void draw_grid(int i,int j,int k) //This draws the grid and changes the color the grid according to the player { beginFrame(); Line h1(0,0,600,0),h2(0,100,600,100), // "h" is the horizontal lines and "v" is the vertical lines h3(0,200,600,200),h4(0,300,600,300), h5(0,400,600,400),h6(0,500,600,500), h7(0,600,600,600),h8(0,700,600,700), h9(0,800,600,800); Line v1(0,0,0,800),v2(100,0,100,800), v3(200,0,200,800),v4(300,0,300,800), v5(400,0,400,800),v6(500,0,500,800), v7(600,0,600,800); h1.setColor(COLOR(255*i,255*j,255*k)),h2.setColor(COLOR(255*i,255*j,255*k)), h3.setColor(COLOR(255*i,255*j,255*k)),h4.setColor(COLOR(255*i,255*j,255*k)), h5.setColor(COLOR(255*i,255*j,255*k)),h6.setColor(COLOR(255*i,255*j,255*k)), h7.setColor(COLOR(255*i,255*j,255*k)),h8.setColor(COLOR(255*i,255*j,255*k)), h9.setColor(COLOR(255*i,255*j,255*k)); v1.setColor(COLOR(255*i,255*j,255*k)),v2.setColor(COLOR(255*i,255*j,255*k)), v3.setColor(COLOR(255*i,255*j,255*k)),v4.setColor(COLOR(255*i,255*j,255*k)), v5.setColor(COLOR(255*i,255*j,255*k)),v6.setColor(COLOR(255*i,255*j,255*k)), v7.setColor(COLOR(255*i,255*j,255*k)); h1.imprint(),h2.imprint(), h3.imprint(),h4.imprint(), h5.imprint(),h6.imprint(), h7.imprint(),h8.imprint(),h9.imprint(); v1.imprint(),v2.imprint(), v3.imprint(),v4.imprint(), v5.imprint(),v6.imprint(),v7.imprint(); endFrame(); }
int run_main (int, ACE_TCHAR *[]) { ACE_START_TEST (ACE_TEXT ("Sig_Handlers_Test")); ACE_Sig_Handlers multi_handlers; ACE_Select_Reactor reactor_impl (&multi_handlers); ACE_Reactor reactor (&reactor_impl); ACE_Reactor::instance (&reactor); // Create a bevy of handlers. Test_SIGINT_Handler h1 (ACE_Reactor::instance (), "h1"); Test_SIGINT_Handler h2 (ACE_Reactor::instance (), "h2"); Test_SIGINT_Handler h3 (ACE_Reactor::instance (), "h3"); Test_SIGINT_Handler h4 (ACE_Reactor::instance (), "h4"); Test_SIGINT_Handler h5 (ACE_Reactor::instance (), "h5"); Test_SIGINT_Handler h6 (ACE_Reactor::instance (), "h6"); Test_SIGINT_Handler h7 (ACE_Reactor::instance (), "h7"); Test_SIGINT_Handler h8 (ACE_Reactor::instance (), "h8"); Test_SIGINT_Shutdown_Handler h0 (ACE_Reactor::instance ()); // Wait for user to type SIGINT. while (!ACE_Reactor::instance ()->reactor_event_loop_done ()) { ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG,"\nwaiting for SIGINT\n")); if (ACE_Reactor::instance ()->handle_events () == -1) ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR,"%p\n","handle_events")); } ACE_END_TEST; return 0; }
Calendar* Hebrew::update_from_fixed (double date, Calendar* c) { double approx = floor (98496.0f/35975351.0f * (date - rep_.d_epoch ())) + 1.0f; double y = approx - 1.0f; double mx = y; while (new_year (y) <= date) { y += 1.0f; if (y > mx) mx = y; } double year = mx; Hebrew h1 (year, NISAN, 1); Month start = date < h1.to_fixed_date () ? TISHRI : NISAN; double m = static_cast<double> (start); double mn = m; while (true) { Hebrew h2 (year, m, last_day_of_month (static_cast<Month> (m), year)); bool b = (date <= h2.to_fixed_date()); if (m < mn) mn = m; if (b) break; m += 1.0f; } double month = mn; Hebrew h3 (year, month, 1); double day = 1 + date - h3.to_fixed_date (); Hebrew* ret = dynamic_cast<Hebrew*> (c); ret->rep_ = ThreePartRepresentation (rep_.d_epoch (), year, month, day); return c; }
int main() { decltype(auto) i = f(); same_type<decltype(i),int&>(); decltype(auto) i2 = i; same_type<decltype(i2),int&>(); decltype(auto) i3 = ::i; same_type<decltype(i3),int>(); decltype(auto) i4 = (::i); same_type<decltype(i4),int&>(); decltype(auto) i5 = a.i; same_type<decltype(i5),int>(); decltype(auto) i6 = (a.i); same_type<decltype(i6),int&>(); decltype(auto) i7 = true ? ::i : ::i; same_type<decltype(i7),int&>(); same_type<decltype(g()),int&>(); same_type<decltype(h1()),int>(); same_type<decltype(h2()),int&>(); same_type<decltype(h2a()),int&>(); same_type<decltype(h3()),int>(); same_type<decltype(h4()),int&>(); same_type<decltype(h5(a)),int>(); same_type<decltype(h6(a)),int&>(); }
ST Hermite(ST m0, ST y0, ST y1, ST m1, FT t) { return m0 * h3(t) + y0 * h1(t) + y1 * h2(t) + m1 * h4(t); }
void convertHFShowerLibrary() { TFile *nF=new TFile("david.root","RECREATE","hiThere",1); TTree *nT=new TTree("HFSimHits","HF simple tree"); std::vector<float> *parts=new std::vector<float>(); std::vector<float> *partsHad=new std::vector<float>(); nT->Branch("emParticles", &parts); nT->GetBranch("emParticles")->SetBasketSize(1); nT->Branch("hadParticles", &partsHad); nT->GetBranch("hadParticles")->SetBasketSize(1); TDirectory *target=gDirectory; TFile *oF=TFile::Open("HFShowerLibrary_npmt_noatt_eta4_16en_v3_orig.root"); TTree *t=(TTree*)oF->Get("HFSimHits"); TTreeReader fReader(t); TTreeReaderArray<Float_t> b1(fReader, "emParticles.position_.fCoordinates.fX"); TTreeReaderArray<Float_t> b2(fReader, "emParticles.position_.fCoordinates.fY"); TTreeReaderArray<Float_t> b3(fReader, "emParticles.position_.fCoordinates.fZ"); TTreeReaderArray<Float_t> b4(fReader, "emParticles.lambda_"); TTreeReaderArray<Float_t> b5(fReader, "emParticles.time_"); TTreeReaderArray<Float_t> h1(fReader, "hadParticles.position_.fCoordinates.fX"); TTreeReaderArray<Float_t> h2(fReader, "hadParticles.position_.fCoordinates.fY"); TTreeReaderArray<Float_t> h3(fReader, "hadParticles.position_.fCoordinates.fZ"); TTreeReaderArray<Float_t> h4(fReader, "hadParticles.lambda_"); TTreeReaderArray<Float_t> h5(fReader, "hadParticles.time_"); target->cd(); while ( fReader.Next() ) { parts->clear(); unsigned int s=b1.GetSize(); parts->resize(5*s); for ( unsigned int i=0; i<b1.GetSize(); i++) { (*parts)[i]=(b1[i]); (*parts)[i+1*s]=(b2[i]); (*parts)[i+2*s]=(b3[i]); (*parts)[i+3*s]=(b4[i]); (*parts)[i+4*s]=(b5[i]); } partsHad->clear(); s=h1.GetSize(); partsHad->resize(5*s); for ( unsigned int i=0; i<h1.GetSize(); i++) { (*partsHad)[i]=(h1[i]); (*partsHad)[i+1*s]=(h2[i]); (*partsHad)[i+2*s]=(h3[i]); (*partsHad)[i+3*s]=(h4[i]); (*partsHad)[i+4*s]=(h5[i]); } nT->Fill(); } nT->Write(); nF->Close(); }
// check wait in new thread void test_case_1() { boost::uint32_t n = 3; tsk::spin::manual_reset_event ev; tsk::handle< boost::uint32_t > h1( tsk::async( tsk::make_task( wait_fn, n, boost::ref( ev) ), tsk::new_thread() ) ); tsk::handle< boost::uint32_t > h2( tsk::async( tsk::make_task( wait_fn, n, boost::ref( ev) ), tsk::new_thread() ) ); boost::this_thread::sleep( pt::millisec( 250) ); BOOST_CHECK( ! h1.is_ready() ); BOOST_CHECK( ! h2.is_ready() ); ev.set(); boost::this_thread::sleep( pt::millisec( 250) ); BOOST_CHECK( h1.is_ready() ); BOOST_CHECK( h2.is_ready() ); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( h1.get(), n); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( h2.get(), n); ev.reset(); tsk::handle< boost::uint32_t > h3( tsk::async( tsk::make_task( wait_fn, n, boost::ref( ev) ), tsk::new_thread() ) ); tsk::handle< boost::uint32_t > h4( tsk::async( tsk::make_task( wait_fn, n, boost::ref( ev) ), tsk::new_thread() ) ); boost::this_thread::sleep( pt::millisec( 250) ); BOOST_CHECK( ! h3.is_ready() ); BOOST_CHECK( ! h4.is_ready() ); ev.set(); boost::this_thread::sleep( pt::millisec( 250) ); BOOST_CHECK( h3.is_ready() ); BOOST_CHECK( h4.is_ready() ); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( h3.get(), n); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( h4.get(), n); }
static void ex1() { unsynch_mpq_manager qm; polynomial::manager pm(qm); polynomial_ref x(pm); polynomial_ref a(pm); polynomial_ref b(pm); polynomial_ref c(pm); x = pm.mk_polynomial(pm.mk_var()); a = pm.mk_polynomial(pm.mk_var()); b = pm.mk_polynomial(pm.mk_var()); c = pm.mk_polynomial(pm.mk_var()); polynomial_ref p(pm); p = (a + 2*b)*(x^3) + x*a + (b^2); polynomial_ref p1(pm); p1 = derivative(p, 0); polynomial_ref h2(pm); unsigned d; h2 = pseudo_remainder(p, p1, 0, d); std::cout << "d: " << d << "\n"; std::cout << "p: "; pp(p, 0); std::cout << "\np': "; pp(p1, 0); std::cout << "\nh2: "; pp(h2, 0); std::cout << "\n"; polynomial_ref h3(pm); h3 = pseudo_remainder(p1, h2, 0, d); std::cout << "d: " << d << "\n"; std::cout << "h3: "; pp(h3, 0); std::cout << "\n"; algebraic_numbers::manager am(qm); scoped_anum v1(am), v2(am); am.set(v1, 2); am.root(v1, 3, v1); am.set(v2, 3); am.root(v2, 3, v2); polynomial::simple_var2value<anum_manager> x2v(am); x2v.push_back(1, v1); x2v.push_back(2, v2); std::cout << "sign(h3(v1,v2)): " << am.eval_sign_at(h3, x2v) << "\n"; scoped_anum v0(am); am.set(v0, -1); x2v.push_back(0, v0); std::cout << "sign(h2(v1,v2)): " << am.eval_sign_at(h2, x2v) << "\n"; std::cout << "sign(p'(v1,v2)): " << am.eval_sign_at(p1, x2v) << "\n"; std::cout << "sign(p(v1,v2)): " << am.eval_sign_at(p, x2v) << "\n"; polynomial::simple_var2value<anum_manager> x2v2(am); x2v2.push_back(1, v1); x2v2.push_back(2, v2); scoped_mpq tmp(qm); qm.set(tmp, -1); qm.div(tmp, mpz(2), tmp); std::cout << "tmp: "; qm.display(std::cout, tmp); std::cout << " "; qm.display_decimal(std::cout, tmp, 10); std::cout << "\n"; am.set(v0, tmp); x2v2.push_back(0, v0); std::cout << "v0: " << v0 << "\n"; std::cout << "sign(h2(v1,v2)): " << am.eval_sign_at(h2, x2v2) << "\n"; std::cout << "sign(p'(v1,v2)): " << am.eval_sign_at(p1, x2v2) << "\n"; std::cout << "sign(p(v1,v2)): " << am.eval_sign_at(p, x2v2) << "\n"; }
TEST_F(HalfTest, Vec) { float4 f4(1,2,3,4); half4 h4(f4); half3 h3(f4.xyz); half2 h2(f4.xy); EXPECT_EQ(f4, h4); EXPECT_EQ(f4.xyz, h3); EXPECT_EQ(f4.xy, h2); }
int main() { int counts[10] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; unsigned samples[8] = {333, 632, 1090, 459, 238, 1982, 3411, 379}; int i; for ( i = 0; i < 8; ++i ) counts[h2(samples[i], 11)-1]++; report("Samples with h2", counts); for ( i = 0; i < 992; ++i ) counts[h2(3412+i, 11)-1]++; report("Adding 3412-4403", counts); for ( i = 0; i < 10; ++i ) counts[i] = 0; for ( i = 0; i < 8; ++i ) counts[h3(samples[i], 11)-1]++; report("Samples with h3", counts); for ( i = 0; i < 992; ++i ) counts[h3(3412+i, 11)-1]++; report("Adding 3412-4403", counts); }
mini_pow mini_pow_hash( const fc::sha512& h1 ) { auto h2 = fc::sha512::hash( (char*)&h1, sizeof(h1) ); mini_pow p; fc::bigint h3( (char*)&h2, sizeof(h2) ); int64_t lz = 512 - h3.log2(); h3 <<= lz; std::vector<char> bige = h3; bige[0] = 255-lz; memcpy( p.data, bige.data(), sizeof(p) ); return p; }
int ACE_TMAIN (int argc, ACE_TCHAR *[]) { // If argc > 1 then allow multiple handlers per-signal, else just // allow 1 handler per-signal. ACE_Sig_Handlers multi_handlers; #if defined (ACE_WIN32) ACE_WFMO_Reactor reactor_impl (argc > 1 ? &multi_handlers : (ACE_Sig_Handler *) 0); #else ACE_Select_Reactor reactor_impl (argc > 1 ? &multi_handlers : (ACE_Sig_Handler *) 0); #endif /* ACE_WIN32 */ ACE_Reactor reactor (&reactor_impl); if (argc > 1) { // Register an "external" signal handler so that the // ACE_Sig_Handlers code will have something to incorporate! ACE_SignalHandler eh = (ACE_SignalHandler) external_handler; ACE_Sig_Action sa (eh); sa.register_action (SIGINT); } // Create a bevy of handlers. Sig_Handler_1 h1 (reactor, "howdy"); Sig_Handler_1 h2 (reactor, "doody"); Sig_Handler_2 h3 (reactor, "tutty"); Sig_Handler_2 h4 (reactor, "fruity"); // Wait for user to type SIGINT and SIGQUIT. for (;;) { ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "\nwaiting for SIGINT or SIGQUIT\n")); if (reactor.handle_events () == -1) ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n", "handle_events")); } ACE_NOTREACHED (return 0); }
/** * Decrypt a single block of data. */ void skipjack_decrypt(byte tab[10][256], byte in[8], byte out[8]) { word32 w1, w2, w3, w4; w1 = (in[0] << 8) + in[1]; w2 = (in[2] << 8) + in[3]; w3 = (in[4] << 8) + in[5]; w4 = (in[6] << 8) + in[7]; /* stepping rule A: */ h1(tab, w2); w3 ^= w2 ^ 32; h0(tab, w3); w4 ^= w3 ^ 31; h4(tab, w4); w1 ^= w4 ^ 30; h3(tab, w1); w2 ^= w1 ^ 29; h2(tab, w2); w3 ^= w2 ^ 28; h1(tab, w3); w4 ^= w3 ^ 27; h0(tab, w4); w1 ^= w4 ^ 26; h4(tab, w1); w2 ^= w1 ^ 25; /* stepping rule B: */ w1 ^= w2 ^ 24; h3(tab, w2); w2 ^= w3 ^ 23; h2(tab, w3); w3 ^= w4 ^ 22; h1(tab, w4); w4 ^= w1 ^ 21; h0(tab, w1); w1 ^= w2 ^ 20; h4(tab, w2); w2 ^= w3 ^ 19; h3(tab, w3); w3 ^= w4 ^ 18; h2(tab, w4); w4 ^= w1 ^ 17; h1(tab, w1); /* stepping rule A: */ h0(tab, w2); w3 ^= w2 ^ 16; h4(tab, w3); w4 ^= w3 ^ 15; h3(tab, w4); w1 ^= w4 ^ 14; h2(tab, w1); w2 ^= w1 ^ 13; h1(tab, w2); w3 ^= w2 ^ 12; h0(tab, w3); w4 ^= w3 ^ 11; h4(tab, w4); w1 ^= w4 ^ 10; h3(tab, w1); w2 ^= w1 ^ 9; /* stepping rule B: */ w1 ^= w2 ^ 8; h2(tab, w2); w2 ^= w3 ^ 7; h1(tab, w3); w3 ^= w4 ^ 6; h0(tab, w4); w4 ^= w1 ^ 5; h4(tab, w1); w1 ^= w2 ^ 4; h3(tab, w2); w2 ^= w3 ^ 3; h2(tab, w3); w3 ^= w4 ^ 2; h1(tab, w4); w4 ^= w1 ^ 1; h0(tab, w1); out[0] = (byte)(w1 >> 8); out[1] = (byte)w1; out[2] = (byte)(w2 >> 8); out[3] = (byte)w2; out[4] = (byte)(w3 >> 8); out[5] = (byte)w3; out[6] = (byte)(w4 >> 8); out[7] = (byte)w4; }
int main() { Sac<int> s; Sac<Horloge> b1(4); s+= 4; s+= 6; s+= 9; s+= 8; IterateurSac<int> it(s); int somme; cout << "Itérateur de sac avec un sac de int" << endl; for(somme=0; !it; ++it){ somme += *it; cout << "Élément: " << *it << endl; } cout << "la somme de tous les éléments est: " << somme << endl << endl; Horloge h1(16,2,4,0); Horloge h2(5,22,56,0); Horloge h3(7,15,8,0); Horloge h4(19,7,14,0); Horloge h5(55,9,5,0); Horloge h6(1,21,22,0); b1+= h1; b1+= h2; b1+= h3; b1+= h4; b1+= h5; b1+= h6; cout << "Itérateur de sac avec un sac d'horloge" << endl; IterateurSac<Horloge> it2(b1); for(; !it2; ++it2){ cout << "Horloge: " << *it2 << endl; } system("PAUSE"); return 0; }
void testHeaders() { bh h1; expect(h1.empty()); fill(1, h1); expect(h1.size() == 1); bh h2; h2 = h1; expect(h2.size() == 1); h2.insert("2", "2"); expect(std::distance(h2.begin(), h2.end()) == 2); h1 = std::move(h2); expect(h1.size() == 2); expect(h2.size() == 0); bh h3(std::move(h1)); expect(h3.size() == 2); expect(h1.size() == 0); }
int main( int argc, char *argv[]) { try { tsk::static_pool< tsk::unbounded_prio_queue< int > > pool( tsk::poolsize( 3) ); tsk::task< int > t1( fibonacci_fn, 10); tsk::task< int > t2( fibonacci_fn, 10); tsk::task< int > t3( fibonacci_fn, 10); tsk::task< int > t4( fibonacci_fn, 10); tsk::handle< int > h1( tsk::async( boost::move( t1) ) ); tsk::handle< int > h2( tsk::async( boost::move( t2), tsk::new_thread() ) ); tsk::handle< int > h3( tsk::async( boost::move( t3), 2, pool) ); tsk::handle< int > h4( tsk::async( boost::move( t4), 2, pool) ); std::cout << h1.get() << std::endl; std::cout << h2.get() << std::endl; std::cout << h3.get() << std::endl; std::cout << h4.get() << std::endl; return EXIT_SUCCESS; } catch ( std::exception const& e) { std::cerr << "exception: " << e.what() << std::endl; } catch ( ... ) { std::cerr << "unhandled" << std::endl; } return EXIT_FAILURE; }
ListNode *sortList(ListNode *head) { if (head == NULL) return NULL; int val = head->val; ListNode h1(0), h2(0), h3(0), *t1 = &h1, *t2 = &h2, *t3 = &h3; for (auto p = head; p; p = p->next){ if (p->val == val){ t2 = t2->next = p; }else if (p->val < val){ t1 = t1->next = p; }else{ t3 = t3->next = p; } } t1->next = t2->next = t3->next = NULL; h1.next = sortList(h1.next); for (t1 = &h1; t1->next; t1 = t1->next); t1->next = h2.next; t2->next = sortList(h3.next); return h1.next; }
void main(j) { if (j & 1) { f1(); } if (j & 2) { f2(); } if (j & 3) { f3(); } if (j & 4) { f4(); } if (j & 5) { g1(); } if (j & 6) { g2(); } if (j & 7) { g3(); } if (j & 8) { h1(); } if (j & 9) { h2(); } if (j & 10) { h3(); } if (j & 11) { h4(); } if (j & 12) { int v; k(&v); } }
/** * Decrypt a single block of data. */ void SKIPJACK::Dec::ProcessAndXorBlock(const byte *inBlock, const byte *xorBlock, byte *outBlock) const { word w1, w2, w3, w4; Block::Get(inBlock)(w4)(w3)(w2)(w1); /* stepping rule A: */ h1(tab, w2); w3 ^= w2 ^ 32; h0(tab, w3); w4 ^= w3 ^ 31; h4(tab, w4); w1 ^= w4 ^ 30; h3(tab, w1); w2 ^= w1 ^ 29; h2(tab, w2); w3 ^= w2 ^ 28; h1(tab, w3); w4 ^= w3 ^ 27; h0(tab, w4); w1 ^= w4 ^ 26; h4(tab, w1); w2 ^= w1 ^ 25; /* stepping rule B: */ w1 ^= w2 ^ 24; h3(tab, w2); w2 ^= w3 ^ 23; h2(tab, w3); w3 ^= w4 ^ 22; h1(tab, w4); w4 ^= w1 ^ 21; h0(tab, w1); w1 ^= w2 ^ 20; h4(tab, w2); w2 ^= w3 ^ 19; h3(tab, w3); w3 ^= w4 ^ 18; h2(tab, w4); w4 ^= w1 ^ 17; h1(tab, w1); /* stepping rule A: */ h0(tab, w2); w3 ^= w2 ^ 16; h4(tab, w3); w4 ^= w3 ^ 15; h3(tab, w4); w1 ^= w4 ^ 14; h2(tab, w1); w2 ^= w1 ^ 13; h1(tab, w2); w3 ^= w2 ^ 12; h0(tab, w3); w4 ^= w3 ^ 11; h4(tab, w4); w1 ^= w4 ^ 10; h3(tab, w1); w2 ^= w1 ^ 9; /* stepping rule B: */ w1 ^= w2 ^ 8; h2(tab, w2); w2 ^= w3 ^ 7; h1(tab, w3); w3 ^= w4 ^ 6; h0(tab, w4); w4 ^= w1 ^ 5; h4(tab, w1); w1 ^= w2 ^ 4; h3(tab, w2); w2 ^= w3 ^ 3; h2(tab, w3); w3 ^= w4 ^ 2; h1(tab, w4); w4 ^= w1 ^ 1; h0(tab, w1); Block::Put(xorBlock, outBlock)(w4)(w3)(w2)(w1); }
void calcH(tNodeQueue *p, tNodeQueue *m, int heuristica) { m->elem->p = p->elem; switch (heuristica) { case 1: m->elem->h = h1(m->elem->matrix); break; case 2: m->elem->h = h2(m->elem->matrix); break; case 3: m->elem->h = h3(m->elem->matrix); break; case 4: m->elem->h = h4(m->elem->matrix, p1, p2, p3); break; case 5: m->elem->h = h5(m->elem->matrix); break; } m->elem->f = m->elem->h + m->elem->g; }
void test_constructor () { // test constructors typedef CoolSharedVector<int> SharedVec; CoolHandle< SharedVec > h0; // CoolHandle< CoolSharedVector<int> > h0; TEST ("Handle h0", ptr(h0), NULL); // empty handle CoolSharedVector<int>* v0 = new CoolSharedVector<int>(); TEST ("Type* ptr", v0->reference_count(), 0); // count initially 0 CoolHandle<CoolSharedVector<int> > h1(v0); // construct from ptr TEST ("Handle h1(Type*)", h1->reference_count(), 1); { CoolHandle<CoolSharedVector<int> > h2(*v0); // construct from obj TEST ("Handle h2(Type&)", v0->reference_count(), 2); { CoolHandle<CoolSharedVector<int> > h3(h1); // copy constructor TEST ("Handle h3(Handle&)", v0->reference_count(), 3); } TEST ("~Handle", v0->reference_count(), 2); } TEST ("~Handle", v0->reference_count(), 1); }
void main(){ // handle Handle h; assert(!h.isFinished()); //assert(h.getReply<int>() == NULL); // task MyTaskScheduler scheduler(5); Handle h1; h1 = scheduler.RunAsynTask(MyDouble, 10, NULL, "MyDouble"); Handle h2 = scheduler.RunAsynTask(MyTriple, 10, &h1, "MyTriple"); Handle h4 = scheduler.RunAsynTask(MyTriple, 20, NULL, "MyTriple2"); assert(60==*h4.getReply<int>()); int *pRpy2 = h2.getReply<int>(); assert(*pRpy2 == 30); assert(h1.isFinished()); int *pRpy1 = h1.getReply<int>(); assert(*pRpy1 == 20); Handle h3(h2); assert(*h3.getReply<int>() == 30); //int a; //assert(typeid(int*) == typeid((void*)&a)); }
void jecplots(){ gROOT->SetStyle("Plain"); gStyle->SetPalette(1); gStyle->SetOptStat(1111111); // Show overflow, underflow + SumOfWeights gStyle->SetOptFit(111110); gStyle->SetOptFile(1); gStyle->SetMarkerStyle(20); gStyle->SetMarkerSize(.3); gStyle->SetMarkerColor(1); TCanvas* c0 = new TCanvas("c0"," ",200,10,500,500); c0->Clear(); TFile g("/tmp/delre/vbf.root"); TFile g1("/tmp/delre/vbf1.root"); TFile g2("/tmp/delre/vbf2.root"); TFile g3("/tmp/delre/vbf3.root"); TFile g4("/tmp/delre/vbf4.root"); TFile h("/tmp/delre/vh.root"); TFile h1("/tmp/delre/vh1.root"); TFile h2("/tmp/delre/vh2.root"); TFile h3("/tmp/delre/vh3.root"); TFile h4("/tmp/delre/vh4.root"); g.cd(); JECresovbf->SetTitle(""); JECresovbf->SetStats(0); JECresovbf->SetXTitle("(p_{T}^{meas}-p_{T}^{gen}))/p_{T}^{gen}"); JECresovbf->Draw(); g1.cd(); JECresovbf->SetLineColor(kRed); JECresovbf->Draw("same"); g2.cd(); JECresovbf->SetLineColor(kBlue); JECresovbf->Draw("same"); c0->SaveAs("JECsyst_vbf.png"); h.cd(); JECresovh->SetTitle(""); JECresovh->SetStats(0); JECresovh->SetXTitle("(p_{T}^{meas}-p_{T}^{gen}))/p_{T}^{gen}"); JECresovh->Draw(); h1.cd(); JECresovh->SetLineColor(kRed); JECresovh->Draw("same"); h2.cd(); JECresovh->SetLineColor(kBlue); JECresovh->Draw("same"); c0->SaveAs("JECsyst_vh.png"); g4.cd(); JECresovbf->SetLineColor(kRed); JECresovbf->SetTitle(""); JECresovbf->SetStats(0); JECresovbf->SetXTitle("(p_{T}^{meas}-p_{T}^{gen}))/p_{T}^{gen}"); JECresovbf->Draw(); g.cd(); JECresovbf->Draw("same"); g3.cd(); JECresovbf->SetLineColor(kBlue); JECresovbf->Draw("same"); c0->SaveAs("JERsyst_vbf.png"); h4.cd(); JECresovh->SetTitle(""); JECresovh->SetLineColor(kRed); JECresovh->SetStats(0); JECresovh->SetXTitle("(p_{T}^{meas}-p_{T}^{gen}))/p_{T}^{gen}"); JECresovh->Draw(); h.cd(); JECresovh->Draw("same"); h3.cd(); JECresovh->SetLineColor(kBlue); JECresovh->Draw("same"); c0->SaveAs("JERsyst_vh.png"); }
void test01() { { String on1; on1 = "//atp:77/root/cimv25:" "TennisPlayer.last=\"Rafter\",first=\"Patrick\""; String on2; on2 = "//atp:77/root/cimv25:" "TennisPlayer.first=\"Patrick\",last=\"Rafter\""; CIMObjectPath r = on1; PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(r.toString() != on1); PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(r.toString() == on2); CIMObjectPath r2 = r; CIMObjectPath r3 = CIMObjectPath ("//atp:77/root/cimv25:" "TennisPlayer.first=\"Chris\",last=\"Evert\""); if (verbose) { XmlWriter::printValueReferenceElement(r, false); cout << r.toString() << endl; } Buffer mofOut; MofWriter::appendValueReferenceElement(mofOut, r); r.clear(); } { CIMObjectPath r1 = CIMObjectPath ("MyClass.z=true,y=1234,x=\"Hello World\""); CIMObjectPath r2 = CIMObjectPath ("myclass.X=\"Hello World\",Z=true,Y=1234"); CIMObjectPath r3 = CIMObjectPath ("myclass.X=\"Hello\",Z=true,Y=1234"); // cout << r1.toString() << endl; // cout << r2.toString() << endl; PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(r1 == r2); PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(r1 != r3); } // Test case independence and order independence of parameters. { CIMObjectPath r1 = CIMObjectPath ("X.a=123,b=true"); CIMObjectPath r2 = CIMObjectPath ("x.B=TRUE,A=123"); PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(r1 == r2); PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(r1.makeHashCode() == r2.makeHashCode()); CIMObjectPath r3 = CIMObjectPath ("x.B=TRUE,A=123,c=FALSE"); PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(r1 != r3); String keyValue; Array<CIMKeyBinding> kbArray; { Boolean found = false; kbArray = r3.getKeyBindings(); for (Uint32 i = 0; i < kbArray.size(); i++) { if (verbose) { cout << "keyName= " << kbArray[i].getName().getString() << " Value= " << kbArray[i].getValue() << endl; } if ( kbArray[i].getName() == CIMName ("B") ) { keyValue = kbArray[i].getValue(); if(keyValue == "TRUE") found = true; } } if(!found) { cerr << "Key Binding Test error " << endl; exit(1); } //ATTN: KS 12 May 2002 P3 DEFER - keybinding manipulation. too // simplistic. // This code demonstrates that it is not easy to manipulate and // test keybindings. Needs better tool both in CIMObjectPath and // separate. } } // Test building from component parts of CIM Reference. { CIMObjectPath r1 ("atp:77", CIMNamespaceName ("root/cimv25"), CIMName ("TennisPlayer")); CIMObjectPath r2 ("//atp:77/root/cimv25:TennisPlayer."); //cout << "r1 " << r1.toString() << endl; //cout << "r2 " << r2.toString() << endl; PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(r1 == r2); PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(r1.toString() == r2.toString()); } { String hostName = "atp:77"; String nameSpace = "root/cimv2"; String className = "tennisplayer"; CIMObjectPath r1; r1.setHost(hostName); r1.setNameSpace(nameSpace); r1.setClassName(className); PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(r1.getClassName().equal(CIMName ("TENNISPLAYER"))); PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(!r1.getClassName().equal(CIMName ("blob"))); String newHostName = r1.getHost(); //cout << "HostName = " << newHostName << endl; CIMObjectPath r2 (hostName, nameSpace, className); PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(r1 == r2); } // Test cases for the Hostname. CIMObjectPaths allows the // host to include the domain. Eg. xyz.company.com // First, try a good hostname CIMObjectPath h0("//usoPen-9.ustA-1-a.org:77/root/cimv25:" "TennisPlayer.first=\"Chris\",last=\"Evert\""); CIMObjectPath h1("//usoPen-9:77/root/cimv25:" "TennisPlayer.first=\"Chris\",last=\"Evert\""); CIMObjectPath h2("//usoPen-9/root/cimv25:" "TennisPlayer.first=\"Chris\",last=\"Evert\""); CIMObjectPath h3("//usoPen-9.ustA-1-a.org:0/root/cimv25:" "TennisPlayer.first=\"Chris\",last=\"Evert\""); CIMObjectPath h4("//usoPen-9.ustA-1-a.org:9876/root/cimv25:" "TennisPlayer.first=\"Chris\",last=\"Evert\""); CIMObjectPath h5("//usoPen-9.ustA-1-a.org:65535/root/cimv25:" "TennisPlayer.first=\"Chris\",last=\"Evert\""); CIMObjectPath h6("//usopen-9.usta-1-a.1org:77/root/cimv25:" "TennisPlayer.first=\"Chris\",last=\"Evert\""); CIMObjectPath h7("//192.168.1.com:77/root/cimv25:" "TennisPlayer.first=\"Chris\",last=\"Evert\""); CIMObjectPath h8("//192.168.0.org/root/cimv25:" "TennisPlayer.first=\"Chris\",last=\"Evert\""); CIMObjectPath h9("//" "TennisPlayer.first=\"Chris\",last=\"Evert\""); CIMObjectPath h10("//" "TennisPlayer.first=\"Chris\",last=\"Evert\""); CIMObjectPath h11("//" "TennisPlayer.first=\"Chris\",last=\"Evert\""); CIMObjectPath h12("//" "TennisPlayer.first=\"Chris\",last=\"Evert\""); CIMObjectPath h13("//" "TennisPlayer.first=\"Chris\",last=\"Evert\""); CIMObjectPath h14("//" "TennisPlayer.first=\"Chris\",last=\"Evert\""); CIMObjectPath h15("//localhost/root/cimv25:" "TennisPlayer.first=\"Chris\",last=\"Evert\""); CIMObjectPath h16("//ou812/root/cimv25:" "TennisPlayer.first=\"Chris\",last=\"Evert\""); CIMObjectPath h17("//u812/root/cimv25:" "TennisPlayer.first=\"Chris\",last=\"Evert\""); // Hostname with '_' character support checks, see bug#2556. CIMObjectPath h18("//_atp:9999/_root/_cimv25:_TennisPlayer"); CIMObjectPath h19("//a_tp/_root/_cimv25:_TennisPlayer"); CIMObjectPath h20("//atp_:9999/_root/_cimv25:_TennisPlayer"); CIMObjectPath h21("//atp_-9:9999/_root/_cimv25:_TennisPlayer"); CIMObjectPath h22( "//_a_t_p_-9.ustA-1-a.org:9999/_root/_cimv25:_TennisPlayer"); CIMObjectPath h23("//_/root/cimv25:_TennisPlayer"); CIMObjectPath h24("//_______/root/cimv25:_TennisPlayer"); // try IPAddress as hostname which should be good CIMObjectPath h_ip0("//" "TennisPlayer.first=\"Chris\",last=\"Evert\""); CIMObjectPath h_ip1("//" "TennisPlayer.first=\"Chris\",last=\"Evert\""); // Try IPv6 Addresses. CIMObjectPath ip6_1("//[::1]:77/root/cimv25:" "TennisPlayer.first=\"Chris\",last=\"Evert\""); CIMObjectPath ip6_2("//[::ffff:]:77/root/cimv25:" "TennisPlayer.first=\"Chris\",last=\"Evert\""); CIMObjectPath ip6_3("//[fffe:233:321:234d:e45:fad4:78:12]:77/root/cimv25:" "TennisPlayer.first=\"Chris\",last=\"Evert\""); CIMObjectPath ip6_4("//[fffe::]:77/root/cimv25:" "TennisPlayer.first=\"Chris\",last=\"Evert\""); Boolean errorDetected = false; // Invalid IPV6 Addresses try { // IPv6 addresses must be enclosed in brackets CIMObjectPath ip6_mb("//fffe::12ef:127/root/cimv25:" "TennisPlayer.first=\"Chris\",last=\"Evert\""); } catch (const Exception&) { errorDetected = true; } PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(errorDetected); errorDetected = false; try { // IPv6 address invalid CIMObjectPath ip6_invalid("//[fffe::sd:77]/root/cimv25:" "TennisPlayer.first=\"Chris\",last=\"Evert\""); } catch (const Exception&) { errorDetected = true; } PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(errorDetected); errorDetected = false; try { //Port number out of range. CIMObjectPath h_Port("//usoPen-9.ustA-1-a.org:9876543210/root/cimv25:" "TennisPlayer.first=\"Chris\",last=\"Evert\""); } catch (const Exception&) { errorDetected = true; } PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(errorDetected); errorDetected = false; try { //Port number out of range. CIMObjectPath h_Port("//usoPen-9.ustA-1-a.org:65536/root/cimv25:" "TennisPlayer.first=\"Chris\",last=\"Evert\""); } catch (const Exception&) { errorDetected = true; } PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(errorDetected); errorDetected = false; try { //Port number out of range. CIMObjectPath h_Port("//usoPen-9.ustA-1-a.org:100000/root/cimv25:" "TennisPlayer.first=\"Chris\",last=\"Evert\""); } catch (const Exception&) { errorDetected = true; } PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(errorDetected); errorDetected = false; try { //more than three digits in an octect CIMObjectPath h_ErrIp0("//192.1600008.1.80:77/root/cimv25:" "TennisPlayer.first=\"Chris\",last=\"Evert\""); } catch (const Exception&) { errorDetected = true; } PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(errorDetected); errorDetected = false; try { // Octet out of range CIMObjectPath op("//" "TennisPlayer.first=\"Chris\",last=\"Evert\""); } catch (const Exception&) { errorDetected = true; } PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(errorDetected); errorDetected = false; try { // Missing port is okay, needs be ignored CIMObjectPath op("//" "TennisPlayer.first=\"Chris\",last=\"Evert\""); } catch (const Exception&) { errorDetected = true; } PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(!errorDetected); errorDetected = false; try { // Too many octets CIMObjectPath op("//" "TennisPlayer.first=\"Chris\",last=\"Evert\""); } catch (const Exception&) { errorDetected = true; } PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(errorDetected); errorDetected = false; try { // Too few octets CIMObjectPath op("//192.168.80:77/root/cimv25:" "TennisPlayer.first=\"Chris\",last=\"Evert\""); } catch (const Exception&) { errorDetected = true; } PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(errorDetected); errorDetected = false; try { // Missing port is okay, needs be ignored CIMObjectPath op("//usopen-9.usta-1-a.org:/root/cimv25:" "TennisPlayer.first=\"Chris\",last=\"Evert\""); } catch (Exception&) { errorDetected = true; } PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(!errorDetected); errorDetected = false; try { // Hostname (IP) without trailing '/' (with port) CIMObjectPath op("//"); } catch (const Exception&) { errorDetected = true; } PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(errorDetected); errorDetected = false; try { // Hostname (IP) without trailing '/' (without port) CIMObjectPath op("//"); } catch (const Exception&) { errorDetected = true; } PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(errorDetected); errorDetected = false; try { // Hostname without trailing '/' (with port) CIMObjectPath op("//usopen-9.usta-1-a.org:77"); } catch (const Exception&) { errorDetected = true; } PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(errorDetected); errorDetected = false; try { // Hostname without trailing '/' (without port) CIMObjectPath op("//usopen-9.usta-1-a.org"); } catch (const Exception&) { errorDetected = true; } PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(errorDetected); errorDetected = false; try { // Invalid first character CIMObjectPath op("//+usopen-9.usta-1-a.1org:77/root/cimv25:" "TennisPlayer.first=\"Chris\",last=\"Evert\""); } catch (Exception&) { errorDetected = true; } PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(errorDetected); errorDetected = false; try { // Non-alphanum char (?) CIMObjectPath op("//usopen-9.usta?-1-a.org:77/root/cimv25:" "TennisPlayer.first=\"Chris\",last=\"Evert\""); } catch (Exception&) { errorDetected = true; } PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(errorDetected); errorDetected = false; try { // Leading dot CIMObjectPath op("//.usopen-9.usta-1-a.org:77/root/cimv25:" "TennisPlayer.first=\"Chris\",last=\"Evert\""); } catch (Exception&) { errorDetected = true; } PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(errorDetected); errorDetected = false; try { // Dot in the wrong spot (before a -) CIMObjectPath op("//usopen.-9.usta-1-a.org:77/root/cimv25:" "TennisPlayer.first=\"Chris\",last=\"Evert\""); } catch (Exception&) { errorDetected = true; } PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(errorDetected); errorDetected = false; try { // Two dots in a row CIMObjectPath op("//usopen-9.usta-1-a..org:77/root/cimv25:" "TennisPlayer.first=\"Chris\",last=\"Evert\""); } catch (Exception&) { errorDetected = true; } PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(errorDetected); errorDetected = false; try { // Trailing dot CIMObjectPath op("//usopen-9.usta-1-a.org.:77/root/cimv25:" "TennisPlayer.first=\"Chris\",last=\"Evert\""); } catch (Exception&) { errorDetected = true; } PEGASUS_TEST_ASSERT(errorDetected); }
void p_dist_look(Int_t mode=0) { gROOT->SetStyle("Plain"); TFile f("p_dists.root"); gROOT->cd(); TGraph *sm=(TGraph*)f.Get("sm")->Clone(); TGraph *mf=(TGraph*)f.Get("mf")->Clone(); TGraph *corr=(TGraph*)f.Get("corr")->Clone(); TGraph *tot=(TGraph*)f.Get("tot")->Clone(); f.Close(); TFile g("../ref/polish/O16/graph.root"); gROOT->cd(); TGraph *as_mf=(TGraph*)g.Get("polish_n_mf")->Clone(); TGraph *as_corr=(TGraph*)g.Get("polish_n_corr")->Clone(); f.Close(); if (mode==1) { tot->DrawClone("ap"); sm->DrawClone("psame"); mf->DrawClone("psame"); corr->DrawClone("psame"); gPad->SetLogy(); } if (mode==2) { mf->DrawClone("ap"); corr->DrawClone("psame"); as_mf->SetMarkerColor(kRed); as_mf->DrawClone("psame"); as_corr->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); as_corr->DrawClone("psame"); gPad->SetLogy(); } if (mode==3) { Int_t n_points=tot->GetN(); Int_t n_bins=n_points; Double_t p_max,y; tot->GetPoint(n_points-1,p_max,y); TH1D h1("h1","",n_bins,0.0,p_max); TH1D h2("h2","",n_bins,0.0,p_max); TH1D h3("h3","",n_bins,0.0,p_max); TH1D h4("h4","",n_bins,0.0,p_max); for (Int_t iBin=1;iBin<=n_bins;iBin++) { Double_t value1=sm->Eval(h1.GetBinCenter(iBin)); value1*=4.0*TMath::Pi()*pow(h1.GetBinCenter(iBin),2); h1.SetBinContent(iBin,value1); Double_t value2=mf->Eval(h2.GetBinCenter(iBin)); value2*=4.0*TMath::Pi()*pow(h2.GetBinCenter(iBin),2); h2.SetBinContent(iBin,value2); Double_t value3=tot->Eval(h3.GetBinCenter(iBin)); value3*=4.0*TMath::Pi()*pow(h3.GetBinCenter(iBin),2); h3.SetBinContent(iBin,value3); Double_t value4=corr->Eval(h4.GetBinCenter(iBin)); value4*=4.0*TMath::Pi()*pow(h4.GetBinCenter(iBin),2); h4.SetBinContent(iBin,value4); } h1.SetStats(kFALSE); h1.SetTitle(";p (GeV);N_{target nucleons}/GeV"); h2.SetLineColor(kRed); h3.SetLineColor(kBlue); h4.SetLineColor(kGreen); h1.DrawCopy(); h2.DrawCopy("same"); h4.DrawCopy("same"); h3.DrawCopy("same"); TLegend legend(0.45,0.6,0.9,0.9,"^{16}O"); legend.SetBorderSize(0); legend.SetFillStyle(0); legend.AddEntry(&h1,"Smith-Moniz","l"); legend.AddEntry(&h2,"Ciofi degli Atti-Simula mean field (MF)","l"); legend.AddEntry(&h4,"Ciofi degli Atti-Simula correlated (corr)","l"); legend.AddEntry(&h3,"Ciofi degli Atti-Simula total","l"); legend.DrawClone("same"); gPad->SetLogy(0); cout << "h1.int: " << h1.Integral("width") << endl; cout << "h2.int: " << h2.Integral("width") << endl; cout << "h3.int: " << h3.Integral("width") << endl; cout << "h4.int: " << h4.Integral("width") << endl; } delete sm; delete mf; delete corr; delete tot; }
MarkdownEdit::MarkdownEdit(LiteApi::IApplication *app, LiteApi::IEditor *editor, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), m_liteApp(app) { m_editor = LiteApi::getTextEditor(editor); if (!m_editor) { return; } m_ed = LiteApi::getPlainTextEdit(editor); if (!m_ed) { return; } m_ed->setLineWrapMode(QPlainTextEdit::WidgetWidth); LiteApi::IActionContext *actionContext = m_liteApp->actionManager()->getActionContext(this,"Markdown"); QAction *h1 = new QAction(QIcon("icon:markdown/images/h1.png"),tr("Header (h1)"),this); actionContext->regAction(h1,"Header1","Ctrl+1"); QAction *h2 = new QAction(QIcon("icon:markdown/images/h2.png"),tr("Header (h2)"),this); actionContext->regAction(h2,"Header2","Ctrl+2"); QAction *h3 = new QAction(QIcon("icon:markdown/images/h3.png"),tr("Header (h3)"),this); actionContext->regAction(h3,"Header3","Ctrl+3"); QAction *h4 = new QAction(QIcon("icon:markdown/images/h4.png"),tr("Header (h4)"),this); actionContext->regAction(h4,"Header4","Ctrl+4"); QAction *h5 = new QAction(QIcon("icon:markdown/images/h5.png"),tr("Header (h5)"),this); actionContext->regAction(h5,"Header5","Ctrl+5"); QAction *h6 = new QAction(QIcon("icon:markdown/images/h6.png"),tr("Header (h6)"),this); actionContext->regAction(h6,"Header6","Ctrl+6"); QAction *bold = new QAction(QIcon("icon:markdown/images/bold.png"),tr("Bold"),this); actionContext->regAction(bold,"Bold",QKeySequence::Bold); QAction *italic = new QAction(QIcon("icon:markdown/images/italic.png"),tr("Italic"),this); actionContext->regAction(italic,"Italic",QKeySequence::Italic); QAction *code = new QAction(QIcon("icon:markdown/images/code.png"),tr("Inline Code"),this); actionContext->regAction(code,"InlineCode","Ctrl+K"); QAction *link = new QAction(QIcon("icon:markdown/images/link.png"),tr("Link"),this); actionContext->regAction(link,"Link","Ctrl+Shift+L"); QAction *image = new QAction(QIcon("icon:markdown/images/image.png"),tr("Image"),this); actionContext->regAction(image,"Image","Ctrl+Shift+I"); QAction *ul = new QAction(QIcon("icon:markdown/images/ul.png"),tr("Unordered List"),this); actionContext->regAction(ul,"UnorderedList","Ctrl+Shift+U"); QAction *ol = new QAction(QIcon("icon:markdown/images/ol.png"),tr("Ordered List"),this); actionContext->regAction(ol,"OrderedList","Ctrl+Shift+O"); QAction *bq = new QAction(QIcon("icon:markdown/images/quote.png"),tr("Blockquote"),this); actionContext->regAction(bq,"Blockquote","Ctrl+Shift+Q"); QAction *hr = new QAction(QIcon("icon:markdown/images/hr.png"),tr("Horizontal Rule"),this); actionContext->regAction(hr,"HorizontalRule","Ctrl+Shift+H"); QToolBar *toolBar = LiteApi::findExtensionObject<QToolBar*>(editor,"LiteApi.QToolBar"); QMenu *menu = LiteApi::getEditMenu(editor); if (menu) { menu->addSeparator(); QMenu *h = menu->addMenu(tr("Heading")); h->addAction(h1); h->addAction(h2); h->addAction(h3); h->addAction(h4); h->addAction(h5); h->addAction(h6); menu->addSeparator(); menu->addAction(link); menu->addAction(image); menu->addSeparator(); menu->addAction(bold); menu->addAction(italic); menu->addAction(code); menu->addSeparator(); menu->addAction(ul); menu->addAction(ol); menu->addSeparator(); menu->addAction(bq); menu->addAction(hr); } menu = LiteApi::getContextMenu(editor); if (menu) { menu->addSeparator(); menu->addAction(link); menu->addAction(image); menu->addSeparator(); menu->addAction(bold); menu->addAction(italic); menu->addAction(code); menu->addSeparator(); menu->addAction(ul); menu->addAction(ol); menu->addSeparator(); menu->addAction(bq); menu->addAction(hr); } if (toolBar) { toolBar->addSeparator(); toolBar->addAction(h1); toolBar->addAction(h2); toolBar->addAction(h3); toolBar->addSeparator(); toolBar->addAction(link); toolBar->addAction(image); toolBar->addSeparator(); toolBar->addAction(bold); toolBar->addAction(italic); toolBar->addAction(code); toolBar->addSeparator(); toolBar->addAction(ul); toolBar->addAction(ol); toolBar->addSeparator(); toolBar->addAction(bq); toolBar->addAction(hr); //updateToolTip(toolBar); } connect(editor,SIGNAL(destroyed()),this,SLOT(deleteLater())); connect(h1,SIGNAL(triggered()),this,SLOT(h1())); connect(h2,SIGNAL(triggered()),this,SLOT(h2())); connect(h3,SIGNAL(triggered()),this,SLOT(h3())); connect(h4,SIGNAL(triggered()),this,SLOT(h4())); connect(h5,SIGNAL(triggered()),this,SLOT(h5())); connect(h6,SIGNAL(triggered()),this,SLOT(h6())); connect(bold,SIGNAL(triggered()),this,SLOT(bold())); connect(italic,SIGNAL(triggered()),this,SLOT(italic())); connect(code,SIGNAL(triggered()),this,SLOT(code())); connect(link,SIGNAL(triggered()),this,SLOT(link())); connect(image,SIGNAL(triggered()),this,SLOT(image())); connect(ul,SIGNAL(triggered()),this,SLOT(ul())); connect(ol,SIGNAL(triggered()),this,SLOT(ol())); connect(bq,SIGNAL(triggered()),this,SLOT(bq())); connect(hr,SIGNAL(triggered()),this,SLOT(hr())); //m_ed->installEventFilter(this); }
/* --std=c90 -Wv */ void f1(void) { int i; struct tag { int x; } x; int *p; i(); x(); p(); } void f2(void) { void h2(int, double); void g2(); h2(0, 1); g2(0, 1); } /* prototype vs. non-prototype */ void f3(void) { struct tag { int x; } h3(void), x; int g3(void), y; x = h3(); y = g3(); } /* struct vs. non-struct */
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ StatusCode THistWrite::execute() //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ { MsgStream log( msgSvc(), name() ); Rndm::Numbers gauss(randSvc(), Rndm::Gauss(0.,15.)); static int n = 0; double x = sin(double(n)) * 52. + 50.; TH1 *h(0); TH2 *h2(0); if (m_ths->getHist("TempHist1",h).isSuccess()) { h->Fill(x); } else { log << MSG::ERROR << "Couldn't retrieve TempHist 1" << endmsg; } if (m_ths->getHist("other/TempHist1a",h).isSuccess()) { h->Fill(x); } else { log << MSG::ERROR << "Couldn't retrieve TempHist 1a" << endmsg; } if (m_ths->getHist("/new/Tree2",h).isSuccess()) { h->Fill(x); } else { log << MSG::ERROR << "Couldn't retrieve Tree2" << endmsg; } if (m_ths->getHist("/upd/xxx/gauss1d",h).isSuccess()) { for (int i=0; i<1000; ++i) { h->Fill(gauss(),1.); } } else { log << MSG::ERROR << "Couldn't retrieve 1Dgauss" << endmsg; } if (m_ths->getHist("/rec/gauss2d",h2).isSuccess()) { for (int i=0; i<1000; ++i) { h2->Fill(gauss(),gauss(),1.); } } else { log << MSG::ERROR << "Couldn't retrieve 2Dgauss" << endmsg; } TH3 *h3(0); if (m_ths->getHist("/rec/gauss3d",h3).isSuccess()) { for (int i=0; i<1000; ++i) { h3->Fill(gauss(),gauss(),gauss(),1.); } } else { log << MSG::ERROR << "Couldn't retrieve 3Dgauss" << endmsg; } TTree *tr; if (m_ths->getTree("/rec/trees/stuff/tree1",tr).isFailure()) { log << MSG::ERROR << "Couldn't retrieve tree tree1" << endmsg; } else { if (n == 0) { int p1,p2,p3; tr->Branch("branch1",&p1,"point1/I"); tr->Branch("branch2",&p2,"point2/I"); tr->Branch("branch3",&p3,"point3/I"); for (int i=0; i<1000; i++) { p1 = i; p2 = i%10; p3 = i%7; tr->Fill(); } } } n++; return StatusCode::SUCCESS; }
void roo_fitWH() { TString poscharge = "Plus"; TString negcharge = "Minus"; std::vector<TString> charge(2); charge.at(0) = poscharge; charge.at(1) = negcharge; TString canvas_name_plus = "muon_MC_WHelicityFramePlots_PlusICVar"; TCanvas *c0 = new TCanvas(canvas_name_plus,"",450,400); TString canvas_name_minus = "muon_MC_WHelicityFramePlots_MinusICVar"; TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas(canvas_name_minus,"",450,400); // Run both for + and - charges for(unsigned int j=0; j<charge.size(); j++) { // if (j==1) break; // do only + charge fit if (realData) { sfactor=36; } // Nominal values are taken from a fit to the MC W data (scaled to 100pb-1) RooRealVar *fLnom, *fRnom, *f0nom; if (j==0) { fLnom=new RooRealVar("fL_nom","fLnom",0.556); fRnom=new RooRealVar("fR_nom","fRnom",0.234); f0nom=new RooRealVar("f0_nom","f0nom",0.210); } else { fLnom=new RooRealVar("fL_nom","fLnom",0.523); fRnom=new RooRealVar("fR_nom","fRnom",0.265); f0nom=new RooRealVar("f0_nom","f0nom",0.212); } TString Hist1 = "RECO_PolPlots_50toinf/RECO_ICVarPF"+ charge.at(j) + "_LH"; TString Hist2 = "RECO_PolPlots_50toinf/RECO_ICVarPF"+ charge.at(j) + "_RH"; TString Hist3 = "RECO_PolPlots_50toinf/RECO_ICVarPF"+ charge.at(j) + "_LO"; TString Hist_data1 = "RECO_PolPlots_50toinf/RECO_ICVarPF"+ charge.at(j); TH1D *mc1 = (TH1D*)sigfile->Get(Hist1); TH1D *mc2 = (TH1D*)sigfile->Get(Hist2); TH1D *mc3 = (TH1D*)sigfile->Get(Hist3); TH1D *sighist = (TH1D*)sigfile->Get(Hist_data1); // W signal histogram TH1D *bkghist=(TH1D*)bkgfile->Get(Hist_data1); // Bkg histogram TH1D *hdata=(TH1D*)datafile->Get(Hist_data1); // Real data histogram // //we are only fitting for fL and fR // double accFactor1 = refTempHist1->Integral() / mc1->Integral(); // double accFactor2 = refTempHist2->Integral() / mc2->Integral(); // double accFactor3 = refTempHist3->Integral() / mc3->Integral(); // double normFactor = (mc1->Integral() + mc2->Integral() + mc3->Integral()) / (refTempHist1->Integral() + refTempHist2->Integral() + refTempHist3->Integral()); mc1->Rebin(rbin); mc2->Rebin(rbin); mc3->Rebin(rbin); sighist->Rebin(rbin); bkghist->Rebin(rbin); hdata->Rebin(rbin); // Scale to sfactor/pb if MC //if (!realData) { if (toyMC) sfactor=400; sighist->Scale(sfactor); bkghist->Scale(sfactor); // } //datahist->Scale(invWeightW);//to get MC errors - otherwise comment out Double_t nbkg=0; TH1D *datahist; if (realData) { datahist=hdata; } else { datahist=(TH1D*)sighist->Clone(); if (addbkg) {datahist->Add(bkghist); } } if (addbkg) { //nbkg=bkghist->Integral(); nbkg=bkghist->Integral(bkghist->FindBin(xmin+quanta),bkghist->FindBin(xmax-quanta)); } //Double_t istat=datahist->Integral(); //Double_t f_sig=(sighist->Integral())/istat; // signal fraction Double_t istat=datahist->Integral(datahist->FindBin(xmin+quanta),datahist->FindBin(xmax-quanta)); Double_t f_sig=(sighist->Integral(sighist->FindBin(xmin+quanta),sighist->FindBin(xmax-quanta)))/istat; Double_t f_bkg=nbkg/istat; // bkg fraction // Start RooFit session RooRealVar x("x","LP",xmin,xmax); // Import binned Data RooDataHist data1("data1","dataset with WHICVarPlus",x,mc1); RooDataHist data2("data2","dataset with WHICVarPlus",x,mc2); RooDataHist data3("data3","dataset with WHICVarPlus",x,mc3); RooDataHist test("data","dataset with WHICVarPlus",x,datahist); RooDataHist data_bkg("data4","dataset with ICVar",x,bkghist); // Relative fractions - allow them to float to negative values too if needs be // if (fitMode==0) { RooRealVar f1("fL","fL fraction",fLnom->getVal(),0.,1.); RooRealVar f2("fR","fR fraction", fRnom->getVal(),0.,1.); RooFormulaVar f3("f0","1-fL-fR",RooArgList(f1,f2)); if (fitMode) { f1.setVal((fLnom->getVal()-fRnom->getVal())); f1.setRange(-1.,1.); f1.setPlotLabel("f_{L}-f_{R}"); f2.setVal(f0nom->getVal()); f2.setPlotLabel("f_{0}"); } // } else { // RooRealVar f1("fL","fL fraction",(fLnom->getVal()-fRnom->getVal()),-1.,1.); // RooRealVar f2("fR","fR fraction", (fLnom->getVal()+fRnom->getVal()),-1.,1.); // RooFormulaVar f3("f0","1-fL-fR",RooArgList(f1,f2)); // } RooRealVar fsub("fsub","fsub par",(fLnom->getVal()-fRnom->getVal()),-1.,1.); RooRealVar fsum("fsum","fsum par",(fLnom->getVal()+fRnom->getVal()), -1.,1.); // Background template RooHistPdf *bkg = new RooHistPdf("bkg","bkg",x,data_bkg); // Bkg fraction RooRealVar fbkg("f_{bkg}","f_bkg fraction",f_bkg); // Templates RooHistPdf h1("h1","h1",x,data1); // left-handed template histogram RooHistPdf h2("h2","h2",x,data2); // right-handed template histo RooHistPdf h3("h3","h3",x,data3); // longitudinal template histo // Construct model PDF RooAbsPdf *sig, *model; if (charge.at(j) == "Plus") { // plus charge PDFs if (addParameter) { sig = new RooWPlusExtended("sigmodel","model",x,f1,f2,fsub); } else { sig = new RooWPlus("sigmodel","model",x,f1,f2); } } else if (charge.at(j) == "Minus") { // minus charge PDFs if (addParameter) { sig = new RooWMinusExtended("sigmodel","model",x,f1,f2,fsub); } else { sig = new RooWMinus("sigmodel","model",x,f1,f2); } } if (addbkg) { model = new RooAddPdf("model","model",RooArgList(*bkg,*sig),fbkg); } else { model = sig; } // Set the Fit Range x.setRange("fitrange",-0.0,1.3); // Construct likelihood ( + penalty term) RooNLLVar nll("nll","nll",*model,test,Range("fitrange")); RooRealVar pen("pen","penalty term",(0.5*1./(0.01*0.01))); RooFormulaVar nllPen("nllPen","nll+pen*fsub^2",RooArgList(nll,pen,fsub)); // Fitting RooMinuit *m; if (!addParameter) { m = new RooMinuit(nll); } else { m = new RooMinuit(nllPen);} if (!toyMC) { m->migrad(); m->hesse(); } RooFitResult *res1 = m->save(); // Re-diced data // Int_t nevt=static_cast<int>(istat); // RooDataSet *gtest = model->generate(x,nevt); // Fitting // RooFitResult * res1 = model.fitTo(test,Minos(kFALSE), Save()); // res1->Print(); if(makePlots) { // Temp PDF for plotting purposes // RooAddPdf temp("temp","component 1",RooArgList(*h1,*h2,*h3),RooArgList(*f1,*f2)) ; // Plotting gROOT->SetStyle("Plain"); gStyle->SetOptFit(0); gStyle->SetOptTitle(0); gStyle->SetOptStat(0); //gStyle->SetCanvasDefH(600); //Height of canvas //gStyle->SetCanvasDefW(600); //Width of canvas if(charge.at(j) == "Plus") { c0->cd(); //c0->Divide(2,1);c0->cd(1); } if(charge.at(j) == "Minus") { c1->cd(); //c1->Divide(2,1);c1->cd(1); } //RooPlot* frame = new RooPlot(0.0,1.3,0,800); RooPlot* frame = x.frame(); test.plotOn(frame,Name("data")); model->plotOn(frame,Name("model")); // model->paramOn(frame);//, Format("NELU", AutoPrecision(2)), Layout(0.1,0.5,0.9)); // h1.plotOn(frame); // h2.plotOn(frame); // h3.plotOn(frame); // model->plotOn(frame, Components(h1),LineColor(kRed),LineStyle(kDashed)); // temp->plotOn(frame, Components(h2),LineColor(kGreen),LineStyle(kDashed)); // temp->plotOn(frame, Components(h3),LineColor(kYellow),LineStyle(kDashed)); if (addbkg) { // model->plotOn(frame, Components(h1),FillColor(5),DrawOption("F")); //model->plotOn(frame,Components(*bkg),FillColor(5),DrawOption("")); } hdata->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Events / 0.1"); if(charge.at(j) == "Plus") { hdata->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#it{L_{P}}(#mu^{+})");} if(charge.at(j) == "Minus") {hdata->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#it{L_{P}}(#mu^{-})");} hdata->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.06); hdata->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.); hdata->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.06); hdata->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.2); hdata->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.055); hdata->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.055); hdata->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.0,1.29); hdata->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.0,600); hdata->SetMarkerStyle(20); // mc1->Draw("same"); // Goodness-of-fit Double_t chi2= frame->chiSquare("model","data",3); Double_t nllmin=res1->minNll(); cout << "" << endl; cout << "Printing out the goodness-of-fit measure:" << endl; cout << "chi2 = " << chi2 << "\t" << "min NLL = " << nllmin << endl; res1->Print(); // TCanvas* testt = new TCanvas ("testt","hj"); cout <<"intetral: "<< hdata->Integral()<<endl; hdata->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.0,1.29); cout << hdata->Integral()<<endl; hdata->Draw(""); // frame->Draw("same"); mc1->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.0,1.29); float f_l_a = mc1->Integral(); mc2->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.0,1.29); float f_r_a = mc2->Integral(); mc3->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.0,1.29); float f_0_a = mc3->Integral(); float allData = hdata->Integral(); float EWKBkg = allData*(f_bkg); float WData = allData*(1-f_bkg); float f_l = 0.5*(1-f2.getVal()+f1.getVal()); float f_r = 0.5*(1-f2.getVal()-f1.getVal()); float f_0 = f2.getVal(); cout << "f_l: "<< f_l<< ",f_r: "<< f_r<< ", f_0: "<< f_0<< " 1= "<< f_l+f_r+f_0<< endl; float allW = f_l*f_l_a+f_r*f_r_a+f_0*f_0_a; //hdata->Draw(""); // bkghist->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.0,1.3); bkghist->Scale(EWKBkg/bkghist->Integral()); bkghist->Draw("samehist"); bkghist->SetLineColor(kYellow); bkghist->SetFillColor(kYellow); mc1->Scale(f_l*WData/allW); mc2->Scale(f_r*WData/allW); mc3->Scale(f_0*WData/allW); mc1->SetLineColor(kRed); mc2->SetLineColor(kGreen); mc3->SetLineColor(kBlue); mc1->SetLineWidth(3); mc2->SetLineWidth(3); mc3->SetLineWidth(3); mc1->SetLineStyle(2); mc2->SetLineStyle(3); mc3->SetLineStyle(4); mc1->Draw("samehist"); mc2->Draw("samehist"); mc3->Draw("samehist"); TH1D* allHists = (TH1D*)mc1->Clone(); allHists->Add(mc2,1); allHists->Add(mc3,1); allHists->Add(bkghist,1); allHists->SetLineWidth(3); // frame->SetOptFit(0); frame->Draw("same"); // allHists->Draw("same"); TLegend* aleg; //if(charge.at(j) == "Minus") aleg = new TLegend(0.2,0.69,0.6,0.9,""); // if(charge.at(j) == "Plus") //aleg = new TLegend(0.5,0.6,0.7,0.9,"");//new TLegend(0.8,0.69,0.95,0.9,""); aleg = new TLegend(0.2017937,0.7419355,0.4775785,0.9193548,NULL,"brNDC"); aleg->SetNColumns(2); aleg->SetFillColor(0); aleg->SetLineColor(0); aleg->AddEntry(mc1,"f_{L}","lf"); aleg->AddEntry(mc2,"f_{R}","lf"); aleg->AddEntry(mc3,"f_{0}","lf"); aleg->AddEntry(bkghist,"EWK","lf"); TH1* dummyhist = new TH1F("", "", 1, 0, 1); dummyhist->SetLineColor(kBlue); dummyhist->SetLineWidth(3); aleg->AddEntry(dummyhist, "fit result", "lf"); aleg->AddEntry(hdata, "data","P"); aleg->Draw("same"); //TLatex* preliminary; //TLatex* text; //if(false) { //text = new TLatex(0.35,480,"#splitline{f_{L}-f_{R}=0.240#pm0.036(stat.)#pm0.031(syst.)}{f_{0}=0.183#pm0.087(stat.)#pm0.123(syst.)}"); //preliminary = new TLatex(0.35,550,"CMS preliminary: #it{L} = 36pb^{-1}@ 7 TeV"); //} //if(true){ //text = new TLatex(0.05,480,"#splitline{f_{L}-f_{R}=0.310#pm0.036(stat.)#pm0.017(syst.)}{f_{0}=0.171#pm0.085(stat.)#pm0.099(syst.)}"); //preliminary = new TLatex(0.05,550,"#splitline{CMS, #sqrt{s} = 7 TeV,}{#it{L_{int}} = 36 pb^{-1}}");} //preliminary->SetTextSize(0.043); //preliminary->Draw("same"); //text->SetTextSize(0.043); // text->Draw("same"); /* // Draw Minuit contours if(charge.at(j) == "Plus") { c0->cd(2); } else { c1->cd(2); } // RooPlot *rcont=m->contour(f1,f2,1,2); // rcont->Draw(); RooPlot *rcontour=new RooPlot(f1,f2); res1->plotOn(rcontour,f1,f2,"ME123VHB"); rcontour->Draw(); if (fitMode) { rcontour->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("f_{L}-f_{R}"); rcontour->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("f_{0}"); } else { rcontour->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("f_{L}"); rcontour->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("f_{R}"); } */ } TLatex * text = new TLatex(0.7451931,500.8655,"#splitline{CMS, #sqrt{s} = 7 TeV}{L_{ int} = 36 pb^{-1}}"); text->SetTextSize(0.043); text->SetLineWidth(2); text->Draw("same"); const TMatrixDSym& cor = res1->correlationMatrix(); const TMatrixDSym& cov = res1->covarianceMatrix(); //Print correlation, covariance matrix cout << "correlation matrix" << endl; cor.Print(); cout << "covariance matrix" << endl; cov.Print(); cout << f1 << endl; cout << f2 << endl; if (!fitMode) { cout << "f0 = " << f3 << " +/- " << f3.getPropagatedError(*res1) << endl; } } if(makePlots) { c0->Print(canvas_name_plus+".pdf"); c1->Print(canvas_name_minus+".pdf"); } if (toyMC) { // MC STudies Int_t nevt=istat; Int_t nEXP=100; RooMCStudy mgr(*model,*model,x,"","mhrv"); mgr.generateAndFit(nEXP,nevt,kTRUE); TCanvas *cp0 = new TCanvas("c0","",1200,400); cp0->Divide(3,1); cp0->cd(1); RooPlot *p1=mgr.plotParam(f1); p1->Draw(); if (fitMode) p1->SetTitle(";f_{L}-f_{R};number of toys"); cp0->cd(2); RooPlot *p2 = mgr.plotError(f1); p2->Draw(); if (fitMode) p2->SetTitle(";#delta (f_{L}-f_{R});number of toys"); cp0->cd(3); // f1 pull RooPlot* m1pframe = mgr.plotPull(f1,-3.,3.,30,kTRUE); m1pframe->Draw(); if (fitMode) { m1pframe->SetTitle(";f_{L}-f_{R};number of toys"); } TCanvas *cp02 = new TCanvas("c1","",1200,400); cp02->Divide(3,1); cp02->cd(1); RooPlot *p3=mgr.plotParam(f2); p3->Draw(); if (fitMode) p3->SetTitle(";f_{0};number of toys"); cp02->cd(2); RooPlot *p4=mgr.plotError(f2); p4->Draw(); if (fitMode) p4->SetTitle(";#delta f_{0}; number of toys"); cp02->cd(3); // f2 pull RooPlot* m2pframe = mgr.plotPull(f2,-3.,3.,30,kTRUE); m2pframe->Draw(); if (fitMode) { m2pframe->SetTitle(";f_{0};number of toys"); } TCanvas *cnll = new TCanvas("cnll",""); RooPlot* nllframe = mgr.plotNLL(); // nllframe->Draw(); } return; }
void test8() { printf("\ntesting n-ary array functions: g(), h() ...\n"); int32_t n; printf("\ncreating A...\n"); A * a = new A(); const A * ac = a; h0(); h1(1); h2(1, 2); h3(1, 2, 3); n = h0r(); assert(n == 0); n = h1r(1); assert(n == 1); n = h2r(1, 2); assert(n == 3); n = h3r(1, 2, 3); assert(n == 6); ac->g0c(); ac->g1c(1); ac->g2c(1, 2); ac->g3c(1, 2, 3); a->g0(); a->g1(1); a->g2(1, 2); a->g3(1, 2, 3); n = ac->g0rc(); assert(n == 0); n = ac->g1rc(1); assert(n == 1); n = ac->g2rc(1, 2); assert(n == 3); n = ac->g3rc(1, 2, 3); assert(n == 6); n = a->g0r(); assert(n == 0); n = a->g1r(1); assert(n == 1); n = a->g2r(1, 2); assert(n == 3); n = a->g3r(1, 2, 3); assert(n == 6); printf("delete A...\n"); delete a; }