding internal routing for smsc id <%s>: " "receiver <%s> to smsc id <%s>", octstr_get_cstr(conn->id), octstr_get_cstr(receiver), octstr_get_cstr(smsc)); if (!dict_put_once(conn->reroute_by_receiver, receiver, octstr_duplicate(smsc))) panic(0, "Could not set internal routing for smsc id <%s>: " "receiver <%s> to smsc id <%s>, because receiver has already routing entry!", octstr_get_cstr(conn->id), octstr_get_cstr(receiver), octstr_get_cstr(smsc)); octstr_destroy(receiver); } octstr_destroy(smsc); gwlist_destroy(receivers, octstr_destroy_item); } octstr_destroy(rule); gwlist_destroy(routes, octstr_destroy_item); } }
/* * Send a message to the bearerbox for delivery to a phone. * Return >= 0 for success & count of splitted sms messages, * -1 for failure. Does not destroy the msg. */ static int send_message(Msg *msg) { unsigned long msg_count; List *list; gw_assert(msg != NULL); gw_assert(msg_type(msg) == sms); /* * Encode our smsbox-id to the msg structure. * This will allow bearerbox to return specific answers to the * same smsbox, mainly for DLRs and SMS proxy modes. */ if (smsbox_id != NULL) { msg->sms.boxc_id = octstr_duplicate(smsbox_id); } list = sms_split(msg, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 0, 100, MAX_SMS_OCTETS); msg_count = gwlist_len(list); gwlist_destroy(list, msg_destroy_item); debug("sms", 0, "message length %ld, sending %ld messages", octstr_len(msg->sms.msgdata), msg_count); if (delay > 0) gwthread_sleep(delay); /* pass message to bearerbox */ if (deliver_to_bearerbox(msg) != 0) return -1; return msg_count; }
static long httpsmsc_queued(SMSCConn *conn) { ConnData *conndata = conn->data; return (conndata ? (conn->status != SMSCCONN_DEAD ? gwlist_len(conndata->msg_to_send) : 0) : 0); }
static int mms_queue_update(MmsEnvelope *e) { int i, n = (e && e->to) ? gwlist_len(e->to) : 0; int hasrcpt = 0; MmsEnvelopeTo *x; if (!e) return -1; /* FIX: Don't allow expiry to be <= 0 */ if (e->expiryt <= 0) e->expiryt = time(NULL) + DEFAULT_EXPIRE; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if ((x = gwlist_get(e->to, i)) != NULL && x->process) { hasrcpt = 1; break; } debug("",0, "e->to[%d]=%p x->process=%d", i, x, x->process); } if (!hasrcpt) { /* The message has been sent to all recipients, so we can safely delete envelope */ free_envelope(e,1); return 1; } else return writeenvelope(e, 0); // writeenvelope returns 0 or -1 on error. }
static long dlr_messages_oracle() { List *result, *row; Octstr *sql; DBPoolConn *conn; long msgs = -1; conn = dbpool_conn_consume(pool); if (conn == NULL) return -1; sql = octstr_format("SELECT count(*) FROM %S", fields->table); #if defined(DLR_TRACE) debug("", 0, "sql: %s", octstr_get_cstr(sql)); #endif if (dbpool_conn_select(conn, sql, NULL, &result) != 0) { octstr_destroy(sql); dbpool_conn_produce(conn); return -1; } dbpool_conn_produce(conn); octstr_destroy(sql); if (gwlist_len(result) > 0) { row = gwlist_extract_first(result); msgs = strtol(octstr_get_cstr(gwlist_get(row,0)), NULL, 10); gwlist_destroy(row, octstr_destroy_item); } gwlist_destroy(result, NULL); return msgs; }
void wap_map_url(Octstr **osp, Octstr **send_msisdn_query, Octstr **send_msisdn_header, Octstr **send_msisdn_format, int *accept_cookies) { long i; Octstr *newurl, *tmp1, *tmp2; newurl = tmp1 = tmp2 = NULL; *send_msisdn_query = *send_msisdn_header = *send_msisdn_format = NULL; *accept_cookies = -1; debug("wsp",0,"WSP: Mapping url <%s>", octstr_get_cstr(*osp)); for (i = 0; url_map && i < gwlist_len(url_map); i++) { struct url_map_struct *entry; entry = gwlist_get(url_map, i); /* debug("wsp",0,"WSP: matching <%s> with <%s>", octstr_get_cstr(entry->url), octstr_get_cstr(entry->map_url)); */ /* DAVI: I only have '*' terminated entry->url implementation for now */ tmp1 = octstr_duplicate(entry->url); octstr_delete(tmp1, octstr_len(tmp1)-1, 1); /* remove last '*' */ tmp2 = octstr_copy(*osp, 0, octstr_len(tmp1)); debug("wsp",0,"WSP: Matching <%s> with <%s>", octstr_get_cstr(tmp1), octstr_get_cstr(tmp2)); if (octstr_case_compare(tmp2, tmp1) == 0) { /* rewrite url if configured to do so */ if (entry->map_url != NULL) { if (octstr_get_char(entry->map_url, octstr_len(entry->map_url)-1) == '*') { newurl = octstr_duplicate(entry->map_url); octstr_delete(newurl, octstr_len(newurl)-1, 1); octstr_append(newurl, octstr_copy(*osp, octstr_len(entry->url)-1, octstr_len(*osp)-octstr_len(entry->url)+1)); } else { newurl = octstr_duplicate(entry->map_url); } debug("wsp",0,"WSP: URL Rewriten from <%s> to <%s>", octstr_get_cstr(*osp), octstr_get_cstr(newurl)); octstr_destroy(*osp); *osp = newurl; } *accept_cookies = entry->accept_cookies; *send_msisdn_query = octstr_duplicate(entry->send_msisdn_query); *send_msisdn_header = octstr_duplicate(entry->send_msisdn_header); *send_msisdn_format = octstr_duplicate(entry->send_msisdn_format); octstr_destroy(tmp1); octstr_destroy(tmp2); break; } octstr_destroy(tmp1); octstr_destroy(tmp2); } }
int set_cookies(List *headers, WSPMachine *sm) { Cookie *value = NULL; Octstr *cookie = NULL; long pos = 0; if (headers == NULL || sm == NULL) { error (0, "set_cookies: Null argument(s) - no headers, WSPMachine or both"); return -1; } /* Expire cookies that have timed out */ expire_cookies(sm->cookies); /* Walk through the cookie cache, adding the cookie to the request headers */ if (gwlist_len(sm->cookies) > 0) { debug("wap.wsp.http", 0, "set_cookies: Cookies in cache"); for (pos = 0; pos < gwlist_len(sm->cookies); pos++) { value = gwlist_get(sm->cookies, pos); cookie = octstr_create("Cookie: "); if (value->version) octstr_append(cookie, value->version); octstr_append(cookie, value->name); octstr_append_char(cookie, '='); octstr_append(cookie, value->value); if (value->path) { octstr_append_char(cookie, ';'); octstr_append(cookie, value->path); } if (value->domain) { octstr_append_char(cookie, ';'); octstr_append(cookie, value->domain); } gwlist_append(headers, cookie); debug("wap.wsp.http", 0, "set_cookies: Added (%s)", octstr_get_cstr (cookie)); } } else debug("wap.wsp.http", 0, "set_cookies: No cookies in cache"); return 0; }